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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

將台灣1950年代至1980年代的成長經驗運用在宏都拉斯的發展策略上 / Applying Taiwan’s competitive advantage during the 1950’s to 1980’s to Honduras development strategy

黎希娜, Ilcy Dixiana Mejia Rivera Unknown Date (has links)
將台灣1950年代至1980年代的成長經驗運用在宏都拉斯的發展策略上 / At the end of 2009 Honduras was facing the biggest political crisis in its history, it will be remember as the worst year of any Central American Country, as it was predicted by economists the impact was huge not only politically but socially and economically, hopefully after several months of turbulence, signs of stability began to rise from the ashes, the new President elections brought new hopes to Honduras society. This thesis is written as a basis analysis to the current situation and prospective of Honduras growth with a comparison to Taiwan strategic development during the 1950’s until the 1980’s which represents its transition from an agricultural to an industrialized based economy; Taiwan miraculous development and growth has been admired for many, it is really impressive to see how a country with so many limitations could rise as Taiwan did. Considering this two countries scenarios it would be said that a country with such abundance of resources its meant to be a develop one, while the other will face troubles to survive, however, Taiwan has shown that the scarce of resources and other external factors are not limitations to achieve economic development therefore growth. Can Honduras learn from Taiwan experiences and change its economical situation? Considering Honduras holistic situation, are those Taiwan’s strategies still applicable? The answers of these questions are promising, it is feasible to reach economic development and growth, the limitations involved in an agricultural based economy can be overcome and nation’s competitiveness can be achieved, it is not an easy task, several changes need to be done. Finally, to achieve a nation’s competitive advantage mostly requires the government and citizenship engagement, working in sync as the engine of the process, Taiwan is an example of what the nation’s population is able to do.


丘崇德 Unknown Date (has links)
生態工業園區無論在國內或國外皆屬新興觀念,尤其國內是在近年來才開始推動。由於生態工業園區之興起正符合全球經濟與環境共生共榮之趨勢,足見未來勢必成為國家新世紀發展重點。惟生態工業園區在國內之推展仍屬萌芽階段,故本研究以透過探討生態工業園區之規劃及營運機制,來建立發展策略,供作相關政策制訂與推動之參考。 本論文採用個案研究法,探究丹麥卡倫堡生態工業園區的發展經驗,然後列舉包括美國、日本及中國的重要生態工業園區案例,最後由實質、技術、市場及政策環境等面向歸納整理;再研究國內的發展現況,並以調查研究法深入訪談工業局及環保署之相關意見以發掘台灣生態工業園區規劃上及營運上面臨之課題;再研擬規劃及營運機制發展策略,作為建構台灣生態工業園區永續發展之參酌。 本論文共分七章,第一章是緒論,箇中對以生態工業園區來建構台灣成為環境與經濟發展並重之研究動機與目的、範圍與內容及研究方法作一概略式交代。第二章是文獻探討,分別對生態工業園區之概念、定義、分類類型、重要發展脈絡、規劃及營運機制進行分析及描述。論文的第三章為研究方法之說明,分別採用個案研究法及調查研究法中的深入訪談為之。第四章先描述全球所公認的生態工業園區原型案例—丹麥卡倫堡,繼之,以美國案例作為主軸,並延伸至其他各地主要案例,歸納各生態工業園區之發展模式,做為後續論述之基礎。第五章探討台灣生態工業園區之可行性分析首先敘述台灣生態工業園區發展歷程與政策之演變,以瞭解其推動之時空背景;其次則描述目前我國生態工業園區之設置現況,最後藉由問卷調查瞭解政府相關單位對於生態工業園區發展之意見及課題,以為後續研究之參考。第六章旨在研擬規劃階段之發展定位、基礎建設及營運階段之招商規劃、營運組織、副產品交換、環境績效標準之策略,供政府在推動生態工業園區發展相關政策及開發之參考。

餐飲採購平台商業模式探討-以眾美聯集團為例 / A Case Study on the Business Models of Restaurant Procurement Platform

張郡綸 Unknown Date (has links)
著眼於小型餐飲店家在進貨成本上的劣勢,本文認為透過餐飲採購平台的建立,可協助累積各餐飲業者之採購量作為該平台的談判權,迫使供應商拿出具吸引力的低廉價格,從而減少中小型商家餐飲採購的搜尋成本與進貨成本。 然而,鑒於台灣市場之平台概念仍處於起步階段,對於平台的商業模式與關鍵策略亦處於摸索期。因此本文希望透過研究中國較俱代表性的餐飲採購平台一眾美聯集團,協助台灣同質性平台的創建與運營,從而縮小小規模業者與大型連鎖企業的成本差距,以延長餐飲業之經營年數、減緩產業汰換的頻率。 本文主要藉由文獻研究與理論架構,來瞭解平台的本質與發展關鍵;再以(Osterwterwalder & Pigneur, 2012)所提出的商業模式圖作為分析眾美聯集團商業模式的主要工具,試圖窺探餐飲採購平台商業模式的經營元素與內涵、可能之獲利模式與成功發展的關鍵策略。 研究發現,餐飲採購平台可透過集結知名餐飲企業的龐大採購量,吸引主流供應商的加入,藉以觸動跨邊網路效應,成功建立餐飲採購平台的生態圈;餐飲採購平台可能不易產生單一平台獨大之局面,因此各平台業者應積極培養自身的成本優勢或差異化優勢,增加平台持續發展的關鍵競爭力。


陳子芸 Unknown Date (has links)

兩岸租賃產業差異分析與發展策略之探討─以C公司為例 / Differences analysis and development strategy of Taiwan and China's leasing industries

劉金澤 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1970年代開始,租賃發展以融物方式為中小企業提供融資服務已有三十多年,由於台灣經濟發展以為數眾多的中小企業為主,因此租賃業者對於台灣的經濟發展,有著相當重要的貢獻。 2005年初,大陸的商務部發佈《外商投資租賃業管理辦法》,該辦法也按照入世(加入WTO)承諾,明確允許設立外商獨資融資租賃公司,使得台灣租賃業者與外國投資者以獨資的方式積極地進入中國租賃市場。 雖然台灣租賃業者過去在台灣已累積多年的核心能力與實務經驗,但若要進入中國租賃市場,將會面對不同於台灣的經營環境,其經營策略與資訊應用系統都需要加以調適。 本研究將先說明租賃的定義及各種租賃交易類型,然後介紹租賃產業從美國開展以來的沿革,及兩岸租賃產業的發展現況,並對兩岸租賃經營環境加以分析比較,包含法律、監管、稅收、會計與業務操作實務等構面,最後再介紹個案公司的沿革、現況與應用系統環境,並探討個案公司在大陸的經營策略、資訊發展策略、應用系統調適與兩岸應用系統整合。 / Since the 1970s in Taiwan, the development of leasing equipment to provide financial services to SMEs has been more than 30 years. Due to the economic development of Taiwan to a large number of SMEs, the leasing industry had a very important contribution for the economic development of Taiwan. In early 2005, the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China issued "Measures for Administration of Foreign Investment in the Leasing Industry", according to WTO commitments, it explicitly allowed the establishment of foreign-owned financial leasing company, resulting the leasing industry of Taiwan and foreign investors actively entered the market of China in wholly-owned way. Although leasing industry of Taiwan has accumulated practical experience and core competencies for many years, they must change their business strategies and IT applications when facing the leasing market of China, which is a very different environment from Taiwan’s. This study will first explain the definition of leasing and various types of leasing transactions, then introduce the evolution of leasing industry in U.S. and present situation of cross-strait leasing industry. Second, this study will compare the business environment in Taiwan with in China’s, including the dimensions of law, supervision, tax, accounting and operational practices. Finally this study will introduce a case of a company, and discuss how they make a change for their business strategies, IT strategies, applications and cross-strait system integration.

雲端儲存服務的發展與未來: 個案分析 / The Development and Future of Cloud Storage Service: A Case Study

端木偉葶 Unknown Date (has links)
雲端儲存是指將資料儲存在網路空間,而非儲存在實體伺服器中,通常是將資料儲存在第三方代管的虛擬伺服器上。提供雲端儲存服務的企業(例如:Amazon、Google),其商業模式為提供租賃的儲存空間,依顧客需求按實際使用空間計價。使用者可依需求隨時擴充儲存空間,相較於傳統實體儲存設備更具彈性。 了解雲端儲存之前,會先介紹什麼是雲端運算、其基本特徵、服務模式和部屬模式,再提到雲端運算目前主要營運廠商,內含雲端儲存服務廠商。為了研究雲端儲存服務的發展與未來,除匯整國內外研究報告意見外,並以實際訪談兩位該領域專家,希望能針對該主題作深入的研究與探討。 台灣雲端運算產業較偏重於IaaS基礎建設應用為主軸。未來台灣業者除了軟體技術持續精進外,也應加重與SaaS軟體廠商的合作,發展成整體解決方案系統(Total solution),以開拓此領域之市場商機。台灣廠商雖然在雲端儲存產業鏈上各自佔有一席之地,但由於多為專業分工的代工業,因此只能切入某一個層面的利基市場(niche market)。 並輔以個案公司-D公司、廣達、鴻海和國外競爭者VMware,觀察四家企業從事雲端儲存服務的策略。現在雲端儲存廠商無不加快在市場布局,考量競爭態勢,本論文以D公司角度建議該公司在雲端儲存產品的發展策略。

室內設計公司之發展策略研究 -以比沙列室內裝修設計有限公司為例 / Research on Development Strategies of Interior Design Firms - A Case Study of Bezalel

張靜峰, Chang, Ching Feng Unknown Date (has links)
有人說「室內設計是建築的靈魂,是人與環境的聯繫,是人類藝術與物質文明的結合」,現代人花費約90%時間於室內活動(Höppe and Martinac, 1998),室內環境是否舒適並提供恬適的休憩空間,已成為現代人追求生活品質的主要訴求之一。 「室內設計」概念起源於1904年之美國,至於我國室內設計產業約自1960年代開始萌芽,惟早期多被視為室內裝潢之一環。近數十年來,隨著我國經濟快速發展,民眾所得及消費能力日益增加,對於生活品質的要求亦隨之提高,建築物除滿足基本的居住或辦公功能外,尚須具有美學及提升生活品質之效能,建築物內部空間之規劃設計漸受重視。社會大眾對於建築物功能需求之轉變,驅使室內設計產業逐漸跳脫傳統裝潢業框架,逐漸形成專業領域。 隨著房市發展熱絡及消費者觀念演進,室內設計開始朝向更專業化的方向發展,我國大專院亦相繼成立室內設計相關科系培育人才 。室內裝修及設計市場之快速成長,吸引眾多廠商蜂擁投入該產業,惟日益激烈的市場競爭亦迫使經營者面臨如何提升競爭優勢之挑戰。 不同於一般製造業,室內設計屬於高度客製化產業,客戶全程參與建物之設計施工過程,其經營模式及管理策略亦與其他產業大相逕庭,惟國內多數室內設計公司尚無建立系統性之策略管理制度。鑑於近年來我國室內設計產業成長有限,本研究希冀透過產業現況與個案公司之分析,深入瞭解室內設計產業之競爭優勢並提供發展策略,以期作為未來室內設計廠商之經營管理參考。


李克明, LI, KE-MING Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


洪紹捷, Horng, David Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 奈米科技目前被世界各先進國家視為是二十一世紀產業發展的最大驅動力,美國預測未來10到15年內奈米產業產品市場規模將達到美金一兆元,所以美國、日本、歐盟、等先進國家從1997年開始就編列數億美元作為研究經費,並逐年增加研究預算,2001年中國大陸及我國亦開始加以重視並編列研究經費,我國從2003年開始至2008年期間更預定編列總計約新台幣231億元之研究經費成立奈米科技國家型計畫投入研究,其研究成果勢將直接影響國內未來奈米產業之發展及國內相關產業之國際競爭力,並對國內未來經濟成長產生具體影響及貢獻。 奈米科技可應用涵蓋產業範圍極廣,從化工、材料、量測、紡織、能源等傳統產業,到資訊、電子、通訊、儲存、光電、平面顯示器、生技等高科技產業都與奈米科技互相關連,值此奈米科技萌芽階段,我國應及早投入研發具有創新價值的奈米技術,並加速部署奈米科技相關專利與智慧財產權等無形資產,以縮短未來與先進國家奈米產業發展之差距。我國能否創造未來奈米產業競爭優勢,與產業發展策略息息相關,本研究主要目的在探討我國奈米科技產業發展策略,對國內奈米產業發展建立建議性發展方向,只有能充份整合國內產、官、學、研各界共識及意見並整合上、中、下游力量的發展策略,才能建立未來奈米產業所需之技術平台,既能結合我國過去累積的各項傳統產業群聚優勢,又可開創新興產業,以創造另一個更具競爭力與更高附加價值的全方位知識型產業。 / Abstract Nanotechnology has become a principal driving force for the development of industries in the 21st century. USA forecast that the future market for Nanotechnology industry will reach the scale of $1 trillion US dollars. Leading countries in the world such as USA, Japan, and European Union have invested billions of US dollars for the R&D expenses of Nanotechnology since 1997 and are increasing the budgets each year. Taiwan government has also planned the national Nanotechnology research project with budgets of NT dollars $23.1 Billion from 2003 to 2008.The research results will influence the future nanotech industry development and the competitive advantage of related industries of our country and will contribute to the future economic growth of Taiwan. Nanotechnology can be applied to various kinds of industries from traditional industries such as chemistry, material, surveying, textile and energy industries to high-tech industries such as information, electronic, storage, photoelectric, and display industries. At the early stage of Nanotechnology, we should invest to research the nanotech as soon as possible, and map out the patent and intelligence properties to shorten the difference of our Nanotechnology industry achievement to that of leading countries. Whether we can create the competitive advantage of Nanotechnology industry or not is closely linked with the development strategies. The purpose of this study is to explore the Nanotechnology industry development strategies for our country, and to conclude some suggestions for its developing direction. The development strategies should integrate the opinions among government policy makers, industries, academic circles, and research institutions to establish the technology platform for the future development of Nanotechnology industry. The development strategies should interconnect the cluster advantage of our traditional industries and create emerging industries to establish a more competitive strength and high economic value of knowledge-based industry for Taiwan.

台灣銀行業投資大陸的發展策略 / The investment strategies of Tiwanese banks in China

林鈺容, Lin, Yu Rong Unknown Date (has links)
隨著兩岸金融政策的開放,國內銀行將會面臨新的局勢。中國大陸經濟崛起是台灣銀行業者的發展契機,同時因為兩岸在經濟與金融發展脈絡上的不同,亦會造成雙邊交流的阻礙,在機會與困境的新局中,國內銀行要如何找出因應之道將會格外重要。 本文透過文獻回顧、SWOT與個案分析的方式描繪出,未來可能出現的交流新貌。首先在文獻回顧上,台灣目前面臨銀行家數過多的問題,雖然歷經多次改革但是成效仍舊相對有限,未來銀行在中國大陸拓展事業版圖後,有機會改善國內的金融環境。 其次在SWOT分析中,台灣銀行產業發展得較早,所以培養出不少優秀的人才,而且銀行也擁有成熟的金融技術,此為國內銀行交流的優勢,不過國內銀行面對大陸銀行的競爭,規模與營業據點不足卻是發展上的劣勢。 最後在個案分析中,外資金融機構赴大陸發展,其業務經營方向越來越偏向當地市場,不僅各國逐漸轉型為獨資外資銀行,而且也開始經營本地業務,未來國內銀行也應該把目光從台商轉到大陸市場。 兩岸金融談判持續進行,期盼雙方可以透過了解降低雙邊交流可能造成的摩擦,更希望兩岸在互信互利的基礎下,共同創造出繁榮的大中華經濟圈。 / Open cross-strait financial policy has led to domestic banks are facing a new situation. China market is an opportunity for banks in Taiwan,but different financial environment will result in communication barriers. In this situation, how to find the solution is an important issue. We have gone through ‘Literature Review’,’ SWOT analysis’,’ Case Studies’ and reached conclusion. In the literature review, Taiwan faces overbanking problems in recent years. Although domestic reform several times but the effect is relatively limited. Banks enter the Chinese mainland market, overbanking will be improved. In the SWOT analysis. talent and technology is the development advantages.Industry of bank started early, so the country has many excellent financial professionals. Taiwan has also been leading in the financial technology. It’s the bank's strength. However, domestic banks face competition from mainland banks, lack of scale and business units are the disadvantages of the development. In the case studies, foreign financial institutions enter the Chinese market, more and more close to the local business direction. Foreign Capital Bank not only transformed into wholly foreign funded commercial bank, but also operating a local business. Domestic banks should also target customers from Taiwan enterprises into local enterprises in the future. In the ECFA framework, the Government will continue to conduct financial negotiations. Hope that through exchanges across the Taiwan Strait to reduce cross-strait friction. Taiwan and China Construction China Economic Circle.

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