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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A model for teaching applied environmental biology in the secondary schools of coastal Maine : a creative project

Conners, James A. 03 June 2011 (has links)
This creative project demonstrates the development of a curriculum in biology based upon the responses of people, animals, and plants to seasonal and other changes in the environment. The method consisted of five steps: (1) a large number of concepts were written out which included all the areas of specialization within biology; (2) a list of the seasonal activities observed in people, animals, and plants for the coastal Maine area was prepared; (3) a list of topics relating the activities to biology was prepared; (Lt) concepts were assigned to the topics; and (5) teaching activities and methods were suggested for each concept. The course offers the advantages of being extremely flexible, highly interesting, and relevant to students' lives.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

Neutron activation cross sections using 2.8-MeV neutrons

Michael, Dwight E. 03 June 2011 (has links)
AbstractThe purpose of this study was the evaluation of various neutron activation cross sections using 2.8 MeV neutrons. This area of study was chosen because only a small amount of research has been done using generator produced 2.8 MeV neutrons.Most of the cross section values listed in the literature were small, requiring the use of various methods to increase the number of reactions occurring.A relative measure of the neutron flux was made using indium standards. The efficiency of the detection system was experimentally measured by the use of standardized radioisotopes.The product isotopes, produced by (n,ﻻ) or (u,n’ﻻ) reactions, and their measured activation cross sections were: 116mIn - 104 + 5 mb; 137mBa - 459 + 45 mb; 139Ba - 5.48 + 0.47 mb; 128I, - 38.5 + 3.0 mb; 56Mn - 4.28 + 0.34 mb; and 87mSr - 219 ± 26 mb. Errors from 4.8% for 116mIn to 12% for 87mSr were determined.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

A high-gain inductive radio frequency spectrometer for use in magnetic resonance detection

Sensing, William J. 03 June 2011 (has links)
AbstractThis thesis includes an elementary introduction and background to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) detection. The content is essentially concerned with the mathematical analysis of the spectrometer electronics. The construction and testing was routine using established high frequency techniques. The spectrometer circuitry incorporates both vacuum tube and solid state devices. The special characteristics of each device were utilized to best meet the particular circuit requirements.The electronic portion of this spectrometer functioned properly. Final testing of the total system is awaiting the completion of the induction probe presently under development.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

A study of undifferentiated tissue in leaves of various species of Bryophyllum

Kiel, William J. 03 June 2011 (has links)
AbstractA study was done to determine the effects of LAJi and 2, L-D on development and differentiation of callus tissue from leaf notch explants of Bryophyllum pinnatur B. tubiflora, and B. haughtonii. Callus was induced when 2, L-D was present in the medium. Most differentiation occurred with 1 ppm LA was in the medium. `The callus tissue was examined microscopically to determine the extent of differentiation. Root hair-like cells, Xylem, and root-like structures were observed. Differentiation was inhibited by 20 ppm 2, 4-D.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

Chromatographic variations due to aging of herbarium specimens in Equisetum hiemale

Brown, Larry C. 03 June 2011 (has links)
AbstractA study was made to determine if the age of a herbarium specimen of Equisetum hiemale had any effect on the chromatographic patterns. Specimens of E. hiemale were analyzed employing descending paper chromatography and electrophoresis.The amino acid and phenolic patterns were of significant value in determining if the chromatographic patterns varied as the herbarium specimen aged. The fluorescent phenolic compounds of E. hiemale were analyzed by placing the chromatograms under long wave ultraviolet light. The free amino acids were detected by spraying the chromatogram. with ninhydrin.The chromatographic patterns showed that the age of the oldest herbarium specimen investigated had no effect on its patterns.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

Effect of insulin on glycogen stores in innervated and chronically denervated red and white skeletal muscle of the rat

Miller, Allen L. 03 June 2011 (has links)
Glycogen levels were studied in 15 Sprague-Dawley adult male rats. Three aspects of glycogen metabolism were considered. First, the glycogen concentrations of normally innervated red (soleus) and white (gastrocnemius) muscles were compared. Second, the glycogen content of innervated red and white muscles were compared to chronically denervated red and white muscles. Third, the effect of insulin upon glycogen stores in innervated and chronically denervated red and white muscles was examined.Innervated white muscles had higher glycogen levels than innervated red muscles. However, chronic denervation resulted in statistically significant decreases in red and white muscle glycogen content. In addition, insulin markedly increased glycogen stores in innervated red muscles, but not in white muscles. Further, the increase in glycogen levels in red muscle caused by insulin was abolished in chronically denervated preparations.The results suggest that the effects of insulin on skeletal muscle glycogen stores could be related to trophic influences of motor nerves.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

Inulase in the alimentary canals of Periplaneta americana and Blaberus giganteus

Adeyinka, Jacob Adeyemi 03 June 2011 (has links)
Inulase had received little attention and there were conflicting statements about its availability in animals.Adapted anthrone-sulfuric acid and Nelson-Somogyi reagents were used for identifying fructose concentration in inulin hydrolyzed by insect and aerobic bacteria extracts as a measure of inulase activity.Bacteria isolated from the insect’s gut were grown in nutrient agar and their extracts were used in hydrolyzing inulin. Aerobic bacteria-free insect extracts were obtained by injecting aureomycin into the gut of the cockroaches.There was no significant aureomycin effect on inulase production by the insects. The greatest inulase activity was around the gastric ceaca region. The major inulase requirement of the insects was met by gastric ceaca region production and not by the bacteria. The assertion that inulase may not be found in animal workd (Bernfeld 1962, Doby 1965, Hoar 1966) is unsupported. Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus) and Blaberus giganteus (Linnaeus) have inulase in their gastric caeca regions.Studies of inulase could lead to better understanding of cockroach physiology and their symbionts. If inulase is eventually synthesized in the laboratory a significant amount of inulin energy would become available to man through the use of synthetic inulase.Honors CollegeBall State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

Zooplankton population dynamics in Indiana waters of Lake Michigan in 1970

Johnson, David L. 03 June 2011 (has links)
AbstractPlankton samples were collected from June through October, 1970, at 5, 10, 15, and 18 m stations on transects extending into Indiana waters of Lake Michigan from Michigan City, Burns Ditch, and Gary.Bosmina longirostris, Daphnia retrocurva, and Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi were the three dominant crustacean zooplankters in Indiana waters of Lake Michigan. Each species made up more than 10% of the total crustacean zooplankton community.The rotifer community was dominated by Polyarthra vulgaris. Other numerous rotifers included Keratella cochlearis, Synchaeta sp., and Kellicotia lonqispina.There were few consistent differences between the three transects, but, as station depth increased to 18 m, the population dynamics on the three transects tended to become more similar.In general the zooplankton community structure was made up of small microfiltrators with few macrofiltrators or predacious zooplankton present.The dominance of the microfiltrators, small size of Daphnia retrocurva sampled, seasonally late appearance of larger zooplankters, skewed sex ratios of Diaptomus, and increased numbers of zooplankton in general may all be the result of heavy alewife predation on large zooplankton forms.The dominance of less effective microfilter feeding zooplankton and the continued increase of nutrient levels in southern Lake Michigan may be combining to effect an increase in the eutrophication rate in the shallow Indiana waters of Lake Michigan.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

Measurement of the 0.081 Mev excited state of cesium 133 when using constant fraction single channel analyzers and a comparison of the result with that found in a previous study when using conventional single channel analyzers

Hillman, Terry M. 03 June 2011 (has links)
AbstractIn this study a coincidence circuit composed of Ortec modules with Ge(Li)-NaI(Tl) detectors was utilized. An investigation of the different fractional threshold settings of a Constant Fraction of Pulse Height Trigger was made.Two different isotopes were investigated. A sample of 22Na was used as a prompt source. The half-life of the 0.081 Mev energy levelof 133Cs was studied. This half-life has been reported as being 6.3 nsec. Results were compared with results of a previous study at Ball State University which had used a conventional single channel analyzer and had used the zero crossover point for timing purposes.The best value received for the 133Cs energy state using a slope measurement was 8.12 t 0.25 nsec. Using a centroid shift measurement the best value of the 133Cs energy state was 5.66 nsec.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

Elongation of lauric and myristic acid and desaturation of stearic acid in Aspergillus niger

Shellenbarger, Rex L. 03 June 2011 (has links)
The elongation and desaturation of fatty acids was investigated by studying the fate of 1-14C lauric, myristic, and stearic acids added to submerged cultures of Aspergillus niger. The mycelium produced oleic and linoleio acids from 1-14C lauric and 1-14C steario acids and to only a slight extent from 1-14C myristic acid. Stearic acid was the principal labeled saturated fatty acid produced when laurio acid was the substrate; both palmitic and steario acids were produced in reduced amounts from myristic acid. Myristic acid has been reported to be a poor precursor for long chain fatty acids in Penicillium chrysogenum and Torulopsos bombicoli well. The absence of label in fatty acids shorter than the added substrates indicated that oxidation followed by do novo synthesis did not occur. Pariodate-permanganate oxidation data verified that do novo synthesis did not occur.When either 1-14C lauric acid or 1-14C myristic acid was the substrate, Schmidt decarboxylation data of the saturated fatty acids longer that the substrate indicated that the terminal acetate unit of the substrate was removed and used to elongate palmitio acid to steario acid. The rapid incorporation. of label into long chain fatty acids supports this conclusion. When 1- 4C steario acid was the substrate, decarboxylation data of the saturated fatty acids longer than stearicindicated that the terminal acetate unit of the substrate was removed and used to produce fatty acids with chain lengths longer than stearic acid.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

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