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Biofiltrering av luft förorenad med terpener : Biofiltration of air polluted with terpenesBorenberg, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>Utsläpp av lättflyktiga organiska föreningar (VOC) är ett växande mijlöproblem. Biofiltrering är ett relativt billigt sätt att rena luft förorenad med VOC. Biofiltrering har också en fördel i att föroreningen helt bryts ned och inte endast övergår i en annan form. Rapporten beskriver arbetet kring två biofilter av kolonntyp. Mikroberna som användes kom från främst träflis och jord. Som förorening användes limonen och α-pinen. Analys skedde med gaskromatografi.</p><p>Vidare undersöktes om närvaro av silikonolja i filterbädden påverkade resultatet Reningskapaciteten uppgick i filtret utan olja till ca 10 - 12 g/m3.h under de första 25 dagarna i drift och ökade därefter till ca 15 - 20 g/m3.h. Motsvarande data för det oljeberikade filtret är ca 15 - 20 g/m3.h i båda fallen</p> / <p>Emissions of volatile organic compounds are a growing environmental problem. Biofiltration is a relatively cost efficient method to purify air polluted with VOC:s. Biofiltraion also has the benefit of completely degrading the pollutants rather than just transferring them into another phase/form. This report describes the work on two biofilters of column type. The microbes used were extracted from wood chips and soil. As pollutants limonene and α–pinene were used.</p><p>Furthermore, it was investigated how the presence of silicone oil in the filter bed affected the filtering results. The filtering capacity in the non oil enriched filter was during the first 25days 10-12 g/m3h and thereafter some 15-20 g/m3h. The efficiency of the oil enriched filter was stable at 15-20 g/m3h.</p>
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Mediator combined gaseous substrate for electricity generation in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) and potential integration of a MFC into an anaerobic biofiltration system.Evelyn January 2013 (has links)
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are emerging energy production technology which converts the chemical energy stored in biologically degradable compounds to electricity at high
efficiencies. Microbial fuel cells have some advantages such as use of an inexpensive catalyst, operate under mild reaction conditions (i.e. ambient temperature, normal pressure
and neutral pH), and generate power from a wide range and cheap raw materials. These make microbial fuel cell as an attractive alternative over other electricity generating
devices. However, so far the major problem posses by this technology is the low power outputs of the microbial fuel cells that hinder its commercialization. Restriction in the
electron transfer from bacteria to the anode electrode of a MFC is thought to be one cause for the low power output.
Most recent MFC research is focused on using contaminants present in industrial, agricultural, and municipal wastewater as the energy source, with very few studies utilising gaseous substrates. Mediators can be added to MFCs to enhance the electron transfer from the microbe to the anode, but have limited practical applicability in wastewater applications because of the difficulty in recovering the expensive and potentially toxic compound. This thesis describes an investigation of electricity generation in a microbial fuel cell by combining a gaseous substrate with a mediator in the anode compartment. The emphasis being placed on the selection of a mediator to improve the electron transfer process for electricity production in an MFC. Subsequently, methods to improve the performance of a mediator MFC in respect of power and current density were discussed. This type of MFC is purposely aimed to be applied for treating gaseous contaminants in an anaerobic biofilter while simultaneously produce electricity.
In this study, ethanol was the first gaseous substrate tested for the possibility to generate electricity in the MFC. Various mediators were previously compared in their reversibility
of redox reactions and in the current production, and three best mediators were then
selected for the power production. The highest electrical current production i.e. 12 μA/cm2 was obtained and sustained for 24 hrs with N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-1,4-
phenylendiamine TMPD (N-TMPD) as the mediator using glassy carbon (GC) electrode. The maximum power density reached 0.16 mW/cm2 by using carbon cloth (CC) anode.
The absorption of these mediators by the bacterial cells was shown to correlate with the obtained energy production, with no N-TMPD was absorbed by the bacterial cells. The 24 hr current production was shown to be accompanied by the decrease in the ethanol concentration (i.e. 1.82 g/L), however ethanol crossover through the proton exchange
membrane and ethanol evaporation around the electrodes were most likely to be the major cause of the decrease in the ethanol concentration. A theoretical coulombic efficiency of
0.005% was calculated for this system.
The electrokinetics of microbial reduced mediator in the ethanol-mediator MFCs was also examined. Two methods i.e. linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) were used to obtained the kinetic parameters. CV method gave a better estimation of
the kinetic parameters than LSV method due to the low concentration of the mediators used, affecting the Tafel behaviors. All CVs showed quasi-reversible behaviors compared
to the CVs in the absence of the bacteria, which is thought due to the bacteria decreased the amount of the reduced and the oxidised mediator available at the surface of GC
electrode. The highest exchange current density (i o ) was obtained by using N-TMPD as the mediator with the same concentration of the mediator used i.e. 0.13±0.01 mA/cm
2. The power output achieved also the highest (0.008 mW/cm
2) with N-TMPD as the mediator. The power density was improved to 0.03 mW/cm2 by using CC electrode.
Another main objective of this thesis is to prove anoxic methane oxidation which was believed to occur only in marine sediments, and applies this for power generation in microbial fuel cells. Ferricyanide looked promising when it was used as the electron acceptor (thus as the mediator for the MFC). It was shown that ferricyanide was fully reduced by methanotrophs bacteria with methane as the substrate (versus abiotic and
nitrogen control). The highest reduction rate achieved was 3 x10-3 mM/min.g. This finding was supported by ferricyanide peak heights disappearance (spectrophotometry at 420 nm),
CO 2 production (sensor readings), ferrocyanide formation (cyclic voltammetry), and no other alternate electron acceptor was present. The total CO 2 produced was equal to 0.015 mmoles of CO 2 from starting concentration ferricyanide of 0.2 mmoles (after substraction with an offset value). CV results show 2.4 mM of ferrocyanide was produced after a total addition of 3 mM ferricyanide into the anoxic methanotrophic suspension. The current and voltage generation in microbial fuel cell reactor from the reduced ferricyanide confirmed that ferricyanide received electrons from the bacterial metabolism. The maximum power
density of 0.02 mW/cm2 and OCV of 0.6 V were obtained with 3 mM ferricyanide using LSV method.
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Using a biotrickling filter for degradation of cypermethrin, an insecticide frequently used in Tahuapalca, BoliviaEnstedt, Henric January 2013 (has links)
The feasibility of using bench-scale biotrickling filter reactors inoculated with the fungus UBAF004, isolated from soil in Tahuapalca, for treatment of water contaminated with cypermethrin was investigated. Wood chips, gravel and ceramics were tested as packing materials for the reactors in batch experiments in small glass flasks. Wood proved to be the material on which the fungus grew best and was thus chosen as the packing material for the reactors. It was determined that UBAF004 had quite low competitive strength compared to other microorganisms when growing on wood and gravel but not necessarily on ceramics. UBAF004 grew slowly in the reactors leading to poor degradation performance. The results obtained indicate that it will be challenging to use UBAF004 for treatment of water contaminated with cypermethrin in Tahuapalca. The single largest issue is to find a way to establish a stable population of the fungus in the reactor and to protect it from being out competed by other microorganisms. / <p>Opponent: Veronika Granat</p>
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Biofilm-Enhanced Treatment for Arctic Wastewater Stabilization Ponds Using Geotextile SubstrateBridson-Pateman, Evan 12 August 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, a semi-permeable lining system was proposed to upgrade arctic wastewater stabilization ponds, acting as a biofilter. Although commonplace at lower latitudes, the effects of cold temperatures and short-duration summers on biofilter performance are inadequately studied. The goal of this research was to study the hydraulic and treatment performance of geotextile substrate biofilters under arctic conditions. Filtration experiments were conducted in a laboratory environment. Municipal wastewater was passed through columns containing nonwoven geotextiles over 10 cm of gravel. Three experimental trails were conducted at either 10? or 2?, each lasting 12 weeks. Weekly samples taken before and after filtration were analyzed for various water quality parameters. Hydraulic conductivity was monitored using weekly constant head permeameter tests. Results showed that biomat accumulation is possible on geotextile material over 12 week period. Significant removal of TSS and BOD5 was observed, along with a 1-log reduction in hydraulic conductivity.
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Entwicklung eines verteilt-geregelt belüfteten Filtersystems zur biologischen Behandlung von methanhaltigen Deponieschwachgasen /Haubrichs, Roland. January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Duisburg, Essen, Universiẗat, Diss., 2007.
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Analysis of Adsorption Substrates for Removal of Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus from Agricultural RunoffBrumbaugh, David J. 23 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Nova configuração de biofiltro aerado submerso utilizado no pós-tratamento do efluente de reator UASB / New configuration of submerged aerated biofilter used in the effluent UASB reactor post-treatmentCarvalho Junior, Orlando de 15 December 2008 (has links)
O principal objetivo desse trabalho foi desenvolver uma nova configuração de biofiltro aerado submerso utilizado no pós-tratamento do efluente de reator UASB, capaz de realizar nitrificação e desnitrificação em um único sistema. Em busca de bases operacionais dessa nova configuração, a pesquisa foi inicialmente conduzida com três reatores seqüenciais. Esses reatores foram dispostos nas seqüências I e II, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos com esses sistemas seqüenciais levaram a concepção do projeto da nova configuração do biofiltro proposto (BF definitivo). Os resultados da seqüência I mostraram alto potencial para conversão de nitrogênio amoniacal e total, e também alta eficiência na remoção da matéria orgânica carbonácea. Esse sistema, porém, não apresentou potencial para desnitrificação. Na seqüência II foi realizada recirculação entre dois reatores do sistema (anóxico e aeróbio) para aumento de tal potencial. O maior potencial de desnitrificação, nessa seqüência, foi observado para razão de recirculação, Rc, igual a 2,65 e com o uso de 40%, em volume, de esgoto sanitário bruto como fonte de carbono. Sob essas condições operacionais, para concentração média afluente ao sistema igual a 33,74 mg de \'N-\'NH IND.3\'/L as concentrações efluentes médias de \'N-NH IND.3\', \'N-NO IND.2\'POT.-\' e \'N-NO IND.3\'POT.-\' foram, respectivamente, iguais a 0,16, 0,0026 e 9,72 mg/L. Os resultados do BF definitivo mostraram que a nova configuração proposta é viável como unidade de pós-tratamento de efluente de reator UASB, promovendo nitrificação e desnitrificação em um único sistema, além de alta eficiência de remoção da matéria orgânica. Em todas as fases dessa pesquisa, praticamente, todos os resultados obtidos atenderam ao padrão de lançamento de nitrogênio amoniacal estabelecido pela legislação ambiental. / The main objective of this work was developing a new configuration of submerged aerated biofilter used in UASB reactor post-treatment, with nitrification and denitrification in a single system. Searching operational bases of this new configuration, this research was initially driven by three sequential reactors. These reactors were arranged in the sequences I and II, respectively. The results obtained with these sequential systems took the conception of the project of the new configuration of the proposed biofilter (definitive BF). The results of the sequence I showed high ammoniacal and total nitrogen conversion potential, and also high carbonaceous organic matter removal efficiency. This system, however, not presented potential for denitrification. In the sequence II recirculation between two reactors (anoxic and aerated) of the system was made for such potential increasing. The higher denitrification potential, in this sequence, was observed with recirculation reason, Rc, equal to 2,65 and using 40%, in volume, of raw sanitary sewage as carbon source. Under these operational conditions, for average affluent concentration of 33,74 mg of \'N-NH IND.3\'/L the average effluent concentrations of \'N-NH IND.3\', \'N-NO IND.2\'POT.-\' e \'N-NO IND.3\'POT.-\' were, respectively, equal to 0,16, 0,0026 and 9,72 mg/L. The results of the definitive BF showed that the new proposed configuration is feasible as effluent UASB post-treatment unity, with nitrification and denitrification in a single system, besides high organic matter removal efficiency. Practically in all the phases of this research, all the results obtained attended to the launch standard of ammoniacal nitrogen established by the environmental legislation.
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Bioremediation of ethanol in air using a gas-fluidized bioreactorClarke, Kyla 16 September 2008
A gas-fluidized bed bioreactor was developed in this research as a new method for treating polluted air. The fluidization characteristics of selected packing materials were investigated. Then, bioremediation was tested using two types of packing in a fluidized bioreactor, as well as in a comparable packed bed. Microorganisms on the particles biodegrade contaminants in the polluted air, which flows up through the bed. At high flowrates, the polluted air fluidizes the particles, while at low velocities the operation is in packed bed mode.<p>Initially, sawdust was selected for use as a packing material. Due to the poor fluidization properties of sawdust, glass spheres were added. A mixture of sawdust and glass spheres remained well mixed during fluidization. In the mixture, interparticle forces increased with increasing moisture in the sawdust, eventually causing defluidization of the bed. In the absence of bioremediation, mass transfer was studied between ethanol-contaminated air and sawdust/glass sphere packing, and found to be higher in the fluidized versus packed mode. In bioremediation experiments, ethanol removal efficiencies were as high as 95% in both operating modes. The maximum elimination capacities (EC) of ethanol were 75 and 225 g m^-3 sawdust h^-1 in the fluidized and packed beds respectively.<p>The packing of the fluidized bed bioreactor was optimized in order to boost bioremediation rates. Experiments showed that peat granules fluidized well in a bubbling regime, likely due to their relatively high density and sphericity. In peat bioremediation trials, the fluidized mode outperformed the packed bed; the maximum ECs were 1520 and 530 g m^-3 peat h^-1, respectively. Removal efficiency in the fluidized mode decreased with velocity, because the size and amount of large bubbles increased.<p>A steady-state model of the fluidized bioreactor was developed. By taking account of bubble properties during fluidization, the model helps to explain how bubble size, microbial properties and bioreactor residence time affect removal efficiency and elimination capacity of the bioreactor.<p>A peat gas-fluidized bioreactor shows promise as an efficient, low-cost technology for air treatment. Particle mixing in the fluidized bed may prevent operating problems associated with the packed bed bioreactor. Fluidized bioreactors are ideal for the treatment of high volume, low concentration air emissions.
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