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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Swedish parental benefit and its effects on childbearing : - An empirical study of whether raised compensation levels within the parental benefit cause increased probabilities of having children

Viklund, Ida January 2010 (has links)
<p>In this study I analyze the Swedish parental benefit system focusing on a certain component, the basic level, and its effects on childbearing. The basic level consists of a fixed monetary amount given to parents. The compensation level was raised three times between 2002 and 2004, which would, according to economic theories, imply increased incentives for having children. I use longitudinal data of women in fertile age between 1993 and 2005. Applying a difference-in-differences model on comparison groups based on region of birth I conclude that the policy changes probably did not cause increased probabilities of having children.</p>

Preview Benefit and Parafoveal-on-Foveal Effects from Word N+2

Kliegl, Reinhold, Risse, Sarah, Laubrock, Jochen January 2007 (has links)
Using the gaze-contingent boundary paradigm with the boundary placed after word n, we manipulated preview of word n+2 for fixations on word n. There was no preview benefit for first-pass reading on word n+2, replicating the results of Rayner, Juhasz, and Brown (2007), but there was a preview benefit on the three-letter word n+1, that is, after the boundary, but before word n+2. Additionally, both word n+1 and word n+2 exhibited parafoveal-on-foveal effects on word n. Thus, during a fixation on word n and given a short word n+1, some information is extracted from word n+2, supporting the hypothesis of distributed processing in the perceptual span.

TGOJ-banan; en cost-benefit analys / TGOJ-banan; a cost-benefit analyses

Pettersson, Elin January 2000 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att studera de samhällsekonomiska konsekvenser som en uppstart av persontåg på TGOJ-banan, mellan Oxelösund och Eskilstuna, skulle innebära. På vägen fram för att uppfylla syftet med uppsatsen har ett antal frågeställningar pekat ut vägen och hjälpt till att föra in arbetet mot specifika problemområden. - Vilka kostnader är förenade med tågtrafiken jämfört med busstrafiken? - Vilken nytta uppkommer vid tågtrafik jämfört med busstrafik? - Hur stora är kostnaderna för järnvägen i förhållande till de uppkomna nyttorna? Ett väsentligt led i studien har varit att studera dagens resande för att kunna dra slutsatser om det framtida resande vid en uppstart av tågtrafik på sträckningen. Dagens kollektivtrafik resande, dagens resande på vägar i korridoren och resvaneundersökningar har varit faktorer som vägts in för att få fram det estimerade resandet. Därefter har själva den samhällsekonomiska kalkylen ställt upp. Bland annat har projektets initiala investering, förändringar i driftskostnader och resenärenas tidsvinster och tidsförluster studerats. Detta leder oss fram till nettonuvärdeskvoter. Slutsatserna som kan dras utifrån studien är att projektet ligger och väger mellan lönsamt och olönsamt. Därmed är det nödvändigt att djupare studier genomförs för att man med större säkerhet ska kunna avgöra hur samhällsekonomin ser ut för uppstart av persontågstafik på TGOJ

The Swedish parental benefit and its effects on childbearing : - An empirical study of whether raised compensation levels within the parental benefit cause increased probabilities of having children

Viklund, Ida January 2010 (has links)
In this study I analyze the Swedish parental benefit system focusing on a certain component, the basic level, and its effects on childbearing. The basic level consists of a fixed monetary amount given to parents. The compensation level was raised three times between 2002 and 2004, which would, according to economic theories, imply increased incentives for having children. I use longitudinal data of women in fertile age between 1993 and 2005. Applying a difference-in-differences model on comparison groups based on region of birth I conclude that the policy changes probably did not cause increased probabilities of having children.

An empirical study in obstacles for internal internet banking development

Huang, Yung-hsiang 27 August 2007 (has links)
Owing to the insufficient varieties of the financial products or the offer of identical financial services or merchandise by banks, Taiwan¡¦s financial environment has resulted in over-banking predicaments. In addition, the financial company managing directors are bewilderedly on the concept of economies of scale so as to consider that the more physical banking chains they construct, the more business deals will be done. Owing to the said reasons, the banks have involved in large scale and intense competition such as applying low margin strategy over the years. In the early days, the banks have established branches, ATM, as well as telephone speech banking to better service their customers. Nowadays, electronic banking, the newest banking service, is undoubtedly included by each bank to provide even better and quick service to answer to customers¡¦ instant demands. By providing 24 hours a day, all yearlong prompt services and convenient access, the electronic banking have considerably increased the banking transactions, largely reduced the operating cost, brought more earnings and created preferable competitive advantage so that it is unquestionably considered as the 21st century¡¦s revolutionary financial service innovation. In theory, owing to its traits of no boundary to territory and time, the electronic banking could ideally contribute to more revenues than that of the physical banking chains. The phenomenon, moreover, stands for that the original electronic banking has reformed from its affiliated role to the banks to the fact that it could successfully compete with the physical banking chains. In retrospect to the early stage of the electronic banking, bank companies have purposely established the electronic banking in attempt to lower the operating cost such as bank account checking service that has obviously consumed a great deal of the manpower and in the hope of transferring those activities from the bank counters or telephone speech banking to electronic or virtual banking. By doing that, the customers could personally check through their accounts from the electronic banking system banks provide. Along with the rapid growth and use of the internet, more and more banks have realized that the electronic banking could contribute more and more innovative banking services and good margin. Through the study, we have found that the major obstacles to the development of the electronic banking are resulted from that the users have very little trust on the internet transaction mechanism. In addition to that, 1) alternatives such as physical banking chains and ATM are easy to access 2) users¡¦ not being able to access to the electronic banking unless certain application is submitted to banks beforehand 3) the interference on banking by government¡¦s regulation 4) banks¡¦ failure to lessen users¡¦ concern of the internet transaction safety through advertisement or propaganda have all dragged the development of domestic electronic banking. By interviewing professionals, here we conclude the following suggestions to solve the issue that very few people using the electronic banking. 1) It is suggested that IC card and card reader to be applied for the verification of users¡¦ identity instead of solely inserting users¡¦ name and password on the internet as a way to lessen users¡¦ perceived risk. 2) It is suggested that the electronic banks should include the tax paying platform. Considering that the low cost electronic bank will substantially surpass the physical banking chains owing to its effortless access, electronic banking executives should come up with revolutionary solutions to enhance the efficiency as well as added value of electronic banking.

Immigrants’ Contribution to the Society : A Comparison between Sweden and the County of Jönköping

Andersson, Malin, Kouhouta, Guy Constant January 2006 (has links)
Our aim in this thesis has been to look at the foreign citizens’ share of costs and benefits associated to the society in Sweden. We have compared Sweden on the national level to Jönköping County on the regional level to see if there are any deviations. We have conducted a new calculation approach in order to present the contributions given by immigrants and the associated costs. Figures are to a large extent viewed in relative terms in the thesis, and specified in concrete terms in the appendix. We have selected a series of four costs and one benefit in order to show how an estimation of the costs or benefits could be made. We have found that immigrants tend to work harder than the natives, but at a lower wage level. Even so they do not compensate for the costs to the society applied to immigrants. / Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur stor del av kostnaderna för samhället som går att förknippa till invandrarna i Sverige. Sverige har jämförts med Jönköpings Län för att hitta eventuella avvikelser. Vi har försökt skapa ett beräkningssätt för att kunna visa hur mycket som går ut till invandrarna och hur mycket de ger tillbaka. Vi utrycker oss till största del i relativa termer i uppsatsen, för absoluta tal hänvisas till appendix. För att visa hur vårat beräkningssätt kan användas har vi gjort beräkningar på fyra kostnadsgrupper och en inkomstgrupp. Vi har kommit fram till att invandrare tenderar att arbeta mer än den inhemska befolkningen, men till en lägre lön. Trots detta så kompenseras inte kostnaderna för samhället av dess intäkter när man jämför de som är direkt kopplade till invandrarna.

A False Sense of Security: The Social Security Debate

Shipman-Sercu, Chris 01 January 2010 (has links)
My motivation to write this thesis is based on the controversy surrounding the Social Security system that has recently infiltrated the media. Through my research, I have discovered the debate concerning Social Security is not a recent development but has existed since the 1930’s. Many sources are warning citizens to no longer count on Social Security as they most likely will not receive benefits until a extremely old age if they receive benefits at all. Current retirees are fearful of either a decrease in benefits or not receiving the money they contributed to the system through the years of employment at all. Proposals and options for overhauling the system have moved to center stage in politicians’ agendas and numbers of solutions have surfaced. Unfortunately, this debate is creating a huge divide between party lines in Congress. Some argue for more government control while others advocate privatization. The goal for this thesis is to perform a cost/benefit analysis of the two ideologies and determine which is more practical and realistic for both the government and the people.

Impact and Benefit Agreements and the Political Ecology of Mineral Development in Nunavut

Hitch, Michael January 2006 (has links)
Mining has been a major economic activity in the Canadian Arctic for the last century. It has made a valuable contribution to the development of this fragile economy and to the living standards of its inhabitants. The benefits include jobs and income, tax revenues and the social programs they finance, foreign exchange earnings, frontier development, support for local infrastructure, and economic diversification into a broad range of activities beyond the life of the mine. These benefits emerge as the result of activities and influences of several actors that exercise differing degrees of power, whether coercive or exchange by nature. These benefits, however, do not come without costs, particularly to Northern peoples who have suffered historically from the inequitable distribution of resources benefits and inevitable, adverse socio-cultural and biophysical impacts of rapid resource development. <br /><br /> Impact and Benefit Agreements (IBAs) are a mandatory aspect of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. Proponents wishing to develop natural resources on Inuit-owned land are required to negotiate and complete an IBA with the Regional Inuit Organization. These agreements have evolved from simple socio-economic contracts, to multiparty assemblages of agreements designed to promote sustainability beyond the operating life of the mine. <br /><br /> A political ecology approach was taken. Using this approach, it was determined that the distribution of decision-making power appears to be unequal and largely confined to the Industrial and Regional Inuit Association actors. As a result, other affected interests were marginalized in the process including members of the local community, environmental and other non-governmental organizations, and federal, territorial and hamlet government actors. <br /><br /> Nevertheless, the use of IBAs signal a recognition on the part of all stakeholders that historic mining practices are no longer acceptable and that it is now necessary to move towards a more equitable and sustainable approach to mineral development. <br /><br /> In order to answer the question of an IBA's usefulness as a tool of sustainability, a set of sustainable mining criteria was developed and used to assess whether, in fact, the agreement could be used to promote a more sustainable path to mining development in the North. After the application of the criteria to IBAs in general and to one case study in particular, which fell under the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, it was discovered that the IBA instrument is limited in its utility&mdash;at least in terms of its current structure. However, in conjunction with other agreements and review processes, the IBAs utility as a tool of sustainability may be enhanced. <br /><br /> By the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement's very nature, decision-making ability on behalf of the community is restricted to the Kitikmeot Inuit Association that only represents the interests of beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement and the industrial proponent. Opportunities for broader community (non-beneficiaries) input appear limited, thus restricting the usefulness of IBAs as a tool of community sustainability, at least until this weakness is addressed. Moreover, on a broader level of analysis, it should also be noted that the IBAs still are designed to operate within the global, liberal, capitalist system which itself leads to power imbalances. Nevertheless, it should be noted that IBAs signal a recognition on the part of all stakeholders, that historic mining practices are no longer acceptable and that it is now necessary to move towards a more equitable and sustainable approach to mineral development.

Impact and Benefit Agreements and the Political Ecology of Mineral Development in Nunavut

Hitch, Michael January 2006 (has links)
Mining has been a major economic activity in the Canadian Arctic for the last century. It has made a valuable contribution to the development of this fragile economy and to the living standards of its inhabitants. The benefits include jobs and income, tax revenues and the social programs they finance, foreign exchange earnings, frontier development, support for local infrastructure, and economic diversification into a broad range of activities beyond the life of the mine. These benefits emerge as the result of activities and influences of several actors that exercise differing degrees of power, whether coercive or exchange by nature. These benefits, however, do not come without costs, particularly to Northern peoples who have suffered historically from the inequitable distribution of resources benefits and inevitable, adverse socio-cultural and biophysical impacts of rapid resource development. <br /><br /> Impact and Benefit Agreements (IBAs) are a mandatory aspect of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. Proponents wishing to develop natural resources on Inuit-owned land are required to negotiate and complete an IBA with the Regional Inuit Organization. These agreements have evolved from simple socio-economic contracts, to multiparty assemblages of agreements designed to promote sustainability beyond the operating life of the mine. <br /><br /> A political ecology approach was taken. Using this approach, it was determined that the distribution of decision-making power appears to be unequal and largely confined to the Industrial and Regional Inuit Association actors. As a result, other affected interests were marginalized in the process including members of the local community, environmental and other non-governmental organizations, and federal, territorial and hamlet government actors. <br /><br /> Nevertheless, the use of IBAs signal a recognition on the part of all stakeholders that historic mining practices are no longer acceptable and that it is now necessary to move towards a more equitable and sustainable approach to mineral development. <br /><br /> In order to answer the question of an IBA's usefulness as a tool of sustainability, a set of sustainable mining criteria was developed and used to assess whether, in fact, the agreement could be used to promote a more sustainable path to mining development in the North. After the application of the criteria to IBAs in general and to one case study in particular, which fell under the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, it was discovered that the IBA instrument is limited in its utility&mdash;at least in terms of its current structure. However, in conjunction with other agreements and review processes, the IBAs utility as a tool of sustainability may be enhanced. <br /><br /> By the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement's very nature, decision-making ability on behalf of the community is restricted to the Kitikmeot Inuit Association that only represents the interests of beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement and the industrial proponent. Opportunities for broader community (non-beneficiaries) input appear limited, thus restricting the usefulness of IBAs as a tool of community sustainability, at least until this weakness is addressed. Moreover, on a broader level of analysis, it should also be noted that the IBAs still are designed to operate within the global, liberal, capitalist system which itself leads to power imbalances. Nevertheless, it should be noted that IBAs signal a recognition on the part of all stakeholders, that historic mining practices are no longer acceptable and that it is now necessary to move towards a more equitable and sustainable approach to mineral development.

The relationships of interpersonal communication, sales people's expertise, relationship benefit and purchase intension

Yu, Chien-hui 06 September 2010 (has links)
Abstract Department Stores are highly interpersonal communicated in the service industry. Products and services should be delivered through the service employees. In the process of interaction with customers , service employees could deliver the expertise of products and services , discover what is customers need , offer them appropriate services and then build the long term relationship with them. So service employees play very important roles in building long term relationship with customers. In reviewing literatures about relationship marketing and purchase intension, previous researches use¡urelationship quality¡vas the mediator mostly to discuss the relationship between relationship marketing and purchase intension, or In the surveys of this study, this research study wants to find how service employees expressions affecting the customers perceived relationship benefits and reach the purposes as below: 1.Discussing the salespersons¡¦ expertise could positive affect the customers perceived relationship benefits. 2.Discussing the interpersonal communication between service sales and customers could positive affect purchase intension. 3.Discussing the customers perceived relationship benefits could positive affect purchase intension. 4.Discussing if relationship benefits play as the mediator between interpersonal communication ¡Bsalespersons¡¦ expertise and purchase intension. Structural Equation Modeling is used in this research. The followings are four points of conclusions¡G 1.Salesperson¡¦s expertise positive affect the confidence benefit and social benefit. 2.Interpersonal communication between service employees and customers positive affect confidence benefit¡Bsocial benefit and special treatment benefit. 3.Confidence benefit and social benefit positive affect customer¡¦s purchasing intension. 4.Confidence benefit¡Bsocial benefit are mediators between interpersonal communication¡Bsalespersons expertise and customers purchasing intension. The conclusions of this research could offer department stores to develop appropriate customer relationship strategies and have great improvement in their business.

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