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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre forêts, agroforêts et plantations : analyse des dynamiques paysagères à Bungo, province de Jambi, Indonésie / Between forests, agroforests and plantations : analysis of landscape dynamics in Bungo district, Jambi, Indonesia

Feintrenie, Laurène 08 October 2010 (has links)
Dans le contexte de la transition agraire actuellement en cours en Indonésie, les paysages se transforment rapidement, généralement aux dépens de la forêt. En 2010, le district de Bungo présente une mosaïque paysagère, qui combine des vestiges de forêts à des agroforêts à hévéa et à durian, et à des plantations monospécifiques de palmier à huile et d’hévéa. Les agroforêts sont de plus en plus converties en plantations par les agriculteurs, dans l’espoir d’améliorer leurs revenus. Cette évolution repose sur l’implication de différentes catégories d’acteurs – population, gouvernements, secteur industriel – qui partagent un intérêt commun dans le développement économique du district. Cette thèse analyse en détails les dynamiques de conversion des agroforêts à hévéa en plantations monospécifiques de palmier à huile et d’hévéa. Une approche multiscalaire et transdisciplinaire a été suivie pour articuler les différentes échelles spatiales et sociales, du champ cultivé à la famille étendue, du village au district, et au contexte international. Les communautés locales souhaitent intensifier leurs pratiques agricoles, et participent volontairement et activement au développement des plantations monospécifiques, en particulier du palmier à huile. La conservation des forêts et des agroforêts dans l’intérêt général n’est pas une de leurs préoccupations, mais bien celle de la communauté internationale, représentée par des organisations non gouvernementales et des conventions internationales sur la préservation de l’environnement. / In the wider context of the agrarian transition in Indonesia, changes in landscapes are happening very quickly and generally at the expense of forested lands. In 2010, Bungo district presents a landscape mosaic, combining remnant forest patches to rubber and durian agroforests and monoculture plantations of oil palm and rubber. Agroforests are increasingly converted into monoculture plantations by farmers, in intend to enhance their income. This evolution rests on the investment of different categories of stakeholders – population, governments, industrial sector - who share a common interest in the economic development of the district. This thesis analyses in details the dynamics of rubber agroforests conversion to rubber and oil palm monoculture plantations. A multi-scale and transdiciplinary approach was used to articulate different spatial and social scales, from the cultivated plot to the extended family, from the village to the district, and to the broader international context. Local communities are willing to intensify their agricultural practices, and voluntarily participate in the development of monoculture plantations, in particular of oil palm. The conservation of forests and agroforests in not their concern, but one of the international community, represented by non governmental organizations and international conventions for the preservation of the environment.

Římské importy v jižní Asii / Roman imports in South Asia

Holeček, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
- Jiri Holecek - Roman imports in South Asia Diploma thesis sums up the development of the maritime trade between the Mediterranean, especially Rome, and South Asia, especially India, in the time period between the first century BC and the fourth century CE. Emphasis is put mostly on the archeological proof of the trade in the both directions, such as coins or traded goods, and their relevance and conclusiveness. Furthermore, the works of ancient historians are used to obtain more precise context in the terms of geography and economy. Thesis will compare the development of the maritime trade and the trade using the overland routes, especially so-called Silk Road. In conclussion, the thesis summarizes relevant proofs, and with their help defines the extent of the influence of the Mediterranean in South Asia and compare it with the influence of the overland routes, and finally describes the reasons of this economical development.

Asijské finanční vztahy: Případ Japonska / Asian Financial Linkages: The Case of Japan

Fialová, Anežka January 2013 (has links)
This work reviews the topic of international financial linkages, including theoretical definitions and the main methodological approaches of the empirical measurement based on vector autoregressive models. One of the approaches, the Spillover Index methodology based on Diebold & Yilmaz (2009), is then used to analyze the developments of financial linkages of the Japanese stock market in the period from 1995 to 2012. The attention is paid both to the relations with western developed economies and within the region of East Asia. The main contribution of this paper is the fact that it comprises a complete review of international relations of Japanese stock market during the era of unprecedented financial liberalization. The results of the empirical study confirm the opening of Japanese stock markets towards foreign influence. Even though USA have been the major driving force behind the movements in East Asian stock markets, Japan has become a significant regional player, whose influence on East Asian countries has been growing. The developments in the Japanese stock market are on the other hand driven solely by the western developed countries, which further supports the view of Japan as the regional financial leader.

Dopady světové hospodářské krize na automobilový průmysl / Impacts of the global economic crisis on the automotive industry

Temlík, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
The main aim of this Master's thesis is to briefly describe the causes of the global economic crisis (including the ways it spread to the automotive industry) and to analyze its impacts in each center (USA, Europe and Asia) focusing on the USA, because it was just the cradle of the automotive industry, which suffered the greatest damages. This thesis also tries to provide the answers to the questions, to which extent each car maker had to deal with the problems (including the short description of the impacts on the largest Czech car maker) and how they managed to handle the crisis also partially thanks to the government measures of different countries or the EU as the whole. The Master's thesis further includes the final chapter summarizing and comparing the impacts on each center of the automotive industry with pointing out the most important facts regarding not only the performed changes, but also the probable future development.

Les conséquences géopolitiques du traité d’Apamée en Asie Mineure / The geopolitical aftermath of the treaty of Apamea in Asia Minor

Payen, Germain 26 May 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les suites de la paix d’Apamée sur le plan des relations politiques entre les États d’Anatolie et sur l’évolution de la place tenue par cette péninsule dans l’ordre géopolitique méditerranéen. Le traité d’Apamée, conclu en 188 avant notre ère entre la puissance romaine et le royaume séleucide, fut un acte diplomatique majeur pour l’Asie Mineure et l’ensemble de la région anatolienne, libérés de la domination des Séleucides. Jusqu’ici l’historiographie traditionnelle a abordé ce sujet selon deux perspectives, à savoir l’apparition de l’impérialisme romain en Orient et la vie politique et administrative des cités égéennes. À l’inverse, cette étude se concentre sur les principales puissances politiques de la région anatolienne : les royaumes. Dans le cadre de cet espace fragmenté et diversifié, des modifications de l’équilibre géopolitique régional peuvent être mises en relation avec le bouleversement de l’ordre méditerranéen, par le croisement de sources grecques, latines et orientales, ainsi qu’en faisant usage de procédés développés par le courant de la World History. L’évolution ultérieure de la situation mise en place à Apamée est suivie jusqu’à la disparition d’une Anatolie dirigée par des souverains non incorporés dans l’horizon impérial des grandes puissances étrangères, situation à laquelle les ultimes défaites de Mithridate VI du Pont et de Tigrane d’Arménie face à Rome mirent un terme définitif. / This thesis examines the effects of the peace of Apamea with regard to the political relations between the Anatolian states and analyses the importance that this region played in Mediterranean politics following this accord. The treaty of Apamea, concluded in 188 BC between Rome and the Seleucid kingdom, became a diplomatic milestone for Asia Minor and the entirety of Anatolia, then freed from Seleucid domination. The study of this subject has a long tradition in modern historiography, which consists of works focused on either the appearance of Roman imperialism in the East, or the political and administrative lives of the Greek cities. This study is specifically devoted to the central political powers of the Anatolian peninsula; that is to say, the independent kingdoms of Anatolia. The changes seen on the geopolitical balance of this fragmented region can be linked to the profound modifications on the scale of the whole Mediterranean. The sources considered include Greek, Latin and oriental documents and artefacts, as well as some “World History” theoretical approaches. The further evolution of the Apamean order can then be followed up until the disappearance of any powerful local power outside the foreign nations incorporated into imperial rule. The simultaneous defeats of Mithridates VI of Pontus and Tigranes of Armenia against Rome mark the end of this situation where independent kingdoms in this region pursued their own autonomous foreign policies.

La toponymie et l'ethnonymie de la Pisidie antique (XIIIe s.a.C. ; début IVe s.p.C.) / Toponnymy and ethnonymy of Pisidia (XIIIth C. a.C. ; IVth C. p.C.)

Locatelli, Lauriane 28 June 2017 (has links)
La Pisidie, région montagneuse du sud-ouest de l’Asie Mineure, est un véritable conservatoire toponymique de la culture et des langues anatoliennes. Notre thèse porte sur la toponymie et l’ethnonymie de la Pisidie et sur la persistance des langues anatoliennes dans la toponymie de la région. La toponymie et l’ethnonymie nous révèlent l’emprise sur le territoire de chaque peuplement, qu’il s’agisse du peuplement anatolien ou des peuplements exogènes (principalement grecs et romains). En effet, par le choix de la langue utilisée pour créer le nom du lieu ou du peuple, nous en apprenons davantage sur la région. Après avoir réalisé un catalogue des toponymes et des ethnonymes de la Pisidie classés par types et discuté leur origine à l’aide d’arguments linguistiques pour chacun d’entre eux, nous étudions la présence grecque et les colonies romaines en envisageant les dominations successives du point de vue de la toponymie. Plusieurs thèmes sont abordés : la question du contrôle de la région à l’époque hellénistique, les fondations séleucides, ainsi que les colonies romaines fondées par Auguste. Puis, nous nous concentrons sur l’identité des Pisidiens, en étudiant la question de leur origine et des topoi qui leurs sont associés. Les continuités et les ruptures territoriales de la Pisidie sont abordées avant un panorama toponymique présentant un classement linguistique et un classement sémantique des toponymes en fonction du référentiel sémantique (eau, relief, végétation, etc.). L’essentiel des toponymes est descriptif et renvoie à des éléments du paysage. / Pisidia, a mountainous region in southwestern Asia Minor, is a real toponymic conservatory of Anatolian culture and languages. Our thesis deals with the toponymy and ethnonymy of Pisidia and the persistence of Anatolian languages in the toponymy of the region. Toponymy and ethnonymy reveal the territorial control of each settlement, whether it be Anatolian population or exogenous settlements (mainly Greek and Roman). Indeed, by choosing the language used to create the name of the place or the people, we learn more about the region. After having produced a catalog of toponyms and ethnonyms of the Pisidia classified by types and after having discussed their origin using linguistic arguments for each one, we study the Greek presence and the Roman colonies by considering the successive domination in regard to toponymy. Several themes were discussed : the question of the control of the region during the Hellenistic period, the Seleucid foundations, as well as the Roman colonies founded by Augustus. Then we focus on the identity of the Pisidians, studying the question of their origin and the topoi associated with them. The continuities and territorial cleavage of Pisidia are discussed before a toponymic panorama showing a linguistic classification and a semantic classification of toponyms based on the semantic repository (water, relief, vegetation, etc.). Most of the place names are descriptive and refer to elements of the landscape.

Art, Internet et dissidence en Chine : le cas d'Ai Weiwei

Déry, Catherine 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Les monuments publics en Asie Mineure à l’époque flavienne / The public buildings in Asia Minor under the Flavians (69/96 A.D.)

Goubin, Yann 31 March 2012 (has links)
Notre étude porte sur les monuments publics réalisés en Asie Mineure sous les Flaviens (69/96 ap. J.-C.). Nos recherches ont permis de réfléchir sur le rôle des différents intervenants impliqués dans les projets et à mettre en lumière les traces de leur activité. Bien que rares, les sources textuelles, comme les dédicaces, apportent de nombreuses informations sur les évèrgètes et nous offrent parfois certains détails sur les coopérations entre les commanditaires, les épimélètes et l’administration impériale. L’étude détaillée des éléments architectoniques,en révélant des tours de mains, nous a permis d’aborder la question des structures des ateliers micrasiatiques et de proposer, pour certains, leur parcours sur les différents chantiers du dernier quart du 1e s. ap. J.-C. Cette étude s’est associée à celle des techniques de réalisation des blocs, mettant en évidence l’effort conséquent de standardisation mis en place en Asie Mineure, et plus particulièrement à Ephèse sous Domitien. Nous nous sommes également penché sur la question de la réception et de la diffusion des modèles de décor et avons mis en évidence l’influence contrastée de Rome sur les créations flaviennes micrasiatiques, en raison de la présence de traditions culturelles fortes dans cette région. Ainsi, des créations endogènes, certes limitées, montrent que des artisans locaux ont été capables d’innover, bien souvent en reformulant d’anciens modèles hellénistiques.Enfin nos recherches ont conduit à mettre en évidence l’attrait tout particulier des monuments des eaux en Asie Mineure, à travers les nombreuses réalisations balnéaires sous Vespasien en Lycie ou l’élaboration de fontaines monumentales dans la province d’Asie sous Domitien. / Our study handles the question of public buildings built in Asia Minor during the flavian Period (69/96 A.D.).Our researches led us to have a reflection about the different people intervening in the projects and to showsome traces of their activity. Even if they are rare, the textual sources, such as dedications, bring manyinformations about the evergetes, and offer some details on the cooperation between the patrons, the curatorsand the imperial administration. The detailed study of the architectural elements, revealing some productionskills, allowed us to have a reflection about the structure of workshops in Asia Minor and led us to offer, insome case, a view of their course between different buildings sites of the end of the first century A.D. Thisstudy naturally got associated with others handling the question of block construction, showing the importanteffort developed to achieve standardisation in Asia Minor, and more specifically at Ephesus under Domitian.We also studied the reception and spreading of setting models and showed the contrasted influence of Rome onthe flavian creations in Anatolia, because of the presence of strong cultural traditions in this country. Thus,limited endogenous creations show that local craftsmen were able to innovate, often using basis of ancienthellenistics models. Finally our study lead us to enhance the particular attraction for water buildings in AsiaMinor, through the many bathing facilities built under Vespasian in Lycia or the development of monumentalfountains in Asia under Domitian.

ASEAN - vznik, vývoj a perspektivy Sdružení národů jihovýchodní Asie / ASEAN - establishment, development and perspectives of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Chaloupková, Jana January 2004 (has links)
The presented study is an analysis of the regional integration process of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN utilizing theories of international relations and integration. The dissertation studies the factors which contributed to its formation, evolution and transformation and the perspectives of its further development. ASEAN was established by virtue of Bangkok Declaration signed on August 8, 1967 among Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Subsequently Brunei joined the Association in 1984, Vietnam 1995, Laos and Myanmar 1997 and Cambodia 1999. ASEAN's formation falls within the process of creating of regional organizations after World War II, a period of the biggest development of the institutionalization of the international cooperation. Association was based on relatively free and voluntary cooperation and political declarations. With the end of Cold War and bipolarity, with the defeat of communism and the advent of political and economic reforms in the former socialist bloc ASEAN institutionally strengthened and transformed itself, expanded its membership and the decision to form ASEAN Free Trade Area AFTA in 1992 and the Treaty on the Common Effective Preferential Tariffs shifted Association from the stage of cooperation to integration. ASEAN becomes an international organization (based on international legal agreement with the objectives, principles, internal structure etc.) through the adoption of the Charter in 2008. The Charter is the symbol of the transition process from voluntary cooperation based on political declarations to creation of an intergovernmental organization with international legal personality and legal contractual basis for community building, to strengthen the norms and principles. ASEAN has functioned over 40 years based on personal, very frequent and regular contacts between the key elites (who have significantly contributed to its creation and development), as a grouping of common practice and an emerging common identity. It is a form of intergovernmental cooperation, where member states have exclusive position in the decision process; there are no supranational institutions that would have exclusive powers. ASEAN is the initiator of the development of regionalism in Asia, a considerable number of international structures, inter-and trans-regional contacts, forums and programs. Its activities after the Cold War fall into the framework of the new regionalism The thesis tries to point out possible perspectives for its future path, especially in connection to recently born special cooperation ASEAN+3 (China, Republic of Korea, Japan) and plans for building of East Asian Community (ASEAN+3, Australia, New Zealand, India) and its Free Trade Area. Basic characteristics of ASEAN integration process: it takes place in Southeast Asia, it is a process and a state, it consists of economic, political, security, social and cultural part, the emphasis is on economic affairs, its origin is in the postwar period, the main actors are the states and their elites (from the 90's NGO's, think-tanks and civil society become active creating a broad network of socio-cultural relations and interactions), integration expands by the process of ASEAN +3 and EAS, there is a spillover effect within and outside ASEAN, integration process is gradually evolving from a lower to a higher level. Carried out research has its limitations, since it is impossible to generalize the results and formulate a clear assessment of the large international complex, the information is always limited and the social process is miscellaneous. Well-known is the fact that political elites do not act according to the theories, which they often do not know, but based on their own understanding of reality and interests of individual states, eventually groups of countries. No theory is able to explain fully the evolution of ASEAN, failing to capture reality in its full extent, and thus the prospects for the future are some speculations. From the theoretical examination of ASEAN I elect neofuncionalism, since ASEAN represents a process of empowerment, where elites play a crucial role; they share many values and objectives and contribute to the integration process. The rise of transactions in the regional grouping (trade, communication, exchange of ideas), gradually creates a sense of common identity, elites have closer contacts and their values are complementary. Southeast Asia should occupy an important place in the Czech Republic's foreign policy, taking advantage of traditional contacts with the region. Priority should be given to economic ties and active political involvement in the multilateral framework of ASEM, an important part of political dialogue should be question of human rights.

Regionální integrace rozvojových zemí / The regional integration of developing countries

Medková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
The thesis surveys the formation, development and the present state of integration process in the three developing world regions -- Latin America, Africa and Asia and the Pacific -- as one of the most significant processes of the world economy since the end of the last century. The first part of the opening chapter presents the issues of regionalism, the second one presents the issues of the developing world. The objective of the thesis is to point out the differences in processes of the international economic integration in the three developing regions, in terms of both historical point of view and motives and factors influencing the integration initiatives in developing countries. In that case the individual chapters analyze motives for integration and disintegration, affecting the formation and development of integration processes in each developing region, and present the first attempts to integration in the area as well as the overall development of regional integration as a whole. Finally, the chapters list current regional groupings, focusing on the degree of integration achieved and the set, respectively achieved, objectives.

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