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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emergent good practice approaches to business support : implications for local government

Ackron, Johan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Policy makers and development practitioners particularly in developing countries face daunting challenges in formulating strategies to achieve sustained growth and improved standards of living through productive engagement of the population in the economy rather than through welfare transfers. Business activities are self-sustaining and therefore have the potential to contribute greatly through the economic system to the creation of sustainable employment and prosperity. Yet many developing countries are faced with inadequate levels of business activity and business growth. Historical approaches to stimulating and supporting business development have proved largely cost ineffective and unequal to the challenge. The hypothesis that fundamental paradigm shifts in the approach to business support are taking place internationally is tested in this thesis. Key features of an evolving entrepreneurial approach to business support are identified and described representing the defining elements of the new business development support paradigm. Institutional implications of the approach in the context of institutional development theory and current approaches to the stimulation of local economic development at local community level are also discussed, as are key implications of the new paradigm for local government. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Beleidmakers en praktisyns in ontwikkelende lande staar uitdagings in die gesig wat betref die handhawing van volgehoue ontwikkeling en die verbetering van lewensstandaarde by wyse van werkgeleentheidskepping en produktiewe betrokkenheid van die bevolking by die ekonomie eerder as deur sosiale welvaarts oordragte. Sake bedrywe en 'n dinamiese sakesektor het die potensiaal om aansienlik by te dra tot volhoubare ontwikkeling. Maar die meeste ontwikkelende lande ondervind ontoereikende vlakke van sake aktiwiteit en van groei in die omvang van die sakesektor. Benaderings tot die stimulering van uitbreiding van die sakesektor as grondslag vir volgehoue werkskepping is in die verlede grootliks koste ondoeltreffend en die resultate was ontoereikend. Die hipotese dat daar 'n fundamentele aanpassing van die paradigma onderliggend aan benaderings tot stimulering van die sakesektor as deel van algehele ontwikkelingsstrategie plaasvind word in die tesis getoets. Kern eienskappe van 'n nuwe benadering word geidentifiseer en omskryf. Institusionele implikasies van die benadering in die samehang van ontwikkelingsteorie en huidige benaderings tot plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling op plaaslike gemeenskapsvlak word ook bespreek, asook kern implikasies van die nuwe paradigma vir plaaslike regering.

Strategy implementation with reference to the Grainco Group

Van Schaik, Henri 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Successful strategy implementation is necessary in order for a strategic plan to be worthwhile for a business. Research has indicated that companies are often weak at strategic execution and it is held that weak execution is often the reason for a failed strategy or business. The execution of a strategy is, however, far more complex and difficult than the formulation of a good strategy. A reason for this is the fact that relatively few conceptual models for strategy execution exist while this field attracts less attention in research than the field of strategy formulation. Recent publications focus narrowly on specific areas such as leadership or performance measurement and fail to integrate these traditional views on business management into a single model for strategy implementation. GrainCo Group, a grain supply chain management company, does not follow a pre-defined strategy execution methodology and could, as a result, be missing out on profitable business opportunities. The group’s management team agrees that its ability to successfully execute strategy is hampered by a lack of such a methodology. This forms the basis for this research report where the question asked is the following: What framework can GrainCo Group adopt in an effort to improve strategy execution in the Group? It was found that strategy execution spans all aspects of business management and cannot be viewed in isolation. Strategy implementation should therefore be seen as an integrated, boundary-less set of activities where information flows unrestricted between all business units and constant focus is placed on both “hard” and “soft” management issues. Information flows and clarity about decision rights are of critical importance when applying a process perspective to business management. Strategy implementation cannot be viewed as a distinct event and should become inherent in the company’s management style. It was further suggested that the GrainCo Group adopt a combination of two of the most representative strategy implementation methodologies together with changes to a number of important elements of management style. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vermoë om ‘n sakestrategie suksesvol uit te voer is ‘n noodsaaklike voorvereiste vir ‘n strategiese plan om van waarde te wees. Navorsing het aangedui dat maatskappye dikwels nie goed vaar in die uitvoering van sakestrategie nie en dat swak uitvoering dikwels lei to die ondergang van ‘n besigheid of strategie. Die uitvoering van ‘n strategie is egter baie meer kompleks as die blote formulering daarvan. ‘n Rede vir bogenoemde is die feit dat daar relatief min konseptuele modelle vir die uitvoering van sakestrategie bestaan terwyl hierdie veld minder aandag trek in navorsing as die formulering van strategie. Onlangse publikasies fokus op spesifieke areas soos leierskap en prestasiemeting en slaag nie daarin om hierdie tradisionele areas van bestuur te kombineer in ‘n enkele model vir die uitvoering van sakestrategie nie. GrainCo Groep, ‘n graan-voorsieningsketting bestuursmaatskappy, maak tans nie gebruik van ‘n spesifieke model vir die uitvoering van sakestrategie nie en die groep se bestuurspan stem saam dat sy vermoë om strategie suksesvol uit te voer hierdeur ondermyn word. Voorgenoemde vorm die basis van hierdie navorsingsverslag waarin die volgende vraag gevra word: Watter raamwerk vir die uitvoering van sakestrategie kan die GrainCo Groep aawend om meer suksesvol te wees met die uitvoering van strategie? Navorsing het getoon dat die uitvoering van strategie alle aspekte van sakebestuur aanraak en dat dit nie in isolasie gesien kan word nie. Uitvoering behoort gevolglik gesien te word as ‘n grenslose, geïntegreerde reeks van aktiwiteite waar inligting onbelemmer vloei tussen alle sake-eenhede terwyl gereelde aandag gegee word aan die “harde” en “sagte” aspekte van sakebestuur. Die vloei van inligting en duidelikheid oor besluitnemingsregte is van kritieke belang in so ‘n geïntegreerde model. Die uitvoering van strategie kan ook nie in isolasie gesien word nie en behoort ‘n integrale deel te vorm van ‘n onderneming se bestuurstyl. Dit word voorgestel dat die GrainCo Groep ‘n kombinasie van die twee mees verteenwoordigende modelle vir die uitvoering van sakestrategie aanneem tesame met die aanpassing van ‘n aantal belangrike elemente van die maatskappy se bestuurstyl.

Micro strategy and strategising in the financial services industry in Namibia

Feldmann, Silke A. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aangesien dit in praktyk erken word dat strategie ‘n natuurlike komplekse saak is, is die relevante strategiese prosesse en aktiwiteite binne organisasies ondersoek, met die doel van die studie om dieper begrip te verkry van die strategiese rolle wat lei tot die formulering en uitvoering van die strategie. Daar word bevind dat mededingende voordele gevind word uit unieke strategiese prosesse binne die organisasie, wat weer afhanklik is van spesifieke faktore, gedrag, redevoering en kommunikasie, asook op die vlak van verdeelde strategiese verstandhouding binne die organisasie. Die finansiële dienste industrie in Namibië vorm die fokus van hierdie studie. Finansiële dienste maatskappye word geag as gewaagde, hoogs komplekse instansies, as gevolg van die verskeidenheid ontasbare produkte en dienste wat hulle aanbied. Die besigheidsmodelle wat aangewend word, het ontwikkel in hoogs gesofistikeerde prosesstelle wat gewigtige beleggings in tegnologie en besigheidssisteme vereis. Capricorn Investment Holdings (CIH) is as praktyk studie gebruik om ondersoek in te stel na die mikro-strategie en leiding binne die finansiële dienste industrie in Namibië. Vir die rede is die fokus op die bankwese (Bank Windhoek) en versekerings maatskappye (Welwitschia Nammic Versekerings Makelaars en Santam Namibië). Bank Windhoek, Welwitschia Nammic Versekerings Makelaars en Santam Namibië is dogtersmaatskappye van CIH. Daar is baie voordele verbonde aan die ondersoek van die beplanning van die mikro-strategiese perspektief, soos deur beide die dinamiese en die nagevolge van die strategie aksie te beklemtoon, terwyl daar vergunning gemaak word vir ‘n baie beter begrip van die veelvoudige faktore wat die strategiese prosesses beinvloed. Hierdie sluit in sosiale, politieke en ekonomiese samehang waarin strategiese aksie plaasgevind het. Die hoofbevindings van hierdie studie is dat strategiese prosesse minder gestruktureerd is by groepsvlak, as in die dogtersmaatskappye. Die kultuur van die organisie, insluitende die gedrag en optrede van die leiers, bepaal die strategiese dink vermoeë van die werknemers. Verder bewys die bevindings dat strategiese bekwaamheid sterker is by die leierskap vlak en dat bekwame maatskappye waarskynlik meer belanghebbendes sal insluit in die formulering van hul strategie. Die bevindings stel ook voor dat daar ‘n behoefte is om instinktiewe benaderings-praktyke tot die strategie ontwikkeling in te sluit. Ten laaste, formele beplannings prosesse oortref die interaksies waar strategie ontwikkel is, deur informele gesprekke en besprekings. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since it is recognised that strategy-as-a-practice is an inherently complex affair, the relevant strategic processes and activities within organisations were explored, with the purpose of the study being to gain a deeper understanding of the strategising roles that lead to the formulation and implementation of strategy. It was found that competitive advantage comes from unique strategic processes within the organisation, which, in turn, depend on specific actors, behaviours, discourse and communication, as well as on the level of shared strategic understanding within the organisation. The financial services industry in Namibia formed the focus of the study. Financial services companies are regarded as risky, highly complex institutions, because of the mostly intangible products and services they offer. The business models they employ have evolved into highly sophisticated sets of processes that require heavy investments in technology and business systems. Capricorn Investment Holdings (CIH) was used as a case study to examine micro strategy and strategising within the financial services industry in Namibia. Focus was therefore placed on banking (Bank Windhoek) and insurance companies (Welwitschia Nammic Insurance Brokers and Santam Namibia). Bank Windhoek, Welwitschia Nammic Insurance Brokers and Santam Namibia are subsidiary companies of CIH. Examining strategising from the micro strategic perspective has many advantages, such as highlighting both the dynamics and the consequences of strategic action, while allowing for a much richer understanding of the multiple factors that influence strategic processes. These include the social, political and economic contexts within which strategic action has occurred. The main findings of this study are that strategising processes are less structured at group level than within the subsidiary companies. The culture of the organisation, including the behaviours of leaders, determines the strategic thinking capabilities of staff. Moreover, the findings show that strategising capabilities are stronger at leadership level and that mature companies are likely to involve more stakeholders in the formulation of their strategy. The findings also suggest that there is a need to include intuitive approaches in strategy development. Lastly, within CIH formal strategising processes outweigh those interactions where strategy is developed through informal talks and discussions.

The strategic considerations of a business strategy for SASOL Polymers PP Business

Marais, Lynette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Business strategy provides direction to Sasol Polymers PP and deserves the attention of all levels in the organization. Strategic management can be defined as an explicit guide that allows the organization to specify objectives, formulate plans to achieve these objectives and then allocate resources to execute the plans to achieve the desired outcomes. The business strategy process involves identifying Sasol Polymers PP's business environment, its resources, circumstances within which it operates and its competitive advantages. There is a basic three step process in formulating a business strategy. 1. Determine where Sasol Polymers PP currently stands. 2. Determine where Sasol Polymers PP wants to go. 3. Determine how Sasol Polymers PP will get there. The research report validates not only the importance of business strategy and the essential components of the strategic management process, but also the importance of strategy execution within Sasol Polymers PP. The implication is that managers within Sasol Polymers PP need to achieve synergy between the strategy of the organisation and the people that must execute the strategy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bedryfstrategie voorsien rigting aan die organisasie en verdien die aandag van alle vlakke in die organisasie. Strategiese bestuur kan beskryf word as 'n eksplisiete gids wat die organisasie toelaat om doeleindes te spesifiseer, planne te formuleer om hierdie doeleindes te bereik en dan bronne aanwys om planne te implementeer om die verlangde uitkomstes te bereik. Die proses behels identifisering van Sasol Polymers PP se besigsheidsomgewing, sy bronne, omstandighede waarin die maatskappy opereer en sy mededingende voordele. Daar is 'n basiese drie stap proses in die formulering van 'n bedryfstrategie. 1. Bepaal waar Sasol Polymers PP nou staan. 2. Bepaal waar Sasol Polymers PP wil wees. 3. Bepaal hoe Sasol Polymers PP daar wil uitkom. Die navorsingsverslag valideer nie net die belangrikheid van bedryfstrategie en die noodsaaklike komponente van die bedryfstrategieproses nie, maar ook die belangrikheid van strategie uitvoering binne Sasol Polymers PP. Die implikasie daarvan is dat bestuurders binne Sasol Polymers PP sinergie tussen die strategie van die maatskappy en die mense wat die strategie moet uitvoer moet bereik.

Investigating growth within a company

Dreyer, Johann 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The sustainable growth rate of a company is investigated, by comparing the self-financeable growth rate as defined by Churchill and Mullins (2001), with the cash flow sustainable growth rate as defined by Hamman (1996). The purpose of this research is to identify the behaviour, characteristics and benefits that each rate displays by investigating changes in sales growth, profit margins, working capital and cash flow analysis. The biggest difference between the self-financeable growth rate (Churchill & Mullins, 2001) and the cash flow sustainable growth rate (Hamman, 1996) is the definition of cash as generated from sales (self-financeable growth rate) and cash generated from operating activities (cash flow sustainable growth rate). Cash generated from sales includes accounts receivable or payable, and represents the amount of cash that is available to reinvest in the growth of a company (according to the self-financeable growth rate). Because this cash (calculated for the self-financeable growth rate) is not immediately realised, the cash flow sustainable growth rate (based on cash flow from operating activities) represents a better measurement of cash available for reinvestment. If the percentage sales growth is less than the cash flow sustainable growth rate (Hamman, 1996), a positive sustainable cash flow from operating activities will be generated. The report also shows this to be true, when the self-financeable growth rate is less than or equal to the cash flow sustainable growth rate. When the growth in sales exceeds the cash flow sustainable growth rate, negative cash flow from operating activities is experienced. This is an indication that internal funding to support the working capital requirements is insufficient and external funding is required. In this investigation the self-financeable growth rate (Churchill & Mullins, 2001), always reflects a positive cash flow from operating activities, regardless of whether the percentage sales growth is higher or lower than that of the self-financeable growth rate. This leads to the question: What check is used to ascertain a company's sustainable performance when using the self-financeable growth rate? That is, if the self-financeable growth rate is exceeded by the sales growth, what indicator becomes relevant under the specific circumstances? As highlighted by Churchill and Mullins (2001), the benefits of sustainable growth rates, provide insight into the short and long-term decisions in a company with regards to: • Reducing overall costs • Changing the profit margins • Managing the working capital requirements • Changing the operating cash cycle. What matters most is not how fast a company can grow its business, but the way in which it is managed. Increasing competitiveness requires innovative ways of optimising resources, but without efficient management of cash flow, a company is most likely to fail. This report, illustrates that, compared to the self-financeable growth rate, the cash flow sustainable growth rate is a more effective tool, in addressing sustainable growth and the management of cash. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Maatskappy se volhoubare groeikoers word ondersoek deur 'n vergelyking te tref tussen die self-gefinansierde groeikoers van Churchill en Mullins (2001), en die kontantvloei volhoubare groeikoers van Hamman (1996). Die doel van die navorsing, is om die verandering in verkope, winsgrense, bedryfskapitaal en die kontantvloei ontleding te ondersoek, ten einde die aard, kenmerke en voordele van die groeikoerse te bepaal. Die grootste verskil tussen die self-gefinansierde groeikoers van Churchill en Mullins (2001), en die kontantvloei volhoubare groeikoers van Hamman (1996) is die definisie van die kontant gegenereer uit verkope (self-gefinansierde groeikoers) en die kontant gegenereer uit bedryfsaktiwiteite (kontantvloei volhoubare groeikoers). Kontant gegenereer uit verkope sluit in rekeninge ontvangbaar of betaalbaar en verteenwoordig die bekikbaarheid van kontant wat herbele kan word in 'n maatskappy se groei (volgens die self-gefinansierde groeikoers). Omdat die kontant (self-gefinansierde groeikoers) nie ommiddelik gerealiseer kan word nie, is die kontantvloei volhoubare groeikoers (kontant gegenereer uit bedryfsaktiwiteite) 'n beter verteenwoordiger van beskikbare kontant wat herbele kan word. As die presentasie groei in verkope minder is as die kontantvloei volhoubare groeikoers (Hamman, 1996) sal 'n positiewe volhoubare kontantvloei vir bedryfsaktiwiteite gegenereer word. Die verslag dui aan dat bogenoemde ook geld, as die self-gefinansierde groeikoers kleiner of gelyk is aan die kontantvloei volhoubare groeikoers. Wanneer die groei in verkope groter word as die kontantvloei volhoubare groeikoers, word negatiewe kontantvloei vir bedryfsaktiwiteite gegenereer. Hierdie is 'n aanduiding dat die interne befondsing wat benodig word om die bedryfskapitaal te bevredig, nie voldoende is nie en eksterne befondsing benodig word. In hierdie ondersoek reflekteer die self-gefinansierde groeikoers (Churchill & Mullins, 2001) altyd 'n positiewe kontantvloei vir bedryfsaktiwiteite, ongeag of die groei in verkope groter of kleiner is as die van die self-gefinansierde groeikoers. Dit lei tot die volgende vraag: Watter maatslaf word gebruik om die volhoubare groei van 'n maatskappy te bepaal as die self-gefinansierde groeikoers toegepas word? Anders gestel, as die groei in verkope, die self-gefinansierde groeikoers oorskry, watter toepaslike aanduiding is relevant onder hierdie omstandighede? Soos beklemloon deur Churchill en Mullins (2001), gee die voordele van volhoubare groeikoerse, insig in kort en langtermyn besluite in 'n maatskappy met betrekking tot: • Vermindering van totale koste • Verandering in winsgrense • Bestuur van bedryfskapitaal behoeftes • Verandering in die bedryfs kontant siklus. Wat van belang is, is nie hoe vinnig 'n maatskappy kan groei nie, maar wat die beste manier is, om dit te bestuur. 'n Verhoging in kompetisie, benodig innoverende maniere om bronne te kan optimiseer en sonder effektiewe betuur van kontant, bestaan die moontlikheid dat 'n maatskappy hierin kan misluk. Hierdie verslag illuslreer, deur te vergelyk met die van die self-gefinansierde groeikoers, dat die kontantvloei volhoubare groeikoers 'n beter, effektiewe maatstaf is, wat betref die adressering van volhoubare groei en die bestuur van kontant.

A business plan for an innovative food retail outlet

Nagel, Christelle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / INTRODUCTION: This research report investigates the feasibility of an innovative food outlet in Cape Town called HOME CHEF. The food and groceries industry is continuously changing to suit the needs of individuals and to respond to current economic and health trends. Charles Darwin observed, “It‟s not the strongest nor the most intelligent creature that survives. It's the one that is most responsive to change” (Goodreads). HOME CHEF is a new business concept with a unique approach to assist people with the acquisition of their groceries and the preparation of their home-cooked meals, whilst providing a variety of different meal options for a typical family. With Darwin‟s theory in mind, HOME CHEF will respond to the changing environment by taking advantage of evolving food and retail trends. HOME CHEF will target a large market that includes the typical fast food, online retail and grocery segment. Because of the demographic variety of the customer base and due to the innovative nature behind the HOME CHEF concept, little information regarding, market trends, operations and existing strategies was available. Innovative approaches had to be used to acquire the information required for a suitable business plan.

Business plan for Fiber Traders International (FTI)

Loots, F. A. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A virtual monopoly has existed in the mohair processing industry for decades. As a result of 25 years of regulated marketing, producers lack marketing experience. This “monopolistic” situation has led to stagnation in production and eventually to alarming decreases world-wide. The aim of this research report is to provide a business plan for a company (Fibre Traders International (Pty) Ltd) that can capitalise on the opportunities in the market for mohair products in order to secure the funding needed to take advantage of these opportunities in a manner which would eventually also empower suppliers and clients. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bokhaar-bedryf gaan reeds vir dekades gebukkend onder ‘n monopolistiese markomgewing binne die eerste vlakke van verwerking. Hierdie situasie is vererger deur produsente se gebrek aan bemarkingservaring asook 25 jaar se beheerde bemarkingsregulasies. Die gevolg was ‘n konstante afname in bokhaarproduksie oor ‘n tydperk van 20 jaar – en die bedryf verkeer tans op die rand van waarskynlik totale uitwissing. Hierdie situasie het Fibre Traders International Pty Ltd (FTI) laat besef dat daar groot geleenthede in die mark ontstaan het vir bokhaarprodukte en die maatskappy het dit ten doel om hierdie geleenthede op sodanige wyse te benut dat produsente en verbruikers uiteindelik ook voordeel daaruit kan trek. Die doel van hierdie besigheidsplan is dat FTI dit kan gebruik om die nodige kapitaal te genereer om hierdie geleenthede te benut.

Crafting and executing an operational strategic plan for a retail product line

Collins, Bradley 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The following research report is titled “Crafting and executing an operational strategic plan for a retail product line”. The report presents operational analysis which results in creating operational strategy which is relevant to current trading conditions and which is clearly aligned with both the organisation’s group and corporate strategic goals. The primary focus is therefore not on the development of organisational strategy, but on strategic implications, interpretation and operational execution. The central research question is described as follows: How can the current operational strategic planning process be improved in order to deliver strategic plans which are aligned and clearly support the key strategic thrusts at group and corporate level? A literature study was conducted by consulting a vast number of books, articles and websites in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest management thinking pertaining to the creation and implementation of strategy. Primary research, which took the form of informal interviews with key personnel, was also conducted in order to ascertain the opinions and insights of individuals who are directly affected by the operational strategic process. The research resulted in a one year operational strategic framework which can be used as a tool by all central buying teams when creating operational strategic plans. The framework allows teams to follow a standardised process which results in concise summary populated with key strategic points. Teams are thus guided by these points and are also prompted to corrective action by ensuring that each strategic action has a measurable outcome. The framework is also populated with group and corporate goals, which act as guiding principles to team members. The final recommendation is that teams allow for a degree of flexibility in the operational strategic actions which were identified in their initial analysis. While key strategic points at group and corporate level will most likely remain unchanged during the course of a financial year, certain operational activities may have to be reconsidered should the micro and macro trading environment change. AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die titel van die volgende navorsingverslag is: “Crafting and executing an operational plan for a retail product line”. Die verslag is ‘n weergawe van ‘n bedryfsontleding wat lei tot die ontwerp van ‘n bedryfs-strategie wat van toepassing is op die huidige handelsmilieu. Die strategie is verder in lyn met beide die organisasie se groep en korparatiewe doelwitte. Die verslag fokus hoofsaaklik op strategiese implikasies, interpretasie en operasionele uitvoering en nie op strategiese ontwikkeling nie. Die sentrale navorsingskwessie word soos volg beskryf: Watter verbeterings kan aangebring word aan die huidige bedryfs-strategiese beplannings proses om sodoende strategiese planne op te lewer wat in lyn sal wees en ondersteuning sal gee aan die sleutel strategiese dryfkrag op groep en korporatiewe vlak. ‘n Aantal sekondêre bronne – boeke,artikels and webwerwe - is nageslaan en ‘n letterkundige studie is gedoen om ‘n omvattende begrip te kry van die nuutste bestuursdenke met betrekking tot die ontwerp en implementering van strategie. Onderhoude is gevoer met sleutel personeel wat gedien het as primere bronne. Sodoende is die opinies en insigte verkry van individue wat direk betrokke is by die bedryfs-strategiese proses. Die ondersoek het as gevolg ‘n bedryfs-strategiese raamwerk. Dit kan as instrument gebruik word deur alle sentrale aanskaffingspanne wanneer hulle bedryfs-strategiese planne ontwerp. Die raamwerk maak voorsiening vir ‘n gestandaardiseerde proses wat kulmineer in ‘n een-bladsy opsomming wat strategiese punte bevat. Die opsomming gee dus rigting aan spanne en hulle word aangespoor tot korrektiewe aksies elk met meetbare uitkomstes. Die raamwerk bevat ook groeps- en korporatiewe doelwitte wat deur spanne as riglyne gebruik kan word. ‘n Finale voorstel is dat spanne voorsiening maak vir ‘n mate van plooibaarheid in die bedryfsstrategiese aksies wat aanvanklik in hul ontledings geidentifiseer was. Sekere strategiese punte sal waarskynlik op groep en korporatiewe vlak onveranderd bly na afloop van die finansiele jaar terwyl sekere bedryfsaktiwiteite heroorweeg sal moet word na gelang van veranderinge in die mikro en makro handelsmileu.

A strategy-as-practice perspective : a case study of a business unit within a multinational engineering organisation

Sithole, Kenneth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research report aims to contribute to the contemporary research discourse within the Strategy-as-Practice (S-as-P) field by studying day-to-day strategising practices that take place within a modern organisation. From an S-as-P point of view, strategy is described as a situated, socially accomplished activity, while strategising comprises those actions, interactions and negotiations of multiple actors and the situated practices that they draw upon in accomplishing that activity (Jarzabkowski, Balogun & Seidl, 2007: 8). Here, strategy is redefined as an action organisations perform rather than a concept organisations ‘have’. This introduces a shift in the strategy process, from a prescriptive approach to a practice approach. In this report, the researcher was able to determine how strategising took place in a Business Unit (BU) at a third-tier level within a multinational engineering organisation. This involved an analysis of how the processes of strategy sense-making and sense-giving took place amongst strategic actors. Furthermore, how this was mediated by strategising methods, strategic tools and artefacts was observed. The research recognised that strategy is socially situated and therefore a social practice. To deal with this dimension, activity theory, discussed by Jarzabkowski (2005), was used as an operational measure to identify micro-social system configurations required to implement strategy. Based on an in-depth single case study of the BU, the researcher’s findings discovered unique roles that multiple actors assume in the strategy implementation process, and how they interacted in the pursuit of goal-oriented strategic initiatives. In that process, different strategising techniques were identified, namely Procedural, Interactive, Pre-active or Integrative. It was also shown how managers used these multiple strategising methods at their disposal to facilitate and mediate strategic initiatives. In an attempt to contextualise these micro-strategising practices, the case study also demonstrated how strategy was translated from broad organisational concepts to BU operational manifestations using internal formal procedures that involved a Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard. This revealed the cascading effect of top-down strategy translation and the gap-closing effect of down-and-up feedback loops in the system. This also exposed how strategy was ‘operationalised’ by decomposing and breaking it down into sub-strategies for implementation, which then created a hierarchy of strategies that were specific to each level of the organisation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingsverslag beoog om by te dra tot die kontemporêre navorsingsgesprek binne die Strategie-as-Praktyk (S-as-P) veld deur dag-tot-dag strategie praktyke wat binne ‘n modern organisasie plaasvind te bestudeer. Vanuit ‘n S-as-P oogpunt, word strategie beskryf as ‘n geposisioneerde, sosiaal-uitgevoerde aktiwiteit, terwyl strategie-beplanning bestaan uit die aksies, interaksies en onderhandelings van onderskeie betrokkenes en die geposisioneerde praktyke waaruit geput word in die uitvoering van daardie aktiwiteit. Strategie word hier herdefinieer as ‘n aksie wat organisasies uitvoer eerder as ‘n konsep wat hulle het. Dit bring ‘n verskuiwing in die strategie proses mee, van ‘n voorskriftelike benadering na ‘n praktiese benadering. Die navorser het in hierdie verslag daarin geslaag om te bepaal hoe strategiese beplanning in ‘n derde vlak Besigheidseenheid (BE) binne ‘n multinasionale ingenieursorganisasie plaasvind. Hiervoor is ‘n analise gedoen van hoe die prosesse van strategiese sin-maak en sin-gee onder strategiese betrokkenes plaasvind. Daarbenewens is waargeneem hoe mediasie deur strategie-beplanningsmetodes, strategiese gereedskap en voorwerpe plaasgevind het. Om met hierdie dimensie om te gaan, is aktiwiteitsteorie, soos bespreek deur Jarzabkowski (2005), gebruik as ‘n operasionele maatstaf om mikro-sosiale sisteem konfigurasies wat vereis word vir implementasie van die strategie te identifiseer. Die navorser se bevindings, gebaseer op ‘n enkele diepgaande gevallestudie van die BE, het unieke rolle geïdentifiseer wat verskeie rolspelers tydens die strategie implementeringsproses aanneem en ook die interaksie wat plaasgevind het in die nastreef van doelgeöriënteerde strategiese inisiatiewe. In die proses is verskillende strategie-tegnieke geïdentifiseer, naamlik Prosedure, Interaktief, Pre-aktief of Integrerend. Daar is ook getoon hoe bestuurders hierdie verskillende beskikbare strategie-metodes aangewend het om strategiese inisiatiewe te fasiliteer en bemiddel. In ‘n poging om hierdie mikro-strategiese praktyke te kontekstualiseer, het die gevallestudie ook aangedui hoe strategie vanaf breë organisatoriese konsepte deur die gebruik van interne formele prosedures, wat ‘n Strategie Kaart en Gebalanseerde Telkaart ingesluit het, omgesit is na operasionele aanwysings vir die BE. Hierdeur is die waterval effek van top- afwaartse omsetting en die gaping-vullende effek van af-en-op terugvoerlusse in die sisteem blootgelê. Dit het ook aangetoon hoe strategie ‘ge-operasionaliseer’ is deur dit te ontkoppel en af te breek tot sub-strategieë vir implementasie, waardeur ‘n hiërargie van strategieë, spesifiek vir elke vlak van die organisasie, geskep is.

Rescuing an information system : analysis of non-performance and recommendations for success

Van Deventer, Sean 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: DeLone and McLeans information system success model was used to evaluate Psiteks information system. The literature helped establish the required status of a successful information system. The literature helped to identify the current status of Psiteks information system by contributing to a set of questions that would provide answers as to the current status of the information system. The current status of Psiteks information system was compared to the required status of a successful information system. This comparison highlighted gaps and to bridge the gaps in the future certain recommendations were made. The recommendations were as follows: the inclusion of users into information system discussions and decisions, training and documentation, process and procedure implementation and information system technical design review. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DeLone en McLean se informasie sisteem sukses model was gebruik om Psitek se informasie sisteem te evalueer. Die literatuur het gehelp om vas te stel wat die gewenste status van ‘n suksesvolle informasie sisteem is. Die literatuur het ook gehelp met die identifisering van Psitek se informasie sisteem se huidige status deur aanleiding te gee tot ‘n stel vrae wat gebruik kon word om informasie in te win oor die huidige status van die informasie sisteem. Die huidige status van Psitek se informasie sisteem was vergelyk met die gewenste status van ‘n suksesvolle informasie sisteem. Hierdie vergelyking het sekere gapings uitgelig en om hierdie gapings in die toekoms te oorbrug is sekere aanbevelings gemaak. Die aanbevelings was soos volg: die betrokkenheid van gebruikers in die informasie sisteem besprekings en besluite, opleiding en dokumentasie, implementering van prosesse en prosedures en hersiening van die informasie sisteem se tegniese ontwerp.

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