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Gemeinschaftsgärten in Berlin / eine qualitative Untersuchung zu Potenzialen und Risiken bürgerschaftlichen Engagements im Grünflächenbereich vor dem Hintergrund des Wandels von Staat und PlanungRosol, Marit 25 October 2006 (has links)
Zweitveröffentlichung / Gemeinschaftsgärten unterscheiden sich von anderen urbanen Grünflächen dadurch, dass sie gemeinschaftlich und überwiegend unentgeltlich angelegt und gepflegt werden und einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung stehen. Marit Rosol führt in ihrer stadtgeographischen Dissertation Gemeinschaftsgärten als einen neuen Freiraumtyp ein und analysiert ihn im Kontext aktueller Tendenzen der Freiraumpolitik, der Forschungen zum bürgerschaftlichen Engagement sowie des Wandels von Staat und Planung. Anhand von neun Berliner Fallbeispielen werden Gemeinschaftsgärten umfassend charakterisiert. Motive und Ziele der relevanten AkteurInnen werden ebenso herausgearbeitet wie Potenziale, Schwierigkeiten und Risiken. Schließlich leitet die Autorin praktische Handlungsempfehlungen sowohl für die GartenaktivistInnen als auch für die räumliche Planung ab. Dabei wird auch auf aktuelle Erfahrungen „grüner Zwischennutzungen“ sowie der community gardens in New York, Toronto und Seattle verwiesen. Gemeinschaftsgärten entstehen derzeit – so die These der Arbeit –vor dem Hintergrund eines gesellschaftlichen Wandels, der einerseits Freiräume für BewohnerInnen schafft, andererseits auch die Gefahr einer Abwälzung bislang kommunaler Aufgaben sowie eine ungleiche Versorgung mit öffentlichen Freiräumen befürchten lässt. Mit der Untersuchung der Bedingungen und Grenzen freiwilligen Engagements leistet die Arbeit einen empirischen und theoretischen Beitrag zur Diskussion um Stand und Entwicklung kommunaler Infrastrukturen. / Community gardens differ from other urban green spaces like parks or allotments, because they are managed collectively and mostly voluntarily and are open to a broader public. Marit Rosol introduces community gardens as a new type of urban green spaces in Germany and analyses it in the context of landscape planning politics, research concerning civic engagement and changes of the (local) state and spatial planning. Based on qualitative research, especially in-depth interviews, nine Berlin case study community gardens are described comprehensively. Motivation and aims of the relevant actors as well as potentials, difficulties and risks are shown. Moreover the author gives practical advise both for gardening activists as for urban planners. For this purpose she also draws on experiences with “green” temporary uses as well as with community gardens in New York, Toronto and Seattle. Community gardens are currently coming into being in Berlin - so the thesis of the work - because of changes in society, which open up new opportunities for residents, but also imply the risk of downloading former state responsibilities onto them and unequal provision with open green spaces. With the study on conditions and barriers of voluntary engagement the work makes a theoretical and empirical contribution to the debates of state and development of municipal infrastructures.
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Územní studie rozvojového území Vítkovice - Moravská Ostrava / Urban study of development area Vítkovice - Moravská OstravaFišerová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
'The inspiration behind this project is the new urbanist idea which combines residential development with green spaces for leisure and sport as well as mixed use commercial areas and storage. The layout of the area is a grid formed by 100m squared plots with residential houses with personal yards. These plots are grouped as complexes and between each complex is a communal green space. On the outside of the inner grid, there are mixed use apartment buildings and a high commercial floor. The square is dominated by a smaller multi-purpose building with a fluid outside space in which community events can be organized. Diagonally connected to the square is a park with a playground and an area with patio seating in addition to three villa houses. The park leads to the river embankment, into which tiered seating will be created. Around the hotel, there is another park with a multi-generational playground. In the northern part is located hotel renovated from the original industrial buildings with added ground floor restaurant area. Around hotel there is a park with green space and multi-generational playground. The terrace houses are located in the northeastern part of the complex and feature an attractive riverside view. Row houses line the the main road and are buffered from street noise by a line of trees. Typology and placement of other, separate houses is inspired by colonies of worker-houses eg. Baťa houses in Zlín. In between each ground these is no fence and are only separated a slight depression in the green.
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Dočasný příbytek migrantů - přijímací a pobytové středisko / Temporary dwelling of migrants-reception and residential centerRichter, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of crisis - the current issue in 2017. One of the issues is the need for the construction of a imigrant center in the Czech Republic. The locality in Brno was selected in Maloměřice. The location of the brownfield on the outskirts of the city district is used. The design is conceived as a closed block with two main diagonally inputs. The block is made up of two-storey buildings used for housing migrants. Within the block, there are two four-story buildings that serve as administration, maintenance, catering, education and leisure activities, ie all other activities except housing.
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Management postindustriálního vývoje / Management of the revitalization of the post-industrial areasPokorný, Filip Unknown Date (has links)
The theme of this dissertation is “Management of the regeneration of post-industrial areas”. The aim of the work is to identify support mechanisms for the redevelopment of post-industrial areas in the Czech Republic. Such support mechanisms were researched and analysed in those EU countries that have broad and varied experience with the regeneration of post-industrial areas. The most favourable case studies were selected from Germany, with a particular focus given to the districts around the city of Leipzig, and the United Kingdom, highlighting the city of Manchester. For these chosen examples, I have analysed the legislative, institutional, and financial tools of urban regeneration support. One chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the environmental assessment tools for buildings and urban communities as alternative approach to the support of municipal regeneration. Findings from all chapters are contrasted with the analysis of four typical examples of derivation of post-industrial areas in Czech cities, which were chosen as being typical of unsuccessful redevelopments. Based on these examples I have compiled recommendations gained from successful mechanisms for urban regeneration abroad which could be considered and put into practice here in the Czech Republic.
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Zeleň veřejných prostorů v nových obytných souborech (obytné soubory v okrajových částech měst) / Greenery of public spaces in new residential areas (residential areas on the outskirts of the cities)Horká, Julie Unknown Date (has links)
In the current post-industrial society, with increasing requirement of sustainability, greenery significantly participates in the spatial, operational and functional organization of the urban environment. The first part of the thesis introduces relationship between formation and structure of greenery in an urban environment from the historical point of view. Elements of greenery in an urban environment and on its margins filled a variety of functions: from productional and aesthetical to the recreational and ecological. Green areas have also gradually become an important public space. In the current urban environment, areas of vegetation arise mainly in the form of recultivation of post-industrial areas, adjusted smaller parks, greenery of business and entertainment centers, or greenery of residential units. The thesis is focusing on the last mentioned type, which should be in the closest coexistence with residential environment and on the possibilities of creating eco-residential units, which can become a substitute /or at least one of the possible options/ to mono-functional residential zones emerging on the outskirts of our cities and in the open countryside and act against the ongoing suburbanization and its negative effects. The text of doctoral thesis is trying to find qualitative aspects of greenery which supports the creation of living, attractive and sustainable public spaces. Comparison and evaluation of selected examples from abroad /Austria, Germany, Holland/ and also from the Czech Republic brings us the definition of the necessary and optimum qualitative properties of greenery in public, but also semi-public spaces of residential complexes. These examples of good practice may be used - as a whole or in parts – as inspiration for the development of residential projects in the Czech Republic, either in preferred brownfields areas or in carefully selected areas of new development. The final chapter emphasizes the inseparability of the creation of public spaces and greenery in residential areas from the sustainable development of the area in terms of a penetrable and compact city.
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Principy formování zeleně jako součásti městského interiéru / Principles of formation of urban greenery as a part of urban interiorHrubanová, Denisa January 2014 (has links)
Urban interior environment mostly serves as a place for various meetings and social events. Thus, these spaces come alive thanks to people, who give them reason and meaning. However, the question is what role urban interior has in the present day, which, at the beginning of the new millennium, is characterized by a high degree of individualism. Within the deurbanization tendencies, buildings and adjoining areas in central parts of cities are often abandoned and the activities move to the periphery. If we want to return the social function to the urban interior, as a place of pleasant encounters and relationships, we need to approach its formation with respect to current trends in the development of human society. From the perspective of sustainable development, it is also necessary not to extend the boundaries of urbanized area to adjacent landscape, while abandoning the central locations in cities, but to maintain their intensive character. From this point of view, it is necessary to realize, that it is the greenery that gives the city an opportunity to perceive public spaces as an integral part of urban life and not just as places that people walk through having no reason to stay longer than necessary. Application of greenery in urban interior provides many positive features to the city. Greenery is an added value that can also operate independently as a functional unit that links the other functions of the urban organism. Both in its solitary form and in line or area applications. Along with water elements, urban furniture, various hard surfaces and landscaping, greenery creates a pleasant and interesting living environment in the city that can be desirable and sought-after again.
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Řešení brownfields v rámci České republiky - Tepna Náchod / The Brownfields solutions within the Czech Republic - Tepna NachodSoška, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis The Brownfield solutions within the Czech republic - Tepna Náchod, solves the unused territory after the former textile factory in close proximity to the historical centre of the city. The thesis deals with the analysis of the current state of the territory, its problems and the proposal of the new urban structure. It focuses on working with public space, a block structure linked to the historical centre and connecting the area to its surroundings. The aim is to create a functioning urban structure in an interesting city location.
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Bydlení v bývalém továrním areálu OP Prostějov / Housing in the Former Factory OP ProstějovTomaňová, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
This project is focused on the conversion of the former factory area of OP Prostejov company, which is located in the Eastern part of the city Prostejov, close to the R46 highway. OP Prostejov company bankrupted in the year 2010 and since that year the area has been falling into disrepair. I approach this area in my thesis as new polyfunctional city district, which contains places for sport, relaxing, administration, commercialism, education, culture and living. I focus especially on the living function of this area, which is located in its Eastern part. Nowadays those buildings are being gradually dismantled, most of their parts have been practically taken out but the supporting construction system still remains. The view to those naked objects (bare steel-concrete skeleton) let us to see the energy of the historical development and also the legacy of the industrial past period. That historical view became the basement of my concept. My idea is to create different flats by the combination of separate units and residential containers (see scheme of flats). The flat solutions are done in some variations (from 1+kk to 3+kk). The entrances to the flats are from the external area, with some stairs and their own garden - it means analogically to live in family house, which is the dream of many people.
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Bydlení v uvolněných objektech bývalých brněnských textilních továren / Housing in released buildings of former Brno´s textile factoriesSedláková, Anežka January 2010 (has links)
The doctoral thesis is concentrated on housing as selected manner to convert the released textile factories. In the first part was attention given to history which confirmed the high recovery factor of Brno´s industrial past to reuse. Next part was focused on analysis of the XXth century forms of collective housing, especially the loft housing, to characterize the perspective habitation in selected factories. Finally was the contemporary housing observed through three specific aspects to aim the conversion of Brno´s textile factories.
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Veřejná prostranství města Brna - teoretická práce / Public spaces of the city of Brno - theoretical workLelkes, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
Master´s thesis adresses the issue of public spaces of inner city of Brno. These spaces have good prerequisities to become attractive places for everyday use or for spending a good free time. These prerequsities include for example compact city structure, well defined public spaces, walking city distances, presence of public and commercial facilities and distinctive genius loci. But public spaces in these localities often do not fulfill their own potential and stay as average free space inbetween buildings. Thesis suggests a detailed system for categorisation of squares and streets in the inner city of Brno and examines the reasons for potential non-fulfillment on these typologies, it tries to find out the problems of public spaces and how they can be solved.
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