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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study on lipid droplet dynamics in live cells and fluidity changes in model bacterial membranes using optical microscopy techniques

Wong, Christine Shiang Yee January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis optical microscopy techniques are used to consider aspects of viral and bacterial infections. In part 1, the physical effects of cytomegalovirus on lipid droplet dynamics in live cells are studied; in part 2, the effects of an antimicrobial peptide on the fluidity of model bacterial membranes are studied. The optical microscopy techniques used to study the effects of murine-cytomegalovirus (mCMV) on lipid droplets in live NIH/3T3 fibroblast cells in real-time are coherent anti- Stokes Raman scattering (CARS), two-photon fluorescence (TPF) and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopies. Using a multimodal CARS and TPF imaging system, the infection process was monitored by imaging the TPF signal caused by a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing strain of mCMV, where the amount of TPF detected allowed distinct stages of infection to be identified. Meanwhile, changes to lipid droplet configuration were observed using CARS microscopy. Quantitative analysis of lipid droplet numbers and size distributions were obtained from live cells, which showed significant perturbations as the infection progressed. The CARS and TPF images were acquired simultaneously and the experimental design allowed incorporation of an environmental control chamber to maintain cell viability. Photodamage to the live cell population was also assessed, which indicated that alternative imaging methods must be adopted to study a single cell over longer periods of time. To this end, DIC microscopy was used to study the lipid droplet dynamics, allowing lipid droplet motion to be tracked during infection. In this way, the effects of viral infection on the mobility and arrangement of the lipid droplets were analysed and quantified. It was found that the diffusion coefficient of the lipid droplets undergoing diffusive motion increased, and the droplets undergoing directed motion tended to move at greater speeds as the infection progressed. In addition, the droplets were found to accumulate and cluster in infected cells. The second part of this thesis presents a study on the effects of an antimicrobial peptide on model bacterial membranes. Giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) were produced as a simple model of E. Coli membrane using a 3:1 mixture of DPPC and POPG lipids. Incorporating Laurdan fluorescent dye into the lipid membrane of the GUVs allowed the membrane fluidity to be probed and visualised using TPF microscopy, whereby the fluidity was quantified by determining the general polarization (GP) values. Studying GUVs comprising single lipid and mixed lipid compositions over a temperature range from 25 C to 55 C enabled the lipid phase bands to be identified on the basis of GP value as gel phase and liquid crystalline phase. As such, the changes in lipid phase as a result of interaction with AMP were quantified, and phase domains were identified. It was found that the amount of liquid crystalline phase domains increased significantly as a result of AMP interaction.

Secretion of the chitinolytic machinery in Serratia marcescens

Hamilton, Jaeger January 2013 (has links)
There are six known secretion systems in Gram negative bacteria, referred to as Type 1 to Type 6 respectively, which are dedicated to moving substrate across the outer membrane. Secretion systems are broadly separated into those that move their substrate across the cell envelope in a single translocation event (one-step systems), and those that are dependent on the Sec or Tat machineries for export to the periplasm (two-step systems). Serratia marcescens is an important opportunistic human pathogen and has gathered a lot of interest due to its repertoire of secreted proteins. These include the haem-scavenging protein HasA, which is secreted by a Type 1 secretion system, and the cytotoxic haemolysin ShlA, which is secreted as part of a two-partner Type 5 secretion system. Serratia marcescens also encodes a Type 6 secretion system, which is known to translocate at least six effector molecules directly into other bacterial target cells. Serratia marcescens is a model organism in terms of its ability to degrade the quite intractable polymer chitin, for which it produces three chitinase enzymes ChiA, ChiB, ChiC and a chitin-binding protein Cbp21, which hydrolyse the ß-1,4 link in the chitin chain and promote binding of chitinase to the chitin substrate respectively. These chitinolytic enzymes are utilised by S. marcescens for both basic physiology and also in pathogenesis. In this work, genetic, biochemical and proteomic approaches identified, for the first time, genes that are essential for the secretion of all three chitinases as well as Cbp21. A genetic screen identified genes encoding a holin-like membrane protein (ChiW) and a putative L-alanyl-D-glutamate endopeptidase (ChiX). Subsequent quantitative proteomics experiments and biochemical analyses established that ChiW and ChiX were required for secretion of the entire chitinolytic machinery. Chitinase secretion was observed to be blocked at a late stage in the mutant strains as normally secreted enzymes were found to accumulate in the periplasm, thus implicating ChiW and ChiX in a novel outer membrane protein translocation process. It is proposed that the bacterial genome-encoded holin-like protein and endopeptidase identified represent a putative secretion system utilised by Gram-negative bacteria. In addition to this, genes encoding the chitinolytic machinery and the putative secretion apparatus were shown to be bimodally regulated and co-ordinately expressed.

Investigating prokaryotic communities : group activities and physiological heterogeneity

Wessel, Aimee Katherine 02 March 2015 (has links)
Bacterial communities engage in social activities, exhibiting behaviors such as communicating with small signaling molecules (quorum sensing [QS]) and building antibiotic-resistant biofilms. The opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces both freely diffusible QS molecules, as well as a QS molecule that is packaged or transported across cell membranes via the production of outer membrane vesicles. Despite the ubiquity of vesicle production in bacteria, the mechanism of outer membrane vesicle production has not been fully elucidated. In addition, most of our understanding of QS and biofilm formation arises from in vitro studies of bacterial communities containing large numbers of cells, often with greater than 10⁸ bacteria. However, many bacterial communities are comprised of small, densely packed aggregates of cells (≤10⁵ bacteria), and it is unclear how group behaviors and chemical interactions take place in densely packed, small populations. This dissertation has two main goals: i) to provide insights into the mechanism of bacterial membrane vesicle production, and ii) to understand how population size and the spatial distribution of cells affect cell-cell interactions and the nutritional microenvironment within a small (≤10⁵ bacteria) prokaryotic community. / text

Neutron reflectivity studies of bacterial membranes, peptides and proteins

McKinley, Laura Ellen January 2017 (has links)
This thesis uses neutron and x-ray reflectivity to measure the interfacial structures of three molecular components associated with bacteria. Firstly, the way in which the membrane targeting sequence of a cell division protein interacts with monolayer models for the inner leaflet of the inner membrane of bacteria was measured at the air-water interface. Secondly, the influence of lipopolysaccharide on a monolayer model for the outer leaflet of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria was measured at the air-water interface, as well as how this lipopolysaccharide interacts with an antimicrobial peptide. Finally, the structure of a layer of protein found at the surface of a Gram-positive biofilm was measured at the air-water interface. Binding of the membrane targeting sequence of the MinD protein (MinD-mts) to the inner leaflet of the cytoplasmic membrane is thought to be key for bacterial cell division. Modelling this membrane as a monolayer at the air-water interface, it was found that the insertion of the MinD-mts increased with decreasing lateral pressure within the monolayer, as well as with increasing unsaturation of the lipid components, and the incorporation of cardiolipin into the monolayer. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is the major component of Gram-negative outer membranes, such as Escherichia coli, and can be considered as having three structural components: lipid A, a core oligosaccharide, and a variable polysaccharide chain. By incorporating LPS into a model membrane at the air-water interface, it was found that the polysaccharide chain undergoes conformational changes depending on the area per molecule. The effect of the antimicrobial peptide Pexiganan on the structure of this LPS layer was also determined, and was found to insert into the polysaccharide chain layer, but have no impact on the conformation of the chains. In nature, many bacteria live within a biofilm structure. A critical component of the Gram-positive Bacillus subtilis biofilm is a surface active amphipathic protein called BslA, which gives rise to the formation of the highly hydrophobic surface of the biofilm. The kinetics of this film formation, its thickness, and the lateral packing of the protein at the air-water interface, were measured using both neutron and x-ray reflectivity. It was found that a native BslA protein consistently formed the same structural film, whilst the structure of films formed by mutant proteins depended on the conditions under which the film was formed.

Pathogen entry mechanisms and endocytic responses to plasma membrane damage

Nygård Skalman, Lars January 2017 (has links)
Endocytosis is a fundamental cellular process by which cells transport material from the outside to the inside of the cell through the formation of membrane invaginations that bud off from the plasma membrane. This process is important for nutrient uptake, regulating cell surface receptors and the overall plasma membrane composition. Cells have several different types of endocytic pathways where clathrin- mediated endocytosis is the most studied. Importantly, pathogens and secreted virulence factors bind to cell surface receptors and hijack the endocytic pathways in order to enter host cells. Depending on their size and molecular composition, pathogens and virulence factors are thought to make use of distinct endocytic pathways into the cell. This thesis focuses on early host cell interactions with virus, bacterial membrane vesicles and a pore-forming toxin, with a particular emphasis on endocytic mechanisms and plasma membrane repair. During entry of pathogens, it is thought that interactions with specific cell surface molecules drive the recruitment of endocytic proteins to the plasma membrane. Viruses possess a very defined molecular composition and architecture, which facilitate specificity to these interactions. We found that Adenovirus 37, a human ocular pathogen, binds to αVβ1 and α3β1 integrins on human corneal epithelial cells and that this interaction is important for infection. In contrast to viruses, membrane vesicles shed from Helicobacter pylori are heterogeneous in size and molecular composition. These vesicles harbour various adhesins and toxins that may facilitate binding to the cell surface and recruitment of different endocytic pathways. We developed a quantitative internalization assay and showed that the H. pylori vesicles were internalized mainly via clathrin-mediated endocytosis but were also capable of exploiting other endocytic pathways. Damage to the plasma membrane disrupts cellular homeostasis and can lead to cell death if not repaired immediately. Although endocytic mechanisms have been shown to be important for plasma membrane repair, little is known about their specific role. Listeriolysin O (LLO) is a bacterial toxin that can form pores in the plasma membrane and disrupt cellular homeostasis. We developed a reporter system for real-time imaging of the endocytic response to LLO pore formation. We found that two clathrin-independent endocytic pathways were important for plasma membrane repair. However, they were not directly involved in removing LLO pores from the plasma membrane. Our data suggests that these endocytic systems might rather influence membrane repair by their ability to regulate the plasma membrane composition, shape and tension. In conclusion, this thesis describes how pathogens and their virulence factors make use of specific mechanisms to enter host cells as well as revealing new insights on the role of the endocytic pathways in plasma membrane repair.

Caracterização de dois pares efetor/inibidor associados ao sistema de secreção tipo IV de Xanthomonas citri / Characterization of the two effector/inhibitor pair associated with the type IV secretion system of Xanthomonas citri

Bueno, Natalia Fernanda 15 June 2018 (has links)
O sistema de secreção tipo IV (T4SS) da família de bactérias Xanthomonadaceae transfere efetores (X-Tfes) com a capacidade de matar outras bactérias, conferindo uma vantagem em comunidades bacterianas mistas para colonizar diferentes nichos como o solo ou as superfícies das plantas. Os X-Tfes possuem diferentes domínios putativos com atividades hidrolíticas contra componentes do envelope celular bacteriano do tipo: glicohidrolases, transglicosilases, amidases e lipases. Os X-Tfes por sua atividade biológica inata podem ocasionar dano intracelular para a bactéria que os produz. Para se proteger contra estas atividades, também são produzidas lipoproteínas com função inibitoria (X-Tfis) localizadas no periplasma. Os genes que codificam os X-Tfes e os X-Tfis estão organizados em operons, o que permite gerar os pares efetor/inibidor simultaneamente. Entre os potenciais X-Tfes do fitopatógeno Xanthomonas citri estão Xac1918 e Xac0574. Xac1918 é uma proteína com um domínio da superfamília da lisozima e um domínio conhecido como RTX (Repeats in Toxin) de ligação ao cálcio, enquanto Xac0574 tem um domínio da superfamília da lipase 3. Os seus possíveis inibidores, Xac1917 e Xac0573 respectivamente, apresentam um peptídeo sinal no N-terminal contendo o lipobox representativo das lipoproteínas. As proteínas Xac0574 e Xac0573 são monômeros em solução que formam um complexo estável 1:1, favorecido termodinamicamente (ΔG°= -12 Kcal/mol) com uma constante de dissociação de 2,45 nM, garantindo que a bactéria fique protegida contra os efeitos nocivos de Xac0574 quando é produzida intracelularmente. Xac0574 é uma fosfolipase A1, sem atividade lisofosfolipase, com a capacidade de hidrolisar os três fosfolipídios majoritários que compõem a membrana celular bacteriana, fosfatidilglicerol (PG), cardiolipina e fosfatidiletanolamina (PE), mostrando uma aparente preferência pelo último. A atividade enzimática de Xac0574 explica a forte inibição do crescimento celular em E. coli após da sua indução heteróloga, já que gera uma diminuição de quase 10 vezes da população celular comparada com a cultura não induzida com a mesma construção. Poroutro lado, Xac0573 inibe efetivamente a atividade enzimática de Xac0574 ao formar o complexo, além de não ter atividade fosfolipase nem lisofosfolipase. Foram produzidos cristais da Xac1918 e Xac0573 que difrataram com uma resolução de 3,0 e 2,5 Å, respectivamente. Porém, só foi gerado um modelo de Xac0573. Xac0573 está composta por duas folhas β antiparalelas com uma topologia característica de β sanduíche Com uma pequena hélice e duas voltas. Um alinhamento de homólogos de Xac0573 identificou nas extremidades da proteína as regiões conservadas, constituindo duas possíveis interfaces de interação que podem ser as responsáveis por bloquear o acesso dos fosfolipídios ao sítio catalítico ou impedir os rearranjos estruturais de Xac0574 que são necessários para a sua atividade enzimática. Adicionalmente, a topologia da Xac0573 é semelhante do domínio C2, conhecido em eucariotos como domínio de ligação ao lipídio e ao cálcio, e está envolvido em processos de sinalização de segundos mensageiros lipídicos, proteínas de trafego de membranas e mecanismos de fusão de membranas. Nossos resultados apontam para uma nova função biológica do domínio C2 como um inibidor enzimático intracelular em bactérias. / The type IV secretion system (T4SS) of the bacteria family Xanthomonadaceae transfers effectors (X-Tfes) with that can kill other bacterial cells, conferring an advantage to the bacterial community during colonization of different niches in the soil or on the plant surface. The X-Tfes possess different putative domains with hydrolytic activity against components of the bacterial cellular envelope, including glycohydrolase, transglycolase, amidase and lipase domain. The innate biological activity of X-Tfes can cause intracellular damage. Therefore, the bacteria that produce them also produce lipoproteins with inhibitor function (X-Tfis) located in the periplasm for their protection. The genes that code for X-Tfes and X-Tfis are organized in operons that allow for their simultaneous expression. Among the X-Tfes of the phytopathogen Xanthomonas citri are Xac1918 and Xac0574. Xac1918 is carries a lysozyme superfamily domain, as well as a domain known as RTX (Repeats in Toxic) predict to bind calcium, while, Xac0574 has a domain belonging to the lipase 3 superfamily. Their possible inhibitors, Xac1917 e Xac0573 respectively, carry an N-terminal signal peptide containing a lipobox found in bacterial lipoproteins. The Xac0574 and Xac0573 proteins are both monomers in solution, They can form a stable 1:1 complex, that is thermodynamically favored (ΔG°= -12 Kcal/mol) with a dissociation constant of 2,45 nM. This affinity ensure that the bacterium is protected against the harmful effects of Xac0574 when it is produced intracellularly. We show that Xac0574 is a phospholipase A1, without lisophospholipase activity, and is able to hydrolyze the three most common phospholipids found in the membranes of Gram negative bacteria, namely phosphatidylglycerol (PG), cardiolipin and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), presenting an apparent preference for PE. The enzymatic activity of Xac0574 explains the strong inhibition of growth of E. coli cells after its heterologous induction: a nearly 10-fold decrease in the cell population is observed when compared to the non-induced culture with the same construct. On the other hand, Xac0573 effectively inhibits the enzymatic activity of Xac0574. Furthermore, Xac0573 does not possess when forming the complex, besides not having phospholipase nor lysophospholipase activity.Crystals of Xac1918 and Xac0573 were produced which diffracted with to resolution of 3.0 and 2.5 Å, respectively. However, we were able to resolve the structure of only Xac0573. Xac0573 is composed of two anti-parallel sheet that form a β-sandwich with three small helices. An alignment to Xac0573 homologs identified conserved regions at the ends of the protein that constitute two possible interfaces of interaction that may be responsible for blocking the access of the phospholipids to the catalytic site or impede the structural rearrangements of Xac0574 that are necessary for its enzymatic activity. Additionally, the topology of Xac0573 is similar to that to C2 domains, known in eukaryotes to bind lipids and calcium and to be involved in signaling processes mediated by lipid second messengers, membrane trafficking and membrane fusion mechanisms. Our results point to a new biological function of the C2 domain as an intracellular enzyme inhibitor in bacteria.

Caracterização de dois pares efetor/inibidor associados ao sistema de secreção tipo IV de Xanthomonas citri / Characterization of the two effector/inhibitor pair associated with the type IV secretion system of Xanthomonas citri

Natalia Fernanda Bueno 15 June 2018 (has links)
O sistema de secreção tipo IV (T4SS) da família de bactérias Xanthomonadaceae transfere efetores (X-Tfes) com a capacidade de matar outras bactérias, conferindo uma vantagem em comunidades bacterianas mistas para colonizar diferentes nichos como o solo ou as superfícies das plantas. Os X-Tfes possuem diferentes domínios putativos com atividades hidrolíticas contra componentes do envelope celular bacteriano do tipo: glicohidrolases, transglicosilases, amidases e lipases. Os X-Tfes por sua atividade biológica inata podem ocasionar dano intracelular para a bactéria que os produz. Para se proteger contra estas atividades, também são produzidas lipoproteínas com função inibitoria (X-Tfis) localizadas no periplasma. Os genes que codificam os X-Tfes e os X-Tfis estão organizados em operons, o que permite gerar os pares efetor/inibidor simultaneamente. Entre os potenciais X-Tfes do fitopatógeno Xanthomonas citri estão Xac1918 e Xac0574. Xac1918 é uma proteína com um domínio da superfamília da lisozima e um domínio conhecido como RTX (Repeats in Toxin) de ligação ao cálcio, enquanto Xac0574 tem um domínio da superfamília da lipase 3. Os seus possíveis inibidores, Xac1917 e Xac0573 respectivamente, apresentam um peptídeo sinal no N-terminal contendo o lipobox representativo das lipoproteínas. As proteínas Xac0574 e Xac0573 são monômeros em solução que formam um complexo estável 1:1, favorecido termodinamicamente (ΔG°= -12 Kcal/mol) com uma constante de dissociação de 2,45 nM, garantindo que a bactéria fique protegida contra os efeitos nocivos de Xac0574 quando é produzida intracelularmente. Xac0574 é uma fosfolipase A1, sem atividade lisofosfolipase, com a capacidade de hidrolisar os três fosfolipídios majoritários que compõem a membrana celular bacteriana, fosfatidilglicerol (PG), cardiolipina e fosfatidiletanolamina (PE), mostrando uma aparente preferência pelo último. A atividade enzimática de Xac0574 explica a forte inibição do crescimento celular em E. coli após da sua indução heteróloga, já que gera uma diminuição de quase 10 vezes da população celular comparada com a cultura não induzida com a mesma construção. Poroutro lado, Xac0573 inibe efetivamente a atividade enzimática de Xac0574 ao formar o complexo, além de não ter atividade fosfolipase nem lisofosfolipase. Foram produzidos cristais da Xac1918 e Xac0573 que difrataram com uma resolução de 3,0 e 2,5 Å, respectivamente. Porém, só foi gerado um modelo de Xac0573. Xac0573 está composta por duas folhas β antiparalelas com uma topologia característica de β sanduíche Com uma pequena hélice e duas voltas. Um alinhamento de homólogos de Xac0573 identificou nas extremidades da proteína as regiões conservadas, constituindo duas possíveis interfaces de interação que podem ser as responsáveis por bloquear o acesso dos fosfolipídios ao sítio catalítico ou impedir os rearranjos estruturais de Xac0574 que são necessários para a sua atividade enzimática. Adicionalmente, a topologia da Xac0573 é semelhante do domínio C2, conhecido em eucariotos como domínio de ligação ao lipídio e ao cálcio, e está envolvido em processos de sinalização de segundos mensageiros lipídicos, proteínas de trafego de membranas e mecanismos de fusão de membranas. Nossos resultados apontam para uma nova função biológica do domínio C2 como um inibidor enzimático intracelular em bactérias. / The type IV secretion system (T4SS) of the bacteria family Xanthomonadaceae transfers effectors (X-Tfes) with that can kill other bacterial cells, conferring an advantage to the bacterial community during colonization of different niches in the soil or on the plant surface. The X-Tfes possess different putative domains with hydrolytic activity against components of the bacterial cellular envelope, including glycohydrolase, transglycolase, amidase and lipase domain. The innate biological activity of X-Tfes can cause intracellular damage. Therefore, the bacteria that produce them also produce lipoproteins with inhibitor function (X-Tfis) located in the periplasm for their protection. The genes that code for X-Tfes and X-Tfis are organized in operons that allow for their simultaneous expression. Among the X-Tfes of the phytopathogen Xanthomonas citri are Xac1918 and Xac0574. Xac1918 is carries a lysozyme superfamily domain, as well as a domain known as RTX (Repeats in Toxic) predict to bind calcium, while, Xac0574 has a domain belonging to the lipase 3 superfamily. Their possible inhibitors, Xac1917 e Xac0573 respectively, carry an N-terminal signal peptide containing a lipobox found in bacterial lipoproteins. The Xac0574 and Xac0573 proteins are both monomers in solution, They can form a stable 1:1 complex, that is thermodynamically favored (ΔG°= -12 Kcal/mol) with a dissociation constant of 2,45 nM. This affinity ensure that the bacterium is protected against the harmful effects of Xac0574 when it is produced intracellularly. We show that Xac0574 is a phospholipase A1, without lisophospholipase activity, and is able to hydrolyze the three most common phospholipids found in the membranes of Gram negative bacteria, namely phosphatidylglycerol (PG), cardiolipin and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), presenting an apparent preference for PE. The enzymatic activity of Xac0574 explains the strong inhibition of growth of E. coli cells after its heterologous induction: a nearly 10-fold decrease in the cell population is observed when compared to the non-induced culture with the same construct. On the other hand, Xac0573 effectively inhibits the enzymatic activity of Xac0574. Furthermore, Xac0573 does not possess when forming the complex, besides not having phospholipase nor lysophospholipase activity.Crystals of Xac1918 and Xac0573 were produced which diffracted with to resolution of 3.0 and 2.5 Å, respectively. However, we were able to resolve the structure of only Xac0573. Xac0573 is composed of two anti-parallel sheet that form a β-sandwich with three small helices. An alignment to Xac0573 homologs identified conserved regions at the ends of the protein that constitute two possible interfaces of interaction that may be responsible for blocking the access of the phospholipids to the catalytic site or impede the structural rearrangements of Xac0574 that are necessary for its enzymatic activity. Additionally, the topology of Xac0573 is similar to that to C2 domains, known in eukaryotes to bind lipids and calcium and to be involved in signaling processes mediated by lipid second messengers, membrane trafficking and membrane fusion mechanisms. Our results point to a new biological function of the C2 domain as an intracellular enzyme inhibitor in bacteria.

Mechanism of action of cyclic antimicrobial peptides

Díaz i Cirac, Anna 01 July 2011 (has links)
This PhD thesis is the result of the combination of experimental and computational techniques with the aim of understanding the mechanism of action of de novo cyclic decapeptides with high antimicrobial activity. By experimental techniques the influence of the replacement of the phenylalanine for tryptophan residue in their antimicrobial activity was tested and the stability in human serum was also analyzed, in order to evaluate their potential therapeutic application as antitumor agents. On the other hand, the interaction amongst the peptide BPC194 c(KKLKKFKKLQ), the best candidate from the whole library of cyclic peptides, and a model anionic membrane was simulated. The results showed a structure-function relationship derived from the stable conformation of the peptides involved in the membrane permeabilization. As a result, a rational design was performed being BPC490 the peptide with best antimicrobial activity compared with the best active peptide from the original library. / Aquesta tesi doctoral resulta de la combinació d’estudis mitjançant tècniques experimentals i computacionals amb l’objectiu d’entendre el mecanisme d’acció de "de novo" decapèptids cíclics amb elevada activitat antimicrobiana. Experimentalment, es va avaluar la influència de la substitució dels residus de fenilalanina per triptòfan en la seva activitat antimicrobiana i també la seva estabilitat sèrum humà, per tal de valorar la seva possible aplicació terapèutica envers el càncer. Per altra banda, es va simular la interacció del pèptid BPC194 c(KKLKKFKKLQ), millor candidat de la biblioteca de pèptids cíclics, amb models aniònics de bicapa lipídica. Els resultats van posar en manifest una relació estructura-funció derivada de la conformació estable dels pèptids que participen directament en la permeabilització de la membrana. Es va procedir doncs al disseny racional de nous pèptids cíclics sent el pèptid BPC490 el que va presentar una millor activitat bacteriana en comparació amb el pèptid més actiu de la llibreria original.

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