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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Topologická optimalizace synchronních strojů spouštěných ze sítě / Topology optimization of the line-start synchronous machines

Lolová, Iveta January 2020 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá topologickou optimalizací elektrických strojů a reluktančními synchronními stroji spouštěnými za sítě. Práce obsahuje literární rešerši na téma topologické optimalizace elektrických strojů a na téma synchronní reluktanční stroj spouštěný ze sítě. Jsou zde popsány možné způsoby charakterizace optimalizovaného prostoru. Především je rozebrán vliv rozmístění Gaussových funkcí na finální Gaussovu síť. V této práci je vytvořen vyhodnocovací algoritmus pro jednotlivé jedince, který zajišťuje komunikaci mezi Ansys Maxwell a optimalizačním softwarem SyMSpace. Navíc tento algoritmus vede ke zkrácení výpočetní doby počáteční selekcí nevyhovujících jedinců. Dále je provedena topologická optimalizace LSSynRM s využitím normalizované Gaussovy sítě a zhodnocení výsledků.

Modelling of flow and pressure characteristics in the model of the human upper respiratory tract under varying conditions / Modelling of flow and pressure characteristics in the model of the human upper respiratory tract under varying conditions

Karlíková, Adéla January 2020 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je vytvořit 3D model horních dýchacích cest podle originálního modelu segmentovaného z CT dat, aplikovat různé podmínky na průtok vzduchu v modelu, a poté hodnotit změnu charakteristik rychlosti a tlaku. Model horních dýchacích cest byl vytvořen v prostředí softwaru ANSYS, který využívá výpočetní dynamiku tekutin, a byly použity Navier-Stokesovy rovnice pro modelování průtoku vzduchu v modelu. Nejprve byl vytvořen jednoduchý 2D model za účelem seznámení se s prostředím ANSYS. Dále byl zkonstruován 3D model horních dýchacích cest a byly modelovány charakteristiky rychlosti a tlaku za různých podmínek. Tyto podmínky zahrnují různé umístění a množství míst pro odběr vzorků v modelu a výběr různých kombinací vstupů. Nakonec byly prezentovány a hodnoceny výsledky spolu s ilustracemi modelů modelovaných za různých podmínek. 3D model lze považovat ze kompromis mezi výpočetní náročností a složitostí modelu a lze jej použít jako základ pro další výzkum.

Praktické porovnání přístupů návrhů tlakových nádob v rámci ČSN EN 13445 / Practical comparison of pressure vessels design approaches within ČSN EN 13445

Procházka, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a practical comparison of pressure vessels design approaches within ČSN EN 13445. The thesis aimed to design the device using various approaches described in the European Standard and compare them. For the design was chosen a liquid filter, which works as the first stage of the filtration system in a waste-to-energy plant. In the first part of the thesis is introduced to different routes of design by analysis (DBA), including a description of plasticity conditions and finite element types. These theoretical knowledge are applied in the practical part. The practical part consists of designs of the pressure vessel according to different approaches and methods. The first approach is a design by formulae (DBF), which was done in software Visual Vessel Design. The second approach is DBA. This method of design can be realized according to the European Standard by two routes, either by Method base on the stress categories or so-called Direct Route. Both routes were performed in this work. Stress analyzes were made in programs ANSYS Workbench and NozzlePRO. At the end of the thesis, there is a comparison of used approaches and the resulting values of the design.

Návrh testovacího přípravku piezoelektrických vlastností PVDF vrstvy / Design of tester of piezoelectric PVDF layers

Sijková, Simona January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a design of a tester device, a selection and verification of a suitable method for comparing the piezoelectric properties of tested PVDF samples. In the introduction, a basic overview of the theory is important to understand the issue and the various branches of use of PVDF in the field of energy harvesting. The tester device includes a unimorph piezoelectric cantilever beam with tip mass, whose properties are described by three models: a model with N degrees of freedom reduced to one degree of freedom (NDOF), a single degree of freedom model (SDOF), both created in Matlab and a model for verifying results in FEM ANSYS Workbench program. The voltage time response and the voltage frequency response of the models is compared with each other. For two different PVDF samples, the voltage response to harmonic excitation is measured using a tester device, and the piezoelectric properties of one of them are determined using the NDOF and SDOF models.

Návrh topologie kompozitního piezokeramického snímače / Proposal of topology of piezoceramic composite sensor

Dostal, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals with design and numerical modelling of piezoceramic sensor, which is placed on a rail, in order to generate electrical energy, which can be used for wireless monitoring of railway traffic and to monitor the condition of the railway. The thesis is divided into three parts. Theoretically background of piezoelectric energy harvesting is described in first part, where some previous application of piezoelectric generator in railway area are shown. In the second part, parametric analysis of numerical model is performed, which directly leads to finding best location on a rail, where piezoelectric generator should be placed. For this analysis the homogenized model of MFC sensor was used. Results of the numerical model were then compared with the results of the conducted experiment. The third part presented own design of piezoceramic sensor, which is placed onto most suitable location on a rail. Results from numerical analysis shown eligibility of using piezoceramic sensor to monitor the railway traffic.

Návrh oběžného kola radiální turbíny se sníženým momentem setrvačnosti / Radial turbine runner design with reduced moment of inertia

Votava, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with topological optimization of the impeller of a radial turbocharger turbine. It focuses on reducing the moment of inertia with unchanged aerodynamic properties. The optimization was carried out using CFD, thermal and structural analysis. The computational modeling was performed using the finite element analysis in ANSYS. The work proposes models of the impeller with the topological modification of the internal structure. Based on the values of moment of inertia, the stress and the strain the most suitable model was selected.

Měnič pro BLDC motor / BLDC motor controller

Němec, Petr January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this Master thesis is to design a power convertor for BLDC motor 48V/2kW. Emphasis is placed on the small dimensions of the final printed circuit board. Therefore, power SMD transistors STL135N8F7AG are used in small packages PowerFlat 5x6. To reduce area of the PCB, electrolytic capacitors are mounted on a separate board, which is located above the main PCB. Small high-capacity 22F/100V ceramic capacitors are used in the DC-LINK as well. They are located as close as possible to the power SMD tranzistors. Control logic will be provided by microprocesor STM32G474RE. High resolution timer HRTIM1 is used. The first part of this thesis is devoted to the brief description of BLDC motor construction and driving. Next parts are focused on the design itself.

Čtyřválcový řadový zážehový letecký motor / Four-cylinder in-line gasoline aircraft engine

Kučera, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the structural design of a steel connecting rod for the aircraft engine Walter Mikron III, which is currently still manufactured and developed by company PARMA-TECHNIK, s.r.o. The proposed connecting rod would replace the current duralumin connecting rod. The work also contains a strength analysis of the designed component, in which it was aimed to verify the stress on the connecting rod, based on which the fatigue safety factor was performed. This is crucial for dynamically stressed parts of internal combustion engines. Furthermore, was investigated the effect of the change of the connecting rod on the torsional vibration of the crank mechanism. For this purpose, was built a discrete torsion model. The output of the whole work is the drawing documentation of the new connecting rod, meeting the requirements for application in an aircraft engine.

Využití počítačové grafiky v silnoproudé elektrotechnice / The utilization of computer graphic in power electrical engineering

Bzduch, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this work is to describe news in Autodesk Inventor Professional 2008. In second part of the work there are described the possibilities of technical drawing in Autodesk Inventor. In third part there is mentioned basic information about ANSYS Workbench. There is thermal simulation of asynchronous motor too.

Model komory reaktoru pro mikrovlnný ohřev / Model of the reactor chamber for microwave heating

Kříž, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the concept of a high-frequency chamber which serves for desiccation of emulsion consisted of oil and water where the contents of water is over 30% of the emulsion capacity. The high-frequency chamber works on frequency 2,45 GHz. The task was to design a numerical model in which a high-frequency thermic conjugated problem is solved. The design of a high-frequency chamber is made up considering the heat distribution in inhomogeneous environment as well as chemical and physical changes. The proportions of the high-frequency chamber can guarantee the biggest output transmitted from the source to the chamber with the emulsion desiccated and uniform layout of electromagnetic field. These criteria are necessary for smooth heating of the emulsion desiccated. In this diploma thesis, there were several numerical models with various proportions made up. Finally, the one with the shortest time of heating the emulsion in reference to emulsion capacity was chosen.

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