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Fria flickor före Pippi : Ester Blenda Nordström och Karin Michaëlis – Astrid Lindgrens föregångareWahlström, Eva January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation takes as a point of departure that 1945 is usually mentioned as a start for a new type of Swedish children’s literature. In the majority of handbooks in and reviews of the history of Swedish children’s literature this is repeated as a fact. A reason for this is that three famous authors of children’s literature in Swedish all had their breakthrough this year: Lennart Hellsing, Tove Jansson and Astrid Lindgren. They are regarded as the most important examples of the new type of children’s literature. Especially Astrid Lindgren’s Pippi Långstrump [Pippi Longstocking] has been seen as a symbol for the free child and for the revolt against the adult world and the stiff rules of etiquette. At the same time as 1945 has been assigned as the birth date for a new children’s literature the general view of the preceding period, between the two world wars, has been that it was stagnant and uninteresting. In this study, the hypothesis was that the new did not emerge from an empty space. After extensive reading of children’s literature from the time between the wars it was discovered that there were new tendencies in this literature similar to those ascribed to the literature from the period after 1945. A more detailed analysis was performed comparing Astrid Lindgren’s Pippi Långstrump with works by the Swedish author Ester Blenda Nordström and the Danish author Karin Michaëlis’. The results show that the children’s literature produced between the wars was much more complex than previously stated and has several characteristics similar to the literature produced after 1945. As a consequence it seems necessary to modify the notion of 1945 as the definite starting point for the modern Swedish children’s book. A comparative analysis of the three authors is used as verification in the thesis. The analysis use among others the theories of Bachtin about the “popular laugh culture” and shows that the main characters in the books by Nordström and Michaëlis to the same extent as Pippi Långstrump illustrates the norm-breaking and independent child. The similarities between the work of Astrid Lindgren and Nordström and Michaëlis are obvious in terms of content as well as in expressions and type of language. The main focus in this dissertation is a textual analysis against a background of social context analysis. The conclusions state that there clearly were predecessors to the work of Astrid Lindgren. To simply state that 1945 was the year when the modern children’s book was born thus no longer seems relevant. / <p>Akademisk avhandling för avläggande av filosofie doktorsexamen i litteraturvetenskap vid Göteborgs universitet, som med tillstånd av</p><p>humanistiska fakultetsnämnden kommer att offentligen försvaras fredagen den 27 maj 2011, kl. 10 i Lilla Hörsalen, Humanisten, Renströmsgatan 6, Göteborg</p>
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Endettement public et crédibilité des accords monétaires : l'expérience de l'entre-deux guerres / Public Debt and Credibility of Monetary Agreements : Between the World WarsChounet, François 15 January 2016 (has links)
Pour comprendre les enjeux li´es `a l’endettement public dans la cr´edibilit´e des accords mon´etairesdans le cas de l’entre-deux-guerres, nous ´etudierons l’influence de l’endettement public sur l’´etalon-or,de sa fondation dans la seconde moiti´e du XIXe si`ecle, `a son abandon au cours de la grande d´epression.La qualit´e des finances publiques, en particulier l’endettement public, fut d´eterminante dans la capacit´ed’une nation `a adh´erer `a cet accord mon´etaire. L’endettement public joua aussi un rˆole d´ecisif dans lafin de ces syst`emes mon´etaires, `a l’issue de la Grande Guerre et lors de la grande d´epression. Dans unsecond temps, notre d´emarche consistera `a comprendre les m´ecanismes qui conduisirent l’endettementpublic `a ˆetre en partie responsable de la fin de l’´etalon de change-or et de l’´emergence de nouveauxblocs mon´etaires dans les ann´ees trente. Face `a la grande d´epression, les modalit´es d’organisation et defonctionnement de cet accord mon´etaire, rendirent impossible son maintien. Si les variables ´economiqueset politiques furent d´eterminantes dans son abandon, celles d’endettement public jou`erent aussi. Apr`esavoir d´ecrit les modalit´es de sortie de l’´etalon de change-or, nous montrerons les m´ecanismes th´eoriquesqui lient les crises mon´etaires et les crises d’endettement et les appliquerons `a la grande d´epression. Nous´etudierons en particulier le cas de la France. Nous montrerons `a l’aide d’un mod`ele de dur´ee, l’influencede la dette publique dans le maintien des parit´es-or pendant la crise. Enfin, nous verrons comment denouveaux blocs mon´etaires se form`erent. / To understand the challenges linked to public debt in credibility of monetary agreementsbetween the World Wars, we shall study influence of public debt on the gold standard, from its founda-tion in the second half of the XIXth century to end during the Great Depression. The quality of publicfinances, in particular the public debt, was determining in the capacity of a nation to subscribe to thismonetary agreement. The public debt also had a decisive role in the end of these monetary systems, atthe end of World War I and during the Great Depression. In a second part, our approach will consistin understanding mechanisms which led public debt to be partly accountable for the end of the gold-exchange standard and the rise of new monetary blocks in the thirties. Facing the Great Depression, themodalities of organization and functioning of this monetary agreement, made impossible to sustain it. Ifeconomic and political variables were determining in its end, variables linked to public debt played too.Having described modalities of release of gold-exchange standard, we shall show the theoretical mecha-nisms which link monetary crisis and debts crisis and we will applied them to the Great Depression. Wewill study in particular the case of France. We shall show using a duration model, influence of publicdebt in preservation of gold parity during the crisis. Finally, we shall see how new monetary blocks formed.
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Jaunosios – senosios kartų katalikiškosios srovės politikų konfliktai tarpukario Lietuvoje / Catholic society elder and younger generations politicians conflict in a period between two World wars in LithuaniaRačkauskas, Tadas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe analizuojamas tarpukario Lietuvos, t.y., I respublikos katalikiškosios visuomenės senosios - jaunosios kartų visuomenininkų bei politikų konfliktas, kuris atspindėjo to meto lietuvių visuomenės politinio brendimo evoliuciją.
IV-ojo dešimtmečio pradžioje, baigę Vakarų Europos universitetus į Lietuvą grįžo nauja katalikų intelektualų banga. Pastarieji remdamiesi modernia Vakarų tradicija svarstė Lietuvos santvarkos tobulinimo projektus. A. Smetonos autoritarizmo metais nesant galimybių aktyviai veikti politinėje opozicijoje, pastarieji pradėjo Lietuvos modernizacijos planus skelbdami kultūros ir viešojo gyvenimo lituanizaciją. Subrendę jau 1918 m. nepriklausomoje Lietuvoje jie nejautė sentimentų pokarinei liberaliosios demokratijos tradicijai, tai buvo viena pamatinių konflikto priežasčių su senosios kartos Lietuvos visuomenininkais ir politikais.
Politinių santykių įtampos sferoje senosios - jaunosios katalikų kartų konfliktas ryškiausiai pasireiškė demokratijos - partokratijos, konservatizmo - radikalizmo bei pozicijos - opozicijos aspektuose. Jaunoji karta sekdama bei orientuodamasi į modernizacijos Vakarų Europoje procesus kritiškai vertino senosios kartos konservatyvumą, archaišką demokratijos sampratos suvokimą bei politinės opozicijos konstruktyvaus veiksnio valstybės valdyme ignoravimą.
Vertindami tuometines Europos santvarkas, tuo pačiu mėgindami kurti savitą lietuvišką modelį jie idealizavo vadizmo, autoriteto svarbą politiniame gyvenime. Žavėjosi dinamiška... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work analyse a period between two world wars in Lithuania when on a first republic political system conflict two sides – catholic society elder and younger generations leading by public-spirited persons and politicians. This conflict was the main reflection of Lithuanian society political ripening evolution.
A new catholic character wave has reached Lithuania on a 4th decade. Most of them have just finished West Europe universities. Last-mentioned wave consider a new state system improvement projects in their country going entirely to West countries tradition. Primarily they started Lithuanian modernization plans by propagating culture and public life Lithuanization considering to possibilities for active work in A.Smetona Authoritarianism opposition. The younger generation mature already on 1918. They did not feel any regards to liberal democracy tradition in Lithuania after First World War. That was one of the main conflict reasons with elder generation public-spirited persons and politicians.
Elder and younger generations conflict highly expressed on a political relation stress of action field by democracy – party interest, conservatism – radicalism and position – opposition antithesis relation. Younger generation critically valued conservatism of elder generation according to West Europe modernization processes. Also they criticised archaic democracy conception perceive and political opposition slight how one of the main constructive state management factor.
Younger... [to full text]
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