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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Centro Residencia Gerontológico de Atención Integral En Cusco bajo los principios de la Cosmovisión Andina / Gerontological residential center of attention integrated in the cusco city

Zuniga Carrillo, Adriana Olenka 13 February 2021 (has links)
El respeto y la valoración de la cultura viva que el adulto mayor representa es vital para realizar una adecuada convivencia con los distintos grupos etarios. En la actualidad en el Perú se está entrando en conciencia sobre la importancia de la tercera y cuarta edad para el desarrollo social, así mismo se intenta reconstruir el vínculo afectivo, formado en la niñez, con el adulto mayor también se busca ofrecer servicios de atención integral para el bienestar humano y la calidad de vida de los adultos mayores. Por este motivo se plantean establecimientos con espacios ideales para la convivencia con este grupo etario. Por esto se llevará a cabo este tema, que busca mejorar el estilo de vida. El proyecto se realizará en Cusco, ya que se encuentra en el 8 lugar de los departamentos con mayor presencia de adultos mayores, así mismo se encuentra en el 3 lugar con mayor porcentaje de abandono y vulnerabilidad de los mismos. Además, este equipamiento seria el pionero de la red asistencial en este departamento. La ciudad de Cusco posee una riqueza cultural particular, esta es representada con la idiosincrasia andina la que sigue presente en el día a día cusqueños, es así como se tocan los principios de la cosmovisión andina para el diseño y fácil reconocimiento de los patrones formaticos de la cosmovisión por parte de los adultos mayores. / The respect and appreciation of the living culture that the elderly represents is vital to carry out an adequate coexistence with the different age groups. At present, in Peru, awareness of the importance of the third and fourth age for social development is being raised, likewise it is trying to rebuild the affective bond, formed in childhood, with the elderly, it also seeks to offer care services comprehensive for human well-being and quality of life of the elderly. For this reason, establishments with ideal spaces are proposed for coexistence with this age group. For this reason, this theme will be carried out, which seeks to improve the lifestyle. The project will be carried out in Cusco, since it is in the 8th place of the departments with the highest presence of older adults, likewise it is in the 3th place with the highest percentage of abandonment and vulnerability of the same. Furthermore, this equipment would be the pioneer of the healthcare network in this department. The city of Cusco has a particular cultural richness, this is represented with the Andean idiosyncrasy which is still present in Cusco's daily life, this is how the principles of the Andean worldview are touched for the design and easy recognition of the formative patterns of the worldview on the part of older adults. / Trabajo de investigación

Centro de Investigación de Restauración y Conservación del Patrimonio Material de la Ciudad de Ayacucho / Center of Investigation in Restauration and Conservation of the Material Heritage of Ayacucho

Guillén Zambrano, María Alejandra 16 December 2020 (has links)
El Centro histórico de Ayacucho presenta un eje cultural (Av. 9 de diciembre – Av. 28 de Julio - Alameda Valdelirios), teniendo como límite el distrito de Carmen Alto, la ubicación del proyecto que funciona como remate final de lo que es el CHA. Esta zona actualmente es un foco de vulnerabilidad, se dispuso a crear focos de intervención de espacio colectivos y de integración que permiten un entorno que se conecta que se integrar a sus bordes urbanos y naturales del lugar, creando un entorno seguro y una zona reactivada. Se propone un centro de investigación en técnicas de restauración de patrimonio mueble y arte popular, ya que el entorno responde a este uso, estando dentro del centro histórico, en un barrio con alto índice cultural y a su vez un barrio netamente artesanal. Con el fin de que las técnicas artesanales ancestrales que ahora son consideradas patrimonio material de Ayacucho sean investigadas y contrastadas para un mejor manejo del patrimonio local, partir de un conocimiento cosmogónico ancestral de los artesanos y llegar a un conocimiento técnico e investigado de restauración. El proyecto al plantearse como un Centro de investigación de restauración y conservación de técnicas ancestrales, se prioriza como énfasis la cosmovisión andina. Está regido en 3 grandes zonas: Pública (HURIN PLAZA), Semipública (KAI PLAZA), Privada (HANAN PLAZA). Partiendo desde el conocimiento alto andino de los 3 pilares de la cosmovisión reinterpretada a conocimientos, como los de los APUS (visuales y conexiones de los 3 miradores de la zona con el del proyecto), YAQU (Trabajos de riego interno, sostenibilidad del proyecto), ALLPA (trabajos con la tierra y diferentes aportes técnicos (TAPIAL Y BTC)), conectados, por PACARINAS, siendo la conexión entre los diferentes conceptos de mundos infratierra - terrenales y ancestrales / The historic center of Ayacucho presents a cultural axis (Av. 9 de Julio – Av. 28 de Julio - Alameda Valdelirios), having as its limit the district of Carmen Alto, the location of the project that functions as a final finish of what is the CHA. This area is currently a focus of vulnerability, it set out to create pockets of collective space intervention and integration that allow an environment that connects that integrates to its urban and natural edges of the place, creating a safe environment and an area Reactivated. A research center is proposed in techniques of restoration of furniture heritage and popular art, since the environment responds to this use, being within the historic center, in a neighborhood with a high cultural index and in turn a purely artisanal neighborhood. In order that the ancestral artisanal techniques that are now considered Ayacucho’s material heritage are investigated and tested for better management of the local heritage, starting from an ancestral cosmogonic knowledge of the artisans and reaching a technical and researched knowledge of restoration. The project, considering as a Research Center for the Restoration and Conservation of Ancient Techniques, is prioritized as an emphasis on the Andean worldview. It is governed in 3 large areas: Public (HURIN PLAZA), Semipublic (KAI PLAZA), Private (HANAN PLAZA). Starting from the high Andean knowledge of the 3 pillars of the reinterpreted worldview to knowledge, such as those of The APUS (visuals and connections of the 3 viewpoints of the area with that of the project), YAQU (Internal Irrigation Works, Project Sustainability), ALLPA (Land Works and Different Technical Contributions (TAPIAL and BTC)), connected, by PACARINAS, being the connection between the different concepts of underland worlds - terrestrial and ancestral. / Tesis

Docentes varones del nivel primario y su baja representación en Perú / Male teachers of primary level and their low representation in Perú

Fernandez-Cardeña, Fabiola, Neyra Carlin, Rosa Luz 26 September 2020 (has links)
Solicitud de embargo por publicación en revista indexada. / El presente estudio, realizado a lo largo del año 2019 en el Perú, tiene como objetivo indagar las causas de la baja representación de maestros varones en el nivel primario de la educación peruana. Para ello, se procedió a través de un enfoque de investigación cualitativo, entrevistando a un grupo de quince docentes de escuelas públicas, privadas, rurales y urbanas del Perú. Posteriormente, se realizó un análisis inductivo que indicó la presencia de roles y estereotipos de género ligados a la práctica docente y con singularidades en función del espacio geográfico en el cual se desempeñan. Por añadidura, a partir del análisis se identificó la repercusión de los principios de cosmovisión andina en los roles asumidos por los docentes varones dentro de la comunidad y la percepción de riesgo de los agentes educativos sobre el contacto físico entre docentes varones y estudiantes, variables según la edad de estos últimos. Temas de investigación que deben ser estudiados con más profundidad. / Carried out throughout 2019, this study aims to investigate the reasons for low representation of male teachers in primary level education in Peru. For our research, we utilized a qualitative approach by interviewing a group of fifteen teachers from public, private, rural, and urban schools in Peru. Afterwards, we completed an inductive analysis that indicated the presence of gender roles and stereotypes linked to teaching practices and singularities depending on the geographical space in which they work. From the analysis, we identified the impact of the Andean worldview principles on the roles assumed by male teachers within the community and the risk perception of educational agents regarding physical contact between male teachers and students, variables according to the age of the latter. Research topics should be studied in more depth. / Tess


DAVID MESQUIATI DE OLIVEIRA 18 July 2018 (has links)
[pt] Urge, em um mundo onde a pluralidade é percebida com mais intensidade, discutir novos parâmetros para a prática missionária. Os contextos indígenas, que veem de um longo processo de resistência aos modelos tradicionais de evangelização, despontam no novo cenário religioso, não mais como destinatários da salvação, mas como portadores da revelação, reivindicando critérios baseados na alteridade, diversidade e diálogo. É preciso repensar como comunicar a fé em Jesus Cristo e sua salvação em uma cultura específica, dado que o tão aclamado processo de globalização é ambíguo, pois, pese a tentativa de produzir uma homogeneidade cultural, tem gerado, paradoxalmente, movimentos identitários organizados e pulverizados, de distintos matizes. É o caso da cultura quéchua, que, para alguns, está em processo de desaparecimento, e, para outros, está se reinventando. Como estabelecer um diálogo entre essas minorias e a fé cristã, com vistas a um amadurecimento do processo de inculturação em curso? Quais seriam os elementos revelacionais na cultura quéchua e como enriqueceriam o cristianismo como expressão da fé cristã? Essas foram algumas perguntas que nortearam esta tese. Não temos a pretensão de resolver todo o processo de inculturação da fé entre os quéchuas. Mas buscamos contribuir para o diálogo e a missão entre os quéchuas, aprofundando a reflexão sobre as consequências do encontro entre o Evangelho e as culturas, no sentido de reconhecer as riquezas da cultura e da religião local como provenientes de Deus e torná-las comum a todos. Esta tese busca ser uma contribuição e reconhecimento ao esforço da teologia índia, refletindo sobre a inculturação entre os quéchuas, ao mesmo tempo em que se revela uma defesa e uma valorização das culturas autóctones indígenas. A tese foi organizada em três grandes capítulos com subdivisões demarcadas. O primeiro capítulo gira em torno do eixo histórico-cultural quéchua. Apresenta a riqueza da cultura e as especificidades da religião quéchua, tendo a festa Inti Raymi como pano de fundo e expressão de fé. Expõe as categorias do pensamento andino e como os quéchuas estruturam seu Cosmos (Pacha). O segundo capítulo, propõe uma teologia cristã que favoreça o diálogo e o reconhecimento revelacional de Deus nas culturas e nas religiões. Gira em torno do eixo teológico. O terceiro, gira em torno do eixo dialógico-missionário. Analisa como seria missionar entre os quéchuas a partir dessa matriz dialogal, evangelizando e sendo evangelizado pelo outro. Inculturar é, também, dialogar com as bases religiosas de outra cultura. / [en] It is urgent in a world where plurality is an intensely perceived reality, to discuss new standards for the missionary practice. The indigenous contexts, fruit of a long process of resistance to the traditional models of evangelism, generate in the new religious scene new modes of presence - not anymore as receivers of salvation but as vehicles of revelation, claiming new standards based on alterity, diversity, and dialogue. It is necessary to think over the ways to communicate the faith in Jesus Christ into specific cultures. Necessity still more urgent in a world which faces a ambiguous globalization process that, on one side, offer a kind of cultural homogenization and, on other side, generates new identity movements – so diverse, fragmented and plural. That is the case of the Quechua culture. For some interpreters it is on the verge of disappearance and, for others, it is reinventing itself. How to establish a dialogue between these minorities and the Christian faith? How to perform it in a new mode of enculturation and maturity? What would be the revelation elements in the Quechua culture and how would they enrich the Christianity as an expression of true Christian faith? These have been the questions asked all along this dissertation. We do not have the pretension to solve and present the whole process of enculturation among the Quechuas. Instead, we intent to contribute to the dialogue and mission among the Quechuas by deepening the reflection about the consequences of the encounter between Gospel and culture, trying to recognize the riches of native culture and religion as originating from God himself and trying to make them manifest to all readers. Therefore, this dissertation is a contribution and a token to the efforts of Indigenous theologies, by reflecting on the enculturation among the Quechuas and, at the same time, offering a defense and pledge to their autochthones cultures. The dissertation structures itself around three chapters with several subsections. The first chapter deals with the cultural history of the Quechua people. It presents the riches of their culture as also as the peculiarities of their religion, whose main expression and background is the Inti Raymi Festival. It describes the categories of Andean thought and the ways the Quechua organize their Cosmos (Pacha). The second one proposes a Christian theology that promotes the dialogue and the recognition of the presence of God’s revelation in all cultures and religions. The third one revolves around the dialogue-mission axis. Presents modes of mission among the Quechuas based on dialogue, understanding the evangelism as a give-and-receiving process. It understands enculturation as a formal dialogue with the religious foundations of the culture of the other.

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