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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'n Vergelykende ondersoek na die residensiele argitektuur van die Victoriaanse periode in Engeland en Suid-Afrika : die impak van abstrakte determinante op uiterlike vormgewing

Van Zyl, Annemarie 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Architecture is a complex concept, and as such many factors contribute to its creation. These factors include geographical, economical and climatological aspects, but above all architecture is formed by the specific times, circumstances and lifestyle of the creator. The human being, with his background, ideas and values, shapes and influences the architecture surrounding him, and is also shaped and influenced by it. Therefore, when the lives and opinions of people are radically changed, it follows inevitably that their way of architectural expression will also change. There are marked differences between domestic buildings erected during the Victorian period in England and South Africa. English domestic buildings consist of long uniform terraced rows of two or more storeys, while freestanding single-storeyed houses are the norm in South Africa. A large percentage of English buildings are built with unfinished bricks (sometimes stone), while the bulk of South African buildings are finished in plaster. The general roofing material for Victorian houses in South Africa, namely corrugated iron, are not used on English houses at all. English roofs are most often covered in slate tiles. The very elaborate wood and/or cast-iron decorative elements so typical of the Victorian style in South Africa are largely absent in England, and most English buildings also do not have an architectural element comparable to the South African veranda. All styles which occurred in England during the Victorian period are termed Victorian, but in all cases it refers to the period, not the style. Although in South Africa other styles from the Victorian period are sometimes also referred to as Victorian, a clearly distinguishable style with unique characteristics developed at the end of the nineteenth century in South Africa. This style came to be known as Victorian. This study investigates the underlying reasons for the differences which exist between the Victorian architecture of England and South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Argitektuur berus op 'n komplekse basis, en as sodanig is daar talle faktore wat tot die skepping daarvan aanleiding gee. Hierdie faktore sluit onder meer in geografiese, ekonomiese en klimatologiese aspekte, maar bowenal word die argitektuur geskep deur die spesifieke tydsgees, agtergrond en leefstyl van die skepper daarvan. Die mens, met inbegrip van sy agtergrond, idees en waardes, vorm en beïnvloed die argitektuur wat hom omring, en word self ook daardeur gevorm en beïnvloed. Wanneer die lewens en sienings van mense dus verander, volg dit vanselfsprekend dat hulle argitektoniese uitdrukkingsvorme ook sal verander. Woonhuise wat tydens die Victoriaanse periode in Suid-Afrika opgerig is, verskil opvallend van dié in Engeland. Engeland se woonhuise bestaan uit lang aaneengeskakelde rye huise (terraces), wat oor twee of meer verdiepings strek, terwyl enkelverdieping alleenstaande geboue die norm in Suid-Afrika is. Geboue in Engeland vertoon ook 'n opvallende uniformiteit wat in Suid-Afrika ontbreek. 'n Groot persentasie Engelse geboue is van ongepleisterde baksteen (soms klip) gebou, terwyl Suid-Afrikaanse geboue oorwegend afgepleister is. Die algemene dakmateriaal vir Victoriaanse huise in Suid-Afrika, naamlik sinkplaat, word glad nie op Engelse huise gebruik nie. Die oordadige versieringselemente uit gietyster en/of hout wat so tipies van die Victoriaanse styl in Suid-Afrika is, is grootliks afwesig in Engeland, en die meeste Engelse geboue het ook nie 'n bou-element wat vergelykbaar is met 'n Suid-Afrikaanse stoep nie. Alle style wat in Engeland tydens die Victoriaanse periode voorgekom het, word Victoriaans genoem, maar in alle gevalle word die tydperk bedoel, en nie die styl nie. Hoewel daar in Suid-Afrika ook soms na ander style van die Victoriaanse periode as Victoriaans verwys word, het daar teen die einde van die negentiende eeu 'n eiesoortige styl met unieke kenmerke in Suid-Afrika ontwikkel wat as Victoriaans bekend staan. Hierdie studie ondersoek die dieperliggende redes vir die verskille wat tussen die Victoriaanse argitektuur van Engeland en Suid-Afrika bestaan.

Aspects of visual conceptualisation in some domestic buildings constructed in Johannesburg between 1890 and 1940

15 September 2015 (has links)
M.A. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

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