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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Offentligupphandling av samverkansentreprenad : Public procurement of partnering

Johansson, Lars January 2006 (has links)
For several years there have been lots of structural changes in the construction process, discussions on how to find new ways to collaborate have been developed to avoid problems, with lack of trust, high prices, environment and quality problems. Partnering is not a new form of contracting, only a new way for contractor, owner and designer to work together. The main benefits of this new thinking have been to change from transaction- to relationship businesses. The customer and the project are always in focus. To achieve these results there has to be total sincerity and openness from all of the project participants. Common goals with trust, reliance and openness are the main factors in making this partnership functional. With the introduction of this new form of collaboration, discussions have been made on how partnering will be affected by public procurement. The purpose with this study is to increase my knowledge about partnering and to acquire knowledge on how partnering should be publically procured. The objective of this study is to investigate how partnering should be publically procured accordingly to the Public Procurement Act (LOU). To achieve this goal, information retrieval and research has been done at the University library. A draft was made of already accomplished local partnering procurements, and where handed out to two owners and contractors. It was later followed up with dialogues och interviews. The owners and contractors were united in the opinion on how the drafts should be made, but there was a difference of opinion on how the draft was to be made applicable to public procurement. The study showed that the draft was based on soft criterias, which could allow an influenced subjective judgement from the owner. The public offices have to prove open competition, fair judgement and none discrimination. Before choosing partnering as a collaboration form, the public buyer has to have a proper organisation and must be prepared for the hard work that will follow. Reference objects should be studied so that the Public Procurement Act will be followed. / Under många år har byggbranschen varit i stora strukturella förändringar och i diskussioner har det framkommit behov av att hitta nya samarbetsformer för att komma från problem med höga kostnader, brist på förtroende och andra kvalitets- och miljöproblem. Partnering är ingen ny entreprenadform utan ett nytt sätt att samarbeta för beställare, entreprenörer och konsulter. Den stora skillnaden som partnering medför är nytänkandet som frångår de traditionella transaktionsaffär och övergår till relationsaffär med kunden med projektet i fokus. För att ett partneringsamarbete skall fungera måste samtliga aktörer tänka på ett helt nytt sätt. Detta uppnås bland annat genom att samtliga parter tillsammans arbetar fram gemensamma mål och arbetar med total öppenhet kring ekonomi, teknik, kvalitet, miljö och konflikter. Samarbetet skall vara baserat på öppenhet, förtroende och tillit. Genom att diskutera fram de bästa lösningarna för projektet skall kompetensen från samtliga aktörer lyftas fram och förhoppningsvis kommer detta att leda till en bättre produkt. Arbetssättet stimulerar alla inblandade parter och det ges utrymme för nya innovativa idéer. Vid införandet av den nya samarbetsformen har diskussioner uppkommit om hur dessa projekt upphandlas vid offentlig upphandling. Syftet med arbetet är att ge större kännedom om hur offentlig upphandling av partnering bör genomföras. Målet med examensarbetet är att utreda hur en samverkansentreprenad bör upphandlas enligt lagen om offentlig upphandling. För att utreda om offentlig upphandling av partnering går att tillämpa av offentliga beställare gjordes först en litteraturstudie där byggprocessen och tidigare genomförda samverkansentreprenader studerades. Utifrån den ökade kunskapsnivån kunde en anbudsförfrågan utarbetas och prövas i det lokala näringslivet genom samtal och intervjuer. Anbudsförfrågan har tagits fram utifrån referensobjekt som lokala offentliga beställare använt vid upphandling av partnering. Åsikterna från näringslivet om hur anbudsförfrågan skall vara utformad var relativt enhetliga. Däremot skiljde sig åsikterna i om förfrågan går att tillämpa vid offentlig upphandling. Studien visar att anbudsförfrågan baseras på mjuka kriterier, vilket kan medge stor inverkan av subjektiv bedömning från beställaren. Den offentliga beställaren skall visa på sund konkurrens, rättvis bedömning samt kunna påvisa icke-diskriminering, likabehandling och proportionalitet. Innan en offentlig beställare väljer att upphandla ett partneringsamarbete bör organisationen vara väl utvecklad för ett samarbete som kräver mycket av beställaren. Referensobjekt av samma typ bör studeras och vidare utveckla bedömningsverktyg som följer LOU:s regelverk klart och tydligt.

Development of an Open Source Hourly Building Energy Modeling Software Tool

Hanam, Brittany 14 June 2010 (has links)
Computer building energy simulations are an important tool in the design of low-energy buildings. Building energy modeling is used to predict annual energy consumption, determine peak loads for sizing equipment, complete cost-payback analysis to select appropriate energy efficiency measures, and show compliance with standards. While energy modeling is a cost effective tool to assist in design, there are a number of challenges in the current building energy modeling industry. Most energy modeling programs are too technical to be used by architects, and too complex for early design when many system parameters are not known. Programs that are easy to use lack accuracy and the ability to model new, innovative systems. Programs that allow the simulation of new systems are very complex and have a high learning curve for engineers. In this thesis, a computer program that was developed to model building energy loads and energy consumption of mechanical systems is presented. The program, entitled “Building Energy and Loads Analysis” (BELA), has a transparent, open architecture to allow additions and changes, and it facilitates the simulation of simple early design and detailed later design. BELA is currently a simple, single-zone model but it could be expanded at a later date. The program consists of two stages: the loads model and the systems model. In the loads model, users define a building through a series of inputs. The program uses these inputs to calculate the total heat transfer acting on the space, which is the total heating or cooling load on the space. The systems model calculates the total energy consumption of the building. These calculations are performed hourly for one year. Two heating and cooling systems models have been created, radiant heating and cooling, and fan coil units, both with a dedicated outdoor air system to provide ventilation. The output of the loads model can be used to view the loads on the buildings, and to view how enclosure design parameters such as amount of insulation or type of window affect the building loads. The output of the systems model shows the total energy consumption of the building for one year. It can be used to compare different mechanical systems and evaluate various design parameters within the systems. The BELA program is used to create a natural ventilation model in order to demonstrate the implementation of an innovative system, and to compare the energy consumption of a naturally ventilated building to a mechanically ventilated building. The case study model showed that natural or hybrid ventilation can reduce building energy consumption when designed properly, however when used incorrectly it can significantly increase energy consumption. For scenarios where opening sizes were not restricted to provide only the necessary airflow, energy consumption of natural ventilation was higher than with the dedicated outdoor air system. This was due to the increased space heating and cooling loads from excessive unconditioned air entering the building. When opening sizes were limited to provide only the required airflow rates and to take advantage of free cooling, energy consumption for a year was reduced by 3.5%. This simulation showed that natural ventilation may save a small amount of energy when designed correctly. However, designers should evaluate it concurrently with other energy efficiency measures that may provide greater energy savings.

Analysis and Cases Study of BEMS Application and Its Classification Indexes

Peng, Li-te 17 January 2007 (has links)
In the year of 1990, the BEMS concept has been developed into an open web-based structure where internet has been utilized widely. Universally adapted communication protocols, such as BACNet and Lonworks have been applied in engineering practices and created huge opportunity for building energy conservation designs. In this research, the development of the BEMS system has been discussed and analyzed in detail including its hardware infrastructure and software requirements, so that the HVAC , lighting and power subsystems can be integrated while remote control can be achieved. The classification of BEMS system, to be adapted in Taiwan, has been proposed and published by the end of year 2006, which enables real-time online building energy auditing with energy conservation potential assessed. Design examples, such as general hospitals, department stores, hotels, have been selected and analyzed to demonstrate the feasibility in adapting BEMS system in Taiwan with successful results.

Team process of college students' information system development projects

Sheu, Woan-Chyi 27 June 2000 (has links)
Project course is the necessary course of MIS departments of domestic universities at the present day. A team is composed of many students who are led by team advisor to apply the professional knowledge they learned and the human relationship skills they have. Team members develop information systems by communication¡Bcoordination and collaboration. In this research, the understanding of operation and critical factors that affected among members are studied. Our research found that the factors affected operation of team members are characteristics of team¡Bnorms of organization, and characteristics of project.. In detail, characteristics of team include the composition¡Bmotivation¡Bexperience of team members and the leading style of advisor. Norms of Organization include the standards of the course. Characteristics of project include the nature and the work structure of the project. Characteristics of team¡Bnorms of organization, and characteristics of project could affect the communication¡Bcoordination and collaboration of the team. Norms of organization would also affect the forming of characteristics of team. The process of team building would affect the achievement of task and the degree of satisfaction of team members.

Planering av en del av Vätterstranden i Jönköping

Lierud, Oskar January 2007 (has links)
<p>This essay will discuss the process of drawing a restaurant – the position of the house lot, requirements from the authority and architectural quality.</p><p>During the summer months are many people celebrating their spare time in the beach in Jönköping, by the shore of Lake Vättern. There is some existing buildings in this area that is not used by a general public. In cooperation with the municipality of Jönköping and a person who wants to operate a restaurant on the beach, is this essay a proposal of how this part of the shore of Lake Vättern can look in the future.</p><p>The focus of the work is to design a restaurant. This is made on the basis of the interviews that have been made with the operators of the area and a thought building, and from the existing rules of the performing and designing of a restaurant.</p><p>The planned restaurant is placed in an area where it today is a public toilet. A demand from the municipality for building a restaurant here is to make new public toilets here, which can be better looked after than the existing ones.</p><p>The restaurant will approximately have places for 70 eating persons inside, and 100 persons outside. Since a lot of people are in this area during the summer is a kiosk placed connected to the restaurant kitchen that easily can be reached from the beach walk.</p><p>The restaurant has to be flexible to serve many necessary purposes – you can both make fast purchases from a kiosk, as well as being there eating a fancy Christmas dinner. To draw consumers during colder seasons is it necessary to have a restaurant that gives a proper impression for that kind of business too.</p>

Problematik och lösningar vid våtrumsstambyten

Andersson, Magnus January 2008 (has links)
<p>Litteraturstudier visar att det mellan år 1961 och 1970 byggdes 600 000</p><p>flerbostadshus i Sverige, tiden är nu inne för en renovering av dessa byggnaders</p><p>våtrumsstammar. De tekniker som konkurrerar om de stora renoveringsarbetena</p><p>är den klassiska stambytesrenoveringen, Relining och Prefab-badrum. Huvuddelen</p><p>av denna uppsats utgörs av en undersökning av de tre teknikerna men rapporten</p><p>beskriver också problem som kan uppstå vid renoveringar av våtrumsstammar och</p><p>den ger en allmän redovisning för Sveriges byggnadsbestånd.</p><p>Den klassiska stamrenoveringsmetoden, då det gamla badrummet rivs ut och ett</p><p>nytt badrum byggs upp utifrån den gamla stommen, är ett omfattande och</p><p>tidskrävande projekt. För att minimera bland annat kostnader, byggtid och</p><p>byggavfall har man tagit fram nya, mindre tidskrävande tekniker.</p><p>Så sent som år 1990 gjordes den första Relining renoveringen i Sverige. Denna är</p><p>idag intakt vilket tyder på att livslängden för denna typ av renovering är minst 18</p><p>år. Tack vare att rören gjuts får de nya rören varken fogar eller skarvar, vilket</p><p>minskar risken för fuktskador. Efter ett stambyte då man använt sig av Relining</p><p>kan dock en mindre kunnig konsument tro att badrummet är intakt och kommer</p><p>att så vara en lång tid framöver, men eftersom endast ledningarna renoveras, skulle</p><p>detta kunna leda till att ett tätskikt kan fortsätta att läcka utan något ingrepp görs.</p><p>Prefab-badrummen, vars teknik också är ny, bygger på att ett nytt badrum byggs i</p><p>det gamla, vilket minimerar rivningsarbetet. När Rum i Rum AB renoverar</p><p>badrummen använder de sig utav en ventilationsspalt för att eventuell framtida</p><p>fukt ska kunna ventileras ut genom öppningen vid tröskeln in till badrummet.</p><p>Detta är en prisvärd renovering som innefattar ett framtidstänkande, då eventuella</p><p>läckor kan upptäckas direkt så några skador inte hinner bildas. Det finns dock en</p><p>risk för en ”prefab” känsla ges, det vill säga mindre valmöjligheter när det gäller</p><p>utformningen.</p><p>Nu när miljonprogrammet kommer att behöva en stamrenovering anser jag att</p><p>Prefab-badrummen är det bästa alternativet. De flesta av dessa badrum har</p><p>liknande eller till och med samma utformning, vilket skulle gynna den utvecklade</p><p>logistiken som finns inom Prefab-badrummen för att då hinna med all renovering</p><p>som behövs.</p>

Bostaden och de boende

Hedlund, Linnea, Linbro, Ida January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>We all have experience of dwelling, which means that everyone can have an opinion about the architecture of the dwelling. Today the building companies do not have time enough to investigate which architecture qualities their clientele ask for in their apartments. JM AB use to call their apartments “generous city apartments”. But do these apartments fulfill the needs of their dwellers? And what would the apartments look like if they were designed according to the wishes of the dwellers? When JM AB get knowledge about the dwellers needs and wishes they can make even better apartments for their future customers.</p><p>The purpose and the objective with this report are to draw up proposals for tenant owner flat. These apartments were designed in view of the dwellers needs and wishes.</p><p>Literature studies were performed and underlie for the apartment proposals and the opinion poll. Literature about planning of dwelling, human needs, use and availability and architectural qualities and esthetics were used.</p><p>A quantitative investigation was performed where polls were carried out to the dwellers in JM AB’s apartments in Jonkoping. The result of the opinion poll explained how the dwellers experience their apartments and if there is any wishes of possible improvements. The majority of the dwellers were satisfied with their apartments, the result of the opinion poll shows that the apartments could be improved, however.</p><p>Taking literature and the result of the opinion poll as a starting point, proposals of apartment planning has been sketched. These sketches resulted in the four final apartments.</p><p>Work has been done on the details to strengthen the architectural quality of the four final apartments. Some of the qualities that dwellers ask for are open planning with a private and introvert part and the hall as a secluded room, bathroom right next to the bedroom and good daylight in the living room. Work has even been done on the apartments to attain to the building standards and the official recommendations that are to create a good living environment. To get an idea of how the apartments will be experienced in the reality the apartments were visualized in 3D.</p><p>The apartments of JM AB are today already well planned and fulfill many of the qualities that the dwellers wish according to the opinion poll. The opinion poll gave new knowledge and wider insight in what the dwellers appreciate. With this knowledge JM AB can further develop their apartments and attain to a higher grade of architectural quality.</p>

Jämförelse av takkonstruktioner

Hedby, Tobias, Winnberg, Dan January 2006 (has links)
<p>The background to this final thesis is that our mandator, A-hus, was interested to examine which roof system that would be most appropriate to their types of houses. To investigate this, we first conducted an evaluation of the most commonly used roof systems in Sweden today: decking, board, roof cloth and prefabricated roof cassettes.</p><p>To gather information about the different systems we have conducted interviews with several professionals within the construction industry, done an extensive literature study, and gathered information from the Internet.</p><p>Based on the evaluation of roof systems and the literature, we analyzed advantages and disadvantages of the roof systems from three main perspectives: system characteristics, economics and other characteristics. We found these perspectives to be the most relevant when selecting a roof system.</p><p>The main perspectives comprise three categories which are graded. These grades are then added together for a score for each main perspective and a total score for the three main perspectives. Then we compared the systems and, based on the scores, suggested one roof system as the most suitable for A-hus.</p><p>Our result suggests that the prefabricated roof cassettes probably is the best solution for A-hus, but only if it is possible to standardize the cassettes and still maintain the flexibility to match A-hus’ house types. If this can be realized, the high planning costs, which currently are a major part of the total costs, can decrease. In time, even the high costs for site assembling can decrease. The main advantage with the roof cassettes is the possibility to eliminate almost all moist, which otherwise are complicated to deal with.</p>

Redesign of an existing apartment block in Kv Preussen to passive house / Omprojektering av befintligt flerbostadshus på Kv Preussen till passivhus

Faxå, Magnus, Ranwald, Emil January 2006 (has links)
<p>Passive houses are a relatively new concept in Sweden and by that it is meant a house without a traditional heating system. The most acknowledged passive house project is the terrace houses in Lindås, Gothenburg, which we have used as a reference. This project concerns a square apartment block. So far, no square apartment block has been built as a passive house in Sweden.</p><p>The common opinion in the construction industry is that it is not economical to build extremely energy efficient houses. With Peab as commissioner our task was to investigate if that is true, if regarding the construction of a multi storey house as a passive house</p><p>Midroc, now owned by Peab, constructed in the block of Preussen in Jönköping during 2004-2005 four houses, with 132 apartments distributed on seven floors. The façade is brick and the core is concrete with wooden exterior walls.</p><p>The amount of energy per house was estimated to120 kWh/m2 and year.</p><p>The four houses were approximated to be 4,5 million SEK more expensive if they were to be constructed as passive houses, which according to our calculation, will be paid off within eleven years. In our opinion the houses could have been constructed as passive ones with defendable economy. Our energy calculation program shows an energy use of 65 kWh/m2yr.</p><p>The windows are extremely efficient and the walls consist of about 450 mm insulation. The central ventilation system was changed into smaller ones installed in each apartment. These are more efficient, makes individual measuring possible and promotes a better indoor environment.</p><p>The houses have to have, in addition to the recycled heating from the ventilation, extra energy during 22 days per year. To manage that need without help from direct electricity, we have ideas of integrating the bedrock heating, which is our base energy resource for producing warm water, with the ventilation system, but we have not analysed how such a system will look like.</p><p>Sun panels of different types have been evaluated but were not considered to be economically profitable if installed in addition to the bedrock heating.</p>

Viking Future Centre : Vision om en identitetsbyggnad i Göteborg / Viking Future Centre : Vision of an identity building in Gothenburg

Larsson, Jimmy January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis project is a vision of an identity building in Gothenburg, situated on the pier called Bananpiren. The purpose of the project is to create interest and stimulate discussions around the place and the building.In order to gain inspiration of what such a place can contain and express, a number of similar projects have been analysed, for example the Sydney Opera and the Yokohama International Port Terminal.A number of suggestions was then created and analysed, all of which are presented in chronological order in order to show the rejections and the developed designs that resulted in the final formation to proceed with.The result was finalised in a number of presentation images of the project that can be used by Cullbergs Arkitektkontor AB when presenting the project.</p> / <p>Examensarbetet är en vision till en identitetsbyggnad i Göteborg belägen på Bananpiren. Idén med projektet är att väcka intresse och skapa diskussion över platsen och byggnaden.För att få inspiration över vad en sådan här plats kan innehålla och förmedla har liknade projekt analyserats, till exempel Sydneyoperan och Yokohama international port terminal.Under genomförandet har en mängd förslag testats och analyserats, här redovisas i kronologisk ordning hur de olika förslagen har utvecklats eller förkastats innan vi kom fram till en slutlig utformning att jobba vidare på.Resultatet ledde till att Cullbergs Arkitektkontor AB fick en mängd presentationsbilder över projektet som de kan använda sig av i presentationer av projektet.</p>

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