Spelling suggestions: "subject:"barrel"" "subject:"carrel""
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Encoding strategies and mechanisms underpinning adaptation to stimulus statistics in the rat barrel cortexDavies, Lucy Anne January 2011 (has links)
It is well established that, following adaptation, cells adjust their sensitivity to reflect the global stimulus conditions. Two recent studies in guinea pig inferior colliculus (IC, Dean, Harper & McAlpine 2005) and rat barrel cortex (Garcia-Lazaro, Ho, Nair & Schnupp 2007) found that neural stimulus-response functions were displaced laterally in a manner that was dependent on the mean adapting stimulus. However, the direction of gain change, following adaptation to variance, was in contradiction to Information Theory, which predicts a decrease in gain with increased stimulus variance. On further analysis of the experimental data, presented within this thesis, it was revealed that the adaptive gain changes to global stimulus variance were, in fact, in the direction predicted by Information Theory. However, following adaptation to global mean amplitude, neural threshold was displaced to centre the SRF on inputs that were located on the edge of the stimulus distribution. It was found that adaptation scaled neural output such that the relationship between firing rate and local, as opposed to global, differences in stimulus amplitude was maintained; with the majority of cells responding to large differences in stimulus amplitude, on the 40ms scale. A small majority of cells responded to step-size differences, in amplitude, of either direction and were classed as novelty preferring. Adaptation to global mean was replicated in model neuron with spike-rate adaptation and tonic inhibition, which increased with stimulus mean. Adaptation to stimulus variance was replicated in three models 1: By increasing, in proportion to stimulus variance, background, excitatory and inhibitory firing rates in a balanced manner (Chance, Abbott & Reyes 2002), 2: A model of asymmetric synaptic depression (Chelaru & Dragoi 2008) and 3: a model combining non-linear input with synaptic depression. The results presented, within this thesis, demonstrate that neurons change their coding strategies depending upon the global levels of mean and variance within the sensory input. Under low noise conditions, neurons act as deviation detectors, i.e. are primed to respond to large changes in the stimulus on the tens of millisecond; however, under conditions of increased noise switch their encoding strategy in order to compute the full range of the stimulus distribution through adjusting neural gain.
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Tonnenstühle als möbelkundliches Phänomenvon Stülpnagel, Karl Heinrich, von Jeinsen, Katharina 30 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen eines Seminars über „Möbel als historische Quelle“ am Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Leipzig im WS 2005/06 unter der Leitung des Verfassers wurde Sebastian Jung, Student der Kunstgeschichte, angeregt, eine Hausarbeit anzufertigen mit dem Thema ,,Gibt es geböttcherte Möbel? Eine Spurensuche in der Niederländischen Malerei“. Einige der folgenden Überlegungen entstammen dieser Arbeit.
Die Gewerke der Tischler, Schnitzer, Drechsler und Zimmerleute sind holzverarbeitende Berufe, die immer auch Möbel angefertigt haben. Vom Böttcherhandwerk ist dies nicht bekannt, sieht man einmal von modernem Kneipeninterieur „im Böttcherstil“ ab. Das Besondere der Böttcherei ist, dass die einzelnen Holzteile – Dauben genannt – ohne Holzverbindungen nur mittels Reifen zusammengehalten werden. Dies benötigt eine regelmäßige Pflege durch den Nutzer, zum Beispiel durch das Nachschlagen der Reifen. Ist dies nicht gegeben, schwindet das Holz, die Reifen werden locker und es besteht so die Gefahr, dass alles auseinander fällt. Es handelt sich also bei geböttcherten Dingen um relativ empfindliche und pflegeintensive Gegenstände.
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Análise experimental de aduelas pré-moldadas em concreto de alto desempenho para passarelas estaiadas / Theoretical and experimental analysis of precast barrel staves in high performance concreteConceição, Rodrigo Vieira da 19 March 2008 (has links)
Embora a utilização do concreto de alto desempenho (CAD) para a fabricação de elementos pré-moldados seja frequentemente usado na construção civil, o presente trabalho apresenta um estudo do emprego de microconcreto em aduelas tubulares de pequenas espessuras protendidas dentro de critérios fabris, com materiais regionais, a fim de repassar para a iniciativa privada os resultados colhidos das análises já elaboradas. As aduelas servirão para compor o tabuleiro de passarelas estaiadas, com a intenção de projetar uma estrutura que, além de harmônica aos olhos e arrojada, também seja econômica, pois se aplicando a protensão nas aduelas que formam o tabuleiro, pode-se explorar uma das características que os concretos de alto desempenho e resistência têm de melhor, que é a resistência à compressão (> 80MPa). Os materiais utilizados na dosagem do microconcreto para a confecção dos elementos em escala real, foram os seguintes: CP V ARI RS, sílica de ferro-silício em substituição volumétrica ao cimento em 10%, três tipos de areias de cava da região para o melhor empacotamento das partículas reduzindo os vazios, pedrisco basáltico com dimensão máxima de 9,5 mm em consonância com as características geométricas do elemento estrutural e da armadura e um superplastificante para atingir a consistência desejada. Levaram-se em conta na produção desse trabalho os recentes desenvolvidos havidos na reologia dos concretos frescos, ação da carbonatação e ação de cloretos. A consistência do concreto foi um fator importante para a determinação do traço, pois o concreto foi lançado nos moldes a uma altura de 2,40 m, permanecendo coeso. A concretagem foi realizada através de betonadas consecutivas para o total preenchimento do molde, onde em todas as betonadas foram realizadas a mesma seqüência de mistura pré-estabelecida. Foram moldadas duas aduelas em escala real, as quais foram estudadas seguindo a simulação do processo de montagem e uso da passarela, a fim de se analisar as solicitações atuantes e as formas de ruína das aduelas acopladas. As resistências mecânicas dos corpos-de-prova foram analisadas nas idades de 1, 3, 7, 28, 63 e 91 dias, cujos resultados de resistência à compressão simples, compressão diametral e o módulo de elasticidade atingiram ao previsto no projeto. O acabamento superficial, o tempo de lançamento, adensamento, desforma, cura e o transporte foram adequados para o reaproveitamento dos moldes. Com os resultados obtidos das análises realizadas com os dois módulos do tabuleiro, verificou-se a possibilidade de construir passarelas com elementos tubulares de pequena espessura protendidos com barras de Dywidag pelo sistema de protensão proposto. Verificou-se também uma pequena amplitude das deformações e deslocamentos das aduelas no processo de montagem e uso da passarela, assim como no transporte das aduelas. Não foram observadas a formação de quaisquer tipos de fissuras durante todo o processo envolvido, quais sejam, desmoldagem, estocagem, transporte, lançamento e utilização simulada. / Although the use of high performance concrete (HPC) for precast elements manufacture is frequently used in civil construction, this work presents a study of the utilization of microconcrete in prestressed small thicknesses tubular barrel stave, in manufacturing criteria, with regional materials, in order to repass to private initiative the already elaborated analyses results. Barrel stave will serve to compose cable-stayed footbridge deck, with the intent to project a structure that, beyond pleasant and bold, must be also economic, therefore applying prestress in barrel stave to form the deck, it\'s possible to explored the most important high performance and strength concrete characteristics, the compressive strength (> 80MPa). The used materials to design a microconcrete for the elements confection in real scale, are the following: CP V ARI RS, ferrosilicon silica fume in 10% volumetric substitution to the cement, three types of regional sands for optimum particles packing to reduce the emptinesses, 9,5 mm basaltic grave in accord with the geometric characteristics of the structural element and reinforcement, and superplasticizer additives to reach the desired consistency. Recent researches about fresh concrete rheology, carbonation and chloride action had been taken in account in the production of this work. The consistency was an important factor for concrete design, therefore the concrete would be was launched in 2,40 m height molds, remaining united. The molding was carried through consecutive load concrete mixer operation for the total fulfilling of the mold, where in all load of a concrete mixer had been carried through the same sequence of pre-established mixture. Two were molded barrel stave full scale, which were studied in the simulation of process of assembly and use of footbridge in order to examine the requests engaged in the forms of ruin from barrel stave coupled. The mechanical strength of the samples had been analyzed in ages of 1, 3, 7, 28, 63 and 91 days, whose results of simple compressive strength, diametrical compression and the modulus of elasticity had reached to the foreseen in project. The superficial finishing, the time of launching, compacting, desmoulding, cure and the transport had been adjusted for molds reuse. With the results of analyses conducted with two modules of deck, there was the possibility of building footbridges with tubular elements of small thickness prestressed with bars of Dywidag the system protention proposed. There was also a small extent of deformation and displacement of barrel stave in process of assembly and use of footbridge as well as the transport of barrel stave. Not been observed the formation of any types of cracks during all the involved process, which are, desmoulding, storage, transport, launching and simulated use.
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Cerveja envelhecida em barril de madeira, aspectos químicos e microbiológicos / Aged beer in wooden barrels, chemical and microbiological aspectsAngeloni, Luís Henrique Poleto 18 November 2015 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, houve um aumento do consumo de cerveja no Brasil e no resto do mundo. Existem diversos conceitos e metodologias que diferenciam os estilos de cerveja, sejam nas modificações dos processos de produção, uso de diferentes ingredientes, fermentações em fermentadores de diferentes tipos, metodologias de envase, utilização de madeira na maturação da bebida, entre outros. Paralelamente à evolução dos conhecimentos científicos em Microbiologia, tais como, o crescente entendimento da fisiologia celular, as técnicas de imobilização da levedura cervejeira e o isolamento de novas estirpes que fornecem características aromáticas diferenciadas às cervejas. O armazenamento de bebidas em barris de madeira é amplamente utilizado desde a antiguidade na produção de bebidas, seja na forma de armazenamento e no aumento da complexidade do produto. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a formação de alguns compostos aromáticos durante o envelhecimento de cerveja tipo Flanders Red Ale em barris de madeira, levando em consideração aspectos químicos e microbiológicos tais como: congêneres de maturação analisando os conteúdos de compostos fenólicos de baixo peso molecular determinados por cromatografia líquida de alto desempenho, congêneres voláteis (aldeídos, ésteres e álcoois superiores) determinadas por cromatografia em fase gasosa e as propriedades microbiológicas da cerveja como viabilidade celular, meios de cultivo diferenciados para isolamento de levedura totais, bactérias ácidos acéticas, bactérias láticas e meio modificado para isolamento de Brettanomyces. O estudo foi realizado nas dependências da microcervejaria do Departamento de Agroindústria, Alimentos e Nutrição da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Piracicaba (SP). A fermentação primária do mosto cervejeiro foi conduzida à 23°C em fermentador cilíndrico cônico de inox, após refrigeração a 0°C por duas semanas a cerveja foi armazenada em barris (50 litros) de carvalho americano à 25°C por três e cinco meses. Após a maturação, uma cerveja nova (Young Ale) foi produzida e misturada (Blend) com a cerveja envelhecida em diferentes proporções: cerveja Young Ale; blends com 33% e 66% de cerveja envelhecida; 100% cerveja envelhecida, após os Blends, as cervejas foram engarrafadas e armazenadas por um período de três meses para início das análises químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais. Ocorreram alterações químicas e microbiológicas que favoreceram o aumento da complexidade da cerveja após passar por um período de armazenamento em barril de carvalho, sendo que, essa alteração foi maior proporcionalmente ao aumento do tempo de armazenamento da cerveja. / In recent decades, there has been an increase in beer consumption in Brazil and around the world. There are many methodologies and concepts that differentiate styles of beer, are the modifications of the production processes, use of various ingredients fermentations in fermenters of different types of packaging methodologies, wood use in beverage maturation, among others. Parallel to the development of scientific knowledge in microbiology, such as the growing understanding of cellular physiology, the immobilization techniques of brewing yeast and isolation of new strains that provide aromatic characteristics differentiated the beers. The storage of drinks in wooden barrels is widely used since antiquity in the production of drinks. The objective of this research was to evaluate the formation of some aromatic compounds at Ale type beer aging in wooden barrels, taking into account chemical and microbiological aspects such as: maturation of similar analyzing the content of phenolic compounds of low molecular weight determined by chromatography high performance liquid volatile counterparts (aldehydes, esters and higher alcohols) determined by gas chromatography using a flame ionization detector and microbiological properties of beer analyzing cell viability, different culture media for total yeast, bacteria acetic acid, Lactic acid bacteria and growth medium modified to Brettanomyces. The study was conducted in the microbrewery premises of the agribusiness department, food and nutrition Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, Piracicaba (SP). The primary fermentation was conducted at 23° C in tapered cylindrical stainless steel fermenter after cooling to 0° beer was stored in barrels (50 liters) American oak at 25° C for three and five months. After maturation, a new beer (Young Ale) was produced and blended (blend) with the aged beer bottled and stored for analysis. After maturation, a new beer (Young Ale) was produced and mixed ( Blend ) with the beer aged in different proportions : Young beer Ale ; blends of 33 % and 66 % of aged beer; 100 % aged beer, the beers were bottled and stored for a period of three months to the beginning of the chemical, microbiological and sensory analysis. Microbial and chemical chenges accurred that favored increased complexity of the beer after passing through a storage period in oak barrel, and that changes was greater in proportion to the increase beer storage time.
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Estudo do processo de replicação por laminação em polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) aquecido / Study of the replication process by rolling of heated polimetilmethacrylate (PMMA)Javarez Junior, Laercio 24 November 2009 (has links)
O crescente aumento na demanda de sistemas miniatuarizados, a criação e desenvolvimento de métodos simples e eficazes e com menor custo de fabricação de microcomponentes desafiam projetistas e pesquisadores. Dentro deste contexto, este trabalho visa o estudo do processo de replicação por laminação, com PMMA (polimetilmetacrilato) aquecido, para geração de microestruturas. O laminador utilizado é de precisão e a distância entre rolos possui controle milimétrico garantindo sua distância, mesmo quando em operação. Foi confeccionado um cilindro molde contendo microrranhuras que serão replicadas no PMMA. Utilizaram-se, como material do cilindro molde, o alumínio e a liga de alumínio 7075. O processo de aquecimento do PMMA consistiu de duas maneiras: condução através do contato com placa térmica, e convecção através do aquecimento em estufa. Para PMMA identificou-se a temperatura ótima para replicação a 105°C. O estudo demonstrou que, para replicar uma geometria com taxa de replicação elevada, devem-se levar em consideração fatores como a velocidade de laminação e a taxa de redução (distância entre cilindros). Este trabalho vai de encontro a pensamentos inovadores, demonstrando ser uma técnica que permite obter a replicação de determinadas geometrias com eficiência de produção. / The increasing demand for miniatuature systems, the creation and development of simple, effective and low cost manufacturing mehods of microcomponents challenge designers and researchers. Within this context, this work aims to study the replication process by rolling of heated PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) to generate microstructures. A precision mill roll is used so that the distance between rolls has millimeter adjustment ensuring the distance is kept constant, even while in operation. A cylinder mold containing microgrooves to be replicated in PMMA was fabricated. Aluminum and 7075 aluminum alloy were used for the cylinder mold. The process of heating the PMMA occurred in two manners: conduction through the contact thermal plate, and convection by heating in an oven. For PMMA, the temperature for replication of 105°C was identified as being optimum. The study showed that, to replicate a geometry with a high rate of replication, one should take into account factors such as the rolling speed and the rate (distance between cylinders). This work goes towards the innovative thinking, proving to be a technique that allows for the replication of certain geometries and production efficiency.
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Estudo do processo de replicação por laminação em polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) aquecido / Study of the replication process by rolling of heated polimetilmethacrylate (PMMA)Laercio Javarez Junior 24 November 2009 (has links)
O crescente aumento na demanda de sistemas miniatuarizados, a criação e desenvolvimento de métodos simples e eficazes e com menor custo de fabricação de microcomponentes desafiam projetistas e pesquisadores. Dentro deste contexto, este trabalho visa o estudo do processo de replicação por laminação, com PMMA (polimetilmetacrilato) aquecido, para geração de microestruturas. O laminador utilizado é de precisão e a distância entre rolos possui controle milimétrico garantindo sua distância, mesmo quando em operação. Foi confeccionado um cilindro molde contendo microrranhuras que serão replicadas no PMMA. Utilizaram-se, como material do cilindro molde, o alumínio e a liga de alumínio 7075. O processo de aquecimento do PMMA consistiu de duas maneiras: condução através do contato com placa térmica, e convecção através do aquecimento em estufa. Para PMMA identificou-se a temperatura ótima para replicação a 105°C. O estudo demonstrou que, para replicar uma geometria com taxa de replicação elevada, devem-se levar em consideração fatores como a velocidade de laminação e a taxa de redução (distância entre cilindros). Este trabalho vai de encontro a pensamentos inovadores, demonstrando ser uma técnica que permite obter a replicação de determinadas geometrias com eficiência de produção. / The increasing demand for miniatuature systems, the creation and development of simple, effective and low cost manufacturing mehods of microcomponents challenge designers and researchers. Within this context, this work aims to study the replication process by rolling of heated PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) to generate microstructures. A precision mill roll is used so that the distance between rolls has millimeter adjustment ensuring the distance is kept constant, even while in operation. A cylinder mold containing microgrooves to be replicated in PMMA was fabricated. Aluminum and 7075 aluminum alloy were used for the cylinder mold. The process of heating the PMMA occurred in two manners: conduction through the contact thermal plate, and convection by heating in an oven. For PMMA, the temperature for replication of 105°C was identified as being optimum. The study showed that, to replicate a geometry with a high rate of replication, one should take into account factors such as the rolling speed and the rate (distance between cylinders). This work goes towards the innovative thinking, proving to be a technique that allows for the replication of certain geometries and production efficiency.
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A tale of two RLPAs : studies of cell division in Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosaJorgenson, Matthew Allan 01 July 2014 (has links)
Rare lipoprotein A (RlpA) has been studied previously only in Escherichia coli, where it localizes to the septal ring and scattered foci along the lateral wall, but mutants have no phenotypic change. In this thesis, we show rlpA mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa form chains of short, fat cells when grown in media of low osmotic strength. These morphological defects indicate RlpA is needed for efficient separation of daughter cells and maintenance of rod shape. Analysis of peptidoglycan sacculi from a ΔrlpA mutant revealed increased tetra and hexasaccharides that lack stem peptides (hereafter called "naked glycans"). Incubation of these sacculi with purified RlpA resulted in release of naked glycans containing 1,6-anhydro N-acetylmuramic acid ends. RlpA did not degrade sacculi from wild-type cells unless the sacculi were subjected to a limited digestion with an amidase to remove some of the stem peptides. Collectively, these findings indicate RlpA is a lytic transglycosylase with a strong preference for naked glycan strands. We propose that RlpA activity is regulated in vivo by substrate availability, and that amidases and RlpA work in tandem to degrade peptidoglycan in the division septum and lateral wall.
Our discovery that RlpA from P. aeruginosa is a lytic transglycosylase motivated us to reinvestigate RlpA from E. coli. We confirmed predictions that RlpA of E. coli is an outer membrane protein and determined its abundance to be about 600 molecules per cell. However, multiple efforts to demonstrate that E. coli RlpA is a lytic transglycosylase were unsuccessful and the function of this protein in E. coli remains obscure.
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Engineering the (S)-3-O-Geranylgeranylglyceryl Phosphate Synthase (GGGPS) Monomer from its DimerKharbanda, Neha 25 August 2011 (has links)
(S)-3-O-Geranylgeranylglyceryl Phosphate Synthase (GGGPS) is a TIM (βα)8 barrel protein found in Archaea and the enzyme catalyzing the first step in the biosynthesis of archaeal membrane lipids. The TIM (βα)8 barrel protein fold is thought to have evolved by duplication and fusion of (βα)4 half barrels. We propose that the GGGPS has also evolved from (βα)4 half barrels. One way to test this hypothesis is to generate putative half-barrels experimentally. GGGPS from Archaeaglobus fulgidus, is a dimer of (βα)8 barrels. Thus, before constructing half barrels, a stable monomer is needed to be engineered.
Introducing three substitutions into the dimer interface formed the GGGPS monomer. AUC showed ~50 % of the protein is in the monomeric state. CD experiments confirmed that the engineered protein was properly folded but had decreased thermal stability. In an enzymatic assay, the monomeric GGGPS protein proved as active as the WT protein on a subunit basis.
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Engineering the (S)-3-O-Geranylgeranylglyceryl Phosphate Synthase (GGGPS) Monomer from its DimerKharbanda, Neha 25 August 2011 (has links)
(S)-3-O-Geranylgeranylglyceryl Phosphate Synthase (GGGPS) is a TIM (βα)8 barrel protein found in Archaea and the enzyme catalyzing the first step in the biosynthesis of archaeal membrane lipids. The TIM (βα)8 barrel protein fold is thought to have evolved by duplication and fusion of (βα)4 half barrels. We propose that the GGGPS has also evolved from (βα)4 half barrels. One way to test this hypothesis is to generate putative half-barrels experimentally. GGGPS from Archaeaglobus fulgidus, is a dimer of (βα)8 barrels. Thus, before constructing half barrels, a stable monomer is needed to be engineered.
Introducing three substitutions into the dimer interface formed the GGGPS monomer. AUC showed ~50 % of the protein is in the monomeric state. CD experiments confirmed that the engineered protein was properly folded but had decreased thermal stability. In an enzymatic assay, the monomeric GGGPS protein proved as active as the WT protein on a subunit basis.
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Signal propagation in recurrent networks of mouse barrel cortexNattar Ranganath, Gayathri 03 February 2012 (has links)
Sensory signals are represented and propagated as spiking activity in multiple neuronal populations to lead to cognitive or motor behavior in organisms. Neural processing underlying sensory-motor behavior is understood by uncovering the governing computational principles and the biophysical mechanisms that implement the principles. While these mechanisms have been studied extensively at the single-neuron and system levels, activity within neuronal networks significantly impact neural processing. For example, there are spatiotemporal interactions (neural correlations) between responses of neurons within populations that could potentially impact signal representation and propagation. Furthermore, the effects of associative plasticity are also expected to alter network activity and its propagation. The effects of plasticity on network activity cannot be predicted from individual neuronal responses due to the complex, non-linear interactions within neuronal networks. Thus examining neural correlations in network activity and the propagation of network activity, requires recording spiking activity from large, heterogeneous, populations of spatially distributed neurons simultaneously. Studies addressing the propagation of network activity have been limited to theoretical approaches. Empirical studies have been limited by the technical difficulties in recording from a large number of neurons simultaneously. To overcome this challenge we developed a novel technique, dithered random-access functional calcium imaging. This imaging technique records and extracts suprathreshold activity from a large number of neurons. This technique also has a high spike detection efficiency and millisecond temporal precision. We applied this technique to measure the propagation of activity and neural correlations in activity evoked by afferent, thalamocortical inputs in the recurrent cortical networks of the mouse barrel cortex. We found that the cortical activity evoked by novel (naïve), thalamocortical inputs showed limited propagation of activity and decrease in propagation of neural correlations (measured from neuronal pairs within each population) from L4 to L2/3 network of the responding column. However, associative cortical plasticity was induced from pairing thalamocortical inputs with intracortical inputs. This pairing resulted in increased propagation of activity. The pairing also modified the propagation of neural correlations. Our results suggest that synaptic plasticity in intracortical circuits contributes to the modified propagation of activity and neural correlations. The modified propagation of neural correlations could in turn contribute to behavioral performance in vivo following perceptual learning. / text
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