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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The intersection of counseling pychology and the prescriptive authority for psychologists movement: a qualitative exploration at the level of the professional organization

Rinaldi, Anthony P. 01 August 2017 (has links)
The prescriptive authority for psychologists (RxP) movement contends that psychologists who receive specialized training should attain licensure to prescribe psychotropic medication. The RxP movement has presently culminated in psychologists in the United States prescribing at both the state and federal levels. However, the RxP movement remains contentious, and both supporters and opponents continue to disagree over its validity as a professional movement. Division 17 of the American Psychological Association, the counseling psychology specialty’s professional organization, has not officially discussed the RxP movement since 1994. Given the developments within the RxP movement since then, this study endeavored to investigate the current perceptions of prescriptive authority among the Executive Board leadership of Division 17. Researchers conducted semi-structured interviews with current and former members of the Executive Board and then used a consensual qualitative research (CQR) methodology to qualitatively generate findings across participants’ responses. Participants shared qualified support of prescriptive authority, despite indicating no interest in prescribing themselves, and they reported that they saw prescriptive practice as consistent with the professional identity of counseling psychology. Participants also suggested that Division 17 could proceed with the RxP movement by developing a Special Task Group (STG) to investigate prescriptive authority among its members. These conclusions indicate that members of the Executive Board are well positioned to lead Division 17 forward in addressing prescriptive authority by creating a STG to further explore the issue for counseling psychology.

Možnost spolupráce školy a další instituce v problematice těhotenství dětí ve vybraném regionu / Possibilities of cooperation with schools and other institution in the issue of pregnancy children in the selected region

Ryvolová, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
SUMMARY: This thesis is devoted to the issue of pregnancy in children. The work is divided into the theoretical and the practical parts. The theoretical part is processed with the help from professional litareture. With the help of direct and indirect quotes the author tries to bring closer the terms related to reproductive health, physiology of the femile genital organs and sexual education in the education system of the Czech Republic to the readers. The part and parcel of the theoretical part is the prevention of pregnancy and the possible consequences for the child, as for the mother as well, both biological and psychosocial consequences. The second part of the thesis is focused on the specific objectives. By using the method of interviewing the author this describes the situation of incurred pregnancy in 2010 , not only with the respondent, but also with an educational consultant of the elementary school and also with OSPOD social worker, under which the incurred preganancy case fell. After analyzation of the interviews there is a final recommendation for the elementary schools about the possibilities of prevention and proedure in the case of pregnant underage girls as well as recommendations for the girls on how to behave and who to contact in a case of finding a pregnancy. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Exekuce správních rozhodnutí / Enforcement of administrative decisions

Gebouský, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
This Master thesis is about the issue of execution of administrative decision, which are regulated in the Administrative Procedure Code. The thesis deals with the concept of Enforcement order and it defines the key points of enforcement order. This thesis seeks also to put this kind of enforcement in context with administrative proceeding and to describe every step before start of execution and also how to start process of execution. In chapter which contains process of execution itself, thesis examines procedural requirements of Execution's attachment, kinds of execution and order of steps done by an administrative authority. Thesis describes specific points of each kind of making an execution and it seeks to find characteristics of every kinds of administrative execution. Thesis seeks how to make execution without any violation of laws and maxims established by administrative law and without violation of laws and maxims from another branches of law too. Thesis is focused on executions on kind, which contains E.G. Eviction, removing of movable property (including rules about personal searching and flat's searching), enforcement fine etc. Executions in money are introduced only marginally in thesis and it describes issues in locations and competence of administrative authorities. Thesis contains...

Příběh pěstounky na přechodnou dobu: návrhy pro systémová zlepšení / The story of temporary foster care mother: proposals for system improvements

Turtáková, Petra January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative probe into the story of a temporary foster mother. The thesis captures, analyses and classifies this story into systemic context. It does so with an emphasis on the temporary foster mother's personal experience and also with using personal experience of other participants involved in this particular case - including mine. This thesis is largely a reflection of my own role in this story, it is looking at it from different perspectives that evolve over time. The thesis is grounded in theoretical sources, especially methodologies of temporary foster care and methodological recommendations. Theoretical sources are critically viewed and connected to personal experience. The resulting storytelling, which provides an insight into the wider context of temporary foster care in the Czech Republic, was based on this procedure. Capturing systemic context is used in this thesis to create suggestions for possible systemic improvements.

Odpovědnost veřejné moci za škodu - otázka pro civilní nebo správní soudy? / Civil Liability of Public Administration for Damages Question for Civil or Administrative Courts

Burda, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
ODPOVĚDNOST VEŘEJNÉ MOCI ZA ŠKODU - OTÁZKA PRO CIVILNÍ, NEBO SPRÁVNÍ SOUDY? Abstrakt Tato diplomová práce se věnuje tématu odpovědnosti veřejné moci za škodu, speciálně potom otázce, které soudy by měly mít pravomoc rozhodovat o této otázce, jestli soudy civilní, nebo soudy správní. V první části práce jsou vymezeny dva základní přístupy ke zkoumané otázce, přístup soukromoprávní a přístup veřejnoprávní. Rovněž jsou formulovány základní aspekty, ve kterých lze zkoumat konkrétní právní úpravu této odpovědnosti. Jedná se o aspekty hmotněprávní a aspekty procesněprávní. V druhé části je analyzována současná česká úprava. Ta vychází ze soukromoprávního pojetí. Zejména je analyzováno, jak se v jednotlivých aspektech právní úpravy projevuje její soukromoprávní pojetí, a to v kontrastu s pojetím veřejnoprávním. V souladu s judikaturou Ústavního soudu a četnou literaturou je kladen důraz na to, že by právní úprava (a případně judikatura soudů) měla dostatečně zohledňovat specifickou povahu tohoto odpovědnostního vztahu. Kriticky jsou tak nahlédnuty jak aspekty hmotněprávní, tak především aspekty procesněprávní. Z provedené analýzy vyplývá, že velmi neuspokojivá je současná úprava tzv. předběžného projednání. V případě soudního projednání je jako problematická spatřována dvojkolejnost soudní ochrany v případě škod...

Možnosti využití úkolově orientovaného přístupu v praxi OSPOD / Application possibilities of a task centred aprroach in the department of social and legal protection of children practice

Sedláková, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
140 Abstract GOALS: Intention of my diessertation work was to answer the main research question: "What is the utilazation rate of TCA when working with involuntary clients of social workers from CPS in the capital city of Prague and selected CPS in Vysocina region?". Theoretical starting-points: Basic signs of TCA are partnerships and strenghten. In terms of TCA the success depends on How people can actively participate and understand the process of helping. Clients role is active and he is participating everything what has been happening in the whole process of helping. Task centered approach says, that experience from your own decision is more usefull then just assuming how the future situation could be. TCA holds the idea, which just a little success build up self-confidence and self-esteem. Accomplishing of goals and achieving of another goal motivates a client. When smaller goals are set up there is a much more chance for possitive result of the whole advisory process. METHODS: Semistructured questionnaire has been used. The questionnaire have 47 questions, which are based on operationalization of main research question. RESULTS: The outcome of questionnaire investigation method is that the workers don`t use TCA, but in general in their practice we are able to identify some of the elements of approach.

La modification de la relation de travail : étude comparative des droits coréen et français / Changing the working relationship : comparative study of Korean and French law

Lee, Eunjoo 06 May 2019 (has links)
Le contrat de travail est continu sur une longue période. Des conditions de travail du salarié peuvent être modifiées ou ajustées à tout moment pendant la durée d’une relation de travail en fonction de raisons diverses. La modification des conditions de travail, ou plus généralement encore, la modification de la relation de travail influence directement la vie privée et professionnelle du salarié et touche par conséquent en profondeur le salarié et l’employeur. La possibilité qu’un salarié puisse négocier son contrat de travail avec son employeur au moment de la conclusion du contrat, est en pratique faible. Il est donc nécessaire que le régime de la modification du contrat de travail garantisse que les conditions de travail convenues au moment de la conclusion du contrat de travail ne peuvent pas être modifiées unilatéralement par l’employeur indépendamment de l’avis du salarié. Les systèmes juridiques coréen et français reposent sur la force obligatoire du contrat de travail. Il est donc évident que le consentement du salarié est nécessaire pour modifier les conditions de travail du contrat de travail. Le régime de la modification de la relation de travail dépend de la limitation du pouvoir de l’employeur. En France, depuis 1996, a été introduit un système jurisprudentiel distinguant changement des conditions de travail et modification du contrat de travail. Avec l’évolution de la jurisprudence, le régime de la modification du contrat de travail se concentre sur le contrat de travail, il attache de la valeur à l’opinion du salarié en considérant le salarié comme une partie au contrat. En revanche, en Corée, la jurisprudence a mis l’accent sur l’interprétation de l’exercice du pouvoir de l’employeur en fonction de l’existence d’un motif raisonnable. Par ailleurs, à la différence de la France où le règlement intérieur a un domaine limité le règlement intérieur coréen joue un rôle similaire à celui d’un contrat de travail en pratique. À cet égard, si la modification du règlement intérieur est défavorable au salarié, le consentement du groupe de salariés doit être obtenu. Même si le consentement est exigé et même si le salarié a un droit de refus, le salarié qui refuse est toujours exposé au licenciement. Le concept de consentement du salarié est souvent trop fragile pour que l’on puisse se contenter de son existence et considérer qu’il s’agit d’une protection suffisante. Ainsi, il est nécessaire de rechercher la véritable volonté du salarié plutôt que de constater son consentement formel. La modification de la relation de travail ne doit pas être axée sur l’exercice de pouvoir de l’employeur, mais doit être interprété concrètement dans le contexte de l’évolution de l’environnement du travail et de la vie professionnelle du salarié. / The labour contract is continuous over a long period of time. The worker's working conditions could be modified or adjusted at any time during the duration of a labour relationship with various reasons. Changes in working conditions, or more generally, changes in the labour relationship directly affect the worker's private and professional life and therefore it has a profound impact on both the worker and the employer. The possibility that a worker could negotiate his labour contract with his employer at the time the contract is hard in practice. It is therefore necessary that the regime for amending the labour contract ensures that the working conditions agreed at the time of conclusion of the labour contract cannot be unilaterally modified by the employer regardless of the worker's opinion. The Korean and French legal systems are based on the binding power of a contract. It is therefore obvious that the worker's consent is required to modify the working conditions of the labour contract. The regime for modifying the labour relationship depends on limiting the employer's authority. In France, since 1996, a jurisprudential system has been introduced distinguishing between change of the working conditions and modify of the labour contract. With the evolution of precedent, the regime of modification of the labour contract focuses on the labour contract, it attaches value to the worker's opinion by considering the worker as a party to the contract. Whereas, in Korea, the precedent has focused on interpreting the exercise of employer authority on the basis of “reasonable cause”. Moreover, unlike France, where the regulation of employment has a limited scope, the Korean regulation of employment plays a similar role to that of a labour contract in practice. In this respect, if the amendment of the regulation of employment change unfavorable to the worker, the consent of the group of workers is required.Even if the consent of worker is demanded and even if the worker has a right of refusal about the suggestion of employer, the worker who refuses is still exposed to dismissal. The concept of the consent of worker is often too fragile to be satisfied with its existence. Also, it is difficult to assume that workers' consent is fully protected. Therefore, it is necessary to find method for reflect the worker's real intention. The change in the labour relationship must not be focused on the employer's exercise of authority, but must be interpreted concretely in the context of the changing work environment and the worker's professional life.

Spolupráce orgánů sociálně-právní ochrany dětí Jihočeského kraje a Intervenčního centra České Budějovice při řešení případů domácího násilí / Cooperation of the Authorities for social and legal protection of children of South Bohemia and Interventional Centre České Budějovice to deal with cases of domestic violence

JANŮ, Alena January 2013 (has links)
Domestic violence highlights as a significant social problem, it introduces frequent and least controlled form of violence included all manifestations of violence among close people. Domestic violence is a form of violence widespreaded throughout the world, in all cultures, appears among people of all social levels, regardless of education, economic situation or ethnicity. Victims of domestic violence are in up to 98% women. In families with domestic violence living minor children, so that they are also victims. According to available research domestic violence takes place in the presence of children in nearly 90% of families. The child itself is a family environment affected by domestic violence for the healthy development very threatening.The theory explains the basic concepts in the field of domestic violence. By children, victims of domestic violence, it is described the impact of domestic violence on the mental and social development of the child. The thesis also summarizes the possibilities of legal protection for persons at risk of domestic violence. They are characterized major institutions involved in solving this problem, including intervention and assistance to victims of the various actors involved. From 2007 operates in the Czech Republic interventional centres that provide emergency assistance to victims of domestic violence and at the same time coordinate interdisciplinary collaboration between other related services. In cases reporting a violent person out of household cooperate with the Police, in the event that in the family with domestic violence are living minor children involved in the process of help the social and legal protection of children, because a child who lives in a family with domestic violence can described as a threatened child.The objective of practical part of the thesis is to determine how cooperation works between the Interventional Centre České Budějovice and the authorities for social and legal protection of children in South Bohemia cases of domestic violence, to find out the view of the issues on the part of social and legal protection of children and intervention center and to map the differences between specific interventions and professional care dedicated to victims of domestic violence with a view to the minor children present violence in families. The qualitatively research uses the method of questioning and analysis of documents. The main techniques of data collection are, with regard to the objective of the thesis, semi-structured interviews with open questions with the staff of the authorities for social and legal protection of children selected municipal authorities of municipalities with extended powers and personnel Interventional Centre České Budějovice, made with a face to face meeting. Another method used is content analysis of secondary data generated by studying the documents of cases currently handled by the authorities for social and legal protection of children and Interventional Centre. Through selected case studies of children attending domestic violence and analysis is found functioning cooperation between the intervention center and the authorities for social and legal protection of children, described the process and specifics of the work, it is obtained information by looking at the issue of domestic violence in families with minor children, and specific interventions of stakeholders assistance and their subsequent comparison. On the basis are the hypotheses formulated.Domestic violence is a complex issue with many specifics, which should take into account the system of assistance to vulnerable persons and indirect victims. Cooperation of bodies in the course of the intervention and assistance to victims of domestic violence are entering, is very important, it´s increase the efficiency of the process. Based on the collected data was pointed out the major importance of the interdisciplinary team, as well as cooperation with problems and possible solutions.

Mezinárodní standardy Quality4Children v praxi sociálně-právní ochrany dětí v ČR / International standards Quality for Children in the practice of the social and legal protection of children in the Czech republic

Čížková, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
Čížková, B. (2011). International standards Quality for Children in the practice of the social and legal protection of children in the Czech republic. Praha: Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Master's Degree Thesis. The object of this work is to identify the weaknesses of the current system of the alternative care by comparing casuistry with the standards of quality. I use casuistry of the current or former clients of foster care. In the first part I put the topic of social and legal protection of children into context of international and constitutional documents. There is also a chapter about the Standars Quality4Children. Then I focus on the situation in the Czech republic. I start with the descripction of the current system and finish with the process of transformation of the system of care for children at risk. The bill changing the Act No. 359/1999 Coll. on the social and legal protection of children was published. It is the first step to the transformartion and it's necessary to be followed-up other steps. The actual explorative empirical part of this work is conducted by a qualitative research strategy. The empirical investigation was executed in form of interviews with twelve respondents. Research sample consists of two social workers (from authority for social and legal protection of...

Software Defined Secure Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

Alqallaf, Maha 24 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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