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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perturbação de spin zero no espaço-tempo de Kerr-Randall-Sundrum / Spin zero perturbation in the Kerr-Randall-Sundrum space-time

Oliveira, Jéferson de 03 April 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação visa realizar um estudo acerca dos modelos de mundo brana no contexto proposto por Randall e Sundrum. O trabalho focaliza as perturbações de spin 0 no espaço-tempo de Kerr tomado como um mundo brana 4-dimensional. Para isso apresentamos os principais aspectos da Relatividade Geral de Einstein, bem como perturbações em métricas que descrevem buracos negros. Fizemos uma revisão dos modelos de Randall-Sundrum, suas motivações e tentativas de descrever buracos negros na brana. Por m a perturbação escalar da corda negra em rotação (Kerr-Randall-Sundrum) e o fenômeno de super-radiação são analisados. / This dissertation aims at studying the braneworld models in the context proposed by Randall and Sundrum. The focus is on the spin-0 perturbations in the Kerr space-time as a 4- dimensional braneworld. The work deals the main aspects of Einstein General Relativity as well as perturbations of black holes metrics. We also review the Randall-Sundrum models and their motivations and attempts to describe braneworld black holes. In the end the Kerr-Randall-Sundrum black string scalar perturbation and superradiance are obtained.

Black holes, instability and scalar-tensor gravity / Buracos negros, instabilidade e gravidade escalar-tensorial

Console, Felipe de Carvalho Ceregatti de 25 February 2019 (has links)
In this work, we review three topics which are relevant on its own but which are also interconnected through the AdS/CFT correspondence: (i) black holes in AdS and its thermodynamics, (ii) nonlinear instability of AdS and (iii) scalar- tensor theory of gravity. Each one of these topics find applications in holography using the above mentioned correspondence. We review the various coordinate systems used to write the AdS metric and discuss the main black holes with AdS asymptotics as well as their thermodynamical properties. We also review current results on linear and nonlinear stability for various spacetimes, presenting a heuristic explanation for the nonlinear instability of AdS. The discussion about alternative theories of gravity is restricted to the case of scalar-tensor theories (Horndeski theories, specially). We study the multipole expansion of the electromagnetic field in the solitonic background of a shift-symmetric scalar-tensor model (up to second order in the scalar field coupling constant with the Gauss-Bonnet term). We find that the multipoles are everywhere regular and finite except for the monopole l = 0, which diverges at the origin of the spacetime coordinates. / Neste trabalho, temos como objetivo fazer uma revisão sobre três temas de grande relevância por si só mas, que também se interligam através da correspondencia AdS/CFT: (i) buracos negros em AdS e sua termodinâmica, (ii) a instabilidade não-linear de AdS e (iii) teorias escalar-tensoriais da gravidade. Cada um destes temas encontram aplicações em holografia usando a correspondencia citada acida. Revisamos as diversas formas de escrever a métrica de AdS e discutimos os principais buracos negros assintóticamentes AdS assim como suas propriedades termodinâmicas. Nós também revisamos os resultados atuais sobre a estabilidade linear e não-linear para diversos espaços-tempos, reproduzindo uma explicação heurísitca sobre a instabilidade não-linear do espaço-tempo AdS. A discussão das teorias alternativas à Relatividade Geral é restrita ao caso das teorias escalar-tensorias da gravidade (a teoria de Horndeski, especialmente). Nós estudamos a expansão multipolar do campo electromagnético em um espaço-tempo que é solução do modelo \"shift-symmetric scalar tensor gravity\" (até segunda ordem na constante de acoplamento do campo escalar com o termo de Gauss-Bonnet) com características solitônicas. Encontramos que os multipolos são regulares e finitos em todo espaço-tempo com exceção do monopolo l = 0, que diverge na origem do sistema de coordenadas.

A field theoretical description of quantum black holes

Fragkakis, Dionysios January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the description of quantum black holes as a way to probe quantum gravity. Scenarios of a lower Planck scale make quantum gravity experimentally approachable, therefore a theoretical framework is needed in order to be able to probe quantum gravitational effects. We present a field theoretical formalism for the treatment of quantum black holes and their interactions with particles of the Standard Model. We examine the properties and assumptions governing quantum black holes and develop a methodology to examine their behavior using quantum field theory language. We apply our formalism in several different cases and calculate the cross sections for the production of quantum black holes. We use our results to gain phenomenological insights to quantum gravity, such as the derivation of bounds for the Planck mass from Standard Model processes. The distinction between a continuous and a discrete mass spectrum, for a quantum black hole, is discussed and the relevant cross sections presented. Finally, we use quantum black holes as a gateway to supersymmetry and calculate the branching ratios for the decay of quantum black holes into supersymmetric particles.

Role of active galactic nuclei in galaxy evolution

Nisbet, David Maltman January 2018 (has links)
It is now believed that most, if not all, galaxies contain a supermassive black hole (SMBH) and that these play a crucial role in their host galaxies' evolution. Whilst accreting material, a SMBH (known as an active galactic nucleus, AGN, during this growth phase) releases energy which may have the effect of quenching star formation and constraining the growth of the galaxy. It is believed that AGNs can be divided into two broad fundamental categories, each with its own feedback mechanism. The radiative-mode of feedback occurs in gas-rich galaxies when substantial star formation is occurring and their young AGNs are growing rapidly through efficient accretion of cold gas. A fraction of the energy released by an AGN is transferred into the surrounding gas, creating a thermal "energy-driven" wind or pressure "momentum-driven" wind. Gas and dust may be expelled from the galaxy, so halting star formation but also cutting off the fuel supply to the AGN itself. The jet-mode occurs thereafter. The SMBH has now attained a large mass, but is accreting at a comparatively low level as gas slowly cools and falls back into the galaxy. The accretion process generates two-sided jets that generate shock fronts, so heating the gas surrounding the galaxy and partially offsetting the radiative cooling. This restricts the inflow of gas into the galaxy, so slowing the growth of the galaxy and SMBH. There are several convincing theoretical arguments to support the existence of these feedback mechanisms, although observational evidence has been hard to obtain. A new radio telescope - the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) - recently started operations. LOFAR is especially suitable for investigating AGN feedback. It has been designed to allow exploration of low radio frequencies, between 10 and 240 MHz, which are particularly relevant for research into AGN activity. Also, with its large field-of-view and multi-beam capability, LOFAR is ideal for conducting extensive radio surveys. A project to image deeply the ELAIS-N1 field was started in May 2013. This thesis uses a number of surveys at different wavelengths, but particularly the low-frequency radio observations of the ELAIS-N1 field, to improve our knowledge of jet-mode AGN feedback and hence of the interplay between the complicated processes involved in galaxy formation and evolution. The more important pieces of research within the thesis are as follows: - A sample of 576 AGNs in the nearby universe was assembled and used to find a relationship between radio luminosity, X-ray luminosity and black hole mass. Moreover, the relationship is valid over at least 15 orders of magnitude in X-ray luminosity, strongly suggesting that the process responsible for the launching of radio jets is scale-invariant. - The established "Likelihood Ratio" technique was refined to incorporate colour information in order to optimally match the radio sources in the ELAIS-N1 field with their host galaxies. - The resulting catalogue was used to investigate ways in which radio sources can be matched automatically with their host galaxies (and so avoiding laborious visual examination of each source). The conclusions have helped the design of a pipeline for an extensive wide-area survey currently being conducted by the LOFAR telescope. - The catalogue was also used to investigate the evolution of jet-mode AGNs. This involved: deriving source counts; obtaining redshifts for each object; classifying the radio sources into the different populations of radiative-mode AGNs, jet-mode AGNs and star-forming galaxies; and using the above preparatory work in order to derive a luminosity function for jet-mode AGNs. - Key conclusions are that (1) feedback from jet-mode AGNs peaks at around a redshift of 0.75, (2) the space density of jet-mode AGNs declines steadily with redshift and (3) the typical luminosity of a jet-mode AGN increases steadily with redshift.

Perturbação de spin zero no espaço-tempo de Kerr-Randall-Sundrum / Spin zero perturbation in the Kerr-Randall-Sundrum space-time

Jéferson de Oliveira 03 April 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação visa realizar um estudo acerca dos modelos de mundo brana no contexto proposto por Randall e Sundrum. O trabalho focaliza as perturbações de spin 0 no espaço-tempo de Kerr tomado como um mundo brana 4-dimensional. Para isso apresentamos os principais aspectos da Relatividade Geral de Einstein, bem como perturbações em métricas que descrevem buracos negros. Fizemos uma revisão dos modelos de Randall-Sundrum, suas motivações e tentativas de descrever buracos negros na brana. Por m a perturbação escalar da corda negra em rotação (Kerr-Randall-Sundrum) e o fenômeno de super-radiação são analisados. / This dissertation aims at studying the braneworld models in the context proposed by Randall and Sundrum. The focus is on the spin-0 perturbations in the Kerr space-time as a 4- dimensional braneworld. The work deals the main aspects of Einstein General Relativity as well as perturbations of black holes metrics. We also review the Randall-Sundrum models and their motivations and attempts to describe braneworld black holes. In the end the Kerr-Randall-Sundrum black string scalar perturbation and superradiance are obtained.

Testing gravity in the local universe

McManus, Ryan January 2018 (has links)
General relativity (GR) has stood as the most accurate description of gravity for the last 100 years, weathering a barrage of rigorous tests. However, attempts to derive GR from a more fundamental theory or to capture further physical principles at high energies has led to a vast number of alternative gravity theories. The individual examination of each gravity theory is infeasible and as such a systematic method of examining modified gravity theories is a necessity. Studying generic classes of gravity theories allows for general statements about observables to be made independent of explicit models. Take, for example, those models described by the Horndeski action, the most general class of scalar-tensor theory with at most second-order derivatives in the equations of motion, satisfying theoretical constraints. But these constraints alone are not enough for a given modified gravity model to be physically viable and hence worth studying. In particular, observations place incredibly tight constraints on the size of any deviation in the solar system. Hence, any modified gravity would have to mimic GR in such a situation. To accommodate this requirement, many models invoke screening mechanisms which suppress deviations from GR in regions of high density. But these mechanisms really upon non-linear effects and so studying them in complex models is mathematically complex. To constrain the space of actions of Horndeski type to those which pass solar-system tests, a set of conditions on the four free functions of the Horndeski action are derived which indicate whether a specific model embedded in the action possesses a GR limit. For this purpose, a new and surprisingly simple scaling method is developed, identifying dominant terms in the equations of motion by considering formal limits of the couplings that enter through the new terms in the modified gravity action. Solutions to the dominant terms identify regimes where nonlinear terms dominate and Einstein's field equations are recovered to leading order. Together with an efficient approximation of the scalar field profile, one can determine whether the recovery of Einstein's field equations can be attributed to a genuine screening effect. The parameterised post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism has enabled stringent tests of static weak-field gravity in a theory-independent manner. This is through parameterising common perturbations of the metric found when performing a post-Newtonian expansion. The framework is adapted by introducing an effective gravitational coupling and defining the PPN parameters as functions of position. Screening mechanisms of modified gravity theories can then be incorporated into the PPN framework through further developing the scaling method into a perturbative series. The PPN functions are found through a combination of the scaling method with a post-Newtonian expansion within a screened region. For illustration, we show that both a chameleon and cubic galileon model have a limit where they recover GR. Moreover, we find the effective gravitational constant and all PPN functions for these two theories in the screened limit. To examine how the adapted formalism compares to solar-system tests, we also analyse the Shapiro time delay effect for these two models and find no deviations from GR insofar as the signal path and the perturbing mass reside in a screened region of space. As such, tests based upon the path light rays such as those done by the Cassini mission do not constrain these theories. Finally, gravitational waves have opened up a new regime where gravity can be tested. To this end, we examine how the generation of gravitational waves are affected by theories of gravity with screening to second post-Newtonian (PN) order beyond the quadrupole. This is done for a model of gravity where the black hole binary lies in a screened region, while the space between the binary's neighbourhood and the detector is described by Brans-Dicke theory. We find deviations at both 1.5 and 2 PN order. Deviations of this size can be measured by the Advanced LIGO gravitational wave detector highlighting that our calculation may allow for constraints to be placed on these theories. We model idealised data from the black hole merger signal GW150914 and perform a best fit analysis. The most likely value for the un-screened Brans-Dicke parameter is found to be ω = -1:42, implying on large scales gravity is very modified, incompatible with cosmological results.

Geodesic motion in the Reissner-Nordström space-time / Movimento geodésico no espaço-tempo de Reissner-Nordstöm

Capobianco, Rogério Augusto 04 July 2019 (has links)
The motion of neutral test particles, both massive and massless, in the space time of a charged source described by the Reissner-Nordström solution is studied. This solution is characterized by two parameters, mass and charge, which defines the horizons of the source. When the mass is larger than the charge, the solution describes a black hole, with two distinct horizons. When the mass and charge are equal there is an extremal black hole, and both horizons merge to one. Finally, when the charge is larger than the mass there is a naked singularity, with no horizon. The structure and properties of these different type of solution are presented and discussed. A general solution of the equations of motion is presented in function of the Weierstrass elliptic function ℘. In addition, the possible orbits for test particles are discussed, and the conditions for existence of closed, circular or escape orbits are presented. The classifications is made based on the particles energy, and the mass and charge of the source. We find that all mentioned orbits are allowed for the three different type of solutions. In particular, for extremal black holes and naked singularities, we find stable circular orbits located outside the event horizon and hence being visible for an external observer. / O movimento de partículas teste neutras, ambas massivas e sem massa, no espaço-tempo de uma fonte carregada descrita pela solução de Reissner-Nordström é estudada. Essa solução é caracterizada por dois parâmetros, massa e carga, que definem os horizontes da fonte. Quando a massa é maior que a carga tal solução descreve um buraco negro com dois horizontes distintos. Quando a massa e a carga são iguais há um buraco negro extremo, e ambos os horizontes se unem em um. Finalmente, quando a carga é maior que a massa, há uma singularidade nua, sem horizontes. A estrutura e as propriedades dessas diferentes soluções são apresentadas e discutidas. Uma solução geral da equação de movimento é apresentada em termos da função elíptica de Weierstrass, ℘. Além do mais as possiveis órbitas para uma partícula teste são discutidas, e as condições para existência de órbitas fechadas, circulares e de escape são apresentadas. A classificação é feita a partir da energia da partícula, e da massa e carga da fonte. Encontramos que todas as orbitas mencionadas são permitidas nos três diferentes tipos de soluções. Em partícular, para buracos negros extremos e singularidades nuas, encontramos órbitas circulares estáveis localizadas fora do horizonte de eventos e, consequentemente, sendo visível para observadores externos.

Hawkingmassa i Kerr-rumtid / The Hawking Mass in Kerr Spacetime

Jonsson Holm, Jonas January 2004 (has links)
<p>In this thesis we calculate the Hawking mass numerically for surfaces in Kerr spacetime. The Hawking mass is a useful tool for proving the Penrose inequality and the result does not contradict the inequality. It also does not contradict the assumption that the Hawking mass should be monotonic for surfaces in Kerr spacetime. The Hawking mass is quasi-local and defined by the spin coefficents of Newman and Penrose, so first we give a discussion about quasi-local quantities and then a short description of the Newman-Penrose formalism.</p>

Bridging the gap between post-Newtonian theory and numerical relativity in gravitational-wave data analysis

Ohme, Frank January 2012 (has links)
One of the most exciting predictions of Einstein's theory of gravitation that have not yet been proven experimentally by a direct detection are gravitational waves. These are tiny distortions of the spacetime itself, and a world-wide effort to directly measure them for the first time with a network of large-scale laser interferometers is currently ongoing and expected to provide positive results within this decade. One potential source of measurable gravitational waves is the inspiral and merger of two compact objects, such as binary black holes. Successfully finding their signature in the noise-dominated data of the detectors crucially relies on accurate predictions of what we are looking for. In this thesis, we present a detailed study of how the most complete waveform templates can be constructed by combining the results from (A) analytical expansions within the post-Newtonian framework and (B) numerical simulations of the full relativistic dynamics. We analyze various strategies to construct complete hybrid waveforms that consist of a post-Newtonian inspiral part matched to numerical-relativity data. We elaborate on exsisting approaches for nonspinning systems by extending the accessible parameter space and introducing an alternative scheme based in the Fourier domain. Our methods can now be readily applied to multiple spherical-harmonic modes and precessing systems. In addition to that, we analyze in detail the accuracy of hybrid waveforms with the goal to quantify how numerous sources of error in the approximation techniques affect the application of such templates in real gravitational-wave searches. This is of major importance for the future construction of improved models, but also for the correct interpretation of gravitational-wave observations that are made utilizing any complete waveform family. In particular, we comprehensively discuss how long the numerical-relativity contribution to the signal has to be in order to make the resulting hybrids accurate enough, and for currently feasible simulation lengths we assess the physics one can potentially do with template-based searches. / Eine der aufregendsten Vorhersagen aus Einsteins Gravitationstheorie, die bisher noch nicht direkt durch ein Experiment nachgewiesen werden konnten, sind Gravitationswellen. Dies sind winzige Verzerrungen der Raumzeit selbst, und es wird erwartet, dass das aktuelle Netzwerk von groß angelegten Laserinterferometern im kommenden Jahrzehnt die erste direkte Gravitationswellenmessung realisieren kann. Eine potentielle Quelle von messbaren Gravitationswellen ist das Einspiralen und Verschmelzen zweier kompakter Objekte, wie z.B. ein Binärsystem von Schwarzen Löchern. Die erfolgreiche Identifizierung ihrer charakteristischen Signatur im Rausch-dominierten Datenstrom der Detektoren hängt allerdings entscheidend von genauen Vorhersagen ab, was wir eigentlich suchen. In dieser Arbeit wird detailliert untersucht, wie die komplettesten Wellenformenmodelle konstruiert werden können, indem die Ergebnisse von (A) analytischen Entwicklungen im post-Newtonschen Verfahren und (B) numerische Simulationen der voll-relativistischen Bewegungen verknüpft werden. Es werden verschiedene Verfahren zur Erstellung solcher "hybriden Wellenformen", bei denen der post-Newtonsche Teil mit numerischen Daten vervollständigt wird, analysiert. Existierende Strategien für nicht-rotierende Systeme werden vertieft und der beschriebene Parameterraum erweitert. Des Weiteren wird eine Alternative im Fourierraum eingeführt. Die entwickelten Methoden können nun auf multiple sphärisch-harmonische Moden und präzedierende Systeme angewandt werden. Zusätzlich wird die Genauigkeit der hybriden Wellenformen mit dem Ziel analysiert, den Einfluss verschiedener Fehlerquellen in den Näherungstechniken zu quantifizieren und die resultierenden Einschränkungen bei realen Anwendungen abzuschätzen. Dies ist von größter Bedeutung für die zukünftige Entwicklung von verbesserten Modellen, aber auch für die korrekte Interpretation von Gravitationswellenbeobachtungen, die auf Grundlage solcher Familien von Wellenformen gemacht worden sind. Insbesondere wird diskutiert, wie lang der numerische Anteil des Signals sein muss, um die Hybride genau genug konstruieren zu können. Für die aktuell umsetzbaren Simulationslängen wird die Physik eingeschätzt, die mit Hilfe von Modell-basierten Suchen potentiell untersucht werden kann.

Making Maps and Keeping Logs : Quantum Gravity from Classical Viewpoints

Johansson, Niklas January 2009 (has links)
This thesis explores three different aspects of quantum gravity. First we study D3-brane black holes in Calabi-Yau compactifications of type IIB string theory. Using the OSV conjecture and a relation between topological strings and matrix models we show that some black holes have a matrix model description. This is the case if the attractor mechanism fixes the internal geometry to a conifold at the black hole horizon. We also consider black holes in a flux compactification and compare the effects of the black holes and fluxes on the internal geometry. We find that the fluxes dominate. Second, we study the scalar potential of type IIB flux compactifications. We demonstrate that monodromies of the internal geometry imply as a general feature the existence of long series of continuously connected minima. This allows for the embedding of scenarios such as chain inflation and resonance tunneling into string theory. The concept of monodromies is also extended to include geometric transitions: passing to a different Calabi-Yau topology, performing its monodromies and then returning to the original space allows for novel transformations. All constructions are performed explicitly, using both analytical and numerical techniques, in the mirror quintic Calabi-Yau. Third, we study cosmological topologically massive gravity at the chiral point, a prime candidate for quantization of gravity in three dimensions. The prospects of this scenario depend crucially of the stability of the theory. We demonstrate the presence of a negative energy bulk mode that grows logarithmically toward the AdS boundary. The AdS isometry generators have non-unitary matrix representations like in logarithmic CFT, and we propose that the CFT dual for this theory is logarithmic. In a complementing canonical analysis we also demonstrate the existence of this bulk degree of freedom, and we present consistent boundary conditions encompassing the new mode.

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