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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Residential development: a microspatial allocation model

Allan, Edward Blake January 1978 (has links)
The focus of this study was the development and testing of a micro-spatial supply model which could explain and predict the allocation of residential development to subareas within a region. This involved a three step process. The first step was a review of the literature to determine what criteria were considered important in the location of residential development. Two types of location criteria were found to be important. The first of these criteria were intuitive accessibility measures used in other modelling studies. The second type of criteria were potential supply criteria suggested as important by surveys of residential developers. The second step involved the measuring and testing of various potential supply and accessibility measures to see which were important in explaining the allocation of residential development within the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD). From these tests a microspatial allocation function was derived which could be tested in a large scale urban model of the GVRD. The third step involved incorporating the microspatial allocation function into the supply sub-model of a large urban model and running the model for four simulated years. The simulated data was then compared with actual data before and after the inclusion of the allocation function. Finally, the results of the tests were compared to similar studies which had compared simulated data with actual data. The test results indicate that approximately 50% of single family development and approximately 75% of multiple family development could be explained by potential supply measures. Accessibility measures were of' little significance in explaining single family development, and explained only about 10% of multiple family development. The results of testing the microspatial allocation functions in a large urban model were not as encouraging as the explanatory tests. Generally, the results of tests which compared actual data with simulated data indicate that the increase in performance with the microspatial allocation function was marginal. However, compared to similar studies the results are acceptable. In general, the study indicates that behavioural studies of the role played by developers combined with analytical models of this behaviour may provide considerable insight into the nature of the development process. It also lends strong supporting evidence to the suggestion that government organizations have been effective in allocating growth by their servicing and zoning policies. / Business, Sauder School of / Real Estate Division / Graduate

Marketingová komunikace ve firmě Petra Clinic / Marketing communication in the company Petra Clinic

Vondrová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the marketing communications for esthetic and slimming clinic Petra Clinic. The first part of the thesis is focused on the theoretical knowledge of marketing services, marketing communications and communication mix area. Competition and communications and media mix area is examined in the practical part. Finally, I proposed for the clinic a four-month communications campaign. The aim of my thesis is to find out how the Petra clinic communicates and what communication and media mix area is specific for the clinic. Based on this information the individual recommandations how to encourage esthetic and slimming clinic in its marketing are proposed.

Case-hardening and karst geomorphology in the tropics with particular reference to the Caribbean and Belize

Ireland, Peter Arthur Richard January 1982 (has links)
No description available.


Gustafsson, Hanna, Axelsson Olsson, Karin January 2018 (has links)
Den aktuella studien ämnar undersöka huruvida de mest brottsfrekventa delområdena i Malmö även är de delområden med högst brottsskadevärde. Genom en analys av registerdata över anmälda brott framkommer det att 13 delområde i Malmö både uppvisar det högsta brottsskadevärdet och den högsta brottsfrekvensen. Fem delområden har dock enbart ett högt brottsskadevärde samtidigt som fem delområden enbart har en hög brottsfrekvens. Detta indikerar på att brottsbekämpande aktörer även bör komplettera sina arbetsmetoder mot brottsfrekventa plaster med metoder som riktar sig mot platser med höga brottsskadevärden. Därmed är det tänkbart att det brottsförebyggande arbetet skulle effektiviseras. I resultatet framkommer det även svaga samband mellan flertalet olika oberoende variabler, kopplade till teori, och delområden som kan klassificeras som brottsfrekventa och/eller med ett högt brottsskadevärde. Sammanfattningsvis uppmuntrar studien till vidare forskning inom ämnet med fokus på mikroplatser. / The current study aims to investigate whether or not the neighborhoods with the highest crime rates in Malmö also are the areas with the highest crime harm. A database analysis of reported crime incidents shows that 13 of the highest crime rate neighborhoods likewise are the neighborhoods with the highest crime harm rate. Five neighborhoods are solely classified as high crime rate neighborhoods meanwhile five are classified solely as high crime harm neighborhoods. This result indicates that the crime fighting agencies should supplement their working methods against high-crime areas with methods targeting neighborhoods with high crime harm. Thereby it is possible that the crime prevention could work more efficiently. The result also shows on weak correlations between several different independent variables, linked to theory, and neighborhoods that can be classified as high crime rate neighborhoods and/or a high crime harm neighborhoods. In conclusion the study encourages for further research on the subject with focus on microplaces.

Is the euro the right way? : A study on the effect of implementing the euro on domestic unemployment.

Sule, Kevin January 2021 (has links)
This paper aims to investigate how the domestic unemployment rate of a nation is affected by joining the European currency union and converting to the euro. This is done through the use of a synthetic control method, as well as an augmented version of the model, where I define the Euro Area countries as the treatment group, and conversion to euro as treatment. In line with the predictions of previous related theoretical frameworks such as the optimum currency area theory, the gravity theory and Matusz’s equilibrium model, the findings in this paper suggests that conversion to the euro leads to a short-term decrease in domestic unemployment. The effect is likely due to the short-term increase in trade, specifically within-union trade, that arises from joining the EMU.

Hodnoty koeficientu užitné plochy ku zastavěné ploše u vybraného typu nemovitostí v Hradci Králové / Values of the Quatient of Usable Area to the Built-up Area in a Selected Type of Real Estate in Hradec Králové

Paulus, Adam January 2019 (has links)
Aim of this diploma thesis is calculating the carpet area/built-up area coefficient and make a proposal how to put this coefficient in place in building evaluation field. Also, assessment of error rate of this method is needed. More methods were suggested based on differently calculated coefficients. Comparison of different sources of public information about buildings was made and these were compared to actual state of the buildings. Research was made whether there is correlation between age of the building and tipical building´s characteristics in examined area. Studied area is called Kluky (part of Hradec Králové).

Zhodnocení ceny stavebního objektu při jeho rekonstrukci na nebytové prostory / Evaluation of a Construction in Terms of its Redevelopment into Non-residential Premises

Tuscher, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with valuation of real property before and after change the purpose of use. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the theoretical inputs are defined areas related to real estate assessment. Cases study is dealt in the practical part. Case study is focused on real estate assessment and deals with determination of the impact on price of real property when will be changed the purpose of use. Also construction works related with change the purpose of use from residential unit to area intended to business. Construction works were calculated by budgeting programme. In the end is analysed price of real property before the purpose of use and after the purpose of use and evaluation of this price.

Českodubsko v pravěku a raném středověku / The Českodubsko area in the prehistory and early medieval

Spěšná, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with prehistoric and early medieval settlement in the Český Dub region. The main aim is to describe finds belonging to different archaeological periods and cultures from the Palaeolithic to the Early Middle Ages (until the 12th century), which mostly come from the surface collection. The attention was mainly focused on the collections deposited in Podještědské muzeum in Český Dub. More information was obtained from the published literature and some new data, about the settlement, was acquired from the authorʼs surface survey. Based on the available information, a catalogue, which contains all the archaeological sites and finds dated until the 12th century, was compiled. The work is accompanied by maps of finds, belonging to certain archaeological periods and by a picture catalogue of chipped and polished stone industry. Keywords: North Bohemia - Podještědí - Český Dub Region - settlement - prehistory - Early Middle Ages

Étude et développement d'un réseau de capteurs synchronisés à l'aide d'un protocole de communication sans fil dédié à l'Internet des objets / Study and development of synchronized sensors network using a wireless communication protocol dedicated to the Internet of Things

Gilbert, Johann 18 September 2018 (has links)
Depuis les 20 dernières années, l'essor de l'IoT et du "cloud computing" a conditionné le besoin dedéployer massivement, et globalement, des capteurs afin d'alimenter des bases de données et améliorerla précision des algorithmes d'analyse. Pour répondre à ces demandes, de nouveaux réseaux basés surles bandes de fréquences ISM ont été déployés. Nous avons donc appréhendé de façon complète cestechnologies afin de garantir une qualité maximale pour nos produits mais aussi proposer des conseilsjustes dans un secteur ou abus de langage et promesses de performances sont monnaie courante.Cependant, le nombre grandissant d'objets émettant sous la fréquence du gigahertz lève un doutequant à l'impact sur la santé des êtres vivants. Dès lors, coupler l'aspect non invasif des VLC avecl'Internet des Objets permettrait non seulement de réduire les risques pour les êtres humains maisaussi de limiter la saturation des bandes radio.Néanmoins, les techniques d'aujourd'hui consistent principalement en la réalisation de systèmesdiffusant l'information depuis une source unique vers plusieurs récepteurs, ce qui est l'inverse du paradigmede l'IoT. Dans cette étude, nous avons donc réalisé un nouveau design basé sur les VLC qui meten place une topologie de réseau en étoile 3. Ce système, basé sur un concentrateur disposant d'une ouplusieurs caméra en guise de photo-récepteurs, est optimisé pour plus d'autonomie. Ainsi, la vitessede transmission peut être gérée dynamiquement sans être connue par les autres éléments du système. / In the last 20 years, the coming up of Internet of Things and Cloud Computing has conditionedthe need to deploy sensors everywhere to feed databases and analytics. To meet this requirements,new kind of networks have been massively deployed based on the sub-gigahertz frequency which haveunknown effect on human health.Couple the non-invasive aspect of the Visible Light Communication (VLC) with IoT could notonly reduce potential risks for human health but also avoid radio band saturation. However, today'stechniques consist mainly in broadcast data from light sources to receivers which is the opposite of theIoT paradigm. In this study, we will present a new design where the gateway is not a classic photodiodebut a camera.With this camera based method, we are able to design a star network using VLC. Even if the datarate is not the same as standard method, we are now able to collect data emanating from many sensorsat once with only one photoreceptor. This system also includes the ability of discriminate LED matrix,which transfer the same data faster, and single LED. Finally, data rate can be handle autonomouslyby the system to provide an optimal data transfer.

Petrology ot Tertiary (?) Volcanic Rocks of Snowville Area, Utah, and Tertiary-Quaternary (?) Volcanic Rocks of Table Mountain and Holbrook Areas, Idaho

Wang, Yunshuen 01 May 1985 (has links)
Basalt flows occur in the Snowville area of north-central Utah and the Table Mountain and Holbrook areas of south-central Idaho. All basalt flows are aphanitic in groundmass, and contain olivine, plagioclase, augite, and opaque oxides. They can be distinguished by texture. Snowville basalt has predominantly subophitic to intergranular textures. Table Mountain basalt is fine grained, with stumpy groundmass plagioclase and equant ilmenite crystals. Holbrook basalt has pilotaxitic to intergranular textures, with the presence of plagioclase phenocrysts and characteristic exsolution lamellae in Fe-Ti oxides. The olivine grains in Holbrook area are intensely oxidized to Fe-Ti oxides. Snowville basalt contains olivine phenocrysts (Fo88 -Fo44 ) in a groundmass of olivine (Fo63 -Fo47), augite (Wo42 -Wo36), and plagioclase (An77-An52). The lower flow unit of Table Mountain basalt contains olivine phenocrysts (Fo88-?) in a groundmass of augite (Wo44 En44 Fs17), and plagioclase (An58-An48). The upper flow unit of Table Mountain basalt has olivine phenocrysts (Fo82-Fo65), plagioclase phenocrysts (An73-An67), and plagioclase groundmass (An64-An55). The Holbrook basalt is composed of olivine phenocrysts (Fo67-Fo57)and plagioclase phenocrysts (An68-An43 ) in a groundmass of olivine (Fo59Fos53) augite (Wo39 En44 Fs17), and plagioclase (An67-An35). The basalts of the Snowville and Holbrook areas, represent petrographic, mineralogical, and chemical characteristics of both olivine-tholeiitic basalt and alkali-olivine basalt, whereas Table Mountain upper and lower flow units show their affinity with alkali-olivine basalt. Chemically, basalts from these three areas are consistently high in silica, magnesium, and alkali content. The Snowville basalt has a high Ba content and high strontium isotope ratio. Fractional crystallization models indicate that the basalt flows from the three different areas are genetically unrelated. The testing also suggests that the upper and lower flow units of the Table Mountain area are not genetically related. The basalts of the three areas also can not be evolved from the basalts found at Kelton, the Rozel Hills or Black Mountain. Basalts of the Snowville area have consistently higher magnesium and silica contents than Snake River basalt, Kelton area basalt, and Rozel Hills and Black Mountain basalt, indicating that they may represent what was initially a very primitive basaltic lava. High Ba content and strontium isotope ratio indicate that the Snowville basalt was contaminated by crustal material. Table Mountain and Holbrook basalt may have formed as a result of partial melting from a pyrolite or garnet peridotite mantle.

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