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A study on the changing of housing policy and needs before and after the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

Huang, Bo-Wei 11 February 2011 (has links)
Abstract This paper to explore how policy changes affect real estate market in Beijing, to help readers understand how policy change to influence Beijing real estate market demand, the reader can understand the further development of Beijing real estate market, the paper is divided into three parts: the first is to explore the environment of Beijing real estate ; the second part of the real estate market in Beijing before the Olympics Games; the third part discuss the development of Beijing real estate market since Olympic Games , let readers understand the development and change of Beijing real estate market . Under the guidance of cancels the welfare lotteries policy , Beijing real estate market began to sprout, Beijing Olympic Games successful application, led to the rapid growth of Beijing real estate market, Beijing Government uses the reversion policy to regulates the supply and demand structure of market ,to guidance real estate market development, but was unable to suppress the house price effectively fast rising. The real estate has the characteristic which buys rises does not buy falls, before in 2008 Olympic Games, the people's anticipated house price will continue to rise, housing demand continues to expand, The market has the situation which falls short of demand¡FBut with the end of the 2008 Olympic Games, the "Olympic effect" gradually cooling down, the market return to a rational development , But with the end of the 2008 Olympic Games, the "Olympic effect" gradually cooling down, the market return to a rational development, people expect house prices to fall, resulting in a wait and see attitude ,Market oversupply occurs, the government resorted to liberal policies to stabilize the mortgage market. With the end of the Olympics, the Beijing government redrawing of the regional economic development, and actively promote the "era after the Beijing Olympics", In the future Beijing real estate development focus from the central area of the city gradually migrate outward circle, Function complete, facility perfect, convenient communications new town will become the new sales hot spot.

北京地區房地產市場發展策略之研究-以某個案公司為例 / The Research Of The New Trend Predictions in Beijing Real Estate Market & The Development Strategy Of The Construction Companies-Take The Case Study Construction Company As An Example

范成連, Fang, Chen Lien Unknown Date (has links)
從2003年下半年開始,面對大陸經濟結構中的不合理投資,尤其是房地產行業的過快與過大的投資,對大陸經濟正常的永續發展,帶來巨大的隱患,大陸宏觀調控連續祭出了一系列緊縮的政策,將積極財政貨幣政策改為穩健財政貨幣政策,提高利率、控制土地與信貸、首次使用浮動匯率等等措施,所有這些都對房地產行業帶來了巨大的影響。 大陸房地產市場在經過2006年至2007年的快速上漲階段之後,由於大陸祭出了緊縮的貨幣政策與限制國外熱錢進入大陸房地產的規定之後,在大部分的城市中,房價出現了下降的情況,市場購買者觀望氣氛濃烈,在這樣的整體大環境下,能否制定合理的行銷策略,打開市場的通路,在房地產市場已出現反曲點的情況下,取得優異的銷售成績,對於房地產業者來說,將顯得十分重要。本研究介紹了房地產行銷管理的概念和發展階段,分析了房地產行銷現階段所存在的問題,提出了解決這些問題的整體解決方案。 為了協助投資北京房地產的台商,適應房地產市場新的變化,認識房地產市場的規律與發展策略,及時進行策略性的調整。本研究在研究者本身對房地產行業特殊性認識經驗的基礎上,以研究者自行設計的北京房地產產業鏈與波特五力模型相整合的模型為基礎,對影響北京房地產企業策略的共通性的因素做了審慎的實證分析。運用實證分析可以有效判斷出,大陸的宏觀調控政策並不是打擊房地產,而是穩定房價,引導投資合理的佈局。 本研究運用對比分析,借鏡於國外和其他地區的房地產市場發展的經驗,從經濟學的角度為大陸房地產行業的發展正本清源,理清房地產與工業化、城市化、消費水準、人均GDP 的互動關係與發展規律,聚焦於重點分析北京地區的城市規劃、房地產總供給量與總需求量的平衡關係。對於北京高度國際化的特點,也重點分析了外資對北京房地產的重要影響。 針對企業一般策略選擇模型的分析,本研究掌握北京房地產企業的策略篩選的一般性原則。比較大陸與海外房地產企業的策略特色,希望在房地產行業發展宏觀調控、經濟泡沫等複雜的新變化之下,為北京房地產企業的策略篩選提供有價值的借鏡功能。 有鑑於全球經濟的走緩和大陸經濟的未來挑戰,北京從去年底今年初以來,其實早以推展「後京奧時代」的經濟重編計劃,包括製造業西移、品牌產業的打造、區域經濟的重劃,及有計劃的對外投資等。根據很多經濟專家的研判,在2008年北京奧運之後,大陸經濟成長勢必降溫,但還不致於泡沫化,本研究也證實這樣的看法,其主要理由有三:第一,2007年大陸出超佔GDP比重約為8.1%,所佔比率尚低,雖然受到次貸危機的衝擊可能下修,但龐大的內需市場相對受到的衝擊較小,仍可維繫經濟的持續成長,預估2009年經濟成長仍可維持在8%以上(參見附錄C)。 第二,大陸經濟規模大,相較於過去承辦奧運的小國家而言,症候群相對較小(參見附錄D),且北京佔全中國人口只有1%左右,佔全中國GDP的比重也不到5%,在奧運後陷入不景氣的機率相對降低。第三,大陸當局政策調整的靈活度大,從過去強調嚴控通膨,轉為強調優先維持「平穩較快」的經濟成長,並維持抑制通膨的力道。同時,最近大陸放寬對中小企業融資、紡織品、成衣出口退稅重新上調等措施,均有助於緩和外部經濟情勢之逆轉。透過實證分析,本研究得出2008年北京奧運之後,北京房地產之成長力道勢必降溫,但還不致於泡沫化。 2008年北京奧運之後,大陸經濟的問題,看似房市的泡沫化,其實不是類似於日本的流動性過剩問題,本質上大陸屬於二元經濟,地方政府的創GDP工程,例如國企、形象工程、基礎建設工程等過熱,故要有一定程度的限制與保護,但民企過冷,政府誤認是流動性過剩,進行宏觀調控,反而加速二元經濟,使過冷的民企部門更冷。在北京奧運結束之後,中共把振興經濟的重心放在刺激內需。本研究預期,最有可能從大陸內需新政中受惠的產業首推動住房等產業,官方可能以補貼經濟房與雙限房(指限制售價及建築面積的房子)的做法,滿足中下階層民眾的居住需求,但北京當局只增加經濟房供給量,相關救市措施可能性不大,短期內宜先觀望。 摩根史丹利在2008年所發表的研究報告指出,中國大陸房地產市場崩潰(即價格與成交量大幅下跌)的可能性高,房地產商減價促銷的情況已經在大陸多個主要城市出現,大陸房地產市場在2008年上半年遭受嚴峻考驗,預估2008下半年也難有突破。地產企業除了出現獲利顯著下滑之外,也可能面臨嚴重的償付能力困難,但大陸房地產市場長期仍然看好。 大陸房地產在歷經五年的快速成長之後,如今已面臨調整期。2008年1至6月大陸房屋銷售面積達2兆5892萬平方公尺,比2007年同期下降7.2%。目前大陸的房價還很高,一般老百姓仍買不起房子,房價還會再大幅下調,只要房價下來之後,銷售量自然會上去,過去幾年大陸的房地產發展太快,對資源造成嚴重的排擠效應。 目前大陸營建業正處於水深火熱的境地,房地產行業發展到2008年,所面臨的最大困難就是缺錢,從所有上市房地產公司的報告就可以清礎地看出來。大陸房地產業缺錢的主要原因有四點,一是國際形勢不好,房地產商的境外融資計劃基本上全部泡湯;二是大陸國內實行緊縮貨弊政策,對房地產行業控制得更緊;三是開發商過去兩年不理智地爭地王,大搞土地儲備,錢花過了頭;四是2008年初以來,全大陸房屋成交量急遽下滑,至2008年8月底已下滑近50%,這一點是最重要的因素。 大陸房地產在未來可能出現五種情況, 一是失業率上升;二是住宅打折求售,但成交量急遽萎縮。住宅市場從來都是買漲不買跌;三是地方政府的出讓金收入大幅度減少;四是住宅開發商萎縮、虧損、被併購,甚至破產;五是銀行的金融安全,受到房貸申請人停止還款,和住宅開發商的不良貸款的雙重威脅。 目前當務之急,是要給市場信心,官方應儘快鬆綁房地產行業貸款,解除綑綁房地產行業的各種枷鎖,惟有如此,未來大陸的房地產市場才能長期看好。 房地產景氣循環,大致是5至7年,預估今年與明年都不會有大行情;不過這段時間正好是佈局的最佳時機,保留現金,逢低強進土地與良好的專案,才有可能在下一波大多頭循環時,有所表現,但好的標地物,大都需要資金、機會與時間的等待,往往是可遇而不可求。而不論是募集資金,或是組織資產管理公司,目前宜處於熱身階段,等市場更為積弱不振,得以花費更少力氣適時進場,快穩準狠兼備,成為有如獅子在草原稱霸一般的房市超級贏家。 / To correct some unhealthy development in the Mainland China’s economic structure, especially the overheated investment in the real estate industry, which could cause huge harm to Mainland China’s economy. Mainland China has started macro economic control since the second half of 2003.Those financial and monetary policies have been set to control land and credit, by using flexible-exchange rate, higher interest etc.Thus at the same time all new changes will take place in real estate market , in addition to new threats. We know it is very important for Beijing housing enterprises to understand the law of real estate and get in line with its new changes.In this paper,by combining analysis of its particularity and Porter’s five force analysis, the researcher design a model of Beijing real estate industry structure.With this model, the researcher analyzed the common factors of Beiing real estate contruction companies.We can see it is sure that the Mainland China government wants to control macro economy to keep housing price stable, and not heating the real estate market. By contrastively analyzing development experience of other countries and areas in relation to real estate, we hope we can find the solutions for the Mainland China .We also hope to identify the connection between real estate and industrialization, urbanization, consumption level, and average GDP.On one hand, we analyze city planning of Beijing.On the other hand we balance between gross supply and demand in real estate.With the globalization of the world economy, we also discuss that more overseas investment are getting into Beijing’s real estate market . By constructing the strategic model, we can establish suitable development strategy or implementation.We can learn from inside and outside real estate companies, and in dramatic competition, the research hope some modern strategic management theory can be applied to those Beijing real estate companies.

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