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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude du lien entre la collaboration enseignant-technicien en éducation spécialisée et l'adaptation sociale en classe des élèves ayant un trouble du comportement

Lussier, Ariane 11 1900 (has links)
Dans les classes spécialisées auprès des élèves en trouble du comportement (TC), l’enseignant et le technicien en éducation spécialisé (TES) sont encouragés à travailler en collaboration afin de soutenir l’adaptation scolaire et sociale des élèves auprès desquels ils œuvrent chaque jour. Toutefois, malgré les nombreux avantages à travailler ensemble pour atteindre un but commun visant ici la réussite des élèves, la collaboration interprofessionnelle comporte néanmoins de nombreux défis qui, s’ils ne sont pas relevés avec professionnalisme, peuvent affecter les élèves. L’objectif de cette étude est de vérifier s’il existe un lien entre la qualité de la collaboration entre ces deux professionnels et l’adaptation sociale en classe spécialisée des élèves ayant un TC. Une méthodologie s’appuyant sur un devis de type corrélationnel a été privilégiée. Des enseignants titulaires de classe accueillant des élèves TC ont complété un questionnaire visant à évaluer l’adaptation sociale de leurs élèves en classe alors que les TES associés à ces classes ont été invités à compléter un questionnaire visant à qualifier la collaboration établie au sein de leur duo avec l’enseignant. Au total, 71 duos de professionnels provenant de 9 écoles du grand Montréal ont participé à cette étude. Bien que la qualité de la collaboration varie de façon significative selon les duos de professionnels, les résultats ne permettent toutefois pas d’établir une relation. D’après cette recherche, il n’y a donc pas de lien significatif entre l’adaptation sociale des élèves en classe et le niveau de collaboration de l’enseignant et du TES. Ces résultats, contraires à notre hypothèse de départ, sont discutés à la lumière des écrits scientifiques portant sur le sujet. Les forces, limites et considérations pour les futures recherches sont également discutées. / In specialized classrooms for students showing behavioural disorders, the teacher and the paraeducator are encouraged to work together in collaboration so they can support the social and scholar adaptation of the students with whom they strive everyday. However, despite the numerous advantages of working together for the success of the student, the interprofessional collaboration comprise a lot of challenges which, if they are not took up professionally, can affect the students. The goal of the research is to verify if there’s a link between the quality of the collaboration of those professionals and the social adaptation in specialized classroom of the students with behavioural disorders. A methodology based on a correlational approach has been used. Teachers responsible of this type of classes completed a questionnaire to evaluate the social adaptation of their students while paraeducators filled one to qualify the collaboration established in their educational duo. In total, 71 of these duos coming from 9 schools of the greater Montreal have participated to this study. Although the quality of the collaboration varies in a significant way depending on the professional duos, the results do not show any relation with the quality of the social adaptation of the students with whom they intervened. Therefore, according to this research, there is not significant link between the social adaptation of the student in class and the collaboration of the teacher and the paraeducator. Those results, opposite to our starting hypothesis, are discussed in the light of the scientific literature on this subject. The strength, the limits and the considerations for further research are also discussed.

Činnost střediska výchovné péče z pohledu kurátora pro děti a mládež / Activities of the juvenile correction centre from the point of view of an officer in charge of youth at risk

Kučerová, Anděla January 2012 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the activity of an educational care centre as an institution which provides services for children who show negative signs in their behaviours and prone to develop behavioural disorders, as well as for their families. The centre also offers help to clients of a children and youth curator, whose role, as part of providing social and legal protection, is mentioned in the first chapter. In addition, attention is given to basic principles of a multidisciplinary cooperation and rehabilitation of a family. Another part describes the activity of the centre, an organisation providing preventive educational care for clients, and specific services of the centre. In the practical part the centre activity is portrayed by children and youth curators. The objective of the thesis is to evaluate the benefits of the educational care centre from the point of view of an OSPOD (a government body for social and legal protection of children) employee and asses what opportunities the centre offers when preventing institutional care and as part of rehabilitation of a family with a child who has behavioural issues.

The psychotherapeutic worth of horse whispering for the aggressive child

Bronkhorst, Karin 30 June 2006 (has links)
This dissertation employs a case study research design and reviews literature from the field of animal assisted therapy (AAT) with an emphasis on equine facilitated psychotherapy (EFP), as a possible therapeutic alternative for treating inappropriate aggressive behaviour in a young boy. The research suggests that Horse Whispering can indeed be regarded as a viable therapeutic technique when intent on breaking the aggressive behaviour cycle. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

Sebepoškozující chování u mládeže v souvislosti s poruchami chování / Self-inflicted trauma in young people with in the context of behavioral disturbance

Kolaříková, Katarína January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: Self- inflicted trauma in young people with in the context of behavioral disturbance AUTHOR: Bc. Katarína Kolaříková DEPARTMENT: Department of special education SUPERVISOR: Doc. PaeDr. Eva Šotolová, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: This thesis solves two serious topics of special pedagogic. Behavioural disorders and self-harming behaviour. Self-harming behaviour is deliberate, conscious and often repetitive violation of physical integrity without intent to die. The work is divided into 11 chapters. The first are focused on behavioural disorders, self-harming behaviours, and crisis intervention. Other chapters deal with the goals, research questions and chosen method of treatment. The aim was to map the occurrence, factors and methods of self-harming and describe alternative techniques of reducing this behaviour. Qualitative research is used in this work - analysing the anamneses of individuals with behavioural disorders and interviews with ethopedic workers. The inquiry of documentation shows that self-harming behaviour is caused by negative effects of family and social environment. The most common methods include self-cutting of girls, fists and head pounding against the wall of boys. For alternative methods of reducing this behaviour, the staff of orphanages with schools agreed that the preferred method is...

Reaalipedagoginen toimintaprosessi—sosiaalipedagogisen työn sovellus koulutuksesta syrjäytymässä olevien nuorten kokonaisvaltaisessa tukemisessa

Vilppola, T. (Tuomo) 05 June 2007 (has links)
Abstract The study describes and analyses the implementation and development of the real-life-oriented pedagogical action process as a method of work to intervene in exclusion from education from the viewpoints of the teacher, pupils and various interest groups. The actual group of subjects consisted of 74 Oulu pupils in the Tuomontupa class in the years 1992–1998. The pupils aged 15 to 17 had dropped out or were about to do so and had been moved to a special class for education for the maladjusted. 23 of the students were girls and 51 were boys. The number of boys was more than double that of girls. The research site was the Tuomontupa class that functioned in a learning environment that was not school-like in the town's work training centre. The actual purpose of the study was to describe the RLO pedagogical action process implemented in special class teaching among young people aged 15–17 who were threatened by exclusion from education. In addition to this, the realization and development of real-life-oriented pedagogical action in the case of young people near exclusion was also studied. From the theoretical and educational philosophical points of view, the research analysed the connections of the real-life-oriented pedagogical action process to social pedagogical thinking and tradition of action and to reform pedagogy. The study was carried out as a social pedagogical action study in which the data was gathered using various research methods. The methods included ethnographic observation and interpretation as well as social pedagogical participatory action research. Field data consisted of interview data, pupil transfer documents and other documents, participatory observation, pupils' essays, meeting memoranda and comparative statistical data on the pupils' school performance. Triangulation was used in an attempt to observe the research object in a comprehensive manner. The research results show that a real-life-oriented pedagogical action process can have an impact on young people's exclusion from education. The real-life-oriented process helped to produce educational and pedagogical experiences that were felt to be positive by the young people, reinforcing the subjects' ability to think and act in the same way in similar situations in the future. The pupils' absences were reduced remarkably, and their grade averages improved. 63 pupils out of 74 in the research sample managed to complete the targets set for lower secondary education in one year, while 11 needed a longer time to complete school. Out of the 63 pupils who completed lower secondary education, 46 or 73% were subsequently selected to a senior secondary program. The research data also reveals the three critical phases when to intervene in exclusion from education. The first critical phase was attachment to education, while the second phase was the corrective phase and the third phase was constituted by the linking phase. It was also possible to fail in any of these phases of intervention. The research showed that it is possible to intervene in exclusion from education, and it does not require an enormous amount of special resources, provided that the various administrative units are called together to co-operate in a tangible way. Pupils in need of special support need flexible, comprehensive and individual opportunities to meet the school's requirements. Diversified and developing special class teaching still has a well-justified position in this work as one of the ways in which the school works. The study shows that a comprehensive real-life-oriented pedagogical action process is connected with social pedagogical working practices as a form of interventive action against exclusion from education. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa kuvataan ja analysoidaan reaalipedagogisen toimintaprosessin toteutumista ja kehitystä koulutukselliseen syrjäytymiseen puuttuvana interventiivisena työmuotona tarkasteltuna opettajan, oppilaiden ja eri sidosryhmien näkökulmista. Tutkimuksen varsinaisen kohderyhmän muodosti 74 oululaista, Tuomontupa-luokkaa vuosina 1992–1998 käynyttä oppilasta. Oppilaat olivat 15–17-vuotiaita, koulunsa keskeyttäneitä tai keskeyttämässä olevia nuoria, jotka oli siirretty erityisluokalle sopeutumattomien opetukseen. Oppilaista oli tyttöjä 23 ja poikia 51. Poikien määrä oli yli kaksinkertainen verrattuna tyttöjen määrään. Tutkimuspaikan muodosti Tuomontupa-luokka, joka toimi kaupungin työvalmennuskeskuksessa, ei koulumaisessa opiskeluympäristössä. Tutkimuksen varsinaisena tehtävänä oli kuvata koulutuksesta syrjäytymässä olevien 15–17-vuotiaiden nuorten erityisluokkaopetuksessa toteutettua reaalipedagogista toimintaprosessia. Tämän lisäksi tutkittiin reaalipedagogisen toiminnan toteutumista ja kehittymistä koulutuksesta syrjäytymässä olevien nuorten kohdalla. Teoreettisesti ja kasvatusfilosofisesti ajateltuna tutkimuksessa jäsennettiin reaalipedagogisen toimintaprosessin yhteyttä sosiaalipedagogiseen ajatteluun ja toimintaperinteeseen sekä reformipedagogiikkaan. Tutkimus toteutettiin sosiaalipedagogisena toimintatutkimuksena, jossa käytettiin eri tutkimusmenetelmiä tiedon keruuseen. Tutkimusmetodeina käytettiin etnografista havainnointia ja tulkintaa sekä sosiaalipedagogista osallistuvaa toimintatutkimusta. Kenttämateriaali muodostui haastatteluaineistosta, oppilaiden siirtoasiakirjoista ja dokumenteista, osallistuvasta havainnoinnista, oppilaiden kirjoitelmista, kokousmuistioista ja oppilaiden koulusuoritusten tilastollisesta vertailuaineistosta. Toteutetun triangulaation avulla pyrittiin hahmottamaan kokonaisvaltaisesti tutkittavaa kohdetta. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että reaalipedagogisen toimintaprosessin avulla voidaan puuttua nuorten koulutukselliseen syrjäytymiseen. Reaalipedagogisen toimintaprosessin avulla luotiin nuorille myönteisiä kasvatuksellisia ja pedagogisia kokemuksia, jotka vahvistivat tutkittavien nuorten kykyä ajatella ja toimia samankaltaisissa tilanteissa tulevaisuudessa samoin. Oppilaiden poissaolot vähenivät merkittävästi ja keskiarvot paranivat. Tutkimusaineiston oppilaista 63 oppilasta 74:stä pystyi yhden vuoden aikana suoriutumaan peruskoulun oppitavoitteista ja 11 tarvitsi pitemmän ajan koulusta suoriutumiseen. Peruskoulunsa suorittaneista 63 oppilaasta pääsi jatkokoulutukseen 46 eli 73 %. Tutkimusaineisto osoittaa myös koulutuksellisen syrjäytymisen intervention kolme kriittistä vaihetta. Ensimmäisen kriittisen vaiheen muodosti koulutukseen kiinnittämisvaihe, toisen kriittisen vaiheen muodosti korjaava vaihe ja kolmannen kriittisen vaiheen muodosti niveltämisvaihe. Kaikissa edellisissä intervention vaiheissa oli myös mahdollista epäonnistua. Tutkimuksen mukaan koulutukselliseen syrjäytymiseen voidaan puuttua ja se ei vaadi suunnattomia erillisiä resursseja, kun yhdistetään eri hallintokunnat tekemään konkreettista yhteistyötä. Erityistä tukea tarvitsevat oppilaat tarvitsevat joustavia, kokonaisvaltaisia ja yksilöllisiä mahdollisuuksia suoriutua koulun tavoitteista. Tässä työssä monimuotoisella ja kehittyvällä erityisluokkaopetuksella on edelleen perusteltu sijansa koululaitoksen yhtenä toimintamuotona. Tutkimus osoittaa kokonaisvaltaisen reaalipedagogisen toimintaprosessin liittyvän sosiaalipedagogiseen työkäytäntöön koulutuksellisen syrjäytymiseen puuttuvana interventiivisenä toimintana.

Využití prvků terapeutické komunity v práci s rizikovou mládeží / Running terapeutic community for youth with risky behaviours

Šiklová, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the applicability of the model of therapeutic community in the work with youth at risk. The aim of the thesis is to provide information about possible connection of these two phenomena based on theory and Czech practice. The thesis has a theoretical and an empirical part. The chapters of the theoretical part describe target groups from the view of adulthood development, the model of therapeutic community and its possible application in various diagnostic circles. The last chapter of the theoretical part describes the employment of the model of therapeutic community in the work with youth at risk in a historical perspective. Next, it suggests that the model of therapeutic community is compatible with the attainment of developmental goals during maturing. The empirical part maps the usage of elements of therapeutic community model in selected facilities which work with youth at risk. It informs whether these elements occur and if so, what shape they take in practice.

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