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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of BERT-like models for small scale ad-hoc information retrieval / Utvärdering av BERT-liknande modeller för småskalig ad-hoc informationshämtning

Roos, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Measuring semantic similarity between two sentences is an ongoing research field with big leaps being taken every year. This thesis looks at using modern methods of semantic similarity measurement for an ad-hoc information retrieval (IR) system. The main challenge tackled was answering the question "What happens when you don’t have situation-specific data?". Using encoder-based transformer architectures pioneered by Devlin et al., which excel at fine-tuning to situationally specific domains, this thesis shows just how well the presented methodology can work and makes recommendations for future attempts at similar domain-specific tasks. It also shows an example of how a web application can be created to make use of these fast-learning architectures.

Knowledge Distillation of DNABERT for Prediction of Genomic Elements / Kunskapsdestillation av DNABERT för prediktion av genetiska attribut

Palés Huix, Joana January 2022 (has links)
Understanding the information encoded in the human genome and the influence of each part of the DNA sequence is a fundamental problem of our society that can be key to unveil the mechanism of common diseases. With the latest technological developments in the genomics field, many research institutes have the tools to collect massive amounts of genomic data. Nevertheless, there is a lack of tools that can be used to process and analyse these datasets in a biologically reliable and efficient manner. Many deep learning solutions have been proposed to solve current genomic tasks, but most of the times the main research interest is in the underlying biological mechanisms rather than high scores of the predictive metrics themselves. Recently, state-of-the-art in deep learning has shifted towards large transformer models, which use an attention mechanism that can be leveraged for interpretability. The main drawbacks of these large models is that they require a lot of memory space and have high inference time, which may make their use unfeasible in practical applications. In this work, we test the appropriateness of knowledge distillation to obtain more usable and equally performing models that genomic researchers can easily fine-tune to solve their scientific problems. DNABERT, a transformer model pre-trained on DNA data, is distilled following two strategies: DistilBERT and MiniLM. Four student models with different sizes are obtained and fine-tuned for promoter identification. They are evaluated in three key aspects: classification performance, usability and biological relevance of the predictions. The latter is assessed by visually inspecting the attention maps of TATA-promoter predictions, which are expected to have a peak of attention at the well-known TATA motif present in these sequences. Results show that is indeed possible to obtain significantly smaller models that are equally performant in the promoter identification task without any major differences between the two techniques tested. The smallest distilled model experiences less than 1% decrease in all performance metrics evaluated (accuracy, F1 score and Matthews Correlation Coefficient) and an increase in the inference speed by 7.3x, while only having 15% of the parameters of DNABERT. The attention maps for the student models show that they successfully learn to mimic the general understanding of the DNA that DNABERT possesses.

Analysis of Syntactic Behaviour of Neural Network Models by Using Gradient-Based Saliency Method : Comparative Study of Chinese and English BERT, Multilingual BERT and RoBERTa

Zhang, Jiayi January 2022 (has links)
Neural network models such as Transformer-based BERT, mBERT and RoBERTa are achieving impressive performance (Devlin et al., 2019; Lewis et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2019; Raffel et al., 2020; Y. Sun et al., 2019), but we still know little about their inner working due to the complex technique like multi-head self-attention they implement. Attention is commonly taken as a crucial way to explain the model outputs, but there are studies argue that attention may not provide faithful and reliable explanations in recent years (Jain and Wallace, 2019; Pruthi et al., 2020; Serrano and Smith, 2019; Wiegreffe and Pinter, 2019). Bastings and Filippova (2020) then propose that saliency may give better model interpretations since it is designed to find which token contributes to the prediction, i.e. the exact goal of explanation.  In this thesis, we investigate the extent to which syntactic structure is reflected in BERT, mBERT and RoBERTa trained on English and Chinese by using a gradient-based saliency method introduced by Simonyan et al. (2014). We examine the dependencies that our models and baselines predict.  We find that our models can predict some dependencies, especially those that have shorter mean distance and more fixed position of heads and dependents, even though all our models can handle global dependencies in theory. Besides, BERT usually has higher overall accuracy on connecting dependents to their corresponding heads, followed by mBERT and RoBERTa. Yet all the three model in fact have similar results on individual relations. Moreover, models trained on English have better performances than models trained on Chinese, possibly because of the flexibility of Chinese language.

Cyberbullying Detection Using Weakly Supervised and Fully Supervised Learning

Abhishek, Abhinav 22 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.


Eriksson, Fabian January 2024 (has links)
This thesis has investigated whether a transformer-based language model can be improved by training the model on context sequences which are input sequences with a larger window of text, by combining a transformer model with a neural network for non-text features, or by domain-adaptive pre-training. Two types of context input sequences are tested: left context and full context. The three modifications are explored by applying BERT models to the Swedish Parliamentary Corpus to classify whether a text sequence is a heading. A standard BERT model is trained for sequence classification alongside a position model which adds an additional feedforward neural network to the model. Each model is trained with- and without context sequences as well as with- and without domain-adaptive pre-training. A standard implementation of the BERT model with domain adaptation achieves an F1 score of 0.9358 on the test set and an accuracy of 0.9940. The best performing standard BERT model with a context input sequence achieves an F1 of 0.9636 and an accuracy of 0.9966 while the best performing position model achieves an F1 of 0.9550 and an accuracy of 0.9957. The best performing model which combines context input sequences with the position model achieves an F1 of 0.9908 and an accuracy of 0.9991 on the test set. Analysis of misclassified sequences suggests that the models with context input sequences and positional features are less likely to misclassify sequences which can appear both as a heading and a non-heading in the corpus. However, a McNemar's exact test indicates that only a position model with left context input sequences differs significantly from its standard BERT counterpart in terms of the number of differing misclassifications at a 5% significance level. Furthermore, there is no experimental evidence that domain-adaptive pre-training improves classification performance on this specific sequence classification task.

Semantic Topic Modeling and Trend Analysis

Mann, Jasleen Kaur January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses on finding an end-to-end unsupervised solution to solve a two-step problem of extracting semantically meaningful topics and trend analysis of these topics from a large temporal text corpus. To achieve this, the focus is on using the latest develop- ments in Natural Language Processing (NLP) related to pre-trained language models like Google’s Bidirectional Encoder Representations for Transformers (BERT) and other BERT based models. These transformer-based pre-trained language models provide word and sentence embeddings based on the context of the words. The results are then compared with traditional machine learning techniques for topic modeling. This is done to evalu- ate if the quality of topic models has improved and how dependent the techniques are on manually defined model hyperparameters and data preprocessing. These topic models provide a good mechanism for summarizing and organizing a large text corpus and give an overview of how the topics evolve with time. In the context of research publications or scientific journals, such analysis of the corpus can give an overview of research/scientific interest areas and how these interests have evolved over the years. The dataset used for this thesis is research articles and papers from a journal, namely ’Journal of Cleaner Productions’. This journal has more than 24000 research articles at the time of working on this project. We started with implementing Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling. In the next step, we implemented LDA along with document clus- tering to get topics within these clusters. This gave us an idea of the dataset and also gave us a benchmark. After having some base results, we explored transformer-based contextual word and sentence embeddings to evaluate if this leads to more meaningful, contextual, and semantic topics. For document clustering, we have used K-means clustering. In this thesis, we also discuss methods to optimally visualize the topics and the trend changes of these topics over the years. Finally, we conclude with a method for leveraging contextual embeddings using BERT and Sentence-BERT to solve this problem and achieve semantically meaningful topics. We also discuss the results from traditional machine learning techniques and their limitations.

Federated Learning for Natural Language Processing using Transformers / Evaluering av Federerad Inlärning tillämpad på Transformers för klassificering av analytikerrapporter

Kjellberg, Gustav January 2022 (has links)
The use of Machine Learning (ML) in business has increased significantly over the past years. Creating high quality and robust models requires a lot of data, which is at times infeasible to obtain. As more people are becoming concerned about their data being misused, data privacy is increasingly strengthened. In 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), was announced within the EU. Models that use either sensitive or personal data to train need to obtain that data in accordance with the regulatory rules, such as GDPR. One other data related issue is that enterprises who wish to collaborate on model building face problems when it requires them to share their private corporate data [36, 38]. In this thesis we will investigate how one might overcome the issue of directly accessing private data when training ML models by employing Federated Learning (FL) [38]. The concept of FL is to allow several silos, i.e. separate parties, to train models with the same objective, using their local data and then with the learned model parameters create a central model. The objective of the central model is to obtain the information learned by the separate models, without ever accessing the raw data itself. This is achieved by averaging the separate models’ weights into the central model. FL thus facilitates opportunities to train a model on large amounts of data from several sources, without the need of having access to the data itself. If one can create a model with this methodology, that is not significantly worse than a model trained on the raw data, then positive effects such as strengthened data privacy, cross-enterprise collaboration and more could be attainable. In this work we have used a financial data set consisting of 25242 equity research reports, provided by Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB). Each report has a recommendation label, either Buy, Sell or Hold, making this a multi-class classification problem. To evaluate the feasibility of FL we fine-tune the pre-trained Transformer model AlbertForSequenceClassification [37] on the classification task. We create one baseline model using the entire data set and an FL model with different experimental settings, for which the data is distributed both uniformly and non-uniformly. The baseline model is used to benchmark the FL model. Our results indicate that the best FL setting only suffers a small reduction in performance. The baseline model achieves an accuracy of 83.5% compared to 82.8% for the best FL model setting. Further, we find that with an increased number of clients, the performance is worsened. We also found that our FL model was not sensitive to non-uniform data distributions. All in all, we show that FL results in slightly worse generalisation compared to the baseline model, while strongly improving on data privacy, as the central model never accesses the clients’ data. / Företags nyttjande av maskininlärning har de senaste åren ökat signifikant och för att kunna skapa högkvalitativa modeller krävs stora mängder data, vilket kan vara svårt att insamla. Parallellt med detta så ökar också den allmänna förståelsen för hur användandet av data missbrukas, vilket har lätt till ett ökat behov av starkare datasäkerhet. 2018 så trädde General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) i kraft inom EU, vilken bland annat ställer krav på hur företag skall hantera persondata. Företag med maskininlärningsmodeller som på något sätt använder känslig eller personlig data behöver således ha fått tillgång till denna data i enlighet med de rådande lagar och regler som omfattar datahanteringen. Ytterligare ett datarelaterat problem är då företag önskar att skapa gemensamma maskininlärningsmodeller som skulle kräva att de delar deras bolagsdata [36, 38]. Denna uppsats kommer att undersöka hur Federerad Inlärning [38] kan användas för att skapa maskinlärningsmodeller som överkommer dessa datasäkerhetsrelaterade problem. Federerad Inlärning är en metod för att på ett decentraliserat vis träna maskininlärningsmodeller. Detta omfattar att låta flera aktörer träna en modell var. Varje enskild aktör tränar respektive modell på deras isolerade data och delar sedan endast modellens parametrar till en central modell. På detta vis kan varje enskild modell bidra till den gemensamma modellen utan att den gemensamma modellen någonsin haft tillgång till den faktiska datan. Givet att en modell, skapad med Federerad Inlärning kan uppnå liknande resultat som en modell tränad på rådata, så finns många positiva fördelar så som ökad datasäkerhet och ökade samarbeten mellan företag. Under arbetet har ett dataset, bestående av 25242 finansiella rapporter tillgängliggjort av Skandinaviska Ensilda Banken (SEB) använts. Varje enskild rapport innefattar en rekommendation, antingen Köp, Sälj eller Håll, vilket innebär att vi utför muliklass-klassificering. Med datan tränas den förtränade Transformermodellen AlbertForSequence- Classification [37] på att klassificera rapporterna. En Baseline-modell, vilken har tränats på all rådata och flera Federerade modellkonfigurationer skapades, där bland annat varierande fördelningen av data mellan aktörer från att vara jämnt fördelat till vara ojämnt fördelad. Resultaten visar att den bästa Federerade modellkonfigurationen endast presterar något sämre än Baseline-modellen. Baselinemodellen uppnådde en klassificeringssäkerhet på 83.5% medan den bästa Federerade modellen uppnådde 82.8%. Resultaten visar också att den Federerade modellen inte var känslig mot att variera fördelningen av datamängd mellan aktorerna, samt att med ett ökat antal aktörer så minskar klassificeringssäkerheten. Sammanfattningsvis så visar vi att Federerad Inlärning uppnår nästan lika goda resultat som Baseline-modellen, samtidigt så bidrar metoden till avsevärt bättre datasäkerhet då den centrala modellen aldrig har tillgång till rådata.

A Comparative Study of the Quality between Formality Style Transfer of Sentences in Swedish and English, leveraging the BERT model / En jämförande studie av kvaliteten mellan överföring av formalitetsstil på svenska och engelska meningar, med hjälp av BERT-modellen

Lindblad, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Formality Style Transfer (FST) is the task of automatically transforming a piece of text from one level of formality to another. Previous research has investigated different methods of performing FST on text in English, but at the time of this project there were to the author’s knowledge no previous studies analysing the quality of FST on text in Swedish. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how a model trained for FST in Swedish performs. This was done by comparing the quality of a model trained on text in Swedish for FST, to an equivalent model trained on text in English for FST. Both models were implemented as encoder-decoder architectures, warm-started using two pre-existing Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) models, pre-trained on Swedish and English text respectively. The two FST models were fine-tuned for both the informal to formal task as well as the formal to informal task, using the Grammarly’s Yahoo Answers Formality Corpus (GYAFC). The Swedish version of GYAFC was created through automatic machine translation of the original English version. The Swedish corpus was then evaluated on the three criteria meaning preservation, formality preservation and fluency preservation. The results of the study indicated that the Swedish model had the capacity to match the quality of the English model but was held back by the inferior quality of the Swedish corpus. The study also highlighted the need for task specific corpus in Swedish. / Överföring av formalitetsstil syftar på uppgiften att automatiskt omvandla ett stycke text från en nivå av formalitet till en annan. Tidigare forskning har undersökt olika metoder för att utföra uppgiften på engelsk text men vid tiden för detta projekt fanns det enligt författarens vetskap inga tidigare studier som analyserat kvaliteten för överföring av formalitetsstil på svensk text. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka hur en modell tränad för överföring av formalitetsstil på svensk text presterar. Detta gjordes genom att jämföra kvaliteten på en modell tränad för överföring av formalitetsstil på svensk text, med en motsvarande modell tränad på engelsk text. Båda modellerna implementerades som kodnings-avkodningsmodeller, vars vikter initierats med hjälp av två befintliga Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)-modeller, förtränade på svensk respektive engelsk text. De två modellerna finjusterades för omvandling både från informell stil till formell och från formell stil till informell. Under finjusteringen användes en svensk och en engelsk version av korpusen Grammarly’s Yahoo Answers Formality Corpus (GYAFC). Den svenska versionen av GYAFC skapades genom automatisk maskinöversättning av den ursprungliga engelska versionen. Den svenska korpusen utvärderades sedan med hjälp av de tre kriterierna betydelse-bevarande, formalitets-bevarande och flödes-bevarande. Resultaten från studien indikerade att den svenska modellen hade kapaciteten att matcha kvaliteten på den engelska modellen men hölls tillbaka av den svenska korpusens sämre kvalitet. Studien underströk också behovet av uppgiftsspecifika korpusar på svenska.

Zero-shot, One Kill: BERT for Neural Information Retrieval

Efes, Stergios January 2021 (has links)
[Background]: The advent of bidirectional encoder representation from trans- formers (BERT) language models (Devlin et al., 2018) and MS Marco, a large scale human-annotated dataset for machine reading comprehension (Bajaj et al., 2016) that made publicly available, led the field of information retrieval (IR) to experience a revolution (Lin et al., 2020). The retrieval model based on BERT of Nogueira and Cho (2019), by the time they published their paper, became the top entry in the MS Marco passage-reranking leaderboard, surpassing the previous state of the art by 27% in MRR@10. However, training such neural IR models for different domains than MS Marco is still hard because neural approaches often require a vast amount of training data to perform effectively, which is not always available. To address the problem of the shortage of labelled data a new line of research emerged, training neural models with weak supervision. In weak supervision, given an unlabelled dataset labels are generated automatically using an existing model and then a machine learning model is trained upon the artificial “weak“ data. In case of weak supervision for IR, the training dataset comes in the form of a tuple (query, passage). Dehghani et al. (2017) in their work used the AOL query logs (Pass et al., 2006), which is a set of millions of real web queries, and BM25 to retrieve the relevant passages for each of the user queries. A drawback with this approach is that it is hard to obtain query logs for every single different domain. [Objective]: This thesis proposes an intuitive approach for addressing the shortage of data in domains with limited or no data at all through transfer learning in the context of IR. We leverage Wikipedia’s structure for creating a Wikipedia-based generic IR training dataset for zero-shot neural models. [Method]: We create the “pseudo-queries“ by concatenating the titles of Wikipedia’s articles along with each of their title sections and we consider the associated section’s passage as the relevant passage of the pseudo-queries. All of our experiments are evaluated on a standard collection: MS Marco, which is a large scale web collection. For our zero-shot experiments, our proposed model, called “Wiki“, is a BERT model trained on the artificial Wikipedia-based dataset and the baseline is a default BERT model without any additional training. In our second line of experiments, we explore the benefits gained by pre-fine- tuning on the Wikipedia-based IR dataset and further fine-tuning on in-domain data. Our proposed model, "Wiki+Ma", is a BERT model pre-fine-tuned in the Wikipedia-based dataset and further fine-tuned in MS Marco, while the baseline is a BERT model fine-tuned only in MS Marco. [Results]: Results regarding our first experiments show that our BERT model trained on the Wikipedia-based IR dataset, called "Wiki", achieves a performance of 0.197 in MRR@10, which is about +10 points more in comparison to a BERT model with default weights; in addition, results in the development set indicate that the “Wiki“ model performs better than BERT model trained on in-domain data when the data is between 10k-50k instances. Results regarding our second line of experiments show that pre-fine-tuning on the Wikipedia-based IR dataset benefits later fine-tuning steps on in-domain data in terms of stability. [Conclusion]: Our findings suggest that transfer learning for IR tasks by leveraging the generic knowledge incorporated in Wikipedia is possible, though more experimentation is needed to understand its limitations in comparison with the traditional approaches such as the BM25.

Automatic Analysis of Peer Feedback using Machine Learning and Explainable Artificial Intelligence / Automatisk analys av Peer feedback med hjälp av maskininlärning och förklarig artificiell Intelligence

Huang, Kevin January 2023 (has links)
Peer assessment is a process where learners evaluate and provide feedback on one another’s performance, which is critical to the student learning process. Earlier research has shown that it can improve student learning outcomes in various settings, including the setting of engineering education, in which collaborative teaching and learning activities are common. Peer assessment activities in computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) settings are becoming more and more common. When using digital technologies for performing these activities, much student data (e.g., peer feedback text entries) is generated automatically. These large data sets can be analyzed (through e.g., computational methods) and further used to improve our understanding of how students regulate their learning in CSCL settings in order to improve their conditions for learning by for example, providing in-time feedback. Yet there is currently a need to automatise the coding process of these large volumes of student text data since it is a very time- and resource consuming task. In this regard, the recent development in machine learning could prove beneficial. To understand how we can harness the affordances of machine learning technologies to classify student text data, this thesis examines the application of five models on a data set containing peer feedback from 231 students in the settings of a large technical university course. The models used to evaluate on the dataset are: the traditional models Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP), Decision Tree and the transformers-based models BERT, RoBERTa and DistilBERT. To evaluate each model’s performance, Cohen’s κ, accuracy, and F1-score were used as metrics. Preprocessing of the data was done by removing stopwords; then it was examined whether removing them improved the performance of the models. The results showed that preprocessing on the dataset only made the Decision Tree increase in performance while it decreased on all other models. RoBERTa was the model with the best performance on the dataset on all metrics used. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) was used on RoBERTa as it was the best performing model and it was found that the words considered as stopwords made a difference in the prediction. / Kamratbedömning är en process där eleverna utvärderar och ger feedback på varandras prestationer, vilket är avgörande för elevernas inlärningsprocess. Tidigare forskning har visat att den kan förbättra studenternas inlärningsresultat i olika sammanhang, däribland ingenjörsutbildningen, där samarbete vid undervisning och inlärning är vanligt förekommande. I dag blir det allt vanligare med kamratbedömning inom datorstödd inlärning i samarbete (CSCL). När man använder digital teknik för att utföra dessa aktiviteter skapas många studentdata (t.ex. textinlägg om kamratåterkoppling) automatiskt. Dessa stora datamängder kan analyseras (genom t.ex, beräkningsmetoder) och användas vidare för att förbättra våra kunskaper om hur studenterna reglerar sitt lärande i CSCL-miljöer för att förbättra deras förutsättningar för lärande. Men för närvarande finns det ett stort behov av att automatisera kodningen av dessa stora volymer av textdata från studenter. I detta avseende kan den senaste utvecklingen inom maskininlärning vara till nytta. För att förstå hur vi kan nyttja möjligheterna med maskininlärning teknik för att klassificera textdata från studenter, undersöker vi i denna studie hur vi kan använda fem modeller på en datamängd som innehåller feedback från kamrater till 231 studenter. Modeller som används för att utvärdera datasetet är de traditionella modellerna Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP), Decision Tree och de transformer-baserade modellerna BERT, RoBERTa och DistilBERT. För att utvärdera varje modells effektivitet användes Cohen’s κ, noggrannhet och F1-poäng som mått. Förbehandling av data gjordes genom att ta bort stoppord, därefter undersöktes om borttagandet av dem förbättrade modellernas effektivitet. Resultatet visade att förbehandlingen av datasetet endast fick Decision Tree att öka sin prestanda, medan den minskade för alla andra modeller. RoBERTa var den modell som presterade bäst på datasetet för alla mätvärden som användes. Förklarlig artificiell intelligens (XAI) användes på RoBERTa eftersom det var den modell som presterade bäst, och det visade sig att de ord som ansågs vara stoppord hade betydelse för prediktionen.

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