Spelling suggestions: "subject:"beamcolumn"" "subject:"eachcolumn""
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Avaliação do comportamento estrutural de subestações de energia elétrica com o uso do aço inoxidável. / An assessment of the structural behaviour of eletric power substations using stainless steel.Robson Porto Cardoso 21 March 2013 (has links)
A crescente utilização do aço inoxidável como elemento estrutural despertou o interesse de clientes, arquitetos e engenheiros nos últimos anos. Apesar do custo ainda elevado, a sua aplicação na construção civil vem substituindo outros elementos estruturais. Seja por sua alta resistência à corrosão, aumentando a relação custo benefício; sua estética, proporcionando formas cada vez mais ousadas ou; seu apelo ambiental, gerando menos resíduos no meio ambiente. As subestações representam um papel importante no fornecimento de energia. Como possuem grande complexidade para manutenção, foi escolhida a estrutura suporte de seu barramento, para o dimensionamento em aço inoxidável. Desta forma, minimizando as paradas para realização de manutenções das estruturas, possibilitando maior qualidade no fornecimento de energia elétrica. Para fins comparativos foi escolhido o projeto de uma SE existente, cuja estrutura de suporte do barramento, foi construída por treliças formadas por cantoneiras de aço carbono galvanizado. Inicialmente, o dimensionamento foi desenvolvido utilizando perfis H e I funcionando como viga-coluna para os dois tipos de aço. Num segundo momento, a estrutura foi dimensionada como treliças planas. Todos os dimensionamentos foram realizados de acordo com as prescrições normativas do EUROCODE 3. Após realização dos dimensionamentos, foram apresentadas as análises comparativas dos custos envolvidos para os tipos de aço. Abordando o investimento inicial, os gastos com manutenção ao longo da vida e os custos elétricos agregados à redução das paradas para manutenção. / The increasing use of stainless steel as a structural element motivated, in recent years, the continuous interest of customers, architects and engineers. Despite its high cost, its application in construction have been replacing other structural elements. This is mainly due to its high corrosion resistance that increases its cost-effective ratio, its aesthetic that enables the construction of increasingly bold forms and its environmental appeal that generates less environmental waste. The electric power substations represent an important role in the global energy supply. Since its maintenance is a complex and costly process, one of its bus support structure was chosen to be designed in stainless steel. This strategy minimizes the number of stoppages for structural maintenance, enabling a higher quality power supply. For comparative purposes an existing power substation has been chosen where the bus supporting structure was made of galvanized carbon steel angle bar trusses. Initially, the design adopted I and H profiles functioning as beam-column for the two types of steel analyzed. In a second stage, the structure was designed as a plane truss. All designs were performed in accordance to the requirements of EUROCODE 3 standard. This was followed by comparative analyses of the costs involved for the studied steel types. These analyses involved the initial investment assessment properly contextualized with the posterior spending on maintenance and electrical costs of the stoppages and were set against the gains in reducing the downtime for maintenance of the stainless steel solution.
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Pilares mistos preenchidos : estudo da flexo-compressão e de ligações viga-pilar / Concrete filled steel columns : a study of combined bending and compression and beam-column connectionsSilvana De Nardin 03 June 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda o estudo de pilares preenchidos flexo-comprimidos e algumas ligações viga-pilar preenchido. Para ambos, são realizadas experimentações com modelos físicos e numéricos, sendo que para os pilares preenchidos um amplo estudo paramétrico foi desenvolvido. Ao todo, foram ensaiados 13 pilares preenchidos flexo-comprimidos, cujos valores de força última são comparados com aqueles provenientes da simulação numérica via programa CFT e, os demais resultados, comentados e discutidos. Aferido, o programa CFT foi utilizado no estudo paramétrico com o intuito de avaliar a influência de parâmetros como resistência dos materiais, excentricidade da força axial, eixo de flexão e relação lado/espessura na capacidade resistente do pilar preenchido. Quanto às ligações viga-pilar, foram ensaiadas 4 tipologias de ligação, sendo duas compostas por chapas de extremidade e parafusos passantes e duas soldadas, sendo uma delas enrijecida por cantoneiras soldadas no interior do perfil tubular. Discutem-se os resultados, sobretudo quanto ao comportamento momento-rotação das tipologias investigadas. As ligações também foram investigadas via simulação numérica e os resultados obtidos permitiram elaborar diretrizes para o aprimoramento de tais simulações. Por fim, são apresentadas as conclusões pertinentes a este trabalho e recomendações para novas pesquisas / This research thesis presents a study of concrete filled steel columns subjected to combined bending and compression and beam-column connections. In both cases, tests were conducted on physical and numerical models, resulting in the development of a wide range of parametric studies for the case of the concrete filled steel columns. 13 concrete filled steel columns were tested under combined bending and compression loads whose ultimate values were compared to ultimate forces obtained from numerical simulations using the CFT computer program. After calibration, the computer program was used in the parametric study with the aim of verifying the influence of parameters, such as the material strength, eccentricity of the axial force, bending axis and breadth/thickness relation, on the ultimate load carrying capacity of the concrete filled steel columns. With respect to the beam-column connections, four types of connections were tested, two of them composed of endplate and bolts, while the other two were welded, with one of them stiffened by an angle steel placed inside the steel tube. The obtained results are discussed, giving more emphasis to the bending moment-rotation behaviour of the tested specimens. The beam-column connections were also investigated numerically. The obtained results permit the laying out of important directives for the improvement of such numerical simulation tools as the one employed in the present thesis. Lastly, pertinent conclusions relative to this thesis and recommendations for future research are presented
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Estudo da ligação viga-pilar em sistema estrutural de concreto considerando a variação da semi-rigidez por meio de parâmetros geométricos da ligação / Study of beam-column connection in structural concrete system considering the variation of semi-rigidity through geometric parameters of the connectionAraújo, Tássio Jorge Figueiredo de 26 July 2013 (has links)
This work presents a study to quantify the influence of geometrical and stiffness parameters on the behavior of beam-column concrete connections. Therefore, linear elastic models are designed by using three-dimensional finite elements in the commercial software Abaqus. These models serve as a reference for the optimization of geometrical and rigidity parameters of reticulated models, which are commonly used in structural projects. The results confirm some tendencies of influence by parameters already reported in the literature, such as variations in stiffness caused by eccentricity and width variations. The results indicate variations in vertical displacement of the beams up to 5%, maintaining the vertical load and varying only the eccentricity and up to 60% only by varying the widths of the elements. Furthermore, the use of punctual representations of semi-rigidity on monolithic concrete connections through rotational springs is discarded, proving necessary an improvement of the model to represent the behavior of the connection. Several models have been proposed and tested in the representation of the semi-rigid behavior of the connections, making use of rigid core, rotational springs and variations of inertia and area. / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de quantificação da influência de parâmetros geométricos e de rigidez no comportamento de ligações viga-pilar de concreto. Para tanto, são concebidos modelos elásticos lineares de ligação em elementos finitos tridimensionais utilizando o programa comercial Abaqus. Esses modelos servem como referência para a otimização dos parâmetros geométricos e de rigidez de modelos reticulados, que são os comumente utilizados em projetos estruturais. Os resultados obtidos confirmam algumas tendências de influência de parâmetros já apresentados na literatura, como variações de rigidez causadas por excentricidade e variações de largura. Os resultados indicam variações de deslocamento vertical nas vigas de até 5%, mantendo-se a carga vertical e variando apenas a excentricidade, e de até 60% variando-se apenas as larguras dos elementos. Além disso, é descartada a utilização de representações pontuais da semi-rigidez em ligações monolíticas de concreto através de molas rotacionais, provando ser necessário um aprimoramento do modelo para a representação do comportamento da ligação. Diversos modelos de barra são propostos e testados na representação do comportamento semi-rígido das ligações, fazendo uso de núcleos rígidos, molas rotacionais e variações de inércia e área.
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Horský hotel v Beskydech / Mountain hotel in BeskydyKubášková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
This thesis solves design of timber structure of mountain hotel in Beskydy. The hotel is two-storey building with residential attic and no cellar. The ground plan of the building is about 15x26 m and height of the building is 14,76 m. The type of roof timbers was chosen from two options. There was used structural timber of the strength class C24, glued laminated timber of the strength class GL24 and steel S235. Program Scia Engineer was used for the static analysis of the structure. There was made only linear calculation.
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Návrh a posouzení ŽB skeletu / Design and review of RC structure.Hečková, Beata January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deal with of the design of selected parts of a monolithic reinforced concrete building. Static solution includes an assessment of slab in local supports, calculation of columns, beam, stair and footing. The building will be used as an multifunctional building. In this thesis was developed a static calculation, reinforcement drawings and shape drawings.
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Skladovací hala / Storage hallOsyková, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis ´´Storage hall” deals with designing of selected elements prefabrikated skeleton hall. Discussed elements are truss, beam, girder, column and prefabricate footing. Within above mentioned elements was carried out static analysis, design of reinforcement and reinforcement drawings. Analysis of internal forces for columns and prefabricate footing was carried out with usage of the program Scia Engineer, 3D model of the whole object was created. Analysis of internal forces for the rest of elements was carried out with help of manual calculation. Those elements were designed with consideration of ultimate limit state. Serviceability limit state assessment was carried out within the truss.
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Zastřešení planetária / The roof structure of the planetarium.Vojta, Radek January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the final thesis was to design and assess timber loadbearing structure of planetarium located in Brno and height of the construction 10 m. Designed building of planetarium consists of dome and hall, which operate separately. The structure is designed from glue laminated timber, solid timber and steel bracing, ridge ring and connecting elements. Building foundations is solved by reinforced anchor blocks fixed to foundation pads, which are connected by foundation strips. Loadbearing structure of the dome consists of arched beams together with purlins and ridge ring. Stability is ensured by 4 fields of cross bracing located between purlins. Loadbearing structure of the hall consists of roof and wall beams connected by frame corners together with roof and wall purlins. In gable walls is structure complemented by columns. Stability is ensured by diagonal and vertical elements situated between wall purlins, which together form a truss system.
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Patrová budova s atriem / Multi-Storey Building with AtriumBrodecký, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
The diploma work deals with a design of a steel load-bearing structure for a multi-storey building with an atrium consisting of five above ground floors. The property is situated into Blansko area. Its ground-plan measures are 32.5 x 56 m. The maximum height of the property is 23.2 m. The height of the floor is 4 m. Load-bearing structure is designed with articulated joints. The atrium roof is formed from truss girders. The design and assessment is done according to rules in operation.
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Structural behaviour and stability of steel beam-column elements in under-deck cable-stayed bridge / Plieninių paspyrinių tiltų gniuždomų lenkiamų elementų įtempių deformacijų būsena ir stabilumasMisiūnaitė, Ieva 18 March 2014 (has links)
The dissertation investigates the issues addressed to Under-Deck Cable-Stayed (UDCS) bridge, analyses its in-plain structural behavior and stability verification with an approach of Advanced Analysis.
The main objects of research include effective form-finding of steel UDCS bridge, structural behaviour and stability analysis by means of beam-column elements based on the Direct Analysis Method.
The study approaches a few main tasks such as a new form of UDCS bridge by accounting for the economical and efficient structural design criteria; dealing with the generalized calculation models of the additionally restrained steel beam-column elements; the development of the computational method for the direct analysis of the steel structures and especially bridges using generalized calculation models and outlining practical guidelines for UDCS bridge design.
The dissertation consists of five parts including Introduction, 4 chapters, Conclusions, References and 3 Annexes.
The introduction reveals the investigated problem, importance of the thesis and the object of research and describes the purpose and tasks of the study, research methodology, scientific novelty, the practical significance of results examined in the thesis and defended statements. The introduction ends in presenting the author’s publications on the subject of the defended dissertation, offering the material of made presentations in conferences and defining the structure of the dissertation.
Chapter 1 revises used... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjama paspyrinių tiltų konstrukcijų plokštuminė elgsena ir stabilumas, taikant inovatyvius analizės metodus. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – atlikti naujos paspyrinės konstrukcijos paiešką ir pasiūlyti skaičiavimo metodiką ir algoritmus naujosios konstrukcijos gniuždomų lenkiamų elementų įtempių ir deformacijų analizei bei stabilumo vertinimui taikant, visuminei analizei keliamus reikalavimus. Disertacijoje taip pat siekiama pateikti metodiką paspyrinių konstrukcijų įrąžų reguliavimui.
Darbe sprendžiamos kelios grupės uždavinių, kurių pirmoji skirta naujos paspyrinės konstrukcijos ir jos elgseną reikiamu tikslumu nusakančio apibendrinto gniuždomo lenkiamo elemento su tarpine paslankia atrama skaičiuojamojo modelio netiesinei elgsenos ir stabilumo analizei. Antroji siejama tu patikslintais skaičiuojamaisiais modeliais ir analizes metodais atsižvelgiant į visuminei analizei keliamus reikalavimus.
Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, 4 skyriai, rezultatų apibendrinimas, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai ir 3 priedai.
Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, darbo rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomos disertacijos tema autoriaus paskelbtos publikacijos ir pranešimai konferencijose bei disertacijos struktūra.
Pirmas skyrius skirtas literatūros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Plieninių paspyrinių tiltų gniuždomų lenkiamų elementų įtempių deformacijų būsena ir stabilumas / Structural behaviour and stability of steel beam-column elements in under-deck cable-stayed bridgeMisiūnaitė, Ieva 18 March 2014 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjama paspyrinių tiltų konstrukcijų plokštuminė elgsena ir stabilumas, taikant inovatyvius analizės metodus. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – atlikti naujos paspyrinės konstrukcijos paiešką ir pasiūlyti skaičiavimo metodiką ir algoritmus naujosios konstrukcijos gniuždomų lenkiamų elementų įtempių ir deformacijų analizei bei stabilumo vertinimui taikant, visuminei analizei keliamus reikalavimus. Disertacijoje taip pat siekiama pateikti metodiką paspyrinių konstrukcijų įrąžų reguliavimui.
Darbe sprendžiamos kelios grupės uždavinių, kurių pirmoji skirta naujos paspyrinės konstrukcijos ir jos elgseną reikiamu tikslumu nusakančio apibendrinto gniuždomo lenkiamo elemento su tarpine paslankia atrama skaičiuojamojo modelio netiesinei elgsenos ir stabilumo analizei. Antroji siejama tu patikslintais skaičiuojamaisiais modeliais ir analizes metodais atsižvelgiant į visuminei analizei keliamus reikalavimus.
Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, 4 skyriai, rezultatų apibendrinimas, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai ir 3 priedai.
Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, darbo rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomos disertacijos tema autoriaus paskelbtos publikacijos ir pranešimai konferencijose bei disertacijos struktūra.
Pirmas skyrius skirtas literatūros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The dissertation investigates the issues addressed to Under-Deck Cable-Stayed (UDCS) bridge, analyses its in-plain structural behavior and stability verification with an approach of Advanced Analysis.
The main objects of research include effective form-finding of steel UDCS bridge, structural behaviour and stability analysis by means of beam-column elements based on the Direct Analysis Method.
The study approaches a few main tasks such as a new form of UDCS bridge by accounting for the economical and efficient structural design criteria; dealing with the generalized calculation models of the additionally restrained steel beam-column elements; the development of the computational method for the direct analysis of the steel structures and especially bridges using generalized calculation models and outlining practical guidelines for UDCS bridge design.
The dissertation consists of five parts including Introduction, 4 chapters, Conclusions, References and 3 Annexes.
The introduction reveals the investigated problem, importance of the thesis and the object of research and describes the purpose and tasks of the study, research methodology, scientific novelty, the practical significance of results examined in the thesis and defended statements. The introduction ends in presenting the author’s publications on the subject of the defended dissertation, offering the material of made presentations in conferences and defining the structure of the dissertation.
Chapter 1 revises used... [to full text]
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