271 |
Kemparaju, K
12 1900
(has links)
Phospholipases A2 toxins from Indian Saw-scaled viper (ECHIS CARINATUS) venom
272 |
Kasturi, S
10 1900
(has links)
Effect of Antisera raised against toxic phospholopases of Viper Russelli
273 |
Rajendran, S
09 1900
(has links)
Protein components of Sesame seed (Sesamum Indicum L.)
274 |
Shivanna, B D
January 1988
(has links)
Alpha-Galactosidase from germinatin guar seeds(Cyamopsis tetragonobus)
275 |
Shastry, B S
12 1900
(has links)
Rice bran
276 |
Rao, Sudhindra K
04 1900
(has links)
Ligands of safflower seed (carthamus tinctorius L.)
277 |
Saheb, Kittur Farooq Ahmed Sardar
11 1900
(has links)
Chitosan by non-specific enzymes
278 |
Prasad, Nijaguna B
08 1900
(has links)
Toxic property Russell’s viper
279 |
Bhat, Venkatraj P
09 1900
(has links)
Deficiencies on brain contituents
280 |
Murthy, Kishore Kumar N V
05 1900
(has links)
Toxic constituents