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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rozvoj obchodních aktivit společnosti Fasády Šimek s.r.o. / Business Development of Company Fasády Šimek s.r.o.

Kováčová, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this master‘s thesis is business development of company, which is providing revitalization of apartment buildings. Theoretical part of this thesis pursues general introduction into issue, define main concepts, methods and instruments used in business activities in company. Practical part provides introduction of company, analysis of current status of company and submittion of own suggestions of solution. The aim of this master’s thesis is to define resulting conception and strategy of business activities for company, which could help to ensure growth of company and ensure the position on the market.

Identifikace parametrů elektroencefalografického snímacího systému / Identification of the parameters of an electroencephalographic recording system

Svozilová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Elektroencefalografický záznamový systém slouží k vyšetření mozkové aktivity. Na základě tohoto vyšetření lze stanovit diagnózu některých nemocí, například epilepsie. Účelem této práce bylo zpracování signálu z toho systému a vytvoření modelového signálu, který bude s reálným signálem porovnán. Uměle vytvořený signál vychází z Jansenova matematického modelu, který byl dále implementován v prostředí MATLAB a rozšířen ze základního modelu na komplexnější zahrnující nelinearity a model rozhraní elektroda – elektrolyt. Dále bylo provedeno měření signálů na EEG fantomu a následná identifikace parametrů naměřených signálu. V první fázi byly testovány jednoduché signály. Identifikace parametrů těchto signálů sloužila k validaci daného EEG fantomu. V druhé fázi bylo přistoupeno k testování EEG signálů navržených podle matematického Jansenova modelu. Analýza veškerých signálů zahrnuje mimo jiné časově frekvenční analýzu či ověření platnosti principu superpozice.

Izolovanje, strukturna karakterizacija i biološka aktivnost naftnih kiselina iz Vojvođanske nafte / Isolatin, structural characterization and biological activity of naphthenic acids from Vojvodina oil

Grbović Ljubica 04 December 2009 (has links)
<p>Grupno-strukturna analiza naftnih kiselina izolovanih iz srednjih uljnih&nbsp;komercijalnih frakcija vojvođanske nafte &bdquo;Velebit&rdquo; rađena je analizom IR-,&nbsp;<sup>1</sup>H- i&nbsp;<sup>13</sup>C NMR- i ESI-MS spektara niske rezolucije. Određeno je &scaron;est klasa&nbsp;karboksilnih kiselina op&scaron;te molekulske formule C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n-Z</sub>O<sub>2</sub>. To su karboksilne&nbsp;kiseline u opsegu masa 240-466 sa 15-31 C atoma u molekulu koje su&nbsp;grupisane u pet cikloalkil Z-serija: monociklična- (C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n-2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, 14.72%),&nbsp;biciklična- (C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n-4</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, 34.63%), triciklična- (C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n-6</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, 25.03%), tetraciklična- (C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n-8</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, 10.04%), pentaciklična klasa karboksilnih kiselina (C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n-10</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, 4.99%) i jedna alkanska klasa kiselina sa alkil grupama otvorenog niza (C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, 10.57%).</p><p>Razdvajanjem na bazi različite kiselosti i njihove rastvorljivosti u vodi na&nbsp;određenim pH vrednostima u rasponu od pH 2-10 dobijeno je devet užih&nbsp;frakcija kiselina. Ekstrakcijom sa etrom u vodi nerastvornih kiselina u rasponu&nbsp;od po jedne pH jedinice dobijena je sledeća distribucija masa: 9.57% (pH 10),&nbsp;12.69% (pH 9), 5.91% (pH 8), 4.85% (pH 7), 2.44% (pH 6), 11.71% (pH 5),&nbsp;23.94% (pH 4), 16.76% (pH 3) i 10.12% (pH 2). Razdvajanjem kiselina na bazi&nbsp;njihove kiselosti oko 50% mase kiselina ekstrahovano je od pH 2-4, znači u&nbsp;grupi jačih kiselina. Masenom spektrometrijom niske rezolucije ESI-MS na&nbsp;pH 4 vidi se da su u sme&scaron;i kiselina skoncentrisane kiseline sa vi&scaron;e prstenova u&nbsp;alkilnom delu sa maksimumom na tricikličnim kiselinama (36.50%), dok su&nbsp;pojedinačno najzastupljenije tetraciklične strukture kiselina C<sub>20</sub>H<sub>32</sub>O<sub>2</sub>(4.43%) i&nbsp;C<sub>21</sub>H<sub>34</sub>O<sub>2</sub>(4.56%). Na pH 8 biciklične- i triciklične strukture su zastupljene&nbsp;ukupno sa 65.02% sa maksimalno zastupljenim kiselinama sa 20-26 C atoma&nbsp;u molekulu, a izdvajaju se C<sub>22</sub>H<sub>38</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (5.26%)&nbsp;biciklične- i C<sub>24</sub>H<sub>42</sub>O<sub>2</sub>(7.01%)&nbsp;triciklične strukure, a od tetracikličnih struktura kiselina izdvaja se C<sub>24</sub>H<sub>40</sub>O<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(4.77%). Na pH 10 najzastupljenije izolovane kiseline su aciklične, odnosno&nbsp;masne kiseline zastupljene sa 25.28%, a najdominantnije su strukture&nbsp;C<sub>21</sub>H<sub>42</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (4.83%), dok su ostale klase kiselina ujednačene po svom masenom&nbsp;udelu u odnosu na sastav u ukupnoj polaznoj sme&scaron;i kiselina.&nbsp;Drugi deo rada obuvata derivatizaciju izolovanih prirodnih naftnih kiselina.&nbsp;Sintetizovani su funkcionalni kiseonični metil-, etil-, n-butil-,&nbsp; terc-butil- i&nbsp;benzil-derivati naftnih kiselina kao i funkcionalni azotni derivati: amidi i anilidi&nbsp;naftnih kiselina. Sinteze navedenih estara rađene su klasičnim postupcima i&nbsp;modifikovanom metodom esterifikacije u kiselo-katalizovanim uslovima&nbsp;upotrebom mikrotalasa kao ko-katalizatora, &scaron;to je imalo za cilj skraćenje&nbsp;reakciong vremena i pobolj&scaron;anje ekolo&scaron;kih sintetskih uslova.<br />Modifikacijom sinteze metilnaftenata MT-zagrevanjem 48 puta je skraćeno&nbsp;vreme trajanja sinteze, prinosi ni promenom reakcionih parametara (vreme,&nbsp;snaga MT) nisu bitno promenjeni. Strukturnom analizom ESI-MS spektra&nbsp;polaznih kiselina i metilnaftenata dobijenih metilovanjem naftnih kiselina&nbsp;utvrđeno je da je odnos klasa u dobroj podudarnosti. Prinos estara u ovoj&nbsp;sintezi je 95.47%. Esterifikacija naftnih kiselina etil alkoholom rađena je u&nbsp;uslovima kisele katalize uz konvencionalno zagrevanje (91.76%), a&nbsp;modifikacijom metode MT-zagrevanjem (150 W) reakciono vreme je skaćeno&nbsp;96 puta (92.19%). Esterifikacija naftnih kiselina n-butil alkoholom rađena je uz&nbsp;sumpornu kiselinu kao katalizator i uz konvencionalno zagrevanje (94.24%), a&nbsp;u uslovima MT-zagrevanja (150 W) 72 puta je skraćeno reakciono vreme&nbsp;(61.15%). Sinteza terc-butilnaftenata rađena je prevođenjem naftnih kiselina u&nbsp;hloride a zatim reakcijom sa terc-butil alkoholom nastaju terc-butilnaftenati&nbsp;(80.17%). Modifikovanom metodom klasične reakcije esterifikacije naftnih&nbsp;kiselina terc-butil alkoholom katalizovanom sumpornom kiselinom u uslovima&nbsp;MT-zagrevanja (150 W) ostvaren je prinos od 85.49% a vreme trajanja reakcije&nbsp;je 5 minuta. Sinteza benzilnaftenata rađena je prevođenjem naftnih kiselina u&nbsp;hloride a zatim reakcijom sa benzil alkoholom nastaju benzilnaftenati&nbsp;(84.43%), a modifikovanom metodom klasične kiselo-katalizovane&nbsp;esterifikacije naftnih kiselina benzil alkoholom u uslovima MT-zagrevanja&nbsp;(150 W) ostvaren je prinos od 85.49% uz reakciono vreme od 5 minuta.&nbsp;Sinteza amida naftnih kiselina rađena je iz hlorida reakcijom sa amonijakom.&nbsp;Prinos čistih amida je 65.74%, a reakcija amidacije sa amonijakom trajala je&nbsp;15 minuta. Strukturnom analizom ESI-MS spektra amida naftnih kiselina&nbsp;utvrđen je grupno-strukturni sastav amida. Među strukturama amida naftenskih&nbsp;kiselina takođe su dominantne biciklične- i triciklične strukture, kao i u sme&scaron;i&nbsp;slobodnih kiselina. Sinteza anilida naftnih kiselina rađena je iz hlorida reakcijom sa anilinom. Prinos čistih anilida je 96.48%, a reakcija amidacije anilinom trajala je 30 minuta. Strukturnom analizom ESI-MS spektra anilida naftnih kiselina utvrđen je grupno-strukturni sastav proizvoda, anilida. Među strukturama anilida naftenskih kiselina takođe su dominantne biciklične- i triciklične strukture kao i u sme&scaron;i slobodnih kiselina.</p><p>U trećem delu ovog rada ispitivana je biolo&scaron;ka aktivnost naftnih kiselina&nbsp;auksinskog i giberelinskog tipa, njihov uticaj na ožiljavanje reznica,&nbsp;ukorenjivanje bočnih grana i mikroizdanaka biljaka, na aktivnost biljnih&nbsp;hormona, kao i na usvajanje metalnih jona kod biljaka.&nbsp;</p><p>Aktivnost naftenskih kiselina utvrđena je pomoću tri in vitro&nbsp; biolo&scaron;ka testa.&nbsp;&bdquo;Koleoptil test&rdquo;, rađen je na dva supstrata, odnosno na semenu ozime p&scaron;enice&nbsp;novosadske sorte Partizankai jare p&scaron;enice takođe novosadske sorte Venera.&nbsp;Referentna aktivnost u testu rađena je sa -naftilsirćetnom 3-indolsirćetnom&nbsp;kiselinom. U oba testa ustanovljen je približno isti odnos aktivnosti rastvora&nbsp;naftenskih kiselina i aktivnosti standardnih biljnih hormona. &bdquo;Test inhibicije&nbsp;klijanja&rdquo; semena rađen je sa semenom crne slačice, Brasscia nigra. Najveći&nbsp;uticaj naftenskih kiselina na inhibiciju klijanja postignut je u rasponu&nbsp;koncentracija kiselina od 10<sup>-7</sup>&nbsp;-10<sup>-8&nbsp;</sup>mol/L (0.05-0.01 mg/L). Testovi za &scaron;est užih&nbsp;frakcija dobijenih iz sme&scaron;e ukupnih kiselina razdvajanjem na bazi različite&nbsp;rastvorljivosti pri različitim pH vrednostima pokazuju istu aktivnost kao&nbsp;3-indolsirćetna kiselina (0.5 mg/L), a da je frakcija izdvojena iz vodenog&nbsp;rastvora na pH 7 takođe aktivna ali u poređenju sa 3-indolsirćetnom kiselinom&nbsp;to je 10 puta niža aktivnost. Hormonska aktivnost giberelenskog tipa ispitivanih&nbsp;kalijumovih soli naftenskih kiselina utvrđena je &bdquo;Endosperm testom&rdquo;, u kojem je&nbsp;određivana aktivnost amilaze spektrofotometrijskim praćenjem povećanja&nbsp;koncentracije redukujućih &scaron;ećera u endospermu semena tretiranog ječma i&nbsp;poređena sa aktivno&scaron;ću rastvora giberelinske kiseline (GA3). Rezultati ovih&nbsp;testova pokazuju da delovanjem vodenih rastvora užih frakcija naftenskih&nbsp;kiselina u koncentraciji 1.0 mg/L (3.5 x 10<sup>-6 </sup>mol/L)frakcija izolovana pri pH 8&nbsp;ima aktivnost koja je približno u opsegu aktivnosti giberelina koncentracije&nbsp;10<sup>-2</sup>-10<sup>-3&nbsp;</sup>mg/L.&nbsp;</p><p>Natrijum-naftenati u koncentraciji od 10<sup>-6&nbsp;</sup><br />do 10<sup>-8&nbsp;</sup>mol/L stimuli&scaron;u formiranje&nbsp;adventivnih korenova kod reznica suncokreta pa je broj korenova po biljci 40&nbsp;puta veći kod biljaka koje su bile potopljene u rastvor natrijum-naftenata u&nbsp;odnosu na one koje su bile potopljene u vodu, a sličan efekat utvrđen je i pri&nbsp;tretiranju bočnih grana suncokreta.&nbsp;</p><p>Ožiljavanje drvenastih biljaka rađeno je na reznicama bele topole (Populus&nbsp;alba) i reznicama američke crne topole (Populus deltoides). Uočen je jasan&nbsp;inhibitomi efekat na rast korenčića i izbojka u vodenom medijumu sa 10<sup>-4&nbsp;</sup>mol/L&nbsp;naftenskih kiselina, dok je tretman od 24 časa doprineo većem broju korenčića&nbsp;na donjih 5 cm reznice, kao i ukupnog broja korenčića nego kod kontrole.&nbsp;</p><p>U testu ukorenjivanja mikroizdanaka kod hrizantema najveći broj korenova&nbsp;dobijen je nakon tretmana sa rastvorom koji sadrži 10 &micro;mol/L ukupnih naftenata&nbsp;i tretmanom sa 50 &micro;mol/Lfrakcijom kiselina izolovanom pri pH 7. Oba rezultata&nbsp;su na nivou aktivnosti 3-indolbuterne kiseline koncentracije 10 &micro;mol/L&scaron;to znači&nbsp;da u ovom slučaju frakcionacija nije neophodna.&nbsp;</p><p>Efekti natrijum-naftenata na ukorenjivanje praćeni su merenjem nivoa totalnih&nbsp;peroksidaza i amilaze, &nbsp;kao i sadržaja redukujućih &scaron;ećera i ukupnih proteina u&nbsp;bazalnim delovima reznica bagrema(Rozaszin-AC).&nbsp; Nakon 1; 3 i 6 dana&nbsp;reznice su uzete za biohemijske analize. U svakom slučaju, aktivnosti&nbsp;IAA-oksidaze i amilaze su se povećavale do trećeg dana, &nbsp;a zatim smanjuje.&nbsp;Efekat je bio jače izražen posle tročasovnog tretmana sa natrijum-naftenatima&nbsp;u poređenju sa &scaron;estočasovnim tretmanom i kontrolom. Sadržaj rastvornih&nbsp;proteina je bio povećan jedan dan posle tretmana, smanjen trećeg i ponovo povećan &scaron;estog dana, osim za &scaron;estočasovni tretman natrijum-naftenatima, kada je efekat bio sasvim suprotan.</p><p>Test uticaja naftnih kiselina na nivo kadmijuma u biljkama pokazuje fiziolo&scaron;ko delovanje naftnih kiselina na snižavanje nivoa te&scaron;kih metala u biljci, u ovom slučaju kadmijuma. Ispitivan je efekat niske koncentracije natrijum-naftenata (10<sup>-7&nbsp;</sup>mol/L) na ukupan sadržaj Cd u pojedinim frakcijama interćelijskog prostora kao i unutar ćelija, kao i na neke fiziolo&scaron;ke i biohemijske parametre kod mladih biljaka soje koje su uzgajane u prisustvu kadmijum-hlorida koncentracije 1 mmol/L. Prisustvo naftenata smanjuje sadržaj ukupnog kadmijuma kako u korenu tako i u stablu i listovima u proseku za oko 40% i ublažava &scaron;tetne efekte kadmijuma na aktivnost nitrat-reduktaze kao i na sadržaje fotosintetskih pigmenata.</p><p>Tretman biljaka niskim koncentracijama natrijum-naftenata utiče na&nbsp;akumulaciju nekih esencijalnih elemenata kod mladih biljaka soje. Prisustvo&nbsp;naftenata (10<sup>-7 &nbsp;</sup>mol/L) značajno povećava sadržaj Mn, Fe, Zn i Ni u korenu, ali&nbsp;u stabljici i listovima samo sadržaj Fe i Mn. U korenu, sadržaj Mn je četiri puta&nbsp;veći a sadržaji Fe, Zn i Ni su povećani 17%, 60% i 68%, respektivno.&nbsp;</p><p>Ispitivanja na celeru i mrkvi su potvrdila da uticaj naftenata na mineralnu&nbsp;ishranu zavisi od primenjenog elementa i da je način preuzimanja određenih&nbsp;jona različit, &scaron;to ima za posledicu ili povećanje ili smanjenje sadržaja pojedinih&nbsp;jona u nekim delovima biljaka. Mlade biljke celera i mrkve, gajene u hranljivom&nbsp;medijumu, tretirane su natrijumovim solima naftenskih kiselina (10<sup>-7&nbsp;</sup>mol/L)&nbsp;folijarno ili prisustvom u hranljivom medijumu. Jedino je tretman putem&nbsp;prisustva naftenata u hranljivom medijumu smanjio svežu masu korena i&nbsp;nadzemnog dela oko 20% kod obe biljke.Oba tretmana uticala su na sadržaj&nbsp;Fe, Cu, Mn, Mg i Ca kod biljaka celera i Fe, Mn, Zn i Na kod biljaka mrkve.&nbsp;Kod biljaka celera do&scaron;lo je do smanjenja sadržaja navedenih nutrienata dok je&nbsp;u korenu biljaka mrkve do&scaron;lo do povećanja sadržaja Fe za 45%, Mn za 70% i&nbsp;Zn za 37%. Kod ovih biljaka prisustvo naftenata u hranljivom medijumu dovelo&nbsp;do smanjenja mase korenova i nadzemnih delova, &scaron;to je potpuno suprotno od&nbsp;rezultata dobijenih kod biljaka soje.&nbsp; Folijarnim tretmanom je značajno<br />povećana masa nadzemnog samo kod celera.</p> / <p>Group-structural analysis of naphthenic acids isolated from middle&nbsp;commercial fractions of Vojvodina oil &bdquo;Velebit&rdquo; was performed with the&nbsp;analysis of IR-,<br /><sup>1</sup>H- and&nbsp;<sup>13</sup>C NMR- and ESI-MS low resolution spectrums.&nbsp;Six classes of carboxylic acids of the general molecular formula C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n-Z</sub>O<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>were determined. These are carboxylic acids with mass range of 240-466&nbsp;with 15-31 C atoms in molecule which are grouped in five cycloalkyl&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 12px;">Z-series: monocyclic- (C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n-2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, 14.72%), bicyclic- (C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n-4</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, 34.63%),&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">tricyclic- (C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n-6</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, 25.03%), tetracyclic- (C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n-8</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, &nbsp;10.04%), pentacyclic&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">class of carboxylic acids (C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n-10</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, 4.99%) and one alyphatic class of&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">acids with open chain alkyl groups (C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, 10.57%).</span></p><p>By fractioning on the basis of different levels of acidity and their solubility in&nbsp;water with pH values ranging from pH 2-10 nine subfractions of acids were&nbsp;obtained. By extraction with ether in water undissolved acids in the range of&nbsp;one pH unit the following distribution of mass was performed: 9.57%&nbsp;(pH 10), 12.69% (pH 9), 5.91% (pH 8), 4.85% (pH 7), 2.44% (pH 6), 11.71%&nbsp;(pH 5), 23.94% (pH 4), 16.76% (pH 3) and 10.12% (pH 2). By fractioning&nbsp;acids on the basis of their acidity about 50% of acid &nbsp;mass was extracted at&nbsp;pH 2-4, i.e., in the group of stronger acids. Low resolution mass&nbsp;spectrometry ESI-MS shows that at pH 4 acids with more rings in the alkyl&nbsp;<br />section were concentrated in the mixture with maximum at tricyclic acids&nbsp;(36.50%), while individually tetracyclic acid structures C<sub>20</sub>H<sub>32</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (4.43%) and&nbsp;C<sub>21</sub>H<sub>34</sub>O<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(4.56%) were most prominent. At pH 8 bicyclic- and tricyclic&nbsp;structures are represented &nbsp;together by 65.02% with acids with 20-26 C&nbsp;atoms in molecule being represented the most, and C<sub>22</sub>H<sub>38</sub>O<sub>2</sub>&nbsp; (5.26%)&nbsp;bicyclic- and C<sub>24</sub>H<sub>42</sub>O<sub>2</sub>(7.01%) tricyclic structures stand &nbsp;out, while with&nbsp;tertacyclic acid structures C<sub>24</sub>H<sub>40</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (4.77%) stands out. At pH 10 most&nbsp;represented isolated acids are acyclic, i.e., fatty acids which are&nbsp;represented by 25.28%, with the most dominant C<sub>21</sub>H<sub>42</sub>O<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>structures&nbsp;(4.83%), while the other classes &nbsp;of acids are well balanced in their mass&nbsp;share in relation to the composition of the overall initial acid mixture.</p><p>The second part of this work deals with derivatization of the isolated natural&nbsp;naphthenic acids. Functional oxygen methyl-, ethyl-, n-butyl-, tert-butyl and&nbsp;benzyl-derivatives of naphthenic acids as well as functional nitrogen&nbsp;derivatives: amides and anilides of naphthenic acids were synthesized. The&nbsp;syntheses of the above mentioned esters were performed by conventional&nbsp;methods and by a modified method of esterification in acid-catalyzed&nbsp;conditions using microwaves as a co-catalyst with the aim of shortening the&nbsp;reaction time and improving the ecological synthetic conditions.&nbsp;</p><p>By modification of methyl naphthenates synthesis using MT-heating the&nbsp;time period for synthesis is reduced 48 times and the yield does not&nbsp;significantly change even after the reaction parameters (time, MT power)&nbsp;have been altered. Using structural analysis of ESI-MS spectrum of initial&nbsp;carboxylic acids and the methyl naphthenates obtained through methylation&nbsp;of naphthenic acids it was establishedthat the class ratio shows great&nbsp;compatibility. The esters yield in this synthesis is 95.47%. The esterification&nbsp;of naphthenic acids with ethyl alcohol done under the conditions of acid&nbsp;catalysis with conventional heating (91.76%), and with the modified method&nbsp;MT-heating (150 W) the reaction time is reduced 96 times (92.19%). The&nbsp;esterification of naphthenic acids with n-butyl alcohol was performed using&nbsp;sulphuric acid as a catalyst with conventional heating (94.24%), and under&nbsp;MT-heating conditions (150 W) reaction time was 72 times&nbsp; shorter&nbsp;(61.15%). The synthesis of&nbsp; tert-butyl naphthenates was performed by&nbsp;conversion of naphthenic acids into chlorides, followed by the reaction with&nbsp;tert-butyl alcohol which resulted in tert-butyl naphthenates (80.17%). By the&nbsp;modified method of conventional reaction of esterification of naphthenic&nbsp;acids using tert-butyl alcohol catalysed with sulphuric acid in MT-heating&nbsp;conditions (150 W) the yield was 85.49% and reaction time was 5 minutes.&nbsp;The synthesis of benzyl naphthenates was performed by conversion of&nbsp;naphthenic acids into chlorides, followed by a reaction with benzyl alcohol&nbsp;which produces benzyl naphthenates (84.43%), whereas the modified&nbsp;method of conventional acid-catalysed esterification of naphthenic acids&nbsp;using benzyl alcohol under MT-heating (150 W) conditions the yield was&nbsp;85.49% with the reaction time of 5 minutes.&nbsp;</p><p>The synthesis of naphthenic acid amides was done from chlorides by&nbsp;reaction with ammonia. The yield of pure amides was 65.74%, and the&nbsp;reaction of amidation with ammonia lasted for 15 minutes. The structural&nbsp;analysis of ESI-MS spectrum of naphthenic acid amides determined the&nbsp;group-structural composition of amides. With the structures of amides of&nbsp;naphthenic acids bicyclic- and tricyclic structures are also dominant, as in&nbsp;the mixture of free acids. The synthesis of naphthenic acid anilides were&nbsp;performed from chloride by reacting with aniline. The yield of pure anilides&nbsp;<br />was 96.48%, and the reaction of amidatation lasted for 30 minutes. The&nbsp;structural analysis of ESI-MS spectrum of naphthenic acid anilides&nbsp;determined the group-structural composition of anilide products. With the&nbsp;structures of anilides of naphthenic &nbsp;acids bicyclic- and tricyclic structures&nbsp;are also dominant, as in the mixture of free acids.</p><p>The third part of this work tests the biological activity of naphthenic acids of&nbsp;auxine and gibberellinic type, their influence on the rooting of cuttings,&nbsp;lateral branches and microshoots of plants, on the activity of plant&nbsp;hormones as well as on the metal ions uptake by plants.&nbsp;</p><p>The activity of naphthenic acids was determined using three in vitro&nbsp;biological tests. &bdquo;Koleoptil test&rdquo;, was done on two substrates, namely the&nbsp;seed of winter wheat of the Partizankasort and the spring wheat of the&nbsp;Venerasort. The referential activity in the test was performed with&nbsp;&alpha;-naphthylacetic- and 3-indolacetic acid. Both tests showed approximately&nbsp;the same ratio of activity of naphthenic acid solutions and standard plant&nbsp;hormones. &bdquo;Germination Inhibition Test&rdquo; of the seed was performed using&nbsp;<br />Brasscia nigraseed. The greatest influence of naphthenic acids to&nbsp;germination inhibition was achieved in the acid concentration ranging from&nbsp;10<sup>-7</sup>-10<sup>-8&nbsp;</sup>mol/L (0.05-0.01 mg/L). The tests for six narrow fractions obtained&nbsp;from the overall mixture of acids through fractioning on the basis of different&nbsp;solubility at different pH values show the same activity as 3-indolacetic acid&nbsp;(0.5 mg/L), with the fraction isolated from the aqueous solution at pH 7 also&nbsp;active but in comparison to 3-indolacetic acid this activity was 10 times&nbsp;lower. Hormone activity of gibberellinic type of the potassium salts of&nbsp;naphthenic acids was determined using &ldquo;Endosperm Test&rdquo; where amylase&nbsp;<br />activity was determined by spectrophotometric measuring of the increase of&nbsp;the concentration of reducing sugars in endosperm in the treated barley&nbsp;seed which was then compared to the activity of the gibberellic acid solution&nbsp;(GA3).&nbsp; The results of these tests indicate that the activity of aqueous&nbsp;solutions of narrow fractions of naphthenic acids in the concentration of&nbsp;1.0 mg/L (3.5 x 10<sup>-6&nbsp;</sup>mol/L)the fraction isolated &nbsp;at pH 8 has the activity&nbsp;which is approximately within the range of activities of gibberellin of the&nbsp;concentration of 10<sup>-2</sup>-10<sup>-3&nbsp;</sup>mg/L.&nbsp;</p><p>Sodium salts of naphthenic acids in concentrations of 10<sup>-6&nbsp;</sup>do 10<sup>-8&nbsp;</sup>mol/L&nbsp;stimulated formation of adventitious roots in&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 12px;">sunflower cuttings even by a&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">factor of 40 compared with control, the effect being also observed lateral&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">branches of interspecies sunflower hybrids. The obtained results suggest&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">the possibility of using naphthenic acids as a means for rooting of plant&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">cuttings.</span></p><p>Rooting of hardwood plants was investigated on the cuttings of white poplar&nbsp;(Populus alba) and black poplar (Populus deltoides). The distinct inhibitory&nbsp;effect on the root and shoot growth in water culture was detected in the&nbsp;concentration of naphtenic acids 10<sup>-4&nbsp;</sup>mol/L, but 24-hour treatment raised&nbsp;the number roots on undermost 5 cm of the cutting, as well as the total&nbsp;number of roots, comparing to the control.</p><p>In the test of rooting microshoots ofchrysanthemum the highest number of&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 12px;">roots was achieved after the treatment with solution containing 10 &micro;mol/L of&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">total napthenates, as &nbsp;well as after the treatment with fraction of naphthenic&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">acids which was isolated at pH &nbsp;7 in concentration of 50 &micro;mol/L. Both results&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">are on the level of activity of 3-ndolbutyric acid in concentration of 10 &micro;mol/L&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">which suggests that in this case ractionation is not necessary.</span></p><p>The effects of sodium naphthenates on rooting were investigated by&nbsp;measuring the level of total peroxidases and amylase, along with the&nbsp;contents of reducing sugars and total proteins in basal parts of cuttings of&nbsp;black locust (Rozaszin-AC). After 1; 3 and 6 days cuttings were taken for&nbsp;biochemical analysis. In all cases, the activities of IAA-oxidase and amylase&nbsp;increased to the third day and showed a decrease afterwards. The effect&nbsp;was more pronounced after the three-hour treatment with sodium&nbsp;naphthenates, compared to the six-hour treatment and control. The content&nbsp;of soluble proteins increased one dayafter the treatment and decreased to&nbsp;the third and again increased to the sixth day, an exception being the&nbsp;six-hour treatment with sodium naphthenate, when the effect was&nbsp;completely opposite.</p><p>The test of naphthenic acids influence on the level of cadmium in plants&nbsp;showed physiological activity of naphthenic acids on the decrease of the&nbsp;level of heavy metals, &nbsp;in this case cadmium, in the plant. The effect of low&nbsp;concentrations (10<sup>-7&nbsp;</sup>mol/L) of sodium naphthenate on total content of Cd in&nbsp;the intercellular space and inside cells, as &nbsp;well as on some physiological&nbsp;and biochemical parameters of young soybean plants grown in the&nbsp;presence of 1 mmol/L solution of cadmium chloride was investigated.&nbsp;Presence of naphthenate reduced in average by 40 % content of total and&nbsp;intracellular Cd in root, stem and leaves and alleviated the harmful effect of&nbsp;<br />Cd on activity of nitrate reductase and content of photosynthetic pigments.</p><p>Treatment of soybean plants with low concentrations of sodium&nbsp;naphthenate influenced the accumulation ofsome essential elements by the&nbsp;young plants. The presence of naphthenates (10<sup>-7&nbsp;</sup>mol/L) significantly&nbsp;increased content of Mn, Fe, Zn and Ni in root, but in stem and leaves&nbsp;increased only contents of Fe and Mn. Inroot, the content of Mn increased&nbsp;four times while contents of Fe, Zn and Ni increased by 17%, &nbsp;60% and 68%&nbsp;respectively compared to the control.</p><p>Investigations on celery and carrot&nbsp; confirmed that the influence of&nbsp;naphthenates on mineral nutrition depends on the applied element and that&nbsp;the way of uptake of certain ions is different, which results in either increase&nbsp;or decrease of the contents of some ions in certain parts of plants. Young&nbsp;plants of celery and carrot, were grown in the nutrient medium and treated&nbsp;with sodium salts of naphthenic acids (10<sup>-7&nbsp;</sup>mol/L) over the leaves or with its&nbsp;presence in the nutrient medium. Only the treatment based on the &nbsp;presence&nbsp;of naphthenates in the nutrient medium resulted in the decrease of the fresh&nbsp;mass of root and aboveground part by about 20% for both plants. Both&nbsp;treatments had influence on the content of Fe, Cu, Mn, Mg and Ca in the&nbsp;plants of celery and Fe, Mn, Zn and Na in the plants of carrots. In the plants&nbsp;of celery the content of the mentioned nutrients was decreased, while in the&nbsp;root of plants of carrot &nbsp;the content was increased, Fe by 45%, Mn by 70%&nbsp;and Zn by 37%. With these plants &nbsp;the presence of naphthenates in the&nbsp;nutrient medium caused the reducing roots and aboveground parts, which is&nbsp;completely opposite from the results obtained with soybean plants. The&nbsp;treatment by leaves significantly increased the mass of aboveground part&nbsp;only with celery.</p>

Organisation conceptuelle de l'activité d'adaptation du psychomotricien : une approche par le sensible de l'analyse de l'activité dans une perspective de didactique professionnelle. / Conceptual Organization of the adjustment Activity of the psychomotor therapist : a sensitive-based approach of the analysis of the activity, in professional didactics perspective.

Landès, Sophie 28 November 2018 (has links)
Le métier de psychomotricien appartient à la catégorie des métiers dits « de la relation ». La perspective dans laquelle s’inscrit ce travail, le cadre conceptuel dans lequel il s’ancre, diffèrent donc de ceux propres à une activité de production : son travail se caractérise par sa nature interactionnelle. Les pratiques des psychomotriciens sont à la croisée de la thérapie, de la rééducation et de l'éducation. Elles concernent les personnes de tous les âges, allant du sujet sain au sujet malade en passant par celui rencontrant des difficultés circonstancielles. L’étendue du champ de compétences et l’extension des domaines d’intervention nous amènent à poser la question de la spécificité de l’activité du psychomotricien en situation d’interaction avec ses patients ou avec ses partenaires de séance. Notre recherche porte sur l’analyse de cette activité professionnelle. Il ne s’agit pas d’étudier son travail ou de décrire son emploi. Son activité, telle qu’il la réalise en situation d’intervention et telle qu’il l’organise au cours de son développement spatial et temporel, est la dimension de son métier que nous cherchons à comprendre. Dans les processus de conceptualisation sous-jacents à la conduite de son activité en situation opèrent des formes d’organisation invariante de son activité et des concepts organisateurs de cette activité. Le cadre théorique dans lequel s’ancre notre démarche est celui de la didactique professionnelle. Notre analyse se fonde sur une approche interactionnelle et multimodale de l’activité professionnelle, une approche de l’activité par le sensible. Il apparaît dans cette activité une forme de développement spécifique que nous appelons "stratégie chorégraphique". Elle se décline dans une dynamique organisationnelle sous-tendue par la mise en œuvre d’un schème spécifique, celui que nous nommons « le sens de l’équilibre ». Composition, mesure et souplesse le caractérisent.Notre recherche recèle des enjeux relatifs à la formation professionnelle. Elle comporte également des perspectives de développement professionnel. / Psychomotor therapists belong to the category of the professions of the relation. The perspective of this profession and its conceptual field in which it is anchored differ from those related with an activity of production; This professional activity is entirely characterized by its interactional nature. The approaches of psychomotor therapists are at the intersection of therapy, rehabilitation and/or education. Originally addressed to children with a compromised development, those practices are now relevant to people of all ages, from the healthy to sick subjects as well as to subjects having circumstantial difficulties. The scope of the field of competence and the extension of the fields of intervention leads us to question the specificity of the activity of the psychomotor therapist while he intervenes with his patients or his partners of working session. Our research focuses on the analysis of this professional activity. The matter is not to study the work or to describe the job. The way of he realizes his activity in situation of intervention and the way he organize its spatial and temporal development are what we attempt to understand. In the processes of conceptualization that underlie the conduct of one's activity in a situation, there are forms of invariant organization of one's activity, concepts that organize it.Our research takes place in the theoretical framework of adult learning, i.e. professional didactics. Our analysis is based on an interactional and multimodal approach of the professional activity, an approach through the sensible. In this activity appears a specific structure of development that we call "choregraphical strategy". It comes in an organizational dynamic underlied by the implementation of a specific pattern, that we call “sens of balance pattern”. Composition, moderation and flexibility characterize it. Our research contains issues related to professional training. It also includes opportunities for professional development.

Situation sociale de développement et interactions entre jeunes en difficulté et formateurs : vers une approche de didactique socio-professionnelle / Social situation of development and interactions between young people in great difficulty and trainers : towards an approach of socio-professional didactics

Heshema, Gladys 26 September 2014 (has links)
Nous menons une enquête longitudinale dans un dispositif de pré-formation auprès des formateurs et des jeunes peu qualifiés et ainsi en difficulté d’insertion sociale et professionnelle. Nous relevons les marqueurs d’apprentissage et de développement des jeunes par l’analyse des interactions verbales et des entretiens. Les résultats montrent l’importance de la socialisation du jeune novice par son interaction verbale avec le formateur expert des situations sociales. Dans le sens de Vygotsky, l’interaction est considérée comme une « Situation Sociale de Développement » qui vise à ce que le jeune apprenne les situations par leur ré-interprétation par le formateur. Ce travail mène à la transformation de ses activités cognitive et opératoire nécessaires à la maîtrise des situations et à l’adoption appropriée des règles qui régissent les espaces physiques, sociaux et culturels, avec des personnes étrangères à l’environnement social habituel du jeune. / We conduct a longitudinal survey in a scheme for pre-training for trainers and youth with poor skills and thus in great difficulty of social and professional integration. We identify markers for young people’s learning and development of the verbal interactions and interviews. The results show the importance of socialization of young novice through his verbal interaction with the trainer who is expert with social situations. As discussed by Vygotsky, interaction is considered "Social Situation of Development" who aims to ensure that young people learn the situations through their reinterpretation by the trainer. This work leads to the transformation of young people’s cognitive and operational activities necessary for controlling situations and to the appropriate adoption of rules that govern the physical, social and cultural spaces, with people outside the usual social environment of young people.

Antioksidativna, antiproliferativna i antimikrobna aktivnost odabranih ekstrakata tropova bobičastog voća / Antioxidative, antiproliferative and antimicrobial activity of selected berry pomace extracts

Vinčić Milica 28 September 2017 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu su ispitani hemijski sastav, antioksidativna, antihiperglikemijska, antiproliferativna i antimikrobna aktivnost liofiliziranih metanolnih ekstrakata tropa<br />maline (Rubusidaeus L) sorti Meeker (ETMM) i Willamette (ETMW), kupine (RubusfruticosusL) sorti Čačanska bestrna (ETKČ) i Thornfree (ETKT) i divlje borovnice<br />(Vacciniummyrtillus L) (ETB). Sadržaj ukupnih polifenola (TPh), flavonoida (TF) i antocijana (TAc) u ekstraktima tropova određeni su spektrofotometrijskim metodama.<br />Identifikacija i kvantifikacija fenolnih jedinjenja (fenolnihkiselina, flavonola i cijanidina) i vitamina C u ekstraktima tropova izvedena je HPLC analizom. Spektrofotometrijskim<br />testovima određena je antioksidativna aktivnostna DPPH i ABTS+ radikale i redukciona sposobnost ekstrakata. ESR spektroskopijom utvrđen je uticaj ekstrakata na reaktivne hidroksil i superoksid anjon radikale. Antihiperglikemijska aktivnost ekstrakata određena<br />je testom inhibicije &alpha;-glukozidaze. Antiproliferativna aktivnost ekstrakata tropova ispitana je in vitro, njihovim delovanjem na rast četiri histolo&scaron;ki različite humane ćelije:<br />HeLa (epitelni karcinom cerviksa), MCF7 (adenokarcinom dojke), HT-29 (adenokarcinom debelog creva) i MRC-5 (humani fetalni fibroblasti pluća). Antimikrobna aktivnost ekstrakata tropova bobičastog voća ispitana je na odabrane sojeve Gram-pozitivnih i Gram-negativnih bakterija, kvasaca i plesni disk difuzionom metodom i metodom &bdquo;bunarčića&rdquo;. Ispitana je i mogućnost primene liofiliziranih ekstrakata tropova bobičastog voća kao funkcionalnog dodatka sokovima od voća. Laboratorijski proizvedenim obogaćenim sokovima je određen sadržaj TPh, TF i TAc i utvrđena antioksidativna aktivnost testom redukcione sposobnosti i DPPH testom. Rezultati ispitivanja hemijskog sastava, antioksidativne, antihiperglikemijske, antiproliferativne i antimikrobne aktivnosti ETMM, ETMW, ETKČ, ETKT i ETB ukazuju da su svi ispitivani ekstrakti tropova potencijalni izvor prirodnih<br />bioaktivnih jedinjenja, a antioksidativna aktivnost obogaćenih sokova ukazuje na mogućnost kori&scaron;ćenja ovih ekstrakata, kao funkcionalnih aditiva u proizvodnji različitih<br />visoko vrednih prehrambenih proizvoda.</p> / <p>This work examined the chemical composition, the antioxidant,<br />antihyperglycaemic, antiproliferative and antimicrobial<br />activity of the freeze-dried raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)<br />varieties Meeker (ETMM) and Willamette (ETMW), blackberry<br />(Rubus fruticosus L.) varieties (ETKČ) and Thornfree<br />(ETKT), and wild blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) (ETB)<br />pomaces methanol extracts. The content of total polyphenols<br />(TPh), total flavonoids (TF) and total anthocyanins (TAc) in<br />the pomace extracts were determined spectrophotometrically.<br />Identification and quantification of the phenolic compounds<br />(phenol acids, flavonols and cyanidins) and ascorbic acid in<br />the pomace extracts was performed by HPLC analysis. The<br />antioxidant activities of the extracts was determined spectrophotometrically<br />using DPPH and ABTS+ free radicals and<br />reducing ability assay. ESR spectroscopy is used for determination<br />of pomace extracts&rsquo; influence on reactive hydroxyl<br />and superoxide anion radicals. Antihyperglycaemic activity of<br />the pomace extracts was determined using &alpha;-glucosidase inhibition<br />assay. The antiproliferative activity of the pomace extracts<br />was tested in vitro, testing their influence on the growth<br />of four histologically different human tumor cells: HeLa<br />(cervix epithelioid carcinoma), MCF7 (breast adenocarcinoma),<br />HT-29 (colon adenocarcinoma) and MRC-5(human fetal<br />lung fibroblasts). Antimicrobial activity of berry pomace extracts was tested on selected strains of Gram-positive and<br />Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts and molds with the disc diffusion<br />method and the method of &ldquo;wells&rdquo;. The possibility of<br />freeze dried berry pomace extracts application as a fruit functional<br />additive was investigated as well. Laboratory produced<br />enriched juice was tested in terms of TPH, TF and TAc content,<br />reducing ability and DPPH scavenging ability as well.<br />The results of testing the chemical composition, the antioxidative,<br />antihyperglycaemic, antiproliferative and antimicrobial<br />activities of ETMM, ETMW, ETKČ, ETKT and ETB, indicate<br />that all investigated pomace extracts are a potential source of<br />natural bioactive compounds, and that the antioxidant activity<br />enriched juice indicates the possibility of using these extracts,<br />as a functional additive in the production of various high-value<br />food products.</p>

Question socialement vive et développement du pouvoir d'action des enseignants et des élèves : la question du bien-être animal en élevage dans les lycées professionnels agricoles / Socially acute question and development of teachers’ and students’ power to act : the question of farm animal welfare in agricultural schools

Lipp, Amélie 07 November 2016 (has links)
La prise en compte du bien-être des animaux dans les élevages suscite de vives controverses dans la société et dans les champs scientifique, technique et professionnel. Dans le milieu scolaire, le bien-être animal (BEA), en tant que question socialement vive (Legardez & Simonneaux, 2006), pose des difficultés pour son enseignement et son apprentissage dans les lycées professionnels agricoles préparant les futurs éleveurs. Cette thèse a pour objet de comprendre comment le pouvoir d’action (Clot, 1999) des enseignants et des élèves relatif à la prise en compte du BEA en situations d’enseignement-apprentissage se développe (ou ne se développe pas). Nous articulons les cadres théoriques et méthodologiques de la didactique des questions socialement vives, de la clinique de l’activité et du jugement éthique. Dans une double visée transformative et épistémique, quatre enseignants de zootechnie et leur classe de baccalauréat professionnel ont participé à un protocole d’intervention en lycées. A partir des traces des activités dialogiques recueillies, nous avons documenté les émotions, les jugements éthiques et les représentations-connaissances signifiés ainsi que leurs interactions et les conflits à l’œuvre dans le développement possible et impossible du pouvoir d’action des sujets relatif à la prise en compte du BEA en élevage. L’ensemble des résultats permet de mettre à jour des obstacles et des leviers au développement du pouvoir d’action des élèves et des enseignants. Nous formulons plusieurs propositions pour la formation des enseignants et des élèves afin de les accompagner à affronter certains obstacles et à davantage valoriser les leviers potentiels pour augmenter leur champ des possibles. / The question of farm animal welfare has sparked strong debate in society and in scientific, technical and professional domains. In the field of education, teaching and learning about farm animal welfare (FAW) as a socially acute question (Legardez & Simonneaux, 2006), is particularly problematic in agricultural schools which train future breeders. The aim of this thesis is to understand how the power to act (Clot, 1999), in relation to the question of FAW, develops (or not) in both teachers and students during teaching-learning situations. We articulate the theoretical and methodological frameworks of the didactics of socially acute questions, the clinic of activity and ethical judgment. Four animal husbandry teachers participated in a protocol with their vocational baccalaureate students. Based on their dialogical activities, we recorded their emotions, ethical judgments and knowledge-representations systems along with their interactions and the conflicts at work to help or hinder the development of their power to act.Our results reveal the barriers and the facilitators to the development of the students’ and teachers’ power to act to improve FAW. We make several recommendations for the training of teachers and students which should help them to overcome certain hurdles and further exploit the potential levers allowing them to widen their range of possibilities.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Business Financial Situation and Proposals to its Improvement

Kaňová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with a financial situation. Through the selected methods and indicators of the financial analysis presented in the introduction is an evaluation of the particular company Fersto, s.r.o. from the practical part. Based on the outputs of the financial analysis are then the formulated proposals to improve the economic situation of the company.

Hodnocení ekonomické situace vybrané soukromoprávní korporace a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Economic Situation of the Selected Private Corporation and Proposals to its Improvement

Šmigurová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the assessment of the economic situation of a specific business between 2012 and 2016. The thesis contains several sections. The first section is dedicated to theoretical knowledge, which is later utilized for assessing the economic situation of the corporation via application of strategic analysis and financial analysis methods. The last section contains proposed measures based on analyses results that would lead to improvement of the the current economical situation.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its Improvement

Srna, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis assess the financial health of the company in 2005-2008 with using suitable methods of the financial analysis. It also suggests convenient proposals for strengthen financial situation of the company.

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