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The behaviour of strain-hardening cement composites under biaxial compressionMolapo, Katiso Tokoloho 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Reinforced concrete is susceptible to cracking. This makes it less durable than
it would be had it been crack-free. Ingress of harmful substances into reinforced
concrete through cracks – which causes corrosion of steel – is not desirable.
This can be mitigated by the use of fibre reinforced-concretes or mortars
showing strain hardening properties accompanied by improved ductility and
multiple cracking under tensile loading. Such materials are called Strainhardening
cementitious composites (SHCC’s).
At Stellenbosch University, work has been done in previous years on SHCC to
determine its behaviour under various loading conditions. Some of the aspects
of the material that have been studied are the behaviour under uni-axial tensile
loading, uni-axial compression and shear. The behaviour of SHCC under biaxial
stresses was investigated to enable the prediction of the material behaviour
under complex stress conditions.
Square plate specimens of nominal dimensions 100 x 100 x 20 mm were cast
and subjected to biaxial compressive loading at stress path angles of 00, 150,
300 and 450; which were equivalent to vertical/horizontal stress ratios of 0/1,
0.27/1, 0.58/1 and 1/1 respectively, at ages 23 to 33 days. Comparisons were
made between specimens tested using steel platens and those tested using
Vesconite sheets. Those tested using Vesconite yielded lower failure stresses.
Vesconite was used to reduce the retraining effect of the frictional force
between the specimens and the steel platens.
Poisson’s ratios were calculated for specimens tested using steel and those
tested using Vesconite. The values for Vesconite were found to be higher than
for steel. Additionally, the values for the uni-axial case were different from those
obtained for other stress ratios. This could have been due to the assumption
made that plane stress was realised and that Elastic moduli in tension and in compression was the same. The possibility of the existence of a triaxial stress
state could render the calculated Poisson’s ratios incorrect.
Shear slip type failure accompanied by wedging was observed. Vertical to near
diagonal cracks were evident on the front faces of the specimens for the stress
path angles of 00 to 450 respectively. The observed crack patterns showed
closely spaced multiple micro-cracking on the narrow edges of specimens
indicating Strain-hardening behaviour. The stress-strain curves also showed a
slight indication of strain-hardening where tensile strains were measured. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gewapende beton is vatbaar vir krake. Dit maak dit minder duursaam as
wanneer dit kraak-vry is. Instroming van skadelike stowwe in gewapende beton
deur middel van krake - wat korrosie van staal veroorsaak - is nie wenslik nie.
Dit kan verbeter word deur die gebruik van veselversterkte beton of mortel wat
vervormingsverharding eienskappe toon, vergesel deur verbeterde rekbaarheid
en veelvuldige krake onder trekspanning. Sulke materiaal word Strainhardening
cementitious composites (SHCC's) genoem.
Die Universiteit Stellenbosch, het in vorige jare werk gedoen om SHCC se
gedrag te bepaal onder verskillende belastingstoestande. Sommige van die
aspekte van die materiaal wat bestudeer is, is gedrag onder uni-aksiale trek,
uni-aksiale druk en skuif. Die gedrag van SHCC onder biaksiale spannings is
ondersoek om voorspelling van materiaalgedrag onder komplekse
spanningstoestande moontlik te maak.
Vierkantige plaat monsters van nominale dimensies 100 x 100 x 20 mm is
gemaak en aan biaksiale drukkragte onderwerp, met spannningspad hoeke van
00, 150, 300 en 450; wat soortgelyk is aan die horisontale spanning verhoudings
van 0/1, 0.27/1, 0.58/1 en 1/1 onderskeidelik, op ouderdomme 23-33 dae.
Vergelykings is getref tussen monsters getoets met staal plate en diegene
getoets word met Vesconite plate. Die proefstukke getoets met Vesconite het
laer falingsspannings opgelewer. Vesconite is gebruik om die uitwerking van die
wrywingskrag tussen die monsters en die staal plate te verminder.
Poisson se verhouding is bereken vir die staal en Vesconite monsters
afsonderlik. Daar is gevind dat die Vesconite waarde hoër was as die vir staal.
Daarbenewens het die waardes vir die uni-aksiale geval, verskil van dié vir
ander spanningsverhoudings. Dit kan wees as gevolg van die aanname van
vlakspanning en dat die Elastiese moduli in druk en in trek dieselfde is. Die moontlikheid van die bestaan van 'n drie-dimensionele spanningstoestand, kan
beteken dat die berekende Poisson’s verhoudings onakkuraat is.
Skuif-glip tipe faling, vergesel deur vaswigting is waargeneem. Vertikale tot
feitlik diagonale krake is duidelik sigbaar op die voorkant van die monsters vir
spanningspadhoeke van 0-450 onderskeidelik. Die waargeneemde kraak
patrone het nou gespasieerde, veelvuldige mikro-krake op die smal randte van
die monsters, wat dui op vervormingsverharding. Die spanningsvervormings
kurwes het ook effense aanduidings getoon van die vervormingsverharding
waar trekvervorming gemeet is. Read more
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The behaviour of fibre reinforced concrete (SHCC) under biaxial compression and tensionSwanepoel, Willie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Strain hardening cement‐based composites (SHCC) are fibre‐reinforced composites designed to form
multiple fine cracks under tensile and flexural load. The cracks are controlled to small widths, whereby
significant toughness, or energy dissipation, is realised on the one hand, and high resistance to gas and
liquid ingress is maintained on the other hand. These two physical phenomena define application fields
of SHCC, i.e. for instance elements of buildings and infrastructure for enhanced earthquake resistance,
and protection of steel bars under service loads which lead to crack formation. Also exploiting the
potential protection offered by SHCC to existing structures, thin overlays have been applied to existing
dam faces, reinforced concrete retaining walls, water channels and RC road pavements. The layers vary
between 20 and 40 mm in thickness. Considering the fibre length, usually 8 or 12 mm, as well as the
application method, such thin layers may have dominantly two dimensional fibre orientation, with little
or no component in the layer thickness direction. While several research groups have performed
uniaxial tensile tests and flexural tests on SHCC specimens, little or no information is available on SHCC
response to biaxial loading, as is to be expected in road pavement repair layers, or other repair layers.
This paper reports the results of biaxial testing of 20 mm thick SHCC specimens produced in such a way
to have dominantly two‐dimensional fibre orientation, and another group of specimens produced by
cutting from larger specimens, whereby three‐dimensional fibre orientation was preserved in the
resulting 20 mm thick specimens. Biaxial tests were performed in three quadrants, i.e. compressioncompression,
compression‐tension, and tension‐tension. A clear fibre orientation‐related difference in
the failure patterns involves out‐of‐plane splitting under biaxial compression of specimens with twodimensional
fibre orientation, at significantly lower load, as opposed to in‐plane tensile splitting of
specimens containing three‐dimensional fibre orientation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vervormingsverhardende sement‐gebaseerde saamgestelde materiale (SHCC) is veselversterke
saamgestelde materiale wat ontwerp is om verskeie fyn krakies te vorm onder trekspanning en buig
spanning. Die kraakbreedtes word beheer, waardeur betekenisvolle taaiheid verkry, of energie verlies
beheer word aan die een kant, en die hoë weerstand teen die gas en die vloeistof penetrasie aan die
ander kant gehandhaaf word. Hierdie twee fisiese verskynsels definieer die toepassingsvelde van SHCC,
d.w.s vir byvoorbeeld elemente van geboue en infrastruktuur vir verbeterde aardbewing weerstand, en
die beskerming van staal stawe onder die dienslaste wat lei vorming te kraak. By eksploitasie van die
potensiële beskerming aangebied deur SHCC aan bestaande strukture, is dun oorlae op bestaande dam
walle, versterkte beton keermure, water kanale en staal‐versterkte beton paaie gebruik. Die SHCC lae
wissel tussen 20 en 40 mm in dikte. Met inagneming van die vesel lengte, gewoonlik 8 of 12 mm, sowel
as die toepassingsmetode, kan so 'n dun lag ‘n oorheersend tweedimensionele vesel oriëntasie hê, met
min of geen komponent in die rigting van die laag dikte nie. Terwyl verskeie navorsingsgroepe eenassige
trektoetse en buigtoetse op SHCC monsters gedoen het; is daar min of geen inligting beskikbaar op SHCC
se reaksie op biaksiale belasting, soos verwag kan word in die pad herstel lae, of ander herstel lae.
Hierdie verslag rapporteer die resultate van die biaksiale toetsing van 20 mm dik SHCC monsters wat op
so 'n manier gemaak word om dominante twee‐dimensionele vesel oriëntasie te hê, en 'n ander groep
monsters wat deur die sny van groter monsters, waarvolgens die drie‐dimensionele vesel oriëntasie
verseker is. Biaksiale toetse is uitgevoer in drie kwadrante, d.w.s druk‐druk, druk‐trek en trek‐trek. 'n
Duidelike verskil in die falingspatrone, aan die hand van vesel oriëntasie, behels uit‐vlak splyting onder
biaksiale toetsing van monsters met twee‐dimensionele vesel oriëntasie, op 'n aansienlik laer lading, in
teenstelling met die in‐vlak trek splyting van monsters wat ‘n drie‐dimensionele vesel oriëntasie het. Read more
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Microscale Physical and Numerical Investigations of Shear Banding in Granular SoilsEvans, T. Matthew 28 November 2005 (has links)
Under loading conditions found in many geotechnical structures, it is common to observe failure in zones of high localized strain called shear bands. Existing models predict these localizations, but provide little insight into the micromechanics within the shear bands. This research captures the variation in microstructure inside and outside of shear bands that were formed in laboratory plane strain and two-dimensional discrete element method (DEM) biaxial compression experiments.
Plane strain compression tests were conducted on dry specimens of Ottawa 20-30 sand to calibrate the device, assess global response repeatability, and develop a procedure to quantitatively define the onset of localization. A new methodology was employed to quantify and correct for the additional stresses imparted by the confining membrane in the vicinity of the shear band. Unsheared and sheared specimens of varying dilatancy were solidified using a two-stage resin impregnation procedure. DEM tests were performed using an innovative servo-controlled flexible lateral confinement algorithm to provide additional insights into laboratory results.
The solidified specimens were sectioned and the resulting surfaces prepared for microstructure observation using bright field microscopy and morphological analysis. Local void ratio distributions and their statistical properties were determined and compared. Microstructural parameters for subregions in a grid pattern and along predefined inclined zones were also calculated. Virtual surfaces parallel to the shear band were identified and their roughnesses assessed. Similar calculations were performed on the DEM simulations at varying strain levels to characterize the evolution of microstructure with increasing strain.
The various observations showed that the mean, standard deviation, and entropy of the local void ratio distributions all increased with increasing strain levels, particularly within regions of high local strains. These results indicate that disorder increases within a shear band and that the soil within the shear band does not adhere to the classical concept of critical state, but reaches a terminal void ratio that is largely a function of initial void ratio. Furthermore, there appears to be a transition zone between the far field and the fully formed shear block, as opposed to an abrupt delineation as traditionally inferred. Read more
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Comportement mécanique du matériau granulaire en tenant compte de la rupture des particules / Mechanical behavior of granular material considering particle breakageZhang, Yuqi 15 January 2018 (has links)
Le comportement mécanique de matériaux granulaires est intrinsèquement lié aux propriétés individuelles des grains constitutifs ainsi qu’à leur assemblage (texture, distribution des vides, contact entre grains…). Soumis à un chargement extérieur, cet assemblage se déforme incluant le déplacement relatif entre les particules mais également la déformation propre des grains jusqu’à leur rupture si elle se produit. Pour étudier la rupture d'une seule particule, des études expérimentales et numériques ont été réalisées. Quatre particules sphériques formées de billes d’argile expansée légère ont été testées en compression à déplacement contrôlé jusqu’à la rupture (essai brésilien). Des photos ont été prises avec une fréquence d’acquisition de 4 images par seconde pour suivre la déformation des grains durant l’essai. La structure interne d'une particule a une influence significative sur l'initiation de la fissure. Pour approfondir cet effet, une micro-tomographie par rayons X a été utilisé pour scanner une particule afin d'obtenir la structure géométrique réelle en 3D. Ensuite, un modèle numérique 3D basé sur la géométrie des particules incluant la porosité interne a été construit avec Abaqus pour les mêmes conditions de chargement. Une comparaison des résultats des tests de laboratoire et des simulations a été faite. Sur la base des résultats, l’initiation des fissures, leur localisation dans le grain et la classification des ruptures de particules ont été établies. Afin d’étudier le rôle de l’anisotropie et en particulier de la fabrique d’un matériau granulaire soumis à un chargement externe, cinq essais de compression biaxiaux ont été réalisé sur un assemblage de grains quasi-sphériques placés dans une chambre confinée. Des photos ont été prises pendant les tests et ont été enregistrées selon une fréquence définie. Un programme écrit sous Matlab a été utilisé pour traiter les photos, obtenir le champ de déplacement et analyser les résultats. Un intérêt particulier a concerné l’orientation des contacts, le tenseur de fabrique et son évolution durant le chargement. L'impact de certains facteurs clés tels que la densité de compactage, la pression de confinement, la taille des plateaux de chargement, la taille des particules et l’épaisseur des échantillons sur la déformation des échantillons ont été étudiés. Une attention particulière s’est portée sur les grains subissant une rupture. Nous avons déterminé le nombre de contact sur ces grains et les avons reproduits, dans le modèle numérique (grain 3D) soumis à un chargement diamétral, par le biais de contraintes cinématiques / The mechanical behaviour of granular materials is deeply related to both the individual particle properties and to the assembly of grains (fabric, void distribution …). Subjected to an external loading, the assembly deforms which is not only dependent on relative grain displacements but also on the grain deformation and to grain breakage when occurring. Experimental and numerical studies of single particles were performed. Four approximately spherical particles of light expanded clay were tested to investigate the breakage phenomenon under diametric displacement-controlled compression load. Photos were taken with a frame rate of 4 images per second during the testing. Since the interior of a heterogeneous particle has significant influence on the failure initiation, an X-Ray micro tomography system was used to scan particles. Moreover, the post-processing enables us to obtain the real 3D volumetric structure. Then a 3D numerical model including pore structure was built in Abaqus for the same loading conditions. A comparison of results from laboratory tests and simulations was made. Based on the results, the crack initiation process, its location and classification of particle failures were set. For purpose of understanding the anisotropy and in particular fabric of packing of granular material when disturbed under external loading, five biaxial compression tests were performed on an assembly of approximately spherical particles settled in a chamber under confining pressure. During the test, photos were taken by the camera and saved to a computer at periodic intervals. Software written with Matlab codes was used to process the photos, determine the displacement field and analyse the results. Focus on contact orientation, fabric tensor and its evolution during testing were put on. Impact of some key factors such as packing density, confining pressure, sizes of the covers, sizes of the particles and thickness of samples on the packing characteristic were analysed. In order to understand mechanical behaviour and kinematic of multiple particles under external load considering particle breakage, six biaxial compression tests were performed on an assembly of approximately spherical particles. Photos were taken to record the location of each particle during the tests. Software written with of Matlab codes was used to process the photos and trace the displacement of all particles in order to analyze kinematical behaviour of the particles. A particular attention was payed to given particles subjected grain breakage within the assembly. Their contacts and relative displacements were introduced in the numerical model of single grain breakage and conclusions were derived Read more
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Experimentelle Analyse des Tragverhaltens von Hochleistungsbeton unter mehraxialer Beanspruchung / Experimental Analysis of the Behaviour of High Performance Concrete Under Multiaxial States of StressHampel, Torsten 10 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befaßt sich mit der experimentellen Analyse des Tragverhaltens von Hochleistungsbeton unter mehraxialer Beanspruchung. Dabei wurden sowohl die zwei und die dreiaxiale Drucktragfähigkeit als auch das Verhalten unter zweiaxialer kombinierter Druck Zug Beanspruchung untersucht. Für die Analyse kamen jeweils drei Betonfestigkeitsklassen zum Einsatz, C 55/67, C 70/85 und C 90/105. Innerhalb der durchgeführten Versuchsreihen wurden sowohl die jeweiligen Bruchlasten als auch die Spannungs Dehnungs Beziehungen ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen wurden mit denen verglichen, die an Normalbeton gewonnen wurden. Aus diesem Vergleich wurden Schlußfolgerungen für den Einsatz von Hochleistungsbetonen abgeleitet. Zur mathematischen Beschreibung des Tragverhaltens von Hochleistungsbeton wurden für die untersuchten Beanspruchungsregime Näherungsfunktionen angegeben. / The subject of this paper is the experimental analysis of the behavior of High Performance Concrete under multiaxial loading. Thereby the behavior under bi- and triaxial compression as well as the behavior under combined compression-tension stresses were examined. Three concrete grades were examined, C 55/67, C 70/85 and C 90/105. Within the test series, the ultimate loads and the stress-strain-relationships were determined. The results of the examinations were compared to the results which are already known for normal strength concrete. From these comparisons conclusions for the usage of high performance concrete were made. For the examined states of stress mathematical approximations are specified. Read more
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Experimentelle Analyse des Tragverhaltens von Hochleistungsbeton unter mehraxialer BeanspruchungHampel, Torsten 20 November 2006 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befaßt sich mit der experimentellen Analyse des Tragverhaltens von Hochleistungsbeton unter mehraxialer Beanspruchung. Dabei wurden sowohl die zwei und die dreiaxiale Drucktragfähigkeit als auch das Verhalten unter zweiaxialer kombinierter Druck Zug Beanspruchung untersucht. Für die Analyse kamen jeweils drei Betonfestigkeitsklassen zum Einsatz, C 55/67, C 70/85 und C 90/105. Innerhalb der durchgeführten Versuchsreihen wurden sowohl die jeweiligen Bruchlasten als auch die Spannungs Dehnungs Beziehungen ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen wurden mit denen verglichen, die an Normalbeton gewonnen wurden. Aus diesem Vergleich wurden Schlußfolgerungen für den Einsatz von Hochleistungsbetonen abgeleitet. Zur mathematischen Beschreibung des Tragverhaltens von Hochleistungsbeton wurden für die untersuchten Beanspruchungsregime Näherungsfunktionen angegeben. / The subject of this paper is the experimental analysis of the behavior of High Performance Concrete under multiaxial loading. Thereby the behavior under bi- and triaxial compression as well as the behavior under combined compression-tension stresses were examined. Three concrete grades were examined, C 55/67, C 70/85 and C 90/105. Within the test series, the ultimate loads and the stress-strain-relationships were determined. The results of the examinations were compared to the results which are already known for normal strength concrete. From these comparisons conclusions for the usage of high performance concrete were made. For the examined states of stress mathematical approximations are specified. Read more
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