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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regulation of nitrogen fixation in Rhodospirillum rubrum : Through proteomics and beyond

Selao, Tiago January 2010 (has links)
Adaptability is one of the reasons for the success of bacteria, allowing them to survive in conditions where no other organisms would be able to thrive. Nitrogen deficiency, for example, can be a limiting factor for the growth of micro-organisms, as this element is an essential part of almost all types of biomolecules. As such, some bacteria have evolved specific mechanisms to overcome nitrogen limitation. Nitrogen fixing bacteria, or diazotrophs, use a specific enzyme complex, nitrogenase, in order to harness this element from the enormous reservoir that is the Earth’s atmosphere. However, nitrogen fixation is a demanding process for the cells, requiring vast amounts of energy and tight regulation. In this thesis we explore the mechanisms regulating nitrogen fixation in Rhodospirillum rubrum, a purple non-sulphur photosynthetic bacterium. Using proteomics tools, we show how the regulation of both the nitrogen and carbon fixation processes is interconnected, possibly in order to maintain the intracellular redox balance. Using a new detergent molecule, we also demonstrate how nitrogen availability affects the chromatophore membrane proteome. Our studies have revealed the crucial role of the cellular pool of 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) for adequate signaling through the PII proteins and the effects resulting from artificially manipulating this metabolite’s concentration. In R. rubrum nitrogenase is also subjected to post-translational control (the “switch-off” effect) and this work shows for the first time that the enzyme modifying nitrogenase (Dinitrogenase Reductase ADP-ribsosyl Transferase or DRAT) forms a complex with the PII protein GlnB. This complex allows DRAT activation and its formation – and, therefore, DRAT activity – is regulated by binding of ADP:ATP and 2OG to GlnB. Upon light withdrawal, nitrogenase activity anaerobically in the dark is also here demonstrated to be dependent on the activity of the pathway starting in pyruvate formate-lyase and we show how different nitrogen sources influence the switch-off response. This response can, in some conditions, be modified by addition of pyruvate and we have studied how this metabolite influences nitrogenase activity and switch-off regulation. This study allows a better understanding of the underlying processes controlling the metabolic routes in R. rubrum and also provides new insights into regulation of enzyme activity, paving the road for the complete establishment of the mechanisms regulating nitrogenase switch-off. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: In press. Paper 3: Submitted. Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Submitted.</p>

Electron transport in microbial chlorate respiration

Smedja Bäcklund, Anna January 2009 (has links)
Several bacterial species are capable to use perchlorate and/or chlorate as an alternative electron acceptor in absence of oxygen. Microbial respiration of oxochlorates is important for biotreatment of effluent from industries where oxochlorates are produced or handled. One of these species, the Gram-negative Ideonella dechloratans, is able to reduce chlorate but not perchlorate. Two soluble enzymes, chlorate reductase and chlorite dismutase, participate in the conversion of chlorate into chloride and molecular oxygen. The present study deals with the electron transport from the membrane-bound components to the periplasmic chlorate reductase. Soluble c cytochromes were investigated for their ability to serve as electron donors to chlorate reductase. The results show that a 6 kDa c cytochrome serves as electron donor for chlorate reductase. This cytochrome also serves as electron donor for a terminal oxidase in the reduction of oxygen that is produced in the course of chlorate respiration. A gene encoding a soluble c cytochrome was found in close proximity to the gene cluster for chlorate reduction. This gene was cloned and expressed heterologously, and the resulting protein was investigated as a candidate electron donor for chlorate reductase. Electron transfer from this protein could not be demonstrated, suggesting that the gene product does not serve as immediate electron donor for chlorate reductase.

Studies on the Conformation of Transmembrane Polypeptides in Membrane Proteins

Cassel, Marika January 2005 (has links)
The major aim of the studies that this thesis is based on has been to better define the topological determinants of the formation of so-called helical hairpins during membrane protein assembly in the ER membrane. The helical hairpin is a basic folding unit in membrane proteins. It is composed of two closely spaced transmembrane helices with a short connecting loop and it is believed to be inserted into the membrane as one compact unit. It is becoming increasingly clear that the helical hairpin is a very common structural element in membrane proteins and a detailed understanding of its properties is of central importance. We demonstrate that the efficiency of formation of helical hairpins depends both on the overall length of the hydrophobic segment, on the amino acids flanking the transmembrane segment, and on the identity of the central, potentially turn-forming residues. We also show that interhelical hydrogen bonds between pairs of Asn or Asp residues can induce helical hairpin formation. A detailed topology mapping is also reported for the Escherichia coli inner membrane chloride channel YadQ, a protein for which the X-ray structure is known. Our results provide a critical test of the reporter fusion approach and offer new insights into the YadQ folding pathway. In summary, the results present in this thesis have increased our understanding of the determinants of membrane protein topology and structure. Furthermore, the information obtained can be used to improve current models for predictions of membrane protein topology.

Evolutionary Analysis and Posttranslational Chemical Modifications in Protein Redesign : A Study on Mu Class Glutathione Transferases

Ivarsson, Ylva January 2006 (has links)
Glutathione transferases (GSTs) constitute a family of multifarious enzymes that conjugate glutathione (GSH) with a wide range of electrophiles. GSTs are grouped into different classes based on protein sequence similarities. Despite high sequence identities between GSTs of the same class they often display different substrate specificites. Human GST M1-1 is efficiently catalyzing the conjugation of GSH and various epoxide substrates, whereas the 84% sequence-identical GST M2-2 has low activities with the same substrates. Evolutionary rate analysis was used to identify hypervariable amino acid positions among GST Mu class sequences. A Thr to Ser conversion of the variable residue 210 in GST M2-2 elicited a drastic increase in catalytic activity with epoxides, which is the characteristic activity of GST M1-1. This provides support for the usefulness of evolutionary analysis in identifying functionally important residues, although the additional mutations of two other variable residues did not confer any noteworthy changes in activity. To further investigate the functional importance of residue T210 in GST M2-2 it was replaced by all other commonly occurring amino acids. The replacements caused marked changes in substrate specificity, stability, and expressivity, indicating how functionalities of a duplicated Mu class GST may easily be altered by point mutations. The stereo- and regioselectivity in epoxide-conjugation catalyzed by GSTs M1-1 and M2-2 was investigated. The results show that a serine in position 210 is beneficial for high enantioselectivity with trans-stilbene oxide. However, an alanine in position 210 is more favorable for stereo- and regioselectivity with the smaller epoxide substrate styrene-7,8-oxide. The low enantioselectivity of GST M1-1 was improved 10- and 9- fold with styrene-7,8-oxide and 1-phenylpropylene oxide, respectively, through different combination of site-specific mutations and posttranslational chemical modifications. The approach can be employed in more extensive screening experiments where a large variety of modifications easily can be tested.

Hydrolytic and Oxidative Mechanisms Involved in Cellulose Degradation

Nutt, Anu January 2006 (has links)
The enzymatic degradation of cellulose is an important process in nature. This thesis has focused on the degradation of cellulose by enzymes from two cellulose-degrading fungi, Hypocrea jecorina and Phanerochaete chrysosporium, including both the action of the individual enzymes and their synergistic interplay. The end-preference of cellobiohydrolases on crystalline cellulose was studied. Cellobiohydrolases belonging to glycosyl hydrolase (GH) family 7 were found to hydrolyse cellulose processively, starting from the reducing end of the cellulose chain. End-labelled cellulose can serve as a tool for functional classification of cellulases. The synergy mechanism between endoglucanases and cellobiohydrolases was studied using substrates with different physical properties derived from bacterial cellulose. A new mechanism for synergism between endo- and exoacting enzymes was proposed whereby endoglucanases, in addition to creating nicks in amorphous parts of cellulose, thereby making new starting-points for processively acting cellobiohydrolases, also “polish” the cellulose surface by removing shorter chains from cellulose surface. A new small endoglucanase belonging to the GH12 family was isolated and characterised. The proposed role of this enzyme is to make the cellulose in wood more accessible to other cellulases. Oxygen conversion by cellobiose dehydrogenase was studied. Hydrogen peroxide produced by cellobiose dehydrogenase can be decomposed even by traces of certain metal ions into a hydroxyl radical and a hydroxyl ion. As an example, reduced metal ions will be continuously regenerated by cellobiose dehydrogenase, which thus stimulates the degradation. Interactions between GH7 family cellobiohydrolases and o-nitrophenyl cellobioside were studied by fluorescence spectroscopy and kinetic tests. o-nitrophenyl cellobioside was used as indicator ligand to determine the dissociation constants for cellobiose binding to catalytically inactive Cel7A mutants by displacement binding experiments.

Structural Study of the WH2 Family and Filamin: Implications for Actin Cytoskeleton Regulation

Aguda, Adeleke H. January 2006 (has links)
Cellular processes like motility, chemotaxis, phagocytosis and morphogenesis are dependent on the dynamic regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. This cytoskeleton system is tightly controlled by a number of diverse actin-binding proteins (ABPs) by various mechanisms described as nucleation, polymerization, capping, severing, depolymerization and sequestration. The ABPs are grouped based on sequence identity as in the Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome protein homology domain 2 (WH2), and the calponin homology domain (CH) containing proteins. In this work, we elucidate the crystal structures of hybrids of gelsolin domain 1 with thymosin β4, ciboulot domain 2, and the second WH2 domain of N-WASP each bound to actin. We show that the single WH2 motif containing protein thymosin β4 in part sequesters actin by binding its pointed end via a C-terminal helix. This interaction prevents the addition of bound actin protomers to the barbed end of the filament. We propose that sequence variations in some WH2 motifs conferred F-actin binding ability to multiple repeat-containing proteins. These F-actin binding domains interact with the barbed end of a filament and the adjacent WH2 motifs are then freed to add their bound actin to the growing filament end. We demonstrate the binding of ciboulot domains 2 and 3 to both G- and F-actin and that full length ciboulot is capable of binding two actin monomers simultaneously. We have also cloned, expressed, purified and crystallized rod domains 14-16 from the actin crosslinking protein a-filamin. Preliminary X-ray crystallography data gives us hope that we shall be able to solve the structure of this triple domain repeat.

Regulation of Heparan Sulfate 6-O-Sulfation Patterns

Do, Anh-Tri January 2006 (has links)
Heparan sulfates (HSs) are linear, negatively charged polysaccharides composed of alternating hexuronic acid (glucuronic acid or iduronic acid) and glucosamine residues that can be substituted to varying degrees with sulfate groups. HS, localized in the extracellular matrix and on the surface of most cells, interacts with a large number of proteins. The actions of HS largely depend on the amount and distribution of its sulfate groups, that provide binding sites for proteins. This thesis focuses on the regulation of the structural diversity in HS, in particular the regulation of its 6-O-sulfation patterns that are generated by the combined action of 6-O-sulfotransferases (6OSTs) during biosynthesis, and 6-O-endosulfatases (Sulfs) after completed biosynthesis. In addition, a new model organism is introduced that offers good prospects for investigating the evolutional aspects of HS structural heterogeneity. Our studies showed that the three mouse 6OSTs (6OST1-3) exhibit similar substrate specificities in vitro, with minor differences in target preferences. Overexpression of the 6OSTs in cells resulted in increased 6-O-sulfation of both N-sulfated and N-acetylated glucosamine residues. The changes were independent of enzyme isoform but positively correlated to the level of enzyme expressed. Quail Sulf1 and Sulf2 enzymes were shown to be cell surface HS 6-O-endosulfatases with preference towards a subset of trisulfated disaccharides within HS chains. The Sulfs contain a “hydrophilic domain” that was shown to be essential for binding of HS, anchorage to the cell surface and endosulfatase activity. QSulf1 was also shown to promote Wnt-Frizzled signaling in cells. An HS-like polysaccharide was isolated from the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis and characterized, and all the enzyme families involved in HS biosynthesis and modification in mammalian model systems were also identified. Our results suggest that Nematostella may be a useful tool for understanding the role of evolution in generating HS structural diversity.

Tripeptidyl-Peptidase II : Structure, Function and Gene Regulation

Lindås, Ann-Christin January 2006 (has links)
The protein degradation process is of vital importance for the cell to maintain cellular functions. An important enzyme in this process is the multimeric tripeptidyl-peptidase II (TPP II). It removes tripeptides from a free N-terminus of the substrates. TPP II has broad substrate specificity and wide-spread distribution, suggesting that the TPP II gene is a house-keeping gene. However, the levels of both mRNA and TPP II protein varies during different conditions and the TPP II gene promoter was therefore identified and characterized. It is a 215 bp fragment just upstream of the coding sequence. This fragment lacks a TATA-box but contains an initiator, two inverted CCAAT-boxes and an E-box. The CCAAT-boxes and the E-box were found to bind the nuclear factor Y (NF-Y) and upstream stimulatory factor-1 (USF-1) respectively. The CCAAT-boxes appear to be most important for the transcriptional activation. Furthermore, several silencer element were identified further upstream of the 215 bp promoter and the octamer binding factor Oct-1 was found to bind one of these fragments. If Oct-1 is responsible for the inhibition of the transcription of the TPP II gene remains to be investigated. In addition, the substrate specificity was investigated. For this purpose an expression system using Pichia pastoris was developed. The purified recombinant TPP II was found to have the same enzymatic properties as the native enzyme. In order to identify the amino acids involved in the binding of the N-terminus of the substrate, wild-type murine TPP II and four mutants E305Q, E305K, E331Q and E331K were purified. Steady-state kinetic analysis clearly demonstrated that both Glu-305 and Glu-331 are important for this binding as the KMapp is more than 102 higher for the mutants than wild-type. Finally, the pH-dependence for cleavage of two chromogenic substrates was compared for TPP II from different species.

Hormonal Regulation of the Human CYP27A1 and CYP7B1 Genes

Tang, Wanjin January 2007 (has links)
CYP27A1 and CYP7B1 are widely expressed in various human tissues and are two key enzymes involved in the pathways for conversion of cholesterol to bile acids. Also, CYP27A1 is involved in bioactivation of vitamin D3 and CYP7B1 plays a role in 7alpha-hydroxylation of dehydroepiandrosterone and other steroids. Both enzymes have been reported to be relevant to prostate cell proliferation. The current study examines the hormonal regulation of CYP27A1 and CYP7B1. CYP7B1 was shown to be regulated by estrogens and androgens in human embryonic kidney HEK293 and prostate cancer LNCaP cells. Quantitation of CYP7B1 mRNA in adult and fetal human tissues showed markedly higher CYP7B1 mRNA levels in fetal tissues compared with the corresponding adult ones, except in the liver. This indicates a tissue-specific, developmental regulation of CYP7B1 and suggests an important function for this enzyme in fetal life. CYP7B1 regulation by estrogens may be of importance in fetal development and in other processes where CYP7B1 is involved, including cholesterol homeostasis, cellular proliferation, and CNS function. The regulation of CYP7B1 by sex hormones also suggests an important role for CYP7B1 in balancing prostate hormone levels in human cells. Results show that CYP27A1 can be regulated by dexamethasone, growth hormone, IGF-1, PMA, estrogens and androgens in liver-derived HepG2 cells. Dexamethasone, growth hormone and IGF-1 stimulated the promoter and endogenous activity of CYP27A1, whereas thyroid hormones and PMA inhibited CYP27A1. The regulatory effects of estrogens and androgens are different depending on the cell types. Thus, the results imply that human CYP27A1 gene is a target for estrogens and androgens, and the expression of CYP27A1 may be affected by endogenous sex hormones and pharmacological compounds with estrogenic or androgenic effects. The mechanism for the dexamethasone-induced effect on the human CYP27A1 promoter was examined. A GRE was identified important for GR-mediated regulation of CYP27A1 transcriptional activity.

Directed Evolution of Glutathione Transferases Guided by Multivariate Data Analysis

Kurtovic, Sanela January 2008 (has links)
Evolution of enzymes with novel functional properties has gained much attention in recent years. Naturally evolved enzymes are adapted to work in living cells under physiological conditions, circumstances that are not always available for industrial processes calling for novel and better catalysts. Furthermore, altering enzyme function also affords insight into how enzymes work and how natural evolution operates. Previous investigations have explored catalytic properties in the directed evolution of mutant libraries with high sequence variation. Before this study was initiated, functional analysis of mutant libraries was, to a large extent, restricted to uni- or bivariate methods. Consequently, there was a need to apply multivariate data analysis (MVA) techniques in this context. Directed evolution was approached by DNA shuffling of glutathione transferases (GSTs) in this thesis. GSTs are multifarious enzymes that have detoxication of both exo- and endogenous compounds as their primary function. They catalyze the nucleophilic attack by the tripeptide glutathione on many different electrophilic substrates. Several multivariate analysis tools, e.g. principal component (PC), hierarchical cluster, and K-means cluster analyses, were applied to large mutant libraries assayed with a battery of GST substrates. By this approach, evolvable units (quasi-species) fit for further evolution were identified. It was clear that different substrates undergoing different kinds of chemical transformation can group together in a multi-dimensional substrate-activity space, thus being responsible for a certain quasi-species cluster. Furthermore, the importance of the chemical environment, or substrate matrix, in enzyme evolution was recognized. Diverging substrate selectivity profiles among homologous enzymes acting on substrates performing the same kind of chemistry were identified by MVA. Important structure-function activity relationships with the prodrug azathioprine were elucidated by segment analysis of a shuffled GST mutant library. Together, these results illustrate important methods applied to molecular enzyme evolution.

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