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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza broušení rovinných ploch na konvenčních strojích / Analysis of the flat surface grinding by using standard machines

Hanáček, Jan January 2016 (has links)
In the first part of this thesis is discussed of the possibilities of surface grinding. There are described various methods for grinding and describe their characteristics. Furthermore, there is shown the marking of grinding wheels and is discussed of their composition and of calculating the cutting forces. In the second part of this thesis the experiment is performed. On the samples of various materials are monitored parameters of roughness after grinding, which is used by conventional grinding BPH 300 and horizontal lathe from company TDZ Turn.

Computational assessing model based on performance and dynamic assignment of curriculum contents

Mínguez Aroca, Francisco Dimas 14 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] The Bologna process encourages the transition of higher education from knowledge possession to understanding performances and from a teaching-centered to a student centered approach via learning outcomes. A student-centered evaluation means that students analyze actively their own learning with concrete criteria on development levels, in an environment where they obtain immediate, frequently and formative feedback. The rationale of this dissertation consists in introducing the execution of disparate sets of activities into the assessment process in order to enrich the whole procedure keeping it close to the learning process. Continuous assessment seems to be the most accurate mean of executing the assessment process taking into account that competencies are achieved by executing activities. The evaluation process is implemented throughout a discreet number of measurement points called "moments of evaluation" which consist in a set of activities necessary for the development of the process. And based on the existing partial order relationship among specific curricular domains we could draw a directed graph with several chains of topics representing a natural way of progress in order to reach the profile competences. We propose a new procedure in continuous assessment by introducing an active/retroactive model, based on the aforementioned chain(s) of topics, which aims to identify those competences that have and those that have not been adequately achieved. With this in mind we suggest introducing a retroactive impact on the outcome assessment of the concerned competencies evaluated in the corresponding chain(s) of topics. These retroactive impacts might be amplified by the introduction of a grade impact amplifier as continuous assessment procedure based on the greater experience and knowledge of the students as the course advances. In general, any subject is composed by different topics and each topic is developed through the execution, with different relevance, of a number of activities. Relationships between activities, topics and competences can be distributed in a 3D matrix array which we will call ATC cuboid. ATC cuboid uses a binary assessment as a check of an activity in each of the core competencies. In this way, we have a matrix structure of the performance of the student over a course, which is the basis to design individualized curricular strategies with the goal of achieving the required level of development of each competence. We will develop the aforementioned ATC cuboids on a sample of students and a comparison between this method and a more traditional method used with Aerospace Engineering students in the Design Engineering School ETSID at Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain). / [ES] El proceso de Bolonia anima la transición de la educación superior desde un modelo basado en la adquisición del conocimiento a un modelo que prima la comprensión del desempeño y desde un modelo centrado en la enseñanza a un modelo centrado en el estudiante a través de los resultados del aprendizaje. Una evaluación centrada en el alumnado significa que el estudiante analiza activamente su propio aprendizaje con criterios concretos sobre niveles de desarrollo en un entorno donde obtiene feedback de forma inmediata, frecuente y formativa. El fundamento de esta tesis consiste en la introducción de conjuntos muy diversos de actividades en el proceso de evaluación con el objetivo de enriquecerlo globalmente y acercarlo al proceso de aprendizaje. La evaluación continua se perfila como uno de los medios más precisos de ejecutar el proceso de evaluación teniendo en cuenta que las competencias pueden adquirirse mediante la realización de actividades. El proceso de evaluación se implementa en una sucesión discreta de puntos de medida que denominamos "momentos de evaluación" y que consisten en un conjunto de actividades que son necesarias para el desarrollo del proceso. Y basándonos en la existencia de una relación de orden parcial entre los distintos contenidos de un dominio curricular, podemos trazar un grafo dirigido con varias cadenas de tópicos que representan, de una forma natural, la progresión del alumnado para alcanzar el perfil de competencias objetivo. Proponemos un nuevo procedimiento de evaluación continua introduciendo un modelo activo/retroactivo, basado en las cadenas de tópicos antes citadas, que favorece la identificación de aquellas competencias que se han y que no se han alcanzado de una forma adecuada. Con esta idea presente, sugerimos la introducción de un impacto retroactivo sobre los conocimientos base de estas competencias ya evaluados en la(s) correspondiente(s) cadena(s) de tópicos diseñadas. Es más, este impacto retroactivo podría ser más relevante mediante la introducción de un amplificador de impacto calificador como un procedimiento de evaluación continua fundamentado en la mayor experiencia y conocimiento acumulado del alumno conforme avanza el desarrollo del curso. En general, cualquier asignatura se compone de distintos tópicos y cada tópico se desarrolla mediante la ejecución, con distinta relevancia, de una serie de actividades. Estas relaciones pueden ser representadas mediante matrices de tres dimensiones a las que hemos llamado cuboides ATC, los cuales se implementan mediante el uso de una evaluación binaria que verifica en las actividades cada una de las competencias básicas y las califica con un indicador verdadero/falso obteniendo una estructura matricial del rendimiento del alumnado en el curso, lo que nos permitirá diseñar estrategias curriculares. Desarrollaremos los mencionados cuboides ATC para una muestra de estudiantes y los compararemos con los resultados obtenidos con un método más tradicional utilizado en el grado de Ingeniería Aeroespacial en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño, ETSID, en la Universitat Politècnica de València. / [CA] El procés de Bolònia anima la transició de l'educació superior des d'un model basat en l'adquisició del coneixement a un model que prima la comprensió de l'acompliment i des d'un model centrat en l'ensenyament a un model centrat en l'estudiant a través dels resultats de l'aprenentatge. Una avaluació centrada en l'alumne significa que l'estudiant analitza activament el seu propi aprenentatge amb criteris concrets sobre nivells de desenvolupament en un entorn on obté feedback de forma immediata, freqüent i formativa. El fonament d'aquesta tesi consisteix en la introducció de conjunts molt diversos d'activitats en el procés d'avaluació amb l'objectiu d'enriquir-lo globalment i apropar-lo al procés d'aprenentatge. L'avaluació contínua es perfila com un dels mitjans més precisos d'executar el procés d'avaluació tenint en compte que les competències es poden adquirir mitjançant la realització d'activitats. El procés d'avaluació s'implementa en una successió discreta de punts de mesura que denominem "moments d'avaluació" i que consisteixen en un conjunt d'activitats que són necessàries per al desenvolupament del procés. I basant-nos en l'existència d'una relació d'ordre parcial entre els diferents continguts d'un domini curricular, podem traçar un graf dirigit amb diverses cadenes de tòpics que representen, d'una forma natural, la progressió de l'alumne per assolir el perfil de competències objectiu. Proposem un nou procediment d'avaluació contínua introduint-hi un model actiu/retroactiu, basat en les cadenes de tòpics abans esmentades, que afavoreix la identificació d'aquelles competències que s'han assolit i també de les que no s'han assolit d'una manera adequada. Amb aquesta idea present, suggerim la introducció d'un impacte retroactiu sobre els coneixements base d'aquestes competències ja avaluats en la(les) corresponent(-s) cadena(-es) de tòpics dissenyades. I encara més, aquest impacte retroactiu podria ser més rellevant mitjançant la introducció d'un amplificador d'impacte qualificador com un procediment d'avaluació contínua fonamentat en la major experiència i coneixement acumulat de l'alumne a mesura que avança el desenvolupament del curs. En general, qualsevol assignatura es compon de diferents tòpics i cada tòpic es desenvolupa mitjançant l'execució, amb diferent rellevància, d'una sèrie d'activitats. Aquestes relacions entre activitats, tòpics i competències poden ser representades mitjançant matrius de tres dimensions a les que hem anomenat cuboides ATC. Els cuboides ATC s'implementen mitjançant l'ús d'una avaluació binària que verifica en les activitats cadascuna de les competències bàsiques i les qualifica amb un indicador veritable/fals. Així, obtenim una estructura matricial del rendiment de l'alumne en el curs, la qual cosa ens permetrà dissenyar estratègies curriculars individualitzades adaptades a les necessitats particulars de cada estudiant amb l'objectiu que assoleixin el nivell requerit en cadascuna de les competències. Desenvoluparem els esmentats cuboides ATC per a una mostra d'estudiants i els compararem amb els resultats obtinguts amb un mètode més tradicional utilitzat en el grau d'Enginyeria Aeroespacial a l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria del Disseny, ETSED, a la Universitat Politècnica de València. / Mínguez Aroca, FD. (2016). Computational assessing model based on performance and dynamic assignment of curriculum contents [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61781

The certified athletic trainer’s preparedness dealing with psychological issues of the collegiate student-athlete

Wieczorek, Mary H. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Special Education, Counseling and Student Affairs / Fred Bradley / The purpose of this report is to review available literature that identifies various psychological issues collegiate student-athletes may face and how medical professionals, specifically certified athletic trainers (ATCs), are prepared to manage these psychological issues. Considering ATCs are in constant interaction with student-athletes in comparison to other medical professionals it is crucial that research is being completed to make sure athletic trainers are properly caring for student-athlete and acting quickly and appropriately to psychological issues. This report will review research on psychological aspects encountered by athletic trainers in contact with student-athletes, and; furthermore, the ATCs sense of comfort and competence in working with these issues. Questions may arise such as how well the ATC is able to assess the psychological issues and know when to assist or refer these matters, issues which may include training, competence, expectations, and ethical practice. Finally, the review of the research and literature in this area will lead to suggestions and implications for further research and continued understanding of the ATCs role in the psychological aspects of their work with student athletes.

Remote Intelligent Air Traffic Control Systems for Non-Controlled Airports

Brown, Glenn, n/a January 2003 (has links)
Non-controlled airports are literally that - uncontrolled. Safe separation is achieved by pilot vigilance. The consensus of reports on incidences at noncontrolled airports generally conclude that pilots cannot rely entirely on vision to avoid collision and attempts should be made to obtain all available traffic information to enable a directed traffic search. Ideally, a system is required which has the ability to provide advice to all parties to ensure separation minima is maintained. Provision of a such a system would remove a measure of pressure from the pilot to allow that person to devote their attention to their prime responsibility of flying the aircraft. To this end, research on use of intelligent remote advisory systems for non-controlled airports was undertaken with emphasis on those systems which could minimize human resources and associated recurring costs, to provide a measure of repeatability and to provide an acceptable level of safety. A rule based system was developed and evaluated. The evaluation showed that use of a rule based system as the basis of an intelligent remote air traffic control system for non-controlled airports is a viable proposition. In test scenarios, collision hazards were identified and evasion tactics generated. For a full operational system, the application of the rules and definition of the aircraft circuit area may need refining; however, the results are certainly encouraging.

Modelling Traffic Scenarios for Realistic Air Traffic Control Environment Testing

Axholt, Magnus, Peterson, Stephen January 2004 (has links)
<p>As air traffic is forecasted to increase, air traffic control software subsequently needs to be more sophisticated. To efficiently push development forward, testing is important in order to determine usability. The tests need to be adapted to fit a particular purpose and carried out with methods that preserve the validity of the results. </p><p>This thesis describes an implementation project carried out at the EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre, Bretigny-sur-Orge, France. The purpose of the project is to create an application that enables a user to create datasets of air traffic to be used for these tests. The application allows for manual work or bulk imports from external data sources. Furthermore it compiles scenarios as output datasets intended for prototype air traffic control software developed at Linköping University. </p><p>The application design rationale and development process is described. Some time is spent on demonstrating the flexibility of the application and how its usage fits in a bigger picture.</p>

Nya förutsättningar för handeln med kläder och textilier : Kvotliberaliseringens konsekvenser för tolv utvecklingsländers TEKO-export till EU

Lunnerdal, Rickard Marechal January 2009 (has links)
<p>År 2005 slopade EU sina importkvoter på TEKO-varor efter att i många år ha skyddat sina inhemska producenter från omvärldens konkurrens och begränsat utvecklingsländers tillträde till unionens marknad. Den här uppsatsen undersöker konsekvenserna av handelsliberaliseringen för tolv utvecklingsländers export av kläder och textilier till EU genom att handelstatistik från Eurostat används för att jämföra EU:s import av TEKO före och efter slopandet. Som väntat ökade Kina och Indiens export till EU efter avregleringen. Däremot har sju av tolv studerade länder minskat sin exporttillväxt av kläder till följd av förlorade preferenser från handelsavtal och ökad konkurrens när kvoterna eliminerades. Förändringarna blev betydligt större i handeln med kläder än med textilier och effekterna omedelbart efter avregleringen var mer dramatiska än under åren som följde. De tillfälliga restriktioner som infördes mot Kina efter 2005 förefaller ha fått effekt på handeln med kläder under 2006, medan ingen påverkan går att identifiera på textilmarknaden.</p>

Global Development Of Textile And Apparel Industry In The Aftermath Of Agreement On Textile And Clothing (1995)

Ozturk, Baris 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
With signing of Agreement on Textile and Clothing which entered into force in 1995, it was decided to abolish quantity limitations applied by the developed countries since the second half of 20th century. By this way, restrictions in the developed country markets against the developing countries would be lifted gradually in a ten year period and the liberalization in textile and clothing markets would be realized from 2005 onwards. This would provide smooth access to major markets for all the developing and least developed countries. However, China&rsquo / s accession to WTO in 2001 created a breakthrough in this assumption. Hereafter, China increased its shares in the developed countries&rsquo / markets at the expense of other developing countries. One of the matters wondered most during this period was how would the developing and least developed countries, that had quota-free entrance to the developed countries&rsquo / markets, perform against China. This study focuses on the export performances of developing and least developed countries, that have had preferential trade agreements with European Union and the United States of America, against China in those markets.

Nya förutsättningar för handeln med kläder och textilier : Kvotliberaliseringens konsekvenser för tolv utvecklingsländers TEKO-export till EU

Lunnerdal, Rickard Marechal January 2009 (has links)
År 2005 slopade EU sina importkvoter på TEKO-varor efter att i många år ha skyddat sina inhemska producenter från omvärldens konkurrens och begränsat utvecklingsländers tillträde till unionens marknad. Den här uppsatsen undersöker konsekvenserna av handelsliberaliseringen för tolv utvecklingsländers export av kläder och textilier till EU genom att handelstatistik från Eurostat används för att jämföra EU:s import av TEKO före och efter slopandet. Som väntat ökade Kina och Indiens export till EU efter avregleringen. Däremot har sju av tolv studerade länder minskat sin exporttillväxt av kläder till följd av förlorade preferenser från handelsavtal och ökad konkurrens när kvoterna eliminerades. Förändringarna blev betydligt större i handeln med kläder än med textilier och effekterna omedelbart efter avregleringen var mer dramatiska än under åren som följde. De tillfälliga restriktioner som infördes mot Kina efter 2005 förefaller ha fått effekt på handeln med kläder under 2006, medan ingen påverkan går att identifiera på textilmarknaden.

A methodology for determining aircraft fuel burn using air traffic control radar data

Elliott, Matthew Price 05 April 2011 (has links)
The air traffic system in the United States is currently undergoing a complete overhaul known as "NextGen". NextGen is the FAA's initiative to update the antiquated National Airspace System (NAS) both procedurally and technologically to reduce costs to the users and negative impacts on the general public. There are currently numerous studies being conducted that are focused on finding optimal solutions to the problems of congestion, delay, and the high fuel and noise footprints associated aircraft operations. These studies require accurate simulation techniques to assess the potential benefits and drawbacks for new procedures and technology. One common method uses air traffic control radar data. As an aircraft travels through the air traffic control system, its latitude, longitude, and altitude are recorded at set intervals. From these values, estimates of groundspeed and heading can be derived. Researchers then use this data to estimate aircraft performance parameters such as engine thrust and aircraft configuration, variables essential to estimate fuel burn, noise, and emissions. This thesis creates a more accurate method of simulating aircraft performance based solely on air traffic control radar data during the arrival process. This tool will allow the benefits of different arrival procedures to be compared at a variety of airports and wind conditions before costly flight testing is required. The accuracy of the performance estimates will be increased using the Tool for Assessing Separation and Throughput (TASAT), a fast-time Monte Carlo aircraft simulator that can simulate multiple arrivals with a mixture of different aircraft types. The tool has succeeded in matching various recorded radar profiles and has produced fuel burn estimates with an RMS error of less than 200 pounds from top of descent to landing when compared to high fidelity operational data. The output from TASAT can also be ported to FAA software tools to make higher quality predictions of aircraft noise and emissions.

The European Union's Trade Liberalization in the Textile and Clothing Sector (1995-2005) : Rhetoric or Reality?

Wang, Haiting January 2013 (has links)
A review on free trade principle in theory and practice suggests that trade liberalization is merely rhetoric under which industrialized countries can pursue specific interests of certain actors more deceptively. The purpose of this thesis is to testify whether this preliminary result on general trade issues is valid in the textile and clothing sector as well. The reasons for the author to narrow her research scope down to this industry are that: first, textiles and clothing had been subject to consistent trade protectionism for more than thirty years since the discriminatory Multi-Fiber Arrangement (MFA) in 1974; second, the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) in 1995 was designed to remove all quota restrictions by 1st January 2005 via a ten-year transitional period; third, the European Union (EU) raised safeguard investigations within four months after the expiry of the agreement, and succeeded in re-introducing quantitative restraints back to this sector. The intense and dramatic Europe-China textile dispute in 2005 started from the completion of quota abolishment, but ended up with quota re-imposition, which inspires the author to ask whether the European Union’s trade liberalization in the textile and clothing sector is rhetoric or reality. The thesis examines the conventional stance of the Union’s textile and clothing policy, the actual fulfillment of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC), and the development of the Europe-China trade dispute on in 2005. In order to identify involved interest groups and their demands during the implementation of the agreement and in the dispute shortly afterwards, the thesis also analyzes: first, the interaction between protectionist lobbying groups and national governments at the Union’s level; and second, the divergence on the attitudes towards China’s expansion in the European market among member states.             Comparing the Union’s early promises in the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) with its actual behaviors during implementation and in dispute, the author finally concludes that the Union’s trade liberalization in the textile and clothing sector is merely rhetoric under which the European Union (EU) pursues the protectionist interests of its domestic textile and clothing producers and those member states with substantial textile and clothing industry.

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