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Mise en oeuvre d’un démonstrateur de caméra Compton pour l’imagerie en médecine nucléaire et pour le contrôle en temps réel de l’hadronthérapie à l’aide des rayonnements gamma prompts / Development of a time-of-flight Compton camera prototype for online control of ion therapy and medical imagingLey, Jean-Luc 14 December 2015 (has links)
L'hadronthérapie est l'une des modalités disponibles pour traiter le cancer. Cette modalité utilise des ions légers (protons, ions carbone) pour détruire les cellules cancéreuses. De telles particules ont une précision balistique de par leur trajectoire quasi-rectiligne, leur parcours fini et le profil de dose maximum en fin de parcours, ce qui permet, par rapport à la radiothérapie conventionnelle, d'épargner les tissus sains situés à côté, en aval et en amont de la tumeur. L'un des enjeux de l'assurance qualité de cette modalité est le contrôle du positionnement de la dose déposée par les ions dans le patient. Une possibilité pour effectuer ce contrôle est d'observer les gammas prompts émis lors des réactions nucléaires induites le long du parcours des ions dans le patient. Un prototype de caméra Compton, permettant théoriquement de maximiser l'efficacité de détection des gammas prompts, est actuellement développé dans une collaboration régionale. Mon travail de thèse s'est axé autour de cette caméra et plus particulièrement sur les points suivants : i) étudier par les simulations Monte Carlo le fonctionnement du prototype en cours de construction, notamment en regard des taux de comptage attendus sur les différents types d'accélérateurs en hadronthérapie, ii) mener des études de simulation sur l'utilisation de cette caméra en imagerie clinique, iii) caractériser les détecteurs silicium du diffuseur, iv) confronter les simulations entreprises sur la réponse de la caméra avec des mesures sur faisceau à l'aide d'un démonstrateur. Il résulte que le prototype de caméra Compton développé rend possible un contrôle de la localisation du dépôt de dose en protonthérapie à l'échelle d'un spot, à condition que l'intensité clinique du faisceau de protons soit diminuée d'un facteur 200 (intensité de 108 protons/s). Une application de la caméra Compton en médecine nucléaire semble réalisable avec l'utilisation de radioisotopes d'énergie supérieure à 300 keV. Ces premiers résultats doivent être confirmés par des simulations plus réalistes (cibles de PMMA homogènes et hétérogènes). Des tests avec l'intégration progressive de tous les éléments de la caméra vont avoir lieu courant 2016 / Hadrontherapy is one of the modalities available for treating cancer. This modality uses light ions (protons, carbon ions) to destroy cancer cells. Such particles have a ballistic accuracy thanks to their quasi-rectilinear trajectory, their path and the finished profile maximum dose in the end. Compared to conventional radiotherapy, this allows to spare the healthy tissue located adjacent downstream and upstream of the tumor. One of this modality’s quality assurance challenges is to control the positioning of the dose deposited by ions in the patient. One possibility to perform this control is to detect the prompt gammas emitted during nuclear reactions induced along the ion path in the patient. A Compton camera prototype, theoretically allowing to maximize the detection efficiency of the prompt gammas, is being developed under a regional collaboration. This camera was the main focus of my thesis, and particularly the following points : i) studying, throughout Monte Carlo simulations, the operation of the prototype in construction, particularly with respect to the expected counting rates on the different types of accelerators in hadrontherapy ii) conducting simulation studies on the use of this camera in clinical imaging, iii) characterising the silicon detectors (scatterer) iv) confronting Geant4 simulations on the camera’s response with measurements on the beam with the help of a demonstrator. As a result, the Compton camera prototype developed makes a control of the localization of the dose deposition in proton therapy to the scale of a spot possible, provided that the intensity of the clinical proton beam is reduced by a factor 200 (intensity of 108 protons / s). An application of the Compton camera in nuclear medicine seems to be attainable with the use of radioisotopes of an energy greater than 300 keV. These initial results must be confirmed by more realistic simulations (homogeneous and heterogeneous PMMA targets). Tests with the progressive integration of all camera elements will take place during 2016
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Efeitos da inserção de íons de Cr4+/2+ na matriz cristalina do Bi12GeO20 : estudo de primeiros princípios / Effects of the insertion of Cr ions on the crystalline matrix of Bi12GeO20: a first principles studySantana, Lucas Barreto 26 February 2018 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Bi12GeO20 (BGO) belongs to the family of sillenite crystals BMO, where M = Ge, Si, Ti.
These compounds exhibit remarkable photorefractive e ect and therefore are used in the
development of information and image storage technologies, holography, ampli cation of
luminous signals and dynamic interferometry. One of the strategies used to enhance the
properties of interest of these sillenites is doping. The defects can create photorefractive
centers in the matrix, introducing energy levels within the gap, in
uencing the electronic
and optical properties of the selenites. Experimental work reported a curious behavior
when using transition metal ions (TMI) as dopants. Most of the TMIs, including Cr ions,
are allocated at the high symmetry site Ge4+, with the exception of Cu2+ which enters into
the matrix at the low symmetry site of Bi3+. This is a surprising fact due to the di erence
between ionic radii and charge states of the dopants and the substitution ion Ge4+. In
this work the LAPW method, based on the DFT theory and implemented in the WIEN2k
program, was used to study the electronic, structural and energetic properties of pure BGO
and doped BGO with chromium ions. In the study of doped cases, Cr ions were inserted
at the substitutional sites of Ge4+ and Bi3+ The calculations were performed for neutral
and charged systems. The approximations for correlation and exchange e ects were made
through GGA-PBE and mBJ potentials. Were performed calculations of lattice parameter
optimization, relaxation of atomic positions, state density, Bader charge and formation
energies of defects. It was possible to nd the lattice parameter, and the band gap energy
os the BGO pure, to analyse the way how the neighbourhood of the substitutional site
behaves with the presence of the defect and nd the states that populate the valence and
conduction bands of the studies cases. These data were taking into account to measure
the ions valence. The results of the modeling showed that Cr prefers to accommodate in
the BGO matrix with Cr3+/4+ valences. The preferential accommodation site of Cr3+ is
Bi3+, which didn't meet with what has been reported experimentally in the literature. / O Bi12GeO20 (BGO) pertence a fam lia de cristais silenitas do tipo BMO, onde M =
Ge, Si, Ti. Tais compostos apresentam um not avel efeito fotorrefrativo e por isso s~ao
utilizados no desenvolvimento de tecnologias de armazenamento de informa c~oes e imagens,
hologra a, amplia c~ao de sinais luminosos e interferometria din^amica. Uma das estrat egias
utilizadas para potencializar as propriedades de interesse dessas silenitas e a dopagem.
Os defeitos podem criar centros fotorrefrativos na matriz, introduzindo n veis de energias
dentro do gap e in
uenciar nas propriedades eletr^onicas e opticas das silenitas. Trabalhos
experimentais relataram um comportamento curioso ao se utilizar ons de metais de
transi c~ao (TMI) como dopantes. A maior parte dos TMIs, incluindo os ons de Cr, s~ao
alocados no s tio de alta simetria Ge4+, com exce c~ao do Cu2+ que se insere na matriz no
s tio de baixa simetria do Bi3+. Esse e um fato surpreendente devido a diferen ca entre
raios i^onicos e estados de carga dos dopantes e do on substitucional Ge4+. Neste trabalho
foi utilizado o m etodo LAPW, baseado na teoria DFT e implementado no programa
WIEN2k, para estudar as propriedades eletr^onicas, estruturais e energ eticas do BGO puro
e dopado com ons de cromo. No estudo de casos dopados, os ons de Cr foram inseridos
nos s tios substitucionais Ge4+ e Bi3+. Os c alculos foram executados para sistemas neutros
e carregados. As aproxima c~oes para os efeitos de correla c~ao e troca foram feitas atrav es
do funcional GGA-PBE e do potencial mBJ. Foram realizados c alculos de otimiza c~ao de
par^ametro de rede, relaxa c~ao de posi c~oes at^omicas, densidade de estados, carga de Bader
e energias de forma c~ao de defeito. Foi poss vel encontrar o par^ametro de rede, a energia de
gap do BGO puro, analisar a forma como a vizinhan ca do s tio substitucional se comporta
com a presen ca do defeito e encontrar os estados que populam as bandas de val^encia e
condu c~ao dos casos estudados. Esses dados foram levados em conta para aferir a val^encia
dos ons. Os resultados das modelagens mostraram que o Cr prefere se acomodar na matriz
do BGO com val^encias Cr3+/4+. O s tio de acomoda c~ao preferencial do Cr3+ e o Bi3+, o
que vai de encontro ao que foi relatado experimentalmente na literatura. / São Cristóvão, SE
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