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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ezekiel in Revelation : literary and hermeneutic aspects

Luo, Wei January 1999 (has links)
Concerning John's use of the OT in Revelation, recent scholarship has observed that in terms of closeness, the book of Ezekiel, among many other OT books, enjoys a particular status. For, not only have its many materials been adopted in Revelation, but the order of these materials appearing in the two books is, by and large, the same. These features, then, suggest that Revelation is literarily dependent on Ezekiel. Against this background, this thesis, however, intends to show that besides this literary influence, the book of Ezekiel had also a hermeneutical effect on the book of Revelation. For this reason, in each of the four cases examined in the thesis, an exploration of how a certain OT tradition is used in a given Ezekielian passage is first offered, followed by an exploration of how this reinterpreted OT tradition is used and reinterpreted again in Revelation. When these tasks are done, a comparison of these two usages is then made so as to see how these two usages parallel each other. Each of the four cases is then concluded by stating the implication of the finding for the understanding of the book of Revelation. Specifically, the four cases examined in the thesis are, (1) The comparison of Ezekiel's use of Eden tradition (Gen 1-3) in Ezekiel 28:11-19 with John's use of Ezekiel's oracle against the nation Tyre (Ezek 26-28) in Revelation 18; (2) The comparison of Ezekiel's use of the foe-from-the-north tradition in Ezekiel 38-39 with John's use of Gog oracle (Ezek 38-39) in Revelation 19-20; (3) The comparison of Ezekiel's use of the model of battle camp (Num 2-3) in Ezekiel 48:30-35 with John's use of the prophet's restoration program (Ezek 40-48) in Revelation 21; and (4) The comparison of Ezekiel's use of Eden tradition (Gen 2-3) in Ezekiel47:1-12 with John's use of this river-of-life tradition (Ezek 47:1-12) in Revelation 22. These four case studies show that though various interpretative principles have been involved in Ezekiel's use of his sources, these principles have been followed by John in his use of Ezekielian materials. This observation then leads us to the following conclusion: John, as the follower and witness of Jesus Christ (Rev 1:2, 9), is, in terms of hermeneutics, a true heir of the prophet Ezekiel. As to the implications of the findings for the understanding of Revelation, the four case studies, in turn, argue for (1) the identification of the great harlot Babylon (Rev 18) as Rome, (2) the Amillennial view for Revelation 20:1-10, (3) the identification of the new Jerusalem (Rev 21) as the New Testament church, and (4) the view taking the river of life (Rev 22) as the symbol for salvation.

Semitic influence on verbal usage and on the subordinate clauses in the apocalypse

Thompson, Steven January 1975 (has links)
The major peculiarities of the language of the Apocalypse related to the usage of the Verb and of the Clause are here explained as due to the influence of the Hebrew and Aramaic languages, not to the author's lack of familiarity with Greek. The approach has been to isolate in each case the usage which is not compatible with Hellenistic Greek syntax, and then to extract from the Septuagint identical constructions. The next step was to determine the type of Hebrew/ Aramaic construction responsible for the anomaly in the Septuagint, and then to apply the same explanation to the identical construction in the Apocalypse. While this method has proven to be fundamentally sound and reliable, it is a strange fact that previous treatments of the Semitic element in the language of the Apocalypse have failed to apply it consistently. Another basic presupposition of this thesis is that the research should not be restricted to a single-Greek manuscript or printed text of the Apocalypse. Instead, an eclectic approach is made, which respects any manuscript evidence supporting the more semitised construction. The study included every significant facet of verbal usage from that of lexicography, Voice, Mood, Tenses of the Finite Verb, case additions to the verb, and the Infinitive and Participle. Included in the section on Clauses were Noun - and Verbal - Clauses, plus the Subordinate Clauses such as Relative, Circumstantial, Conditional, Temporal, Final, and Consecutive. Specific types of Semitic influence were seen to be present in each section listed. In at least some cases the Semitic influence was of such a direct nature that it could be explained only as due to direct translation from a Semitic source. While the evidence points predominantly to Hebrew sources underlying the Apc., the case for Aramaic influence at some points cannot be ruled out without doing an injustice to the facts. The results of this study, based as they are on directly observable Semitic influence on the Greek of the LXX, can be applied to any Jewish translation Greek text, to serve as a syntactical survey of that language. The study also demonstrated that the eclectic approach to the text of the Apocalypse is the only sound one, because no single manuscript or family of manuscripts has preserved a majority of the semitised (and therefore more nearly original) readings.

A narratological approach to the structure of the apocalypse of John

Jang, Young 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2001 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aims to investigate the structure of the Apocalypse from the narratological viewpoint, to further the adequate interpretation of the book. Throughout this work. three things are presupposed: (1) the Apocalypse follows an episodic, non-chronological pattern; (2) the Apocalypse is a coherent unit: (3) the Apocalypse. as a genre. should be defined by means of form. content. and function. To start with. earlier attempts to reveal the structure of the Apocalypse are briefly dealt with in chapter 2. in order to establish both their weak and strong points. With these in mind. this study attempts a three-dimensional approach consisting of syntactic structure (form). semantic structure (content). and pragmatic structure (function). In chapter 3. this approach is supported by Chatman's narrative paradigm (1980) as a model for narrative analysis. In chapter 4, to establish the syntactic structure. we started by delimiting the whole text into many small parts - "partial narrative units" - by using various narrative elements. and then assembled the small sections into "basic (or complete) narrative units (BNU or ULl )" by using several identifying criteria for them. and continued to identify the "bigger narrative units" (UL2.3.4) by using various integrating strategies until the biggest narrative. which comprises the whole text as a coherent unit ( L.5). emerged. As a result. the narrative-svntactic structure (viz. the surface-level svntactic structure) , ' and the fundamental-syntucnc structure (viz. the deep-level syntactic structure) of the book are disclosed at the end of chapter 4. In chapter 5, then. the content (the narrative theology) of the book i hown throuzh b both the narrative-semantic structure (viz. the theme-oriented concentric pattern) and {he [undamental-semantic structure (viz. the macrostructure). both of which are based on the syntactic structure (esp .. plot). Finally, in chapter 6, to show how the book functions to persuade the hearerslreaders in both the literary context and the external (socio-historical) context, the transforming power to reverse the old worldview of the hearerslreaders is sought through the narrative strategies of the book in both contexts. Briefly speaking, while chapter four is related to the syntactic structure (form) of the Apocalypse and chapter five is related to its semantic structure (content), chapter six can be said to correspond to the pragmatic aspect (function). To conclude, this study could modestly be said to articulate the following results: (1) The syntactic structure of the Apocalypse, as an integral unit. shows movement from an unstable state to a stable condition, which means that God's sovereignty will be established on earth -r'Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." (2) The semantic structure shows that the Apocalypse revolves around the activity of Jesus Christ. who is the cohering theological-clement of the structure of the book. (3) The functional structure shows that the Apocalypse rhetorically requests the faithful to witness to God's word until the end of the world and the wayward to repent because the time is near. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie beoog die ondersoek van die struktuur van die Apokalips/Openbaring vanuit "n narratiewe oogpunt om voldoende interpretasie van die boek te bevorder. Dwarsdeur die werk word drie dinge voorveronderstel: (1) die Apokalips volg "n episodiese. nie-chronologiese patroon: (2) die Apokalips is "n samehangende eenheid: (3) die Apokalips. as 'n genre. behoort deur middel van vorrn. inhoud. en funksie gedefinieer te word. Aanvanklik word daar in hoofstuk 2 kortliks gekyk na vroeer pogings om die struktuur van die Apokalips te openbaar ten einde hul sterk en swak punte vas te ste!. Met dit in gedagte, beoog bierdie studie 'n drie-dimensionele benadering bestaande uit sintaktiese struktuur (vorrn). semantiese struktuur (inhoud). en pragmatiese struktuur (funksie). In hoofstuk " word die benadering ondersteun deur Chatman se paradigma (1980) as n model vir narratiewe ontleding. In hoofstuk -L om die sintaktiese struktuur vas te stel, is begin om die hele tek in baie klein deeltjies af te baken - "gedeeltelike narratiewe eenhede - deur verskeie narratiewe elemente te gebruik. Daarna is die klein deeltjies in "basiese (of komplete) narratiewe eenhede (BNU or ULl r saamgestel deur verskeie identifi erende kriteria daarvoor te gebruik. en daar is voortgegaan met die identifisering van "groter narratiewe eenhede' (UL2.3.-+) deur verskeie integrerende strategiee te gebruik totdat die groot te narratief. wat die hele teks as "n samehangende eenheid (lJL5) insluit. te voorskyn gekom het. Gevolglik word die narratief-sintaktiese struktuur (n1. die oppervlakkigc simaktiese struktuur) en die [undamenteel-sintakuese struktuur (nl. die diepperliggende sintaktiese siruktuur) van die boek aan die einde \ an hoofstuk -+ geioon. In hoofstuk 5 word die inhoud (die narratiewe teologie) van die boek deur beide die narratief-semantiese struktuur (nl. die tema-georienteerde konsentriese patroon) en die fundamenteel-semantiese struktuur (nl. die makrostruktuur) getoon, albei gebaseer op die sintaktiese struktuur (veral plot). Ten slotte, in hoofstuk 6, om aan te dui hoe die boek funksioneer om hoorders/lesers in beide die literere en eksterne (sosio-historiese) konteks te oorreed, word die transformerende mag om die ou wereldsiening van die hoorders/lesers om te keer, gesoek deur die narratiewe strategiee van die boek in beide kontekste. Kortliks gestel: waar hoofstuk 4 verband hou met die sintaktiese struktuur (vorm) van die Apokalips, handel hoofstuk 5 met sy semantiese struktuur (inhoud) en hoofstuk 6 met sy progmatiese aspek (funksie). Hierdie studie lei dan tot konklusies: (I) Die sintaktiese struktuur van die Apokalips, as 'n integrale eenheid, toon beweging van 'n onstabiele staat tot 'n stabiele staat wat beteken dat God se oppermag op aarde gevestig sal word- "U wil geskied op aarde soos in die hemel." (2) Die semantiese struktuur toon dat die Apokalips om die aktiwiteit van Jesus Christus handel - wat die samehangende teologiese element van die struktuur van die boek is. (3) Die funksionele struktuur toon dat die Apokalips die getroues retories versoek om as getuienis vir God se woord te dien tot die einde van die wereld en die afvalliges om berou te t0011aangesien die eindtyd naby is.

Heerskappy van God as eskatologiese motif : enkele belangrike aspekte in die boek Openbaring / The supremacy of God as eschatological motif : some important aspects in the book of Revelation

Theron, Hendrik Schalk, 1928- 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie is as doelwit gestel 'n nuwe benadering tot die verklaring van die boek Openbaring. Die rede hiervoor is dat sommige verklaringsmetodes nie by 'n duidelike formulering van die boodskap van Openbaring uitkorn nie. Sommige rnetodes is kunsrnatig, terwyl ander weer so ingewikkeld is dat dit die boek onverstaanbaar maak. In die werkshipotese van die studie word die hermeneutiese presupposisie gestel dat die boek self riglyne oor sy verklaring gee, veral in sy eerste hoofstuk. Die tema en die strekking van die boodskap wys uit hoe die boek verklaar rnoet word. Die heerskappy van God is die hoofmotif van Openbaring en die vertrekpunt van die uitleg daarvan. Dit word ontplooi deur Christus wat op aarde heers. Prinsipieel gesien beteken sy heerskappy dat Hy besig is om te kom as verlosser van sy uitverkorenes en as regter wat sy vyande oordeel en straf. Sy koms is nie slegs eindgebeure nie, maar dis nou reeds aan die gang (so is die hoofmotif dan ook 'n eskatalogiese motif) en sal die vooruitbepaalde voleinding dan gebeur soos God dit wil. Dit maak dat die boek nie as 'n suiwer apokalips geklassifiseer mag word nie, maar wel 'n egte profesie, hoewel met apokaliptiese trekke. Wanneer die struktuur van die boek wetenskaplik ondersoek word, word gevind dat hierdie wyse van verklaring as geldige een ondersteun word deur die struktuur. Eers word byvoorbeeld die nabyheid van Christus geleer, dan sy heerskappy oor die geskiedenis en die voleinding daarvan en hoe dit die kerk en die wereld raak. Die volgende aspek wat in die studie ondersoek is, is die begrip "heerskappy van God". Nadat die sisternaties-teologiese forrnulering van die begrip vasgestel is, word gekyk na wat Openbaring daaroor te se het. Ten slotte word 'n paar hoofstukke uit die boek Openbaring ondersoek om vas te stel of dit die aannames en persepsies oor die motif ondersteun. Aangesien die betrokke hoofstukke berekende capita selecta is wat 'n goeie oorsig bied oor wat in hoofsaak in Openharing gelees word, is dit belangrik om te let op hoe die inhoud van die boek telkens die hoofmotif van God se heerskappy uitspel en beklemtoon. In die laaste hoofstuk van hierdie studie word die boodskap van die boek Openbaring uiteengesit. Met die proklamering van die heerskappy van God wat deur Christus op aarde uitgevoer word, is die boodskap van die boek duidelik en verstaanbaar met die troos: God regeer en Christus beheer alles op die aarde tot aan die einde, daarom hoef die kerk nie te vrees nie, maar kan voortgaan om te groei en te lewe tot die eer van God die almagtige. / The objective of this study was to establish a new approach to the interpretation of the book of Revelation. This was undertaken because some of the methods used to interpret the book, did not succeed in delivering an acceptable or even a comprehensible message. Some methods are superficial, while others are so complicated that the book becomes more of a mystery. As a working hypothesis for this study the hermeneutical presupposition is posed that John's Revelation has its own guidelines as to its interpretation, as it is given primarily in its first chapter. The theme and message of the book clearly shows the way to its interpretation. The supremacy of God and his power as the Almighty proclaims his rule over this world and this forms the basis for the message to his people. Christ is given the authority as king of this world and He maintains the governing of this world till the end. This means that He as ruler over this world reveals his coming as happening in the salvation of his chosen people and in the judging and punishing of his enemies. His coming is already underway and now is the eschatological time in progress. He is already the Redeemer of his people and the judge of his enemies. But this motif is further developed in the fact that the end will come according to the will of God. In the light of this prophetic revelations the book is not a pure apocalypse in the apocalyptic tradition, but it is genuine prophecy although there are apocalyptic terms and trends used in the book. When the structure of the book is analysed, it is found that this method of interpretation is really plausible. The first overall message being the assurance of the presence of Christ in his church under all circumstances and his controlling of the history and bringing this world to its end according to God's will, thus revealing the effect this has on the church and the world at large, all this is sustained by the structure of the book. Another aspect researched in this study is the meaning of the term "the supremacy of God". First a survey of the systematic theological formulation of this concept is done and then a systematic summary of this concept in the book of Revelation is made. A selection of a number of chapters from the book of Revelation is studied with the purpose of showing how this motif is proved by the contents of the book. These capita selecta are specially selected for this purpose, but they do give an overall view of the book's message. The last chapter of this study formulates the message of the book of Revelation. With the proclamation of the supremacy of God as illustrated by the reign of Christ as Lord of this world, this paranesis is given to his people clear and simple: God is the Almighty and through Christ He has everything under his control, therefore the church must never fear but can continue serving Him and growing to his glory as his kingdom. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / Th. D. (Nuwe Testament)

Heerskappy van God as eskatologiese motif : enkele belangrike aspekte in die boek Openbaring / The supremacy of God as eschatological motif : some important aspects in the book of Revelation

Theron, Hendrik Schalk, 1928- 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie is as doelwit gestel 'n nuwe benadering tot die verklaring van die boek Openbaring. Die rede hiervoor is dat sommige verklaringsmetodes nie by 'n duidelike formulering van die boodskap van Openbaring uitkorn nie. Sommige rnetodes is kunsrnatig, terwyl ander weer so ingewikkeld is dat dit die boek onverstaanbaar maak. In die werkshipotese van die studie word die hermeneutiese presupposisie gestel dat die boek self riglyne oor sy verklaring gee, veral in sy eerste hoofstuk. Die tema en die strekking van die boodskap wys uit hoe die boek verklaar rnoet word. Die heerskappy van God is die hoofmotif van Openbaring en die vertrekpunt van die uitleg daarvan. Dit word ontplooi deur Christus wat op aarde heers. Prinsipieel gesien beteken sy heerskappy dat Hy besig is om te kom as verlosser van sy uitverkorenes en as regter wat sy vyande oordeel en straf. Sy koms is nie slegs eindgebeure nie, maar dis nou reeds aan die gang (so is die hoofmotif dan ook 'n eskatalogiese motif) en sal die vooruitbepaalde voleinding dan gebeur soos God dit wil. Dit maak dat die boek nie as 'n suiwer apokalips geklassifiseer mag word nie, maar wel 'n egte profesie, hoewel met apokaliptiese trekke. Wanneer die struktuur van die boek wetenskaplik ondersoek word, word gevind dat hierdie wyse van verklaring as geldige een ondersteun word deur die struktuur. Eers word byvoorbeeld die nabyheid van Christus geleer, dan sy heerskappy oor die geskiedenis en die voleinding daarvan en hoe dit die kerk en die wereld raak. Die volgende aspek wat in die studie ondersoek is, is die begrip "heerskappy van God". Nadat die sisternaties-teologiese forrnulering van die begrip vasgestel is, word gekyk na wat Openbaring daaroor te se het. Ten slotte word 'n paar hoofstukke uit die boek Openbaring ondersoek om vas te stel of dit die aannames en persepsies oor die motif ondersteun. Aangesien die betrokke hoofstukke berekende capita selecta is wat 'n goeie oorsig bied oor wat in hoofsaak in Openharing gelees word, is dit belangrik om te let op hoe die inhoud van die boek telkens die hoofmotif van God se heerskappy uitspel en beklemtoon. In die laaste hoofstuk van hierdie studie word die boodskap van die boek Openbaring uiteengesit. Met die proklamering van die heerskappy van God wat deur Christus op aarde uitgevoer word, is die boodskap van die boek duidelik en verstaanbaar met die troos: God regeer en Christus beheer alles op die aarde tot aan die einde, daarom hoef die kerk nie te vrees nie, maar kan voortgaan om te groei en te lewe tot die eer van God die almagtige. / The objective of this study was to establish a new approach to the interpretation of the book of Revelation. This was undertaken because some of the methods used to interpret the book, did not succeed in delivering an acceptable or even a comprehensible message. Some methods are superficial, while others are so complicated that the book becomes more of a mystery. As a working hypothesis for this study the hermeneutical presupposition is posed that John's Revelation has its own guidelines as to its interpretation, as it is given primarily in its first chapter. The theme and message of the book clearly shows the way to its interpretation. The supremacy of God and his power as the Almighty proclaims his rule over this world and this forms the basis for the message to his people. Christ is given the authority as king of this world and He maintains the governing of this world till the end. This means that He as ruler over this world reveals his coming as happening in the salvation of his chosen people and in the judging and punishing of his enemies. His coming is already underway and now is the eschatological time in progress. He is already the Redeemer of his people and the judge of his enemies. But this motif is further developed in the fact that the end will come according to the will of God. In the light of this prophetic revelations the book is not a pure apocalypse in the apocalyptic tradition, but it is genuine prophecy although there are apocalyptic terms and trends used in the book. When the structure of the book is analysed, it is found that this method of interpretation is really plausible. The first overall message being the assurance of the presence of Christ in his church under all circumstances and his controlling of the history and bringing this world to its end according to God's will, thus revealing the effect this has on the church and the world at large, all this is sustained by the structure of the book. Another aspect researched in this study is the meaning of the term "the supremacy of God". First a survey of the systematic theological formulation of this concept is done and then a systematic summary of this concept in the book of Revelation is made. A selection of a number of chapters from the book of Revelation is studied with the purpose of showing how this motif is proved by the contents of the book. These capita selecta are specially selected for this purpose, but they do give an overall view of the book's message. The last chapter of this study formulates the message of the book of Revelation. With the proclamation of the supremacy of God as illustrated by the reign of Christ as Lord of this world, this paranesis is given to his people clear and simple: God is the Almighty and through Christ He has everything under his control, therefore the church must never fear but can continue serving Him and growing to his glory as his kingdom. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / Th. D. (Nuwe Testament)

The Spirit of Sonship in the Johannine Corpus

Newton, Samuel Joseph Roy 02 January 2018 (has links)
The high Christology and unique pneumatology of John’s gospel has often eclipsed the apostle’s teaching on the relationship of the believer to Christ and the Father through the Spirit in Johannine studies. This dissertation seeks to fill this gap by providing an exegetically-focused treatment of sonship in the Johannine corpus that gives special attention to the role of the Spirit in bringing God’s children to participate in the life of the Son and his relationship with the Father. The central thesis is that John, in a manner distinct from Paul’s metaphor of adoption, presents the sonship of believer’s as the result of the Spirit’s work of regeneration out of which flows faith and participation in Christ’s life as Son. At the heart of this study are eight Johannine passages––John 1:12–13; 3:3–8; 14:16–23; 20:17; 1 John 3:1–3, 24; 4:13; and Revelation 21:7––that provide the exegetical lens to view the Spirit of Sonship in John. Although the exegesis of chapter 3 forms the foundation of study, chapter 2 considers the eight Johannine passages through the eyes of John Calvin and John Gill––both instrumental in advancing the theology of the Spirit and providing an exegetical foundation for their theology. Chapter 4 identifies three primary themes––obedience, love, and life––drawn from the eight passages and briefly synthesizes and correlates these themes with other key texts in the Johannine corpus. A brief survey of literature on sonship is reviewed in chapter 1, setting the landscape to which this dissertation seeks to contribute. By focusing on the role of the Spirit the persons of the Father and Son are not diminished, but brought into clearer focus, which is consistent with the Spirit’s ministry to glorify the Son (John 16:14). The Father is the divine initiator, the Son the divine accomplisher, and the Spirit the divine mediator of every spiritual reality that is in and through the Son to the believer. At the center of the Spirit of sonship is the glory of the Son who reveals the glory of the Father in the hearts of the children.

Revelation's hymns : commentary on the cosmic conflict

Grabiner, Steven Charles 02 1900 (has links)
Topic This study examines the hymnic pericopes found at Revelation 4.8-11; 5.9-14; 7.10- 12; 11.15-18; 12.10-12; 15.3,4 and 19.1-8 in light of the cosmic conflict theme. It considers that this theme is a major contributor to the development of Revelation’s plot, and thus the hymnic sections are informed by, and inform the understanding of the controversy. Purpose Recognizing that the majority of critical studies give interpretative primacy to the social and political realities that existed in the Roman Empire at the time of Revelation’s composition, there is need for an examination of the storyline from the perspective of issues that are clearly of narratival importance. This study argues that the cosmic conflict is at the center of the book’s concerns, and attempts to determine the function of the hymns in relation to the ongoing controversy. Previous examinations of the hymnic sections have either considered them to be a response and/or parody to Roman liturgy, examples of God’s unquestioned sovereignty, or expressions of thematic overtones found throughout the book. While all these approaches make a contribution to a greater understanding of the hymns, the relation of the hymns to the ever-present conflict theme has not been explored. This study allows the hymnic sections to engage with the larger narrative issue as to who is truly the rightful sovereign of the universe. Conclusion This study found that a close examination of the text confirms that the cosmic conflict is the major motif in the narrative, and that it does not simply serve as a metaphor for political realities. It also concluded that the temple/throne room imagery found throughout the storyline, should have a controlling influence upon interpretation. This setting provides the backdrop for understanding the origins and issues of the controversy. Another conclusion of the study is that the only way for the controversy to be resolved is for God to reveal Himself in such a manner that the truth about Him is manifest. Finally, it was seen that the hymns do provide commentary on the conflict, by acclaiming God’s goodness and right to rule, despite the undertones of Satan’s accusations. / New Testament / D. Th. (New Testament)

Revelation's hymns : commentary on the cosmic conflict

Grabiner, Steven Charles 02 1900 (has links)
Topic This study examines the hymnic pericopes found at Revelation 4.8-11; 5.9-14; 7.10- 12; 11.15-18; 12.10-12; 15.3,4 and 19.1-8 in light of the cosmic conflict theme. It considers that this theme is a major contributor to the development of Revelation’s plot, and thus the hymnic sections are informed by, and inform the understanding of the controversy. Purpose Recognizing that the majority of critical studies give interpretative primacy to the social and political realities that existed in the Roman Empire at the time of Revelation’s composition, there is need for an examination of the storyline from the perspective of issues that are clearly of narratival importance. This study argues that the cosmic conflict is at the center of the book’s concerns, and attempts to determine the function of the hymns in relation to the ongoing controversy. Previous examinations of the hymnic sections have either considered them to be a response and/or parody to Roman liturgy, examples of God’s unquestioned sovereignty, or expressions of thematic overtones found throughout the book. While all these approaches make a contribution to a greater understanding of the hymns, the relation of the hymns to the ever-present conflict theme has not been explored. This study allows the hymnic sections to engage with the larger narrative issue as to who is truly the rightful sovereign of the universe. Conclusion This study found that a close examination of the text confirms that the cosmic conflict is the major motif in the narrative, and that it does not simply serve as a metaphor for political realities. It also concluded that the temple/throne room imagery found throughout the storyline, should have a controlling influence upon interpretation. This setting provides the backdrop for understanding the origins and issues of the controversy. Another conclusion of the study is that the only way for the controversy to be resolved is for God to reveal Himself in such a manner that the truth about Him is manifest. Finally, it was seen that the hymns do provide commentary on the conflict, by acclaiming God’s goodness and right to rule, despite the undertones of Satan’s accusations. / New Testament / D. Th. (New Testament)

Apocalyptic Ressourcement: The Johannine, biblical synthesis of image, history, and concept in the theological trilogy of Hans Urs von Balthasar

Lindle, Jacob B. 30 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Ritual functions of the Book of Relevation: hope in dark times

Van Rensburg, Hanré Janse 06 1900 (has links)
Through a critical-functional, rather than literal, reading of the text of Revelation, this dissertation hypothesises a move beyond the paralysing constant reduction of hermeneutic meaning to two conventional poles when discussing hope – the early Christian movement’s hope through reversal, and contemporary nihilism. In order to do so in a responsible manner, it is necessary to study other research done on the topics of eschatology and hope – especially as seen in the book of Revelation. For this reason, the most popular and representative scholars of the Book of Revelation are studied. This overall look at current scholarships' views regarding the Apocalypse will help detect any possible missing elements in our approach to Revelation. But no study of this topic can be considered near complete if other disciplines are not involved; in this case especially when moving on to a critical-functional reading of Revelation. This thesis thus features an exploratory study of the functioning of ritual and hope within the human psyche; from archaeological to psychological perspectives. This emphasises the importance of, and leads into, the possibilities of a functional reading of the Book of Revelation. All of the above work leads to a re-evaluation of the success of hope as metanarrative for today. The suggestion is that Christian hope is not imaginary, but is irreducibly imaginative. For “reality is never just the world as it exists; it is the world as it is experienced through the lenses of social perception” (Barr 2010:636). / New Testament / D. Th. (New Testament and Early Christian Studies)

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