Spelling suggestions: "subject:"basal metabolic date"" "subject:"basal metabolic rate""
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Intraspecific variation in the metabolism of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and northern pike Esox luciusSimms, Liam Dominic January 2000 (has links)
Basal metabolic rate (BMR), the sum of maintenance energy costs, represents a major component of the energy budgets of ectothermic vertebrates and varies between individuals within a species. Individual ectotherms are generally assumed to have a constant BMR at any given temperature. A strategy of flexibility in BMR might have evolved to cope with differing environmental conditions. Within-individual variation in BMR was examined in two fishes, juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and juvenile northern pike Esox lucius, whilst the effects of exercise and ration on BMR, maximum metabolic rate (MMR), enzyme levels and body composition were studied in detail for pike. In the first part of the study, measurements of BMR were made for first-summer Atlantic salmon parr at rest by respirometry. In 1996, initial measurements of BMR were made for 25 fish held in a stock tank. Fish were then allocated in small groups to channels to represent a change in environment and BMR re-measured after a period of several weeks. The procedure was repeated for 30 fish in the summer of 1997, when fish were given a reduced food ration. Variation in BMR in each experiment was analysed for individual fish, and for all fish using a linear mixed model. There were statistically significant differences in BMR values between the two times, the within-individual, between-time variation representing approximately ± 21% of BMR in 1996 and ± 28% of BMR in 1997. Reduced-rafion fish (1997) displayed a significant decrease in the mean elevation of the allometric scaling relationship between body mass and BMR between time periods. To further explore possible mechanisms for flexibility in BMR and relationships with MMR, juvenile pike were used. Initial measurements of BMR and MMR (following exhaustive exercise) were made and factorial metabolic scope calculated (MMR/BMR). Fish were then split into a high ration no-exercise group (n = 10), low ration no-exercise group (n = 10) and sustained exercise group (n = 13). Initial measurements were termed time 1, with subsequent measurements made after approximately 3 weeks (time 2) and 11 weeks (time 3). Exercised fish had a significantly larger MMR and scope following 3 weeks of sustained swimming. For all fish there were significant correlations between BMR and MMR at times 1 and 3 but not at time 2.After the oxygen measurements made at time 3 all fish were humanely killed. Maximal enzyme assays were performed on six tissues for each remaining fish (n = 30). Levels of each of two enzymes (citrate synthase, CS, and lactate dehydrogenase, LDH, measured in the direction of lactate oxidation) were found to be similar between treatment groups for respective tissues. Total CS activity levels and LDH levels were highest in the heart and red muscle. In general there was little difference in the relative organ masses of fish exposed to different treatments. It is concluded that in these two fish species with very different life styles, between- and within- individual variation in BMR (salmon & pike) and MMR (pike only) is apparent and that differences in ration and exercise influence individual physiology.
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Phenotypic flexibility in the basal metabolic rate of Laughing Doves (Streptopelia Senegalensis) in response to short-term thermal acclimationChetty, Kinesh 07 March 2008 (has links)
Phenotypic flexibility in basal metabolic rate (BMR) in response to short-term thermal
acclimation was assessed in the Laughing Dove (Streptopelia senegalensis), a common
resident bird species distributed throughout most of southern Africa. I hypothesised that
S. senegalensis would display flexibility in BMR over short time scales and that this
flexibility would be reversible. Additionally, I hypothesised BMR to be repeatable, and
that changes in BMR would be correlated with changes in organ mass. I tested these
hypotheses by measuring BMR in three groups of 10 birds before and after a short-term
(21 day) thermal acclimation period to one of three air temperatures (10o, 22o & 35oC).
After acclimation the three temperature groups were randomly divided and reverseacclimated
for another 21 days to one of the two thermal environments not yet
experienced. After this reverse-acclimation period BMR was measured again. The dry
masses of the stomach, kidney, heart, intestines, liver and pectoral muscles of acclimated
birds were used to determine possible mechanistic correlates of BMR adjustments.
Additionally, by monitoring BMR every 4-6 days during cold (10oC) and heat (35oC)
acclimation I was able to assess the temporal dynamics of adjustments in BMR in
response to short-term thermal acclimation.
BMR was both flexible and reversible in S. senegalensis as a consistent
relationship between BMR and acclimation air temperature was observed after
acclimation and reverse-acclimation. BMR increased with decreasing acclimation
temperature. Furthermore, a significant proportion (25%) of the observed variation in
BMR was repeatable in the 22oC group in spite of the change in BMR induced by thermal
acclimation. The mechanistic correlate of BMR adjustment in S. senegalensis appears to
be metabolic intensity and not organ size, as the only organ to show a significant increase
in size was the intestine of the acclimated 10oC group, which was significantly heavier
than the intestine of the 22oC group. BMR also decreases in response to the reduction of
flight and/or exercise. Since this reduction was not accompanied by a correlated change
in organ mass or body mass, the reduction in BMR as a response to captivity appears to
be linked to metabolic intensity of the organs and skeletal muscles.
In S. senegalensis adjustments in BMR occur during the first 30 days of captivity
and thermal acclimation. The response in BMR to acclimation temperature is clearly
evident as BMR of the heat-acclimated group was significantly lower than the coldacclimated
group after 21 days. During the response period, which lasts approximately
30 days, BMR adjusts as a mechanism to offset the costs of thermoregulation and
habituation to captivity while other metabolic parameters such as body mass, body
temperature, and minimum wet thermal conductance adjust to captivity and the thermal
environment. After 30 days BMR of the cold and heat-acclimated groups converge on
0.68W, indicating that once the associated metabolic parameters adjust and stabilize in
response to the thermal environment, BMR continues to adjust to captivity.
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Differences in Basal Metabolic Rates, Heart Masses, and Hematocrits of Bats, Terrestrial Mammals, and BirdsWatanabe, Brett Kaoru 01 January 2014 (has links)
Bats are the only mammals capable of powered flight. In flight, bats consume up to 20 times more oxygen per hour than under basal conditions. This is twice the increase reported for running mammals of the same body sizes. Birds are the only other group of vertebrate capable of powered flight. By plotting morphological and physiological parameters against body mass for bats, terrestrial mammals, and birds, we can observe to what extent these parameters permit high rates of oxygen delivery necessary for flight.
In this study we analyzed basal metabolic rate, heart mass, and hematocrit, and compared how differently they scale in the afore-mentioned groups. We found that larger heart masses are associated with the ability to fly; hematocrit values for birds change markedly with body size, while those for mammals and bats are nearly independent of body size; and that BMR scales differently in all three groups.
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Avaliação nutricional de adolescentes e adultos com Osteogênese Imperfeita / Nutritional evaluated in adolescents and adults with osteogenesis imperfectaRoque, Janaína Pivetta 21 August 2009 (has links)
RESUMO Introdução: Osteogênese imperfeita (OI) é uma enfermidade que leva à fragilidade e redução da massa óssea, não secundária a qualquer outra condição conhecida. Devido à importância do estado nutricional para a saúde óssea, há necessidade de melhor conhecimento sobre o estado nutricional, a composição corporal e a ingestão alimentar de indivíduos com OI. Objetivo: Avaliar o estado nutricional e o consumo alimentar de adolescentes e adultos com OI. Métodos: Estudo caso-controle, com adolescentes e adultos de ambos os sexos. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos a avaliações do estado nutricional (IMC, comprimento supino e envergadura), da composição corporal e densidade mineral óssea (DMO) pelo Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry DXA, ingestão alimentar (diário alimentar de 3 dias), avaliação bioquímica [cálcio total, fósforo, creatinina, albumina, CTX, PTH e vitamina D], avaliação da atividade física, determinação da Taxa de Metabolismo Basal (TMB). Para análise dos resultados foram utilizados One Way ANOVA, teste T-Student e testes de correlação de Pearson e considerados os valores de p<0,05. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 26 indivíduos com OI (50% OI tipo I/ 50% OI tipo III) e 8 indivíduos saudáveis pareados por sexo e idade. O nº de fraturas foi maior nos indivíduos com OI tipo III, em média 60 fraturas comparado a 19 no OI tipo I. A DMO em coluna lombar L1-L4 foi significativamente maior no grupo controle comparado aos tipos de OI I e III [-0,4(0,5) vs. -2,7(1,0) e - 2,7(0,6) g/cm2, p<0,05], respectivamente. Segundo o IMC, 100% dos indivíduos do grupo controle encontram-se eutróficos, 46% dos indivíduos com OI tipo III obesos e 31% dos indivíduos OI tipo I com sobrepeso. Quanto ao percentual de gordura corporal, encontrou-se 14% de indivíduos com excesso de gordura corporal no grupo controle, 83% nos indivíduos com OI tipo III e 42% nos indivíduos com OI tipo I. No grupo caso houve correlação negativa entre número de fraturas e massa magra e correlações positivas entre número de fraturas e porcentagem de gordura corporal e IMC. Não houve diferença na ingestão de cálcio e de fósforo entre os grupos. Entretanto, a vitamina D foi significativamente menor no grupo controle. Somando-se a ingestão e a suplementação de nutrientes, 58% e 12% dos indivíduos do grupo caso não alcançaram os valores recomendados de ingestão de cálcio e vitamina D, respectivamente. Os indivíduos com OI tipo III apresentaram concentrações séricas de fósforo significativamente maiores quando comparados aos com OI tipo I [4,3 (0,8) vs. 3,3 (0,4)mg/dl, p<0,05], respectivamente. Foi observada 71%, 77% e 69% de indivíduos com insuficiência de vitamina D no grupo controle, OI tipos I e III, respectivamente. Quanto à TMB, observou-se diferença significativa na TMB em kcal/dia entre os gêneros dos indivíduos adultos com OI tipo III, sendo significativamente maior no feminino. Conclusão: Observou-se elevada porcentagem de indivíduos com OI com excesso de peso e excesso de gordura corporal, principalmente entre os indivíduos com OI tipo III. A ingestão de cálcio e vitamina D foi inferior a recomendação na maioria dos indivíduos com OI e também no grupo controle. Estes resultados apontam a necessidade de uma intervenção nutricional direcionada a estes pacientes, uma vez que o estado nutricional e alimentar adequado podem contribuir para a saúde óssea. / Background: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a disease that leads to fragility and reduced bone mass, not secondary to another known condition. Due to the importance of nutritional status for bone health, there is a need for better knowledge on the nutritional status, body composition and dietary intake of individuals with OI. Objective: To evaluate the nutritional status and nutrient intakes of adolescents and adults with OI. Methods: A case-control study with adolescents and adults of both genders. Nutritional status (BMI, supine length and armspan), body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) by Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry - DXA, dietary intake (3 days Dietary Records), biochemical measurements (total calcium, phosphorus, albumin, creatinina, PTH, CTX and vitamin D), physical activity assessment and determination of basal metabolic rate (BMR) were evaluated. Statistical analyses comprised One Way ANOVA and Student-T test to calculated differences between groups and Pearson\'s correlation test. Significance was considered when p<0.05. Results: There were 26 subjects with OI (50% OI type I / type III OI 50%) and 8 healthy subjects matched by sex and age in the control group. The number of fractures was higher in subjects with OI type III, an average of 60 fractures compared to 19 in the OI type I. The BMD in the lumbar spine L1-L4 was significantly higher in the control group compared to the types of OI I and III [-0.4 (0.5) vs -2.7 (1.0) and -2.7 (0.6) g/cm2, p<0.05], respectively. According to BMI, 100% of subjects in the control group were considered normal weight, 46% of individuals with OI type III are obese and 31% of individuals type I OI, overweight. Regarding percentage of body fat, 14% of individuals with in the control group, 83% in OI type III and 42% in individuals with type I presented excess of body fat. In the case group, there was negative association between number of fractures and fat-free body mass and positive association between number of fractures and body fat% and BMI. There was no difference of calcium and phosphorus intakes between the groups. However, vitamin D was significantly lower in the control group. In addition considering foods and supplementation, 58% and 12% of individuals in the case group did not reach the recommended levels of calcium and vitamin D, respectively. Individuals with type III showed serum phosphorus significantly higher when compared with OI type I [4.3 (0.8) vs. 3.3 (0.4) mg/dl, p<0.05], respectively. Was observed 71%, 77% and 69% of insufficiency vitamin D in individuals of control group, OI types I and III, respectively. A significant difference between BMR in kcal/day between genders of adults with OI type III was observed being significantly higher in females. Conclusion: There was a high percentage of individuals with OI with higher body weight and body fat, mainly among OI type III. The calcium and vitamin D intakes was under recommended levels in most individuals with OI and in the control group. These results demonstrates that a nutritional intervention program is necessary for these patients, such an adequate nutritional status and dietary pattern could contribute to bone health.
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Avaliação nutricional de adolescentes e adultos com Osteogênese Imperfeita / Nutritional evaluated in adolescents and adults with osteogenesis imperfectaJanaína Pivetta Roque 21 August 2009 (has links)
RESUMO Introdução: Osteogênese imperfeita (OI) é uma enfermidade que leva à fragilidade e redução da massa óssea, não secundária a qualquer outra condição conhecida. Devido à importância do estado nutricional para a saúde óssea, há necessidade de melhor conhecimento sobre o estado nutricional, a composição corporal e a ingestão alimentar de indivíduos com OI. Objetivo: Avaliar o estado nutricional e o consumo alimentar de adolescentes e adultos com OI. Métodos: Estudo caso-controle, com adolescentes e adultos de ambos os sexos. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos a avaliações do estado nutricional (IMC, comprimento supino e envergadura), da composição corporal e densidade mineral óssea (DMO) pelo Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry DXA, ingestão alimentar (diário alimentar de 3 dias), avaliação bioquímica [cálcio total, fósforo, creatinina, albumina, CTX, PTH e vitamina D], avaliação da atividade física, determinação da Taxa de Metabolismo Basal (TMB). Para análise dos resultados foram utilizados One Way ANOVA, teste T-Student e testes de correlação de Pearson e considerados os valores de p<0,05. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 26 indivíduos com OI (50% OI tipo I/ 50% OI tipo III) e 8 indivíduos saudáveis pareados por sexo e idade. O nº de fraturas foi maior nos indivíduos com OI tipo III, em média 60 fraturas comparado a 19 no OI tipo I. A DMO em coluna lombar L1-L4 foi significativamente maior no grupo controle comparado aos tipos de OI I e III [-0,4(0,5) vs. -2,7(1,0) e - 2,7(0,6) g/cm2, p<0,05], respectivamente. Segundo o IMC, 100% dos indivíduos do grupo controle encontram-se eutróficos, 46% dos indivíduos com OI tipo III obesos e 31% dos indivíduos OI tipo I com sobrepeso. Quanto ao percentual de gordura corporal, encontrou-se 14% de indivíduos com excesso de gordura corporal no grupo controle, 83% nos indivíduos com OI tipo III e 42% nos indivíduos com OI tipo I. No grupo caso houve correlação negativa entre número de fraturas e massa magra e correlações positivas entre número de fraturas e porcentagem de gordura corporal e IMC. Não houve diferença na ingestão de cálcio e de fósforo entre os grupos. Entretanto, a vitamina D foi significativamente menor no grupo controle. Somando-se a ingestão e a suplementação de nutrientes, 58% e 12% dos indivíduos do grupo caso não alcançaram os valores recomendados de ingestão de cálcio e vitamina D, respectivamente. Os indivíduos com OI tipo III apresentaram concentrações séricas de fósforo significativamente maiores quando comparados aos com OI tipo I [4,3 (0,8) vs. 3,3 (0,4)mg/dl, p<0,05], respectivamente. Foi observada 71%, 77% e 69% de indivíduos com insuficiência de vitamina D no grupo controle, OI tipos I e III, respectivamente. Quanto à TMB, observou-se diferença significativa na TMB em kcal/dia entre os gêneros dos indivíduos adultos com OI tipo III, sendo significativamente maior no feminino. Conclusão: Observou-se elevada porcentagem de indivíduos com OI com excesso de peso e excesso de gordura corporal, principalmente entre os indivíduos com OI tipo III. A ingestão de cálcio e vitamina D foi inferior a recomendação na maioria dos indivíduos com OI e também no grupo controle. Estes resultados apontam a necessidade de uma intervenção nutricional direcionada a estes pacientes, uma vez que o estado nutricional e alimentar adequado podem contribuir para a saúde óssea. / Background: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a disease that leads to fragility and reduced bone mass, not secondary to another known condition. Due to the importance of nutritional status for bone health, there is a need for better knowledge on the nutritional status, body composition and dietary intake of individuals with OI. Objective: To evaluate the nutritional status and nutrient intakes of adolescents and adults with OI. Methods: A case-control study with adolescents and adults of both genders. Nutritional status (BMI, supine length and armspan), body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) by Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry - DXA, dietary intake (3 days Dietary Records), biochemical measurements (total calcium, phosphorus, albumin, creatinina, PTH, CTX and vitamin D), physical activity assessment and determination of basal metabolic rate (BMR) were evaluated. Statistical analyses comprised One Way ANOVA and Student-T test to calculated differences between groups and Pearson\'s correlation test. Significance was considered when p<0.05. Results: There were 26 subjects with OI (50% OI type I / type III OI 50%) and 8 healthy subjects matched by sex and age in the control group. The number of fractures was higher in subjects with OI type III, an average of 60 fractures compared to 19 in the OI type I. The BMD in the lumbar spine L1-L4 was significantly higher in the control group compared to the types of OI I and III [-0.4 (0.5) vs -2.7 (1.0) and -2.7 (0.6) g/cm2, p<0.05], respectively. According to BMI, 100% of subjects in the control group were considered normal weight, 46% of individuals with OI type III are obese and 31% of individuals type I OI, overweight. Regarding percentage of body fat, 14% of individuals with in the control group, 83% in OI type III and 42% in individuals with type I presented excess of body fat. In the case group, there was negative association between number of fractures and fat-free body mass and positive association between number of fractures and body fat% and BMI. There was no difference of calcium and phosphorus intakes between the groups. However, vitamin D was significantly lower in the control group. In addition considering foods and supplementation, 58% and 12% of individuals in the case group did not reach the recommended levels of calcium and vitamin D, respectively. Individuals with type III showed serum phosphorus significantly higher when compared with OI type I [4.3 (0.8) vs. 3.3 (0.4) mg/dl, p<0.05], respectively. Was observed 71%, 77% and 69% of insufficiency vitamin D in individuals of control group, OI types I and III, respectively. A significant difference between BMR in kcal/day between genders of adults with OI type III was observed being significantly higher in females. Conclusion: There was a high percentage of individuals with OI with higher body weight and body fat, mainly among OI type III. The calcium and vitamin D intakes was under recommended levels in most individuals with OI and in the control group. These results demonstrates that a nutritional intervention program is necessary for these patients, such an adequate nutritional status and dietary pattern could contribute to bone health.
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Relationship between Resting Energy Expenditure and Sleep Parameters on Gestational Weight Gain and the Mediation Effect of Macronutrient CompositionJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: No studies have evaluated the impact of tracking resting energy expenditure (REE) and modifiable health behaviors on gestational weight gain (GWG). In this controlled trial, pregnant women aged >18 years (X=29.8±4.9 years) with a gestational age (GA) <17 weeks were randomized to Breezing™ (N=16) or control (N=12) for 13 weeks. The Breezing™ group used a real-time metabolism tracker to obtain REE. Anthropometrics, diet, and sleep data were collected every 2 weeks. Rate of GWG was calculated as weight gain divided by total duration. Early (GA weeks 14-21), late (GA weeks 21-28), and overall (GA week 14-28) changes in macronutrients, sleep, and GWG were calculated. Mediation models were constructed using SPSS PROCESS macro using a bootstrap estimation approach with 10,000 samples. The majority of women were non-Hispanic Caucasian (78.6%). A total of 35.7% (n=10), 35.7% (n=10), and 28.6% (n=8) were normal weight, overweight, and obese, respectively, with 83.3% (n=10) and 87.5% (n=14) of the Control and Breezing™ groups gaining above IOM GWG recommendations. At baseline, macronutrient consumption did not differ. Overall (Breezing™ vs. Control; M diff=-349.08±150.77, 95% CI: -660.26 to -37.90, p=0.029) and late (M diff=-379.90±143.89, 95% CI:-676.87 to -82.93, p=0.014) changes in energy consumption significantly differed between the groups. Overall (M diff=-22.45±11.03, 95% CI: -45.20 to 0.31, p=0.053), late (M diff=-23.16±11.23, 95% CI: -46.33 to 0.01, p=0.05), and early (M diff=20.3±10.19, 95% CI: -0.74 to 41.34, p=0.058) changes in protein differed by group. Nocturnal total sleep time differed by study group (Breezing vs. Control; M diff=-32.75, 95% CI: -68.34 to 2.84, p=0.069). There was a 11.5% increase in total REE throughout the study. Early changes in REE (72±211 kcals) were relatively small while late changes (128±294 kcals) nearly doubled. Interestingly, early changes in REE demonstrated a moderate, positive correlation with rates of GWG later in pregnancy (r=0.528, p=0.052), suggesting that REE assessment early in pregnancy may help predict changes in GWG. Changes in macronutrients did not mediate the relationship between the intervention and GWG, nor did sleep mediate relationships between dietary intake and GWG. Future research evaluating REE and dietary composition throughout pregnancy may provide insight for appropriate GWG recommendations. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Nutrition 2019
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The relationship between personality and basal metabolic rate in Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus)Näsström, Åsa January 2013 (has links)
‘Animal personality’ refers to individual behavioural differences that are consistent over time and context. Physiological constraints are suggested to underlie this constraint in behavioural plasticity. As energy is required for physiological processes that generate behaviour, energy metabolism could be a proximate explanation for personality. Currently, the most coherent framework linking behaviour, metabolism and life history-traits is still poorly tested empirically, and studies are showing contradicting results. Therefore, I here aim to explore this relationship further by investigating the relationship between basal metabolic rate (BMR) and personality in Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus). Birds used had known responses in personality assays, and their metabolic rates were measured by determining oxygen consumption in standardized conditions throughout the night using an open respirometry system. BMR was negatively correlated with time spent foraging, and positively correlated with time spent being vigilant. Considering foraging an ‘activity’ (due to its energy-demand), my results support the allocation model, a model that assumes that an animal has a fixed amount of energy, thus that an energetic trade-off occur between competing energy requiring processes such as BMR and activity. Hence, an animal with low BMR has more energy to spend on activity. However, I do not consider vigilance as an energy-demanding activity; hence this relationship cannot be interpreted in this framework. Taken together, my results show a relationship between personality and BMR, although their relationship still needs further investigation to understand the causality and consequences of it.
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Effect of Antibacterial Mouthwash on Basal Metabolic Rate in Humans : A Randomized, Double-blinded, Cross-over StudyAgell, Blenda January 2013 (has links)
The use of mouthwash is a common complement to oral care. However, the physiological implication of this use, besides of effects on oral hygiene, is poorly known. The research of the gut micro flora and its implications on the host is a very active area of research today. Many important connections between the gut micro flora and obesity and diabetes have been found. These billions of bacteria are part of the immune system, they produce essential vitamins and they make inaccessible polysaccharides more digestible to the host, just to mention a few of their symbiotic roles for the host. A less explored area is the micro flora in the oral cavity. On the back of the tongue, anaerobic bacteria can reduce dietary nitrate to nitrite which then further can be reduced to nitric oxide, NO. NO is important in several important biological functions, e.g. as a signal substance, vasoregulation, mucus production and antibacterial effects. Vegetables as beetroot and spinach are dietary sources with a high nitrate content. Also drinking water and processed meats can be of relevance. Nitrite is added to processed meat for the prevention of botulism but also adds taste and color. Experiments on humans indicate that mitochondrial efficiency increases after nitrate load, manifested as a decreased oxygen demand during physical exercise. This can also be relevant under conditions where the mitochondrial function is impaired, such as in diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. First a pilot study was made to evaluate the nitrate reducing effect from the antibacterial mouthwash. The mouthwash proved very effective. The concentrations of nitrate and nitrite in saliva was analyzed by HPLC and saliva from the antibacterial treatment showed greatly reduced concentrations of nitrite and high concentrations of nitrate. Saliva from placebo mouthwash showed high concentrations of nitrite and low concentrations of nitrate as expected. To study the importance of oral bacteria on metabolism, we performed a randomized, cross-over double-blinded study with 19 healthy males between 22-43 years. During two separate three-day periods they used an antibacterial and placebo mouthwash, respectively. On the fourth day their basal metabolic rate (BMR) was measured with an indirect calorimetric system. Moreover, samples from saliva, urine and blood were collected but these results are not included in this thesis. An earlier, unpublished study has demonstrated that nitrate administration reduces the basal metabolic rate. Accordingly, our aim was to study potential effects on the basal metabolic rate following reduction of the number of oral bacteria by aid of antibacterial mouthwash. Our hypothesis was that the reduced availability of nitrite would decrease the availability of NO in the body and manifest as an increased basal metabolic rate. The results from indirect calorimetry measurements showed no significant difference between placebo and antibacterial mouthwash, but there may be confounding factors. Further study is needed to assess the potential effects on host metabolism by these bacteria.
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Efeitos do polimorfismo -866g/a no gene ucp2 sobre respostas metabólicas agudas ao exercício aeróbioSilva, Diana Perin da January 2011 (has links)
Proteínas desacopladoras (UCPs) estão presentes na membrana mitocondrial interna e por meio do transporte de prótons do espaço intermembranas para a matriz mitocondrial desacoplam a oxidação dos substratos da síntese de ATP, dissipando a energia do potencial de membrana e, conseqüentemente, diminuindo a produção de ATP pela cadeia respiratória mitocondrial. O aumento na expressão de UCP2 está relacionado com um risco diminuído de obesidade e risco aumentado de desenvolvimento de diabetes melito. O polimorfismo - 866G/A na região promotora do gene da UCP2 está associado a um aumento da expressão do RNAm desta proteína. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o envolvimento do polimorfismo -866G/A no gene UCP2 nas respostas metabólicas ao exercício e na taxa metabólica basal em jovens saudáveis. Foram recrutados 27 homens com idades entre 20 e 35 anos, sem histórico de doenças e sem uso de medicamentos, eutróficos e que não estivessem envolvidos em nenhum tipo de treinamento físico. Os indivíduos foram alocados intencionalmente em três diferentes grupos, de acordo com o genótipo para o polimorfismo em questão: A/A(n=9), A/G (n=10) e G/G (n=8). Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos a uma análise de taxa metabólica basal e após uma refeição padrão realizavam 30 minutos de corrida em esteira em intensidade equivalente a 10% abaixo do 2º limiar ventilatório. Em jejum, antes do exercício, logo após realização do exercício, uma hora após e duas horas após o exercício foram realizadas coletas de sangue para a verificação do comportamento das concentrações de glicose, insulina e perfil lipídico. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre as respostas dos três grupos. Este estudo concluiu que isoladamente o polimorfismo -866G/A não exerce influência sobre a TMB e respostas de glicose, insulina e perfil lipídico ao exercício em jovens saudáveis. / Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) are present in the inner mitochondrial membrane and through the transport of protons from the intermembrane space to the mitochondrial matrix to uncouple oxidation of substrates for ATP synthesis, dissipating the energy of the membrane potential and, consequently, decreasing the production of ATP by the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The increased expression of UCP2 is associated with a decreased risk of obesity and increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus. The polymorphism -866G/A in the promoter region of the UCP2 gene is associated with an increased mRNA expression of this protein. The aim of this study was to evaluate the involvement of the polymorphism -866G/A UCP2 gene in the metabolic responses to exercise and basal metabolic rate (BMR) in healthy young adults. We recruited 27 men aged between 20 and 35 years without history of disease and drug treatment, eutrophic and that were not involved in any type of physical training. The individuals were placed intentionally in three different groups according to genotype for the polymorphism related above: A/A (n=9), A/G (n=10) and G/G (n=8). All subjects underwent an analysis of BMR and after a standard meal performed 30 minutes of treadmill running at an intensity equivalent to 10% below the 2nd ventilatory threshold. Fasting, before exercise, immediately after exercise, after one hour and two hours after exercise, blood samples were collected to verify the behavior of glucose, insulin and lipid profile. No differences were found between the responses of the three groups. This study concluded that the polymorphism -866G/A in an isolated way does not influence BMR and responses of glucose, insulin and lipid profile over exercise in young healthy men.
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Efeitos do polimorfismo -866g/a no gene ucp2 sobre respostas metabólicas agudas ao exercício aeróbioSilva, Diana Perin da January 2011 (has links)
Proteínas desacopladoras (UCPs) estão presentes na membrana mitocondrial interna e por meio do transporte de prótons do espaço intermembranas para a matriz mitocondrial desacoplam a oxidação dos substratos da síntese de ATP, dissipando a energia do potencial de membrana e, conseqüentemente, diminuindo a produção de ATP pela cadeia respiratória mitocondrial. O aumento na expressão de UCP2 está relacionado com um risco diminuído de obesidade e risco aumentado de desenvolvimento de diabetes melito. O polimorfismo - 866G/A na região promotora do gene da UCP2 está associado a um aumento da expressão do RNAm desta proteína. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o envolvimento do polimorfismo -866G/A no gene UCP2 nas respostas metabólicas ao exercício e na taxa metabólica basal em jovens saudáveis. Foram recrutados 27 homens com idades entre 20 e 35 anos, sem histórico de doenças e sem uso de medicamentos, eutróficos e que não estivessem envolvidos em nenhum tipo de treinamento físico. Os indivíduos foram alocados intencionalmente em três diferentes grupos, de acordo com o genótipo para o polimorfismo em questão: A/A(n=9), A/G (n=10) e G/G (n=8). Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos a uma análise de taxa metabólica basal e após uma refeição padrão realizavam 30 minutos de corrida em esteira em intensidade equivalente a 10% abaixo do 2º limiar ventilatório. Em jejum, antes do exercício, logo após realização do exercício, uma hora após e duas horas após o exercício foram realizadas coletas de sangue para a verificação do comportamento das concentrações de glicose, insulina e perfil lipídico. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre as respostas dos três grupos. Este estudo concluiu que isoladamente o polimorfismo -866G/A não exerce influência sobre a TMB e respostas de glicose, insulina e perfil lipídico ao exercício em jovens saudáveis. / Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) are present in the inner mitochondrial membrane and through the transport of protons from the intermembrane space to the mitochondrial matrix to uncouple oxidation of substrates for ATP synthesis, dissipating the energy of the membrane potential and, consequently, decreasing the production of ATP by the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The increased expression of UCP2 is associated with a decreased risk of obesity and increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus. The polymorphism -866G/A in the promoter region of the UCP2 gene is associated with an increased mRNA expression of this protein. The aim of this study was to evaluate the involvement of the polymorphism -866G/A UCP2 gene in the metabolic responses to exercise and basal metabolic rate (BMR) in healthy young adults. We recruited 27 men aged between 20 and 35 years without history of disease and drug treatment, eutrophic and that were not involved in any type of physical training. The individuals were placed intentionally in three different groups according to genotype for the polymorphism related above: A/A (n=9), A/G (n=10) and G/G (n=8). All subjects underwent an analysis of BMR and after a standard meal performed 30 minutes of treadmill running at an intensity equivalent to 10% below the 2nd ventilatory threshold. Fasting, before exercise, immediately after exercise, after one hour and two hours after exercise, blood samples were collected to verify the behavior of glucose, insulin and lipid profile. No differences were found between the responses of the three groups. This study concluded that the polymorphism -866G/A in an isolated way does not influence BMR and responses of glucose, insulin and lipid profile over exercise in young healthy men.
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