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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of the use of a social media learning tool in face-to-face college biology class

Grasso, SandraJean 04 November 2015 (has links)
ABSTRACT This study endeavors to elucidate how students are using the social media tool, Piazza, in their study of biology and which aspects do they find most valuable. Student perceptions of factors contributing to a community of practice through the use of Piazza were also explored. Students used Piazza primarily to communicate online with their classmates on both conceptual and administrative issues. Student use of Piazza varied according to the needs of the student with the majority of students accessing the site at least once a week. Students highly valued the ability to read posts left by other students to clarify questions. They especially appreciated the 24/7 online access of the site. Another dimension of accessibility that the students cited was that they often found explanations provided by peers easier to understand and therefore more accessible than from content experts. Students tended to post questions anonymously, however reported a strong sense of community although not a true sense of collaboration. Students took from the interactions what they individually needed even if it was a different way of looking at content, or finding out how a lab report needed to be formatted while still maintaining a sense of "being in this together". Social media allows for interactivity and content creation although most students in this study participated primarily as observers. Recommendations and suggestions for further study were provided.

Využití ekologických her při výuce přírodopisu a v mimoškolní činnosti / Environmental games in didactic use for biology classes and extra-curricular activities

ČEJKA, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes the cultural heritage, the history and the natural conditions of the Vltava valley between the towns of Loučovice and Vyšší Brod, as well as the possible didactic use of the area for biology classes and extra-curricular activities focusing on biology. The thesis proposes an outdoor learning programme based in the area, using an environmental game.

Portal do Professor: a organização das aulas de Biologia no Espaço da Aula / Portal do Professor organization of biology classes in Espaço de Aula

FREITAS, Elisandra Carneiro de 12 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:00:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Elisandra C de Freitas.pdf: 1487489 bytes, checksum: f8672e7643011c26295b99cfa799f777 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-12 / This study focuses on the attempt to understand how the Portal do Professor (teacher s homepage) proposes to organize as a class and biology classes published in Espaço da Aula (Space Lecture) serve this organization. The Portal do Professor (teacher s homepage) was launched in June 2008 as a proposal of the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), linked to the Department of Distance Education (SEED), in order to support the processes training of Brazilian teachers and enrich their practice. In view of the proposed research, we realized the need for a qualitative approach that involved, satisfactorily, all the elements of our analysis that, in fact, be understood in its complexity. We chose the documentary analysis by the technique of content analysis proposed by Bardin (2010), as a way of approaching reality investigated. We seek first to understand the guidelines and positions of the official documents governing the Education Teaching Biology in Secondary Schools (PCEM, PCN + and OC) as a basis for analyzing our object of study. In addition to these documents, constitutes the corpus of research document the Portal do Professor (teacher s homepage) and the classes of Biology public in Espaço da Aula (Space Lecture). To systematize the analysis by constructing a spreadsheet, with the key elements: the number of class, the amount of hits, the region of the author of the lesson, teaching strategies, objectives, resources to be used, the position of teacher and student evaluation, which were the categories of analysis. When looking at the Portal do Professor (teacher s homepage), we identified that is loaded by the discourse of public policies of education in Brazil. However, we found that there are proposed by the distances between the portal and the classes of Professor of Biology analyzed. In general we can say that, when planning lessons, teachers do not have the perception that the elements of the planning teaching a unit, giving identity to the class. However, we stress the importance of the Portal do Professor (teacher s homepage) for the rescue plan for the teaching and guidance to teachers about new ways to learn and education. / O objetivo deste trabalho centraliza-se na tentativa de compreender como o Portal do Professor propõe a organização de uma aula e como as aulas de Biologia publicadas no Espaço da Aula atendem a esta organização. O Portal do Professor foi lançado em junho de 2008, como uma proposta do Ministério da Educação (MEC) e do Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT), vinculado à Secretaria de Educação a Distância (SEED), com a finalidade de apoiar os processos de formação dos professores brasileiros e enriquecer a sua prática pedagógica. Tendo em vista a investigação proposta, percebemos a necessidade de uma abordagem qualitativa que envolvesse, de forma satisfatória, todos os elementos da nossa análise para que, de fato, fossem compreendidos em sua complexidade. Optamos, então, pela análise documental por meio da técnica da análise de conteúdo, proposta por Bardin (2010), como forma de abordagem da realidade investigada. Buscamos primeiro compreender as diretrizes e posicionamentos dos documentos oficiais de Educação que regem o Ensino de Biologia no Ensino Médio (PCNEM, PCN+ e OC), como base para a análise de nosso objeto de estudo. Além desses documentos, constitui o corpus documental da pesquisa o Portal do Professor e as aulas de Biologia publicadas no Espaço da Aula. Para sistematizar as análises construímos uma planilha, tendo como elementos fundamentais: o número da aula, a quantidade de acessos, a região do autor da aula, as estratégias de ensino, os objetivos, os recursos a serem utilizados, a postura do professor e do aluno e a avaliação, os quais constituíram as categorias de análise. Ao olhar para o Portal do Professor, identificamos que está carregado pelo discurso das políticas públicas da Educação no Brasil. No entanto, constatamos que existem distanciamentos entre o proposto pelo Portal do Professor e as aulas de Biologia analisadas. De forma geral, podemos dizer que, ao planejar as aulas, os professores não têm a percepção de que os elementos constituintes do planejamento didático formam uma unidade, dando identidade à aula. No entanto, destacamos a importância do Portal do Professor para o resgate do planejamento didático e para a orientação aos professores sobre novas maneiras de aprender e fazer educação.

Ефикасност примене електронског уџбеника у настави биологије у гимназији / Efikasnost primene elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije u gimnaziji / Efficiency of electronic textbooks in Biology classes in grammar schools

Terzić Jovanka 26 August 2016 (has links)
<p>За потребе израде ове докторске дисертације најпре је направљен&nbsp; интерактивни електронски уџбеник биологије за IV разред гимназије природно-математичког смера, а затим је анализирана ефикасност његове примене у односу на&nbsp; традиционалну наставу. Педагошко истраживање је спроведено на узорку од 167 ученика (85 ученика у експерименталној и 82 ученика у контролној групи). Ученици Е групе су садржаје из наставне теме Основи молекуларне биологије у IV разреду гимназије реализовали применом интерактивног електронског уџбеника, индивидуалним обликом рада, док су ученици К група исте садржаје обрадила традиционалним наставним методама и фронталним обликом рада док су код куће учили из штампаног уџбеника.</p><p>Експериментална и контролна&nbsp; група су уједначене на почетку истраживања на основу успеха ученика из биологије на крају III. разреда гимназије и на основу резултата иницијалног теста.</p><p>Након реализације наведене наставне теме ученици обе групе су радили финални тест, а након 75 дана ретест. Такође су спроведене анкете за ученике Е групе и професоре биологије који раде у гимназији о о примени електронског уџбеника у настави биологије. Након тога су статистички обрађени и&nbsp; aнализирани резултати тестова и анкета.</p><p>Ученици Е групе су остварили бољи успех на финалном тесту и ретесту од ученика К групе. Разлике у њиховом постигнућу на финалном тесту и ретесту (у корист Е групе) су статистички значајне како на појединачним когнитивним нивоима (познавање чињеница, разумевање појмова и примена знања), тако и на тестовима у целини.</p><p>Резултати финалног теста су потврдили већу ефикасност наставе биологије уз примену електронског уџбеника у односу на традиционалну наставу. Резултати ретеста су потврдили већу трајност (квалитет) знања из биологије усвојеног применом електронског уџбеника у односу на знање стечено традиционалним метода рада. Веће постигнуће ученика Е групе на финалном тесту и ретесту у односу на ученике К групе је резултат примене електронског уџбеника и индивидуалног облика рада у настави биологије.</p><p>Ученици Е групе и професори биологије који раде у гимназији су изнели&nbsp; позитивне ставове о примени електронског уџбеника у настави биологије. То показује да они прихватају увођење иновативних модела рада у наставу.</p><p>Веће постигнуће ученика Е групе на финалном тесту и ретесту у односу на ученике К групе као и позитивни ставови ученика и професора о примени електронског уџбеника у настави биологије у гимназији препоручују израду и коришћење електронских уџбеника урађених према важећим наставним програмима у настави биологије и других предмета.</p> / <p>Za potrebe izrade ove doktorske disertacije najpre je napravljen&nbsp; interaktivni elektronski udžbenik biologije za IV razred gimnazije prirodno-matematičkog smera, a zatim je analizirana efikasnost njegove primene u odnosu na&nbsp; tradicionalnu nastavu. Pedagoško istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 167 učenika (85 učenika u eksperimentalnoj i 82 učenika u kontrolnoj grupi). Učenici E grupe su sadržaje iz nastavne teme Osnovi molekularne biologije u IV razredu gimnazije realizovali primenom interaktivnog elektronskog udžbenika, individualnim oblikom rada, dok su učenici K grupa iste sadržaje obradila tradicionalnim nastavnim metodama i frontalnim oblikom rada dok su kod kuće učili iz štampanog udžbenika.</p><p>Eksperimentalna i kontrolna&nbsp; grupa su ujednačene na početku istraživanja na osnovu uspeha učenika iz biologije na kraju III. razreda gimnazije i na osnovu rezultata inicijalnog testa.</p><p>Nakon realizacije navedene nastavne teme učenici obe grupe su radili finalni test, a nakon 75 dana retest. Takođe su sprovedene ankete za učenike E grupe i profesore biologije koji rade u gimnaziji o o primeni elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije. Nakon toga su statistički obrađeni i&nbsp; analizirani rezultati testova i anketa.</p><p>Učenici E grupe su ostvarili bolji uspeh na finalnom testu i retestu od učenika K grupe. Razlike u njihovom postignuću na finalnom testu i retestu (u korist E grupe) su statistički značajne kako na pojedinačnim kognitivnim nivoima (poznavanje činjenica, razumevanje pojmova i primena znanja), tako i na testovima u celini.</p><p>Rezultati finalnog testa su potvrdili veću efikasnost nastave biologije uz primenu elektronskog udžbenika u odnosu na tradicionalnu nastavu. Rezultati retesta su potvrdili veću trajnost (kvalitet) znanja iz biologije usvojenog primenom elektronskog udžbenika u odnosu na znanje stečeno tradicionalnim metoda rada. Veće postignuće učenika E grupe na finalnom testu i retestu u odnosu na učenike K grupe je rezultat primene elektronskog udžbenika i individualnog oblika rada u nastavi biologije.</p><p>Učenici E grupe i profesori biologije koji rade u gimnaziji su izneli&nbsp; pozitivne stavove o primeni elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije. To pokazuje da oni prihvataju uvođenje inovativnih modela rada u nastavu.</p><p>Veće postignuće učenika E grupe na finalnom testu i retestu u odnosu na učenike K grupe kao i pozitivni stavovi učenika i profesora o primeni elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije u gimnaziji preporučuju izradu i korišćenje elektronskih udžbenika urađenih prema važećim nastavnim programima u nastavi biologije i drugih predmeta.</p> / <p>For the use of the issue of this doctoral thesis was first developed an interactive electronic textbook for biology IV discharge gymnasium of the science stream, and&nbsp; then analyzed the efficiency of its use in relation to traditional teaching. Pedagogical&nbsp; research was conducted on a sample of 167 students (85 students in the experimental and 82 students in the control group). Students E groups are the content of teaching topics Fundamentals of molecular biology in the fourth grade of&nbsp; high school r ealized by using an interactive electronic textbooks, individual form of work, while students K group of the same content processed by traditional teaching&nbsp; methods and frontal form of work while at home learning from printed textbooks.</p><p>Experimental and control groups were matched at baseline based on the success of students in biology at the end of III. year of high school, and based on the results of the initial test.</p><p>Аfter the realization of that teaching topics the students of both groups were doing the final test, a retest after 75 days. They also conducted a survey of students E group and biology professors who work in the gymnasium of the implementation of electronic textbooks in teaching biology. After that, statistically&nbsp; processed and analyzed the results of tests and surveys.&nbsp;</p><p>Students E group have achieved better results in the final test and retest students K group. The differences in their attainment of the final test and retest (in favor of group E) were statistically si gnificant both at the individual level cognitive (knowledge of facts, understanding the concepts and application of knowledge), and the tests as a whole.</p><p>Results of the final test confirmed the greater efficiency of teaching biology with the use of electronic textbooks in comparison to traditional teaching. Retest results have confirmed high durability (quality) knowledge of biology adopted using the electronic textbook in relation to the knowledge gained by traditional methods. Higher student achi evement E group at the final test and retest compared to students in K group is a&nbsp; result of implementation of electronic textbooks and individual forms of work in teaching biology.</p><p>E group students and professors of biology who work in high school&nbsp; are expressed&nbsp; positive views on the implementation of electronic textbooks in teaching biology. This&nbsp; shows that they accept the introduction of innovative models of work in the&nbsp; classroom.</p><p>Higher student achievement E group at the final test and retest compared&nbsp; to students in K group and positive attitudes of students and teachers on the&nbsp; implementation of electronic textbooks in teaching biology in high school suggests the design and use of electronic textbooks performed according to the current curriculum in teaching biology and other subjects.</p>

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