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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Corte intra e interespecífica em cobaias (Cavia porcellus) e preás (Cavia aperea) / Intra and interspecific courtship in cavies (Cavia porcellus) and wild cavies (Cavia aperea)

Furnari, Nina 17 July 2006 (has links)
O preá Cavia aperea é tido como um dos representantes atuais da espécie ancestral a partir da qual se originou a cobaia Cavia porcellus por meio de um processo de domesticação iniciado há cerca de 6000 anos. A comparação entre estas espécies constitui um modelo interessante para o estudo dos efeitos comportamentais da domesticação, além de ter implicações para a compreensão da taxonomia destas espécies. Nosso objetivo foi descrever e comparar o comportamento de corte em cobaias e preás em pares intraespecíficos e verificar, através de pareamentos interespecíficos, eventuais barreiras reprodutivas provenientes da domesticação. Pares intra e interespecíficos foram submetidos a dois experimentos, um a curto prazo em ambiente de sala-teste e outro a longo prazo em ambiente semi-natural, nos quais registrou-se os episódios de interação e as categorias comportamentais exibidas na interação entre os sujeitos. Encontrou-se diferenças significativas entre os pares intra e interespecíficos (taxa e duração da interação), assim como entre cobaias e preás (cobaias interagiram, cortejaram-se e exploraram-se mais do que preás, estes se mostraram mais ativos e exploradores do meio). As diferenças revelam possíveis efeitos do processo de domesticação. Os pares interespecíficos também diferiram significativamente entre si, de forma assimétrica: enquanto machos preás cortejaram fêmeas cobaias e copularam com estas (menos, contudo, do que no caso das fêmeas coespecíficas), machos cobaias praticamente não cortejaram fêmeas preás provavelmente por causa dos altos níveis de agressão destas. Nossos resultados demonstram a existência de barreiras comportamentais entre as duas espécies, devidas provavelmente à domesticação, capazes de gerar um isolamento reprodutivo parcial. / The wild cavy (Cavia aperea) is considered as one of the current exemplars of an ancestor species which through domestication processes starting six thousands years ago originated Cavia porcellus, the guinea pig. A formal comparison between the two species (Cavia aperea and Cavia porcellus), constitutes not only an interesting model for an investigation of the effects of domestication on behaviour, but also it may contribute to a taxonomic understanding of the two species. The aim of the study was to describe and compare the courtship behaviour exhibited by wild cavies and guinea pigs within intraspecific couples. In addition, arranging interspecific couples, we aimed to verify possible reproductive barriers which could be a consequence of the domestication processes. Intraspecific and interspecific couples took part in two experiments: the first was a short term experiment undertaken in a non-natural testing environment; the second was long term and conducted in a semi-natural environment. Interactive episodes were observed and a range of behavioural categories demonstrated by the individuals during interactions were registered. Significant differences were found between intra and interspecific couples (frequency and duration of the interactions) as well as between wild cavies and guinea pigs. Whilst the latter interacted and explored themselves more as well as showing more courtship behaviour, the former instead were more active towards exploring their environment. These differences suggest possible effects of the domestication processes. Furthermore, there were also significant asymmetrical differences among the interspecific couples themselves: whilst male wild cavy showed courtship behaviour towards the female guinea pigs and even mated with them. However, less than when compared to their behaviour towards female wild cavies. Male guinea pigs mostly did not court female wild cavies; this was mainly attributed to the female wild cavies showing high levels of aggression. The results account for the existence of behavioural barriers between the two species, which are probably due to the domestication process and can well generate partial reproductive isolation.

Molecular and metabolic regulation of skeletal muscle growth in chicken

Olomu, Charles January 2018 (has links)
Broiler chicken has been bred for meat production and is characterised with a very fast skeletal muscle growth rate, whilst the layer type have been bred for the production of eggs. This study aimed to understand how intense breeding programmes have developed commercial meat type chickens that have resulted in a fast muscle growth phenotype by a comparative analysis of gene expression between fast-growing broiler and slow-growing layer type chicken. Two chicken trials were carried out. In Trial 1 from fast-growing broiler Ross 308 genotype (R) fast-growing breast Pectoralis major (RPM) and slow-growing leg Peroneus tertius (RPT) muscles were collected at day 14, 36 and 42 post-hatch. In Trial 2, from fast-growing broiler Ross 308 (R) or slow growing layer Hy-Line (H) Pectoralis major (either RPM or HPM) and Peroneus tertius (either RPT or HPM) were collected at day 4, 14, 23, 35 and 42 post-hatch. In Trial 1, there was a muscle type x age interaction in muscle weights with the RPM having the highest value at day 43 (P < 0.001). This effect was also reflected in the protein content with RPM having more protein than RPT. However, RPT had a higher DNA content per unit tissue weight (muscle type x age interaction, P=0.003) with highest value seen at day 43. This suggests that muscle cells of RPM are bigger than those in RPT and that as a result they contain more protein, potentially reflecting RPM hypertrophy compare to RPT. In Trial 1, genes associated with glycolysis, GAPDH and -enolase, were significantly higher in the faster growing RPM (P < 0.05). Genes involved in serine biosynthesis PHGDH, PSAT and PSPH, as well as P70S6K involved in protein translation, also had a significantly higher expression in the RPM when compared to the RPT (P < 0.05) indicating a greater rate of protein synthesis in the faster growing RPM. Expression of genes associated with smaller muscles (myostatin) or protein degradation (calpastatin, the specific endogenous inhibitor of calpain proteinases) were not different between muscles. LIM domain proteins, CSRP3 and FHL2, had a higher expression in the slower growing muscle, indicating the possibility of those two genes being negative regulators of muscle growth, or may be involved in the upregulation of muscle regenerative physiological processes, as a result of the strain on the leg muscles induced by physical activities during locomotion. In Trial 2 there was a three-way interaction between genotype, muscle type and age in muscle growth (P < 0.001) with the highest value seen at day 42 in the RPM. There was a 3-way interaction between genotype, muscle type and age in the expression of -enolase (P=0.036) with the highest value seen at day 42 in the HPM. For -Enolase mRNA expression, there was a separate genotype and a muscle type effect (both P < 0.001) with HPM and HPT been higher than RPM and RPT, and PM muscles having a higher expression than PT muscles in both genotypes. When the serine synthesis pathway was examined, there was a genotype x age interaction (P=0.046) for PSAT and PSPH gene expression, with the highest expression at day 35 in both muscles of the Ross 308 genotype for the former, whilst the latter had the highest expression in the RPM at day 35. For ASNS mRNA expression there were significant genotype (P=0.004) and muscle type effects (P=0.014), with the Ross 308 genotype having the higher expression and the PM being greater than PT. For P70S6K mRNA expression, PM was higher than PT (P=0.012). For P70S6K total protein there was a significant muscle type x age interaction (P=0.049), RPM and HPM being higher than RPT and HPT at days 14 and 35. For calpain activity only at day 35 was there significant genotype x isoform interaction (P < 0.001), with the Hy-Line genotype having a higher micro and milli calpain activity than the Ross 308 genotypes, irrespective of muscle. For trypsin, chymotrypsin and caspase – like activities of the proteasome, there was a significant genotype effects (P < 0.001). In all three assays Ross 308 muscles had a higher activity when compared muscles from Hy-Line at both time points. For the ubiquitin ligases there was a borderline muscle type x time interaction (P=0.05) in the expression of MAFbx mRNA, with the RPT and HPT having a higher expression than the RPM and HPM respectively at day 14. For MuRF1 mRNA there was a significant genotype x age interaction (P < 0.001) with the HPM and HPT having a higher expression than the RPM and RPT at day 14 and 35. For CSRP3 there was a genotype x age interaction (P < 0.001), with the highest expression seen in the HPT at day 42. There was also muscle type effect within genotypes with the RPT and HPT having a higher expression than the RPM and HPM (P < 0.001). Trial 2 indicated that there is an increase in protein synthesis which leads to clear increase in protein accretion in faster growing chicken muscles, thereby supporting the wealth of literature detailing protein turnover in chicken skeletal muscles. There also appears to be an interaction between protein synthesis and degradation, however in most cases protein synthesis seems to be more dynamic and these changes seem to appear around day 35. The novel findings of this study were the observed increase in the expression genes that could limit the synthetic capacity of non-essential amino acid (non-EEA) in fast growing muscles.

Efeitos do temperamento sobre o comportamento materno de ovelhas e o desenvolvimento corporal de seus cordeiros / Effects of the temperament under ewe maternal behavior and in the body growth of their lambs

Aita, Marta Farias January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever o comportamento materno das ovelhas e relacionar com o temperamento no parto, após o parto (até 24 horas) e no desmame. As avaliações de comportamento foram medidas em três propriedades, nos municípios de Pedro Osório, Dom Pedrito e Bagé-RS. Foram realizados três experimentos sendo o primeiro de junho de 2008 a janeiro de 2009, o segundo de agosto de 2008 a fevereiro de 2009 e o terceiro em setembro de 2006 e 2007. Foram utilizadas 105 ovelhas Corriedale, 47 ovelhas Ideal, e 17 ovelhas (14 ovelhas Corriedale e três ovelhas Ideal) para os três experimentos, respectivamente. Nos dois primeiros experimentos foram avaliados o escore de comportamento materno (ECM), pelo método adaptado de O’Connor et al. (1985), peso corporal do cordeiro e a presença de vocalizações do cordeiro e da ovelha no momento da identificação do cordeiro. A reatividade dos animais foi avaliada no isolamento e na presença do observador através do teste de Arena, parâmetros fisiológicos (freqüência cardio-respiratória e temperatura corporal) e distância de fuga no desmame. O ECM das ovelhas Ideal mais velhas e que pariram um cordeiro foi maior em relação às ovelhas mais novas e com parto gemelar e as ovelhas com ECM ruim apresentaram temperatura corporal mais elevada, menor número de vocalizações e dejeções na presença do observador e maior distância de fuga. Ovelhas Corriedale mais velhas tiveram melhor ECM, e as ovelhas com ECM bom vocalizaram mais comparado aquelas com ECM ruim na identificação do cordeiro, obtiveram cordeiros mais pesados ao nascimento, aleitaram menos dias e vocalizaram mais na presença do observador. No terceiro experimento, o ECM não foi influenciado pela idade, tipo de parto, isolamento da ovelha, ato da ovelha lamber e cheirar o cordeiro, vocalizar, facilitar a mamada ao parto, tempo do cordeiro levantar e mamar, peso ao nascimento e ao desmame e ganho de peso do cordeiro. Ovelhas classificadas com o baixo escore corporal apresentaram melhor escore de comportamento materno e as ovelhas Corriedale tiveram melhor ECM do que ovelhas da raça Ideal. O ECM pode ser influenciado pela raça, idade, tipo de parto, distância de fuga, temperatura corporal, tempo de aleitamento, dejeções e vocalizações. / This experiment aimed to describe the expression of the maternal behavior of the ewes and to relate with the temperament measured in the birth, after birth (until 24 hours) and weaning period. The behavior assessment were carried out in three properties, located in the cities of Pedro Osório, Dom Pedrito and Bagé-RS. Three experiments were realized, the first one from June 2009 to January 2009, the second one from August 2008 to February 2009, the third one in 2006 and in 2007. It was used one hundred and five Corriedale ewes, forty and seven Ideal ewes, of witch were recorded the behavior at the lambing of the seventeen ewes, of the three farms (thirteen Corriedale ewes and two Pollwarth ewes). In the two first experiments were registered the maternal behavior score (MBS), using the method adapted from O’Connor et al. (1985) body weight lamb and vocalizations lambs and ewes at moment of the identification the lambs. The animal reactivity was registered in the isolation and in the humane presence through arena test (number of square walked, vocalizations, mictions, defecation and latence), physiological parameters (cardio-respiratory frequency and body temperature) and flight distance at weaning. The oldest Ideal ewes and single lambs demonstrated larger MBS values than the youngest sheep or those raising twins and bad MBS ewes showed higher body temperature, smaller number of vocalizations and dejections at the humane presence and larger flight distance. Higher proportion of oldest ewes, compared to youngest ones, obtained better MBS. Ewes showing good MBS vocalized more frequently at the identification of their lambs than those presenting bad, obtained heavier lambs at birth with high and good weight scores; nursed their lambs for a shorter period and of their lambs vocalized more at the observer presence. In the third experiment, the MBS not showed difference among age, parity, isolament of the ewe, licking and smelling the lamb, vocalization and easy sucking at lambing. Like, time lambs spent to stand and to suckle, weight lamb at lambing and weaning, and gain weight lamb. Ewes registered with worst body score showed larger MBS and larger proportion of Corriedale ewes showed good MBS compared to Pollwarth ewes. The MBS was influenced by breed, age, parity, flight distance, body temperature, milking period, dejection and vocalizations.

Farelo de vagem de algaroba em substituição ao milho em rações para bovinos machos de origem leiteira / Mesquite pod meal in replacement of corn in ration of male animals of dairy

MORAES, Gláucia Sabrine de Oliveira 07 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Mario BC (mario@bc.ufrpe.br) on 2017-02-20T13:50:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Glaucia Sabrine de Oliveira Moraes.pdf: 1408804 bytes, checksum: c76793d09aef06133ea23847794a33c6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-20T13:50:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Glaucia Sabrine de Oliveira Moraes.pdf: 1408804 bytes, checksum: c76793d09aef06133ea23847794a33c6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Various plants of the northeastern semiarid region, due to its nutritional value, can be used in ruminant feed as an alternative ingredient in the dry season, in order to improve the performance of animals in the region. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the use of bran mesquite pods (FVA) replacing corn in rations for dairy cattle males. The experiment was conducted at the Academic Unit of the cattle industry of Serra Talhada - UFRPE, semi-arid northeastern Brazil, using 25 male cattle of dairy (Zebu x Holstein), not castrated, dairy origin with average weight of 219 ±22 kg . The experimental period lasted 99 days with 15 days of adaptation and 84 days divided into three periods of 28 days each for sample collection. The animals were distributed in five treatments with five repetitions. The animals were maintained throughout the trial period in individual pens provided with feeder and drinker. The experimental diets were composed of Tifton 85 grass hay, soybean meal, ground corn, mesquite pod meal and mineral salt. Food samples were collected (hay and concentrate), refusals, feces and urine. The experimental design was completely randomized (DIC), and the data were analyzed using PROC GLM for analysis of variance and PROC REG for regression analysis of Statistical Analysis Sistems (SAS, version 9.1). It was observed that replacing corn with FVA did not influence significantly the intake and digestibility of nutrients. The animal weight gain, and feed conversion did not show significant difference between the analyzed treatments. The retained and consumed nitrogen ratio did not differ between treatments analyzed. Likewise there were no significant differences in efficiency of synthesis, and microbial protein from the substitution levels. However, the concentration and excretion of urea nitrogen and urea showed quadratic effect of the replacement levels of corn by FVA. The feeding behavior (time spent with eating, chewing, rumination and idle) showed no statistical differences between the corn replacement levels by FVA in animals. The mesquite pod meal can be used in total replacement of corn in male cattle diet dairy. / Diversas plantas do Semiárido nordestino, devido seu valor nutricional, podem ser utilizadas na alimentação de ruminantes como ingrediente alternativo no período de estiagem, com a finalidade de melhorar o desempenho dos animais da região. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se avaliar a utilização do farelo da vagem de algaroba (FVA) em substituição ao milho em rações para bovinos machos de origem leiteira. O experimento foi realizado no setor de bovinos da Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada – UFRPE, Semiárido do Nordeste brasileiro, utilizando 25 bovinos machos de origem leiteira (Zebu x Holandês), não castrados, de origem leiteira, com peso corporal médio inicial de 219 ±22 kg. O período experimental teve duração de 99 dias, com 15 dias de adaptação e 84 dias dividido em três períodos de 28 dias cada para coleta de amostras. Os animais foram distribuídos em cinco tratamentos com cinco repetições. Os animais foram mantidos durante todo período experimental em baias individuais providas de comedouro e bebedouro. As rações experimentais foram compostas de feno de capim Tifton 85, farelo de soja, milho triturado, farelo de vagem de algaroba e sal mineral. Foram coletadas amostras de alimento (feno e concentrado), sobras, fezes e urina para posteriores análises. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC), e, os dados foram analisados utilizando o PROC GLM para análise de variância e PROC REG para análise de regressão do Statistical Analysis Sistems (SAS, Versão 9.1). Foi observado que a substituição do milho pelo FVA não influenciou o consumo e digestibilidade de nutrientes. O ganho de peso dos animais, assim como a conversão alimentar também não apresentaram diferenças entre os tratamentos analisados. A relação de nitrogênio retido e consumido não diferiram entre os tratamentos analisados. Do mesmo modo que não houve diferenças na síntese e eficiência da proteína microbiana entre os níveis de substituição. No entanto, a concentração e excreção de ureia e nitrogênio-ureia apresentaram efeito quadrático entre os níveis de substituição do milho pelo FVA. O comportamento ingestivo (tempo dispendido com alimentação, mastigação, ruminação e ócio) não apresentou diferenças entre os níveis de substituição do milho pelo FVA nos animais. O farelo de vagem de algaroba pode ser utilizado em substituição total ao milho na dieta de bovinos machos de origem leiteira.

Efeitos da defaunação na herbivoria, pisoteio de plântulas, remoção e predação de sementes na Floresta Atlântica

Rocha-Mendes, Fabiana [UNESP] 29 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-11-29Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:40:56Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 rochamendes_f_dr_rcla.pdf: 1399445 bytes, checksum: 1dbe830ff3efb283f51bde2137e50a23 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Existe um gradiente de cenários cuja composição, abundância e biomassa de animais podem estar praticamente intactas ou encontrar-se em seu maior grau de comprometimento (“síndrome de floresta vazia”). Em diversos níveis de defaunação, processos ecológicos podem ser interrompidos pela falta de interações, modificando a dinâmica do ambiente. Visto que a Floresta Atlântica ainda possui razoáveis extensões e diferentes situações no que diz respeito à composição mastofaunística, ela é um cenário interessante para o estudo da defaunação e suas implicações. Assim, o presente estudo caracterizou a comunidade de mamíferos em duas áreas geograficamente próximas desse bioma e avaliou os efeitos da defaunação sobre parâmetros e processos de estruturação de comunidades vegetais. Os resultados indicaram uma mastofauna semelhante em riqueza, mas com discrepância na abundância e biomassa das espécies. Diferenças nas abundâncias de alguns táxons, com destaque para o queixada (Tayassu pecari), tiveram efeitos significativos sobre a diversidade, biomassa e pisoteio de plântulas. A intensidade de pisoteio apresentou relação negativa com a defaunação, enquanto que a biomassa e a diversidade de plântulas foram maiores na área com menor biomassa animal. Embora tenha sido detectada a ação do queixada em aspectos da dinâmica populacional do palmito (Euterpe edulis), dentro do espaço e tempo amostral, não foram percebidas consequências drásticas em relação à abundância desse ungulado sobre as comunidades dessa palmeira. De maneira semelhante, a dispersão de sementes de indai-açu (Attalea dubia) não parece ser diretamente afetada pela abundância de mamíferos herbívoros, visto que o seu principal agente dispersor, o serelepe (Sciurus aestuans), não demonstra sofrer com a pressão... / There is a gradient of scenarios whose animals composition, abundance and biomass can be practically intact or with their greatest commitment degree (empty forest syndrome). In several defaunation levels, ecological processes can be interrupted by lack of interaction, changing the environment dynamics. Since the Atlantic Forest still has reasonable extensions and different fauna situations, it is a scenario interesting for the study of defaunation and its implications. Thus, this study characterized the mammal community in two areas geographically close in this biome, and assessed the defaunation effects on plant communities’ parameters and processes structuring. The results indicated that mammal communities are similar at the richness, but show discrepancies in abundance and biomass of the species. Differences in abundances of some taxa, especially the withe-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari), had significant effects on diversity, biomass and trampling of seedlings. The intensity of trampling showed negative relationship with defaunation, whereas the seedlings biomass and diversity were greatest where animal biomass is lower. Although the action of peccaries have been detected in some aspects of population dynamics of palm (Euterpe edulis), within the evaluated space and time, were not indicated drastic consequences in relation to the abundance of this ungulate on this palm communities. Similarly, the seeds dispersal of indaiaçu (Attalea dubia) does not appear to be directly affected by the abundance of herbivores larger, since their main dispersal agent, the squirrel (Sciurus aestuans), do not demonstrates to suffer from the pressure hunting in the biome. Even in small time scale, considering the natural cycles, once again was proven that mammals maintain a close relationship with several aspects of plant community... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Corte intra e interespecífica em cobaias (Cavia porcellus) e preás (Cavia aperea) / Intra and interspecific courtship in cavies (Cavia porcellus) and wild cavies (Cavia aperea)

Nina Furnari 17 July 2006 (has links)
O preá Cavia aperea é tido como um dos representantes atuais da espécie ancestral a partir da qual se originou a cobaia Cavia porcellus por meio de um processo de domesticação iniciado há cerca de 6000 anos. A comparação entre estas espécies constitui um modelo interessante para o estudo dos efeitos comportamentais da domesticação, além de ter implicações para a compreensão da taxonomia destas espécies. Nosso objetivo foi descrever e comparar o comportamento de corte em cobaias e preás em pares intraespecíficos e verificar, através de pareamentos interespecíficos, eventuais barreiras reprodutivas provenientes da domesticação. Pares intra e interespecíficos foram submetidos a dois experimentos, um a curto prazo em ambiente de sala-teste e outro a longo prazo em ambiente semi-natural, nos quais registrou-se os episódios de interação e as categorias comportamentais exibidas na interação entre os sujeitos. Encontrou-se diferenças significativas entre os pares intra e interespecíficos (taxa e duração da interação), assim como entre cobaias e preás (cobaias interagiram, cortejaram-se e exploraram-se mais do que preás, estes se mostraram mais ativos e exploradores do meio). As diferenças revelam possíveis efeitos do processo de domesticação. Os pares interespecíficos também diferiram significativamente entre si, de forma assimétrica: enquanto machos preás cortejaram fêmeas cobaias e copularam com estas (menos, contudo, do que no caso das fêmeas coespecíficas), machos cobaias praticamente não cortejaram fêmeas preás provavelmente por causa dos altos níveis de agressão destas. Nossos resultados demonstram a existência de barreiras comportamentais entre as duas espécies, devidas provavelmente à domesticação, capazes de gerar um isolamento reprodutivo parcial. / The wild cavy (Cavia aperea) is considered as one of the current exemplars of an ancestor species which through domestication processes starting six thousands years ago originated Cavia porcellus, the guinea pig. A formal comparison between the two species (Cavia aperea and Cavia porcellus), constitutes not only an interesting model for an investigation of the effects of domestication on behaviour, but also it may contribute to a taxonomic understanding of the two species. The aim of the study was to describe and compare the courtship behaviour exhibited by wild cavies and guinea pigs within intraspecific couples. In addition, arranging interspecific couples, we aimed to verify possible reproductive barriers which could be a consequence of the domestication processes. Intraspecific and interspecific couples took part in two experiments: the first was a short term experiment undertaken in a non-natural testing environment; the second was long term and conducted in a semi-natural environment. Interactive episodes were observed and a range of behavioural categories demonstrated by the individuals during interactions were registered. Significant differences were found between intra and interspecific couples (frequency and duration of the interactions) as well as between wild cavies and guinea pigs. Whilst the latter interacted and explored themselves more as well as showing more courtship behaviour, the former instead were more active towards exploring their environment. These differences suggest possible effects of the domestication processes. Furthermore, there were also significant asymmetrical differences among the interspecific couples themselves: whilst male wild cavy showed courtship behaviour towards the female guinea pigs and even mated with them. However, less than when compared to their behaviour towards female wild cavies. Male guinea pigs mostly did not court female wild cavies; this was mainly attributed to the female wild cavies showing high levels of aggression. The results account for the existence of behavioural barriers between the two species, which are probably due to the domestication process and can well generate partial reproductive isolation.

Efeito da restrição hídrica e dos níveis de sódio da água de bebida na primeira semana sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte / Effect of hidryc restriction and sodium level in drinking water the first week on the performance of broiler

Castro, Emilio Eduardo Cura January 2007 (has links)
A quantidade e a qualidade da água são muito importantes em função de sua essencialidade nutricional e fisiológica para os animais. Foi desenvolvido um experimento para avaliar o desempenho zootécnico de frangos de corte fêmeas ROSS 308, até os 21 dias de idade, quando submetidas ou não à restrição hídrica de 20% e/ou recebendo água com diferentes níveis de sódio (0, 150, 300, 450 ppm), na primeira semana de vida. Foram oferecidas dietas comerciais para os animais nos períodos pré-inicial (1 a 7 dias) e inicial (8 a 21 dias). O consumo de ração, o peso corporal, o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar dos pintos aos 7 dias de idade foram influenciados pela restrição de água. Pintos que não tiveram o consumo de água restringido apresentaram um maior consumo de água com o aumento da adição de sódio. A mortalidade não foi afetada por qualquer dos fatores analisados. Na segunda semana, a restrição de água realizada na primeira semana vida, continuou afetando o consumo de ração, o peso corporal e o ganho de peso e os pintos que não tiveram o consumo de água restringido continuaram apresentando um maior consumo de água com o aumento da adição de sódio. Aos 21 dias de idade os animais de todos os tratamentos já não apresentavam diferenças quanto aos parâmetros avaliados. Isto permite concluir que houve ganho compensatório no desempenho dos frangos que foram submetidos a qualquer restrição no período de 1 a 7 dias de idade. Eventualmente, este tipo de resposta não seria observado em condições de campo. Aos 7 dias de idade, os pintos submetidos à restrição de água apresentaram peso relativo de proventrículo + moela superiores àqueles dos pintos não submetidos à restrição. Também aos 7 dias de idade, os valores de matérias seca das excretas e das carcaças foram maiores nos animais em que foi aplicada a restrição de água. / The quantity and quality of water are very important due to the nutritional and physiological essentiality for the animals. An experiment was held out with the purpose of evaluating the animal production performance up to 21 days of age in broilers females Ross 308, submitted to 20% water restriction and/or receiving water with different sodium levels (0,150, 300, 450 ppm) during the first week of age. Commercial diets were offered to animals in the pre-initial period (1 to 7 days) and initial period (8 to 21 days). The food intake, the body weight, the body weight gain and food conversion of the animals with 7 days of age were influenced by the water restriction. The animals which did not have water restriction showed higher water consumption with the increment of sodium addition. The mortality was not affected by any factor. On the second week, the water restriction applied in the first week continued to affect the food intake, the body weight and body weight gain and animals that did not have water restriction continued showing higher water consumption with the increment of sodium addition. On the 21 days of age the totality of animals did not show significant differences on the parameters evaluated. This allows concluding that compensatory growth occurred in the performance of broilers that had been submitted to any restriction during the period of 1 to 7 days of age. Eventually, this response would not be seen in field condition. On the 7 days of age, chickens submitted to water restriction showed relative weight of proventricle + gizzard superior to those found on chickens not submitted to the restriction. Also on the 7 days, the values of dry matter of excrete and the carcasses had been higher in the animals where water restriction was applied.

The use of range, behaviour, nearest neighbour distance and feather condition of commercial free-range laying hens

Chielo, Leonard Ikenna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is based on the evidence of the use of range by laying hens from two separate studies that were carried out on commercial flocks. The first study involved a direct observation of 6 flocks of laying hens whereas the second study was carried out on a single flock of laying hens using a still digital camera. Mapping of the outdoor range into three zones, namely; apron (0-10metres), enriched (10-50metres) and range (beyond 50metres), was carried out in both studies determine whether it influenced the distribution, behaviour, nearest neighbour distance (NND) and feather condition of the hens. Based on the estimates of the total number of hens recorded outdoors, it was found that 14.5% of the hens used the range in the first study, with 6.0% of the hens seen in the apron, 4.8% in the enriched and the remaining 3.7% in the outer range zone. This ranging pattern was further confirmed by the quadrat head counts, where the hens used the apron most but showed a significant decrease in the use of other outdoor zones as distance increased from the shed (p < 0.001). The results of the two studies showed that range use peaked in the morning and decreased significantly in the afternoon (p < 0.001). Range use was found to increase significantly with age (p < 0.001) in the first study, although there was a significant decrease in the number of hens outside the shed as the flocks got larger (p < 0.001). The age effect reported in the six-flock study was complemented by the significant positive effect of the week of outdoor access on the ability of the hens to use the range (p < 0.001) in the single flock study. Range use increased as outdoor temperature rose in the six-flock study whereas increased outdoor temperature resulted in a decline in range use in the single flock study. NND of the hens was ii measured in the six-flock study and was found to decrease significantly towards the shed (p < 0.001) and as the hens aged (p < 0.001). There was evidence that the use of distant and less crowded outdoor locations by the hens in the first study was associated with improved feather conditions. The evidence presented in the two studies presented in this thesis showed that the hens were unevenly distributed in the range, with reduced hen density (hen/m2) towards the outer range and that an improvement in the use of distant parts of the range may have beneficial effects on the hens.

Modelo bioeconômico e índices de seleção em bovinos da raça Aberdeen Angus / Bioeconomic model and selection indices in aberdeen angus beef cattle

Campos, Gabriel Soares January 2013 (has links)
Foi desenvolvido um modelo bioeconômico para calcular valores econômicos para caracteres dos objetivos de seleção em sistemas de produção de ciclo completo e propor índices de seleção econômicos com base nos critérios de seleção utilizado no programa de melhoramento da raça Aberdeen Angus no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As informações de parâmetros biológicos e econômicos utilizados nos cálculos são provenientes das propriedades, de outros estudos e do programa de melhoramento da raça - PROMEBO. Foram usadas planilhas Excel para o desenvolvimento do modelo. Os valores econômicos foram estimados para os objetivos de seleção de sistemas de produção de ciclo completo, sendo estes o número de bezerros desmamados (NBD) e peso ao abate (PA). Para avaliar o impacto das mudanças no desempenho dos caracteres sobre o lucro total do sistema de produção, os valores iniciais dos caracteres foram aumentados em 1%. Os caracteres são expressos em reais por unidade de mudança no caráter e foram calculados na base vaca/ano. Os valores econômicos para NBD e PA foram respectivamente R$ 6,65 e R$ 1,43. A partir das matrizes de (co)variância genética entre os objetivos e os critérios de seleção foram calculados ponderadores econômicos para os critérios de seleção utilizados no PROMEBO, estes são os seguintes: peso (P) a desmama (D) e ao sobreano (S), conformação (C), precocidade (G) e musculatura (M) a desmama e ao sobreano e perímetro escrotal (PE). Os ponderadores econômicos para PD, CD, GD e MS foram positivos e variarem de 2,61 a 0,62 reais. Para PS, CS, GS, MS e PE os ponderadores variaram de 1,40 a 0,004 reais. O índice de seleção a desmama alocaria 44,77% de ênfase para PD, 14,24% para CD, 30,36% para GD e 10,63% para MD. O índice de sobreano daria ênfase de 77,61% para PS, 4,99% para CS, 11,09% para GS, 6,10% para MD e 0,22% para PE. O caráter que mais impactou economicamente o sistema de produção de ciclo completo usando pastagem foi o reprodutivo, NBD, já o PA teve importância econômica positiva no sistema de produção, indicando que a seleção para esses caracteres aumentará a lucratividade do sistema. Os ponderadores econômicos para os caracteres ponderais e escores visuais de C, P e M e PE foram positivos indicando que esses caracteres podem ser usados na seleção dos animais que irão contribuir para incrementar a lucratividade do sistema de produção. / We developed a bio-economic model to estimate economic values for traits of breeding goals in production systems and propose full cycle economic selection indexes based on the criteria selection used in the breeding program Aberdeen Angus breed in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Biological and economics information parameters used in the calculations are derived from the properties of other studies and the breeding program of the breed - PROMEBO. Excel spreadsheets were used for model development. Economic values were estimated for the purposes of selection of complete cycle systems production, the number of weaned calves (NCW) and slaughter weight (SW). In order to assess the impact of changes in the performance of the characters on the overall profitability of the production system, the initial values of the characters were increased by 1%. The characters are expressed in Real(R$) per unit change in character, and were based on cow / year. The economic values for NCW and SW were respectively R$ 6,65 and R$ 1,43. From the matrix of (co)variance components, between the objectives and the criteria of selection, we have calculated economic weights for selection criteria used in PROMEBO as the following: weight (W) weaning (W) and yearling (Y), conformation (C), precocity (P) and muscle (M) and weaning and yearling scrotal circumference (SC). The economic weights for WW, CW, PW and MW were positive and ranged from 2,61 to 0,62 reais. PY, CY, GY, MY and SC the weight ranged from 1,40 to 0,004 reais. The weaning selection index allocates 44.77% of emphasis for PW, 14.24% for CW, 30.36% to 10.63% for GW and MW. The index for yearling give emphasis 77.61% for PY, 4.99% for CY, 11.09% for GY, 6.10% to 0.22% for MY and SC. The character that most impacted economically production system complete cycle using grazing was the reproductive NCW. The SW had positive economic importance in the production system, indicating that selection for these characters increase the profitability of the system. The economic weights for traits and visual scores by weight for C, P and M and SC were positive, indicating that these characters can be used in the selection of animals that will contribute to increase the profitability of the production system.

The role of radical action in the animal rights movement

Pettinen, Katja 10 April 2002 (has links)
Past research has categorized animal rights groups into three main categories; conservative, moderate, and radical. While a few studies exist on the animal rights movement as a whole, none have focused specifically on the radical groups. This research project uses an ethnography of communication approach to examine how language constructs notions of radicalism inside a small grass roots level animal rights group. The basic theoretical foundation guiding the study is that language constructs social reality and is thus inherently linked with culture. Using Del Hyme's (1972) ethnography of communication as a theoretical and methodological guide, this research takes into an account the importance of analyzing language and communication as something that forms the cultural landscape of animal rights subculture. This thesis explores the four main cultural themes of animal rights activism at the local level; (1) the centrality of activism in the lives of the informants, (2) the frustration of being labeled and not being taken seriously, (3) the centrality of radical action, and (4) the national movement as a source of further frustration but also as an important element of the activist identity. Furthermore, based on the informant data I identify four main issues within the public discourse, which the activists find problematic. Critical Discourse Analysis is used in order to explore the ways in which radicalism is constructed in the media coverage of animal rights issues. / Graduation date: 2002

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