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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sušení biomasy / Drying of biomass

Gruber, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the drying of biomass, especially drying of small wood mass. The various drying methods, such as belt drying, fluidized bed drying and drum drying are compared including their advantages and disadvantages. It is suggested basic technological scheme of drying line. The last part of the thesis deals with a calculation of drum dryer of specified performance and economic balance is made.

Projekt náhrady plynového zdroje biomasou / The project to replace gas resource by biomass

Lochman, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis describes the design and calculation of the biomass hot water boiler which should be used for heating of office buildings in a collective farm. Fuel composition was determined by recommended literature. Stoichiometric calculations were processed for the fuel composition. The required boiler heat output was determined and compared with the original gas boiler, which was previously used for heating. The thermal calculation of the boiler and the design of the heat exchanger was also performed.

Optimalizace technologického procesu zpracování dat leteckého laserového skenování pro výpočet zásob lesních porostů

Patočka, Zdeněk January 2017 (has links)
Airborne laser scanning has already become an essential part of forest inventories in the Nordic countries and in Canada. However, its wider practical forestry application in the Central European countries is awaiting. In the first part of this thesis, a procedure for modelling of the basic stand variables, especially forest stand volume, was designed using an area-based approach. Not only linear regression was used for modelling but also machine learning (k-nearest neighbor algorithm, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine and neural networks). In the second part, the thesis deals with biomass estimation using the area-based approach and with comparison of the empirical and semi-empirical approaches to modelling. The third part deals with leaf area index (LAI) estimation using penetration indices and LiDAR metrics. The eLAI estimated by optical method is commonly used for model fitting in overwhelming majority of scientific papers. The benefit of this study is usage of LAI derived by destruction method (directly). The thesis as a whole has shown that the airborne laser scanning is also usable in a variety of forestry applications in Central European countries.

Assessing short rotation coppice poplar biomass and its determinants on former arable land in Czech Republic

Tripathi, Abhishek Mani January 2017 (has links)
Forest coppice biomass, fast growing short rotation coppice (SRC) trees such as willows (Salix) and poplar (Populus) have a substantial potential of storing carbon (C), and has been considered as a sustainable source of woody dry mass. Woody dry mass production, energy efficiency and economic profitability of poplar are important and essential to be studied in Czech Republic. The aim of this PhD thesis was to predict standing woody dry mass, maximize the productivity and quantify the determinants of poplar clone J-105 (Populus nigra × P. maximowiczii) under short rotation coppice (SRC) management on former arable in Czech Republic. This PhD study was carried out in Domanínek, Czech Republic (49°31´N, 16°14´E and 530 m a.s.l.). Plantations were established in high density (9,216 trees ha-1) with single stem hardwood cuttings for verification purposes and to test the performance of poplar clone J-105 on former arable land. The plantations were harvested above 15-20 cm from base in winter 2008/2009 (established in April 2001) and 2009/2010 (established in April 2002). In this thesis, short rotation woody coppice (SRWC) plantations are mentioned as SRWC1 (coppice established in 2009) and SRWC2 (coppice established in 2010), respectively. In spring 2009, SRWC1 was divided into four randomized blocks and treated with three different fertilizers such as minerals [Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K)], sewage sludge and ash, lime and control (without any treatment of fertilizer). In the plantation SRWC2, no further (at beginning of second rotation-coppice) fertilizer treatment was applied. For the prediction of standing aboveground woody dry mass (AGWDM) in fertilizer treatments and control, allometric equations were developed. The allometric equations thus developed may be considered robust and site specific for poplar clone J-105. After the successful development of allometric equations standing annual AGWDM was estimated followed by annual inventory at the end of each growing season. There were no significant differences observed in allometric equations for AGWDM among the fertilizer treatments (including control) within the year over four years of study from 2011-2014. This experiment was repeated in plantation SRWC2, for which the allometric equation was developed separately, for the purpose of allocation of the aboveground and belowground woody dry mass (BGWDM) at the same site. In this plantation for estimation of AGWDM, allometric equation was developed in 2011 (after two years of plant growth in coppice) and for BGWDM, the equation was developed in 2014 (after more than four years of plant growth in coppice). In SRWC2 plantation, dynamics of annual and cumulative above and belowground woody dry mass were estimated over four years from 2011-2014, where average AGWDM were observed from 8.29 to 11.02 t ha-1 year-1 and average annual BGWDM varied between 2.50 to 3.02 t ha-1 year-1. Growth and wood production mainly depend on photosynthetic area and light efficiency. Therefore, leaf area development including leaf area index (LAI) and leaf area duration (LAD) and radiation use efficiency (RUE) was studied to find a suitable determinant for aboveground woody dry mass production. In the results, maximum leaf area index LAImax was observed to be 9.5 after four years of plant growth in coppice, maximum number of LAD was 185 days after two years of plant growth in coppice and maximum RUE was observed to be 1.3 gMJ-1 in GS4 (growing season four) after four years of plant growth in coppice. LAI and LAD showed a strong positive correlation for AGWDM (R2 values ~1) while RUE showed a moderate positive correlation with AGWDM, where R2=0.50 (p=0.52). This implies that AGWDM is strongly dependent on LAI and LAD. To conclude a robust and site specific allometric equation was developed for poplar clone J-105 and also, this study confirmed that, there was no significant impact of fertilizers for maximizing the AGWDM production on former arable land. For determinants of AGWDM, it confirmed that LAI, LAD and RUE could be a good and reliable predictor of standing AGWDM in SRC poplar clone J-105 on former arable land.

Budování a provoz bioplynových stanic a jeho dopady na lokální rozvoj z pohledu obyvatel obce – případová studie Velké Albrechtice

Červenková, Ivana January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis Building and Operation of Biogas Stations and Theirs Impacts on Local Development from the Perspective of the Municipality´s Residents – A case study of Velké Albrechtice deals with the impact of the operation of biogas stations in the municipality of Velké Albrechtice on local development from a perspective of local residents. As a part of this work, a questionnaire survey and analysis of biogas stations in the municipality were carried out. The theoretical part is based on an identification of energy sources and their division. More attention is paid to renewable energy sources, respectively to secondary energy sources. It also focuses on establishing of the concept of biogas plants, theirs functioning, advantages and disadvantages. In addition, it describes problems and conflicts with the establishment of biogas plants. The practical part of the thesis presents the case locality - the municipality of Velké Albrechtice and specific biogas stations. Additionally, it evaluates opinions and attitudes of the local population towards these stations both before going to production and at present. It also includes an analysis of the results of the questionnaire survey and discussion about it. The output of the thesis is a comparison of the situation in the initial period of conflicts and current problems with the functioning of biogas stations. Moreover, it inquires whether there have been any changes both from the perspective of residents and in the operation of the stations. Reasons of these changes are evaluated at the discussion of the thesis. Next, the most significant positive and negative effects of the construction and operation of the biogas plant on the life of the community and its development are identified. Last but not least, the thesis conclusion formulates recommendations that can improve the future development of biogas plants in the Czech Republic and can prevent conflicts between biogas plant operators and the local population in other locations.

Propuesta de tratamiento de excretas del ganado bovino del establo Monteverde para la generación de energía y su uso en el ordeño mecánico

Pretell Saman, Carlos Felipe January 2017 (has links)
La presente investigación se centra en la propuesta de tratamiento de excretas de ganado bovino para la generación de energía eléctrica en el área de ordeño mecánico en la empresa ganadera “Establo Monteverde”, lo que permitirá reducir los costos a largo plazo de energía eléctrica, además del beneficio en la utilización de energía limpia, contribuyendo a la reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero producto de las fuentes fósiles. Inicialmente se evaluó la disponibilidad y características de las excretas bovinas en el establo las cuales desechan 75 125 kg/día, teniendo en cuenta el ganado disponible para determinar la cantidad aproximada de biogás produciéndose 54 m3/día, la calidad de las excretas se determinó a través de un análisis físico - químicos y biológicos como 8,20 de pH, 132 500 mgO_2/l de sólidos suspendidos totales, 15 864,41 mgO_2/l de DQO, 70 000 mgO_2/l de DBO, 506,45 mg/l de fósforo y 1121,40 mg/l de nitrógeno ; luego se estimó la cantidad de energía que se necesitará para el área de ordeño mecánico a través del consumo de energía eléctrica de 8 018 kWh en los últimos 12 meses. Se propuso un diseño del sistema de tratamiento de excretas para obtener biogás mediante método de campana fija y así atender la demanda de energía por la empresa, y en última instancia se realizó un análisis costo-beneficio de la propuesta del sistema de obtención de biogás. Con los objetivos trazados en esta propuesta se logrará un tratamiento de las excretas bovinas para generar energía eléctrica y posteriormente atender la demanda para el ordeño mecánico.

Diseño de un sistema híbrido fotovoltaico-biomasa para la generación de energía eléctrica en el sector cafetalero de Campo Redondo-Amazonas

Herrera Silva, Yoner Ivan January 2021 (has links)
En el departamento de Amazonas en el distrito de Luya, se encuentra el sector cafetalero del Campo Redondo con una extensión superior a las 40 hectáreas de café; donde todos los residuos producidos en la cosecha de café son desechados en la intemperie. Dicha localidad presenta un clima cálido. El problema que surge en esta localidad es el hecho que no cuentan con energía eléctrica para las viviendas. Hasta la fecha no se ha intentado solucionar el problema, debido a que la concesionaria determino que era muy costoso brindarles el servicio eléctrico. Por consiguiente, se plantea diseñar un sistema híbrido para la generación de energía eléctrica para compensar el consumo eléctrico en la localidad de campo redondo. Para conseguir esto, primero determinaremos la demanda máxima de la localidad, en segundo lugar, se hará un estudio de la radiación solar de la zona, determinando el lugar donde se llevará a cabo la instalación del sistema y también con los datos obtenidos poder diseñar el sistema fotovoltaico, que mediante esta tecnología se podrá generar energía eléctrica en corriente continua y mediante un inversor se convertirá en corriente alterna para el uso doméstico. A continuación, se hará un estudio de la cantidad de residuos orgánicos obtenidos a partir de un 1kg de café para realizar una interpolación y estimar la cantidad total de desechos orgánicos producidos en el sector cafetalero. Con estos datos diseñaremos la cámara del biodigestor, convirtiendo los desechos orgánicos del café, en biogás y el cual también lo convertiremos en energía eléctrica por medio de un generador de combustión del tipo metano con 3,5kW de potencia. A continuación, se realizó un análisis económico para determinar la valoración del proyecto y el costo de inversión que se empleara. Finalmente se espera obtener un suministro eléctrico que satisfará el consumo eléctrico durante el día como en la noche para el sector cafetalero de CampoRedondo de manera constante.

Biomass estimation of European beech stands

Veselský, Marek January 2017 (has links)
Forest ecosystems plays an important role in the global carbon cycle of carbon sinks of terrestrial ecosystem. Carbon sequestered or stored in forest trees is mostly referred to as the biomass of tree, site or forest. This diploma thesis deals with biomass estimation of European beech stands at the Holíkov (the Drahanská vrchovina Highlands) and Štítná nad Vláří (the Bílé Karpaty Mts.) study sites in the Czech Republic. Study was conducted in the period of 2010 to 2015. 65 allometric equations were tested for the purpose of determining the most suitable candidate for the estimation of aboveground and belowground biomass of stands and of all the major tree compartments. It is obvious from the results that the allometric equations performed very differently from each other. It was also found, based on the obtained results, that the most suitable allometric equations for the study sites are by Vejpustková et al. 2013 and Wutzler et al. 2008.

Modelování jako účinný nástroj v průmyslové praxi a ekonomické aspekty / Modelling as Efficient Tool in Industrial Practice and Economic Aspects

Šarlej, Marek January 2012 (has links)
This doctoral thesis focuses on modelling as an efficient tool in industrial practice in the field of power industry and environmental engineering. It represents the modelling for technical as well as for economic part and their combination. Industrial companies do not evaluate only technical solutions in terms of investment costs, however, they search for optimized technical-economic solutions. The doctoral thesis describes the modelling of individual equipment as well as technological units in various levels of complexity. Case studies utilising various levels of modelling are represented herein.

Výpočtový systém pro výběr optimálního způsobu využití energie generované spalovacími procesy / Computational System for Selection of Optimal Utilization of Energy from Combustion Processes

Touš, Michal January 2012 (has links)
PhD thesis deals with application of simulation and optimization methods in the field of waste and biomass utilization for energy purposes. Current situation in this field is described in the introductory. Following chapters deal with approaches of creating mathematical models of apparatus and processes used in the field of interest for simulation and optimization purposes. Stochastic methods, which are widely applied for real problems solution, are mentioned as well. The core of the thesis consists in proposal of systematic approach and its application for simulation and optimization model building used in the field of interest. The application is demonstrated through two case studies. The first one deals with the building of simulation model of an existing waste-to-energy plant using its operation data. The second study deals with optimization model building and its application for a problem regarding utilization of biomass in an existing energy system.

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