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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vodní zdroje Kyrgyzstánu jako geopolitický nástroj / Water resources of Kyrgyzstan as a geopolitical tool

Dresler, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the importance of water resources and their influence on political development with the example of Kyrgyzstan. The main objective was to find out the role of water resources in domestic politics, how water influences the relationship between Kyrgyzstan and its neighbors, and whether water resources are of interest to the world's superpowers. Geopolitical analysis was carried out on three levels. At national level, water scarcity, uneven distribution and obsolete water systems are a cause of civil discontent. Corruption in the state sphere negates the possibility of modernization of existing water facilities. Water management is dependent on non-governmental associations and foreign financial assistance. At regional level, there is constant tension between Kyrgyzstan, where all the important rivers of the region rise, and the states lying downstream of these rivers. The cause of this tension is different demands of individual states on water use. International treaties address the situation, but are mostly non-functional in the long term. At the supra-regional level, the interests of especially Russia and China collide. Both superpowers seek to prevent US influence in the region. At the same time, they gain a dominant position in Kyrgyzstan in the economic and security spheres....

Úvod do studia bronzové industrie v Kambodži / The introduction to the bronze studies in Cambodia

Seang, Rosath January 2011 (has links)
AJ The work is paid to the study of the Bronze Age in the territory of Cambodia. This period is dated from the year 4000. Study of the Bronze Age in Cambodia, located in the lowlands in Southeast Asia, has long been influenced by the fact that the country was in the years 1865 - 1953 French colony. And yet they were the first archaeological excavations of prehistoric loklait made in Cambodia earlier than in other countries in East and Southeast Asia. Representative of the French protectorate in Cambodia Lieutenant Jean Moura, led by a focus on prehistoric monuments, won the research in 1864, stone tools at the site near the river Samrong Sen Chinita. The findings were later moved to study in France. Samrong Sen and the location was again examined in the years 1878-1879. This was practically initiated the study of the Bronze Age in Cambodia. The present study deals with a detailed description of the geography of Cambodia, the composition of the population, society, religion and language peculiarities. The basis of the work is characteristic of the major archaeological sites of the Bronze Age, classifications and technical analysis finds of bronze objects. The work can be seen as a first overview study of the Bronze Age in the territory of Cambodia.

Ekonomický rozvoj jihoasijských zemí / Economic development of South Asian countries

Chyšková, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
Aim of this thesis is to empirically verify the validity of Rostows Stages of economic growth model and Solow-Swan model of economic growth realized by using statistical data South Asian countries reported. Theoretical part is devoted to characteristics of the growth models, explaining the assumptions theories work with and defining their origins and possible limitations. Practical part is focused on the analysis of statistical outputs newly industrialized Asian countries (Asian Tigers). The choice of selected data for analysis is justified. The data are further evaluated against expectations out of the Rostows and Solows theory of economic growth. The appropriateness of the growth models with regard to the territories is also evaluated.

Ozone et transport dans la haute troposphère tropicale de l'océan Indien et de l'Asie du Sud : apport des données spatiales (IASI) et de la modélisation / Ozone and transport in tropical upper troposphere over Indian ocean and south Asia : contributon of spatial data (IASI) and modelling

Tocquer, Flore 30 January 2015 (has links)
Afin de mieux comprendre les processus responsables de la distribution de l'ozone (O3) dans la haute troposphère (UT) tropicale, cette thèse étudie différents aspects du transport de la pollution depuis les régions sources jusque dans l'UT. La première étude repose sur les observations spatiales IASI qui identifient un évènement de transport de masses d'air enrichies en O3 dans l'UT depuis l'Afrique vers l'Inde. Pour la saison de pré-mousson de tels enrichissement d'O3 dans l'UT au-dessus de l'Océan Indien sont essentiellement attribués à des intrusions stratosphériques. Afin de déterminer son origine des simulations ont été effectuées permettant d'exclure une origine stratosphérique et montrent l'impact prépondérant des NOx produit par les éclairs (LiNOx) en Afrique pour expliquer cet enrichissement d'O3. Cette étude pourra être étendue à d'autres saisons, pour consolider les conclusions obtenues dans le cadre du projet INDOEX. La deuxième partie porte sur l'étude de l'impact d'un système convectif très profond sur la composition de l'UT pendant la mousson asiatique d'été. La simulation avec un traceur passif montre la capacité du système situé le long de l'Himalaya centrale à soulever des masses d'air polluées jusqu'à 100 hPa, altitudes auxquelles la pollution est transportée rapidement par la circulation de l'anticyclone de la mousson asiatique. Confirmant le conduit privilégié de transport vers l'UTLS identifié par Bergman et al. 2013. Cependant l'activation du schéma chimique montre une surestimation des LiNOx produites, un ajustement de leur paramétrisation devra être effectué ainsi que des simulations de sensibilité pour correctement quantifier la production d'O3. Ce travail prend place dans des problématiques actuellement au centre d'une collaboration internationale, ACAM (Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Monsoon) visant à étudier les interactions complexes de la mousson asiatique d'été entre dynamique et chimie, jusqu'à l'échelle du changement climatique. / To better understand the processes controling for the distribution of upper tropospheric (UT) ozone (O3) in the tropics, this thesis examines different aspects of pollution transport from sources regions to UT level, through two case studies that take place in the still debated issues.. First study is based on IASI space observations identified an event of transport of UT enriched O3 air masses from Africa to India. During the pre-monsoon season, events of O3 enrichment in UT above the Indian Ocean were essentially attributed to stratospherics intrusions. Simulations have been used to determine its origin, it excludes a stratospheric origin for the event and indicates a probable important contribution by lightning (LiNOx) that occurs over Africa regions. This study could be extended to the whole region and other seasons with a focus on the spring season in order to complete the conclusions obtained during the INDOEX program. The second part focuses on the characterisation of the impact of a deep convective system upon the UTLS composition during the asian summer monsoon. Simulation with a passive tracer highlights the potential of the convective system located over the central Himalaya foothills, to uplift polluted air masses in UTLS to 100 hPa, where the pollutants are rapidly transported by the asian monsoon anticyclone circulation. In agreement with transport pipe towards the UTLS identified by Bergman et al. 2013. However simulation including reactive chemistry show an overestimation by the model of the amount of LiNOx produced, so an adjustment of their parameterization must be made and sensitivity analysis are foreseen to determine precisely O3 production. This study is established in connection with actual major problematic at the center of general debate of the international collaboration. Like ACAM (Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Monsoon) whose targeting the complexe interaction of asian summer monsoon to atmospheric dynamics and chemistry, as well as climate change impact.

Postavení Jihovýchodní Asie ve světové ekonomice a problémy jejího ekonomického rozvoje na prahu 21.století / The position of Southeast Asia in the world economy and problems of its economic development at the beginning of the 21. century

Surový, Václav January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the current position of Southeast Asia in the world economy. The first part concerns itself with the recent economic development of Southeast Asia. Special emphasis is placed on Asian financial crisis of 1997, which to a great degree influenced the development of the subregion in the following years. The next part focuses on problems of economic development concerning the quality of institutions, integration within ASEAN and socio-natural problems. The last part explains the evolution of relations between the subregion and USA, Japan and China and assesses the current position of Southeast Asia in the world economy on the basis of comparison with other Asian subregions.

Kulturní odlišnosti v mezinárodních společnostech / Cultural differences in multinational cororations with focus on south-east Asia

Becková, Pavlína January 2008 (has links)
My diploma thesis is focused on the culture, interculture comminication and cultural differences, especially in south-east Asia - with focus on Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore. I made my own research on the perception of cultural differences. The target group was young people from the whole World, who are working in south-east Asia. At the end of my thesis I am combining the knowledge I got from the research and the theoretical part.

Energetický potenciál zemí Středoasijského regionu / Energy Potential of Central Asia

Brožová, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis called Energy Potential of Central Asia aims to assess the potential of this region as a supplier of resources of energy. In the first part the basic trends in the area of consumption and production of energy resources are summarized. In the second part the countries of Central Asia region disposing of extensive oil and gas reserves are briefly introduced. The third part describes in detail the oil and gas reserves, firstly considering the whole world and secondly for each of the countries independently. The fourth part describes the options of transport of the energy supplies from Central Asia to consumers' markets in Western Europe, China and India. The last part deals shortly with characterization of approach of the major world and regional powers to this area.

Evolution et systématique du genre Arundo L. (Poaceae) et conservation d'une endémique ligure : interactions Homme/Biodiversité en Méditerranée / Systematics and evolution of the genus Arundo L. (Poaceae), and conservation of a ligurian endemic species : Human/Biodiversity interactions in the Mediterranean

Hardion, Laurent 26 November 2013 (has links)
Depuis le Néolithique, les activités anthropiques ont fortement impacté la persistance et l’évolution des espèces méditerranéennes, avec des effets variés sur la biodiversité, notamment son érosion et son homogénéisation. Composé seulement de trois à cinq espèces, le genre méditerranéen et Sud-asiatique Arundo L. (Poaceae) illustre bien les interactions Homme-Biodiversité. Tout d’abord, l’imprécision des statuts taxonomiques pour la plupart de ces espèces dessert autant la conservation des populations françaises protégées d’A. plinii Turra s.l. que la lutte contre l’invasive mondiale A. donax L. Suite à la révision systématique du complexe circumméditerranéen A. plinii Turra s.l., trois taxons ont été distingués, élevant les populations françaises au rang d’endémique ligure, A. donaciformis (Loisel.) Hardion et al. Cette dernière s’est différenciée en marge de son espèce-sœur, l’Italo- Balkanique A. plinii s.s., sous les effets conjugués de la polyploïdie et des oscillations climatiques du Pléistocène. La forte clonalité du genre et la formation récente d’A. donaciformis ont réduit son potentiel adaptatif. Malgré une persistance ancienne au sein d’un paysage agricole, son actuelle position urbaine sur la Côte d’Azur la menace fortement. Enfin, l’origine perse d’A. donax et l’hypothèse de son statut d’archéophyte en Méditerranée illustre l’intérêt primordial de ce genre lors du développement des civilisations antiques. / Human activities have scrambled biodiversity persistence and evolution of Mediterranean species since the Neolithic, inducing various impacts on biodiversity, from reduction to homogenisation. With only three to five species, the Mediterranean and South- Asian genus Arundo L. (Poaceae) well illustrate these Human-Biodiversity interactions. First, the taxonomic mess for almost all Arundo taxa harms the conservation of protected French populations of A. plinii Turra s.l. as much as the biological control of the worldwide invasive A. donax L. The systematic revision of the circum-Mediterranean A. plinii complex in three distinct taxa has distinguished French populations as a Ligurian endemic species, A. donaciformis (Loisel.) Hardion et al. This species was differentiated from its nearest relative, the italo-balkan A. plinii s.s., under the coupled effects of polyploidy and Pleistocene climatic variations. The dominating clonality of the genus and the recent speciation of A. donaciformis have reduced its adaptive potential. Despite its ancient persistence under farmlands, its current urban position on the French Riviera threatens this protected species. Finally, the Persian origin of A. donax and its hypothetic status of archeophyte in the Mediterranean show the essential usefulness of this genus during the development of antic civilisations.

Vývoj Indie a její postavení v regionální a světové ekonomice / The development of India and its postition in the regional and world economy

Rusnoková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is dedicated to the position of India in the regional and world economy and to its future expectations. The fist chapter characterises India from the historical, geografical, demografical and political point of view. The second chapter is dedicated to the economic characteristics of India; to its structure as well as to its basic macroeconomic indicators. The last chapter summarises India's positive and negative features and points out future development of India, which is resulting from the predictions of IMF and World Bank and the evaluation of the previous analysis.

Význam mikrofinancování pro rozvoj ve střední Asii / Importance of microfinance for development in Central Asia

Pavlíček, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis aims at analysing impacts of microfinance on economimies of particular countries in Central Asia region. Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan were chosen for the analysis. First part of the thesis characterizes socioeconomic development and situation in selected countries. Second part of the thesis analyses specific form of microfinance and governments' attitude to this area of financial sector. The last part of the thesis compares impacts of microfinance on chosen economies with each other. It also deals with comparation of microfinance system in Central Asia and vision of Muhammad Yunus, pioneer of modern microfinance.

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