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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plasmonic artificial virus nano-particles for probing virus-host cell interactions

Yu, Xinwei 22 February 2016 (has links)
Targeting of key events in viral infection pathways creates opportunities for virus disease prevention and therapy. Nanoparticles with well-defined surfaces are promising tools for the direct visualization of biological processes and for interrogating virus behavior that is usually determined by the synergistic interplay of multiple factors and involves various transient signaling steps. Smart nanoparticles mimicking enveloped viral particles are thus developed and tested in this work with the aim to de-couple key steps in human immune-deficiency virus HIV-1 trans-infection with an engineerable viral model system. Uni-lamellar liposomes resemble biological lipid bilayer membrane structures with tunable particle size, surface charge, and composition. Pretreatment with ganglioside-GM3-containing liposomes inhibited the binding of HIV-1 by dendritic cells, indicating an essential role for GM3 in virus binding. To equip the liposome based model systems with strong non bleaching optical properties, the membranes were in the next step assembled around noble metal nanoparticle core. Noble metal nanoparticles with a size of 20nm-100nm have extraordinarily large scattering cross-sections and enable prolonged tracking of even individual particles with high temporal and spatial resolutions. The plasmon resonance peak of near-field coupled gold nanoparticles red-shifts within decreasing interparticle separation. The distance dependent optical properties of noble metal nanoparticles were utilized for characterizing clustering levels of breast cancer cell marker protein CD24 and CD44 on immortalized cancer cell lines. These encouraging results supported the choice of gold nanoparticles as core for multi-modal artificial virus nanoparticles. Artificial virus nanoparticles combine the biological versatility of a self-assembled membrane with the unique optical properties of a nanoparticle core. We developed these hybrid materials specifically for the purpose of elucidating key steps of the glycoprotein independent binding and uptake of HIV-1 during trans-infection. Systematic validation experiments revealed that GM3 containing artificial virus nanoparticles (AVNs) recapitulate the initial capture and uptake of viruses by sialoadhesin CD169 presenting cells. The AVNs also reproduced the tendency of the virus to re-distribute into confined cluster spots in cell peripheral areas. Upon contact formation between T cell and DC, the AVNs developed a polarized distribution in which they enriched at the interface between DC and CD4+ T cells. The multimodality of the AVNs was instrumental in determining the detailed location and kinetics of the nanoparticles during the trans-infection process, proving the AVN system to be a unique model system to address key mechanistic questions in the infection pathway of enveloped virus particles.

Assemblages supramoléculaires hiérarchiques de cyclodextrines fonctionnalisées et de siRNA, application à la thérapie antisens / Hierarchical supramolecular assembly of functionalized cyclodextrins and siRNA, antisens therapy application

Evenou, Pierre 27 October 2017 (has links)
L’utilisation de siRNA est une nouvelle approche thérapeutique très prometteuse. Néanmoins leur transfection à visée thérapeutique est un réel défi. Les obstacles à franchir pour élaborer des agents de transfection sûrs et fiables sont nombreux. Afin de les contourner nous nous sommes attachés à la construction d’un système dynamique qui, à l’image des virus, est constitué de briques moléculaires, s’emboitant et interagissant avec des acides nucléiques selon des interactions supramoléculaires. Ainsi, nous avons élaboré des polymères supramoléculaires polycationiques à base de monomères de cyclodextrines pontées, fonctionnalisées par un groupement adamantyle. Ce type de conjugué pallie un problème manifeste dans la littérature concernant les assemblages de β-CD souvent insolubles ou bien auto-inclus. L’ajout éventuel d’une autre fonction cationique pour améliorer l’interaction avec les siRNA a aussi été réalisé. Ainsi, la capacité à s’auto-assembler de quatre composés a été étudiée par RMN-1H, RMN-ROESY, ITC, RMN-DOSY, et SANS. Par ailleurs, ces composés ont montré une certaine capacité à complexer et à protéger les siRNA. L’un de ces composés a de plus montré une bonne aptitude à transfecter des siRNA in vitro, sans induire de toxicité. Les assemblages CD-siRNA ont finalement été observés par cryo-TEM et ont montré la formation de fibres, organisées de manière hiérarchique et hautement coopérative. Nous avons ainsi créé des assemblages supramoléculaires uniques à base d’acides nucléiques, rappelant la structure, la taille et la fonction d’un virus. / SiRNA based therapeutics are very promising. A key challenge for their development is the design of sophisticated, safe and effective delivery methods. To address all the biological obstacles for the conception of such therapeutics, we focused on the construction of a virus-like dynamic system, built with molecular bricks, able to self assemble and to interact with nucleic acid through supramolecular interactions. Bridged cyclodextrin based supramolecular polymers were developed to form host-guest interactions. To do so, cyclodextrins were conjugated with cationic and hydrophobic moiety in a spatially controlled way. These conjugates solved problems well known in the literature about the self-inclusion and the solubility in water of such molecules. The ability to self-assemble of 4 compounds were studied by RMN-1H, RMN-ROESY, ITC, RMN-DOSY and SANS. All these compounds showed a good capability to complex and protect siRNA. Moreover, one of these compounds is able to transfect siRNA in vitro without any toxicity, and therefore, to induce gene silencing. Assembly of CD and siRNA were finally observed by cryo-microscopy, which showed long fibres organised in a hierarchical and cooperative manner. This unique system is therefore strongly reminiscent of the structure, size and function of a virus.

Wechselwirkung zwischen Lipiden und DNA : auf dem Weg zum künstlichen Virus / Interaction between lipids and DNA : on the way to the artificial virus

Gromelski, Sandra January 2006 (has links)
Weltweit versuchen Wissenschaftler, künstliche Viren für den Gentransfer zu konstruieren, die nicht reproduktionsfähig sind. Diese sollen die Vorteile der natürlichen Viren besitzen (effizienter Transport von genetischem Material), jedoch keine Antigene auf ihrer Oberfläche tragen, die Immunreaktionen auslösen. <br><br> Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, einen künstlichen Viruspartikel herzustellen, dessen Basis eine Polyelektrolytenhohlkugel bildet, die mit einer Lipiddoppelschicht bedeckt ist. Um intakte Doppelschichten zu erzeugen, muss die Wechselwirkung zwischen Lipid und Polyelektrolyt (z.B. DNA) verstanden und optimiert werden. Dazu ist es notwendig, die strukturelle Grundlage der Interaktion aufzuklären. Positiv geladene Lipide gehen zwar starke Wechselwirkungen mit der negativ geladenen DNA ein, sie wirken jedoch toxisch auf biologische Zellen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde daher die durch zweiwertige Kationen vermittelte Kopplung von genomischer oder Plasmid-DNA an zwitterionische oder negativ geladene Phospholipide an zwei Modellsystemen untersucht. <br><br> 1. Modellsystem: Lipidmonoschicht an der Wasser/Luft-Grenzfläche <br> Methoden:<br> Filmwaagentechnik in Kombination mit IR-Spektroskopie (IRRAS), Röntgenreflexion (XR), Röntgendiffraktion (GIXD), Brewsterwinkel-Mikroskopie (BAM), Röntgenfluoreszenz (XRF) und Oberflächenpotentialmessungen <br> Resultate:<br> A) Die Anwesenheit der zweiwertigen Kationen Ba2+, Mg2+, Ca2+ oder Mn2+ in der Subphase hat keinen nachweisbaren Einfluss auf die Struktur der zwitterionischen DMPE- (1,2-Dimyristoyl-phosphatidyl-ethanolamin) Monoschicht. <br> B) In der Subphase gelöste DNA adsorbiert nur in Gegenwart dieser Kationen an der DMPE-Monoschicht. <br> C) Sowohl die Adsorption genomischer Kalbsthymus-DNA als auch der Plasmid-DNA pGL3 bewirkt eine Reduktion des Neigungswinkels der Alkylketten, die auf einen veränderten Platzbedarf der Kopfgruppe zurückzuführen ist. Durch die Umorientierung der Kopfgruppe wird die elektrostatische Wechselwirkung zwischen den positiv geladenen Stickstoffatomen der Lipidkopfgruppen und den negativ geladenen DNA-Phosphaten erhöht.<br> D) Die adsorbierte DNA weist eine geordnete Struktur auf, wenn sie durch Barium-, Magnesium-, Calcium- oder Manganionen komplexiert ist. Der Abstand zwischen parallelen DNA-Strängen hängt dabei von der Größe der DNA-Fragmente sowie von der Art des Kations ab. Die größten Abstände ergeben sich mit Bariumionen, gefolgt von Magnesium- und Calciumionen. Die kleinsten DNA-Abstände werden durch Komplexierung mit Manganionen erhalten. Diese Ionenreihenfolge stellt sich sowohl für genomische DNA als auch für Plasmid-DNA ein. <br> E) Die DNA-Abstände werden durch die Kompression des Lipidfilms nicht beeinflusst. Zwischen der Lipidmonoschicht und der adsorbierten DNA besteht demnach nur eine schwache Wechselwirkung. Offensichtlich befindet sich die durch zweiwertige Kationen komplexierte DNA als weitgehend eigenständige Schicht unter dem Lipidfilm. <br> <br><br> 2. Modellsystem: Lipiddoppelschicht an der fest/flüssig-Grenzfläche<br> Methoden:<br> Neutronenreflexion (NR) und Quarzmikrowaage (QCM-D)<br> Resultate:<br> A) Das zwitterionische Phospholipid DMPC (1,2-Dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholin) bildet keine Lipiddoppelschicht auf planaren Polyelektrolytmultischichten aus, deren letzte Lage das positiv geladene PAH (Polyallylamin) ist. <br> B) Hingegen bildet DMPC auf dem negativ geladenen PSS (Polystyrolsulfonat) eine Doppelschicht aus, die jedoch Defekte aufweist. <br> C) Eine Adsorption von genomischer Kalbsthymus-DNA auf dieser Lipidschicht findet nur in Gegenwart von Calciumionen statt. Andere zweiwertige Kationen wurden nicht untersucht.<br> D) Das negativ geladene Phospholipid DLPA (1,2-Dilauryl-phosphatidsäure) bildet auf dem positiv geladenen PAH eine Lipiddoppelschicht aus, die Defekte aufweist. <br> E) DNA adsorbiert ebenfalls erst in Anwesenheit von Calciumionen in der Lösung an die DLPA-Schicht.<br> F) Durch die Zugabe von EDTA (Ethylendiamintetraessigsäure) werden die Calciumionen dem DLPA/DNA-Komplex entzogen, wodurch dieser dissoziiert. Demnach ist die calciuminduzierte Bildung dieser Komplexe reversibel. / All over the world scientists are trying to engineer artificial viruses, which do not replicate, for gene delivery. These artificial viruses should have the advantages of natural viruses such as efficient transport of genetic material, but they should not carry antigens, which cause immune reactions, on their top portion.<br><br> The aim of this project is to develop an artificial virus particle that is based on a polyelectrolyte hollow capsule which is covered by a lipid bilayer. To create intact bilayers, it is crucial to understand and optimize the interaction between lipids and polyelectrolytes (e. g. DNA). Therefore the structural basis of that interaction must be elucidated. Positively charged lipids interact strongly with the negatively charged DNA but they cause toxic reactions in biological cells. Hence the present work used two model systems to study the coupling of genomic or plasmid DNA to zwitterionic or negatively charged phospholipids induced by divalent cations. <br><br> 1. Model system: Lipid monolayer at the air/water-interface <br> Methods: <br> Langmuir filmbalance in combination with IR-spectroscopy (IRRAS), X-ray reflectometry (XR), X-ray diffraction (GIXD), Brewster angle microscopy (BAM), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and surface potential measurements<br> Results:<br> A) The presence of the divalent cations Ba2+, Mg2+, Ca2+ or Mn2+ in the subphase has no traceable influence on the structure of a zwitterionic DMPE (1,2-dimyristoyl-phosphatidyl-ethanolamine) monolayer.<br> B) DNA which is dissolved in the subphase adsorbs to the DMPE-monolayer only if divalent cations are present.<br> C) The adsorption of genomic calf thymus DNA as well as of the plasmid DNA pGL3 causes a reduction of the tilt angle of the lipid alkyl chains. The tilt reduction can be ascribed to a change in the space required by the lipid head group. This change in head group orientation increases the electrostatic interaction between the positively charged nitrogen atoms in the lipid head and the negatively charged DNA phosphates.<br> D) The adsorbed DNA exhibits an ordered structure if it is complexed by barium, magnesium, calcium or manganese ions. The spacing between parallel DNA strands depends on the size of the DNA fragments as well as on the kind of cation. The largest DNA-spacings are observed with barium ions, followed by magnesium and calcium ions. DNA-complexation with manganese ions causes the smallest spacings. This order of ions is observed for both genomic and plasmid DNA.<br> E) Compression of the monolayer does not influence the DNA spacings. Thus the interaction between the lipid monolayer and adsorbed DNA is only weak. The DNA must exist as a more or less separate layer under the lipid film.<br> <br><br> 2. Model system: Lipid bilayer at the solid/fluid-interface<br> Methods: <br> Neutron reflectometry (NR), and Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM-D)<br> Results:<br> A) The zwitterionic phospholipid DMPC (1,2-dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine) does not form lipid bilayers on top of planar polyelectrolyte multilayers covered with the positively charged PAH (polyallylamine).<br> B) In contrast, DMPC forms a lipid bilayer with defects on top of the negatively charged PSS (polystyrolsulfonate) terminated polyelectrolyte cushion.<br> C) Genomic calf thymus DNA adsorbs only to the DMPC layer in presence of calcium ions. Different ions were not examined.<br> D) The negatively charged phospholipid DLPA (1,2-dilauryl-phosphatidic acid) also forms a lipid bilayer with defects on top of the PAH-terminated cushion.<br> E) The DNA adsorbs also to the DLPA layer only in the presence of calcium ions in the solution.<br> F) By addition of EDTA (ethylenediaminetretraacetic acid) the calcium cations are removed from the DLPA/DNA-complex and the complex dissociates. Thus the calcium induced formation of that complex is reversible.<br><br>

Desenvolvimento de vetores não virais para entrega gênica baseados na cadeia leve de dineína Rp3 = Development of non viral vectors for gene delivery based on dynein light chain Rp3 / Development of non viral vectors for gene delivery based on dynein light chain Rp3

Favaro, Marianna Teixeira de Pinho, 1986- 07 November 2012 (has links)
Orientadores: Adriano Rodrigues Azzoni, Anete Pereira de Souza / Texto em português e inglês / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T01:06:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Favaro_MariannaTeixeiradePinho_M.pdf: 18876970 bytes, checksum: 4953fcf4a875c09d8246f6deb457b544 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Entrega gênica é uma estratégia muito promissora com grande potencial médico, que consiste na introdução de ácidos nucléicos exógenos, e pode ser aplicada tanto para terapia gênica quanto para vacina de DNA. Contudo seu uso ainda é limitado pela falta de um vetor de entrega ideal, que seja ao mesmo tempo eficiente e seguro. Embora muito mais eficientes, os vetores virais ainda despertam preocupações a respeito de sua segurança. Por outro lado, vetores não-virais são muito mais seguros e facilmente manipuláveis, ainda que menos eficientes. Neste contexto, "vírus artificiais" são uma opção interessante, uma vez que são vetores não-virais desenvolvidos para explorar a arquitetura celular de uma forma eficiente, superando uma série de barreiras físicas, enzimáticas e difusionais, mas mantendo a segurança do DNA plasmidial (pDNA). O principal objetivo da abordagem estudada é explorar os motores moleculares, como dineína, para transportar cargas da periferia para o centrossoma de células de mamíferos através da rede de microtúbulos. Para isso, a cadeia leve Rp3 da dineína foi fusionada a um domínio de interação com DNA (DNA-binding) no N-terminal, e ao peptídeo membrano-ativo TAT no C-terminal. A proteína, nomeada T-Rp3, tem ainda um His-Tag. Esta proteína recombinante construída contém então diferentes domínios para promover condensação do pDNA (DNA binding), para facilitar a entrada na célula e no núcleo (TAT) e para aumentar o escape endossomal (His- Tag), além da própria Rp3 que deve assistir no tráfego intracelular, agindo assim diretamente na maioria dos principais obstáculos intracelulares enfrentados pelos vetores. Estudos de expressão indicam que a proteína recombinante é corretamente expressa em E. coli BL21(DE3). Experimentos de mobilidade em gel de agarose ("gel retardation assay") combinados com estudos de espalhamento de luz e potencial zeta indicam que a proteína efetivamente interage com o pDNA, formando complexos que são pequenos (~95 nm) e positivamente carregados (+28 mV na relação molar de pDNA:proteína 1:8000). Ensaios de transfecção em cultura de células HeLa indicam que T-Rp3 atinge uma eficiência de transfecção muito maior que a proteína nuclear Protamina (aqui usada como controle), chegando a ser 900 vezes maior a expressão relativa do gene repórter na relação molar de pDNA:proteína 1:8000. Na comparação com Lipofectamina 2000TM, um reagente bem caracterizado de transfecção aqui usado como controle positivo, a T-Rp3 demonstrou atingir níveis similares de eficiência, com a vantagem adicional de ser menos citotóxica, conforme evidenciado em ensaios de viabilidade celular. Transfecções realizadas na presença da droga Nocodazol indicam que a eficiência da T-Rp3 depende fortemente da rede de microtúbulos, uma vez que a eficiência é reduzida em 92% quando os microtúbulos estão despolimerizados. A partir das transfecções na presença da droga Cloroquina, pudemos observar que o aprisionamento no endossomo ainda é um fator limitante. Finalmente, ensaios de cromatografia de afinidade realizados com o domínio da cadeia intermediária de dineína imobilizado indicam que a cadeia leve recombinante T-Rp3 mantém a capacidade de interagir com o complexo da dineína. Analisados em conjunto, os resultados apontam para uma grande participação da rede de microtúbulos na eficiência de transfecção de T-Rp3, objetivo inicial deste trabalho / Abstract: Gene delivery is a promising technique with great medical potential that consists in the introduction of exogenous nucleic acids, and can be applied for gene therapy as well as DNA vaccination. However, its use is still limited by the lack of an ideal delivery vector, which is both safe and efficient. Although much more effective, viral vectors still raise several concerns about its safety. On the other hand, non-viral vectors are safer and easier to manipulate, but less efficient. In this context "artificial viruses" are an interesting option, since they are non-viral vectors intended to explore the cell's architecture in an efficient way, to overcome a series of physical, enzymatic and diffusional barriers, while still preserving the safety of plasmid DNA (pDNA) vectors. The main objective herein is to exploit molecular motors, like dynein, to transport cargoes from the periphery to the centrosome of mammalian cells via the microtubule network. For that, human dynein light chain Rp3 was fusioned to a N-terminal DNA binding domain and a C-terminal membrane active peptide, TAT. The protein, named T-Rp3, has additionally a His.Tag. The shuttle protein built contains therefore different domains to promote pDNA condensation (DNA binding), to increase cell and nucleus penetration (TAT) and to enhance endosomal escape (His.Tag), besides the Rp3 to assist in the cytosol trafficking, thus covering most of the major obstacles to the vectors in intracellular level. Expression studies indicate that the fusion protein was correctly expressed in soluble form using E. coli BL21(DE3) strain. Gel retardation assays, dynamic light scattering and zeta potential studies indicate an efficient complex formation between pDNA and the fusion protein, resulting in a particle that is both small (~95 nm) and potivelly charged (+28 mV in the molar ratio of pDNA:protein 1:8000) Transfection of cultured HeLa cells indicates that T-Rp3 has a much higher transfection efficiency when compared to the nuclear protein Protamine (here used as a control), reaching a 900-fold increase in expression of transfected reporter gene, both in the same molar ratio of pDNA:protein 1:8000. When compared to Lipofectamine 2000TM, a well-known transfection reagent here used as a control, T-Rp3 showed to reach similar levels of efficiency, but with the further advantage of being less cytotoxic, as observed in cell viability assays. Transfections performed in the presence of the drug Nocodazole indicate that T-Rp3 efficiency largely depends on the microtubule network, since its efficiency is reduced by 92% when microtubules are depolymerized. From transfections in the presence of Choroquine we can deduce that endosomal entrapment remains a limiting factor. Finally, affinity chromatography experiments performed with the immobilized domain of dynein intermediate chain demonstrate that the recombinant light chain T-Rp3 retains the ability to interact with the dynein complex. Taken together, these results point to a strong participation of the microtubule network in the enhanced efficiency of T-Rp3 / Mestrado / Genetica de Microorganismos / Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular

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