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Multifunkční objekt / Multifunctional buildingAmodio, Alessio January 2020 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem multifunkční budovy, která slouží jako rozšíření haly dříve existující budovy. Areál se nachází v části Řečkovice v Brně. Práce si klade za cíl propojit budovy jak prostorově, tak vizuálně. Výrobní hala a sklad budou rozšířeny. Poslední patro bude sloužit jako administrativní část se sociálním zařízením a venkovní terasou. Proces návrhu byl plně podporován použitím technologie BIM.
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Исследование оптимизированного проектирования зеленого строительства на основе технологии BIM : магистерская диссертация / Study of optimised green building design based on BIM technologyЧэнь, С., Chen, X. January 2024 (has links)
В процессе работы проводились экспериментальные исследования в области моделирования и анализа энергетических характеристик зданий, освещенности и вентиляции с использованием различных программных инструментов BIM, таких как Revit, Ecotect и Design Builder. В результате исследования впервые были созданы комплексные планы оптимизации, включающие анализ тепловой энергии, естественной вентиляции и освещения, которые показали значительное снижение энергопотребления и улучшение экологических характеристик зданий. Эффективность результата исследования определяется снижением энергопотребления зданий на 24,53 %, увеличением естественного освещения на 18,98 % и улучшением вентиляции на 10,57 %, что подтверждает эффективность предложенных оптимизационных решений. Также в работе анализируются экономические преимущества зеленого строительства. / In the process, experimental research was conducted in the modelling and analysis of building energy performance, lighting and ventilation using various BIM software tools such as Revit, Ecotect and Design Builder. As a result of the study, comprehensive optimisation plans including thermal energy, natural ventilation and lighting analyses were created for the first time, which showed significant reductions in energy consumption and improved environmental performance of buildings. The effectiveness of the research result is determined by a 24.53% reduction in building energy consumption, an 18.98% increase in natural lighting and a 10.57% improvement in ventilation, which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed optimisation solutions. Finally, the thesis analyses the economic benefits of green building from an economic point of view. Read more
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Vers une conception architecturale BIM-agile : proposition d’un ensemble de pratiques collaboratives en vue d’une meilleure appropriation de la technologie BIM / Towards a BIM-agile architectural design : Proposal of a set of collaborative practices for a better integration of BIM technologyGless, Henri-Jean 21 May 2019 (has links)
La question de la transition numérique est primordiale en conception architecturale. L’objectif de notre recherche est de proposer des pratiques collaboratives afin de faciliter cette transition numérique. Nous nous concentrons sur des pratiques dites « agiles » permettant d’améliorer la communication et la coordination entre architectes, ingénieurs ou encore le maître d’ouvrage. Ces pratiques doivent permettre à ces acteurs d’échanger leurs intentions architecturales et de les évaluer tout en s’assurant que leurs propositions sont satisfaisantes vis-à-vis des besoins du client. Ces pratiques consistent à remplir collaborativement un cahier d’intentions, nécessitant alors confrontations d’opinions, à jouer à un jeu de cartes obligeant tous les concepteurs à prendre la parole, à réaliser des réunions courtes et quotidiennes afin d’expliquer son avancement ou encore à être un coach dont l’objectif est de faciliter la vie de ses collaborateurs. / The question of digital transition is a key issue in architectural design. The objective of our research is to propose collaborative practices to facilitate this digital transition. We focus on so-called "agile" practices to improve communication and coordination between architects, engineers or project owner. These practices must allow these actors to exchange their architectural intentions and evaluate them while ensuring that their proposals are satisfactory concerning the client's needs. These practices consist in collaboratively filling out a book of intentions, requiring confrontations of opinions, playing a card game obliging all designers to speak out, holding short, daily meetings to explain their progress or being a coach, whose objective is to make life easier for their employees. Read more
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Model za arhitektonsku analizu objekata zasnovan na BIM tehnologiji i upotrebi virtuelne realnosti / Architectural analysis model based on BIM technology and virtual realityLazić Marko 31 January 2017 (has links)
<p>Analiza arhitektonskih objekata u pogledu ispitivanja performansi aktuelna je oblast istraživanja u domenu arhitekture i urbanizma. U kontekstu BIM tehnologije i tehnologije virtuelne realnlosti formiran je model koji predviđa njihovu upotrebu u cilju poboljšanja procesa donošenja odluka u arhitektonskom projektovanju. Modelom je predviđena automatizacija analiza koje se mogu sprovesti na idejnom arhitektonskom projektu uz pomoć podataka koji se mogu dobiti korišćenjem BIM tehnologije. U okviru konceptualnog modela zasnovanog na metodu centralnog modela predviđene su višesturke analize od koje se mogu klasifikovati u jednu od tri grupe: Analiza objekta sa ispitivanjem svih ili većeg broja .ifc klasa, analiza pojedinih .ifc klasa i analiza spoljašnjih gabarita objekta. Prema pod-modelima predstavljena je analiza cene koštanja objekta, analiza energetske efikasnosti i analiza godišnje osvetljenosti objekta.</p> / <p>Performance based analysis of architectural structures has become an important area of research in the field of architecture and urban planning. The conceptual model is presented in context of BIM and virtual reality technology usage for decision making processes in architecture. The model defines automation of several analysis that can be performed in early design stage of architectural project using data collected from BIM technology software. Multiple analysis are defined in central model framework and classified into three groups: Analysis of the object with the examination of all or a large number of .ifc class, analysis of individual .ifc class and analysis of the external properties of structures. According to these sub-models, analysis of the cost estimate, analysis of energy efficiency and analysis of daylight illumination are presented in dissertation.</p> Read more
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