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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Revealing Literary Lives: Frank and Forthright British Literary Biographies in the Late Victorian Era, 1870-1901

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: This thesis analyzes how several well-known biographies of popular nineteenth-century British literary figures overturned and upset the usual heroic literary biographies that typified the genre during the Victorian era. Popular public opinion in the nineteenth century was that literary biographies existed as moral guideposts--designed to instruct and edify readers. Richard D. Altick's theory of biographical conventions of reticence--which contends that ultimately literary biographies were committed to establishing or preserving an idealized image of the author--is utilized to explore the nuances of how certain radical biographies in which the biographer is forthright about the subject's private life displeased and disturbed the public. In order to illustrate this study's central argument, several literary biographies that were considered among the most radical of the late Victorian period--John Forster's Life of Charles Dickens, James Anthony Froude's Life of Carlyle, Mathilde Blind's George Eliot, and John Cordy Jeaffreson's The Real Shelley--are analyzed as case studies. These biographies of writers' lives made heroic figures appear human, vulnerable, petty, et cetera by exposing private life matters in a public biography--something that was not done in an age that called for discreet biographies of its literary icons. Victorian periodicals such as magazines and newspapers assist in ascertaining just how the British public reacted to these biographies, and the ramifications they possessed for worshipping literary idols. Additionally explored are the implications that candid literary biographies had for Victorian author-worship and the role of literature, authors, and biography in British society. This study concludes with a discussion of the implications that these candid literary biographies had into the early twentieth century with the publication of Lytton Strachey's "deflated" biography, Eminent Victorians, published in 1918, and summarizes overall findings and conclusions. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. History 2011


金苑, JIN, YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
余嘗以「帷幄龜鑑研究」完成碩士論文。帷幄龜鑑者,韓國漢文小說也。其內容係以 史記中之漢開國名臣張良為中心,述楚漢相爭之故事,因得略窺史記之精奧,心慕太 史公秉持春秋大義之精神,與夫述事論人之法,乃以「史記列傳義法研究」為題,撰 寫本論文,期能於史記列傳之精神,及撰寫人物,敘述事實之藝術技巧,探其精微, 俾利爾後返韓講授史記,能將太史公之精神及其寫作藝術,在韓加以弘揚。 史記五體之中,列傳幾佔其半,亦為史記義法最精彩之寄託處,本文擇此分量最多。 且最精彩之列傳為研究對象,既論其「義」,又闡其「法」。「義」之部分,以闡述 史公之旨意,論斷人物之品格,及行事所表現之精視。「法」之部分,則就人物之描 寫藝術,敘事技巧,以及各篇之篇法、章法、句法、字法詳加論列,俾後之欲學史記 者,有一簡明之途徑可尋。 本文凡分六章,首章序論,先述研究動機,範圍及方法,次作史記簡介,蓋讀其書不 可不知其人,尤不可不知其內容之大要,故於史記之作者、體例略加介紹,以見列傳 在史記中之分量。繼於義法之釋名,窮溯其源流,以明本文重點之趨向。次章為史記 列傳所顯示之精神,內容凡有六端,一、追求仁政,二、崇尚禮義,三、窮究天人, 四、通古今之變,五、人文主導,六、強調歷史文化意識。凡此雖為整部史記之精神 ,亦為列傳精神之所寄也。第三章為史記列傳之類型,分就形式及內容,分析列傳之 分類及人物之特質。第四章為史記列傳之篇法及章法研究。除每篇述其篇法及章法外 ,並且各列一表,以見各篇之柱義、方法,及前後各章相互間之關聯、呼應,讀斯表 而於其文內容,方法一覽無遺,此為本文用力最多者。第五章為史記列傳句法、字法 研究,句法分雄健、雅馴、意深、諺語、短句、詠歎、對仗、映襯、呼告、層遞、往 復、頂真、誇飾、跳脫、取譬、用典、排比、重複、示現、倒裝、微辭等項加以舉例 說明。字法分貼切、遒勁、靈動、雋永、變化、典雅、詞變、虛字等項舉例說明。第 六章結論述史記義法對後世文學之顯響及歷來名家對史記義法之評論以為全書之完篇 。

Loulou| Louise Olivier's Career of Cultural Activism in Louisiana

Piazza, Marianna 12 April 2019 (has links)
<p> This thesis is a public history project that contains a traditional paper, as well as an accompanying documentary. Both parts of this project examine the life and work of Louise Olivier, a cultural activist during the twentieth century, and examine how her activism continues to impact Louisiana through her preservation work and impact on others. In examining Olivier&rsquo;s work, through the traditional paper or documentary, one can see how her work influenced and helped create the next generation of cultural activists while also sparking the interest in traditional Louisiana Acadian customs and traditions. </p><p>

Anita Garibaldi : a construção de uma heroína em biografias populares (1849-1999) /

Bregantin, Helen Lemos January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo Alexandre Ferreira / Resumo: O presente trabalho descreve os caminhos em que a personagem histórica Anita Garibaldi percorreu se transformando em heroína, desde sua morte no ano de 1849 até o ano de 1999. O recorte percorre dois séculos, mas a visão de Anita como heroína demorou a se manifestar, percebendo-se mudanças significativas a partir de meados do século XX. O período transita pela República, a imigração dos italianos até as comemorações dos 500 anos de descobrimento do Brasil, qual é lançada a biografia de Paulo Markun, "Anita Garibaldi:uma heroína brasileira" (1999).Duas outras biografias também serão analisadas afim de compor o entendimento de Anita como heroína: "Anita Garibaldi-o perfil de uma heroína brasileira" (1975), de Wolfgang Ludwig Rau, e uma autobiografia de Giuseppe Garibaldi editada por Aelxandre Dumas "Memórias de Garibaldi" (1860). Além das biografias que contemplam momentos distintos do caminho a ser percorrido em busca de Anita - heroína, também foram analisados documentos que colaboraram para analisar o contexto, a origem da fonte e enfim, o processo de transformação da brasileira em heroína. Foram encontradas declarações de militares que lutaram do lado oposto ao casal Garibaldi, onde vangloriavam Anita e sua coragem já no século XIX. Jornais como o "Correio Mercantil" do Rio de Janeiro, "A Federação", de Porto Alegre e "Diário da tarde" de Curitiba puderam contribuir não apenas com declarações de personas, mas com obras de teatro sobre Anita, lembranças de décadas e centenár... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The presente work describes the ways in which the historical personage Anita Garibaldi went through transforming into heroine, from her death in the year 1849 to the year 1999. The cut goes through two centuries, but the vision of Anita as a heroine was slow to manifest, perceiving sifnificant changes from the mid-twentieth century. The period passes through the Republic, the immigration of the italians until the commemorations of 500 years of discovery of Brazil, which launches the biography of Paulo Markun, "Anita Garibaldi - a brazilian heroine" (1999). Two others biographies will also be analyzed in order to compose Anita´s understanding as heroine: Anita Garibaldi (1975) by Wolfgang Ludwig Rau and an autobiography by Giuseppe Garibaldi edited by Alexandre Dumas "Memories of Garibaldi" (1860). In addition to the biographies that contemplate different moments of the journey to the traversedin search of Anita - heroine, documents that collaborate to analyze the context, the origin of the source and, finally, the transformation process of the Brazilian heroine. Military statements were found that fougth on the opposite side of the Garibaldi couple, where they boasted of Anita and her courage as early as the 19th century. Newspapers such as the "Correio Mercantil" in Rio de Janeiro, "The Federation" in Porto Alegre an "Diário da Tarde" in Curitiba were able to contribute not only to staments by people, but also to plays about Anita, memories of decades and centenarians of dea... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Building the future in a steady but measured pace, a political biography of Marjorie Cooper Hunt, 1902-1984

Fenwick, C. Marie January 1999 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Il giullare e il trovatore nelle liriche e nelle biografie provenzali /

Noto, Giuseppe. January 1998 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Tesi di dottorato--Filologia romanzo--Università di Firenze, 1996. / Bibliogr. p. 9-29.

Shifting relations: Reading autobiographers as they read their audiences

Gibbons, Christina T 01 January 1993 (has links)
Literary critics of the last thirty years have asked readers to focus on everything except their own relationship to writers. Critics of fiction, of narratology, and of reader response, as well as post-structuralists, have all concentrated on the condition and effects of the text. Critics of autobiography have tended to view the genre in James Olney's terms as "metaphors of self," a form in which writers define and represent themselves. Wayne Booth and Philippe LeJeune are among the few critics who recognize that reading can be experienced as a relationship between writer and reader. Autobiography can be viewed as a companionable genre. If writers did not intend to communicate their stories, they would keep journals and not publish them. It can be read as a form of communication in which the writer speaks to an intended audience through the medium of printed words and readers respond. Choosing to read autobiography as communication invites a process of shifting relations. First, the reader watches the writer "read" an audience. To watch writers aim their stories at people who are known to them and also to people they imagine is to recognize them as real people with complex relationships in the real world. This effect is demonstrated in the reading of the autobiographies of Mary Tyler, Mark Twain, Sally Morgan, and Vladimir Nabokov. After an exploration of their recognized and imagined readers, I ask how their efforts to connect to intended readers might also affect unintended readers. If "real" readers, those who were not intended by the writer, choose to shift their attention from the text to the author who wrote the text, they may notice that writers have characteristic ways of relating to intended readers and wonder if they are being treated in the same manner. As a real reader, you can choose to focus on moments when you feel "lost in a book" and merged with the writer, or moments when you feel separate and individual. You may also choose to notice the dynamics of the connection you feel as you respond to the author's gesture.

Inhabiting the flesh: Trauma and the body in twentieth-century women's autobiography

Greve, Janis Jean 01 January 1998 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on five contemporary women's autobiographies that each in some way revolves around a "traumatic" experience and reconstructs an impaired self through the act of writing. Defining trauma as an emotional and/or physical wound to the self which--in the case of these texts--initiates personal writing, I begin by showing how my topic situates itself within femininist approaches to women's autobiography and poststructuralist ideas of the textuality of the self. Chapter One explicates Mary McCarthy's Memories of a Catholic Girlhood in terms of her combatting impulses as an autobiographer to both recover and avenge important figures in her life. As I indicate in my introduction, McCarthy's narrative also serves as a model of the various "crises" of self and autobiographical form that preoccupy many twentieth-century autobiographers, including the ones examined here. The following chapter, focusing on Patricia Williams' The Alchemy of Race and Rights: the Diary of a Law Professor, more eplicitly brings the body into my discussion by reading Williams' inscriptions of race and body in her revisions of pervasive legal structures that deny her subjectivity. The dissertation shows how both of these texts employ personal narrative as a kind of resolution to the trauma of self they describe. The desire for a "cure" becomes more literal in the following three chapters, where I examine the works of Nancy Mairs, Mary Swander, and Lucy Grealy, each of whom takes up the topic of debilitating personal illness. In these chapters I continue to highlight the ways in which the female subject establishes narrative authority--"coming to voice" as a speaker previously silenced--but emphasize more the vagaries of body-self determination, and their relation to personal writing, as these authors present that interaction. Other important ideas that surface within this broader inquiry include the author's treatment of temporality (as it relates to embodiment) in lifewriting, and accident and fate as causal explanations for the embodied self, which get "played out" in writing as well. I conclude by showing how this group of texts also significantly explores disability as social connection and community.

Mechthild von Magdeburg's vocabulary of the senses

Webster, Marilyn W 01 January 1996 (has links)
Among the linguistic innovations attributed to mystics is the use of sensual, sensory words to express spiritual and abstract ideas (Waterman 101) which Otto Zirker calls a "Tendenz zur Vergeistigung des Sinnlichen" (15). When histories of the German language discuss Mechthild von Magdeburg (ca. 1212-ca. 1282), they focus primarily on the passionate passages in her text, Das fliessende Licht der Gottheit. While Mechthild's descriptions of the mystical union between God and the soul are indeed full of sensual images, her use of sensory vocabulary is not limited to this context. The goal of this dissertation is to come to a fuller understanding of Mechthild's use of sensory vocabulary by means of an investigation constructed from the vocabulary itself, not from a theoretical framework down. Mechthild says that there are five senses, but does not specify what they are. The underlying assumption is that she was acquainted with the traditional five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. In addition, she describes an allegorical bride with five kingdoms: eyes, speech, thoughts, hearing and touch. This investigation, therefore, includes the additional "senses" of speaking and thinking. An analysis of Mechthild's sensory vocabulary indicates that Mechthild privileges the senses of sight, hearing, and touch over smell and taste and these have the largest amount of vocabulary allotted to them. These senses are also the most prominent in the interaction between the soul and God. God reveals "visions" to the eyes of the soul and Mechthild records the visual details of what she has seen. God and the soul are among the many voices in Das fliessende Licht. They listen and speak with each other in prayers and dialogues. Mechthild also acquires a voice as she speaks through her text. God and the soul also enter into an intimate tactile relationship with each other in the unio mystica, the union between God and soul for which the mystic longs.

A life history of Dr. Nettie Webb: Possibilities and perspectives from a life committed to education

Bray, Paige M 01 January 2008 (has links)
This life history research utilizes life story, a form of personal narrative, with a veteran teacher leader to understand what fosters and sustains teacher leaders. This research contributes to the literature by focusing on how the life story of one veteran educator, Dr. Nettie Webb, can inform possibilities rather than focusing on how personal narratives impede possibilities of change in the early years of teaching. I have selected Dr. Webb as an exemplar or instrumental case for her personal achievements as an African American woman located in the context of one Eastern United States community with cultural, institutional and historical commitments to valuing every citizen's contributions. The centrality of teaching across her career makes Dr. Webb uniquely positioned to inform the possibilities of teacher leadership in our current educational culture. Constructivist grounded theory strategies were used to analyze extensive in-depth conversational interviews, a subsequent dialogic interview on personal agency and a collection of career-spanning documents. Categories such as risk and feedback are explicated as implications for how we can foster and support the next generation of teacher leaders through the concept of personal agency. Praxis, the legacy of care and the culture of fear are discussed in the context of personal networks, professional learning communities and the historical norms of caution. Trustworthiness was established by multiple methods, including extensive member checking. The life story of an exemplary veteran teacher leader like Dr. Webb, a person committed to advocating for children in the context of the last five decades of social and educational reform, risks being lost. By capturing Dr. Nettie Webb's life work in print, it not only becomes an accessible memory of this woman and her work but a placeholder of possibility and a window to our educational and social history.

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