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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’oncogène Src et les protéines de la famille Bcl-2 : une coopération coupable : implication de la protéine Bik dans la résistance à l’apoptose de cellules transformées par l’oncogène Src / The src oncogene and the Bcl-2 family proteins : a guilty cooperation : Implication of the Bik protein in the resistance to apoptosis of Src-transformed cells

Lopez, Jonathan 04 May 2010 (has links)
La protéine tyrosine kinase c-Src est surexprimée et activée dans de nombreux cancers. De manière remarquable, Src est activé dans plus de 80% des adénocarcinomes coliques où il joue un rôle dans la carcinogenèse et la progression vers un phénotype métastatique. c-Src et son homologue viral v-Src activent un grand nombre de voies cellulaires permettant à la tumeur de proliférer, de résister à la mort cellulaire et d’acquérir des capacités accrues de migration et d’angiogenèse. Au cours de ma thèse nous avons mis en évidence un mécanisme inattendu d’échappement à l’apoptose de fibroblastes murins surexprimant de manière stable v-Src et de plusieurs lignées tumorales humaines (coliques en particulier) présentant une activité c-Src dérégulée. Nous avons montré que Src stimule la dégradation protéasomedépendantede la protéine Bik, un membre pro-apoptotique de la famille Bcl-2, connu pour être un suppresseur de tumeurs. Cette régulation post-traductionnelle du niveau d’expression de Bik est à l’origine d’une forte résistance de la voie mitochondriale de l’apoptose. L’inhibition de l’activité kinase de Src ou le blocage de la dégradation de Bik par le protéasome permettent de restaurer des concentrations normales de la protéine Bik dans les cellules transformées et de les restaurer efficacement l’apoptose. En revanche, l’inhibition des protéines anti-apoptotiques de la famille Bcl-2 par l’ABT-737 semble moins efficace. Par ailleurs, nous avons également contribué à mettre en évidence le rôle anti-migratoire et anti-invasif du lithium sur des cellules transformées par Src. Le mécanisme moléculaire mis en jeu implique l’activation redox des protéines tyrosine phosphatases cellulaires. Enfin, nous avons participé à l’étude de peptides mimant les hélices centrales d’insertion de Bax, Bcl-xL et Bid, représentant les trois sous-groupes de protéines de la famille Bcl-2. Nous avons comparé leur comportement vis-à-vis d’une monocouche lipidique mimant la membrane mitochondriale externe ainsi que leur capacité à perméabiliser des mitochondries isolées. Nos résultats nous ont permis de proposer que les fragments centraux d’insertion membranaire des protéines Bcl-2 seraient directement impliqués dans la divergence fonctionnelle des différents sous groupes qui composent la famille / C-Src tyrosine kinase is overexpressed and activated in a number of cancers. Remarkably, Src is deregulated in more than 80% of colorectal adenocarcinoma, playing a role in carcinogenesis and progression toward a metastatic phenotype. c-Src and v-Src activate a large number of intracellular pathways which allow the tumor to proliferate, to evade the cell death machinery and to acquired enhanced migratory and angiogenic abilities. During my PhD, we discovered an unknown mechanism to evade apoptosis developed by murine fibroblasts stably overexpressing v-Src and by some human tumor cell lines with c-Srcb deregulation. We have shown that Src stimulate the proteasomal degradation of the Bik protein, a proapoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family proteins known to act as a tumor suppressor. This post-translationnal regulation of the Bik protein expression level leads to a strong resistance of the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis. Inhibition of the Src kinase activity or of the Bik proteasome-dependent degradation restore normal levels of the Bik protein and efficiently resensitize these cells to apoptosis. Inhibition of the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins by ABT737 seems to be less efficient in these cells. We also contribute to show that lithium suppresses motility and invasivity of v-Src transformed cells. The molecular mechanism involve a redox activation of the protein tyrosine phosphatases. Finally, we compared the membrane behavior and the ability to permeabilize mitochondria of synthetic peptides derived from the central helical hairpin of Bax,Bcl-xL and Bid. We showed that these structurally analogous domains have distinct membrane behavior which could account for the functional divergence between the Bcl-2 family members

Avaliação da expressão de genes e proteínas anti- e pró-apoptóticos em pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 e esclerose múltipla submetidos ao transplante autólogo de células-tronco hematopoéticas / Evaluation of anti and proapoptotic gene and protein expression in type 1 diabetes mellitus and multiple sclerosis patients submitted to autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

Oliveira, Gislane Lelis Vilela de 17 October 2008 (has links)
O diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM-1) e a esclerose múltipla (EM) são doenças auto-imunes órgão-específicas, inflamatórias, mediadas por células T e B auto-reativas e caracterizadas pela destruição seletiva de células b pancreáticas produtoras de insulina e do sistema nervoso central, respectivamente. Acredita-se que a desregulação da expressão de genes reguladores da maquinaria apoptótica possa contribuir para o desenvolvimento da auto-imunidade, visto que algumas dessas moléculas participam nos processos de tolerância central e periférica de linfócitos auto-reativos. O objetivo deste projeto foi analisar a expressão de moléculas reguladoras das vias intrínseca, extrínseca e da Família de proteínas inibidoras da apoptose (IAP) em 33 indivíduos saudáveis, 15 pacientes com DM-1 e 18 com EM submetidos à terapia de imunossupressão em altas doses seguida do transplante autólogo de células-tronco hematopoéticas (IAD/TACTH). As células mononucleares (CMN) foram isoladas do sangue periférico dos controles e de pacientes nos períodos pré-mobilização (pré-mob), pré-condicionamento (pré-cond), D+180, D+360, D+540 e D+720 pós-transplante. As CMN foram utilizadas para extração de RNA, síntese de cDNA, quantificação da expressão por PCR em tempo real dos genes a1, bcl-2, bcl-w, bcl-xL, mcl-1, bad, bak, bax, bid, bik, bim, bok, noxa, fas, fasL, c-FLIPL, cIAP-1 e cIAP-2 e protéica de Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bak, Bim e c-FLIPL por western-blotting. Os resultados de expressão gênica foram representados por unidades relativas de expressão em medianas nas diferentes amostras. Os pacientes com DM-1 apresentaram diminuição da expressão dos genes anti-apoptóticos bcl-2 (mediana: 0,98; p=0,04), bcl-w (0,08; p=0,04), mcl-1 (1254; p=0,03) e cIAP-1 (1,24; p=0,003) nas CMN dos pacientes no período pré-mob em relação aos indivíduos saudáveis (medianas: bcl-2: 7,58; bcl-w: 0,52; mcl-1: 1659; cIAP-1: 14,5), enquanto a expressão de cIAP-2 (60,8; p=0,0005) estava aumentada em relação aos controles (23,3). Foi observada redução significativa na expressão dos genes pró-apoptóticos bad (0,002; p<0,0001), bax (0,01; p=0,002) e fasL (1,66; p=0,001) no período pré-mob comparada aos controles sadios (bad: 0,23; bax: 2,79; fasL: 3,56). Os níveis de RNAm de bid (0,10; p=0,001) e bok (0,72; p=0,006) estavam elevados no pré-mob em relação ao grupo controle (bid: 0,004; bok: 0,31). As moléculas bcl-2, bcl-w, bcl-xL, mcl-1, bad, bax, bok, fasL e cIAP-1 atingiram níveis de RNAm similares aos controles após o TACTH. Foi verificado que a expressão de bcl-w, cIAP-1 e noxa estava maior nos pacientes com DM-1 em remissão quando comparados àqueles em recaída. A diminuição da expressão de a1, bcl-2 e bcl-w e o aumento de fas e noxa correlacionaram-se às porcentagens de hemoglobina glicosilada, concentração de auto-anticorpos GAD65, e aos níveis séricos de peptídeo-C após o transplante. Os pacientes com EM mostraram uma expressão reduzida dos genes anti-apoptóticos bcl-w (0,11; p=0,02) e cIAP-1 (1,87; p=0,04) no pré-mob comparada aos valores dos controles (bcl-w: 0,27; cIAP-1: 7,75) e maior expressão dos genes a1 (90,8; p=0,001) e cIAP-2 (58,8; p=0,009) em relação aos controles (a1: 12,7; cIAP-2: 22,3). As moléculas pró-apoptóticas bad (0,007; p=0,01) e bax (0,0007; p=0,004) mostraram menor expressão nas CMN no período pré-mob do que nos controles (bad: 0,27; bax: 1,24). Os genes bid (20,7; p=0,004), bik (0,84; p=0,02) e bok (1,77; p=0,0001) possuíam maior expressão no período pré-mob em relação aos indivíduos sadios (bid: 2,64; bik: 0,33; bok: 0,26). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na expressão das moléculas da via extrínseca da apoptose nos pacientes com EM (p>0,05) nos períodos avaliados. Os valores de expressão de bcl-w, bak, bax, bik, bok e cIAP-1 atingiram níveis semelhantes aos controles após o transplante. A expressão dos genes bcl-2, cIAP-1, bad e bax estava maior nos pacientes em remissão da EM quando comparados àqueles em progressão neurológica. O aumento da expressão dos genes pró-apoptóticos bax, bak e bimEL correlacionou-se inversamente aos valores de EDSS dos pacientes com EM após o TACTH. Os resultados de expressão protéica foram equivalentes aos de expressão gênica nas duas doenças, com exceção dos dados das proteínas Bcl-2 e Bim. Em conjunto, os resultados demonstraram a desregulação da expressão de várias moléculas anti- e pró-apoptóticas nas CMN dos pacientes com DM-1 e EM. Esses achados sugerem a associação de alterações nos processos de apoptose celular com o surgimento e persistência de células auto-reativas no DM-1 e EM. Os dados indicam que essas alterações, principalmente a diminuição da expressão de moléculas pró-apoptóticas, como bak e bax, possam contribuir para a patogênese do DM-1 e EM. Além disso, a terapia de IAD/TACTH foi capaz de modular a expressão da maioria dos genes anormalmente expressos nas CMN dos pacientes com DM-1 e EM, já que esses atingiram níveis de expressão similares ao grupo controle após o transplante. Esta normalização da expressão de vários genes analisados correlacionou-se com a remissão clínica da doença na maioria dos pacientes / Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and multiple sclerosis (MS) are inflammatory, organ-specific autoimmune diseases characterized by selective destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic -cells and central nervous system, respectively, by autoreactive B and T cells. Deregulation of apoptotic machinery is supposed to contribute to self-tolerance breakdown and autoimmune diseases pathogenesis, since apoptotic molecules have an important role in B and T lymphocytes central and peripheral tolerance mechanisms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of pro and anti-apoptotic molecules from intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways and IAP Family members in 33 healthy individuals, 15 T1DM and 18 MS patients submitted to high-dose immunossupression therapy followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HDI/AHSCT). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated from controls and patients at pre-mobilization (pre-mob), pre-conditioning (pre-cond), D+180, D+360, D+540 and D+720 post-transplantation. PBMC were used for RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, gene quantification of a1, bcl-2, bcl-w, bcl-xL, bad, bak, bax, bid, bik, bimEL, bok, noxa, fas, fasL, c-FLIPL, cIAP-1 and cIAP-2 by Real Time PCR and Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bak, BimEL and c-FLIPL proteins detection by western-blotting. Results are expressed as median of relative expression units. Results from T1DM patients indicated that antiapoptotic molecules bcl-2 (median: 0,98; p=0,04), bcl-w (0,08; p=0,04), mcl-1 (1254; p=0,03) and cIAP-1 (1,24; p=0,003) were downregulated at pre-mob compared with healthy controls (medians bcl-2: 7,58; bcl-w: 0,52; mcl-1: 1659; cIAP-1: 14,5), while cIAP-2 (60,8; p=0,0005) gene expression was upregulated compared to healthy controls (23,3). We observed a significant decrease in proapoptotic bad (0,002; p<0,0001), bax (0,01; p=0,002) and fasL (1,66; p=0,001) genes expression in patients PBMC at pre-mob period compared to healthy subjects (bad: 0,23; bax: 2,79; fasL: 3,56). mRNA levels of bid (0.10; p=0.001) and bok (0.72; p=0.006) were elevated at pre-mob period when compared to control group (bid: 0.004; bok: 0.31). The bcl-2, bcl-w, bcl-xL, mcl-1, bad, bak, bax, bok, fasL and cIAP-1 mRNA levels reached controls levels after HDI/AHSCT. We observed that bcl-w, cIAP-1 and noxa gene expression were increased in T1DM patients in remission when compared to relapsed patients. The decreased antiapoptotic gene expression and increased in proapoptotic molecules correlated with decreased glicosilated hemoglobin percentages (Hb A1C) and anti-GAD65 antibodies and increased peptide-C levels. Results from MS patients showed decreased bcl-w (0,11; p=0,02) and cIAP-1 gene expression (1,87; p=0,04) in patients PBMC at pre-mob period compared to healthy controls (bcl-w: 0,27; cIAP-1: 7,75) and increased expression of a1 (90,8; p=0,001) and cIAP-2 (58,8; p=0,009) compared to controls (a1: 12,7; cIAP-2: 22,3). Proapoptotic molecules bad (0.007; p=0.01) and bax (0.0007; p=0.004) showed decreased gene expression at pre-mob compared to control group (bad: 0.27; bax: 1.24). bid (20.7; p=0.004), bik (0.84; p=0.01) and bok genes (1.77; p=0.0001) showed increased expression at pre-mob compared to healthy controls (bid: 2.64; bik: 0.33; bok: 0.26). Significant differences were not observed in the expression of the extrinsic pathway genes in pre-mob and healthy controls samples (p>0.05). bcl-w, bak, bax, bik, bok and cIAP-1 expression values reached healthy control values after transplantation. We observed that bcl-2, cIAP-1, bad and bax gene expression was increased in MS patients in disease remission when compared to patients with neurologic progression. Significant correlation of increased proapoptotic genes expression with decreased EDSS values in MS patients after HDI/AHSCT was observed. Results of protein quantification of apoptotic molecules in PBMC of T1DM and MS patients were similar to the gene expression results of these molecules, except for Bcl-2 and Bim proteins. Taken together, these data indicate a deregulated expression of anti- and proapoptotic genes in T1DM and MS patients PBMC. These data suggest an association of deregulated apoptosis with emergence and maintenance of autoreactive lymphocytes in analyzed patients. Based on these results, we suggest that this altered gene expression profile, mainly the decreased proapoptotic genes expression, as bak and bax, may contribute to T1DM and MS pathogenesis. Furthermore, we showed that the HDI/AHSCT therapy was able to modulate and normalize the expression of most genes abnormally expressed in T1DM and MS patients at pre-transplant period. Many analyzed genes achieved expression levels similar to healthy controls. The normalization of the expression of many evaluated genes correlated to disease remission in the majority of the patients.

Avaliação da expressão de genes e proteínas anti- e pró-apoptóticos em pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 e esclerose múltipla submetidos ao transplante autólogo de células-tronco hematopoéticas / Evaluation of anti and proapoptotic gene and protein expression in type 1 diabetes mellitus and multiple sclerosis patients submitted to autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

Gislane Lelis Vilela de Oliveira 17 October 2008 (has links)
O diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM-1) e a esclerose múltipla (EM) são doenças auto-imunes órgão-específicas, inflamatórias, mediadas por células T e B auto-reativas e caracterizadas pela destruição seletiva de células b pancreáticas produtoras de insulina e do sistema nervoso central, respectivamente. Acredita-se que a desregulação da expressão de genes reguladores da maquinaria apoptótica possa contribuir para o desenvolvimento da auto-imunidade, visto que algumas dessas moléculas participam nos processos de tolerância central e periférica de linfócitos auto-reativos. O objetivo deste projeto foi analisar a expressão de moléculas reguladoras das vias intrínseca, extrínseca e da Família de proteínas inibidoras da apoptose (IAP) em 33 indivíduos saudáveis, 15 pacientes com DM-1 e 18 com EM submetidos à terapia de imunossupressão em altas doses seguida do transplante autólogo de células-tronco hematopoéticas (IAD/TACTH). As células mononucleares (CMN) foram isoladas do sangue periférico dos controles e de pacientes nos períodos pré-mobilização (pré-mob), pré-condicionamento (pré-cond), D+180, D+360, D+540 e D+720 pós-transplante. As CMN foram utilizadas para extração de RNA, síntese de cDNA, quantificação da expressão por PCR em tempo real dos genes a1, bcl-2, bcl-w, bcl-xL, mcl-1, bad, bak, bax, bid, bik, bim, bok, noxa, fas, fasL, c-FLIPL, cIAP-1 e cIAP-2 e protéica de Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bak, Bim e c-FLIPL por western-blotting. Os resultados de expressão gênica foram representados por unidades relativas de expressão em medianas nas diferentes amostras. Os pacientes com DM-1 apresentaram diminuição da expressão dos genes anti-apoptóticos bcl-2 (mediana: 0,98; p=0,04), bcl-w (0,08; p=0,04), mcl-1 (1254; p=0,03) e cIAP-1 (1,24; p=0,003) nas CMN dos pacientes no período pré-mob em relação aos indivíduos saudáveis (medianas: bcl-2: 7,58; bcl-w: 0,52; mcl-1: 1659; cIAP-1: 14,5), enquanto a expressão de cIAP-2 (60,8; p=0,0005) estava aumentada em relação aos controles (23,3). Foi observada redução significativa na expressão dos genes pró-apoptóticos bad (0,002; p<0,0001), bax (0,01; p=0,002) e fasL (1,66; p=0,001) no período pré-mob comparada aos controles sadios (bad: 0,23; bax: 2,79; fasL: 3,56). Os níveis de RNAm de bid (0,10; p=0,001) e bok (0,72; p=0,006) estavam elevados no pré-mob em relação ao grupo controle (bid: 0,004; bok: 0,31). As moléculas bcl-2, bcl-w, bcl-xL, mcl-1, bad, bax, bok, fasL e cIAP-1 atingiram níveis de RNAm similares aos controles após o TACTH. Foi verificado que a expressão de bcl-w, cIAP-1 e noxa estava maior nos pacientes com DM-1 em remissão quando comparados àqueles em recaída. A diminuição da expressão de a1, bcl-2 e bcl-w e o aumento de fas e noxa correlacionaram-se às porcentagens de hemoglobina glicosilada, concentração de auto-anticorpos GAD65, e aos níveis séricos de peptídeo-C após o transplante. Os pacientes com EM mostraram uma expressão reduzida dos genes anti-apoptóticos bcl-w (0,11; p=0,02) e cIAP-1 (1,87; p=0,04) no pré-mob comparada aos valores dos controles (bcl-w: 0,27; cIAP-1: 7,75) e maior expressão dos genes a1 (90,8; p=0,001) e cIAP-2 (58,8; p=0,009) em relação aos controles (a1: 12,7; cIAP-2: 22,3). As moléculas pró-apoptóticas bad (0,007; p=0,01) e bax (0,0007; p=0,004) mostraram menor expressão nas CMN no período pré-mob do que nos controles (bad: 0,27; bax: 1,24). Os genes bid (20,7; p=0,004), bik (0,84; p=0,02) e bok (1,77; p=0,0001) possuíam maior expressão no período pré-mob em relação aos indivíduos sadios (bid: 2,64; bik: 0,33; bok: 0,26). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na expressão das moléculas da via extrínseca da apoptose nos pacientes com EM (p>0,05) nos períodos avaliados. Os valores de expressão de bcl-w, bak, bax, bik, bok e cIAP-1 atingiram níveis semelhantes aos controles após o transplante. A expressão dos genes bcl-2, cIAP-1, bad e bax estava maior nos pacientes em remissão da EM quando comparados àqueles em progressão neurológica. O aumento da expressão dos genes pró-apoptóticos bax, bak e bimEL correlacionou-se inversamente aos valores de EDSS dos pacientes com EM após o TACTH. Os resultados de expressão protéica foram equivalentes aos de expressão gênica nas duas doenças, com exceção dos dados das proteínas Bcl-2 e Bim. Em conjunto, os resultados demonstraram a desregulação da expressão de várias moléculas anti- e pró-apoptóticas nas CMN dos pacientes com DM-1 e EM. Esses achados sugerem a associação de alterações nos processos de apoptose celular com o surgimento e persistência de células auto-reativas no DM-1 e EM. Os dados indicam que essas alterações, principalmente a diminuição da expressão de moléculas pró-apoptóticas, como bak e bax, possam contribuir para a patogênese do DM-1 e EM. Além disso, a terapia de IAD/TACTH foi capaz de modular a expressão da maioria dos genes anormalmente expressos nas CMN dos pacientes com DM-1 e EM, já que esses atingiram níveis de expressão similares ao grupo controle após o transplante. Esta normalização da expressão de vários genes analisados correlacionou-se com a remissão clínica da doença na maioria dos pacientes / Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and multiple sclerosis (MS) are inflammatory, organ-specific autoimmune diseases characterized by selective destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic -cells and central nervous system, respectively, by autoreactive B and T cells. Deregulation of apoptotic machinery is supposed to contribute to self-tolerance breakdown and autoimmune diseases pathogenesis, since apoptotic molecules have an important role in B and T lymphocytes central and peripheral tolerance mechanisms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of pro and anti-apoptotic molecules from intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways and IAP Family members in 33 healthy individuals, 15 T1DM and 18 MS patients submitted to high-dose immunossupression therapy followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HDI/AHSCT). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated from controls and patients at pre-mobilization (pre-mob), pre-conditioning (pre-cond), D+180, D+360, D+540 and D+720 post-transplantation. PBMC were used for RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, gene quantification of a1, bcl-2, bcl-w, bcl-xL, bad, bak, bax, bid, bik, bimEL, bok, noxa, fas, fasL, c-FLIPL, cIAP-1 and cIAP-2 by Real Time PCR and Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bak, BimEL and c-FLIPL proteins detection by western-blotting. Results are expressed as median of relative expression units. Results from T1DM patients indicated that antiapoptotic molecules bcl-2 (median: 0,98; p=0,04), bcl-w (0,08; p=0,04), mcl-1 (1254; p=0,03) and cIAP-1 (1,24; p=0,003) were downregulated at pre-mob compared with healthy controls (medians bcl-2: 7,58; bcl-w: 0,52; mcl-1: 1659; cIAP-1: 14,5), while cIAP-2 (60,8; p=0,0005) gene expression was upregulated compared to healthy controls (23,3). We observed a significant decrease in proapoptotic bad (0,002; p<0,0001), bax (0,01; p=0,002) and fasL (1,66; p=0,001) genes expression in patients PBMC at pre-mob period compared to healthy subjects (bad: 0,23; bax: 2,79; fasL: 3,56). mRNA levels of bid (0.10; p=0.001) and bok (0.72; p=0.006) were elevated at pre-mob period when compared to control group (bid: 0.004; bok: 0.31). The bcl-2, bcl-w, bcl-xL, mcl-1, bad, bak, bax, bok, fasL and cIAP-1 mRNA levels reached controls levels after HDI/AHSCT. We observed that bcl-w, cIAP-1 and noxa gene expression were increased in T1DM patients in remission when compared to relapsed patients. The decreased antiapoptotic gene expression and increased in proapoptotic molecules correlated with decreased glicosilated hemoglobin percentages (Hb A1C) and anti-GAD65 antibodies and increased peptide-C levels. Results from MS patients showed decreased bcl-w (0,11; p=0,02) and cIAP-1 gene expression (1,87; p=0,04) in patients PBMC at pre-mob period compared to healthy controls (bcl-w: 0,27; cIAP-1: 7,75) and increased expression of a1 (90,8; p=0,001) and cIAP-2 (58,8; p=0,009) compared to controls (a1: 12,7; cIAP-2: 22,3). Proapoptotic molecules bad (0.007; p=0.01) and bax (0.0007; p=0.004) showed decreased gene expression at pre-mob compared to control group (bad: 0.27; bax: 1.24). bid (20.7; p=0.004), bik (0.84; p=0.01) and bok genes (1.77; p=0.0001) showed increased expression at pre-mob compared to healthy controls (bid: 2.64; bik: 0.33; bok: 0.26). Significant differences were not observed in the expression of the extrinsic pathway genes in pre-mob and healthy controls samples (p>0.05). bcl-w, bak, bax, bik, bok and cIAP-1 expression values reached healthy control values after transplantation. We observed that bcl-2, cIAP-1, bad and bax gene expression was increased in MS patients in disease remission when compared to patients with neurologic progression. Significant correlation of increased proapoptotic genes expression with decreased EDSS values in MS patients after HDI/AHSCT was observed. Results of protein quantification of apoptotic molecules in PBMC of T1DM and MS patients were similar to the gene expression results of these molecules, except for Bcl-2 and Bim proteins. Taken together, these data indicate a deregulated expression of anti- and proapoptotic genes in T1DM and MS patients PBMC. These data suggest an association of deregulated apoptosis with emergence and maintenance of autoreactive lymphocytes in analyzed patients. Based on these results, we suggest that this altered gene expression profile, mainly the decreased proapoptotic genes expression, as bak and bax, may contribute to T1DM and MS pathogenesis. Furthermore, we showed that the HDI/AHSCT therapy was able to modulate and normalize the expression of most genes abnormally expressed in T1DM and MS patients at pre-transplant period. Many analyzed genes achieved expression levels similar to healthy controls. The normalization of the expression of many evaluated genes correlated to disease remission in the majority of the patients.

Development of Cell Penetrating Bax Inhibiting Peptides (BIP)

Gomez, Jose A. 23 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Modulation of human antigen-specific T cell response - therapeutic implications for multiple sclerosis

Waiczies, Sonia 22 September 2003 (has links)
Multiple Sklerose (MS) ist eine heterogene Krankheit des Zentralnervensystems, deren pathologische Mechanismen noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt sind. Die gegenwärtige Hypothese ist, daß pro-inflammatorische T-Zellen entscheidend an der Pathogenese der MS beteiligt sind. Man geht davon aus, daß eine Fehlregulation der T-Zell-Kontrolle, möglicherweise bedingt durch ein Ungleichgewicht an Apoptose-regulierenden Molekülen, dabei eine Rolle spielt. Tatsächlich zielen therapeutische Strategien darauf ab, T-Zell-Aktivierung, Proliferation und Produktion von Zytokinen zu verringern, oder T-Zell-Eliminierung zu fördern. Diese Arbeit sollte zum einen die Bedeutung regulatorischer Faktoren klären, die für das überleben der T-Zellen von MS-Patienten verantwortlich sind. Zum anderen sollten die antiproliferative oder Apoptose-fördende Wirkung potentiell therapeutisch wirksamer Moleküle untersucht werden. Eine eingeschränkte Regulation der autoreaktiven T-Zellen durch Apoptose in der Peripherie und im ZNS trägt möglicherweise zur Pathophysiologie der MS bei. Als Schlüsselfaktoren der Regulation von Apoptose wurden Mitglieder der Bcl-2-Familie in MS-Patienten und Probanden untersucht. Diese Faktoren wurden in Relation zu der Suszeptibilität der T-Zellen gegenüber aktivierungsinduziertem Zelltod (sog. Activation-induced cell death oder AICD) überprüft. Um die in-vivo-Elimination der Antigen-reaktiven T-Zellen nachzuahmen, wurde ein in-vitro-Modell des AICD mit repetitiver T-Zell-Stimulation verwendet. Tatsächlich zeigten polyklonale T-Zellen von MS-Patienten eine verringerte Suszeptibilität für AICD, nachgewiesen sowohl durch verminderte Caspaseaktivtät (p=0.013) als auch durch DNA-Fragmentierung (p=0.0071). Weiter wurden höhere Spiegel des Proteins Bcl-XL in den Immunzellen von MS-Patienten mit Immunoblotting gemessen (p=0.014). Eine inverse Korrelation zwischen der Expression an Bcl-XL und der Empfindlichkeit der T-Zellen gegenüber AICD steht in Übereinstimmung mit vorhergehenden Daten bezüglich der Bedeutung dieses Proteins für die Apoptose-Resistenz von T-Zellen. Es wurde bereits gezeigt, daß dieses Molekül die Ausprägung der experimentell-autoimmun Enzephalomyelitis, des Tiermodells der MS, verstärkt. Zusammen mit den erhöhten Bcl-XL-Werten bei MS-Patienten, ergeben sich nun Perspektiven für einen therapeutischen Ansatz. Abgesehen von dem Konzept die apoptotische Eliminierung von T-Zellen zu unterstützen, streben gegenwärtige therapeutische Strategien an, die Aktivierung und weitere Proliferation der schädlichen T-Zellen zu hemmen. Basierend auf klinischer Erfahrung mit eher unselektiven Therapien, ist es ein therapeutisches Ziel, neue immunomodulatorische Substanzen mit besserer Selektivität zu finden, um das Nutzen/Risiko-Verhältnis zu maximieren. Aus diesem Grund wurden zwei unterschiedliche Substanzen untersucht die beide den Zellzyklus beeinflussen. Als erster Kandidat wurde der kürzlich entdeckte Todesligand TRAIL (engl.: TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand) aus der TNF/NGF-Familie untersucht, da diesem bereits T-Zell-regulatorische Funktionen zugeschrieben worden waren, humane Antigen-spezifische T-Zellen jedoch resistent gegenüber TRAIL-induzierter Apoptose sind. Der zweite Kandidat mit potenziell therapeutischer Wirkung bei MS ist Atorvastatin, ein HMG-CoA-Reduktase-Hemmer, der bereits als Lipidsenker bei Patienten eingesetzt wird. Um die Hypothese zu überprüfen, daß diese Substanzen T-Zell-Rezeptor-Signale beeinflussen können, wurden humane Antigen-spezifische T-Zell-Linien von MS-Patienten und gesunden Probanden eingesetzt. Diese wurden hinsichtlich T-Helfer-Phänotyp und Peptid-Spezifität charakterisiert. Eine Behandlung mit TRAIL führte zur Hemmung der Proliferation in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß (6.2% - 63.8%). Atorvastatin hemmte in Abhängigkeit von der Dosis ebenso die Proliferation Antigen-spezifischer T-Zellen. Beide Substanzen wirkten antiproliferativ unabhängig von der Antigenpräsentation, aufgrund ihrer Fähigkeit, die Proliferation in Abwesenheit von professionellen Antigen-präsentierenden Zellen zu vermindern. Diese Eigenschaft weißt auf einen direkten Einfluß auf die T-Zell-Funktion hin. Die TRAIL-induzierte Hypoproliferation war assoziiert mit einer Herunterregulation der Zyklin-abhängigen Kinase CDK4 (engl.: cyclin dependent kinase 4), einem Schlüsselenzym für die nach T-Zell-Rezeptor-Stimulation einsetzende Transition von der G1- zur S-Phase des Zellzyklus. Inkubation mit Atorvastatin induzierte ebenso eine Verminderung von CDK4, begleitet von einer Erhöhung von p27Kip1. Die Atorvastatin-vermittelte Proliferations- und Zellzyklus-Blockade konnte durch Mevalonat rückgängig gemacht werden. Mevalonat ist ein Zwischenprodukt des HMG-CoA-Reduktaseweges. Atorvastatin scheint demnach einen direkten Einfluß auf diese Enzymkaskade zu haben, der wichtig für die Isoprenylierung von GTPase-Proteinen der Rho-Familie ist. T-Zell-Rezeptor-Stimulation führt zur Freisetzung von Kalzium aus intrazellulären Speichern und nachfolgend zur Öffnung transmembranöser Kalzium-Kanäle (sog. calcium release-activated calcium oder CRAC-Kanäle), die eine für die T-Zellaktivierung notwendige und anhaltende Erhöhung der intrazellulären Kalzium-Konzentration hervorruft. Nach Behandlung mit TRAIL wurde eine konzentrationsabhängige Inhibition des Einstroms extrazellulärer Kalzium-Ionen durch die CRAC-Kanäle beobachtet. Dies wurde mit löslichem TRAIL-Rezeptor-Fusionsprotein, einem TRAIL-Antagonisten, rückgängig gemacht. Die Blockade von Kalzium-abhängigen Aktivierungssignalen stellt damit möglicherweise einen primären immunregulatorischen Mechanismus für diese Todesliganden dar. Jedoch wurde keine Auswirkung von Atorvastatin auf die T-Zellaktivierung beobachtet, da der Einstrom von extrazellulärem Kalzium nicht beeinflußt wurde. Während Studien zum TRAIL-vermittelten Einfluß auf die T-Zell-Aktivierung und dem Zellzyklus erst in der präklinischen Phase sind, werden Statine, die ebenfalls den Zellzyklus beeinflussen, bereits in der Therapie anderer Erkrankungen angewand. Darüber hinaus werden derzeit bereits klinische Studien mit Statinen zur MS-Therapie durchgeführt. Weitere Untersuchungen zu den detaillierten Mechanismen antiproliferativer Substanzen mit potenziellem therapeutischen Effekt in der MS ermöglichen die Entwicklung von selektiveren immunomodulatorischen Therapien mit höherem therapeutischen Nutzen für MS-Patienten. / Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a heterogeneous disease of the central nervous system whose pathological mechanisms are far from completely understood. The current hypothesis is that pro-inflammatory T cells are orchestrating the pathogenesis of this condition. It is considered that a dysregulation in T cell control to be involved, with an imbalance in apoptosis-regulating molecules possibly playing a role. In fact, therapeutic strategies aim to reduce T cell activation, proliferation and cytokine production or to promote T cell elimination. The focus of this thesis was to identify the role of regulatory molecules for T cell survival in the immune pathogenesis of MS, and to investigate antiproliferative or apoptosis-promoting effects on T cells by potential therapeutic molecules. A limitation in the apoptotic regulation of autoreactive T cells in the periphery and in the CNS may contribute to the pathophysiology of MS. As key regulators of apoptosis, members of the Bcl-2 family were investigated in both MS patients and controls. These factors were examined in relation to the susceptibility of T cells, from both groups, towards activation-induced cell death (AICD). To mimic the in vivo elimination of antigen-reactive T cells, an in vitro model of AICD involving repetitive T cell receptor mediated stimulation was utilized. In fact, polyclonal T cells from MS patients showed a decreased susceptibility to undergo AICD as shown by both caspase activity (p=0.013) and DNA fragmentation (p=0.0071) assays. Furthermore, Bcl-XL protein levels, as measured by immunoblotting, were increased in the peripheral immune cells of MS patients (p=0.014). An inverse correlation observed between Bcl-XL levels and susceptibility of T cells to undergo AICD is in line with previous data on the significance of this anti-apoptotic protein in T cell resistance. Since this molecule has already been shown to aggravate the outcome of experimental autoimmune encephalitis, the animal model for MS, the observation of elevated Bcl-XL levels in patients offers perspectives towards therapeutic manipulation in MS. Apart from promoting apoptotic elimination, current therapeutic strategies aim at inhibiting activation and further proliferation of potentially harmful T cells. Based on clinical experience with rather non-selective therapies that promote T cell elimination, a therapeutic goal is to identify newer immunomodulatory substances with better selectivity in order to maximize the therapy's benefit to risk ratio. Thus, two different substances, both interfering with cell cycle regulation, were investigated. The first candidate was the recently discovered member of the TNF/NGF family of death ligands, TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) since it has been reported to have immunoregulatory functions and since human antigen-specific T cells were shown to be resistant towards apoptosis induction by this ligand. The second candidate drug with potential in MS therapy is atorvastatin, a 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitor and lipid-lowering drug, already indicated for anomalies in lipid metabolism. In order to prove the hypothesis that these substances interfere with T cell receptor signaling, human antigen-specific T cell lines from both MS patients and controls, characterized with regards to T helper differentiation and peptide specificity, were employed. Exogenous treatment of TRAIL resulted in an inhibition in proliferation, albeit to varying degrees (6.2% - 63.8% inhibition). Atorvastatin also inhibited proliferation of antigen-specific T cell lines in a dose-dependent manner. Both compounds induced hypoproliferation independently of antigen presentation, as shown by their ability to block T cell proliferation in response to direct T cell receptor engagement, thus indicating a direct influence on T cell function. The growth inhibition by TRAIL was associated with a downregulation of the cell cycle regulator CDK4, indicative of an inhibition of cell cycle progression at the G1/S transition. Incubating T cells with atorvastatin also induced a downregulation of CDK4 expression, which was accompanied by an upregulation of p27Kip1 expression. The atorvastatin-mediated inhibition in proliferation and cell cycle progression could be reversed by mevalonate, an intermediate product of the HMG-CoA reductase pathway, suggesting a direct involvement of atorvastatin in this pathway, necessary for the isoprenylation of small GTPase proteins of the Rho family. Utilizing a thapsigargin model of calcium influx to activate the same calcium-release activated calcium (CRAC) channels as T cell receptor-stimulation by antigen, an inhibition in calcium influx could be observed on pre-incubating T cells with TRAIL. Co-incubating with human recombinant TRAIL receptor 2 fusion protein, a competitive antagonist for TRAIL, reversed this inhibition. A direct influence on calcium influx is indicative of an influence of TRAIL on the activation status of human T cells. Therefore, TRAIL directly inhibits activation of these cells via blockade of calcium influx. However, no impact of atorvastatin on early T cell activation was observed, since calcium influx was unaffected. While TRAIL-mediated interference with T cell activation and further cell cycle progression is still in the pre-clinical phase, statins, which have also been shown here to interfere with the T cell cycle, are already employed in the clinic for other ailments. In fact, clinical trials are currently being undertaken with this group of drugs for MS. Further studies on detailed mechanisms of antiproliferative substances effective in MS will allow the development of highly selective immunomodulatory agents with increased beneficial profile as MS therapy.

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