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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Navigational cognition: what you do and what you show isn't always all you know

Ferguson, Thomas 03 January 2017 (has links)
In the study of navigation, frequently it is assumed that navigation is accomplished using either an allocentric strategy based on a cognitive map, or an egocentric strategy based on stimulus response associations. Further, it is frequently assumed that individual navigators, or even entire genders, are only capable of navigating by one strategy or the other. The present study investigated whether individuals or genders were limited to a particular navigational strategy and whether both strategies might be learned or used at the same time. In the present study, undergraduate students were tested in a virtual Morris water maze that was modified to allow successful and efficient navigation using either an allocentric or an egocentric strategy. Learning trials on which the participants had to learn the location of the platform were alternated with probe trials on which participants would show which strategy they were using. At the end of testing, participants were given a series of tests to determine what knowledge they had acquired and which strategies they were capable of using. Results indicated that: a) most people preferred to navigate egocentrically in this maze, but some preferred to navigate allocentrically, b) people tended to use an egocentrically strategy first, but it was not a necessary step to learning to navigate allocentrically, c) people were better at their preferred strategy, d) people learned information about their non-preferred strategy, and e) those who preferred to navigate egocentrically could nevertheless learn to navigate allocentrically. Surprisingly, all of these results were true for both men and women, although women tended to prefer egocentric navigation at a higher rate than men, and men outperformed women when forced to navigate allocentrically. These results suggest it may be too simple to think of navigators as being capable of only a single navigational strategy or of learning only one strategy at a time. / Graduate


Han, Xue 10 1900 (has links)
<p>We investigated 1) how objects come to serve as landmarks in spatial memory and more specifically how they form part of an allocentric cognitive map and 2) how humans encode multiple connected spatial environments. In both sets of experiments, participants performing a virtual driving task incidentally learned the layout of a town and locations of objects or stores in that town. Their spatial memory and recognition memory for the objects or stores were subsequently tested. To assess whether the objects were encoded allocentrically, we developed a new measurement, pointing consistency. We found that when participants had more limited experience of the environment spatial memory for objects at navigationally relevant locations was more consistent across tested viewpoints than for objects at navigationally less relevant locations. When participants’ attention was focused on the appearance of objects, the navigational relevance effect was eliminated, whereas when their attention was focused on the objects’ locations, this effect was enhanced, supporting the hypothesis that when objects are processed in the service of navigation, rather than merely being viewed as objects, they engage qualitatively distinct attentional systems and are incorporated into an allocentric spatial representation. The results were consistent with evidence from the neuroimaging literature that when objects are relevant to navigation, they not only engage the ventral “object processing stream”, but also the dorsal stream and medial temporal lobe memory system classically associated with allocentric spatial memory. Moreover, in the connected environments, our data were more consistent with the formation of local maps, regardless of whether the neighborhoods were learned together or separately. Only when all visible distinctions between neighborhoods were removed did people behave as if they formed one integrated map. These data are broadly consistent with evidence from rodent hippocampal place cell recordings in connected boxes, and with hierarchical models of spatial coding.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Trace mnésique visuo-spatiale chez l’homme confronté au temps : naviguer ou trouver une stratégie de déplacement, consolider et se rappeler après un long délai

Betbeder, Nadine 15 October 2009 (has links)
La navigation et les modes de déplacement intéressent la communauté scientifique depuis maintenant près d'un demi siècle. Cependant, l’augmentation de l’incidence des troubles dégénératifs du système nerveux central chez l’homme rend plus prégnante la nécessité de compréhension de la navigation et de l’influence du temps sur celle-ci. S'il est connu chez l'homme comme chez le rongeur que l'avancée en âge affecte les capacités à se déplacer dans de vastes environnements, peu de données sont disponibles quant aux processus cognitifs impliqués dans ce type de comportement et leurs éventuelles modulations avec l'âge. La définition des stratégies utilisées, l’incidence respective des mécanismes allocentriques et égocentriques, la capacité de mise en œuvre d’une stratégie au moment demandé, lors d’un rappel à court ou à long délai, l’influence du temps qui passe sont autant de questions que nous avons abordées dans ce travail de thèse. Afin d’effectuer ces études, nous avons développé des tâches en environnements virtuels modélisés sur ordinateur et utilisé des tests neuropsychologiques nécessitant la mobilisation des compétences visuo-spatiales. Dans une première étude utilisant une épreuve de localisation spatiale, les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence chez les personnes âgées, une altération des aptitudes lors de la mise en œuvre d’une stratégie allocentrique, sans atteinte des performances égocentriques. La deuxième étude utilisant une version virtuelle du test de la piscine de Morris reconnu comme une tâche allocentrique chez le rongeur, conforte ces données. De façon similaire dans les deux études, les personnes âgées présentent une altération de la sélection et de l’exécution de la stratégie de déplacement qui s’avère optimale pour résoudre la tâche spatiale. Nous avons également mis en évidence une difficulté, chez ces mêmes participants, à utiliser une représentation mentale globale de l’espace, sans toutefois qu’il soit possible de distinguer si l’origine de cette difficulté vient d’une altération de la formation ou de la récupération de cette « carte cognitive ». Le temps pourrait également jouer son rôle de par le délai entre l'acquisition d'une information spatiale et le moment où il est nécessaire de l’utiliser à nouveau. En étudiant l’effet du délai sur la trace mnésique spatiale, nous avons observé que les sujets jeunes utilisant de façon prédominante une stratégie allocentrique voyaient leurs performances diminuer lors d’un rappel après quatre semaines alors que celles des sujets âgés restaient inchangées. Ceci soulève bien entendu la question de la différence d’encodage des informations entre les sujets jeunes et âgés, avec un versant plus détaillé chez les sujets jeunes, mais surtout s’intègre au sein du débat actuel sur l’existence d’une modification de la trace mnésique qui pourrait selon la théorie des traces multiples de la consolidation, évoluer vers un souvenir plus schématisé avec le délai. Les résultats d’une dernière étude dans laquelle nous manipulons le contexte environnemental de la piscine virtuelle de Morris, amène des arguments en faveur d’une « schématisation » du souvenir au cours de la consolidation, en mettant en évidence une absence de discrimination par les participants, d’un changement des repères spatiaux lors d’un rappel de l’information après six semaines de délai. Toutes ces données sont discutées dans le cadre du débat actuel de la consolidation, notamment sur la contribution de l’hippocampe dans le stockage et le rappel des informations anciennes. A la lumière de nos données, nous proposons une vue intégrative du fonctionnement de l’interface hippocampo-corticale lors des rappels après un court et long délai, en fonction de l’âge. / While the detrimental effects of human aging on cognitive functions are well documented, how normal aging affects spatial memory processing and the organization of recent and long-term memories remains unclear. What are the cognitive strategies used when confronted to spatial navigation in large environments? How are the selection and use of these strategies affected by aging? How are recent and long-term remote memories organized as a function of aging during systems-level consolidation? These are the questions we sought to address during the course of this Ph.D. thesis by developing a series of virtual environments aimed at assessing spatial navigation and memory performance in young adults and aged participants. In a first series of experiments, participants were tested for object location memory in a virtual environment (a medieval castle) that enabled shifts in spatial viewpoints between study and test. Aged participants exhibited poor performance relative to young adults only in the shifted view conditions, thus providing strong evidence for a decline in allocentric, but not egocentric, spatial memory. In contrast to young adults, aged participants exhibited difficulties in processing efficiently distal cues of the environment and were less prone to adopt allocentric strategies. Manipulations of the spatial layout of the environment led us to the conclusion that aging seems to preferentially interfere with the capacity to form or use mental representations built upon all pieces of the environmental features which typically, are never in full view in real world large-scale environments. In a second set of experiments, participants were tested in an ecologically-relevant virtual version of the Morris water maze which mimics that classically used in rodents. Aged participants performed more poorly compared to middle-aged and young adults and formed a more schematic spatial memory. They favoured a directional single cue-based strategy to locate the hidden platform contrasting with young adults who formed complex geometrical relationships between distal cues of the environment. A neuropsychological test battery confirmed that binding of unrelated items and abilities to mentally manipulate information were two processes involved in solving the water maze task. Thus, upon acquisition, aged participants had difficulties in forming experientially detailed cognitive maps and in binding unrelated features of the environment into a cohesive spatial memory, possibly indicative of altered hippocampal-frontal circuitry. We next proceeded to examine the organization of spatial memory as a function of time. Long-term memory assessed 4 weeks after acquisition revealed that performance decreased more rapidly in young adults compared to elderly participants, suggesting that the passage of time differentially affects the content of spatial memory, richly detailed spatial memories being more vulnerable to decay than schematic ones. This concept of memory transformation (i.e. memories are not stored in the cortex in their original form) was supported by findings of a last experiment in which we provide evidence that participants failed in detecting changes in the spatial layout of the pool as memories matured over time. All these findings are discussed in the context of the current debate about the concept of memory consolidation which opposes the standard model of memory consolidation to the multiple trace theory, two views which make different predictions about the contribution of the hippocampus to remote memory storage and retrieval. In light of our own findings, we attempt to propose an integrative view of the functioning of the hippocampal-cortical interface during recent and remote memory retrieval as a function of normal aging.

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