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Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behaviors among Adolescent DetaineesRojas, Patria 05 May 2007 (has links)
During the past two decades there has been much research conducted on the relationship between the risky sexual behavior practices and substance use among U.S. adolescents. This body of research has documented the fact that substance use and not using condoms are the most important indicators associated with the risk of becoming infected with sexually transmitted diseases (STD) both among adolescents and adults (Florida Department of Public Health, 2004; Malow, Devieux, Jennings, & Lucenko, 2001; McCoy & Inciardi, 1995). Data from those reports and studies indicate that adolescents and adults who use a condom regularly and appropriately are 20 times less likely to contract an STD than those who do not (Pinkerton & Abramson, 1997). However, less empirical evidence exists about the factors that influence adolescent use of condoms, particularly among adolescents who are detained due to their criminal lifestyle. Researchers have found both a high prevalence of STD in addition to early onset of sexual activity without protection among some adolescent groups such as the detainees (D'angelo & DiClemente, 1996) and that adolescents tend to underestimate their risks of acquiring the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (Magura, Shapiro, & Kang, 1994). Many adolescents will experiment with alcohol and other drugs. This behavior may compromise their judgment and increase their chances of engaging in risky sex (Rotheram-Borus, 2000). Hence the need for research that investigates the influence that substance use, risky sexual attitudes, knowledge about the transmission of HIV, and both peer and parental approval of condom use have on the use of condoms among both female and male adolescent detainees. Lastly, it is important for additional research to be conducted because adolescent detainees have been identified as being at high risk of becoming infected with an STD (Malow, Rosemberg, & Devieux, 2006). The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among adolescent substance use, gender, sexual risk attitude, attitude about personal use of condoms, knowledge associated with the transmission of HIV, peer and family approval of condom use, history of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and the level of condom use in a sample of adolescents housed in a correctional institution. Further details of the explanatory variables, the control variables and their expected relationships can be found in the review of the Literature in Chapter 2. Also, more information about the separate analysis of the research questions is detailed in the Methods section in Chapter 3. Based on the literature detailed in Chapter 2 (e.g., Malow et al., 2006), the current study’s researcher anticipated that adolescents’ higher levels of illicit drug use would be related to higher levels of sexual risk behaviors, as measured by lower levels of condom use, than their counterparts who used no drugs. Similarly, it was hypothesized that positive attitudes toward condom use and higher levels of HIV risk knowledge would be associated with a lower level of risky sexual behaviors along with a higher level of condom use skill. It was further hypothesized that the level of approval perceived from parents and peers regarding condom use was going to be related to adolescents’ safe sex behavior (i.e., condom use). Therefore, it was expected that participants’ perception of a high level of approval to use condoms from peers and parents would be a statistically significant variable in helping explain the condom use within this sample of adolescent detainees.
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The Economic Phenomena of Net Games and of Bit Coins in China / The Economic Phenomena of Net Games and of Bit Coins in ChinaWang, Hanlin January 2013 (has links)
This paper mainly deals with a special but highly-developing industry in China, net game industry. Due to the significant construction and improvement have been happening at China since 30 years ago, and the influence of traditional culture, population boom or demographic dividend and the invasion of western technologies and cultures, net game industry, which has been only existing for less than 15 years at China, has become one of most profitable industries and changed the living of millions of people. The goal of this essay is to explore the economic performance of networks during last dozen years in China and find the drivers and reasons. By picking up the data between 2001 and 2013, sufficient data and researches will be provided for the study for the network games in China.
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An Examination of the Relationship Between Values, Family Environment, and Risk Behaviors Among College StudentsWilson, Jamie D. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the roles that values and the family environment play in young adult engagement in risky behavior. One hundred seventy-two male and female college students between the ages of 18-25 completed a demographics questionnaire, the Aspirations Index which measures seven life-goal contents that represent different values, the Cognitive Appraisal of Risky Events that assesses young adults’ perceptions of the risks and benefits associated with involvement in risky activities as well as past involvement in risky behaviors and the Family Environment Scale to assess participants' perceptions of their current family environment. A series of regression analyses were then used to assess the relationship between three dimensions of the family environment and risky behavior involvement and the relationship between participants' intrinsic and extrinsic values and perceived positive consequences and negative consequences of risky behavior. Results from this study supported the idea that certain dimensions of the family environment are related to risk-taking behavior in emerging adults; however, contrary to previous research, the relationship dimension of the family environment was not predictive of young adult risk-taking. Moreover, family activities that communicate family values did not contribute any additional information to the prediction of risk-taking behavior. Findings from this study suggest that emerging adult values are related to emerging adult perceptions of the hazards and benefits of risky behavior. Results from this study also highlighted the importance of gender and first-generation college status in predicting risk-taking frequency as well as perceived benefits and hazards of risk-taking. Implications for findings of the current study, limitations, and recommendations for future research are also discussed.
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The role of school climate in mitigating the effects of neighborhood violence on externalizing outcomes among school-aged childrenJanuary 2021 (has links)
archives@tulane.edu / Exposure to violence among children and adolescents has been linked to negative outcomes including posttraumatic stress disorder, externalizing problems, low academic achievement, and impaired social-emotional adjustment. Aggressive behaviors specifically are shown to be strongly predicted by both direct and indirect violence exposure. Aggressive behaviors have consequences on later adjustment, making the identification of protective factors imperative to bolster support for children whose environments are affected by violence. The current study examined the effect of neighborhood violence on overt aggression as well as the potential of school climate variables to buffer the impact of violence on students’ aggressive behaviors. It was hypothesized that higher rates of neighborhood violence in the year preceding the study would predict higher levels of aggressive behaviors reported by teachers and students. It was further hypothesized that student perceptions of school safety, teacher-student relationships, and academic engagement would moderate this relationship, such that the relationship between neighborhood violence and aggressive behaviors would be lower in the context of positive school climate indicators than in the context of negative school climate indictors. Results did not support either hypothesis. However, results suggested that teacher-student relationships may reduce aggressive behaviors over time, which provides promising evidence that can inform teacher efforts and schoolwide opportunities to mitigate negative outcomes for their students. / 1 / Lea Petrovic
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Understanding help-seeking behaviors for intimate partner violence in Honduras: a multi-methods analysisJanuary 2020 (has links)
archives@tulane.edu / 1 / Alejandra Leyton
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Intuitive Eating Scale: An Examination Among AdolescentsDockendorff, Sally A. 12 1900 (has links)
Intuitive eating assesses the degree to which individuals eat based on physiological cues rather than emotional or situational cues. The Intuitive Eating Scale was initially developed using college women. This study extends the work of Tylka and reports on the psychometric evaluation of the Intuitive Eating Scale (IES) in a sample of 515 middle school boys and girls. Exploratory factor analysis uncovered 4 factors: unconditional permission to eat, eating for physical rather than emotional reasons, trust in internal hunger/satiety cues and awareness of internal hunger/satiety cues; confirmatory factor analysis suggested that this 4-factor model adequately fit the data after 4 items with low factor loadings were deleted. Supporting its construct validity, IES scores were negatively related to body mass index, body dissatisfaction, negative affect, pressure for thinness, and internalization of the thin ideal, and were positively related to satisfaction with life, and experiencing greater positive affect.
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A Brief Description of Functional Assessment Procedures Reported in JASH (1983-1999)O'Neill, Robert E., Johnson, Jesse W. 01 December 2000 (has links)
The seminal article by Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, Bauman, and Richman (1994/1982; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 27, 197-209. Reprinted from Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities, 2, 3-20, 1982) is credited with sparking a resurgence of clinical and research attention to functional assessment and analysis procedures, which have now become an expected professional standard and practice in situations involving problem behaviors. TASH and JASH have played a substantial role over the years in promoting positive behavioral support approaches that include functional assessment as a critical foundational component. To provide a historical context for this special issue, this article briefly describes the prevalence of different types of functional assessment and analysis procedures reported in articles in JASH involving individuals exhibiting problem behaviors. copyright 2000 by The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps.
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How Are Child Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors Associated with Caregiver Stress Over Time? A Parallel Process Multilevel Growth ModelHarrop, Clare, McBee, Matthew, Boyd, Brian A. 01 May 2016 (has links)
The impact of raising a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is frequently accompanied by elevated caregiver stress. Examining the variables that predict these elevated rates will help us understand how caregiver stress is impacted by and impacts child behaviors. This study explored how restricted and repetitive behaviors (RRBs) contributed concurrently and longitudinally to caregiver stress in a large sample of preschoolers with ASD using parallel process multilevel growth models. Results indicated that initial rates of and change in RRBs predicted fluctuations in caregiver stress over time. When caregivers reported increased child RRBs, this was mirrored by increases in caregiver stress. Our data support the importance of targeted treatments for RRBs as change in this domain may lead to improvements in caregiver wellbeing.
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Prevalence of Vaping and Behavioral Associations of Vaping Among a Community of College Students in the United StatesOmoike, Ogbebor E., Johnson, Kiana R. 01 February 2021 (has links)
We investigated the prevalence of vaping among college students in South-central Appalachia in the United States and explored factors which were associated with and could predict vaping among the college students. A sample of 498 enrolled students voluntarily completed a self-report REDCap health survey questionnaire in 2018. Outcome variable was use of electronic cigarettes categorized as yes/no. Independent variables included risky behaviors such as texting or emailing while driving, riding in a car with someone who had been drinking, history of protected and unprotected sexual intercourse, age at first intercourse, and type of contraceptive used. Covariates were age, gender, ethnicity/race and high school location. The first category was used as reference. Binary logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with and predicting vaping. Mean age of participants was 20.93(± 8.26), 62.9% were female, a majority (76.5%) were non-Hispanic White, and 43.2% reported vaping at some point in their lives. Initial univariate analysis showed gender (p < 0.0001), seat belt usage (p = 0.002), texting or emailing while driving (p = 0.002), riding in a car with someone who had been drinking (p = 0.001), history of sexual intercourse (p < 0.001), coitarche (p = 0.026), use of birth control pills and withdrawal method were associated with vaping. Adjusting for co-variates, gender (p < 0.002), county of high school (p < 0.009) and texting and e-mailing while driving (0.05), seat belt usage (0.04) remained significant. Vaping was highly prevalent (43.2%) among our participants. Gender, location of high school, texting/emailing while driving and seat belt usage are predictors of vaping among these students.
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Fisetin Provides Antidepressant Effects by Activating the Tropomyosin Receptor kinase B Signal Pathway in MiceWang, Yamin, Wang, Bin, Lu, Jiaqi, Shi, Haixia, Gong, Siyi, Wang, Yufan, Hamdy, Ronald C., Chua, Balvin, Yang, Lingli, Xu, Xingshun 01 December 2017 (has links)
Depression has been associated with a low-grade chronic inflammatory state, suggesting a potential therapeutic role for anti-inflammatory agents. Fisetin is a naturally occurring flavonoid in strawberries that has anti-inflammatory activities, but whether fisetin has antidepressant effects is unknown. In this study, we exposed mice to spatial restraint for 2 weeks with or without treatment with fisetin. Immobility time in the forced swimming and tail suspension test after this restraint increased in the untreated group, but this increase did not occur in the fisetin group. We administered fisetin to Abelson helper integration site-1 (Ahi1) knockout mice, which have depressive phenotypes. We found that fisetin attenuated the depressive phenotype of these Ahi1 knockout mice. We further investigated the potential mechanism of fisetin's antidepressant effects. Because TrkB is a critical signaling pathway in the mechanisms of depression, we examined whether phosphorylated TrkB was involved in the antidepressant effects of fisetin. We found that fisetin increased phosphorylated TrkB level without altering total TrkB; this increase was attenuated by K252a, a specific TrkB inhibitor. Taken together, our results demonstrated that fisetin may have therapeutic potential for treating depression and that this antidepressant effect may be mediated by the activation of the TrkB signaling pathway. (Figure presented.).
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