Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arduino"" "subject:"urduino""
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Claw Machine : Bachelors thesis in mechatronics / KlomaskinGAUFFIN, HENRIK, SÖDERMAN LUNDQVIST, ISIDOR January 2020 (has links)
A simple idea can have many different construction solutions and a claw machine is a good machine to try different solutions on. The goal of this thesis was to find out how a claw machine could be created as simple as possible and finding out which parts that were essential in constructing the machine. The claw machine’s shell was built using a laser cutter and details were 3D-printed. With 4 metal rods and two stepper motors the claw machine gantry worked properly. Finally a 3D-printed claw was made and attached to a servo motor and a stepper motor, a functional claw machine had been constructed. The conclusions of this thesis was that stop-sensors were not necessary in the making of the machine as the motors can’t move the claw further than to the edges and risk damaging the machine, step counting with proper belts is an alternative. Further conclusions was that 3D-printed bearings creates too much friction and therefore the gantry can’t operate, and using a fixed timing belt instead of a movable one is to prefer. / En enkel idé kan ha många olika konstruktionslösningar, en klomaskin är ett exempel på en sådan idé som kan fungera som ett exempel att pröva olika konstruktionslösningar på. Målet med det här kandidatexamensarbetet var att undersöka hur en klomaskin kan uppnå sin funktion genom att ta reda på vilka komponenter som är viktigast för att konstruera maskinen. Klomaskinens skal laserskärdes och detaljdelar 3D-printades. Med 4 metallstänger och stegmotorer så fungerade klomaskinens ställning. Slutligen så var klomaskinen konstruerad. Slutsatser av det här kandidatexamensarbetet var att stoppsensorer inte var nödvändiga eftersom motorerna inte kunde föra klon längre än i det begränsade området och riskera att skada maskinen, stegräkning är ett alternativ med kuggremmar som inte slirar. Andra slutsatser var att 3D-utskrivna lager resulterade i mycket friktion och därmed en mekanism som inte fungerade och att använda en fix kuggrem är att föredra över en rörlig.
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Self-Stabilizing Platform / Självstabiliserande serveringsbrickaAKKILA, MARCUS, ERIKSSON, BIX January 2020 (has links)
This project explores the possibility to stabilize a hand held serving-tray using a micro-controller, two servomotors and an inertial measurement unit (IMU). It is heavily focused on control theory, specifically using a PID controller. Stabilization of an object using a PID controller have many applications such as drones, camera stabilizers and flight simulators. The report covers the theory necessary to construct a self stabilizing platform and describes involving components in the prototype and how they cooperate. With the gyroscopes and accelerometers involved in the IMU it is possible to determine orientation and rotation of the tray. The construction enables rotation about the x-axis (roll) and y-axis (pitch) but not the z-axis (yaw). The readings from the gyroscopes and the accelerometers are combined and filtered through a complementary filter to estimate the rotations. The servomotors compensate disturbance in keeping the platform horizontal through PID regulation. The PID constants are tuned through tilting the platform at a specific angle and plotting the step response in MATLAB. / Detta projekt utforskar möjligheten att stabilisera en handhållen serveringsbricka med hjälp av en mikrokontroller, två servomotorer och en tröghetssensor (IMU). Projektet lägger mycket fokus på reglerteknik, specifikt att använda en PID-regulator. Stabilisering genom PID-reglering är användbart i många olika produkter, exempelvis drönare, kamerastabiliserare och flygsimulatorer. Rapporten täcker relevant teori för att konstruera en självstabiliserande plattform och beskriver ingående komponenter i prototypen samt hur de samverkar. Med gyroskopen och accelerometrarna som finns i IMU:n är det möjligt att uppskatta position och rotation för ett objekt. Konstruktionen tillåter rotation kring x-axeln (roll) och y-axeln (pitch) men inte zaxeln (yaw). Mätningarna från gyroskopen och accelerometrarna kombineras och filtreras med hjälp av ett s.k. complementary filter för att uppskatta rotationen av objektet. Servomotorerna används i sin tur till att hålla plattan horisontell genom att kompensera störningar från omgivningen. Detta görs genom PID-reglering. Konstanterna i PID-regulatorn är framtagna genom tester där plattformen lutas ett bestämt antal grader och stegsvaret plottas i MATLAB.
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CheckMate : Remote Arduino powered chess / Trådlöst Arduino drivet schackERICSON, JOAKIM, WESTERMARK, ADAM January 2020 (has links)
Board games are on the rise and chess is no exception. However, in an increasingly digitalized world these board games lack something in comparison to digitalized games, being able to play with anyone anywhere. This project aimed to combine these two worlds by being a physical game of chess where one could play against an opponent from far away. CheckMate is a robot consisting of an acrylic frame and various electronic components, such as an electromagnet, two stepper motors, a Hall eect sensor and a WiFi module. The electromagnet and Hall eect sensor were able to move using a belt and pulley system. This allowed magnetic pieces to be identified and dragged across the board. The board then communicated the location of all the pieces on the board, using Wifi, to an website that also kept track on whose turn it was. The result of this project was a robot that was able to perform all the moves necessary on the chessboard as well as communicating to the website. When moving a piece from one location to another the piece repelled other pieces on its way. However, this was deemed to be acceptable since the pieces were not moved too large of a distance for the electromagnet to attract them when moved into its square. One move that the robot was not able to perform was castling. The results can therefore bee seen as a starting point toward further developments. / Brädspels popularitet stiger och schack är inget undantag. Dock saknar brädspel de digitala spelens möjlighet att spela med vem som helst varsomhelst. Detta projekt ville bygga över klyftorna mellan dessa två världar genom att vara ett fysiskt schackspel med de digitala spelens möjligheter. CheckMate är en robot byggd av akrylplast och diverse elektroniska komponenter sådan som en elektromagnet, två stegmotorer, en halleektsensor och en WiFi-modul. Elektromagneten och halleektsensorn förflyttades via ett system av kuggremmar drivet av stegmotorerna. Elektromagneten användes för att flytta pjäserna på brädet medan halleektsensorn användes vid kartläggning av pjäsernas position på brädet. Brädet kommunicerade, via trådlöst nätverk, till en hemsida som användes för att spara och överföra pjäsernas positioner. Projektet resulterade i en robot som kunde göra alla motsvarande drag hämtat från hemsidan. Dock så repellerade en flyttande pjäs på de stationära pjäserna när den passerade. Detta ansågs dock vara acceptabelt då elektromagneten kunde föra tillbaka pjäserna när den befann sig i dess ruta. Något som projektet ej lyckades utföra var draget rockad. Resultatet av detta projekt kan ses som en startpunkt i en vidareutveckling eller en färdig produkt vid obesvärad spelning.
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Inverted Pendulum Stability Regarding Bandwidth and Center of Mas / Stabilitet hos inverterad pendel med hänsyn till bandbredd och masscentrumJOHNSSON, ALEXANDER, RÅHLÉN, TAGE January 2020 (has links)
This bachelor thesis at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, aims to clarify how the minimum bandwidth of a stabilised mobile inverted pendulum is affected by the position of its center of mass and the frequency of measuring the state variables. The scope is to apply basic theories in automation control and electronic systems when designing the system. The mechatronical system in the experimental trials is constructed with the main components consisting of bipolar stepper motors, stepper motor drivers (DRV8825), potentiometer and Arduino UNO. The mobile pendulum in question consists of a cart on a rail with a potentiomoter and a rod mounted to it. In the experimental trials in this paper, three different radial positions of the center of mass are analysed with regards to the bandwidth of relevant measurements. A variety of PID parameters, for both the angle and position regulation, are the essential basis on which these stability trials are performed. The results are limited to the resolution of the potentiometer outputs, the length of the rail and the stiffness of the rod. The result is presented by comparisons between data of the greatest angles which are stabilised and the corresponding maximal latency of the angle corrections. These data concludes to that the minimum required bandwidth to sustain stability decreases for an increasing length between the center of mass and the point of rotation. / Denna kandidatexamensuppsats genomfördes på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, i Stockholm, Sverige, och har som mål att klargöra hur den minsta bandbredden för en stabiliserad inverterad pendel påverkas av positionen av dess tyngdpunkt samt nätfrekvensen av tillståndsvariablerna. Projektet omfattar grundläggande teorier om reglerteknik och elektriska system. Det mekatroniska systemet som används i experimenten är uppbyggt av följande nyckelkomponenter: bipolära stegmotorer, stegmotordrivare (DRV8825), potentionmeter och Arduino UNO. Den mobila pendeln består av en stång och en potentiometer som är monterad på en vagn löpandes på en räls. I de utförda experimenten i denna rapport analyseras tre radiella positioner på masscentrum med hänsyn till bandbredden och relevanta mätningar. En reglering med olika PID parametrar, för både vinkel- och positionsreglering, är den kritiska process som lade grunden för analyserna av stabiliteten. Resultaten är begränsade av upplösningen hos potentiometerns utsignal, längden av rälsen och stångens styvhet. Resultaten presenteras genom jämförelser mellan data för de största vinklarna som stabiliseras och de motsvarande maximala fördröjningarna. Sammanfattningsvis minskar den minst nödvändiga bandbredden för att upprätthålla stabilitet för ökande längder mellan pendelns tyngdpunkt och rotationspunkten.
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An Arduino Based Control System for a Brackish Water Desalination PlantCaraballo, Ginna 08 1900 (has links)
Water scarcity for agriculture is one of the most important challenges to improve food security worldwide. In this thesis we study the potential to develop a low-cost controller for a small scale brackish desalination plant that consists of proven water treatment technologies, reverse osmosis, cation exchange, and nanofiltration to treat groundwater into two final products: drinking water and irrigation water. The plant is powered by a combination of wind and solar power systems. The low-cost controller uses Arduino Mega, and Arduino DUE, which consist of ATmega2560 and Atmel SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 CPU microcontrollers. These are widely used systems characterized for good performance and low cost. However, Arduino also requires drivers and interfaces to allow the control and monitoring of sensors and actuators. The thesis explains the process, as well as the hardware and software implemented.
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Investigating Methods For Measuring Network Convergence TimesDanielsson, Jakob, Andersson, Tobias January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates different methods that can be used for analyzing network performance and,ultimately, can be used for measuring the convergence time of ring coupled networks. As of today,many networks are often run with extra links, serving as backup links in case any that of the mainlinks would go down. To operate networks with backup links in layer 2 and layer 3, specific re-routing protocols such as RIP and OSPF are used in order to calculate a feasible path through anetwork when a network state changes. Depending on different implementations of the protocolsand the hardware used, the convergence times can vary substantially, which means measuring thenetwork performance is a very important part when developing a network solution. To executenetwork tests, a packet engine suite is used consisting of a network traffic generator that is used forcreating a packet stream, as well as a traffic receiver that fetches the packets sent. Various types ofengines can be used including Linux based, real-time operating systems based and bare-metal basedsolutions. From these different types of engines, a few tools are chosen and investigated on differentproperties including performance and usability. It was found that Tshark (Linux, RT-Linux based),USPI (Raspberry Pi bare metal), FreeRTOS (Raspberry Pi based), Arduino and PKTgen (Linuxkernel based) were the most suitable approaches to be used for testing. The test parameters includetesting the gaps between packets, maximum jitter, average jitter and packets sent per second. Thesetests revealed that an IXIA solution was slightly more accurate when used as a receiving end sinceit produced less jitter, however this difference could only be noticed in a micro second range. Itwas also revealed that it produced slightly less jitter than the other packet generators, also here onlynoticeable in a microsecond range. Thus it can be concluded that IXIA is not much superior any ofthe close to hardware solutions. The executed network tests revealed that the Westermo developedlayer 2 protocol FRNT generated less network convergence time and less packet losses than thecommonly used RSTP protocol. Similar tests against the layer 3 protocols revealed that RIP wasmuch faster than OSPF and it also lost less packets. Finally it is concluded that there is no needto buy an expensive network testing suite to test the convergence time of a network. Instead, anetwork testing suite can be developed with minimal funding.
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Diseño e implementación de una infraestructura para un sistema de control distribuido (DCS)Ceroni Salazar, Álvaro Stefano January 2015 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil Químico / En los últimos años, la masificación de sistemas embebidos y de computadores de placa reducida (SBC) han permitido el diseño, desarrollo y automatización de hardware de bajo costo para aplicaciones multidisciplinarias tales como impresoras 3D, sistemas de alarmas y climatización. Sin embargo, a nivel de laboratorios y pequeñas industrias su uso se limita a la creación de sensores, es por ello que esta memoria explora el diseño de un sistema de control enfocado en estos segmentos.
Este sistema de control está compuesto por un servidor de control que posee una base de datos, un servidor web que actúa como interfaz humano-máquina (HMI), y un elemento de control, conectados mediante una red inalámbrica. El elemento de control corresponde al dispositivo encargado de obtener desde los sensores, datos sobre las variables de entrada, manipular los actuadores a través de los puertos de salida y posee además, la capacidad de implementar una ley de control a través de un controlador en modo de supervisión o como controlador digital directo. Por otro lado, el servidor de control tiene la función de registrar las mediciones de los sensores del equipo conectados al sistema, además, también puede registrar modificaciones hechas al sistema desde el HMI.
El sistema de control diseñado se implementó en el equipo HL630, equipo que posee un circuito de calefacción de agua que incluye un radiador con ventilador, calefactor, una bomba de potencia regulable y un sensor de flujo. Para esto, se utilizó como servidor de control el SBC Raspberry Pi B+, y como elemento de control el sistema embebido Arduino Yún. Para conectar el equipo al elemento de control, se utilizó circuitos y dispositivos electrónicos con el fin de enlazar los actuadores y sensores. Asimismo, se observó la presencia de interferencias electromagnéticas (EMI), problema que se solucionó utilizando una jaula de Faraday. Además, se implementó un controlador digital directo de tipo PID con PWM debido a que no es posible utilizar el elemento de control en modo de supervisión.
Finalmente, para la sintonización del controlador, se utilizó un modelo empírico basado en la respuesta del sistema a un pulso de 15 seg., y con ello, mediante el ajuste de parámetros de simulaciones para un sistema con una función de transferencia de cierto orden, se determinó que la función de transferencia que mejor representa el sistema es de orden-(3,2). Así, se sintonizó el controlador utilizando algoritmos basados en la minimización de overshoot en función del tiempo de estabilización del sistema para problemas de regulación y servo-control, en base a una simulación del sistema con controlador PID continuo, para obtener parámetros utilizados como base de la ley de control implementada y mediante un análisis de sensibilidad se obtuvo un valor definitivo.
Posteriormente, se probó de forma experimental que al aumentar 10 veces el valor destinado a eliminar el windup reset aumenta la amplitud de oscilaciones y el sistema converge a estado estacionario oscilando alrededor del valor del setpoint. De igual manera, también se experimentó aumentar al doble el periodo de la señal de referencia del PWM y se observó que el controlador no cambia la amplitud, ni el tiempo de estabilización, sin embargo, se genera una oscilación de alta frecuencia de amplitud constante.
Así, fue posible diseñar una infraestructura de un sistema de control distribuido con las caracteristicas ya mencionadas, que se implementó en un equipo de laboratorio y de forma exitosa fue posible monitorear y controlar el equipo de forma remota a través del HMI. A su vez, este proyecto permitió ver la factibilidad técnica de implementar sistemas de control de bajo costo en algunos procesos de pequeñas escala, a modo de reemplazar la utilización de costosos sistemas industriales.
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Smart Hockey GoalMoreira, Miguel, Ruiz, José Luis January 2017 (has links)
Context: Nowadays, the ice hockey is one of the main sports in Sweden and year by year the number of people that practice it is raising. For practicing the accuracy of the shot there are not a lot of devices in the market and the ones that already exist use high definition cameras and complex sensors which makes them very expensive to the amateur practice of the sport. Objectives: The main aim of this project is to build a prototype of a hockey goal able to detect and measure the speed of the hockey puck when it goes into the goal. In this paper, we present a solution for detecting and measuring phase using different sensors and a Kinect camera. For the position there have been used laser emitters with photoresistors and ultrasonic sensors, and for the speed detection there have been used a doppler sensor, HB100 and the Microsoft Kinect camera. The goal is to show that there are cheaper solutions than the ones used in the professional world. Method: Using a Arduino board we will divide the project into two phases, the detection phase and the speed measure phase. In the first phase we will detect the puck using two methods and at the end we will compare them to know which one is more appropriate to apply in order to have as much accuracy as possible. The first method will be using photoresistors and lasers so when the Arduino board detects a huge variation of the photoresistor it will mean that the puck has crossed the goal line and a LED will turn on. The second method will be using ultrasound sensors which detect the distance to and object. We will put the sensors on the top of the goal and the will measure the distance to the floor, if this distance changes it means that the distance calculated is the one to the puck and not the floor so a LED will be turned on. In the second phase we will calculate the speed of the puck using two methods and we will compare the results. The first method will be using the HB100 sensor which will be fixed on the top of the goal. The sensor will print on the screen the speed values of the puck when it goes into the goal. The second method will use a Kinect camera to detect the puck and calculate the speed detecting it in two different places and knowing the difference of time between them. Results: We will do some test for each phase and method and finally we will calculate the accuracy of the method, compare the results and decide which is the best method for achieving the objectives.
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Evaluating LoRa and WiFi JammingÖst, Albert January 2018 (has links)
Internet of Things changes our world with everything we have around us, our everyday things will be connected to the Internet. According to experts, in two years there will be up to 29 billion devices connected to the Internet. With all of the information that is produced it is important to keep the communication secure, otherwise there can be serious problems in the future. Therefore the objective with this study has been to investigate the area of jamming attacks on wireless communication for Internet of Things, more specifically on LoRa and WiFi technologies. This was made by a literature study to research about Internet of Things, the industrial side of it, the two communication technologies and wireless jamming of them. Additionally to this a small scale test bed system consisting of two LoRa nodes (an Arduino and a LoRa gateway), two WiFi nodes (a laptop and router) and a software defined radio frequency jammer (a HackRF One) were set up. Jamming was performed on the system and evaluated form the perspective of a typical industrial Internet of Things scenario. The testing on the system was done by measuring the received signal strength index, round trip time for a message and packet losses. The study showed that the WiFi communication broke down completely while the LoRa communication stood strong up to the jammer. This concluded that LoRa communication is secure for a typical Internet of Things scenario, from this particular jamming device, or a similar one.
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O Arduíno e a Aprendizagem de Física : um kit robótico para abordar conceitos e princípios do Movimento Uniforme /Vazzi, Marcio Roberto Gonçalves de. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Silvio Henrique Fiscarelli / Banca: José Luis Bizelli / Banca: Galeno José de Sena / Resumo: Este trabalho investiga a utilização das metodologias ativas como instrumento para o ensino de Física a partir do uso de um "Kit Robótico" desenvolvido com uma plataforma de hardware livre chamada Arduíno. O planejamento do trabalho teve início em 2015, momento em que foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre a temática e sobre as metodologias que poderiam a ser adotadas no seu desenvolvimento. Como resultado da revisão teórico-metodológica optamos por implementar o projeto por meio de um conjunto de atividades baseadas na metodologia de Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas focalizando a temática "Movimento", dentro do currículo de Física do 1° ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola Técnica do Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza. O estudo de campo foi desenvolvido a partir de encontros periódicos com um grupo de alunos que manifestaram interesse pela proposta. Para direcionar as atividades e garantir que os alunos desenvolvessem as competências e habilidades desejadas foi utilizado os denominados os Roteiros de Atividades, que criava situações problemas para contextualizar a aprendizagem. Após a realização da pesquisa, verificamos alguns indícios de que o recursos e metodologias adotados podem auxiliar o professor e contribuir para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, entretanto, não é a inserção da tecnologia, por si, o elemento fundamental que altera as condições de aprendizagem e sim de saber aproveitar as características que esses recursos possuem para fazer ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This work investigates the use of active methodologies as an instrument for teaching physics from the use of a "Robotic Kit" developed with a free hardware platform called Arduino. Work planning began in 2015, at which time a review of the literature on the subject and on the methodologies that could be adopted in its development was carried out. As a result of the theoretical-methodological revision we decided to implement the project through a set of activities based on the methodology of Problem-Based Learning focusing on the theme "Movement" within the Physics curriculum of the 1st year of High School of a Technical School Of the State Center of Technological Education Paula Souza. The field study was developed from periodic meetings with a group of students who expressed an interest in the proposal. In order to direct the activities and ensure that the students developed the desired skills and abilities, we used the so-called Activity Schedules, which created situations to contextualize the learning situations. After conducting the research, we verified some evidence that the resources and methodologies adopted can help the teacher and contribute to the teaching and learning process, however, it is not the insertion of technology, by itself, the fundamental element that changes the conditions of Learning but rather to know how to take advantage of the characteristics that these resources have in order to make the student believe in the legitimacy of the school contents a... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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