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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Towards photoreceptor replacement in the mammalian retina – Identification of factors influencing donor cell integration: Towards photoreceptor replacement in the mammalian retina – Identification of factors influencing donor cell integration

Postel, Kai 28 April 2014 (has links)
Vision impairment and blindness are in industrialized countries primarily caused by the degeneration of the retina, the light sensing tissue inside the eye. The degeneration, occurring in diseases like age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or retinitis pigmentosa (RP), can be caused by environmental factors as well as genetic defects and thus shows diverse pathologies. In all conditions, the light detecting photoreceptors (rods and/or cones) are dying caused by either direct photoreceptor damage or as a secondary effect following degeneration of supporting cells. Although promising treatment approaches are currently under investigation, up to date it is not possible to cure these diseases. Amongst these therapeutic strategies, pre-clinical studies evaluating the replacement of degenerated cells by transplantation of new photoreceptors demonstrated promising results. First studies conducted the specific enrichment and transplantation of primary photoreceptors derived from postnatal mice and their sufficient integration and differentiation into mature photoreceptors in wild-type as well as degenerated mouse retinae. Recent experiments additionally proved the recovery of some dim-light vision after transplantation in mice lacking night sight. The in vitro differentiation of whole eye cups containing photoreceptors, out of human or mouse ES or iPS cells, peaked in the transplantation of ES-derived photoreceptors into wild-type as well as degenerated mice and the integration and maturation of these cells. These observations are encouraging, but prior to a save implementation of this strategy into a clinical routine, several further hurdles need to be challenged. Collection of photoreceptors out of whole retinal tissues prior to transplantation was shown to be an important step to reach high integration rates. Additionally, transplantation of photoreceptors derived from stem cells comprises the risk of tumor formation after transplantation and thus also requires depletion of inadvertent cells. Therefore, we established the enrichment of photoreceptors using the cell surface marker dependent method magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS). For identification of suitable target-specific surface markers, we characterized young transplantable mouse photoreceptors using microarray analysis and screened their transcriptome. Amongst others, ecto-5´nucleotidase (Nt5e, termed CD73) was identified being a rod photoreceptor specific cell surface protein. Thus, we enriched young photoreceptors with CD73-dependent MACS with sufficient purity and transplanted these cells into the subretinal space of wild-type mice. In contrast to unsorted retinal cells, enriched photoreceptors integrated in significantly higher number into the host retina, proving that MACS is a suitable alternative for specific photoreceptor enrichment. Testing other proteins, identified as photoreceptor specific, for MACS suitability and the translation of this approach to photoreceptors, derived from mouse as well as human iPS or ES cells, should be the focus of consecutive investigations. The integration of grafted cells into the retina is a complex process dependent on a variety of influencing factors. Transplantation experiments in aging wild-type mice and a rod-depleted mouse model, containing a retina composed of cone and cone-like photoreceptors, indicated that the activation of Müller glia cells facilitates integration of transplanted photoreceptors. Besides that, reduced outer limiting membrane (OLM) integrity, increased subretinal graft distribution or reduced retinal cell density are further suggested as potential cell engraftment enhancers. These factors might open up important possibilities of host retina manipulation to increase cell integration rates. Although retinal transplantation experiments were in addition to mice also performed using pigs or rats as hosts, the transplantation of enriched single photoreceptors, following the protocols successfully established in mice, has not been performed in other species. Nevertheless, transferring this technique is important and would allow better predictions for future application in human patients. Therefore, we transferred our protocol, using CD73 based MACS, to the rat and successfully enriched rat photoreceptors with sufficient purity. We subsequently transplanted these cells into the subretinal space of rats as well as mice and observed limited integration capacity of grafted cells. Only few transplanted rat photoreceptors were localized in the rat retina, lacking proper photoreceptor morphology. Especially regarding a perspective clinical application in humans, these data are remarkable. They imply the question, whether low integration in rat represents a general problem and might thus also be relevant for treatment in humans, or whether the rat retina forms just an exception. Thus, further detailed analysis of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the integration process of transplanted photoreceptors represent an essential prerequisite for the development of a safe and efficient therapy, aiming to treat retinal degenerative diseases characterized by photoreceptor loss. / Degenerationserkrankungen der Netzhaut (Retina) sind in Industrieländern die Hauptursache für verminderte Sehfähigkeit und Blindheit. Sowohl Umweltfaktoren als auch vererbte Mutationen können Defekte wie altersbedingte Makuladegeneration (AMD) oder Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) auslösen und führen zu einem sehr variablen Krankheitsbild. Eine Gemeinsamkeit aller Formen ist das Absterben der lichtdetektierenden Fotorezeptoren (Stäbchen und/oder Zapfen). Dieses kann entweder durch direkte Schädigung, oder als Sekundäreffekt nach Degeneration der unterstützenden Zellen erfolgen. Obwohl im Moment vielversprechende Behandlungsansätze untersucht werden, ist es zurzeit nicht möglich, retinale Degenerationserkrankungen dieser Art zu heilen. Ein erfolgversprechender Ansatz könnte jedoch der Ersatz der degenerierten Zellen durch transplantierte Fotorezeptoren sein. Erste Studien demonstrierten die spezifische Anreicherung von primären Fotorezeptoren aus der Netzhaut neugeborener Mäuse und deren subretinale Transplantation in Wildtyp-Mäuse und Mausmodelle mit retinaler Degeneration. Die transplantierten Zellen integrierten in die Empfängernetzhaut und entwickelten sich in ausgereifte Fotorezeptoren und konnten unter anderem bei nachtblinden Mäusen die Sehfähigkeit bei Dunkelheit verbessern. Die Differenzierung von humanen oder murinen ES- und iPS-Zellen in vitro in vollständige Retinae und die Transplantation daraus gewonnener Fotorezeptoren in Mäuse, bilden vorläufig den Höhepunkt dieser Entwicklung. Obwohl die Fortschritte der jüngsten Vergangenheit beeindruckend sind, sollten vor der sicheren und effektiven Anwendung einer retinalen Zellersatztherapie als therapeutische Maßnahme beim Menschen noch einige wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen beantwortet werden. Studien zeigen, dass Zellpopulationen, die direkt aus der Spendernetzhaut entnommen und transplantiert wurden, auf Grund ihrer Heterogenität in geringeren Zahlen in die Empfängerretina einwandern als angereicherte Fotorezeptoren. Zusätzlich besteht bei unsortierten Zellen, die aus Stammzellpopulationen gewonnen wurden, das Risiko einer Tumorbildung. Daher haben wir die magnetisch-aktivierte Zellsortierung (MACS) zur Anreicherung junger Fotorezeptoren etabliert. Die dabei benötigten, für Fotorezeptoren spezifischen, Oberflächenproteine wurden mit Hilfe von Microarray-Analysen des Transkriptoms junger Stäbchen von Mäusen identifiziert. Dabei wurde unter anderem die 5\'-Nukleotidase (Nt5e, CD73) entdeckt, die uns die erfolgreiche Anreicherung junger Mausfotorezeptoren mit Hilfe von CD73-vermitteltem MACS erlaubte. Die Transplantation dieser angereicherten Zellpopulation in die Netzhaut von Empfängertieren resultierte in einer signifikant erhöhten Integrationsrate im Vergleich zu nicht-angereicherten retinalen Zellen. Die Überprüfung der Nutzbarkeit weiterer identifizierter Oberflächenproteine zur Zellanreicherung bzw. die Übertragung der etablierten Protokolle zur Zellsortierung und Transplantation auf Fotorezeptoren aus ES- und iPS-Zellkulturen, sollten im Fokus nachfolgender Experimente stehen. Die Integration transplantierter Zellen in die Empfängernetzhaut ist ein komplexer Prozess und von unterschiedlichen Einflussfaktoren abhängig. Durch Transplantationsexperimente in alternden Wildtyp-Mäusen und einem Mausmodell, dessen Fotorezeptorschicht keine Stäbchen und stattdessen nur Zapfen und zapfenähnlichen Fotorezeptoren aufweist, konnte gezeigt werden, dass vor allem die Aktivierung von Müllerzellen die Integrationsrate der Fotorezeptoren erhöht. Neben dieser sogenannten Gliose werden weitere Faktoren, wie die reduzierte Stabilität der äußeren Grenzmembran, die flächenmäßig größere Verteilung der transplantierten Zellen im subretinalen Raum oder die reduzierte Dichte der Zellen in der äußeren Körnerschicht, als potentielle integrationsfördernde Komponenten in Betracht gezogen. Diese bilden interessante Schwerpunkte für weitere Forschungen, um eine ausreichende Zellintegration durch Manipulation der Empfängernetzhaut, auch in der klinischen Anwendung, zu erreichen. Obwohl Transplantationsexperimente zusätzlich zur Maus auch in anderen Empfängerspezies, wie Ratten und Schweinen, durchgeführt wurden, liegen bis jetzt keine Studien vor, die die in der Maus erfolgreich etablierten Protokolle der Zellanreicherung und Transplantation von Fotorezeptor-Suspensionen in diesen Spezies reproduzierte. Der Transfer dieser Technik und eine Generalisierung der Anwendbarkeit eines Fotorezeptorersatzes durch Transplantation in verschiedenen Säugetierarten geben jedoch wichtige Hinweise für eine mögliche Translation dieser Technologie für klinische Anwendungen. Deshalb haben wir unser bereits an der Maus getestetes Protokoll auf die Ratte übertragen und erfolgreich Fotorezeptoren der Ratte mit Hilfe von CD73-vermitteltem MACS angereichert. Nach deren Transplantation in die Netzhaut von Ratten und Mäusen zeigten die Rattenfotorezeptoren aber eine stark verminderte Integrationsfähigkeit und das Fehlen einer reifen Fotorezeptormorphologie. Speziell in Hinsicht auf eine zukünftige klinische Anwendung sind diese Ergebnisse relevant, da sie die Frage aufwerfen, ob die mangelnde Integration in der Ratte ein generelles Problem darstellt und daher auch beim Menschen zu erwarten ist, oder ob sie nur eine Ausnahme im Rattenmodell bildet. Aus diesem Grund bildet die weitere Erforschung der zellulären und molekularen Mechanismen der Integration transplantierter Fotorezeptoren eine wichtige Grundlage für die Entwicklung einer sicheren und effizienten Therapie mit dem Ziel, degenerative Netzhauterkrankungen zu heilen.

Desenvolvimento de nanoemulsões biocompatíveis como sistema de liberação intraocular do celecoxibe. /

Perissinato, Aline Gravinez January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Anselmo Gomes de Oliveira / Resumo: O celecoxibe (CEL) é um inibidor específico de ciclooxigenase 2 e vem sendo estudado também como inibidor da atividade angiogênica em razão de sua propriedade de inibir o fator de crescimento endotelial vascular (VEGF). Devido às suas características físico-químicas, o CEL possui baixa solubilidade em água e alta permeabilidade, sendo classificado como fármaco pertencente à classe 2 do Sistema de Classificação Biofarmacêutica. Alguns anti-inflamatórios não esteróides têm sido utilizados por via tópica no tratamento de grande parte das doenças do segmento anterior dos olhos, mas também apresentam bom prognóstico para o tratamento de doenças do segmento posterior dos olhos, tais como a retinopatia diabética (RD), degeneração macular relacionada à idade (DMRI) e oclusão venosa retinal (OVR). Na maioria dos casos as concentrações locais dos fármacos no segmento posterior dos olhos não conseguem atender às necessidades quantitativas e temporais dos estímulos dessas doenças quando administrados pela via oral, ocular tópica ou parenteral sistêmica. Assim, o objetivo deste projeto foi desenvolver e caracterizar nanoemulsões (NEs) biocompatíveis visando à administração intraocular do CEL. Os sistemas nanoemulsionados contêm Fosfatidilcolina de Soja (FS) e Tween®20 (Tw) como tensoativos, Captex®200 como fase oleosa e tampão fosfato de potássio pH 7,2 como fase aquosa. As NEs foram desenvolvidas e sua nanoestrutura foi caracterizada através do diâmetro médio de gotículas onde as NEs vaz... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Celecoxib (CEL) is a specific inhibitor of cyclooxygenase 2 and has also been studied as an inhibitor of angiogenic activity because of its property of inhibiting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Due to its physico-chemical characteristics, CEL has low solubility in water and high permeability being classified as a drug belonging to class 2 of the Biopharmaceutical Classification System. Some anti-inflammatory drugs have been used topically to treat most of the anterior segment eye diseases, but also have a good prognosis for the treatment of diseases of the posterior segment of the eye such as diabetic retinopathy (DR), age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and retinal venous occlusion (RVO). In most cases the local concentrations of the drugs in the posterior segment of the eye fail to reach the quantitative and temporal needs of the stimuli of these diseases when administered by the oral, topical ocular and systemic parenteral rout. The aim of this project was to develop and characterize biocompatible nanoemulsions (NEs) capable of increasing the apparent solubility of CEL for intraocular administration. Nanoemulsified systems contain Soy Phosphatidylcholine (FS) and Tween®20 (Tw) as surfactants, Captex®200 as oily phase and potassium phosphate buffer pH 7.2 as the aqueous phase. The NEs were developed and their nanostructure was characterized by the mean diameter of droplets where the empty NEs had an average diameter of the order of 40 nm with a zeta potential... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

The implication of cell-derived microvesicles in retinal pigment epithelium degeneration

Shani, Saeideh 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Studies On Acid Production Potential Of Some Sulphide Minerals And Bioremediation Of Acid Mine Drainage

Chockalingam, Evvie 03 1900 (has links)
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a worldwide environmental problem associated with the mining wastes, generated from active and inactive mining sites from mineral processing activities. AMD is defined as the drainage that occurs as a result of oxidation of sulphide minerals/wastes/tailings when exposed to air and water in the presence of chemolithotrophs namely the Acidithiobacillus sp. AMD is characterised by low pH and increased acidity due to elevated heavy metals and sulphate concentration. The acid production potential was carried out for sulphide minerals such as pyrite and chalcopyrite and copper tailings sample in the absence and presence of bacteria namely Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans. Acidity was generated in all the cases due to the oxidation of the mineral samples. The oxidation was found to occur at a higher rate in the presence of the bacteria compared to the control samples. Bioremediation experiments were conducted on acid mine water collected from the Ingaldahl Mines, Chitradurga, Karnataka, India, using organic and inorganic substrates. In the experiments with rice husk, complete removal of metal ions from the acid mine water was achieved with an attendant increase in the pH of the acid mine water from 2.3 to 5.5. About 21% of sulphate could be removed using Dsm. nigrificans from acid mine water pretreated with rice husk at pH 5.5 and this was further increased to 40% by the supplementation of organic components. The rice husk filtrate was found to serve as a good growth medium for Dsm. nigrificans. About 96 % of Fe, 75 % of Zn, 92 % of Cu and 41 % of sulphate removal was achieved from the acid mine water of pH 2.4 with a concomitant increase in the pH value by two units after interaction with the tree bark. About 56 % and 71 % of sulphate reduction could be achieved at initial pH values of 4.1 and 5.5 respectively of the acid mine water pretreated with E. tereticornis (Sm) bark, after inoculation with Dsm. nigrificans. The complete removal of Fe2+ and Fe3+, 80% of Zn, 83% of Cu and 62% of sulphate could be removed from acid mine water using fly ash as the substrate with an increase in pH of acid mine water from 2.3 to 7. About 68% of sulphate reduction at pH 6.8 could be achieved in acid mine water pretreated with fly ash in the presence of Dsm. nigrificans. With red mud as the substrate, complete removal of all the metal ions namely Fe2+, Fe3+, Zn, and Cu from acid mine water was achieved with a concomitant increase in the pH from 2.3 to 8. The sulphate reduction was increased to about 51% at pH 7.2 when the acid mine water pretreated with red mud was inoculated with Dsm. nigrificans. The adsorption experiments carried out on the acid mine water using either organic or inorganic substrates indicated that the free energy of adsorption was negative for all the chosen metal ions attesting to favorable interaction. The adsorption isotherms of the metal ions for rice husk exhibited Langmuirian behaviour, while those for the other substrates adhered to both Langmuir and Freundlich relationships. The adsorption process was found to be endothermic in nature for rice husk, fly ash and red mud. On the contrary, the adsorption onto tree bark showed exothermic behaviour. The adsorption kinetics of the metal ions onto the various substrates adhered to the first order Lagergren equation. The metal uptake processes by the organic and inorganic substrates chosen for this study involve ionic, chemical and physical forces of adsorption. The different types of functional groups present on the surface of the substrates such as carboxyl, hydroxyl and carbonyl, as revealed by FTIR spectroscopic studies, partake in metal binding. The metal ions will also be adsorbed by complexing with the negatively charged reaction sites on the substrate surfaces. Furthermore, the complex solution chemistry of the metals as a function of pH has also to be taken into consideration. The mechanism of sulphate reduction by Dsm. nigrificans in the presence of organic carbon can be illustrated as: 2CH2O + SO42- + 2H+  2CO2 + 2H2O + H2S M2 + H2S  MS  + 2H+ where, CH2O represents the organic matter and M represents the metal ion.

Kombination geodätischer Raumbeobachtungsverfahren zur Realisierung eines terrestrischen Referenzsystems

Seitz, Manuela 06 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Globale terrestrische Referenzsysteme und deren Realisierungen, die sogenannten Referenzrahmen, sind die Grundlage für die Beschreibung der Figur der Erde und ihrer Orientierung im Weltraum sowie für die Referenzierung von Vorgängen auf der Erdoberfläche und im nahen Umfeld der Erde. Die Realisierung des Internationalen Terrestrischen Referenzsystems ist eine der zentralen Aufgaben der Geodäsie. Sie erfolgt durch Kombination von Beobachtungsdaten geodätischer Raumbeobachtungsverfahren. Besondere Bedeutung kommen dabei dem Verfahren der Interferometrie auf sehr langen Basislinien, der Laserentfernungsmessung zu Satelliten sowie dem Globalen Positionierungssystem zu. Jedes dieser Verfahren weist besondere Stärken bei der Bestimmung geodätischer Parameter auf und trägt wesentlich zur Realisierung des Referenzsystems bei. In dieser Arbeit werden Methoden zur Berechnung einer zeitabhängigen und einer zeitunabhängigen Realisierung aus den Beobachtungen der genannten Verfahren entwickelt. Beide Ansätze basieren auf der Kombination bedingungsfreier Normalgleichungen, die aus der homogenen Auswertung der Beobachtungen resultierenden. Diese Vorgehensweise kann als gute Approximation der direkten Kombination der Beobachtungen angesehen werden, die bisher nicht erfolgreich umgesetzt werden konnte. Vom Internationalen Erdrotations- und Referenzsystemdienst (IERS) werden Referenzrahmen basierend auf zeitlich hochaufgelösten Eingangsdaten berechnet. Für die jüngste Lösung des IERS, den ITRF2005, wurden Stationskoordinaten und Erdrotationsparameter (Polkoordinaten und UT1-UTC) erstmalig konsistent ausgeglichen. Entsprechend diesem IERS-Standard werden auch in dieser Arbeit Eingangsdaten mit einer zeitlichen Auflösung von einem Tag beziehungsweise einer Woche verwendet. Zusätzlich zu den genannten Parametern werden Nutations- und bei der zeitunabhängigen Realisierung Troposphärenparameter berücksichtigt. Die zeitabhängige und die zeitunabhängige Realisierung unterscheiden sich hinsichtlich des Zeitraums, aus welchem Beobachtungen berücksichtigt werden und damit hinsichtlich ihrer Parametrisierung, ihres Informationsgehalts, ihres Gültigkeitsbereichs und ihrer Genauigkeit. Es werden spezifische Kombinationsmodelle entwickelt, die diese Eigenschaften berücksichtigen. Da sich Beobachtungen verschiedener Raumbeobachtungsverfahren in aller Regel nicht auf gemeinsame Referenzpunkte beziehen, müssen zur Kombination der Stationsnetze Differenzvektoren zwischen dicht beieinander liegenden Referenzpunkten verschiedener Verfahren eingeführt werden. Die gemessenen Differenzvektoren weisen teilweise große Diskrepanzen zu den Koordinatendifferenzen auf, die aus den Raumbeobachtungsverfahren bestimmt werden. Deshalb müssen geeignete gemessene Differenzvektoren für die Kombination ausgewählt werden. Zwei Kriterien werden für die Auswahl formuliert: Die Konsistenz der kombinierten Lösung soll maximal sein, und die Geometrie der verfahrensspezifischen Stationsnetze soll in der Kombination erhalten bleiben. Zur Quantifizierung der Konsistenz werden die Polkoordinaten herangezogen. Es wird gezeigt, dass diese sich in ihrer Eigenschaft als globale Parameter, die aus allen genannten Beobachtungsverfahren geschätzt werden können, hervorragend zur Beurteilung der Konsistenz eignen. Für beide Realisierungen wird nachgewiesen, dass die Kombination der verschiedenen Beobachtungsverfahren für die Mehrzahl der Parameter zu einer Genauigkeitssteigerung im Vergleich zu den verfahrensspezifischen Lösungen führt. Für einige der Parameter wird eine Verbesserung von 10\% und mehr erreicht. Es wird eine Methode zur Kombination von Troposphärenparametern entwickelt und für die Realisierung des zeitunabhängigen Referenzrahmens getestet. Die Kombination der Troposphärenparameter führt zu einer weiteren Verbesserung der Genauigkeit der kombinierten Lösung. Eine Gegenüberstellung des zeitabhängigen und des zeitunabhängigen Referenzrahmens zeigen die unterschiedlichen Potentiale beider Lösungen. Anhand der Ergebnisse der Arbeit werden Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung öffentlich bereitgestellter Kombinationsprodukte formuliert. Hervorzuheben ist dabei, dass die Kombination der Beobachtungsverfahren auf der Ebene der Normalgleichungen oder - wenn möglich - auf Ebene der Beobachtungsgleichungen durchgeführt werden sollte, und dass die speziellen Eigenschaften der Parameter im Kombinationsprozess besser genutzt werden sollten. / Global terrestrial reference systems and their realizations, the so called reference frames, are fundamental for the description of the Earth's shape and its orientation in space and for referencing changes on the Earth's surface and its planetary environment. The Realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System is one of the main tasks of geodesy. It is achieved by the combination of observation data of different space geodetic techniques. The most important techniques are the Very Long Baseline Interferometry, Satellite Laser Ranging and the Global Positioning System. Each of these techniques has individual strengths with respect to the estimation of geodetic parameters and contributes significantly to the realization of the terrestrial reference system. In this thesis methods are developed, which allow for the realization of a time-dependent as well as for a time-independent reference frame from space observation data. Both methods are based on the combination of free normal equations which result from the homogeneous analysis of the different observation types. This approach is a good approximation for the direct combination of observations, which has not yet been implemented successfully. The International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) computes reference frames from input data with high temporal resolution. For the most recent solution, the ITRF2005, station coordinates and Earth rotation parameters (pole coordinates and UT1-UTC) were estimated consistently for the first time. In analogy to the IERS standards, input data with daily and weekly resolution are used in this work. In addition to the above mentioned parameters, nutation and troposphere parameters are considered. The time-dependent and the time-independent reference frame are based on observation data of different time spans (two years and one day respectively). Consequently, they are characterised by a different parameterisation and show discrepancies with respect to information content, validity, and accuracy. This requires the development of individual combination models for both realizations. Usually, observations of different space geodetic techniques do not refer to a common reference point. Neighbouring reference points of different techniques are combined by introducing terrestrial difference vectors. In some cases the comparison of the terrestrial difference vectors and the coordinate differences computed from the solutions of the space geodetic techniques show large discrepancies. Thus, the selection of difference vectors which are suitable for the combination is essential. Two criteria for the selection are formulated: The consistency of the combined solution shall be maximal and the geometry of the technique specific station networks shall not be changed by the combination. The consistency is quantified on the basis of the pole coordinates. It is demonstrated, that the pole coordinates are qualified to describe the consistency, since they are global parameters that can be estimated from the observations of all techniques. For both realizations it is shown, that the combination leads to an improvement of accuracy for most of the parameters compared to the technique specific solutions. For some parameters an improvement of 10\% or more is achieved. Additionally, a method for the combination of troposphere parameters is developed and tested for the computation of the time-independent reference frame. The computation of the troposphere parameters leads to a further increase of the accuracy of the combined solution. The comparison of the time-dependent and the time-independent reference frame discloses the individual potentials of both frames. Based on the results, recommendations for the improvement of official combination products are formulated. The most important suggestions are, that the combination of space geodetic techniques shall be performed on the level of normal equations, or if possible on the level of observations. Furthermore, the individual characteristics of the parameters should be used more effectively in the combination process.

The application of high capacity ion exchange adsorbent material, synthesized from fly ash and acid mine drainage, for the removal of heavy and trace metal from secondary Co-disposal process waters

Hendricks, Nicolette Rebecca January 2005 (has links)
In South Africa, being the second largest global coal exporter, coal mining plays a pivotal role in the growth of our economy, as well as supplying our nation’s ever increasing electricity needs; while also accounting for more than 10% of the 20 x 109 m3 water used annually in the country. Coal mining may thus be classified as a large-scale water user; known to inevitably generate wastewater [acid mine drainage (AMD)] and other waste material, including fly ash (FA). Current and conventional AMD treatment technologies include precipitation–aggregation (coagulation/flocculation) – settling as hydroxides or insoluble salts. The process stream resulting from these precipitation processes is still highly saline, therefore has to undergo secondary treatment. The best available desalination techniques include reverse osmosis (RO), electro dialysis (ED), ion exchange and evaporation. All available treatment methods associated with raw AMD and its derived process stream fall prey to numerous drawbacks. The result is that treatment is just as costly as the actual coal extraction. In addition, remediation only slows the problem down, while also having a short lifespan. Research conducted into converting fly ash, an otherwise waste material, into a marketable commodity has shown that direct mixing of known ratios of FA with AMD to a pre-determined pH, erves a dual purpose: the two wastes (AMD and FA) could be neutralized and produced a much cleaner water (secondary co-disposal [FA/AMD]-process water), broadly comparable to the process water derived from precipitation-aggregation treated AMD. The collected post process solid residues on the other hand, could be used for production of high capacity ion exchange material (e.g. zeolite A, faujasite, zeolite P, etc.). The produced ion exchange material can subsequently be utilized for the attenuation of metal species in neutralized FA/AMDprocess waters. / Magister Scientiae - MSc

Age-related Maculopathy: A Multifocal Approach

Feigl, Beatrix Karoline January 2005 (has links)
Age-related maculopathy (ARM) is a central retinal disease with unclear pathogenesis. It is the major cause of permanent vision loss in adults over 50 years and is increasing in prevalence and incidence, faster than the aging population would suggest. Early in the disease process (early ARM) there is little or no vision loss and there are only slight retinal changes with abnormal deposits within Bruch's membrane. As the disease progresses (late ARM or age-related macular degeneration, AMD) vision loss may be quite severe due to atrophy (dry AMD) or the development of chorioretinal neovascularisation (CNV, wet AMD). It is hard to predict from conventional eye examinations and clinical vision tests which cases will progress to the severe, dry or wet forms of the disease. Moreover, most of the conventional clinical tests are based upon subjective vision measures. Objective tests which detect ARM earlier would be a useful aid to diagnosis and to monitoring progression. The multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) is a relatively new clinical tool which enables the recording of electrical potentials from multiple, small areas of the central retina and thus assesses function from specific retinal locations. It is therefore useful in detecting focal retinal diseases such as hereditary or acquired maculopathies or in monitoring retinal laser or surgical treatment effects. There is cone and rod impairment in ARM and histopathological and psychophysical evidence for a preferential vulnerability of rods compared to cones. This research project investigated if an objective tool such as the mfERG could detect early ARM,its progression and the treatment effects of multiple photodynamic therapies (PDT) on retinal function in late ARM, prior to a battery of subjective vision measures. For comparison purposes a subjective assessment of central retinal function was performed using high and low contrast distance visual acuities (VA), near VA, low luminance VA (SKILL cards), contrast sensitivity (Pelli-Robson, P-R), saturated and desaturated Panel D-15 (sat Panel D-15, desat Panel D-15) and central visual fields (Humphrey 10-2, mean sensitivity, MS and mean defects, MD). As an objective assessment of central retinal function the cone- and rod-mediated multifocal electroretinograms were recorded. Subjective and objective tests of retinal function were compared in early ARM and an age-matched control group (chapter 3). Seventeen eyes of seventeen subjects with early ARM and twenty control subjects with normal vision were measured. For the cone-mediated mfERG responses conventional averaging methods were used and results were correlated with subjective vision tests. The conventional cone-mediated mfERG failed to distinguish between the early ARM and control subjects whereas subjective vision measures such as HC- and LC-VA, desat Panel D-15, MS, P-R were significantly reduced in the ARM group. However, there were significant correlations between the cone-mediated mfERG and the desat Panel D-15 results in the ARM group. This suggests that the mfERG measures similar retinal processes that detect colour vision deficiency under desaturated conditions. There was no significant correlation between cone-mediated mfERG measures and funduscopic changes. The conclusion from this study was that the subjective vision tests detected early ARM better than the objective cone-mediated mfERG. Thus the aim of detecting early ARM objectively was not met by the cone-mediated mfERG suggesting the need to develop other objective tests such as a rod-mediated mfERG. Whether the preferential rod vulnerability others have reported in early ARM could be detected by the rod-mediated mfERG was determined in the next study (chapter 4). A protocol for recording rod-mediated mfERG responses was developed by determining the optimal testing luminance to reduce the effect of stray light and elicit maximal rod-mediated responses. Sixteen of the seventeen ARM subjects and seventeen control subjects from the previous study were tested. For analysis, a customized computer template fitting method was developed in MATLAB (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA). This method has been shown to be useful for low signal-to-noise ratio responses that characterize the rod-mediated mfERG. Significantly delayed rod-mediated mfERG responses were found whereas cone-mediated mfERG responses were within the normal range. This suggested that the effect of ARM on the rod system could be detected objectively with the rod-mediated mfERG before changes in the cone-mediated mfERG. Which of the tests best detected progression of vision loss was investigated in chapter 5. Visual function of 26 (13 ARM and 13 control subjects) of the original 37 subjects (17 ARM and 20 control subjects) had cone- and rod-mediated mfERG and the subjective vision measures repeated after one year. The main purpose was to determine which of the tests best detected progression of vision loss. The mfERG results were analysed by using both averaged and local responses and by using the computer template fitting procedure. On average no significant worsening of either objective or subjective function measures was evident after one year. These results reinforce the slow progression of the disease. With a longer follow-up period progression of ARM may translate into measurable changes in the mfERG and the other visual function tests. The effect of multiple photodynamic therapies (PDT) on cone- and rod-mediated function was assessed with the mfERG in the last study (chapter 6). The cumulative treatment effects of PDT in five subjects with late ARM were determined. Having demonstrated that the rod-mediated mfERG was applicable in early ARM, this study also aimed to investigate how useful it was in late ARM where there is substantially greater rod loss. Cone- and rod-mediated mfERGs, visual acuities, contrast sensitivities and central visual fields were investigated a week before treatment began and then one month after each PDT treatment. The subjects received three treatments each over an average period of five and a half months. In some subjects there were significant transient reductions in cone- and rod-mediated amplitudes possibly reflecting alterations in choroidal hypoperfusion dynamics one month after treatment. Further, b-wave component of the mfERG became increasingly misshapen after each PDT treatment suggesting an ischemic insult mainly targeting post-receptoral sites. However, objective and subjective function was stabilized after multiple PDT treatments in most of the subjects. This pilot study of five cases showed that there was no additional damage to cone- and rod-mediated outer retinal function after three PDT treatments. One of the novel findings of this research was that the rod-mediated function measured with the mfERG was impaired in early ARM. This finding supports histopathological and psychophysical evidence of rod vulnerability in early ARM. The results of these studies also suggest that early ARM affects different aspects of visual function which is reflected by different outcomes from objective and subjective vision tests. A model (chapter 7) based upon the results was developed proposing a hypoxic insult with a preferential alteration of post-receptoral sites in early ARM. The cone-mediated mfERG documented the retinal damage and possible treatment effects on outer retinal function of the multiple PDTs which did not further deteriorate. Thus, this technique might assist in the development of optimal treatment modalities for ARM, especially in retreatment regimes. Greater variability was found for the rod-mediated mfERG and its clinical use in PDT treatment regimes still needs to be investigated. In conclusion, this research has provided a better understanding of the disease process and treatment effects in ARM and might contribute to improvements in diagnosis and treatment of ARM.

Blutung aus feuchter altersbedingter Makuladegeneration und Antikoagulation mit Vitamin-K-Antagonisten / Bleeding out of age-related macular degeneration and anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists

Fricke, Otto Heinz Hermann 20 February 2012 (has links)
Einleitung: Wenn spontane Blutungsneigung zusammenkommt mit der Notwendigkeit einer gerinnungshemmenden Behandlung, so sind Blutungskomplikationen vorgezeichnet. Genau dies ist der Fall bei Patienten mit feuchter altersbedingter Makuladegeneration (AMD) und internistischen Erkrankungen wie Vorhofflimmern, Thrombosen, Embolien oder Herzklappenersatz. Im Verlauf der feuchten AMD treten typischerweise subretinale Blutungen an der Stelle des schärfsten Sehens auf. Ist die Gerinnung gehemmt, so kann sich diese spontane Makulablutung zur gefürchteten Komplikation einer subretinalen Massenblutung ausweiten, die zu einem riesigen Zentralskotom (Verlust der Sehfähigkeit im Zentrum des Gesichtsfelds) bis hin zur Erblindung führt. Mit zunehmendem Lebensalter steigt das Risiko dafür stark an, weil sowohl die AMD als auch die Indikationen für Antikoagulation mit dem Alter überproportional zunehmen. Diese Problematik wird bei der Indikationsstellung zur Antikoagulation offensichtlich zu wenig berücksichtigt. Denn in den vergangenen Jahren wurden vermehrt antikoagulierte Patienten mit massiven subretinalen Blutungen aus feuchter AMD in der Universitäts-Augenklinik Göttingen (UAKG) behandelt. Quantitative Daten zu Nutzen und Risiken der Antikoagulation aus internistischer Sicht sind ausreichend vorhanden. Quantitative Daten zur oben genannten AMD-Augenproblematik gibt es bisher nur sehr wenige.Ziel der Arbeit: Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Risikolage zu untersuchen, um Daten für eine Nutzen-Risiko-Abwägung zwischen Überlebensvorteil durch Vitamin-K-Antagonisten und Steigerung des subretinalen Blutungsrisikos zur Verfügung zu stellen.Methode: Eine solche Untersuchung ist aus ethischen Gründen nicht als prospektive, kontrollierte Studie durchführbar. Daher wird retrospektiv auf Krankenblätter der UAKG aus der Zeit zwischen 01.01.2002 und 30.06.2008 zurückgegriffen. Die benötigten Daten wurden aus zwei Patientengruppen generiert: Das erste Kollektiv sind unselektierte, normale AMD-Fälle. Es handelt sich um 148 Augen von 110 Patienten, die aus den 1600 AMD-Datensätzen des Fotolabors ausgelost wurden. Alle Krankenblätter und Original-Fundusfotos wurden hinsichtlich Dauer der feuchten AMD, Blutung, Blutungsgröße und Medikamentenanamnese ausgewertet. Daraus lässt sich das inhärente Blutungsrisiko der feuchten AMD einschließlich dessen Schwere und zeitlichen Ablaufs ableiten. Weiter informiert dieses Kollektiv über die Häufigkeit von Antikoagulation bei AMD-Patienten. Das zweite Kollektiv sind Augen mit subretinaler AMD-Blutung. Diese wurden aus der Datenbank des Schwerpunktes Netzhaut-und Glaskörperchirurgie entnommen, welche alle dort behandelten Patienten ausführlich dokumentiert. Es handelte sich um 124 Augen mit subretinaler Blutung von 101 Patienten. Die zugehörigen Krankenakten wurden in derselben Weise ausgewertet. Diese Gruppe informiert über die Häufigkeit der Antikoagulation und die Blutungsschwere bei Blutungsaugen. Aus dem Verhältnis der Antikoagulationshäufigkeit bei AMD-Augen mit subretinaler Blutung zu der Antikoagulationshäufigkeit normaler AMD-Patienten folgt daraus die gesuchte Risiko-Erhöhung für Blutung unter Antikoagulation.Ergebnisse: 1. Das spontane Blutungsrisiko aus feuchter AMD liegt zwischen 16% und 25% für zwei Jahre und zwischen 25% und 64% für fünf Jahre. 2. Antikoagulation mit Vitamin-K-Antagonisten erhöht das Blutungsrisiko mindestens um das 2,3 bis 3,8 fache. 3. Die schwerste Komplikation der Blutung bei feuchter AMD, nämlich Durchbruch in den Glaskörperraum und vollständige Erblindung des Auges, tritt in 6% der spontanen AMD-Blutungen ein. Unter Vitamin-K-Antagonisten ist dies 3,5mal häufiger (21%). 4. Spontane AMD-Blutungen (ohne Gerinnungshemmung) haben einen mittleren Durchmesser von ca. 30°. Die dadurch verursachte Netzhautschädigung hat eine Ausdehnung von 27 Papillenflächen. Unter Vitamin-K-Antagonisten ist der Blutungsdurchmesser doppelt so groß, die zerstörte Netzhautfläche hat mit 109 Papillenflächen nahezu die vierfache Größe. 5. Thrombozytenaggregationshemmer führen ebenfalls zu einer Vergrößerung der subretinalen Blutung aus feuchter AMD. Die Effekte sind etwa halb so groß wie die unter Vitamin-K-Antagonisten.Diskussion: Nach diesen Ergebnissen stellt die feuchte AMD eine bisher zu gering beachtete Kontraindikation für den Einsatz von Vitamin-K-Antagonisten dar. Die Antikoagulation bei feuchter AMD erfordert eine gemeinsame Abwägung durch Internist, Augenarzt und Patient. Dabei können folgende Überlegungen als Richtschnur gelten: 1. Bei Erkrankungen mit hohem vitalen Risiko und nachgewiesenem großen Nutzen der Antikoagulation ist das höhere subretinale Blutungsrisiko der feuchten AMD ein sekundäres Argument und muss in Kauf genommen werden. Dazu gehören Lungenembolie, Vorhofflimmern mit hohem CHA2DS2VASc-Score, bzw. CHADS2-Score oder mechanischer Herzklappenersatz. 2. Bei Erkrankungen mit niedrigem vitalem Risiko und fraglichem Nutzen der Vitamin-K-Antagonisierung überwiegt das Erblindungsrisiko der AMD-Augen in der Risikoabwägung. Die Antikoagulation sollte unterbleiben. Dazu gehören Vorhofflimmern mit niedrigem CHA2DS2VASc-Score, bzw. CHADS2-Score sowie biologischer Klappenersatz. 3. Die Indikationen zwischen diesen Extremen bedürfen einer ausgiebigen Aufklärung und Entscheidungsfindung zusammen mit dem betroffenen Patienten.

Rôle de l’APP et du CFH dans la physiologie normale et pathologique de la rétine / Roles of APP and CFH in normal and pathological retina

An, Na 19 November 2012 (has links)
La dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge ou DMLA représente la première cause de cécité légale dans les pays industrialisés. C’est une affection multifactorielle (facteurs environnementaux et génétiques), caractérisée par la dégénérescence des photorécepteurs et une dysfonction de l’épithélium pigmentaire de la rétine (EPR). La présence de dépôts sous-rétiniens, les drusen, qui sont un facteur de risque de développer la DMLA contiennent de l’amyloïde-b (Ab), le peptide neurotoxique impliqué dans la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA) et le facteur H du complément (CFH), qui est un des inhibiteurs solubles majeurs de l’activation de la voie du complément. L’Aβ est capable de lier le CFH et il existe une corrélation inverse entre les taux de CFH et d’Aβ dans le cerveau et la rétine de modèles murins de la MA, de plus, le polymorphisme H402Y dans le gène codant pour le CFH est associé à la moitié des cas de DMLA et est aussi un facteur de risque pour la MA. Au début de ma thèse, rien n’était connu sur les fonctions de la protéine précurseur de l’amyloïde β (APP), et du CFH dans la rétine. Ainsi, le but de ma thèse a été d’étudier d’une part le rôle physiologique de l’APP au cours de la différenciation de la rétine et à l’âge adulte chez la souris, et d’autre part le CFH dans la rétine normale chez la souris normale adulte et chez la souris Rd10, un modèle de dégénérescence des photorécepteurs. Nous avons montré par l’utilisation d’une souris dont le gène de l’APP est invalidé (APPko), une diminution stable de 35% de nombre de cellules amacrines glycinergiques et de 36% de celui des cellules bipolaires, associé à une désorganisation importante des laminations des synapses au stade adulte, et une augmentation transitoire à 50% du nombre cellules horizontales au cours de la phase précoce de la différenciation rétinienne. Nous avons identifié Ptf1a, facteur de transcription indispensable à la différenciation des cellules amacrines, comme la cible de l’APP. De plus, non montrons que SorLA, le récepteur de l’APP, est indispensable à la fonction de différenciation rétinienne de l’APP. Dans la deuxième partie de mon étude, j’ai montré que le CFH protége in vitro les cellules de l’EPR contre les effets létaux du stress oxydant. Après avoir caractérisé les processus associés à la dégénérescence des photorécepteurs chez la souris Rd10 (activation gliale, microgliale, activation de l’inflammation et de la voie du complément), j’ai montré que l’injection intrapéritonéale répétée de CFH humain durant la dégénérescence protège partiellement les photorécepteurs de la mort. L’ensemble de mon étude montre pour la première fois un rôle important de l’APP dans la différenciation de la rétine et un nouveau rôle, comme antioxydant, pour le CFH, qui pourrait être un agent thérapeutique ciblant des photorécepteurs et l’EPR dans les pathologies dégénératives rétiniennes. / Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the first cause of central vision loss, due to photoreceptor degeneration and retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) dysfunction. It is a multifactorial disease (genetic and environmental factors) and subretinal deposits of materials called drusen, is a major risk to develop AMD. Drusen contain amyloïd β (Aβ), the major neurotoxic peptide involved in Alzheimer disease (AD), and complement factor H (CFH), one of the major inhibitor of the complement pathway. Aβ and CFH interact and there is an inverse correlation between CFH and Aβ in the brain and retina of mouse models of AD. Polymorphism H402Y of CFH may be a cause of AMD in as many as 50% of cases. At the beginning of my thesis, nothing was known about the role of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) in the retina, as well as CFH. Therefore, the aim of my work was to investigate the retinal functions of both APP during retinal development and in adult mouse and CFH in normal mouse and in the Rd10 mouse model of photoreceptor degeneration. By using a mouse knock-out for app, we showed that APP regulates differentiation of retinal interneurons: it positively controls differentiation of glycinergic amacrine cells and bipolar cells, whereas it negatively controls differentiation of horizontal cells. Moreover, we identified the transcription factor, Ptf1-1, as a main transcriptional target of APP. Finally, we demonstrated that SorLA, an APP receptor, participates to the differentiation role of APP in the retina. In the second part of the study, I demonstrated that CFH protects RPE cells from lethal oxidative stress in cultures. Moreover, I showed that expression of CFH is very low in neural retina in comparison to the RPE/choroid/sclera complex in normal mice, and that CFH expression increases in both the neural retina and the RPE/choroid/sclera complex during photoreceptor degeneration in the Rd10 mice, suggesting an adaptive response of these tissues to degeneration. Intrapéritonéale injections of CFH partially protect photoreceptors from degeneration, suggesting a protective effect of CFH against retinal degeneration. Altogether, my study showed for the first time a physiological function of APP in the retina, and a new role for CFH in the protection of photoreceptors against degeneration, suggesting that it may be a therapeutic target against retinal degeneration.

Funding higher education and training in South Africa: a comparative study of tax incentive measures, in conjunction with a dedicated tax

Holm, Darryn January 2018 (has links)
Higher education and training in South Africa in the post-Apartheid era has never been more volatile than it is currently, some two decades into democracy. Despite the many advances and achievements of higher education, the student protests of 2015 and 2016 have given expression to underlying fault-lines, including increasing student expectations and frustrations with regard to access and funding. This research was undertaken to document the underlying historical issues and models pertaining to funding within the higher education and training sector as well as the existing higher education and training taxation policies and incentives enacted in South Africa and selected international jurisdictions. This was done with a view to providing a framework for higher education and training tax policy formation in South Africa to assist in meeting its higher education and training “access and affordability” targets as set out in the National Plan on Higher Education and the Higher Education White Paper, while at the same time not hindering economic growth. A doctrinal research methodology was adopted in this study as it mainly analysed and interpreted legislation and policy documents and therefore the approach was qualitative in nature. An extensive literature survey was done in order to document the various internationally selected legislated higher education and training tax policies and incentives. The literature indicated that there are widespread funding perspectives and initiates, and that international tax policies enacted with the aim of ensuring that higher education and training is more accessible and affordable to the public, is stable and effective in certain jurisdictions. It is submitted that while a higher education dedicated tax may not be sufficiently effective in South Africa, a combination of broad-based tax incentives will help to promote the change to a more affordable and stable higher education funding system, whilst not preventing growth through sustainable development.

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