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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nanopore Sensing Of Peptides And Proteins

2013 November 1900 (has links)
In recent years the application of single-molecule techniques to probe biomolecules and intermolecular interactions at single-molecule resolution has expanded rapidly. Here, I investigate a series of peptides and proteins in an attempt to gain a better understanding of nanopore sensing as a single-molecule technique. The analysis of retro, inversed, and retro-inversed isomers of glucagon and α-helical Fmoc-D2A10K2 peptide showed that nanopore sensing utilizing a wild-type α-hemolysin pore can distinguish between all four isomers while circular dichroism can only distinguish between chiral isomers, but not between directional isomers. The investigation of a series of proteins of different chemical and physical properties revealed important information about nanopore analysis of proteins. Contrary to some reports in the literature, all proteins analysed here induced large blockade events. The frequency of total events and the proportion of large blockade events were significantly reduced in tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane or 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-1-ethanesulfonic acid buffers and were only restored by the addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid or the use of phosphate buffer, both of which can sequester metal ions. Furthermore, the results obtained with the proteins in the presence of ligands demonstrated that transient or partial unfolding of proteins can be detected by nanopore analysis confirming the usefulness of this technique for conformational studies or for protein/ligand interactions. Interestingly, while the blockade current histograms were different for each protein there was no obvious correlation between the properties of the proteins and the blockade current histograms. In an attempt to identify whether the large blockade events were translocation or intercalation, both an indirect and a direct approach were taken. The indirect approach which relies on the effect of voltage on the interaction of the molecule with the pore provided no conclusive answer to the question of protein translocation through the α-hemolysin pore. In contrast, the direct approach in which ribonuclease A is added to the cis side of the pore and then the trans side is tested for enzyme activity showed that ribonuclease A doesn't translocate through the α-hemolysin pore.

A glycopore for bacterial sensing

Shanley, Samantha Jane January 2009 (has links)
Increasing antibiotic resistance has created a need to develop rapid and reliable methods to identify bacteria and provide pertinent information to ensure suitable antibiotics or sugar therapeutics can be chosen for treatment. Carbohydrate structures attached to proteins on host cell surfaces provide a binding point for many pathogens, including bacteria. These structures can be mimicked using single monosaccharides glycosylated to alpha-hemolysin (alpha-HL). Alpha-HL is a beta-barrel pore-forming toxin secreted by Staphylococcus aureus that forms an SDS stable heptamer, which can be expressed by coupled in vitro transcription and translation and purified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purified heptamers can be reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers and studied at the single channel level. Through single channel recordings the effects of sugar-linker lengths, different glycans and the interaction between the ‘Glycopore’ and sugar binding molecules can be studied. The glycopore, therefore, acts as a scaffold for analysing protein-sugar interactions. Studies in this thesis have focused on the synthesis of carbohydrates for site-selective protein glycosylation; cloning and in vitro transcription translation of alpha-HL monomers; and glycosylation and oligomerisation of alpha-HL to form glycopores suitable for lectin-binding studies. Lectins DC-SIGN and FimH have been expressed in Escherichia coli and these lectins as well as others have been screened using alpha-HL glycopores. The glycopores have also been investigated with bacteria in serum in a controlled molecule-specific manner using single-channel electrical recording. In this work glycosylated alpha-HL-monomers have been found to form stable heptamers which can be formed by oligomerisation on red blood cell membranes. The purified glycopores were reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers and studied at the single-channel level. Through single-channel recordings an optimised glycopore has been shown to be effective in distinguishing lectins alone and in a mixture and has afforded qualitative and quantitative information about the binding interactions between carbohydrates and sugar binding proteins. Furthermore, the glycopore has been used to sense bacteria which may provide an insight into modes of bacterial infection. In addition, a multivalent glycopore has been formed which has proved preliminary information about the effects of multivalency in lectin binding. The design and synthesis of non-beta-lactam antibiotic candidates and their evaluation has also been carried out.

Incorporation de protéines membranaires produites par un système d'expression protéique acellulaire dans des bicouches lipidiques planes / Incorporation of membrane proteins produced by a cell-free expression system into planar lipid lilayers

Coutable, Angelique 14 March 2014 (has links)
Les protéines membranaires intégrales jouent un rôle essentiel dans le maintien de l’intégrité cellulaire (transports d’ions et de nutriments, transduction de signal, interaction cellule-cellule). Afin de les étudier, ces protéines doivent être produites in vitro. La production classique de ces protéines membranaires intégrales dans des microorganismes présente de nombreuses difficultés liées à leur structure complexe mais aussi à des problèmes de toxicité, empêchant la production de nombre d’entre elles. En outre, pour être produites efficacement, ces protéines ont besoin d’un environnement amphiphile. Dans cette thèse, afin de pallier à ces difficultés, nous avons d’une part utilisé un système d’expression protéique acellulaire, non affecté par la physiologie des cellules vivantes. En outre, nous avons choisi de les intégrer dans des bicouches lipidiques planes reconstituées artificiellement. Dans une première partie, nous avons mis au point l’intégration d’une protéine membranaire intégrale formant un pore, l’alpha hémolysine, dans une bicouche lipidique supportée. Certaines protéines nécessitant un espace plus important de part etd’autre de la membrane, nous avons, dans une seconde partie, développé une bicouche lipidique espacée et ancrée par fusion de liposomes sur des surfaces d’or. Nous démontrons qu’il est possible d’y incorporer des protéines membranaires de type Aquaporine Z sous certaines conditions. Dans une troisième partie, dédiée à la formation de membranes biomimétiques utilisant des molécules lipidiques provenant d’Escherichia coli, nous montrons que la modification de la composition membranaire ne semble pas avoir d’incidence sur l’incorporation de protéines. Enfin, dans une dernière partie, nous avons réalisé des premiers essais d’insertion de protéines membranaires, de type alpha hémolysine, dans des bicouches suspendues afin de montrer que ces protéines produites par le système d’expression acellulaire sont fonctionnelles. / Integral membrane proteins play an essential role in the cell integrity preservation (transport of nutrients and ions, signal transduction, cell-cell interaction). In order to study these proteins, they have to be produced in vitro. Classical production of integral membrane proteins in microorganisms present many difficulties associated with their complex structure and also toxicity problems, preventing production of many of them. Moreover, to be efficiently produced, these proteins require an amphiphilic environment. In order to overcome these difficulties, we used a cell-free protein expression system, unaffected by the physiology ofliving cells. In addition, we chose to integrate them into artificial planar lipid bilayers. In a first part, we have developed the integration of an integral membrane protein forming a pore, the alpha hemolysin, in a supported lipid bilayer. Some proteins require more space on each side of the membrane, therefore in a second part, we have developed a tethered lipid bilayer membrane by liposome fusion on gold surfaces. We demonstrate that it is possible to incorporate membrane protein Aquaporin Z under certain conditions. The third part is dedicated to the formation of biomimetic membranes using lipid molecules from Escherichiacoli, we show that the membrane composition do not affect the protein incorporation. Finally, we have tested alpha hemolysin membrane proteins insertion in suspended lipid bilayers membranes to show that these proteins produced by the cell-free expression system are functional.

Imaging the assembly of the Staphylococcal pore-forming toxin alpha-Hemolysin

Thompson, James Russell January 2009 (has links)
Alpha-hemolysin is a pore-forming toxin secreted by pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus. Its spontaneous oligomerization and assembly into a trans-bilayer beta-barrel pore is a model for the assembly of many other pore-forming toxins. It is studied here in vitro as a means to probe general membrane protein oligomerization and lipid bilayer insertion. This thesis details the results of experiments to develop and implement a novel in vitro lipid bilayer system, Droplet-on-Hydrogel Bilayers (DHBs) for the single-molecule imaging of alpha-hemolysin assembly. Chapter 2 describes the development of DHBs and their electrical characterization. Experiments show the detection of membrane channels in SDS-PAGE gels post-electrophoresis and DHBs use as a platform for nanopore stochastic sensing. Chapter 3 describes the engineering and characterization of fluorescently-labelled monomeric alpha-hemolysin for use in protein assembly imaging experiments described in Chapter 6. Chapter 4 describes the characterization of DHB lipid fluidity and suitability for single-molecule studies of membrane protein diffusion. In addition, a novel single-particle tracking algorithm is described. Chapter 5 describes experiments demonstrating simultaneous electrical and fluorescence measurements of alpha-hemolysin pores embedded within DHBs. The first multiple-pore stochastic sensing in a single-lipid bilayer is also described. Chapter 6 describes experiments studying the assembly of alpha-hemolysin monomers in DHBs. Results show that alpha-hemolysin assembles rapidly into its oligomeric state, with no detection of long-lived intermediate states.

Les facteurs de virulence staphylococciques : interaction avec les mastocytes humains et modulation de leur expression par les antibiotiques / Staphylococcal virulence factors : interaction with human mast cells and modulation of their expression by antibiotics

Hodille, Elisabeth 05 July 2018 (has links)
S. aureus est un pathogène majeur de l’Homme capable de produire une grande variété de facteurs de virulence tels que les phénol-solubles modulines alpha (PSM) et l’hémolysine delta (Hld). La transmission de S. aureus est essentiellement manu-portée mais les éléments favorisant sa dissémination dans la population restent inconnus. Les mastocytes étant connus pour libérer des médiateurs pruritogènes, nous avons suspecté leur implication dans la physiopathologie et la transmission des infections cutanées staphylococciques. Sur une lignée de mastocytes humains, l’Hld et les PSM1, montrés pour être produits in vivo, déclenchaient la libération de tels médiateurs. Chez S. aureus, la production des toxines est sous la dépendance du système de régulation globale Agr. Les souches de S. aureus appartenant au type Agr1, produisant significativement plus d’Hld et de PSM que les autres souches, ont été les plus fréquemment retrouvées au cours de l’année 2017 dans les infections cutanées staphylococciques. Ceci corrobore l’hypothèse selon laquelle une souche de S. aureus produisant des toxines capables d’interagir avec les mastocytes et induisant un prurit, diffuse plus facilement dans la population. Nous avons ensuite étudié la modulation de l’expression des PSM et d’Hld par des concentrations sub-inhibitrices d’antibiotiques. L’oxacilline induisait une inhibition de l’expression des PSM et d’Hld alors que la clindamycine entraînait plus fréquemment une induction de leur expression. Ces observations nous ont interrogé sur l’utilisation de la clindamycine considérée habituellement comme anti-toxinique et sur l’effet bénéfique ou délétère de l’effet inhibiteur de l’oxacilline / S. aureus is a major human pathogen able to produce several virulence factors such as phenol-solublemodulins alpha (PSMalpha) and delta hemolysin (Hld). S. aureus is essentially spread through hand butthe elements promoting its spreading stay unsolved. Mast cells release several soluble mediatorstriggering itching behavior. We suspect the mast cell involvement in spreading of S. aureus strains andin physiopathology of staphylococcal skin infections. Upon human mast cell line, we showed thatPSMalpha1 and Hld induced the release of mediators triggering itching behavior. Moreover, these toxinswere produced in vivo during staphylococcal skin infections. Expression of staphylococcal virulencefactors is regulated by global regulatory system Agr. Interestingly, we observed that S. aureus strainsbelonging in Agr1 produced higher quantity of PSMalpha and Hld than those belonging to Agr2 and Agr3,and were more frequently responsible to skin infections during the last year. This observation supportsour hypothesis whereby a strain producing toxins able to trigger mast cell mediator inducingscratching behavior, spreads electively in the community. Thereafter, we studied modulation of PSMalphaand Hld expression by sub-inhibitory concentration of antibiotics. We reported that oxacillin inducedan inhibitory effect on PSMalpha and Hld expression, while clindamycin resulted in more frequently aninducer effect. These results are discordant with these observed with Panton-Valentine leucocidin andalpha hemolysin and interrogate on clindamycin use for its anti-toxin activity and on benefic ordeleterious effect of oxacillin inhibitory effect

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