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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards High-Flux Isolated Attosecond Pulses with a 200 TW CPA

Cunningham, Eric 01 January 2015 (has links)
Attosecond pulses have been developed as a means for investigating phenomena that proceed on the order of the atomic unit of time (24 as). Unfortunately, these extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses by themselves contain too few photons to initiate nonlinear dynamics or dress states in an attosecond pump--attosecond probe scheme. As a result, most attosecond experiments thus far have featured complementary near infrared (NIR) femtosecond lasers for instigating electron dynamics. In order to access the benefits of all-attosecond measurements and open attosecond physics to new fields of exploration, the photon flux of these pulses must be increased. One way to boost the attosecond pulse energy is to scale up the energy of the NIR pulse responsible for driving high-harmonic generation (HHG). With generalized double optical gating (GDOG), isolated attosecond pulses can be generated with multi-cycle laser systems, wherein the pulse energy can be boosted more easily than in the few-cycle laser systems required by other gating methods. At the Institute for the Frontier of Attosecond Science and Technology (IFAST), this scalability was demonstrated using a 350 mJ, 15 fs (10 TW) Ti:sapphire laser, which was used to generate a 100 nJ XUV continuum. This represented an order-of-magnitude improvement over typical attosecond pulse energies achievable by millijoule-level few-cycle lasers. To obtain the microjoule-level attosecond pulse energy required for performing all-attosecond experiments, the attosecond flux generated by the IFAST 10 TW system was still deficient by an order of magnitude. To this end, the laser system was upgraded to provide joule-level output energies while maintaining pulse compression to 15 fs, with a targeted peak power of 200 TW. This was accomplished by adding an additional Ti:sapphire amplifier to the existing 10 TW system and implementing a new pulse compression system to accommodate the higher pulse energy. Because this system operated at a 10 Hz repetition rate, stabilization of the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) -- important for controlling attosecond pulse production -- could not be achieved using traditional methods. Therefore, a new scheme was developed, demonstrating the first-ever control of CEP in a chirped-pulse amplifier (CPA) at low repetition rates. Finally, a new variation of optical gating was proposed as a way to improve the efficiency of the attosecond pulse generation process. This method was also predicted to allow for the generation of isolated attosecond pulses with longer driving laser pulses, as well as the extension of the high-energy photon cut-off of the XUV continuum.

High Flux Isolated Attosecond Pulse Generation

Wu, Yi 01 January 2013 (has links)
This thesis outlines the high intensity tabletop attosecond extreme ultraviolet laser source at the Institute for the Frontier of Attosecond Science and Technology Laboratory. First, a unique Ti:Sapphire chirped pulse amplifier laser system that delivers 14 fs pulses with 300 mJ energy at a 10 Hz repetition rate was designed and built. The broadband spectrum extending from 700 nm to 900 nm was obtained by seeding a two stage Ti:Sapphire chirped pulse power amplifier with mJ-level white light pulses from a gas filled hollow core fiber. It is the highest energy level ever achieved by a broadband pulse in a chirped pulse amplifier up to the current date. Second, using this laser as a driving laser source, the generalized double optical gating method is employed to generate isolated attosecond pulses. Detailed gate width analysis of the ellipticity dependent pulse were performed. Calculation of electron light interaction dynamics on the atomic level was carried out to demonstrate the mechanism of isolated pulse generation. Third, a complete diagnostic apparatus was built to extract and analyze the generated attosecond pulse in spectral domain. The result confirms that an extreme ultraviolet super continuum supporting 230 as isolated attosecond pulses at 35 eV was generated using the generalized double optical gating technique. The extreme ultraviolet pulse energy was ∼100 nJ at the exit of the argon gas target.

Progress Towards Attosecond Science with a Turn-Key Industrial-Grade Ytterbium Laser

Truong, Thi Tran Chau 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Advancements in laser technology over the last decades have allowed compression of laser light pulses to few-femtosecond durations. To obtain even shorter pulses, a new mechanism was required. The discovery of high-order harmonic generation, a non-perturbative nonlinear optical process, allowed the conversion of ultrafast laser pulses into a coherent extreme ultraviolet light (XUV) source of attosecond pulses. The attosecond XUV light source, which corresponds to the natural time and energy scales of electron motion in matter, has provided a tool to capture the fastest dynamics in atoms, molecules, and solids and opened the field of attosecond science. However, the generation of isolated attosecond pulses has traditionally required state-of-the-art, few-cycle Ti:Sapphire laser systems and advanced facilities, which limit its applications in other science fields. Recently, ytterbium-doped solid state and fiber lasers have become attractive tools for ultrafast science and industrial applications, due largely to their prospects for scaling to high peak- and average power and their turn-key operation. However, applying these sources as driving lasers for attosecond pulse generation is challenging due to their long pulse durations. In this dissertation, I discuss progress towards attosecond time-resolved experiments using a turn-key Yb:KGW laser amplifier. First, we overcome the unfavorable long laser pulse duration by generating broadband, coherent supercontinuum spectra via nonlinear propagation in a molecular gas-filled hollow-core fiber. The pulses are compressed to sub-two-cycle durations using a two-channel field synthesizer, and methods to mitigate thermal effects at high average powers are explored. The laser pulses are characterized using a new single-shot waveform measurement technique based on multiphoton excitation in a solid medium, and we demonstrate its applicability to studies of attosecond field reshaping during nonlinear propagation. Finally, a source of isolated iv attosecond pulses based on a two-stage hollow-core fiber compressor with carrier-envelope phase stabilization and temporal gating is proposed.

Homodyne High-harmonic Spectroscopy: Coherent Imaging of a Unimolecular Chemical Reaction

Beaudoin Bertrand, Julien 21 August 2012 (has links)
At the heart of high harmonic generation lies a combination of optical and collision physics entwined by a strong laser field. An electron, initially tunnel-ionized by the field, driven away then back in the continuum, finally recombines back to rest in its initial ground state via a radiative transition. The emitted attosecond (atto=10^-18) XUV light pulse carries all the information (polarization, amplitude and phase) about the photorecombination continuum-to-ground transition dipolar field. Photorecombination is related to the time-reversed photoionization process. In this perspective, high-harmonic spectroscopy extends well-established photoelectron spectroscopy, based on charged particle detection, to a fully coherent one, based on light characterization. The main achievement presented in this thesis is to use high harmonic generation to probe femtosecond (femto=10^-15) chemical dynamics for the first time. Thanks to the coherence imposed by the strong driving laser field, homodyne detection of attosecond pulses from excited molecules undergoing dynamics is achieved, the signal from unexcited molecules acting as the reference local oscillator. First, applying time-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy to the photodissociation of a diatomic molecule, Br2 to Br + Br, allows us to follow the break of a chemical bond occurring in a few hundreds of femtoseconds. Second, extending it to a triatomic (NO2) lets us observe both the previously unseen (but predicted) early femtosecond conical intersection dynamics followed by the late picosecond statistical photodissociation taking place in the reaction NO2 to NO + O. Another important realization of this thesis is the development of a complementary technique to time-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy called LAPIN, for Linked Attosecond Phase INterferometry. When combined together, time-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy and LAPIN give access to the complex photorecombination dipole of aligned excited molecules. These achievements lay the basis for electron recollision tomographic imaging of a chemical reaction with unprecedented angstrom (1 angstrom= 0.1 nanometer) spatial resolution. Other contributions dedicated to the development of attosecond science and the generalization of high-harmonic spectroscopy as a novel, fully coherent molecular spectroscopy will also be presented in this thesis.

Interferometric spatio-temporal characterisation of ultrashort light pulses

Mang, Matthias M. January 2014 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is the development of novel diagnostics for the characterisation of infrared femtosecond and extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) attosecond pulses. High-resolution interferometric methods are applied to high harmonic radiation, both to measure the properties of the XUV light and to relate this information to the physics of the fundamental generation process. To do so, a complete high harmonic beamline has been built and optimised to enable the observation of strong signatures of the macroscopic response of the medium. The distinct spatial characteristics of long and short trajectories are studied, as well as the interference between them. An interferometric measurement allows the extraction of the atomic dipole phase, which gives direct access to the sub-cycle electron dynamics. A major focus of this thesis is on the development of a novel method which simultaneously characterises two independent electric fields as a function of any degree of freedom in which it is possible to shear one of the beams. Since each field alternately takes the role of the reference to retrieve the other field, this technique is referred to as mutual interferometric characterisation of electric-fields (MICE). One of the key features of MICE is that no sheared but otherwise identical replica of the test pulse needs to be generated, which is a typical requirement of self-referencing techniques. Furthermore, no a priori information is needed for the reconstruction. The strength and the wide applicability of MICE are demonstrated using two fundamentally different examples. First, the temporal pulse profiles of two infrared femtosecond pulses are simultaneously reconstructed in a single laser shot. In the second demonstration, the MICE approach is used to simultaneously reconstruct the wavefronts of two high harmonic beams. Having this new technique at hand, the phase properties of the different quantum trajectories are compared. All pulse characterisation techniques implicitly assume full coherence of the beam. This, however, is often not the case in practice, in particular when dealing with complex XUV light sources. Here the standard characterisation techniques fail to provide an accurate description of the electric field. Instead, the electric field must be seen as a statistical mixture of different contributions to the overall field. Here an interferometric experiment is first proposed and then performed involving multiple lateral shears to measure the two-point correlation function of high harmonic radiation. This directly provides information about the existence and the magnitude of partial coherence of high harmonics.

Homodyne High-harmonic Spectroscopy: Coherent Imaging of a Unimolecular Chemical Reaction

Beaudoin Bertrand, Julien 21 August 2012 (has links)
At the heart of high harmonic generation lies a combination of optical and collision physics entwined by a strong laser field. An electron, initially tunnel-ionized by the field, driven away then back in the continuum, finally recombines back to rest in its initial ground state via a radiative transition. The emitted attosecond (atto=10^-18) XUV light pulse carries all the information (polarization, amplitude and phase) about the photorecombination continuum-to-ground transition dipolar field. Photorecombination is related to the time-reversed photoionization process. In this perspective, high-harmonic spectroscopy extends well-established photoelectron spectroscopy, based on charged particle detection, to a fully coherent one, based on light characterization. The main achievement presented in this thesis is to use high harmonic generation to probe femtosecond (femto=10^-15) chemical dynamics for the first time. Thanks to the coherence imposed by the strong driving laser field, homodyne detection of attosecond pulses from excited molecules undergoing dynamics is achieved, the signal from unexcited molecules acting as the reference local oscillator. First, applying time-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy to the photodissociation of a diatomic molecule, Br2 to Br + Br, allows us to follow the break of a chemical bond occurring in a few hundreds of femtoseconds. Second, extending it to a triatomic (NO2) lets us observe both the previously unseen (but predicted) early femtosecond conical intersection dynamics followed by the late picosecond statistical photodissociation taking place in the reaction NO2 to NO + O. Another important realization of this thesis is the development of a complementary technique to time-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy called LAPIN, for Linked Attosecond Phase INterferometry. When combined together, time-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy and LAPIN give access to the complex photorecombination dipole of aligned excited molecules. These achievements lay the basis for electron recollision tomographic imaging of a chemical reaction with unprecedented angstrom (1 angstrom= 0.1 nanometer) spatial resolution. Other contributions dedicated to the development of attosecond science and the generalization of high-harmonic spectroscopy as a novel, fully coherent molecular spectroscopy will also be presented in this thesis.

Homodyne High-harmonic Spectroscopy: Coherent Imaging of a Unimolecular Chemical Reaction

Beaudoin Bertrand, Julien January 2012 (has links)
At the heart of high harmonic generation lies a combination of optical and collision physics entwined by a strong laser field. An electron, initially tunnel-ionized by the field, driven away then back in the continuum, finally recombines back to rest in its initial ground state via a radiative transition. The emitted attosecond (atto=10^-18) XUV light pulse carries all the information (polarization, amplitude and phase) about the photorecombination continuum-to-ground transition dipolar field. Photorecombination is related to the time-reversed photoionization process. In this perspective, high-harmonic spectroscopy extends well-established photoelectron spectroscopy, based on charged particle detection, to a fully coherent one, based on light characterization. The main achievement presented in this thesis is to use high harmonic generation to probe femtosecond (femto=10^-15) chemical dynamics for the first time. Thanks to the coherence imposed by the strong driving laser field, homodyne detection of attosecond pulses from excited molecules undergoing dynamics is achieved, the signal from unexcited molecules acting as the reference local oscillator. First, applying time-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy to the photodissociation of a diatomic molecule, Br2 to Br + Br, allows us to follow the break of a chemical bond occurring in a few hundreds of femtoseconds. Second, extending it to a triatomic (NO2) lets us observe both the previously unseen (but predicted) early femtosecond conical intersection dynamics followed by the late picosecond statistical photodissociation taking place in the reaction NO2 to NO + O. Another important realization of this thesis is the development of a complementary technique to time-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy called LAPIN, for Linked Attosecond Phase INterferometry. When combined together, time-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy and LAPIN give access to the complex photorecombination dipole of aligned excited molecules. These achievements lay the basis for electron recollision tomographic imaging of a chemical reaction with unprecedented angstrom (1 angstrom= 0.1 nanometer) spatial resolution. Other contributions dedicated to the development of attosecond science and the generalization of high-harmonic spectroscopy as a novel, fully coherent molecular spectroscopy will also be presented in this thesis.

Étude de la dynamique électronique ultra-rapide suivant l’ionisation de la molécule de Caféine par la méthode TD-DFTB / Study of the ultrafast electronic dynamics following ionization of Caffeine molecule with the TD-DFTB method

Meziane, Mehdi 24 July 2019 (has links)
Depuis la fin des années 80 et l'avènement de la femto-chimie nous pouvons sonder la dynamique nucléaire à l’œuvre au cours de réactions chimiques à l'échelle de la femtoseconde. Plus récemment, la production d'impulsions lasers attosecondes isolées permet d'atteindre une résolution temporelle plus grande encore. Par elle, il devient possible de sonder la dynamique d'origine purement électronique induite par photo-excitation, et notamment photo-ionisation. Dans ce contexte, avec le développement des techniques de spectroscopie résolue en temps, il est important de disposer d'approches théoriques fiables aidant à l'appréhension de résultats toujours plus nombreux dans ce domaine. La tâche et néanmoins rendue difficile par le caractère profondément multi-électronique des processus en jeu. Traiter de tels effets précisément requiert une grande puissance de calcul, ce qui a limité les études disponibles aujourd'hui à de petits systèmes. Au cours de cette thèse, j'ai tenté d'expliquer les résultats d'une expérience de type "pompe-sonde" (UVX-IR) sur molécule de Caféine menée par une équipe de collaborateurs à l'Institut lumière matière. J'ai utilisé pour cela une méthode basée sur la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité dépendante du temps, la TD-DFTB dont le coût numérique réduit par rapport à cette dernière permet des calculs sur de gros systèmes en temps raisonnable. J'y présente une étude du paysage énergétique de la Caféine ainsi que le résultat de 2 approches distinctes pour simuler l'ionisation de ce composé. La première, l'approximation de l'ionisation soudaine cosiste à retirer "à la main" un électron à l'une des orbitales Kohn-Sham occupées du système neutre et ne tient pas compte du champ laser. La seconde à recours à un potentiel imaginaire (ou CAP - Complex Absorbing Potential) pour simuler la perte d'electrons, et tiens explicitement compte du champ laser / Since the advent of femtochemistry, at the end of 1980's, we are able to probe the nuclear dynamics underlying chemical reactions down to the scale of a femtosecond. More recently, the production of isolated attosecond pulses allows to reach an even bigger temporal resolution. It is now possible to probe the ultrafast electronic dynamics following a photo-excitation. In this context, with the developpement of time-resolved spectroscopy techniques, it is important to have reliable theorectical approaches in order to apprehend the increasing number of results in this field. This task is made difficult by the intrinsic multi-electronic nature processes at play. The precise treatment of such effects requires a considerable computing power, and have thus limited the availables studies to relatively small systems. In this thesis, I tried to explain the outcome of a "pump-probe" (XUV-IR) experiment on Caffeine molecule realized by our collaborators at the Insitut Lumière Matière. To do so, I used a method based on density functional theory, the TD-DFTB, which lower numerical cost with respect to TD-DFT allows calculation on bigger compounds. I present in the document a study of the energetical landscape of Caffeine, and 2 approaches to simulate ionization. The first one, the so called sudden-ionization approximation consist to retrieve "by hand" an electron from the occupied Kohn-Sham orbitals of the neutral system without taking the laser field into account. The other one is based on the introduction of a complex absorbing potential (CAP) to account for electron loss and take explicitely the laser field into account.

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