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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of plant species, N fertilization and ecosystem engineers on the structure and function of soil microbial communities

Pfeiffer, Birgit 20 December 2013 (has links)
Mikrobielle Gemeinschaften werden direkt und indirekt von einem komplexen System verschiedenster Interaktionen zwischen biotischen und abiotischen Faktoren beeinflusst. So zum Beispiel von verschiedenen Pflanzenarten und ihren jeweiligen Eigenschaften, dem Nährstoffgehalt des Bodens, sowie dem pH-Wert. Im Gegenzug gestalten Mikroorganismen als wichtige Treiber der C- und N-Kreisläufe ihre Umwelt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden mehrere Studien unter kontrollierten Feld- und Laborbedingungen, sowie unter natürlichen Bedingungen im Freiland durchgeführt, um verschiedene Einflussfaktoren zu bestimmen und den Grad ihres Einflusses zu ermitteln. Die Zusammensetzung der prokaryotischen Gemeinschaften in den verschiedenen Bodenproben wurden mit Hilfe phylogenetischer Marker, der 16S-rRNA Gene und der 16S-rRNA, analysiert. Die erhaltenen Amplikon-basierten Daten wurden dann prozessiert und die Indices für Artenvielfalt und Artenreichtum berechnet. Zusätzlich wurden Betadiversitätsanalysen durchgeführt, um Unterschiede in der Zusammensetzung der bakteriellen Gemeinschaft zwischen den verschiedenen Behandlungen sichtbar zu machen. Des Weiteren wurden die erhaltenen DGGE Profile für Clusteranalysen verwendet, um Ähnlichkeiten oder Unterschiede in der Struktur der Bakteriengemeinschaft zwischen den verschiedenen Behandlungen aufzuzeigen. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt einen Einblick über den Einfluss der Baumarten, Baumartendiversität, des Laubes und des Probennahmezeitpunktes auf die Zusammensetzung und Diversität von Bakteriengemeinschaften in Böden. Die erhaltenen Daten zeigten, dass die Laubschicht der Haupteinflussfaktor auf die Zusammensetzung der bakteriellen Gemeinschaft in der Rhizosphäre von jungen Buchen und Eschen ist. Des Weiteren zeigte sich, das verschiedene Baumarten, deren Diversität, sowie saisonale Unterschiede nur einen geringen Einfluss auf die Struktur der bakteriellen Gemeinschaft haben. Zusätzlich konnte gezeigt werden, dass die mikrobielle Gemeinschaftsstruktur nicht signifikant von Buchen- und Eschensetzlingen beeinflusst wird, vermutlich aufgrund des frühen Entwicklungsstadiums der verwendeten Baumsetzlinge. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Buchensetzlinge das Wachstum von Bakterien inhibierten, während das Pilzwachstum gefördert wurde. Dies wurde vermutlich hervorgerufen durch eine Verschiebung des pH-Wertes im Boden verursacht durch buchenspezifische Wurzelausscheidungen. Morphologisch unterschiedliche Baumarten beeinflussen die Struktur und Diversität mikrobieller Gemeinschaften auf verschiedenen Wegen. Die Analyse der Bakterien- und Pilzgemeinschaften in natürlichen Waldböden unter erwachsenen Buchen und Fichten zeigte einen signifikanten Einfluss der untersuchten Baumarten auf deren Zusammensetzung. Es konnte ein Einfluss des pH-Werts auf die Bakterien- und Pilzvielfalt unter den analysierten Fichtenbeständen gezeigt werden. Des Weiteren wurden die Auswirkungen hoher NO3- Depositionen auf die CH4 und N2O Gasflüsse und die aktiven Bakterien- und Archeengemeinschaften in gemäßigten Laubwaldböden mit Hilfe von Mesokosmen untersucht. Es konnte ein starker Effekt der NO3- Düngung auf die CH4 Aufnahmeraten und N2O Emissionen des gedüngten Laubwaldbodens gezeigt werden. Die N-Düngung hemmte die CH4 Aufnahme des Bodens, während die N2O Emission stieg. Die Bakteriengemeinschaft in den gedüngten Mikrokosmen verschob sich im Verlauf des Versuches in Richtung einer denitrifizierenden Gemeinschaft, dominiert durch die Gattung Rhodanobacter. Darüber hinaus konnte eine Reduzierung der bakteriellen Vielfalt und der CO2 Emission innerhalb der N-gedüngten Mikrokosmen gezeigt werden. Des Weiteren sanken die CO2 Emissionsraten in beiden Behandlungen im Verlauf des Experiments. Dies deutet auf eine reduzierte Aktivität der vorhandenen Bodenmikroorganismen hin, möglicherweise hervorgerufen durch eine C Limitierung des verwendeten Waldbodens. Obwohl eine Verschiebung in der relativen Häufigkeit der auftretenden nitrifizierenden Archeen der Gattung Nitrosotalea nachgewiesen wurde, konnte eine signifikante Veränderung in der Zusammensetzung der gesamten Archeengemeinschaft nicht beobachtet werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigten jedoch einen erheblichen Beitrag methylotropher, methanotropher und nitrifizierender Bakterien, welche in geringer Zahl auftraten, in Bezug auf die gemessene CH4 Aufnahme. Des Weiteren wurden die Auswirkungen der Anwesenheit von Ameisen und ihrer Aktivitäten auf die Aktivität und Vielfalt der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften im Boden und Ameisennest untersucht. Ameisen transportierten den von Läusen gewonnenen Honigtau in den Boden und verursachten damit eine Abnahme der mikrobiellen Biomasse in der Streuschicht, während die δ15N-Signatur, die basale Atmung und die mikrobielle Biomasse im Boden erhöht wurden. Im Gegensatz dazu konnten mittels Cluster-Analyse der erstellten DGGE Profile keine deutlichen Unterschiede der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaftsstruktur in den untersuchten Mikrokosmen gezeigt werden. Im Gegensatz dazu beeinflusste die Nestbauaktivität und der Eintrag von organischen Substanzen in den Boden durch die Ameisen jedoch die Struktur der Bakteriengemeinschaften im Freiland. Die Cluster-Analyse der erhaltenen DGGE Profile zeigte Unterschiede in der Zusammensetzung der bakteriellen Gemeinschaft in Abhängigkeit vom Probenentnahmeort und der Ameisenaktivität. Außerdem konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die Struktur der Bakteriengemeinschaft in den Ameisennestern von der im Umgebungsboden unterschied. Ein sekundäres Projekt dieser Arbeit war die Erfassung und der Vergleich der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften in biologischen Bodenkrusten zweier unterschiedlicher Standorte in extrazonalen, trockenen Bergsteppen der nördlichen Mongolei. Die Studie zeigte deutliche Unterschiede in der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaftsstruktur der beiden Standorte, welche sich im Grad der Störung unterschieden.

Diversidade bacteriana do gene 16S rRNA em carvão pirogênico de Terra Preta Antropogênica da Amazônia Central e Oriental / Bacterial diversity of the 16S rRNA gene in pyrogenic black carbon of Anthropogenic Dark Earth from the Central and Oriental Amazon

Mateus de Souza Terceti 28 August 2009 (has links)
A Terra Preta Antropogênica (TPA) tem essa denominação porque é encontrada em sítios arqueológicos, onde viveram grupos pré-históricos e é considerada um dos solos mais férteis do mundo. Nela é encontrada grande quantidade de material deixado por grupos indígenas como fragmentos cerâmicos, artefatos líticos, e especialmente carvão pirogênico. Estudos realizados com o carvão pirogênico verificaram que ele aumenta a capacidade de trocas catiônicas nesses solos. Por meio de microscopia de fluorencência, foi observada a presença de microrganismos habitando esse carvão, no entanto, não se sabe quais seriam. Devido à falta de informações sobre a diversidade bacteriana nessas estruturas, este trabalho estudou a diversidade bacteriana em amostras de carvão pirogênico de solos TPA coletadas nos sítios Lagoa Balbina (Amazônia Central- Amazonas) e Mina I (Amazônia Oriental - Pará), através de técnicas moleculares independentes de cultivo. O estudo visou também comparar essa diversidade com a encontrada no solo de onde carvão foi isolado. As estruturas de carvão foram separadas fisicamente dos solos e seu DNA genômico total extraído e usado como molde em reação de PCR utilizando oligonucleotídeos do gene 16S rRNA para o Domínio Bacteria. O produto da PCR foi clonado em vetor e os clones foram sequenciados e comparados com o banco de dados de 16S rRNA do RDPX. Com a construção das bibliotecas de clones do gene 16S rRNA a partir das amostras de carvão pirogênico observou-se que existe maior número de bactérias desconhecidas no carvão pirogênico do que no solo onde ele foi isolado. Acidobacteria foi o filo predominante nas bibliotecas de carvão pirogênico das duas localidades de estudo, assim como na biblioteca do solo do sítio Mina I. Já na biblioteca do solo do sítio Lagoa Balbina houve predominância do filo Firmicutes. Por meio do método de rarefação foi possível constatar uma menor riqueza de UTOs nas comunidades bacterianas presentes nas estruturas de carvão pirogênico quando comparado à riqueza de UTOs das comunidades bacterianas cujo habitat é o solo. Mas quando se compara a riqueza de UTOs entre as estruturas de carvão isoladas das duas localidades, observa-se que a riqueza é maior no sítio Mina I. Os valores obtidos com os índices de diversidade revelaram menor diversidade de UTOs nas bibliotecas obtidas para o carvão pirogênico das duas regiões estudadas se comparado dos valores para as bibliotecas obtidas do solo da mesma região. Os valores obtidos com os métodos não paramétricos revelaram maior riqueza de UTOs para as bibliotecas do carvão do sítio Mina I e solo TPA do sítio Balbina. A análise da PCA revelou que as bibliotecas do sítio Balbina mostraram-se altamente similares. Em adição, a análise com S-Libshuff, verificou que todas as bibliotecas comparadas são significativamente diferentes quanto à composição das comunidades bacterianas. O carvão pirogênico não é uma estrutura inerte, pois é capaz de ser habitado por diferentes bactérias e a sua estrutura da comunidade bacteriana é diferente daquela de onde ele foi segregado / Anthropogenic Dark Earth (ADE) has this denomination because it is found at archeological sites, where prehistoric groups lived, and it is considered one of the most fertile soils of the world. In this soil a great amount of material left by indigenous groups was found as ceramic fragments, lithic workmanships, and especially pyrogenic black carbon. Studies accomplished with the pyrogenic black carbon verified that it increases the capacity of cationic changes in soils. Through fluorescence microscopy, the presence of microorganisms was observed inhabiting that black carbon, however, this community is still unknown,due to the lack of information about the bacterial diversity in those structures.This work studied the bacterial diversity in samples of pyrogenic black carbon of ADE soils, collected at the sites Lagoa Balbina (Central Amazon) and Mina I (Oriental Amazon), through molecular techniques independent of cultivation. The study also sought to compare that diversity with the one of the soil where black carbon was isolated. The structures of black carbon were separate physically from the soils and total genomic DNA was extracted and used as template in a PCR reaction, using primers of the 16S rRNA gene for the Bacteria Domain. The PCR product was used for construction of clone libraries and the clones were sequenced and compared with the 16S rRNA of RDPX database. The 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from the samples of pyrogenic black carbon, it shown that is a larger number of unknown bacteria in the black carbon than in the soil where it was isolated. Acidobacteria was the predominant phylum in the pyrogenic black carbon libraries from the both studied places, as well as in the soil library from Mina I site. However in the library Lagoa Balbina site there was predominance of the phylum Firmicutes. Through the rarefaction method it was possible to verify a smaller richness of OTUs in the bacterial communities presents in the pyrogenic black carbon structures when compared to the OTUs richness of the bacterial soil communities.But, when the OTUs richness is compared among the isolated structures of pyrogenic black carbon of the two places, it is observed that the richness is higher in the Mina I site. The values from diversity indexes revealed smaller diversity of OTUs in the pyrogenic black carbon libraries when compared with the soil libraries for the two studied areas. The obtained values with the nonparametric methods revealed larger OTUs richness in the black carbon library of Mina I site and in the ADE soil library of the Balbina site. The PCA analysis showed that the libraries of the site Balbina site were highly similar. In addition, the analysis with S-Libshuff verified that all of the compared libraries were significantly different in bacterial communities composition. The pyrogenic black carbon is not an inert structure, once it is capable of being inhabited by different bacteria, and its bacterial community structure is different from that one where is was segregated

Biotic factors drive bacterioplankton community in a tropical coastal site of the equatorial atlantic ocean

Kavagutti, Vinicius Silva 01 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Aelson Maciera (aelsoncm@terra.com.br) on 2017-04-25T19:44:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissVSK.pdf: 2947181 bytes, checksum: 3c3bd8a24247cda4927887b3e6e3218b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-05-02T13:09:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissVSK.pdf: 2947181 bytes, checksum: 3c3bd8a24247cda4927887b3e6e3218b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-05-02T13:10:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissVSK.pdf: 2947181 bytes, checksum: 3c3bd8a24247cda4927887b3e6e3218b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-02T13:14:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissVSK.pdf: 2947181 bytes, checksum: 3c3bd8a24247cda4927887b3e6e3218b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The relationship between latitude and microbial diversity in the ocean is controversial. Niche models predict higher richness at high latitudes in winter, while snapshot field-sampling point towards higher richness at intermediate latitudes, with lower values both towards equatorial and Polar Regions. However, given the dynamic nature of ocean’s ecosystem it is difficult to account for temporal variations in empirical assessments of microbial biodiversity. Here, we compared the components of diversity (richness and evenness) and microbial population stability (coefficient of variation) in two coastal ocean observatories with similar trophic state located in contrasting latitudes, one located in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, and one temperate located in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, to evaluate which factors drive the dynamics of microbial communities in each site. Our observations support the view that, as animals and plants, microbial communities exhibit higher (or at least similar) richness towards the equator, at least in the coastal ocean. We also found evidence of increasing stability with increasing evenness in tropical microbial communities when compared to the temperate ones. Temperature and silicates drove temperate free-living prokaryotic communities, while tropical ones were driven by stochastic factors such as biotic interactions with eukaryotes. We propose a conceptual framework where microbial community composition would be driven by deterministic factors in higher latitudes and once the factor temperature is removed moving towards the equator, more stochastic factors such as biotic interactions would emerge as the main factors shaping microbial communities. This study highlights the importance of comparative studies on Eulerian time-series distributed at different latitudes to fully understand the diversity patterns of microbial communities in the ocean. / A relação entre a latitude e diversidade microbiana no oceano é controversa. Modelos de nicho preveem maior riqueza em altas latitudes no inverno, enquanto amostragens pontuais indicam uma maior riqueza em latitudes intermediárias, com valores mais baixos para regiões equatoriais e polares. No entanto, dada a natureza dinâmica do ecossistema oceânico, é difícil explicar variações temporais da biodiversidade microbiana nas avaliações empíricas. Nesse trabalho comparamos os componentes da diversidade (riqueza e equitabilidade) e estabilidade das populações microbianas (coeficiente de variação) em dois observatórios oceânicos costeiros com estados tróficos semelhantes, localizados em latitudes contrastantes: um localizado no Oceano Atlântico Equatorial e um em clima temperado localizado no noroeste do Mar Mediterrâneo, a fim de avaliar quais fatores estruturam a dinâmica das comunidades microbianas em cada local. Observamos que tal como animais e plantas, as comunidades microbianas exibem maior (ou pelo menos similar) riqueza no equador pelo menos em águas costeiras. Também encontramos evidências de aumento da estabilidade com o aumento da uniformidade nas comunidades microbianas tropicais, quando comparadas com as de clima temperado. De modo geral, temperatura e silicatos foram as variáveis que condicionaram as comunidades procariotas de vida livre no observatório da região temperada, enquanto que no observatório tropical, fatores estocásticos tais como interações bióticas com eucariotos, foram os fatores que mais influenciaram as comunidades bacterianas. Assim, propomos um quadro conceitual onde a composição da comunidade microbiana seria impulsionada por fatores determinísticos em latitudes mais elevadas, enquanto que em latitudes menores, seriam determinados por fatores mais estocásticos, como interações bióticas. Nosso estudo destaca a importância de estudos comparativos utilizando series temporais Eulerianas em diferentes latitudes para entender os padrões de diversidade das comunidades microbianas no oceano.

An investigation into the bacterial diversity associated with South African latrunculid sponges that produce bioactive secondary metabolites

Walmsley, Tara Aisling January 2014 (has links)
Algoa Bay Latrunculid sponges are well known for their production of cytotoxic pyrroloiminoquinones with speculation that these secondary metabolites may have a microbial origin. This study describes a thorough investigation into the bacterial community associated with Tsitsikamma favus, Tsitsikamma scurra a newly described Latrunculia sp. and a yellow encrusting sponge associated with T. scurra. Molecular and chemical characterisation were used in conjunction with traditional taxonomy in identification of the sponge specimens. The 28S rRNA and COX1 analysis confirmed the traditional taxonomy with T. favus and T. scurra being very closely related. Chemical analysis revealed that T. favus and T. scurra shared the discorhabdins 2,4-debromo-3-dihydrodiscorhabdin C, 7,8-dehydro-3-dihydrodiscorhabdin C and 14-bromo-1-hydroxy-discorhabdin V in common with each other and Tsitsikamma pedunculata indicating that these pyrroloiminoquinones are common to Tsitsikamma sponges in general. The bacterial community associated with T. favus was explored using 16S rRNA molecular techniques including DGGE, clonal libraries of full length 16S rRNA genes, as well as 454 pyrosequencing. DGGE analysis revealed that the bacterial community associated with T. favus appeared to be highly conserved, which was confirmed by both the clone library and 454 pyrosequencing, with the Betaproteobacteria as the most dominant class. Further exploration into T. favus, as well as T. scurra, Latrunculia sp. and the yellow encrusting sponge indicated that the bacterial populations associated with each of these sponge species were conserved and species specific. OTU analysis to the species level revealed that T. favus and T. scurra shared an abundant Spirochaete species in common while the most abundant species in the Latrunculia sp. and the yellow encrusting sponge belonged to the class Betaproteobacteria. The exclusivity of the tsitsikammamines to T. favus precipitated attempts to culture the T. favus associated bacteria, with a focus on the dominant betaproteobacterium as indicated by the 16S rRNA clone library. Actinobacteria associated with the Algoa Bay sponge specimens were also cultured and the actinobacterial isolates were sent for screening against Mycobacterium aurum with two Kocuria kristinae isolates and a Streptomyces albdioflavus isolate showing good antimycobacterial activity.

Microbiote intestinal des gorilles : évaluation de la diversité bactérienne, détection des pathogènes et description des nouvelles espèces / Gorilla Gut Microbiota

Keita, Mamadou Bhoye 31 October 2014 (has links)
L'objectif principal de ce travail etait d'explorer les bactéries pathogènes que recèle le tube digestif des gorilles. Pour ce faire, un total de 48 échantillons de selles, provenant du Cameroun, appartenant à 21 gorilles ont été analysés. D'abord la culturomique et le pyroséquençage ont été utilisés pour évaluer exhaustivement la diversité bactérienne. En appliquant la culturomique, 86 conditions de culture dont des milieux fabriqués à base de plantes tropicales, sur un échantillon de selles de gorille, 12 800 colonies microbiennes ont été isolées et testées, et 147 espèces bactériennes identifiées. De nombreux pathogènes opportunistes ont été observés, dont 8 qui sont fréquemment associés à des maladies chez l'homme: Mycobacterium bolletii, Proteus mirabilis, Acinetobacter baumannii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia marcescens, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus et Clostridium botulinum. En utilisant la PCR en temps réel pour cribler des pathogènes bactériens dans les 48 échantillons de selles de gorilles, des bactéries fastidieuses telles que Bartonella spp. Borrelia spp., Coxiella burnetii, Tropheryma whipplei ont été observées. Nous avons estimé la prévalence de ces agents pathogènes qui varie entre 4,76% et 85,7%. Ce travail a permis de savoir que l'homme et le gorille ont en commun plusieurs espèces bactériennes dont des pathogènes émergents. Par conséquent, les gorilles sauvages peuvent servir de réservoir et de source pour l'émergence et/ou la réémergence des bactéries pathogènes pour l'homme. / The main objective of this work is to explore the gorilla's potential role as a reservoir for pathogenic bacteria. We used both microbial culturomics and pyrosequencing to analyze the gorilla gut bacteria. By applying culturomics to one index gorilla, we tested 12,800 colonies and identified 147 different bacterial species, including 5 new species. Many opportunistic human pathogens were observed, including 8 frequently associated with human disease: Mycobacterium bolletii, Proteus mirabilis, Acinetobacter baumannii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia marcescens, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium botulinum. Using specific real-time PCR on 48 gorilla fecal samples, we also observed the fastidious pathogens Bartonella spp. Borrelia spp., Coxiella burnetii, Tropheryma whipplei. Using microsatellite analysis of the gorilla samples, we estimated that the prevalence of these pathogens was between 4.76% and 85.7%. Therefore, the gorilla shares many bacterial pathogens with humans, which suggests that wild gorillas might be a reservoir for the emergence and/or reemergence of these pathogens, especially in areas where human and gorilla habitats overlap and because of the increasing presence of humans in the African equatorial forests.

Compréhension du fonctionnement biologique et physico-chimique d'un biofiltre végétalisé pour le traitement de polluants atmosphériques urbains gazeux / Understanding of biological and physico-chemical operation of planted biofilter for the treatment of urban gaseous pollutants

Rondeau, Anne 01 February 2013 (has links)
En ville, les parcs de stationnement couverts représentent un milieu confiné dans lequel s'accumule une pollution importante et complexe. Ils constituent également une source de pollution pour leurs abords puisqu'aucune obligation de traitement n'est imposée sur la qualité de l'air rejeté dans l'atmosphère par les systèmes de ventilation. Dans le cadre du traitement de l'air, l'utilisation d'un biofiltre végétalisé, faisant intervenir des bactéries et des plantes en association, constitue une solution innovante contribuant à l'amélioration de la qualité de l'air en ville en réduisant la dispersion de polluants gazeux dans l'atmosphère. Dans un contexte de « recherche et développement », l'objectif est de comprendre le fonctionnement biologique et physico-chimique du biofiltre dans le but d'en améliorer la maitrise opérationnelle. Le caractère innovant de l'étude porte sur le traitement d'importants volumes d'air viciés contenant de faibles concentrations de polluants, tels que les NOx et les COV (de l'ordre de 100 à 200 µg/m3), par un biofiltre planté d'épaisseur modeste. L'utilisation d'une unité pilote de biofiltration a permis d'évaluer l'influence de la présence de plante, ainsi que la nécessité d'un apport d'engrais, sur les capacités d'épuration d'un tel système. Afin d'optimiser les volumes d'air traités tout en limitant l'empreinte au sol des biofiltres végétalisés, la vitesse de passage de l'air a été augmentée et l'épaisseur de garnissage réduite. Le rôle des bactéries indigènes a été caractérisé par une étude fonctionnelle des communautés bactériennes impliquées dans la dégradation des NOx et des TEX d'une part, et par une étude quantitative et qualitative de la communauté bactérienne totale, en utilisant des approches de biologie moléculaire, telles que l'amplification par PCR en temps réel et le pyroséquençage à partir de l'ADN métagénomique / In town, underground car parks are confined spaces in witch large and complex pollution are accumulated. They are also a source of contamination of the external environment since the treatment of the air pumped out by ventilation system sis not regulated. In the framework of air treatment, using planted biofilter, combining bacteria and plants, is an innovative solution contributing to the improvement of urban air quality by reducing the dispersion of gaseous pollutants in the atmosphere. In a « research and development » context, the objective is to understand the biological and physico-chemical operation for improving operational control. This innovative study focuses on the treatment of high volumes of air containing a low concentrations of pollutants, such as NOx, VOCs (about 100 à 200 µg.m-3) through a thin planted biofilter. The use of a pilot-scale unit of biofiltration allowed to evaluate the influence of the plant, as well as the necessity of a fertilization, on the removal efficiency of such a system. In order to maximize the volumes of treated air while limiting the footprint of the planted biofilters, the superficial gas velocity has been increased and the thickness of the packing material decreased. The indigenous bacteria have been characterized by a functional study of the bacterial communities involved in the degradation of NOx and TEX on one part, and by a quantitative and qualitative study of the total bacterial community on the other part, by using molecular biology approaches, such a real-time PCR amplification, and pyrosequencing from metagenomic DNA. Results on pilot-scale unit have shown a removal efficiency greater than 97%, in all environmental conditions tested. Consequently, it seems possible to treat high volumes of air containing low concentrations of TEX through a thin planted biofilter. The presence of plants does not seem to have short-term impacts on the removal efficiency when a fertilizer promotes the nitrogen availability in the packing material. The evaluation of the global microbiological functioning showed the potential of microbial communities in the biodegradation of NOx and TEX in planted biofilters. The indigenous bacterial communities of the packing material and the mound of soil are rapidly able to adapt to the functioning conditions of such a system

Efeito da inoculação de bactérias mobilizadoras de fósforo na compostagem e no desenvolvimento da cana-de-açúcar / Inoculation effect of phosphorus mobilizing bacteria in the compost and on the development of sugarcane

Bonilla, German Andres Estrada 12 August 2015 (has links)
A indústria sucroenérgetica gera grande quantidade de resíduos, sendo a torta de filtro e as cinzas os principais resíduos sólidos. Uma das tecnologias desenvolvidas para o manejo destes resíduos é a compostagem. A aplicação do composto tem mostrado efeitos positivos na cultura da cana-de-açúcar no que diz respeito à fertilização fosfatada. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: I. Observar o comportamento das comunidades bacterianas durante a compostagem e o efeito da inoculação de estirpes bacterianas mobilizadoras de fósforo sobre a disponibilidade de fósforo no composto final; II. Avaliar o efeito da aplicação de diferentes fontes de P e de bactérias mobilizadoras de fósforo no desenvolvimento de plantas de cana-de-açúcar e o efeito sobre as comunidades bacterianas do solo. Nesse sentido, pilhas de compostagem foram instaladas na Usina São José da Estiva em Novo Horizonte, SP. Os tratamentos consistiram de pilhas com e sem rocha fosfática; e pilhas com e sem a inoculação das estirpes Pseudomonas aeruginosa PSBR12 e Bacillus sp. BACBR1. Amostragens foram realizadas quinzenalmente durante 60 dias. Adicionalmente determinou-se a atividade enzimática, e parâmetros químicos do composto. A comunidade bacteriana foi acessada por meio da técnica independente de cultivo T-RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) e sequenciado por meio da plataforma de nova geração MiSeqTM System (Illumina). Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do composto e da inoculação de bactérias mobilizadoras de P no desenvolvimento da cana-de-açúcar foi instalado um experimento em casa de vegetação com plantas de cana de açúcar, utilizando-se composto, rocha fosfática e super fosfato triplo como fontes de P, além da inoculação dos seguintes: Inoculante 1: Pseudomonas sp. PSBR10, Azotobacter sp. AZTBR19, Rhizobium sp. RIZBR01; e o Inoculante 2: Bacillus simplex BACBR04, Bacillus sp. BACBR06, Rhizobium sp. RIZBR01. O experimento foi conduzido durante 75 dias. Ao fim do experimento foram analisados os seguintes parâmetros: biomassa seca, acúmulo de P, N, e K na parte aérea, e fosfatases no solo. A estrutura das comunidades bacterianas no solo foram avaliadas por meio do sequenciamento na plataforma Illumina. A aplicação de bactérias mobilizadoras de P durante a compostagem diminuiu o P ligado ao Ca. A mudança nas comunidades bacterianas durante a compostagem foi temporal, no início dominaram membros da ordem Lactobacillales, após 15 dias as ordens Bacillales e Clostridiales passaram a dominar o processo. As comunidades bacterianas são influenciadas principalmente pelos parâmetros pH, temperatura e umidade. Quanto ao experimento em casa de vegetação, o uso dos inoculantes (principalmente o inoculante 2) aumentou o acúmulo de P, N e K na parte aérea nos tratamentos que receberam composto e super fosfato triplo como fonte de P. A aplicação dos inoculantes e a adição do composto modificou a estrutura das comunidades bacterianas do solo; essa alteração quando os inoculantes são aplicados pode estar relacionada com o incremento no acúmulo de nutrientes. O uso de bactérias mobilizadoras de P é uma tecnologia potencial para o uso na agricultura, tanto na compostagem de resíduos da indústria sucroenergética com rocha fosfática, como no aumento da eficiência da fertilização fosfatada na cana-de-açúcar. / Sugarcane industry generates large amounts of waste, filter cake and ashes being the main solid wastes. One of the technologies developed for the management of this waste is composting. The application of compost has shown positive effects on the sugarcane culture with regard to phosphorus fertilization. The objectives of this study are: I. To study the diversity of bacterial communities during composting and the effect of inoculation of phosphorus mobilizing bacterial strains on the phosphorus availability in the final compost; II. To evaluate and compare the effects of the application of different sources of phosphorus and P mobilizing bacteria on the development of sugarcane and the effect on soil bacterial communities. Therefore, compost piles were installed at Usina São José da Estiva in Novo Horizonte, Brazil. Treatments consisted of piles with and without rock phosphate and with and without inoculation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PSBR12 and Bacillus sp. BACBR1 strains. Samples were taken every two weeks for 60 days. In addition, the enzymatic and chemical composition of the compost was determined. The bacterial community was assessed through T-RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) and was sequenced through the new generation platform MiSeqTM System (Illumina). The abundance of bacteria was evaluated by qPCR. In order to evaluate the effect of compost and of inoculating P mobilizing bacteria on sugarcane development, a greenhouse experiment was installed with sugarcane using compost, rock phosphate and triple superphosphate as P sources, besides inoculations, as follows: Inoculant 1: Pseudomonas sp. (PSBR10) Azotobacter sp. (AZTBR19), Rhizobium sp. (RIZBR01); and Inoculant 2: Bacillus simplex (BACBR04), Bacillus sp. (BACBR06), Rhizobium sp. (RIZBR01). The experiment was conducted during 75 days. At the end of the experiment the following parameters were analyzed: dry plant biomass, accumulation of P, N, and K in the shoot, and phosphatases in soil. Bacterial soil communities were sequenced through the new generation Illumina. The application of P mobilizing bacteria during composting decreased the Ca-linked P. Changes of the bacterial communities during composting were temporal. In the beginning, members of the order Lactobacillales were dominant and after 15 days a succession of bacterial communities occurred, when Bacillales and Clostridiales began to dominate. Bacterial communities are mostly influenced by the parameters pH, temperature and humidity. Moreover, in the greenhouse experiment, the use of inoculants (mainly inoculant 2) increased the accumulation of P, N and K in shoots in the treatments that received compost and triple superphosphate as P source. Inoculant application and compost addition modified soil bacterial community structures. Changes in the soil microbiome when inoculant was applied may be related to the increase in nutrients accumulation. The use of P mobilizing bacteria is a potential technology for use in agriculture, when composting waste from the sugarcane industry with rock phosphate or when increasing P fertilization efficiency in sugarcane in the field.

Bacterial-fungal interactions in wood decay : from wood physicochemical properties to taxonomic and functional diversity of Phanerochaete chrysosporium-associated bacterial communities / Les interactions bactéries-champignons dans le bois en décomposition : des propriétés physico-chimiques du bois à la diversité taxonomique et fonctionnelle des communautés bactériennes associée à Phanerochaete chrysosporium

Hervé, Vincent 28 May 2014 (has links)
Dans les écosystèmes forestiers, la décomposition du bois est un processus majeur, notamment impliqué dans le cycle du carbone et des nutriments. Les champignons basidiomycètes saprotrophes, incluant les pourritures blanches, sont les principaux agents de cette décomposition dans les forêts tempérées. Bien que peu étudiées, des communautés bactériennes sont également présentes dans le bois en décomposition et cohabitent avec ces communautés fongiques. L'impact des interactions bactéries-champignons sur le fonctionnement d'une niche écologique a été décrit dans de nombreux environnements. Cependant, leur rôle dans le processus de décomposition du bois n'a été que très peu investigué. A partir d'expériences en microcosme et en utilisant une approche non cultivable, il a été démontré que la présence du champignon Phanerochaete chrysosporium influençait significativement la structure et la diversité des communautés bactériennes associées au processus de décomposition du hêtre (Fagus sylvatica). Par une approche cultivable, cet effet mycosphère a été confirmé, se traduisant par une augmentation de la densité des communautés bactériennes en présence du champignon ainsi que par une modification de la diversité fonctionnelle de ces communautés. Enfin, une approche polyphasique a été développée, combinant l'analyse des propriétés physico-chimiques du bois et des activités enzymatiques extracellulaires. Les résultats de cette expérience ont révélé que l'association de P. chrysosporium avec une communauté bactérienne issue de la mycosphère de ce dernier aboutissait à une dégradation plus importante du matériau bois par rapport à la dégradation par le champignon seul, démontrant pour la première fois des interactions bactéries-champignons synergiques dans le bois en décomposition / Wood decomposition is an important process in forest ecosystems in terms of their carbon and nutrient cycles. In temperate forests, saprotrophic basidiomycetes such as white-rot fungi are the main wood decomposers. While they have been less studied, bacterial communities also colonise decaying wood and coexist with these fungal communities. Although the impact of bacterial-fungal interactions on niche functioning has been highlighted in a wide range of environments, little is known about their role in wood decay. Based on microcosm experiments and using a culture-independent approach, we showed that the presence of the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium significantly modified the structure and diversity of the bacterial communities associated with the degradation of beech wood (Fagus sylvatica). Using a culture-dependent approach, it was confirmed that in the presence of the fungus the mycosphere effect resulted in increased bacterial abundance and modified the functional diversity of the fungal-associated bacterial communities. Lastly, a polyphasic approach simultaneously analysing wood physicochemical properties and extracellular enzyme activities was developed. This approach revealed that P. chrysosporium associated with a bacterial community isolated from its mycosphere was more efficient in degrading wood compared to the fungus on its own, highlighting for the first time synergistic bacterial-fungal interactions in decaying wood

Influência do genótipo e maturidade na diversidade microbiológica em milho grão para silagem / Influence of genotype and maturity in microbiological diversity in corn grain for silage

Carvalho, Paula de Almeida 11 July 2014 (has links)
O histórico agronômico da cultura, em geral, explica a comunidade microbiana presente na massa ensilada, entretanto, a diversidade e o grau de contaminação da população microbiana epifítica pode auxiliar na compreensão do padrão de fermentação da silagem e da estabilidade desse produto quando em exposição ao ambiente aeróbio. No presente trabalho, foram avaliados a influência do genótipo, maturidade e período de estocagem na composição da comunidade bacteriana em silagens de grãos de milho. Para isso, dois cultivares de milho AG 1051 (\"dent\") e IAC 8390 (\"flint\") foram colhidos em três estágios de maturidade (ponto de silagem de planta inteira, ponto de silagem de grão úmido e ponto de grão seco), moídos e ensilados por 0, 7 e 120 dias. Atualmente, a aplicação de técnicas de microbiologia molecular permite acessar alterações causadas nestas comunidades de maneira independente do cultivo bacteriano, por esse motivo, a comunidade bacteriana foi avaliada por meio da técnica de Eletroforese em Gel de Gradiente Desnaturante (DGGE) e sequenciamento dos produtos de PCR via sistema MiSeqTM Illumina. Foi demonstrado que em silagens de grãos de milho contendo alta umidade, os diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento da cultura, e por conseguinte, do grão, são os principais determinantes da composição da comunidade bacteriana deste, sendo menos importantes o genótipo das plantas e os tempos de estocagem das silagens. Aos 120 dias de estocagem nas amostras de grão seco reconstituído, as sequências afiliadas ao gênero Clostridium representaram total de aproximadamente 40% das sequências afiliadas aos gêneros encontrados, enquanto o gênero Lactobacillus representou menos de 7% das sequências afiliadas a este gênero. Provavelmente, grãos secos sofrem mais estresse a campo, o que consequentemente, pode interferir na qualidade higiênico sanitária das silagens desses grãos. Com base nestes resultados fica evidenciada a possibilidade de realização de recomendações potenciais de aditivos específicos para ensilagem de grãos de milho, direcionados para cada ponto de maturidade da cultura. / The agronomic background of crops in general, explains the microbial community present in silage, however, diversity and contamination status may help on understanding the silage fermentation profile and aerobic stability. In the present work, the influence of factors such as different genotypes, different stages of plants development and storage time in the composition of bacterial communities were evaluated. On this way, maize cultivars AG 1051 (\"dent\") and IAC 8390 (\"flint\") were harvested in three physiological stages (whole plant silage, wet grain silage and dry grain), the grain were grounded and ensiled for 0, 7 and 120 days. Nowadays, the applications of techniques of molecular microbiology allow assessing the shifts caused on these communities by a culture independent approach, therefore, bacterial community were evaluated by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis technique (DGGE), and PCR products were sequenced by Illumina MiSeqTM System. It was demonstrated that in high moisture corn silage, different stages of plants development are main determinants of bacterial community composition rather than the plants genotypes and storage time. In addition in the samples of reconstituted dry grain, it was demonstrated that after 120 days of storage, sequences affiliated to the gender Clostridium accounted for a total of approximately 40% of total sequences affiliated to genera found, while the genus Lactobacillus represented less than 7% of sequences affiliated to this gender. Probably dried grains suffer more stress at field conditions, which in turn can interfere with the sanitary hygienic quality of silages obtained from these grains. At least, based on these results it is clear the possibility of performing potential specific additives recommendations, unique at each stage of maize plants development.

Phylogenetic and functional diversity of soil prokaryotic communities in temperate deciduous forests with different tree species

Dukunde, Amélie 17 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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