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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of the early life history of the striped bass, M̲o̲ṟo̲ṉe̲ s̲a̲x̲a̲ṯi̲ḻi̲s̲, in Coos River estuary, Oregon

Anderson, Duane Alan January 1985 (has links)
vii, 97 leaves : ill., maps ; 28 cm Notes Typescript Thesis (M.S.)--University of Oregon, 1985 Includes vita and abstract Bibliography: leaves 92-97 Another copy on microfilm is located in Archives

Some effects of salinity on the population dynamics and reproductive biology of the nudibranch Hermissenda crassicornis

Manley, Wendy Lou January 1987 (has links)
ix, 62 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm Notes Typescript Thesis (M.S.)--University of Oregon, 1987 Includes vita and abstract Bibliography: leaves 59-62 Another copy on microfilm is located in Archives

Interspecific interactions between the introduced Atlantic crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii and the native estuarine crab Hemigrapsus oregonensis in Coos Bay, Oregon

Jordan, James Robertson, 1965- January 1989 (has links)
Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Bibliography: Includes bibliographical references (leaves 45-47). / Rhithropanopeus harrisii is an introduced Atlantic crab in Coos Bay, Oregon. In Coos Bay, it occurs only in the uppermost estuary where salinities are seasonally low (<1 0/00). Rhithropanopeus occurs at higher salinities in its native range, and tolerates higher salinities in the laboratory. A native crab, Hemigrapsus oregoneos1s, occurs in the estuary, but not as far up into the oligohaline and freshwater zones as Rb1tbcopanopeus. In laboratory experiments, adult Hem1grapsus consume juvenile Rhithropanopeus. Hemjgrapsus is significantly more aggressive than Rhithropanopeus. The absence of juvenile Rhithropanopeus at field sites where both species occur suggests that field interactions may be occurring. Taken together, these results and observations suggest that there may be a dynamic zone in the estuary where the distribution of Rhithropanopeus is restricted by Heroigrapsus. Rhithropanopeus may find a refuge from Hemigrapsus in the oligohaline-freshwater Zones of the estuary, such that Hemigrapsus may be exerting selective pressure on the Rhithropanopeus population favoring freshwater adapted individuals.

Experimentelle Evaluation der Bedeutung des PI3K/AKT-Signalweges für die Tumorstrahlenempfindlichkeit

Galleiske, Hanne 28 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Hintergrund und Fragestellung/Hypothese Trotz verbesserter Diagnose und Therapiestrategien in der Behandlung von Plattenepithelkarzinomen des Kopf-Hals-Bereichs (HNSCC) in den letzten Jahrzehnten liegt das 5-Jahres-Überleben der Patienten bei nur etwa 60 %. Die hohe Mortalität ist zurückzuführen auf eine hohe Rezidivrate nach Radio- und Radiochemotherapie. Experimentelle und klinische Daten zeigen in dieser Tumorentität eine häufige Dysregulation des PI3K/AKT-Signalweges, der an verschiedenen Resistenzmechanismen beteiligt ist. Die Zielmoleküle des Signalweges sind involviert in DNA-Reparatur, Reoxygenierung und Repopulierung. Aufgrund der bekannten Beteiligung des PI3K/AKT-Signalweges an diesen wichtigen radiobiologischen Resistenzmechanismen beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit folgenden Fragestellungen: 1. Charakterisierung des Aktivierungsstatus des PI3K/AKT-Signalweges in Korrelation mit radiobiologischen Parametern in HNSCC-Experimentaltumoren 2. Bestimmung der Wirksamkeit des selektiven PI3K-Inhibitors Bay 80-6946 in HNSCC-Zelllinien in vitro 3. Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit von Bay 80-6946 in einem Panel von HNSCC-Experimentaltumoren in vivo mit und ohne Bestrahlung sowie des Einflusses der PI3K-Inhibition auf radiobiologische Parameter Material und Methode/Ergebnisse 1. Charakterisierung des Aktivierungsstatus des PI3K/AKT-Signalweges in Korrelation mit radiobiologischen Parametern in HNSCC-Experimentaltumoren Für die vorliegende Untersuchung wurde auf Tumormaterial von sechs verschiedenen Plattenepithelkarzinomzelllinien (FaDu, SAS, XF354, UT-SCC-5, UT-SCC-14, UT-SCC-15) aus einer Biobank zurückgegriffen. Analysiert wurden Xenografttumoren, die mit 0, 3, 5 oder 10 Fraktionen bestrahlt worden waren. Die Aktivierung des PI3K/AKT-Signalweges wurde mittels Western Blot-Analyse untersucht. Die publizierten Daten der lokalen Tumorkontrolle nach 30 Fraktionen in sechs Wochen, der Pimonidazol hypoxischen Fraktion und der HIF-1α-Proteinexpression wurden mit der pAKT-Expression korreliert. In allen unbehandelten Tumoren konnte pAKT nachgewiesen werden, wobei sich eine intratumorale Heterogenität in der Expression zeigte. Unter fraktionierter Strahlentherapie konnte in dem Panel von sechs Tumorlinien keine einheitliche Aktivierung des PI3K/AKT-Signalweges nachgewiesen werden. Die Expression des endogenen Hypoxiemarkers HIF 1α korrelierte in unbehandelten Tumoren mit der pAKT-Proteinexpression. Kein Zusammenhang wurde zwischen dem Gehalt von pAKT und der Pimonidazol hypoxischen Fraktion sowie der lokalen Tumorkontrolle nach 30 Fraktionen in sechs Wochen gefunden. 2. Bestimmung der Wirksamkeit des selektiven PI3K-Inhibitors Bay 80-6946 in HNSCC-Zelllinien in vitro Die Experimente wurden an den humanen Plattenepithelkarzinomzelllinien Cal33, FaDu, UT-SCC-5 und UT-SCC-14 durchgeführt. In Proliferationsassays und weiteren Zellkultur-experimenten wurde der Effekt des selektiven PI3K-Inhibitors Bay 80-6946 auf die Proliferation, die Phosphorylierung von AKT sowie die Dauer des inhibitorischen Effektes untersucht. Das klonogene Zellüberleben wurde bestimmt, indem die Tumorzellen mit 0, 2, 4, 6 oder 8 Gy bestrahlt, 24 Stunden mit dem Inhibitor inkubiert und die entstandenen Kolonien nach 14 Tagen ausgezählt wurden. Eine deutliche Hemmung der Proliferation konnte an den Plattenepithelkarzinomzelllinien schon bei geringen Konzentrationen von Bay 80-6946 gezeigt werden. Die Zelllinie Cal33, welche eine bekannte PI3K Mutation besitzt, reagierte am empfindlichsten auf die Inhibition von PI3K, gefolgt von UT-SCC-14 und FaDu. Nach Inkubation mit 1 µM Bay 80 6946 konnte in keiner der drei Tumorlinien phosphoryliertes AKT nachgewiesen werden. Die Dauer der Inhibition hielt allerdings nur für die Dauer der Inkubation mit Bay 80-6946 an. Das klonogene Zellüberleben nach Bestrahlung wurde durch die Behandlung mit dem Inhibitor nicht signifikant verändert. 3. Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit von Bay 80-6946 in einem Panel von HNSCC-Experimentaltumoren in vivo mit und ohne Bestrahlung sowie des Einflusses der PI3K-Inhibition auf radiobiologische Parameter Die Wirksamkeit von Bay 80-6946 wurde in einer Gruppe von neun verschiedenen Kopf-Hals-Tumorlinien sowie zwei NSCLC-Tumorlinien untersucht (A549, Cal33, FaDu, GLF, H460, SAS, SAT, UT-SCC-5, UT-SCC-8, UT-SCC-14 und XF354). Experimenteller Endpunkt war die Tumorwachstumsverzögerung. Bay 80-6946 wurde insgesamt fünfmal im Abstand von 48 Stunden in einer Konzentration von 20 mg/kg KG intravenös injiziert. Die Behandlung begann bei einem Tumordurchmesser von 7 mm. In den drei Tumorlinien Cal33, FaDu und UT-SCC-5 wurde Bay 80-6946 zusätzlich zur Monotherapie auch in Kombination mit fraktionierter Bestrahlung untersucht. Diese Tumormodelle wurden ausgewählt, da sie die intertumorale Heterogenität im Ansprechen auf die alleinige PI3K-Inhibition widerspiegeln. Die Tiere wurden mit 5 x 2 Gy täglich (Gesamtdosis 10 Gy) bestrahlt. Bay 80-6946 wurde einmal wöchentlich in einer Konzentration von 20 mg/kg KG über einen Zeitraum von 29 Tagen verabreicht. Die Behandlung begann eine Woche vor der ersten Bestrahlungsfraktion. Aufgrund des verlängerten Gesamtbehandlungs-zeitraums begann die Behandlung bereits bei einem Tumordurchmesser von 4 mm. In allen Experimentalarmen wurden zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten Tumoren entnommen und immunhistochemisch auf die radiobiologischen Parameter Hypoxie, Anzahl der Gefäße und Perfusion untersucht. Hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit von Bay 80-6946 auf unbehandelte Plattenepithelkarzinome lassen sich drei Gruppen abgrenzen: starkes Ansprechen bei Cal33, intermediäres Ansprechen (SAS, UT-SCC-8, SAT, FaDu) und fehlendes Ansprechen (XF354, GLF, UT SCC-5, UT-SCC-14). Die NSCLC-Modelle A549 und H460 sprachen moderat auf Bay 80 6946 an. Bei der Kombinationstherapie von Bay 80-6946 mit fraktionierter Bestrahlung deutet sich bei Cal33 ein additiver und bei FaDu ein supraadditiver Effekt an. Bei UT-SCC-5 war in der Kombinationstherapie kein signifikanter Effekt auf das Tumorwachstum nachweisbar. Die immunhistochemischen Analysen zeigten in allen drei Tumorlinien weder bei der Mono- noch bei der Kombinationstherapie einen Einfluss des Inhibitors auf die Parameter Hypoxie, Anzahl der Gefäße und Perfusion im Vergleich zur Kontrolle. Schlussfolgerung Die in einem Panel von Experimentaltumoren gewonnen Daten unterstützen derzeit nicht den Einsatz von pAKT als Biomarker, um das Ansprechen auf eine fraktionierte Strahlentherapie vorherzusagen. Vielmehr scheinen die gewonnenen Ergebnisse im Einklang zu den kontroversen und teilweise inkonsistenten Daten anderer Arbeitsgruppen zu stehen. Somit sind trotz klarer radiobiologischer Rationale weitere methodische und translationale Untersuchungen zum potenziellen Stellenwert des AKT-Signalweges als prognostischer Biomarker für die Strahlentherapie von Kopf-Hals-Tumoren notwendig. Durch die Kombination einer fraktionierten Strahlentherapie mit einem selektiven PI3K-Inhibitior konnte in der vorliegenden experimentellen Arbeit ein deutlicher Effekt auf die Tumorwachstumsverzögerung von Kopf-Hals-Tumoren gezeigt werden. Das Ausmaß des Ansprechens unterschied sich jedoch zwischen den drei untersuchten Tumorlinien und wirft die Frage nach der Ursache dieser Variabilität auf. Vor dem Einsatz eines PI3K-Inhibitors unter fraktionierter Strahlentherapie sollte in weiteren Experimenten der zugrundeliegende Mechanismus der Strahlensensibilisierung geklärt werden. Als zentrale Mechanismen sollten dabei vertiefend der Einfluss der selektiven PI3K-Inhibition auf das Tumormikromilieu sowie die Beteiligung des PI3K-Inhibitors an der Reparatur strahleninduzierter Schäden untersucht werden.

Le renouveau de la piraterie internationale

Flagel, Amélie-Anne 28 February 2013 (has links)
En 2012 sévissent encore des pirates sur les mers du globe. Alors qu’on les pensait moribonds ou noyés dans la masse des terroristes, les pirates ont fait une réapparition marquée sur la scène internationale et dans les préoccupations des juristes. L’enjeu est d’adapter le droit international, consensuel et souple, aux obligations qui naissent fatalement de la répression d’une infraction internationale. La tâche est difficile car c’est la recherche d’un équilibre entre un ordre juridique contraignant (et efficace) et la sauvegarde des intérêts étatiques, pilier du droit international. Il faut donc approcher le renouveau de la piraterie sous différents angles :• tout d’abord identifier les caractéristiques de la « nouvelle » piraterie, qui a réussi à intégrer les progrès techniques dans un schéma classique ;• puis il faut établir un état des lieux des moyens de répression juridique à la disposition de la Communauté Internationale, ainsi que souligner les failles ou faiblesses juridiques du dispositif. Cette étape implique de recenser les textes internationaux et de les confronter à la réalité de la situation. En matière de piraterie, la question de la Somalie ne peut être évitée, mais d’autres régions moins médiatisées fournissent des solutions innovantes. L’approche consiste également à étudier différents textes nationaux concernant la piraterie afin de souligner l’importance d’une réglementation internationale homogène pour une répression efficace ;• il est nécessaire d’aborder la piraterie de manière verticale, en intégrant dans le processus l’étude des réponses juridiques, de la capture à l’emprisonnement du pirate, en ne faisant pas l’impasse sur les modalités de jugement et de protection des droits de l’homme ; Il faut également s’extraire de la pure approche juridique pour apprécier les facteurs économiques et sociaux qui en sont le ferment et les conséquences ;• enfin, après avoir mis en lumière les multiples aspects d’une infraction protéiforme, il faut tenter d’apporter des réponses juridiques qui s’inscrivent dans le respect des piliers traditionnels du droit international, souveraineté et égalité des Etats, mais pourtant efficaces. Il est aussi le rôle des juristes d’offrir des axes de pensées originaux, bien que n’ayant que peu de chance d’être suivi dans le contexte international actuel.La piraterie, infraction internationale, oblige aujourd’hui à une réflexion sur la place de la Communauté Internationale, en tant que sujet, par rapport aux acteurs traditionnels que sont les Etats et aux pouvoirs coercitifs dont elle peut disposer pour assurer la protection de l’ordre public international. / In 2012, pirates are still rampant on the seas. While we thought them to be moribund or embedded in the mass of terrorists, pirates have made a marked resurgence in the international and legal concerns. The challenge is to adapt the consensual and flexible, international law, to obligations inevitably arising from the repression of an international offense. The task is difficult, because it is a search for a balance between a binding (and effective) legal order, and the protection of state interests, pillar of international law. It is therefore necessary to approach the revival of piracy from different angles:• first, identifying the characteristics of the « new » piracy, which has managed to integrate technical progress in a classic pattern;• then, inventorying the means of legal repression that are available to the International Community, as well as highlighting the flaws or weaknesses of the legal system. This step involves identifying international texts and confronting them to the actual situation. On piracy, the issue of Somalia cannot be avoided, but other less publicized areas provide innovative solutions. The approach also consists in studying various national laws on piracy in order to emphasize the importance of uniform international rules for an effective repression;• it is necessary to address the piracy vertically, by integrating the process of studying legal responses, from capture to imprisonment of the pirate, without ignoring the terms of judgment and protection of human rights. There is also a need to extract from the pure legal approach, to assess the economic and social factors that constitute its close and consequences;• finally, having highlighted the multiple aspects of a multifaceted offense, we must try to give legal answers that are in accordance with traditional pillars of international law: sovereignty and equality of States, yet effective. It is also the role of lawyers to offering original thought axes, although these have little chance to be followed in the current international context.Piracy, an international crime, now requires a reflection on the role of the International Community, as the subject, compared to traditional actors such as States, and to coercive powers at its disposal to ensure the protection of the international public order.Keywords: Maritime piracy, international law, terrorism, Somalia, international crime, Montego Bay Convention

Systematic marine spatial planning and monitoring in a data poor environment: a case study of Algoa Bay, South Africa

Chalmers, Russell January 2012 (has links)
Globally the failure of traditional fisheries management approaches is evident through the increasing number of overexploited or depleted marine stocks. Past sectoral management has failed to address cumulative impacts of fisheries activities on ecosystem health. Ecosystem based approaches have been advocated as a viable alternative for sustainable management of marine ecosystems as they present a holistic and precautionary approach, which integrates management of multiple activities with that of maintaining ecological health. Although conceptually advanced, implementation has been poor due to the complexities of competing ecological and socio-economic management objectives. Marine spatial planning can facilitate the implementation of ecosystem based management as it is able to address the spatial heterogeneity of biological communities and anthropogenic activities. Ecosystem based management approaches aim to address the full range of anthropogenic drivers on the marine environment, including but not limited to fisheries, tourism, coastal development, and land and marine based pollution sources amongst others. Fisheries activities have a direct impact on the local marine environment and were therefore the focus of this study which forms a starting point for implementing ecosystem based management in Algoa Bay. It is envisaged that future research will build on this foundation and include additional anthropogenic drivers into the management and monitoring strategies developed in this study in order to achieve a truly holistic ecosystem approach to management in Algoa Bay. Algoa Bay is situated centrally within the warm-temperate Agulhas bioregion along the east coast of South Africa and is the largest and best formed logarithmic spiral bay along this section of coastline. A large city, two commercial ports and several coastal settlements are located within Algoa Bay and a wide range of marine based activities occur within the area. A large section of the coastline is proclaimed as a National Park yet only two small offshore marine areas are formally protected. The development of a large marine protected area (MPA) adjoining the terrestrial section was proposed in the mid-1990s but a lack of adequate spatial data with which to quantify the fishery costs and conservation benefits led to wide scale public opposition and halted the declaration process. The primary goal of this study was to obtain and analyse baseline data to understand spatial and temporal trends in the distribution and abundance of fish populations and fisheries activities in order to develop a spatial framework for marine conservation and management in a data limited situation using Algoa Bay, South Africa as a case study. Furthermore, it aims to contribute to the development of a monitoring framework to evaluate the success of implementation and the resultant changes in biological and socio-economic environments. This information will be used to re-initiate the stakeholder engagement process in the future.

Sports events for the citizens of the Nelson Mandela Bay

Solomon, Steffen Brett January 2016 (has links)
The concept of city branding has sprung to prominence in recent years. This can be attributed to globalisation and the ease of access to all corners of the globe with the improvements in technology and modes of transport. This increased competition for resources, skills, talent and revenue has made cities not only compete with other cities in close proximity to one another, but also with cities across the world. The answer to this conundrum was found to be a comprehensive marketing strategy composed of clever and catchy slogans, beautiful logos, media campaigns and public relations drives. This process only led to the loss of large amounts of money since the benefits were not longstanding and the results were not tangible as these avenues only benefitted the home country’s tourism industry. A long term solution for cities was needed to build a favourable image. Corporations were used as models to build a brand since manufacturers of similar products are in constant competition to gain market share and revenues from their competitors. The similarities between corporations and cities are undeniable and efforts were made to incorporate successful branding strategies from corporations into city branding efforts. Cities and corporations must be effective in developing and incorporating social, economic and political aspects of their culture into a successful city brand image. The major difference between cities and corporations stems from the fact that it takes considerably longer to leverage a comprehensive brand of a city, when compared to the brand of a product since their lifespans are completely different. In the past, city brands were based on historical significance. Today, city brands are exclusively influenced by the events it hosts. The hosting of events has been seen as a guaranteed way for a city to improve its brand image. On the contrary, the hosting of events has been found to either improve a city brand or tarnish it. Sports events have been deemed as the best way to improve a city brand because sports appeal to a wide audience and are relatively inexpensive to host in comparison to the benefit and improvements they bring. This treatise investigates the approach and various types of sports events which must be included for the successful branding of Nelson Mandela Bay as part of a destination marketing strategy. The suggestions from this study were formulated upon scrutiny of the available literature and case studies on various branding efforts undertaken by cities around the world to establish and improve their brand image. A survey was conducted amongst the residents of Nelson Mandela Bay using a questionnaire. A total of 952 responses were received. The questionnaire measured the respondents’ attitude to what types of sports events they will support, their feelings on the standard of facilities and quality of events in Nelson Mandela Bay. This treatise served to identify which sports events should be used in any branding effort undertaken by Nelson Mandela Bay. Literature and case studies served as the foundation for this study. The survey insights and expectations enabled a plan to be developed that will be unique for Nelson Mandela Bay based on its location, characteristics, tastes and preferences of its residents. This plan would serve to benefit the residents of Nelson Mandela Bay, the city itself and encourage additional investment from external sources. The results of this study indicate that the residents of Nelson Mandela Bay advocate the use of sports events as the main driver in branding the city. Furthermore, the residents have made it clear that cricket, rugby and Iron Man-type of events are favoured and more likely to be supported than any other type of sports event in Nelson Mandela Bay.

The sustainability of cooperatives in peri-urban areas of Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Mabaleka, Mntuwekhaya January 2014 (has links)
This research study focuses on investigating the sustainability of cooperatives in the peri urban areas of Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. The researcher described a cooperative concept, identified and explained a research problem. Research study addressed literature extensively on the local and international scenes; looking at cooperative case studies of India, California, United Kingdom, Ghana, Bangladesh and South Africa. The researcher used a qualitative research methodology using structured and semi structured questionnaires that were distributed to thirty identified cooperatives in Walmer Location and external stakeholders supporting cooperatives. Face to face and telephonic interviews were used during research in three identified funded cooperative members, registered cooperative members and external stakeholders supporting cooperatives. Research findings confirmed unequitable age distribution in cooperatives. Young people constituted 10% of cooperatives’ membership which led to non-transference of knowledge and experience from the elderly to the young; dominance of women in cooperatives who joined or registered cooperatives with the intention of receiving a sustainable income so that they could support their families; poor governance in cooperatives caused cooperatives to fail. Eighty percent of registered cooperative members during research confirmed that they do not have access to the markets, while 2% confirmed that they have access to the markets although they are unable to secure contracts; research confirmed that the majority (59%) of Walmer Location registered cooperative members do not have matric (grade 12) while 25% of cooperative members have matric and 16% have a post-matric qualification; research findings confirmed a decrease in the survival rate of cooperatives after registration without receiving financial support; research findings confirmed that cooperative members do not receive all training programmes that would ensure cooperatives’ sustainability; other cooperative challenges include lack of cooperation among cooperatives, lack of monitoring and evaluation systems, high crime rate and continuous service delivery protests and lack of integration among stakeholders supporting cooperatives.

Mental stress among civil engineering construction site agents and foremen in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropole

Haydam, Erich January 2016 (has links)
The civil engineering sector of the construction industry as a whole has been suffering from mental stress due to a lack of stress management interventions, rendering employees vulnerable to burnout, poor mental health, and subject to injury on site. The rationale of this study is to explore the prevalence of mental stress in the civil engineering sector of the construction industry, and the potential causes of stress, vis-à-vis the effects it has on an individual. An empirical study based on a descriptive and analytical survey method was conducted among medium to large civil engineering contractors in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropole (NMBM). The study adopted the use of questionnaires, and a review of the related literature to effectively summarise and describe the collected field data. The sample stratum included civil engineering site agents and foremen. The salient findings include: high job demands, low job control, and low job social support are contributors to stress; site agents and foremen long for more time spent with family and friends; site agents and foremen are exposed to various physical, organisational and socio-economic stressors; site agents and foremen are displaying coping strategies unsupportive of a healthy lifestyle; there is a lack of awareness of stress management in the civil engineering sector of the construction industry; the level of stress experienced by site agents and foremen is rated as a lesser extent; the prevalence of depression among site agents and foremen is rated as a lesser extent; site agents and foremen are at risk of injury due to feeling stressed, and site agents and foremen are exposed to a range of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) due to poor ergonomics, and possibly stress too. It can be concluded that stress negatively affects the civil engineering sector of the construction industry by, inter alia, increased employee absence, injuries and accidents, higher staff turnover, depression, and lower levels of production. Furthermore, stress may lead to eventual burnout, rendering an individual at a significantly higher risk of developing physical health complications. Recommendations include: organisations to address the problem of work-family imbalance, by providing more time off to spend with family and loved ones. v Organisations need to promote and implement internal coping strategies, to assist those who are facing strain to effectively deal with their stress. More support from line managers to employees should be provided, as this will increase their resources in terms of job support, job demand, and job control in their working environment. Also, organisations need to promote teambuilding activities and exercise among their employees. Lastly, organisational policy and government legislation need to be revised in the long term, to provide for individual mental wellbeing, and reduced occupational stress.

The political and administrative interface on the local government sphere :|bNelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Maqoko, Zandile January 2015 (has links)
Municipalities in South Africa are experiencing serious challenges in dealing with the interface between politicians and administrators. The study is based on the political and administrative interface (the relationship between the politicians and administration) in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. An introductory background as well as a theoretical perspective on the phenomenon of ‘politics-administration interface’ and highlights on the significant role that this phenomenon plays in promoting good governance in local government is provided. The study analyses the legislative and policy framework that regulates local government and provides various theoretical models that deal with the political administrative relationships such as the dichotomy model, politicised model and complementarity model. The qualitative research method was used in the study, that is, a secondary data design as a method to collect data, which was supplemented by an extensive literature review. Secondary data sources such as reports, policies, newspapers, books were used to collect data. The descriptive case study and the documentary analysis methods were utilised to investigate the relationship between the politicians and administrators in the municipality. The major challenge in local government is that both politicians and administrators interfere in each other’s roles and responsibilities and this results in major conflict in the municipalities and frustration among the staff because they are not free to undertake their daily functions without interference. The findings reflected that there is a need to professionalise and de-politicised local government. The study makes a number of recommendations which included, inter alia, regulating political interference in administration, clarity of roles and responsibilities of politicians and administrators and separating the municipal administration from politics.

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