Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ambrosia"" "subject:"ambrosian""
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Vegetation of the eastern Cabeza Prieta NWR and adjacent BLM lands, ArizonaMalusa, Jim 31 December 2003 (has links)
A report on the vegetation of the Cabeza Prieta NWR, with tables giving statistical representations of the vegetation associations.
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Vegetation database for Cabeza Prieta NWRMalusa, Jim January 2004 (has links)
Releve plot data for Cabeza Prieta NWR, sampled from 1999 to 2002
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Digital vegetation maps of eastern Cabeza Prieta NWR and adjacent BLM landsMalusa, Jim January 2004 (has links)
Shapefiles of the vegetation, watercourses, and sampling routes traveled, Cabeza Prieta NWR
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Scolytids (Curculionidae, Scolytinae) are small borer‟s beetles belonging to the order Coleoptera that develop within or under the bark of trees. In northern countries, these insects cause significant damage especially when outbreaks occur. In Brazil in general, the damage is minor when compared to the northern hemisphere. Given the importance of subfamily Scolytinae, this paper aims at providing a better understanding of the behavior of Scolytids, mainly regarding the flight height in native forest and in a stand of Pinus taeda. For the execution of this work 72 intercept flight traps (PET Santa Maria) were installed in two areas (native forest and stand of Pinus taeda) belonging to the State Foundation for Agricultural Research (FEPAGRO), located at the mouth of the hill district, in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. The traps were distributed in 12 treatments (different heights) with three repetitions each and according to the environment, with an interval of 30 meters between repetitions. The treatments correspond to heights of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5; 6.0 meters. It was possible to capture: Hypothenemus eruditus in greater abundance at a height of 0.5 meter flight in native forest and in the range of 1 to 1.5 meters in Pinus taeda; Xyleborus saxeseni between 2 and 2.5 meters in native forest with no preference in the colonization of Pinus taeda; Microcorthylus quadridens in native forest at 2 meters; Xylosandrus retusus with no preference in both areas; Xyleborus ferrugineus to 0.5 meters in both areas; Corthylus pharax 0.5 to 1 meter in native forest; Xyleborinus gracilis and Xyleborus affinis to 0.5 meters in native forest. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that the range between 0.5 and 1.5 meters is ideal to analyze qualitatively and quantitatively the scolytids present in native forest and in the colonization of Pinus taeda. / Os escolitídeos (Curculionidae, Scolytinae) são besouros pequenos, broqueadores, pertencentes à ordem Coleoptera e se desenvolvem no interior de árvores. Em países do hemisfério norte, estes insetos causam prejuízos significativos principalmente quando ocorrem em surtos epidêmicos. No Brasil em geral, os danos causados são menores quando comparados aos do hemisfério norte. Tendo em vista a importância dos escolitídeos, este trabalho tem por objetivo proporcionar um melhor entendimento do comportamento destes, principalmente no que tange à altura de voo em mata nativa e em povoamento de Pinus taeda. Para a execução deste trabalho foram instaladas 72 armadilhas de interceptação de voo, em duas áreas (mata nativa e Pinus taeda) pertencentes à Fundação Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária (FEPAGRO), localizada em Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. As armadilhas foram distribuídas em 12 tratamentos (diferentes alturas) com três repetições por ambiente, com um intervalo de 30 metros entre as repetições. Os tratamentos correspondem às alturas de 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,5; 4,0; 4,5; 5,0; 5,5 e 6,0 metros. Capturou-se: Hypothenemus eruditus em maior abundância na altura de voo de 0,5 metro na mata nativa e na faixa de 1 a 1,5 metros em Pinus taeda; Xyleborus saxeseni entre 2 e 2,5 metros na mata nativa e sem preferência no povoamento de Pinus taeda; Microcorthylus quadridens na mata nativa a 2 metros; Xylosandrus retusus sem preferência em ambas às áreas; Xyleborus ferrugineus a 0,5 metro em ambas as áreas; Corthylus pharax de 0,5 a 1 metro na mata nativa; Xyleborinus gracilis e Xyleborus affinis a 0,5 metro na mata nativa. Conclui-se, portanto que o intervalo situado entre 0,5 e 1,5 metros, é o ideal para analisar qualitativamente e quantitativamente os escolitídeos presentes na mata nativa e em Pinus taeda.
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Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. – REZERVE SEMENA UZEMLJIŠTU, KLIJAVOST, RASPROSTRANJENOSTI SUZBIJANJE / Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. - Seed reserves in thesoil, germination, distribution and controlKonstantinović Bojan 26 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., invazivna korovsko-ruderalna biljka, poslednjih<br />godina u našoj zemlji predstavlja izuzetno veliki problem, ne samo za poljoprivredu<br />nego i za stanovništvo, izazivajući svojim polenom jake alergijske i druge zdravstvene<br />komplikacije. Shvatajući probleme koje ona izaziva, sve zemlje u kojima ambrozija<br />predstavlja veliki, pre svega zdravstveni problem, ulažu ogromne napore, izdvajaju<br />velika finansijska sredstva, organizuju stanovništvo, škole, vojsku, javne službe,<br />sredstva informisanja, donose zakone, uredbe i deklaracije, da bi ograničili njeno<br />širenje i osigurali njeno suzbijanje, dok se u našoj zemlji još uvek nedovoljno ozbiljno<br />shvata ovaj problem.<br />Kako se radi o biljci koja se razmnožava samo generativno (semenom), istraživanja<br />''banke semena'' pelenaste ambrozije u određenim zemljišnim profilima omogućavaju<br />preciznu prognozu njene pojave na određenim staništima, što kasnije znatno olakšava<br />suzbijanje kako mehaničkim putem tako i primenom herbicida. Zemljišni uzorci za<br />analizu rezervi semena su uzeti, sa karakterističnih ruderalnih staništa, na području<br />Novi Sad, Zrenjanin i Ruma. Obzirom da se radi o ruderalnim staništima, na svim<br />istraživanim lokalitetima utvrđena je relativno visoka brojnost semena pelenaste<br />ambrozije. Prikazano istraživanje je prvo ovog tipa sprovedeno na teritoriji Republike<br />Srbije.<br />Ova proučavanja su od izuzetnog naučnog značaja budući da obuhvataju poznavanje<br />osnovnih bioloških osobina semena ambrozije, kao što su morfološke osobine,<br />karakteristike klijanja, nicanja i načina rasprostiranja.<br />Za potrebe ispitivanja klijavosti semena A. artemisifolia 2007. godine sa teritorije 15<br />gradskih i prigradskih naselja Grada Novog Sada prikupljeni su plodovi pelenaste<br />ambrozije. Od ukupne količine prikupljenog semena pelenaste ambrozije, polovina je<br />odložena u hladnu komoru sa temperaturom od +4ºC a drugi deo materijala je odložen<br />u komoru sa temperaturom od - 8ºC da bi se simulirali zimski uslovi, odnosno kako bi<br />seme bilo izloženo jarovizaciji. Naklijavanje izdvojenog semena vršeno je u klimakomori,<br />pod uslovima povoljnim za nicanje semena. Nakon 9, 14, 21 i 28 dana<br />ocenjivana je klijavost semena. Utvrđena je dobra klijavost semena pelenaste<br />ambrozije, koja je bila značajno veća kod stratifikovanog semena.<br />Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih tokom ispitivanja rasprostranjenosti i suzbijanja<br />korovsko-ruderalne alergene biljke Ambrosia artemisifolia L. u regiji gradova Novi<br />Sad, Zrenjanin i Ruma, izvedeni su sledeći zaključci: Obavljena proučavanja<br />rasprostranjenosti i suzbijanja korovsko-ruderalne alergene biljke Ambrosia<br />artemisifolia L. u 15 zona grada Novog Sada, 10 zona u Zrenjaninu i 7 u Rumi,<br />ukazuju na izuzetnu zastupljenost ove biljke. Na osnovu proučavanja rasprostranjenosti i praćenja feno-faza razvoja pelenaste ambrozije obavljeno je<br />mehaničko košenje ručnim ili motornim kosilicama. Imajući u vidu stalne napore u<br />pogledu zaštite životne sredine koja podrazumeva na prvom mestu pozitivan uticaj na<br />zdravlje ljudi, na gradskim lokacijama tretman herbicidom glifosat nije primenjen, već<br />samo u nenastanjenim zonama i na zapuštenim poljoprivrednim površinama i<br />utrinama. Prilikom suzbijanja pelenaste ambrozije mehaničkim putem, istaknuto je da<br />je košenje potrebno obaviti 3-4 puta tokom jedne vegetacione sezone, usled relativno<br />brze regeneracije pokošenih biljaka. Hemijsko suzbijanje ambrozije primenom<br />herbicida glifosat, pokazalo se kao znatno efikasnije jer je za njeno suzbijanje bio<br />dovoljan uglavnom jedan tretman.</p> / <p>Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., an invasive weed-ruderal plant in recent years in<br />our country is a very big problem, not only for agriculture but also for the human<br />population, causing her severe pollen allergy and other health complications.<br />Recognizing the problems that it causes, all countries where ragweed is a large,<br />primarily health problem, invest huge efforts, allocate significant financial resources,<br />organized residents, schools, the military, the media, legislate, to limit its spread and<br />ensure its suppression, while our country does not yet have a serious approach to this<br />problem.<br />Since this is a plant that reproduces a generative (seed), ''seed bank'' research in some<br />soil profiles allow to forecast its occurrence at some sites, which greatly facilitates<br />the later contol of both mechanically and by herbicides. Soil samples for analysis of<br />seed reserves were taken with typical ruderal habitats, in Novi Sad, Zrenjanin and<br />Ruma. Since these are ruderal habitats, at all study sites, a relatively high number of<br />ragweed seeds apears. Our study is the first of this type that was conducted in the<br />Republic of Serbia.<br />These studies are of great scientific importance as it includes knowing of basic<br />biological properties of ragweed seeds, such as morphological characteristics, the<br />characteristics of germination, emergence and control methods.<br />For the purposes of testing seed germination A. artemisifolia in year 2007. samples<br />of ambrosia seeds were collected from 15 different localities in the territory of the<br />city and suburbs of Novi Sad. Collected seeds were splited on two halfs: one part was<br />delayed in the cold chamber with a temperature of +4 ° C and the second part of the<br />material is disposed in the chamber with a temperature of - 8 ° C to simulate winter<br />conditions, in purpose to achieve seed vernalization. Seed germination was<br />performed in air chamber under optimal conditions for seed germination. After 9, 14,<br />21 and 28 days seed germination was evaluated. Germination of stratified seeds was<br />significantly higher than germination of not stratified seeds.<br />Based on the obtained results of distribution and controll of weed-ruderal allergenic<br />plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in the cities Novi Sad, Zrenjanin and Ruma, the<br />following conclusions were made: Results mapping and control of Ambrosia<br />artemisiifolia L. in 15 zones in the city of Novi Sad, 10 zones in Zrenjanin, and 7 in<br />Ruma, indicating significant presence of this plant. Based on the study of the<br />distribution and monitoring of ragweed growth stages, mechanical controll mesures<br />were performed manually, by trimmers or by tractor. Because of ongoing efforts to<br />protect the environment, in the urban locations herbicide treatment was not applied.<br />Glyphosate treatment was applied only in uninhabited areas, agricultural land and<br />wasteland. If ragweed is controlled mechanically, the cutting should be done 3-4<br />times per year due to the relatively rapid regeneration of plants. Chemical control of<br />ragweed (herbicide glyphosate), has proven much more effective. One treatment per<br />year was sufficient.</p>
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The annual ragweeds (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. - Ambrosia trifida L.) : adaptive response to chemical weeding and population genetics in agricultural environments / Les ambroisies annuelles (Ambrosia artemisiifolia et Ambrosia trifida) : réponse adaptative au désherbage chimique et connectivité des populations dans les paysages agricoleMeyer, Lucie 23 January 2018 (has links)
Ce travail a eu pour but premier d’étudier le risque d’évolution de la résistance aux herbicides inhibiteurs de l’acétolactate synthase (ALS) chez l’ambroisie à feuilles d’armoise (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) à travers quatre points : (i) la pression de sélection (étude de l’efficacité d’une gamme d'herbicides inhibiteurs de l’ALS), (ii) la capacité de réponse adaptative de l’adventice (détermination de la variation de la sensibilité aux inhibiteurs de l’ALS entre plantes et mise en place d’un programme de sélection récurrente), (iii) une étude de terrain (recherche de résistance aux inhibiteurs de l’ALS au champ en France), (iv) l’étude des mécanismes de résistance (liée à la cible – RLC – et non liée à la cible – RNLC – par une approche de transcriptomique). Le second objectif fut d’étudier la connectivité des populations d’A. artemisiifolia dans des paysages agricoles à l’aide de marqueurs microsatellites développés lors de ce travail afin de déterminer les facteurs qui pourraient faciliter la dispersion de cette espèce et de la résistance à l’échelle du paysage agricole.En ce qui concerne la résistance aux herbicides :-La réponse de d’A. artemisiifolia aux herbicides inhibiteurs de l’ALS est très variable entre substances.-Des plantes ayant survécu à la dose maximale autorisée et à des doses supérieures de metsulfuron ont été sélectionnées pour débuter un programme de sélection récurrente. Après deux cycles de sélection, on observe une intensification de la résistance au metsulfuron et une émergence de la résistance à l’imazamox et au tribénuron.-Trois cas de résistance à l’imazamox ont été identifiés au champ dont deux cas de pure RNLC et un cas de coexistence RLC – RNLC.-Un transcriptome d’A. artemisiifolia a été généré grâce à la technique de séquençage PacBio pour rechercher des gènes impliqués dans les mécanismes de RNLC (approche RNAseq). 62 gènes candidats ont été identifiés dont des transporteurs ABC, des cytochromes P450 ainsi que des glutathione-S-transférases connus pour être impliqués dans la dégradation des herbicides.Pour l’étude de la connectivité des populations agricoles :-26 marqueurs microsatellites ont été développés et ont révélé une forte variabilité génétique. La structuration génétique a été étudiée à grande échelle pour des populations d’A. artemisiifolia d’Europe (aire d’invasion) et d’Amérique du Nord (aire d’origine).-À une échelle plus fine (paysage agricole), la structure génétique des populations reste influencée par les événements de colonisation. Les événements de migration qui ont été identifiés entre zones de présence de l’ambroisie suggèrent des flux de gènes (pollen/semences) et une connectivité modérés à l’échelle d’un territoire agricole. Dans les environnements agricoles, la dispersion des allèles de résistance aux herbicides pourrait se faire facilement de proche en proche via les flux de pollen, et également à plus longue distance via des dispersions de graines. Les activités anthropiques jouent un rôle majeur dans la dispersion des semences (machineries agricoles, lots de semences contaminés…).-L’analyse du système de reproduction a confirmé que cette espèce est allogame ce qui entraîne des flux de gènes intra- et inter-populations importants.Les connaissances acquises au cours de ce travail pourront aider à développer des stratégies de contrôle mieux adaptées, pour lutter efficacement contre A. artemisiifolia afin de limiter son expansion, telles que :-Des stratégies de désherbage diversifiées : combinaison de lutte mécanique (dont faux semis) et chimique (diversification des modes d’action herbicides).-Un allongement et une diversification des rotations de cultures en favorisant des cultures d’hiver et/ou des cultures couvrantes et compétitrices.Ces connaissances pourront aussi être utilisées dans la lutte contre une autre espèce adventice du genre Ambrosia, Ambrosia trifida.Mots-clés (6) : Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., ambroisies, résistance aux herbicides, / The first aim of this work was to investigate the risk for the evolution of resistance to acetolactate synthase inhibitor (ALS) herbicides in the common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) through four points: (i) the selection pressure (effectiveness of a range of ALS inhibitor herbicides), (ii) the adaptive response of Ambrosia artemisiifolia (recurrent selection experiment), (iii) a resistance monitoring in fields in France, and (iv) the investigation of the mechanisms underlying herbicide resistance (target-site (TSR) and non-target-site resistance (NTSR) using transcriptomic analyses). The second aim was to study the connectivity of A. artemisiifolia populations in agricultural landscapes using microsatellite markers developed during this work, to determine factors that could facilitate the spread of this invasive weed species and the spread of herbicide resistance.In regards to herbicide resistance:-The sensitivity of A. artemisiifolia to ALS-inhibiting herbicides is variable between active ingredients.-Plants that survived the French maximum authorized field rate and higher rates of metsulfuron were selected to implement a recurrent breeding program. After two selection cycles, the resistance level to metsulfuron increased and resistance to imazamox and tribenuron emerged.-Three cases of imazamox resistance were identified in the field, including two cases of pure NTSR and one case of TSR - NTSR coexistence.-A transcriptome for A. artemisiifolia, AMBELbase, was generated using the PacBio sequencing technology to search for genes involved in NTSR mechanisms (RNAseq approach). 62 candidate contigs were identified including ABC transporters, cytochromes P450 and glutathione S-transferases known to be involved in the degradation of herbicides.In regards to population connectivity:-26 microsatellite markers were developed and revealed high genetic variability. Genetic structuring has been studied on a large scale for populations of A. artemisiifolia from Europe (invasion range) and North America (native range).-On a finer scale (agricultural landscape), the genetic structure of populations was influenced by colonization events. Migration events detected among the areas colonized by A. artemisiifolia suggested moderate pollen/seed flows and connectivity at the farmland scale. In agricultural environments, herbicide resistant alleles could be easily spread among neighbouring populations via pollen flow, and also at longer distances via seed dispersal. Human-related activities play a major role in the dispersal of seeds (agricultural machinery, contaminated seed lots, etc.).-The mating system analysis confirmed that A. artemisiifolia is an obligate outcrossing species which leads to important intra- and inter-population gene flow.The knowledge acquired during this work may help to foster the development of better management strategies to effectively control A. artemisiifolia to limit its spread, such as:-Diversified weed control strategies: combination of mechanical (including false-seed) and chemical weeding (diversification of herbicide modes of action).-Longer diversified crop rotations including more winter crops and/or cover and competitive crops to break the life cycle of A. artemisiifolia.These knowledge may also be used to better control of another weed species of the genus Ambrosia, Ambrosia trifida L.
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Mapping of Sonoran Desert Vegetation Communities and Spatial Distribution Differences of Larrea Tridentata Seed Density in Relation to Ambrosia Dumosa and Ambrosia Deltoidea, San Cristobal Valley, ArizonaShepherd, Ashley Lauren January 2011 (has links)
Vegetation in the San Cristobal Valley of Barry M. Goldwater Range-East was mapped using a combination of field surveys and aerial imagery interpretation to contribute to ongoing inventory of natural resources for the BMGR-East as well as assist in resource management decisions. Eighteen vegetation associations were identified and mapped through collection of 186 samples to characterize vegetation associations. The most common vegetation association was Larrea tridentata monotype, covering 29% of the area mapped. Larrea tridentata is a widely spread shrub throughout the Sonoran, Chihuahuan and Mojave deserts; therefore understanding germination and seedling survival patterns is crucial. Ambrosia dumosa and A. deltoidea exhibit nurse plant-protégé interactions with L. tridentata. Seed density of L. tridentata was studied under Ambrosia species to determine factors controlling germination and seedling density. As expected seed density was greater under Ambrosia canopy than areas with no canopy. Ambrosia species and canopy type did not affect seed density.
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Diversité des Scolytes : Coléoptèra, Curculionidae, Scolytinae et leurs champignons associés dans l'écosystème forestier d'Equateur / Diversity of ambrosia beetles : Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae and their fungal associated in the forest ecosystems in EcuadorMartinez Chevez, Malena 17 July 2019 (has links)
Les insectes coléoptères Scolytinae, ou scolytes, sont des agents biotiques majeurs de perturbation des écosystèmes forestiers à travers le monde. Ils peuvent être avoir des impacts écologiques et économiques sévères en milieu naturel et dans les plantations forestières. La dynamique et l’écologie des scolytes des forêts tempérées, boréales et méditerranéennes ont été abondamment documentées, définissant un cadre conceptuel approprié pour l’étude de ces insectes dans d’autres écosystèmes forestiers où les connaissances restent parcellaires. C’est le cas des forêts néo-tropicales équatoriales, au sein desquelles les communautés de scolytes restent à ce jour relativement méconnues, malgré leur implication croissante dans les dégâts et mortalités observés dans le cadre du changement global et du remplacement des forêts naturelles en plantations forestières. Dans cette thèse, je me suis intéressée aux facteurs climatiques et écologiques qui régissent la diversité et l’impact des scolytes dans des forêts naturelles et dans des plantations de balsa (Ochroma pyramidale) en Equateur, ainsi qu’aux associations scolytes-champignons mises en place chez certaines espèces dans ce milieu. Ce travail a permis d’enrichir les connaissances actuelles que les connaissances actuelles sur la diversité des scolytes en Equateur. J’ai pu montrer notamment que les différents types d’habitats forestiers (forêts naturelles et plantations de balsa) influencent davantage la composition en espèces que la richesse spécifique cumulée. Il existe par ailleurs des espèces indicatrices de ces habitats, dont l’une d’entre elles est un ravageur majeur du balsa dans les plantations (Coptoborus ochromactonus), et trois autres sont des espèces exotiques. L’étude spécifique de la biologie et de la dynamique des populations de C. ochromactonus dans les plantations de balsa a montré que des facteurs climatiques et d’âge des arbres influencent significativement les dégâts occasionnés par ce scolyte. Enfin, j’ai pu mettre en évidence l’association des champignons ambrosia Raffaelea sp. nr. arxii et Fusarium ambrosium avec des scolytes Xyleborus, l’un des genres les plus diversifiés et abondants en forêt naturelle et en plantation de balsa. Ma thèse de nouvelles perspectives en termes de biodiversité et de gestion des risques sanitaires liés aux scolytes dans les écosystèmes forestiers d’Equateur.Mots-clés: scolytes, richesse, abondance, composition des espèces, forêt primaire, balsa, dégâts, phénologie, interaction plante-insecte, champignon ambrosia, Xyleborus / Scolytinae insects, or bark beetles, are major biotic agents of forest ecosystem disturbance throughout the world. They can have severe ecological and economic impacts in both natural forests and commercial plantations. The dynamics and ecology of bark beetles in temperate, boreal and Mediterranean forests have been extensively documented, defining an appropriate conceptual framework for the study of these insects in other forest ecosystems where knowledge remains fragmented. This is the case of the equatorial neo-tropical forests, in which bark beetle communities remain to date relatively unknown, despite their increasing involvement in the damage and mortality observed in the context of global change and the replacement of natural forests by plantations. In this thesis, I focused on the climatic and the ecological factors driving the diversity and impact of bark beetles in natural forests and in balsa (Ochroma pyramidale) plantations in Ecuador, as well as in scolytines-fungi associations that can take place in a number of scolytine species. This work has enriched current knowledge on the diversity of bark beetles in Ecuador. In particular, I have shown that different types of forest habitats (natural forests and balsa plantations) have a greater influence on species composition than on cumulative species richness. I also identified indicator species of these habitats, one of which is a major pest of balsa in plantations (Coptoborus ochromactonus), and three others are exotic species. The specific study of the biology and population dynamics of C. ochromactonus in balsa plantations has shown that climatic and tree age factors significantly influence the damages caused by this bark beetle. Finally, I was able to highlight the association of ambrosia fungi Raffaelea sp. nr. arxii and Fusarium ambrosium with Xyleborus bark beetles, one of the most diverse and abundant genera in natural forest and balsa plantation. My thesis provides stimulating new perspectives in terms of biodiversity and management of health risks related to bark beetles in forest ecosystems of Ecuador.Key words: scolytine, richness, abundance, species composition, primary forest, damage, phenology, insect-plant interaction, ambrosia fungi, Xyleborus
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Susceptibility of sunflower to Ophraella communa LeSage (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae), a candidate for the biological control of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.)Dernovici, Serghei January 2003 (has links)
The suitability of sunflower (Heliantus annuus L.) as a host of Ophraella communa Le Sage (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was evaluated under greenhouse and field conditions. Population dynamics of O. communa on sunflower and on ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) were determined using a life table approach. Sixty percent of O. communa females died during the first 30 days on sunflower while only 14% died on ragweed plants. Only 20% of fertile females laid eggs on sunflower plants as compared with 100% on ragweed plants. Fecundity, life duration, egg viability, and other biological parameters were significantly higher on ragweed plants than on sunflower plants. Ragweed is the main host plant for O. communa. Nevertheless, in specific situations (no-choice) adults and larvae of O. communa can damage sunflower plants. However, O. communa cannot complete its life cycle or increase its population on sunflower plants.
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Ecological studies on dispersal flight and host selection of the ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus (Murayama) / カシノナガキクイムシの飛翔と寄主選択に関する生態学的研究Pham, Duy Long 23 September 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第22787号 / 農博第2430号 / 新制||農||1081(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R2||N5307(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科森林科学専攻 / (主査)教授 井鷺 裕司, 教授 森 直樹, 准教授 大澤 直哉 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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