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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intensification of methane dehydroaromatization process on catalytic reactors

Zanón González, Raquel 19 June 2017 (has links)
The present thesis has focused on the intensive study of the methane dehydroaromatization process under non-oxidative conditions for producing benzene and H2 in a direct way. Nevertheless, MDA process is thermodynamically limited and, moreover, the catalyst quickly accumulates large amounts of carbonaceous deposits, which hinders its commercialization. Therefore, this thesis has as fundamental purposes the improvement of the catalytic activity and the stability of the catalyst on MDA reaction. The catalysts widely used on MDA reaction are Mo/zeolite, which are bifunctional, i.e., Mo sites are involved in the methane dehydrogenation and formation of CHx species, which are dimirized to C2Hy species, and Brønsted acid sites of the zeolite oligomerize these C2Hy species, forming mostly benzene and naphthalene. Thereby, different Mo/zeolite catalysts were prepared using commercial zeolites as well as zeolites synthesized on the laboratory. Thus, observing that the zeolite and the Mo content employed on the catalyst affected significantly the MDA performance. The topology and the channel dimensions of the zeolite as well as its Si/Al ratio and crystal size were also important on the MDA results obtained. Concretely, the best MDA performance was achieved by the 6%Mo/MCM-22 catalyst. Different catalyst activation procedures were tested, achieving the best MDA performance and catalyst stability using a gas mixture of CH4:H2, 1:4 (vol. ratio) during 1 h up to 700 ºC and maintaining this temperature for 2 h. This catalyst activation leads to the pre-carburization and pre-reduction of the Mo species, obtaining the most active and stable on MDA reaction. Moreover, the effect of the space velocity was studied in the present thesis. The best MDA results were reached at 1500 mL¿h-1¿gcat-1, as at higher space velocities methane barely can interact with the catalytic sites. While at lower space velocities the condensation of the heavy aromatic hydrocarbons is facilitated, causing higher coke accumulation on the catalyst. Furthermore, higher catalyst stability was obtained by co-feeding H2O, H2 and CO2 separately using the 6%Mo/HZSM-5 catalyst as well as the 6%Mo/MCM-22, due to the partial suppression of coke deposited. However, the catalytic activity was worsen by adding these co-reactants because of, on one hand, thermodynamically the addition of H2O, H2 or CO2 to the methane feed is detrimental and, on the other hand, H2O and CO2 partially re-oxidize the Mo species of the catalyst. Thermodynamically, H2 causes an equilibrium shift and, therefore, a decrease on the methane conversion; H2O favors the methane reforming reaction and coke gasification; and CO2 promotes the methane reforming reaction and the reverse Boudart reaction. The development and implementation of a catalytic membrane reactor (CMR) that integrates the 6%Mo/MCM-22 catalyst and the BZCY72 tubular membrane has been carried out on the present thesis. The MDA performance and the stability of the catalyst were exceptionally improved using this CMR by imposing a current to the electrochemical cell, changing or not the standard operating conditions. These good results were obtained due to the simultaneous H2 removal from MDA reaction side and O2 injection to this side through the BZCY72 tubular membrane. Thus, the H2 extraction results in the thermodynamic equilibrium displacement of MDA reaction, which causes the increase of the methane conversion and in turn of the aromatics yield. Moreover, the O2 injection involves the formation of H2O in low concentration, which reacts with coke accumulated (coke gasification), rising the stability of the catalyst. / La presente tesis se ha centrado en el estudio intensivo del proceso de deshidroaromatización de metano en condiciones no oxidativas para producir benceno e hidrógeno de forma directa. Sin embargo, el proceso de MDA está limitado termodinámicamente y, además, el catalizador acumula rápidamente grandes cantidades de depósitos carbonosos, lo que dificulta su comercialización. Por tanto, esta tesis tiene como objetivos fundamentales la mejora de la actividad catalítica y la estabilidad del catalizador en la reacción MDA. Los catalizadores Mo/zeolita son ampliamente utilizados en la reacción MDA, los cuales son bifuncionales, es decir, los sitios de Mo están involucrados en la deshidrogenación del metano y la formación de las especies CHx, las cuales se dimerizan a especies C2Hy, y los sitios ácidos de Brønsted de la zeolita oligomerizan éstas especies C2Hy, formando principalmente benceno y naftaleno. Por lo que, diferentes catalizadores Mo/zeolita se prepararon utilizando zeolitas tanto comerciales como sintetizadas en el laboratorio. Observando así que la zeolita y el contenido de Mo utilizados en el catalizador afectan significativamente el rendimiento de la reacción MDA. Tanto la topología y las dimensiones de los canales de la zeolita como su relación Si/Al y su tamaño de cristal son también importantes en los resultados obtenidos de la reacción MDA. Concretamente, el mejor rendimiento de MDA fue obtenido por el catalizador 6%Mo/MCM-22. Se probaron diferentes procedimientos de activación del catalizador, obteniendo el mejor rendimiento de la reacción MDA y estabilidad del catalizador usando una mezcla gaseosa de CH4:H2, 1:4 (relación en volumen) durante 1 h hasta 700 ºC y manteniendo esta temperatura durante 2 h. Esta activación del catalizador provoca la pre-carburización y pre-reducción de las especies de Mo, obteniendo las más activas y estables en la reacción de MDA. Los mejores resultados de MDA se obtuvieron con 1500 mL¿h-1¿gcat-1, ya que con mayores velocidades espaciales el metano apenas puede interaccionar con los sitios catalíticos. Mientras que con menores velocidades espaciales la condensación de los hidrocarburos aromáticos pesados se ve favorecida, provocando una mayor acumulación de coque en el catalizador. Por otra parte, co-alimentando H2O, H2 y CO2 por separado se obtuvo una mayor estabilidad tanto del catalizador 6%Mo/HZSM-5 como del 6%Mo/MCM-22, debido a la supresión parcial del coque depositado. Sin embargo, la actividad catalítica empeoró al añadir estos co-reactivos ya que, por un lado, la adición de H2O, H2 y CO2 a la alimentación de metano es perjudicial termodinámicamente y, por otro lado, el H2O y el CO2 re-oxidan parcialmente las especies Mo del catalizador. Termodinámicamente, el H2 provoca un cambio en el equilibrio y, por tanto, una disminución de la conversión de metano; el H2O favorece la reacción de reformado de metano y la gasificación de coque; y el CO2 promueve la reacción de reformado de metano y la reacción inversa de Boudart. En la presente tesis se ha llevado a cabo el desarrollo y la implementación de un reactor catalítico de membrana (CMR) que integra el catalizador 6%Mo/MCM-22 y la membrana tubular BZCY72. El rendimiento de la reacción MDA y la estabilidad del catalizador fueron excepcionalmente mejorados usando este CMR imponiendo una corriente a la celda electroquímica, cambiando o no las condiciones de operación estándar. Estos buenos resultados fueron obtenidos debido a la simultánea extracción de H2 del lado de reacción y la inyección de O2 a este lado mediante la membrana tubular BZCY72. Así, la extracción de H2 se traduce en un desplazamiento del equilibrio termodinámico de la reacción MDA, lo que causa el aumento de la conversion de metano y a su vez del rendimiento de aromáticos. Además, la inyección de O2 implica la formación de agua en baja concentración, la que reacciona con el coque acumulado (gas / La present tesi s'ha centrat en l'estudi intensiu del procés de deshidroaromatització de metà en condicions no oxidatives per produir benzé i hidrogen de forma directa. No obstant això, el procés de MDA està limitat termodinàmicament i, a més, el catalitzador acumula ràpidament grans quantitats de dipòsits carbonosos, el que dificulta la seva comercialització. Per tant, aquesta tesi té com a objectius fonamentals la millora de l'activitat catalítica i l'estabilitat del catalitzador en la reacció MDA. Els catalitzadors Mo/zeolita són àmpliament utilitzats en la reacció MDA, els quals són bifuncionals, és a dir, els llocs de Mo estan involucrats en la deshidrogenació del metà i la formació de les espècies CHx, les quals es dimeritzen a espècies C2Hy, i els llocs àcids de Brønsted de la zeolita oligomeritzan aquestes espècies C2Hy, formant principalment benzè i naftalè. Per tant, diferents catalitzadors Mo/zeolita es van preparar utilitzant zeolites tant comercials com sintetitzades al laboratori. Observant així que la zeolita i el contingut de Mo utilitzats en el catalitzador afecten significativament el rendiment de la reacció MDA. Tant la topologia i les dimensions dels canals de la zeolita com la seva relació Si/Al i el seu tamany de cristall són també importants en els resultats obtinguts de la reacció MDA. Concretament, el millor rendiment de MDA va ser obtingut pel catalitzador 6%Mo/MCM-22. Es van provar diferents procediments d'activació del catalitzador, obtenint el millor rendiment de la reacció MDA i estabilitat del catalitzador usant una mescla de gasos de CH4: H2, 1: 4 (relació en volum) durant 1 h fins a 700 ºC i mantenint aquesta temperatura durant 2 h. Aquesta activació del catalitzador provoca la pre-carburització i pre-reducció de les espècies de Mo, obtenint les més actives i estables en la reacció de MDA. A més, en la present tesi es va estudiar l'efecte de la velocitat espacial. Els millors resultats de MDA es van obtindre amb 1500 mL¿h-1¿gcat-1, ja que amb majors velocitats espacials el metà gairebé no pot interaccionar amb els llocs catalítics. Mentre que amb menors velocitats espacials la condensació dels hidrocarburs aromàtics pesants es veu afavorida, provocant una major acumulació de coc en el catalitzador. D'altra banda, co-alimentant H2O, H2 i CO2 per separat es va obtindre una major estabilitat tant del catalitzador 6%Mo/HZSM-5 com del 6%Mo/MCM-22, a causa de la supressió parcial del coc dipositat. No obstant això, l'activitat catalítica empitjorà en afegir aquests co-reactius ja que, d'una banda, l'addició d'H2O, H2 i CO2 a l'alimentació de metà és perjudicial termodinàmicament i, d'altra banda, el H2O i el CO2 re-oxiden parcialment les espècies Mo del catalitzador. Termodinàmicament, el H2 provoca un canvi en l'equilibri i, per tant, una disminució de la conversió de metà; l'H2O afavoreix la reacció de reformat de metà i la gasificació de coc; i el CO2 promou la reacció de reformat de metà i la reacció inversa de Boudart. En la present tesi s'ha dut a terme el desenvolupament i la implementació d'un reactor catalític de membrana (CMR) que integra el catalitzador 6%Mo/MCM-22 i la membrana tubular BZCY72. El rendiment de la reacció MDA i l'estabilitat del catalitzador van ser excepcionalment millorats usant aquest CMR imposant un corrent a la cel¿la electroquímica, canviant o no les condicions d'operació estàndard. Aquests bons resultats van ser obtinguts a causa de la simultània extracció d'H2 del costat de reacció i la injecció d'O2 a aquest costat per mitjà de la membrana tubular BZCY72. Així, l'extracció d'H2 es tradueix en un desplaçament de l'equilibri termodinàmic de la reacció MDA, el que causa l'augment de la conversió de metà i alhora del rendiment d'aromàtics. A més, la injecció d'O2 implica la formació d'aigua en baixa concentració, la qual reacciona amb el coc acumulat (gasificació de coc) / Zanón González, R. (2017). Intensification of methane dehydroaromatization process on catalytic reactors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/83124

Diffusion-reaction characteristics of benzene hydrogenation utilizing a supported nickel catalyst

Burnett, Michael D. January 1983 (has links)
An experimental investigation of the characteristics of benzene hydrogenation over nickel/kieselguhr catalyst has been made in a differential bed reactor. The study was performed at moderate temperatures (340 to 474 K), and atmospheric pressure. A Langmuir-Hinshelwood rate model assuming the Rideal-Eley mechanism for addition of molecular hydrogen to adsorbed benzene was used to describe the data. From kinetic rate data the parameters of the model were found (reproducing the experimental data to within ±10.9%). Diluting the reactant stream with nitrogen (an inert), while maintaining total pressure, temperature, and benzene mole fraction constant, linearly decreased the observed reaction rate. The diffusion-reaction characteristics of this fluid-solid system were observed by increasing the particle size, thereby forcing intraphase transport limitations to occur. Experimental effectiveness factors were compared to theoretical ones generated using the dusty gas model. Minimizing the residual sum of squares between the two yielded relationships for the effective diffusivity and the catalyst tortuosity, both of which reproduced values reported in the literature. These relationships were based on Knudsen diffusivity being the controlling diffusive mechanism, a fact shown to be true for the catalyst used in this study. / M.S.

The development and evaluation of a commercial process for the production of benzene hexachloride

Gradishar, Frederick John January 1948 (has links)
Ph. D.

Statistical partition problem for exponential populations and statistical surveillance of cancers in Louisiana

Gu, Jin 18 December 2014 (has links)
In this dissertation, we consider the problem of partitioning a set of k population with respect to a control population. For this problem some multistage methodologies are proposed and their properties are derived. Using the Monte Carlo simulation techniques, the small and moderate sample size performance of the proposed procedure are studied. We have also considered at statistical surveillance of various cancers in Louisiana.

The study of the transition metal complexes of benzene and dewar benzene derivatives

Yeh, Po-Chen 31 July 2000 (has links)

Gasoline and leukemia : a review.

Li, Zizhuang. Carson, Arch I. Morrison, Alanna C. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.P.H.)--University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, School of Public Health, 2007. / Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 45-06, page: 3139. Adviser: Arch I. Carson. Includes bibliographical references.

Novel application of phosphonium salts as co-catalysts for the Baylis-Hillman reaction

Karodia, Nazira, Nawaz, Wafaa, Donkor, Rachel E., Johnson, Claire L. January 2004 (has links)

Solubility of aromatic compounds in mixed solvents.

Morris, Kenneth Robert. January 1988 (has links)
The solubilities of benzene, naphthalene and anthracene were measured in five binary solvent systems. These systems consised of water and one of the following water miscible organic solvents: acetone, acetonitrile, methanol, ethanol, and isopropanol. The measurements were made at intervals of 0.1 volume fractions of the organic cosolvent. Solubility data were also collected for the above solutes in mixed cosolvents. solvent systems containing three In addition, the solubilities of and six five other aromatic solutes were measured in the binary solvent systems of methanol/water and acetone/water. The data was used to test the log-linear solubility model of Yalkowsky (1981). The model predicts a linear relationship between the solubility of a solute in a binary solvent system (S(m)) and the volume fraction of cosolvent present (f(c)) log S(m) = σf(c) + log S(w) Where S(w) is the solubility of the solute in water and σ is the proportionality constant and slope of the curve. The model is easily extended to multiple mixed solvents by combining the σ values from the binary solvent systems. log (S(m)/S(w)) = Σ₁ (σ₁£₁) A method was developed to estimate σ in a given binary solvent system from the octanol-water partition coefficient of the solute. Combining this method with the generalized solubility equation of Yalkowsky to estimate S(w), allows a priori estimates of solubility in mixed solvents. Maximum deviations in the binary solvent systems studied were related to maxima in excess density. In the alcoholic binary solvent systems the minima were related to minima in the heats of mixing of the two cosolvents. The herbicide atrazine deviated dramatically from the model. The system was examined for possible changes in the crystal structure of atrazine. It was found that some crystal modification occured in the presence of mixed solvents. The rate of the change appears to be dependant on the concentration of the cosolvent. A change or modification in the crystal violates one of the basic assumptions of the log-linear model. The assumption is that the crystal contributes equally to the solubility behavior irrespective of the solvent system. It was determined that atrazine undergoes a polymorphic transition in the systems studied. It is postulated that this polymorphism is responsible for the anomolous solubility behavior observed for atrazine.

Investigating complex phenotypes: haplotype association mapping benzene pharmacokinetics in isogenic mouse strains

Knudsen, Gabriel Arther January 2011 (has links)
A role for gene variants in regulating the pharmacokinetics of systemically available toxicants has not yet been established. A panel of 18 genetically-diverse inbred mouse strains was used to determine the range of total exposure kinetic parameters in blood and bone marrow following a single oral administration of benzene (100 μg/kg) to male and female mice. Large ranges in several pharmacokinetic parameters were found when data from blood and bone marrow were analyzed. AUC and CL_F pharmacokinetic parameters in blood and bone marrow pharmacokinetics were strikingly different as were these parameters in males and females. Final clearance (CL_F) was found to be the most statistically robust pharmacokinetic parameter as it accounted for exposure of the matrix (AUC) and normalized for dose variations among the strains. The CL_F values in blood and bone marrow used for haplotype association mapping showed 331 and 164 quantitative trait loci with statistical significance, respectively (male mice; -logP>4). Two loci were found to be shared between males and females QTL bone marrow data sets and one common locus was found for male blood and bone marrow data. No overlap was found among blood QTL in males and females (or between blood and bone marrow data from females). Protein and mRNA expression data for the primary benzene-metabolizing enzymes CYP2E1 and UGT1A6 showed very little strain-dependent variation. Strain dependent differences in mRNA levels of NQO1 and MPO were small but statistically significant, as were those for GAPDH and β2-microglobulin. These data demonstrated that polymorphisms with the greatest contribution toward overall variations in systemic exposures occurred in genes encoding for non-metabolic proteins. While exposure does not equate to toxicity, identification of the genes regulating distribution and clearance may be useful for investigating host susceptibility to toxic effects following benzene exposure. This research was supported in part by the NIEHS NTP Grant N01ES45529, NIEHS Toxicology and Toxicogenomics Training Grant (5T32ES007091-29), NIEHS/NTP Division of Intramural Research, and Southwest Environmental Science Center Grant P3ES06694.

New aspects of physics in conjugated systems

Wong-Kuen-Fat, John Erik January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

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