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Metoda određivanja deformacija građevinskih struktura primenom fiber optičkih senzora / Method for determining deformations of civil engineering structures using fiber optic sensorsMarković Marko 17 May 2018 (has links)
<p>U postupku praćenja stanja građevinskih struktura vrši se nadzor nad fizičkim (mehaničkim), meteorološkim i hemijskim parametrima. U praksi se za merenje navedenih parametara koristi veliki broj instrumenata-senzora. Na osnovu uvida u aktuelno stanje iz oblasti istraživanja, zatim evidentne potrebe za istraživanjima o potencijalu postojećih i novih instrumenata i senzora za merenje geometrijskih deformacija i ekspanziji korišćenja fiber optičke senzorske tehnologije definisana je oblast istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije. U doktorskoj disertaciji izvršeno je teorijsko i eksperimentalno istraživanje postojećih metoda za praćenje geometrijskih deformacija i razvoj sistema baziranog na fiber optičkom senzoru zakrivljenosti (eng. Fiber Optic Curvature Sensor – FOCS).</p> / <p>In the process of structural health monitoring (SHM) inspection of physical (mechanical), meteorological and chemical parameters is performed. In practice, a large number of instruments-sensors are used to measure these parameters. The field of research of this doctoral dissertation is based on the insight into the current state in the field of research, then the evident need for research on the potential of existing and new instruments and sensors for measuring geometric deformations and the usage expansion of fiber optic sensor technology. In the doctoral dissertation, theoretical and experimental study of the existing methods for monitoring geometric deformations and the development of a fiber optic curvature sensor (FOCS) system is performed.</p>
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Hollow steel section columns filled with self-compacting concrete under ordinary and fire conditionsChu, Thi Binh 07 July 2009 (has links)
La thèse comprend 8 chapitres, 3 annexes, 191 figures, 43 tableaux, 13 photos et 181 références bibliographiques. Le corps du texte totalise 135 pages et les annexes 120 pages.
Le chapitre 1 constitue lintroduction dans laquelle le contexte et les objectifs de la recherche sont définis.
Le chapitre 2 présente létat de la question concernant les colonnes faites de tubes en acier remplis de béton (CFSHS columns - concrete filled steel hollow section columns). Leur comportement à température ordinaire et sous conditions dincendie est analysé ainsi que les paramètres significatifs qui guident leur comportement. Les propriétés du béton auto-plaçant sont aussi examinées dans ce chapitre.
Le chapitre 3 est consacré à la présentation du code de calcul SAFIR développé à lUniversité de Liège pour la simulation du comportement structural à température ordinaire et sous conditions dincendie. Le logiciel a été utilisé pour simuler des résultats dessais expérimentaux présentés dans la littérature, et quelques calibrations sont proposées.
En utilisant le modèle décrit au chapitre 3, la charge ultime à température ordinaire des colonnes CFSHS est calculée en considérant différents paramètres. On considère essentiellement des tubes de petites dimensions avec un pourcentage élevé darmatures ou contenant un autre profilé métallique. Ce type délément nest pas couvert par les Eurocodes. Des simulations ont été réalisées en vue dexaminer si les méthodes classiques de lEurocode 4 (EN1994-1-1) sont applicables à ce type de section et de voir quelle courbe de flambement est la plus appropriée.
Le chapitre 5 décrit la recherche expérimentale réalisée à lUniversité de Liège relative au comportement au feu des colonnes CFSHS. Les essais expérimentaux ont été simulés par SAFIR, tant en ce qui concerne la répartition de la température à lintérieur des éléments que le comportement structural. Un des objectifs de ces calculs était de vérifier si les propriétés thermiques et mécaniques du béton auto-plaçant sont proches de celles du béton ordinaire.
En vue de fournir aux bureaux détudes des outils pratiques de dimensionnement, une formule permettant dévaluer la résistance au feu des colonnes CFSHS est proposée dans le chapitre 6. Le domaine dapplicabilité a été étendu par rapport aux études précédentes. Une formule pour colonnes courtes de section carrée a dabord été établie sur base de simulations effectuées à laide de SAFIR en considérant linfluence des paramètres principaux. On examine ensuite si cette formule est aussi applicable à dautres types de profilés. La formule a été étendue en cas des colonnes élancées et à celui des colonnes chargées excentriquement.
Létude expérimentale du chapitre 5 est limitée à des sections dassez petites dimensions (< 300 mm), essentiellement pour des problèmes de capacité de mise en charge des laboratoires. En vue de recueillir des informations pratiques pour des profilés de plus grandes dimensions pour lesquels on peut atteindre des résistances au feu de 2 heures et plus, des simulations numériques additionnelles sont présentées dans le chapitre 7, avec des résultats utilisables en bureau détudes.
Le chapitre 8 donne les conclusions de létude et présente des suggestions pour des recherches futures.
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Contribuições à produção do concreto fluido com fibras de borracha e de polipropileno e adição de resíduos do beneficiamento do mármore e granito / Contributions obteining of the self compacting concrete using residue of the marble and granite and study of mechanical propertiesSilva, Tássia Neuda de Moraes 07 November 2013 (has links)
The Fluid Concrete (FC) is a concrete that has high fluidity, which may allow the filling of molds without the need of mechanical compaction, only under the action of its own weight. As a concrete whole, the FC has low tensile strength, and an alternative to minimize this limitation is the inclusion of fibers to the concrete. The incorporation of fiber reinforced composite and induce tensile stresses. Within this context, this paper aims to provide a contribution to the production of a fluid concrete fiber, rubber and polypropylene and addition of waste from the processing of marble and granite(FFC). The methodology dosage used was Gomes (2002) for obtaining fluid concrete (FC) being adapted for insertion of fiber. To study the properties of compacting tests were carried out in the fresh state, such as scattering, V funnel and box L. To check the mechanical properties tests were performed in the hardened state, such as compression, tensile and modulus of elasticity with cylindrical body-of - proof dimensions of 10cm x 20cm RC and FFC, with fiber content rubber 2.0% polypropylene and 0.25% of the amount by weight of cement. As a result, the SC showed a decrease in scattering maximum diameter with increasing fiber content entered. The compressive strength and modulus of elasticity decreased, since the tensile strength showed an increase when compared to RC. From the results it is concluded that the FFC is not self compacting concrete, but has characteristics of self compacting, the increase in tensile strength indicates a higher ability to absorb impact. The FFC helps reduce scrap waste, reducing the environmental impact by becoming a ecoeffient concrete. / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Define-se como Concreto Fluido (CF) um concreto que apresenta abatimento entre 18cm e 25cm. Essa elevada fluidez pode permitir o preenchimento de fôrmas sem que haja necessidade de adensamento mecânico, apenas sob a ação do seu peso próprio. Como todo concreto, o CF possui baixa resistência à tração, e uma alternativa de minimizar essa limitação é a inserção de fibras ao concreto. A incorporação de fibras pode reforçar o compósito e permitir maior absorção de tensões de tração. Dentro deste contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo proporcionar uma contribuição ao estudo de compósitos por meio da produção de um concreto fluido com fibras de borracha e de polipropileno e adição de resíduos do beneficiamento de mármore e granito (CFF). A Metodologia de dosagem utilizada para a obtenção desse concreto foi a de Gomes (2002) estabelecida para concreto autoadensável, com adaptações para inserção das fibras. Para o estudo das propriedades de adensabilidade foram realizados ensaios no estado fresco, tais como: espalhamento, funil V e caixa em L. Para verificação das propriedades mecânicas foram realizados ensaios no estado endurecido, tais como: compressão, tração e módulo de elasticidade, com corpos-de-prova cilíndricos de dimensões de 10cm x 20cm de CR e de CFF, com teor de fibras de borracha de 2,0% e de polipropileno de 0,25% da quantidade de cimento em massa. Como resultados, o CFF apresentou características de autoadensabilidade com um diâmetro máximo de espalhamento de 62,5cm. A resistência à compressão e o módulo de elasticidade apresentou uma redução, já a resistência à tração apresentou um aumento quando comparados ao Concreto de Referencia (CR). Dos resultados conclui-se que o CFF possui características de autoadensabilidade e acréscimo na resistência à tração. O CFF com fibras permitiu a incorporação de um resíduo inservível, reduzindo o impacto ambiental e se caracterizando como um concreto ecoefiente.
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A Study On The Predictive Optimal Active Control Of Civil Engineering StructuresKeyhani, Ali 12 1900 (has links)
Uncertainty involved in the safe and comfort design of the structures is a major concern of civil engineers. Traditionally, the uncertainty has been overcome by utilizing various and relatively large safety factors for loads and structural properties. As a result in conventional design of for example tall buildings, the designed structural elements have unnecessary dimensions that sometimes are more than double of the ones needed to resist normal loads. On the other hand the requirements for strength and safety and comfort can be conflicting. Consequently, an alternative approach for design of the structures may be of great interest in design of safe and comfort structures that also offers economical advantages. Recently, there has been growing interest among the researchers in the concept of structural control as an alternative or complementary approach to the existing approaches of structural design. A few buildings have been designed and built based on this concept. The concept is to utilize a device for applying a force (known as control force) to encounter the effects of disturbing forces like earthquake force. However, the concept still has not found its rightful place among the practical engineers and more research is needed on the subject. One of the main problems in structural control is to find a proper algorithm for determining the optimum control force that should be applied to the structure.
The investigation reported in this thesis is concerned with the application of active control to civil engineering structures. From the literature on control theory. (Particularly literature on the control of civil engineering structures) problems faced in application of control theory were identified and classified into two categories: 1) problems common to control of all dynamical systems, and 2) problems which are specially important in control of civil engineering structures. It was concluded that while many control algorithms are suitable for control of dynamical systems, considering the special problems in controlling civil structures and considering the unique future of structural control, many otherwise useful control algorithms face practical problems in application to civil structures. Consequently a set of criteria were set for judging the suitability of the control algorithms for use in control of civil engineering structures. Various types of existing control algorithms were investigated and finally it was concluded that predictive optimal control algorithms possess good characteristics for purpose of control of civil engineering structures. Among predictive control algorithms, those that use ARMA stochastic models for predicting the ground acceleration are better fitted to the structural control environment because all the past measured excitation is used to estimate the trends of the excitation for making qualified guesses about its coming values. However, existing ARMA based predictive algorithms are devised specially for earthquake and require on-line measurement of the external disturbing load which is not possible for dynamic loads like wind or blast. So, the algorithms are not suitable for tall buildings that experience both earthquake and wind loads during their life. Consequently, it was decided to establish a new closed loop predictive optimal control based on ARMA models as the first phase of the study.
In this phase it was initially established that ARMA models are capable of predicting response of a linear SDOF system to the earthquake excitation a few steps ahead. The results of the predictions encouraged a search for finding a new closed loop optimal predictive control algorithm for linear SDOF structures based on prediction of the response by ARMA models. The second part of phase I, was devoted to developing and testing the proposed algorithm The new developed algorithm is different from other ARMA based optimal controls since it uses ARMA models for prediction of the structure response while existing algorithms predict the input excitation. Modeling the structure response as an AR or ARMA stochastic process is an effective mean for prediction of the structure response while avoiding measurement of the input excitation. ARMA models used in the algorithm enables it to avoid or reduce the time delay effect by predicting the structure response a few steps ahead. Being a closed loop control, the algorithm is suitable for all structural control conditions and can be used in a single control mechanism for vibration control of tall buildings against wind, earthquake or other random dynamic loads. Consequently the standby time is less than that for existing ARMA based algorithms devised only for earthquakes. This makes the control mechanism more reliable.
The proposed algorithm utilizes and combines two different mathematical models. First model is an ARMA model representing the environment and the structure as a single system subjected to the unknown random excitation and the second model is a linear SDOF system which represents the structure subjected to a known past history of the applied control force only. The principle of superposition is then used to combine the results of these two models to predict the total response of the structure as a function of the control force. By using the predicted responses, the minimization of the performance index with respect to the control force is carried out for finding the optimal control force.
As phase II, the proposed predictive control algorithm was extended to structures that are more complicated than linear SDOF structures. Initially, the algorithm was extended to linear MDOF structures. Although, the development of the algorithm for MDOF structures was relatively straightforward, during testing of the algorithm, it was found that prediction of the response by ARMA models can not be done as was done for SDOF case. In the SDOF case each of the two components of the state vector (i.e. displacement and velocity) was treated separately as an ARMA stochastic process. However, applying the same approach to each component of the state vector of a MDOF structure did not yield satisfactory results in prediction of the response. Considering the whole state vector as a multi-variable ARMA stochastic vector process yielded the desired results in predicting the response a few steps ahead. In the second part of this phase, the algorithm was extended to non-linear MDOF structures. Since the algorithm had been developed based on the principle of superposition, it was not possible to directly extend the algorithm to non-linear systems. Instead, some generalized response was defined. Then credibility of the ARMA models in predicting the generalized response was verified. Based on this credibility, the algorithm was extended for non-linear MDOF structures. Also in phase II, the stability of a controlled MDOF structure was proved. Both internal and external stability of the system were described and verified.
In phase III, some problems of special interest, i.e. soil-structure interaction and control time delay, were investigated and compensated for in the framework of the developed predictive optimal control. In first part of phase III soil-structure interaction was studied. The half-space solution of the SSI effect leads to a frequency dependent representation of the structure-footing system, which is not fit for control purpose. Consequently an equivalent frequency independent system was proposed and defined as a system whose frequency response is equal to the original structure -footing system in the mean squares sense. This equivalent frequency independent system then was used in the control algorithm. In the second part of this phase, an analytical approach was used to tackle the time delay phenomenon in the context of the predictive algorithm described in previous chapters. A generalized performance index was defined considering time delay. Minimization of the generalized performance index resulted into a modified version of the algorithm in which time delay is compensated explicitly. Unlike the time delay compensation technique used in the previous phases of this investigation, which restricts time delay to be an integer multiplier of the sampling period, the modified algorithm allows time delay to be any non-negative number. However, the two approaches produce the same results if time delay is an integer multiplier of the sampling period. For evaluating the proposed algorithm and comparing it with other algorithms, several numerical simulations were carried during the research by using MATLAB and its toolboxes. A few interesting results of these simulations are enumerated below:
ARM A models are able to predict the response of both linear and non-linear structures to
random inputs such as earthquakes.
The proposed predictive optimal control based on ARMA models has produced better
results in the context of reducing velocity, displacement, total energy and operational cost
compared to classic optimal control.
Proposed active control algorithm is very effective in increasing safety and comfort. Its
performance is not affected much by errors in the estimation of system parameters (e.g.
The effect of soil-structure interaction on the response to control force is considerable.
Ignoring SSI will cause a significant change in the magnitude of the frequency response
and a shift in the frequencies of the maximum response (resonant frequencies).
Compensating the time delay effect by the modified version of the proposed algorithm
will improve the performance of the control system in achieving the control goal and
reduction of the structural response.
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Estudo da ligação viga-pilar em sistema estrutural de concreto considerando a variação da semi-rigidez por meio de parâmetros geométricos da ligação / Study of beam-column connection in structural concrete system considering the variation of semi-rigidity through geometric parameters of the connectionAraújo, Tássio Jorge Figueiredo de 26 July 2013 (has links)
This work presents a study to quantify the influence of geometrical and stiffness parameters on the behavior of beam-column concrete connections. Therefore, linear elastic models are designed by using three-dimensional finite elements in the commercial software Abaqus. These models serve as a reference for the optimization of geometrical and rigidity parameters of reticulated models, which are commonly used in structural projects. The results confirm some tendencies of influence by parameters already reported in the literature, such as variations in stiffness caused by eccentricity and width variations. The results indicate variations in vertical displacement of the beams up to 5%, maintaining the vertical load and varying only the eccentricity and up to 60% only by varying the widths of the elements. Furthermore, the use of punctual representations of semi-rigidity on monolithic concrete connections through rotational springs is discarded, proving necessary an improvement of the model to represent the behavior of the connection. Several models have been proposed and tested in the representation of the semi-rigid behavior of the connections, making use of rigid core, rotational springs and variations of inertia and area. / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de quantificação da influência de parâmetros geométricos e de rigidez no comportamento de ligações viga-pilar de concreto. Para tanto, são concebidos modelos elásticos lineares de ligação em elementos finitos tridimensionais utilizando o programa comercial Abaqus. Esses modelos servem como referência para a otimização dos parâmetros geométricos e de rigidez de modelos reticulados, que são os comumente utilizados em projetos estruturais. Os resultados obtidos confirmam algumas tendências de influência de parâmetros já apresentados na literatura, como variações de rigidez causadas por excentricidade e variações de largura. Os resultados indicam variações de deslocamento vertical nas vigas de até 5%, mantendo-se a carga vertical e variando apenas a excentricidade, e de até 60% variando-se apenas as larguras dos elementos. Além disso, é descartada a utilização de representações pontuais da semi-rigidez em ligações monolíticas de concreto através de molas rotacionais, provando ser necessário um aprimoramento do modelo para a representação do comportamento da ligação. Diversos modelos de barra são propostos e testados na representação do comportamento semi-rígido das ligações, fazendo uso de núcleos rígidos, molas rotacionais e variações de inércia e área.
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Análise estrutural de edifícios pré-moldados levando em consideração a semi-rigidez das ligações viga-pilar e as não linearidades físicas e geométricas avaliadas por métodos aproximados / Comportamento estrutural de pórticos planos formados por elementos pré-moldados levando-se em consideração a semi-rigidez das ligações e as não-linearidades física e geométrica / Structural behavior of plans frames formed in pré-cast elements considering the semi-rigidity of the connections and nonlinearities physical and geometricAlmeida, Hevânio Duarte de 17 December 2014 (has links)
The plane frame formed by precast elements have been increasingly used in structural systems of buildings throughout Brazil. These frames, as most of the precast structures deformable connections have a greater or lesser degree. The aim of this study is to analyze the structural behavior of portal frames composed of precast reinforced concrete taking into account the variation in the stiffness of the connections and the physical and geometric nonlinearity evaluated by approximate methods. The analysis of geometric nonlinearity was taken through the process P- and physical nonlinearity was checked by the Branson method. For the analysis of material and geometric nonlinearity simultaneously proposed a coupling of the two methods mentioned above. The proposed coupling was tested in a case study of a building with four floors, considering the loads recommended by NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2014) and evaluating the influence on the stiffness of two beam-column connection types. The results show an increase in the displaceability of the structure more deformable links analyzed five times at the most critical situation is compared with the evaluated frames with more rigid links. The structures analyzed taking into account the nonlinearities present in the internal structural strain variations of up to 162% compared with the linear analysis. Therefore it can be stated that the determination of the stiffness of the connections and the consideration of nonlinearities directly influenced the behavior of the efforts that will act in the structure, and therefore the structural analysis and design of the components of the same. / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os pórticos planos formados por elementos pré-moldados vêm sendo cada vez mais utilizados em sistemas estruturais de edifícios em todo Brasil. Esses pórticos, como a maior parte das estruturas pré-moldadas, apresentam ligações deformáveis em maior ou menor grau. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é analisar o comportamento estrutural de pórticos planos formados por elementos pré-moldados de concreto armado levando em consideração a variação na rigidez das ligações e as não-linearidade física e geométrica avaliadas por métodos aproximados. A análise da não-linearidade geométrica foi feita através do processo P- e a não-linearidade física foi verificada através do método de Branson. Para a análise das não-linearidades física e geométrica de maneira simultânea foi proposto um acoplamento dos dois métodos citados anteriormente. O acoplamento proposto foi testado em um estudo de caso de um edifício com quatro pavimentos, considerando-se os carregamentos recomendados pelas normas brasileiras e avaliando-se a influência na rigidez de duas tipologias de ligação viga-pilar. Os resultados obtidos mostram um aumento na deslocabilidade da estrutura analisada com ligações mais deformáveis de cinco vezes na situação mais crítica se comparado com os pórticos avaliados com ligações mais rígidas . As estruturas analisadas levando em consideração as não-linearidades apresentaram variações nos esforços internos solicitantes de até 162% se comparadas com a análise linear. Portanto pode-se afirmar que a determinação da rigidez das ligações e a consideração das não-linearidades influem diretamente no comportamento dos esforços que irão atuar na estrutura e por consequência, na análise estrutural e dimensionamento dos elementos que compõem a mesma.
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La garantie des constructeurs en droit Franco-Québécois : perspective pour un modèle européen / The builders warranty in Franco-Quebec law : Perspective for a european modelBrunet, Jean-Philippe 10 December 2014 (has links)
La comparaison entre des systèmes civilistes et, plus particulièrement, la Province de Québec et la France, permet de confronter des expériences diverses au service de la construction de l'Union européenne. La méthode comparatiste peut, dans une approche régulatrice, permettre de réaliser une véritable intégration commune pour une matière comme la construction, au service des citoyens. Dans une perspective d'innovation législative, il s'agirait donc de modéliser des structures juridiques cohérentes pour une véritable Union européenne de la construction. La participation des constructeurs est requise aux débats, afin de faciliter l'intégration et l'application de la future norme commune, avec le concours d'une institution européenne dédiée. Mais comment respecter les diversités nationales, tout en cherchant à élaborer un principe « unioniste » dans l'objectif d'une harmonisation des délais au sein des États membres de l'Union européenne ? La trop grande diversité des délais spécifiques, dans le secteur de la construction, suscite en effet au sein de l'Union européenne la volonté de faire émerger un modèle européen, source future de stabilité et de prospérité. / The comparison between civil law systems and, more particularly, between the Province of Quebec and France, allows to confront diverse experiences in favor of the European Union's construction. The comparative method can, in a regulating approach, allow to realize a real common integration in such area as the construction, in favor of the citizens. In a perspective to innovate the legislation, it would be therefore a matter of modelling coherent legal structures for a real European Union of the construction. The participation of the builders in the debates is required, to facilitate the integration and the application of the future common standards with the support of a new European institution devoted for this mission.But how respect the national diversities, while seeking to set up a "unionist" principle keeping in mind the goal of full harmonization of the legal warranty periods settled down by the Member states of the European Union ? The very wide diversity of legal warranty periods in the construction's sector is an issue of real concern within the European Union to give rise to the new European model, a future source of stability and prosperity.
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