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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise cronoestratigráfica baseada em conodontes da Formação Itaituba (Pedreira Calminas), Atokano da Bacia do Amazonas - Brasil

Cardoso, Cassiane Negreiros January 2011 (has links)
Conodontes são microfósseis potencialmente úteis para bioestratigrafia e em reconstruções paleoecológicas de rochas sedimentares paleozóicas e do Triássico. Desta forma, este estudo apresenta a classificação taxonômica e o estabelecimento das condições biocronoestratigráficas e paleoecológicas nas quais estes organismos viveram, bem como uma revisão do estágio atual do conhecimento a respeito dos conodontes e de seu aparelho alimentar. A seção analisada pertence à Formação Itaituba, Grupo Tapajós, Pensilvaniano da Bacia do Amazonas. A área de estudo localiza-se a Nordeste da cidade de Itaituba, às margens do Rio Tapajós, em um afloramento da Pedreira Calminas. A distribuição dos conodontes reconhecida define duas biozonas: uma Zona de Amplitude Diplognathodus orphanus e uma Zona de Concorrência Idiognathodus incurvus-Idiognathoides sinuatus. As espécies Diplognathodus coloradoensis, Diplognathodus orphanus e Idiognathodus incurvus formam uma associação tipicamente atokana. Baseando-se na associação descrita, a seção analisada foi definida como atokana. A espécie de melhor resolução bioestratigráfica é Diplognathodus orphanus, sendo sua distribuição restrita ao Atokano. O ambiente deposicional dominante na Bacia do Amazonas durante o Pensilvaniano é caracterizado por uma rampa carbonática rasa. Os depósitos estudados refletem uma sequência predominantemente regressiva, com a presença de gêneros de águas mais rasas, tais como Adetognathus, Diplognathodus e Ellisonia. A ocorrência de conodontes associados a braquiópodes, briozoários, crinóides e fragmentos de peixes sugere que estes estratos foram depositados em paleoambiente marinho raso, com energia de sedimentação baixa a moderada, em águas calmas, límpidas e quentes. No regime de flutuações de alta freqüência do nível do mar, os principais ambientes deposicionais eram laguna (submaré) e planície de maré (intermaré superior-supramaré inferior com tapetes microbiais). / Conodonts are useful microfossils for biostratigraphy and paleoecological reconstructions in Paleozoic and Triassic sedimentary rocks. This research aims to their taxonomic classification and to establish the biochronostratigraphic and paleoecological conditions in which these organisms lived. Furthermore, this study reviews the current knowledge about conodonts and their feeding apparatus. The section analyzed belongs to Itaituba Formation, Tapajos Group, Pennsylvanian of the Amazon Basin. The study area is located northeast of Itaituba city, on the banks of the Tapajós River, in an outcrop of Calminas Quarry. The distribution of conodonts recognized defined two biozones: Diplognathodus orphanus Amplitude Zone and Idiognathodus incurvus-Idiognathoides sinuatus Competition Zone. The species Diplognathodus coloradoensis, Diplognathodus orphanus and Idiognathodus incurvus are typically an Atokan association. Based on the association described, the section analyzed was defined as Atokan. The specie with better biostratigraphic resolution is Diplognathodus orphanus, because its distribution is restricted to the Atokan. The depositional environment prevailing in the Amazon Basin during the Pennsylvanian is characterized by a shallow carbonate ramp. The deposits studied reflect a predominantly regressive sequence, with the presence of shallow water genera, such as Adetognathus, Diplognathodus and Ellisonia. The occurrence of conodonts associated with brachiopods, bryozoans, crinoids and fish fragments suggests that these strata were deposited in a shallow marine environment, with low to moderate energy, in calm, clear and warm waters. In high frequency sea level fluctuations regime, the main depositional environments were lagoon (subtidal) and tidal flat (upper intertidal-lower supratidal with microbial mats).

High-resolution stratigraphy of Miami County, Kansas: integrated lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and δ13Ccarb chemostratigraphy within the upper Pennsylvanian Missourian stage.

Oborny, Stephan C. 01 August 2015 (has links)
Recent and ongoing investigations within the Missourian Stage of eastern Kansas revealed several miscorrelations of bedrock units in the Kansas City and Lansing groups of Miami County, Kansas. These miscorrelations impact several important type and reference sections and highlight the need for additional high-resolution stratigraphic investigation of the Zarah and Linn subgroups within Miami County. This study provides high-resolution chronostratigraphy of these units through the use of detailed cm-scale lithological analyses of 33 drill cores, and conodont biostratigraphy; integrated with geophysical aeromagnetic, aerogravitational, and well-log data. This study also provides one of the first high-resolution δ13Ccarb datasets for the Upper Pennsylvanian providing a foundation for future high-resolution correlation of strata deposited during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age. Chronostratigraphic analyses revealed significant variability within nearshore shales of the upper Linn and Zarah subgroups resulting in moderate thickening and thinning of genetically related units. The thickness variability and distribution of these units is largely controlled by a bathymetric high trending 040° from southwestern Miami County. The stratigraphic resolution of this study improves upon previous investigations and supports the recent revisions to the chronostratigraphic correlations within the Kansas City and Lansing groups.

The Greenhouse - Icehouse Transition : a dinoflagellate perspective

van Mourik, Caroline A. January 2006 (has links)
Through the analysis of the stratigraphic and spatial distribution of organic walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) from climatologically and oceanographically key sites, this project aims to contribute to a better understanding of the Eocene-Oligocene (E/O) environmental changes and their timing. A central issue is to identify the global environmental changes which are responsible for the Eocene cooling and its underlying mechanisms with the focus on the Oligocene isotope-1 (Oi-1) event, thought to mark the onset of major Antarctic glaciation. Two low-latitude sites were selected, Blake Nose (western North Atlantic) and Massignano (central Italy). For the first time a coherent taxonomy and biostratigraphy of dinocysts was established for the late Eocene at these latitudes. A high resolution correlation was established between the Massignano E/O Stratotype Section and the stratigraphically more extended ‘Massicore’. The composite section was used to analyse sea surface temperature (SST) change across the greenhouse-icehouse transition by means of dinocyst distribution. At Massignano, the Oi-1 event was recognised both qualitatively and quantitatively. In the power spectrum of the SSTdino the ~100 and ~400 kyr eccentricity cycles may be distinguished and correlated with La04. When orbitally tuned, the E/O GSSP dates ~100 kyr older than the Oi-1 event. The boundary’s age could either be ~33.75 or ~34.1 Ma, both differ significantly from the ~33.9 Ma age in the GTS 2004. Furthermore, when the data from the low-latitude sites were combined with extensive datasets from the Proto North Atlantic and adjacent regions, a suite of species sensitive to changes in SST was recognised. Their first and last occurrences reflect seven distinct phases of decreasing SSTs during the Middle Eocene to earliest Oligocene. These results clearly indicate that atmospheric cooling together with higher frequency orbital forcing played a key role in the transition from the Greenhouse to the Icehouse world.

Reef recovery following the Late Devonian mass extinction: evidence from the Dugway Range, west-central Utah

Krivanek, Joseph G 01 June 2006 (has links)
The biotic crisis of the Late Devonian Period involved three distinct peaks of extinction intensity and preferentially eliminated reef taxa. By the end of the second peak, the Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) boundary, the dominant constructor guild member of the mid-Paleozoic, the stromatoporoids, had ceased reef construction in most parts of the world. An undescribed stromatoporoid bioherm in the Dugway Range, west-central Utah, is one of the few locations where stromatoporoids continued building reefs into the mid-Famennian. The sections are well-constrained biostratigraphically using both conodonts and stromatoporoids and range from the latest Frasnian to the Early Carboniferous. The reefal faunas are depauperate and dominated by labechiids and stylostromids, as is characteristic of most Famennian bioconstructions. In this region, reefal development was episodic with reefal units interbedded with units lacking reef taxa. The stromatoporoid survivors belong to long-ranging clades, and may represent "extinction-resistant" taxa. Both were fairly minor constituents of Frasnian reef communities.

The Ediacaran Diversification of Organic-walled Microbiota : Ocean Life 600 Million Years Ago

Willman, Sebastian January 2008 (has links)
The only direct evidence of past life is provided by fossils. Fossils tell us about the evolution of life on Earth and they give us clues concerning ancient environments. The Ediacaran Period (roughly 635-542 million years ago) is characterised by the appearance and diversification of various microbiota and also the diversification of metazoans. Well-preserved organic-walled microfossils referred to as acritarchs occur abundantly in Ediacaran sedimentary successions in the Officer Basin in South Australia. Acritarch assemblages from the Giles 1 and Murnaroo 1 drillcores show a wide morphological disparity and are taxonomically diverse. Assemblages change over short stratigraphic intervals which enables the recognition of different biozones. The presence of taxa common between Australia, Siberia, Baltica and China provides a means for global correlation of the Ediacaran System. Examination of the wall ultrastructure of several acritarch specimens by use of transmission electron microscopy reveals a complexity in the cell wall that is not seen in prokaryotes but is indicative in some cases of particular clades of microalgae. Wall ultrastructures range from single-layered to three- and four-layered and from homogeneous to porous. The wall ultrastructure can be used to assess biological affinities and the affinities of the studied taxa in relation to green algae, dinoflagellates and metazoans are discussed. However, before taxonomic interpretations can be made with confidence, an understanding of taphonomic degradation of microorganisms is required. With focus on illustrated specimens, one part of this thesis explains what happens to an acritarch as it undergoes various types of degradation and why an understanding of these processes is important for taxonomic identification. A meteorite impact in South Australia spread an ejecta layer over a 550 km radius area. This ejecta layer is recognised in subsurface drillcores and provides an independent stratigraphic marker horizon that supports an acritarch-based correlation.

Análise cronoestratigráfica baseada em conodontes da Formação Itaituba (Pedreira Calminas), Atokano da Bacia do Amazonas - Brasil

Cardoso, Cassiane Negreiros January 2011 (has links)
Conodontes são microfósseis potencialmente úteis para bioestratigrafia e em reconstruções paleoecológicas de rochas sedimentares paleozóicas e do Triássico. Desta forma, este estudo apresenta a classificação taxonômica e o estabelecimento das condições biocronoestratigráficas e paleoecológicas nas quais estes organismos viveram, bem como uma revisão do estágio atual do conhecimento a respeito dos conodontes e de seu aparelho alimentar. A seção analisada pertence à Formação Itaituba, Grupo Tapajós, Pensilvaniano da Bacia do Amazonas. A área de estudo localiza-se a Nordeste da cidade de Itaituba, às margens do Rio Tapajós, em um afloramento da Pedreira Calminas. A distribuição dos conodontes reconhecida define duas biozonas: uma Zona de Amplitude Diplognathodus orphanus e uma Zona de Concorrência Idiognathodus incurvus-Idiognathoides sinuatus. As espécies Diplognathodus coloradoensis, Diplognathodus orphanus e Idiognathodus incurvus formam uma associação tipicamente atokana. Baseando-se na associação descrita, a seção analisada foi definida como atokana. A espécie de melhor resolução bioestratigráfica é Diplognathodus orphanus, sendo sua distribuição restrita ao Atokano. O ambiente deposicional dominante na Bacia do Amazonas durante o Pensilvaniano é caracterizado por uma rampa carbonática rasa. Os depósitos estudados refletem uma sequência predominantemente regressiva, com a presença de gêneros de águas mais rasas, tais como Adetognathus, Diplognathodus e Ellisonia. A ocorrência de conodontes associados a braquiópodes, briozoários, crinóides e fragmentos de peixes sugere que estes estratos foram depositados em paleoambiente marinho raso, com energia de sedimentação baixa a moderada, em águas calmas, límpidas e quentes. No regime de flutuações de alta freqüência do nível do mar, os principais ambientes deposicionais eram laguna (submaré) e planície de maré (intermaré superior-supramaré inferior com tapetes microbiais). / Conodonts are useful microfossils for biostratigraphy and paleoecological reconstructions in Paleozoic and Triassic sedimentary rocks. This research aims to their taxonomic classification and to establish the biochronostratigraphic and paleoecological conditions in which these organisms lived. Furthermore, this study reviews the current knowledge about conodonts and their feeding apparatus. The section analyzed belongs to Itaituba Formation, Tapajos Group, Pennsylvanian of the Amazon Basin. The study area is located northeast of Itaituba city, on the banks of the Tapajós River, in an outcrop of Calminas Quarry. The distribution of conodonts recognized defined two biozones: Diplognathodus orphanus Amplitude Zone and Idiognathodus incurvus-Idiognathoides sinuatus Competition Zone. The species Diplognathodus coloradoensis, Diplognathodus orphanus and Idiognathodus incurvus are typically an Atokan association. Based on the association described, the section analyzed was defined as Atokan. The specie with better biostratigraphic resolution is Diplognathodus orphanus, because its distribution is restricted to the Atokan. The depositional environment prevailing in the Amazon Basin during the Pennsylvanian is characterized by a shallow carbonate ramp. The deposits studied reflect a predominantly regressive sequence, with the presence of shallow water genera, such as Adetognathus, Diplognathodus and Ellisonia. The occurrence of conodonts associated with brachiopods, bryozoans, crinoids and fish fragments suggests that these strata were deposited in a shallow marine environment, with low to moderate energy, in calm, clear and warm waters. In high frequency sea level fluctuations regime, the main depositional environments were lagoon (subtidal) and tidal flat (upper intertidal-lower supratidal with microbial mats).

Análise palinoestratigráfica de depósitos permianos da Bacia do Paraná no sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil : uma nova proposta bioestratigráfica

Mori, Ana Luisa Outa January 2010 (has links)
As análises palinológicas desenvolvidas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul estiveram, em sua maioria, relacionadas ao estudo das jazidas de carvão, resultando no reconhecimento de associações palinológicas vinculadas estreitamente às paleoturfeiras. Como resultado, o conhecimento das demais associações palinológicas permianas é menos detalhado, com efeito na compartimentação palinobioestratigráfica da Bacia do Paraná, tornando-se necessário aprimorar os limites das biozonas estabelecidas e compreender o melhor significado da sucessão bioestratigráfica. Esta tese compreende a análise palinológica dos poços HN-05-RS e HN-25-RS e de um afloramento localizados na região de Candiota – Hulha Negra, sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Um total de oito amostras foi coletado no afloramento (formações Rio Bonito e Palermo), enquanto 114 são referentes a amostras de subsuperfície, envolvendo o intervalo entre o Subgrupo Itararé à Formação Rio do Rasto. A análise palinológica permitiu a identificação de 143 espécies, incluindo esporos (64), grãos de pólen (67) e elementos microplanctônicos (12). As características qualitativas e quantitativas das associações recuperadas nos dois poços permitiram a proposição de três zonas de associação, designadas como: (i) Zona Granulatisporites austroamericanus – Vittatina saccata (GV), ocorrente entre o Subgrupo Itararé e topo da Formação Rio Bonito; (ii) Zona Lundbladispora braziliensis – Weylandites lucifer (LW), entre o topo da Formação Rio Bonito/base da Formação Palermo à porção média desta última; e (iii) Zona Thymospora thiesseni – Lueckisporites virkkiae (TL), entre a porção média da Formação Palermo à base da Formação Rio do Rasto. As distribuições dos táxons em cada uma dessas unidades são distintas das amplitudes apresentadas para a Bacia do Paraná em território brasileiro e encontram maiores similaridades com o zoneamento do norte do território uruguaio, de idades coevas. Na Bacia do Paraná, as zonas GV e LW são correlatas, grosso modo, à Zona V. costabilis, enquanto a Zona TL é correspondente à Zona L. virkkiae, ainda que divergências nos táxons tenham sido observadas. Por outro lado, as zonas GV, LW e TL são muito semelhantes às zonas estabelecidas no Uruguai, Cristatisporites inconstans – Vittatina subsaccata, de Intervalo de Lundbladispora e Striatoabieites anaverrucosus – Staurosaccites cordubensis, respectivamente, ainda inéditas. Adicionalmente, uma nova idade radiométrica foi obtida para a Formação Rio Bonito no afloramento estudado, onde foram reconhecidas as zonas de idade permiana V. costabilis (níveis C1 a C3, relativos ao topo da Formação iii Rio Bonito) e L. virrkiae (C4 a C8, correspondentes ao topo da Formação Rio Bonito à base da Formação Palermo). A idade de 281,4 ± 3,4 Ma é interpretada como a base da Zona Lueckisporites ou topo da Zona GV, conforme o conteúdo palinológico nas camadas acima e abaixo do nível de tonstein utilizado na datação. Ao confrontar esta datação absoluta com outras selecionadas para a bacia, o posicionamento das biozonas é proposto como segue: (i) Zona Granulatisporites austroamericanus – Vittatina saccata, entre o Asseliano à porção média do Artinskiano; (ii) Zona Lundbladispora braziliensis – Weylandites lucifer, Artinskiano Médio; e (iii) Zona Thymospora thiesseni – Lueckisporites virkkiae, datada como Artinskiano Médio/Superior ao Wordiano. / Mostly of the palynological analysis carried out in Rio Grande do Sul State is related to the study of the coal seams, which resulted in the recognition of palynological associations closely linked to swampy paleoenvironments. As result, other Permian palynogical associations are poorly defined, affecting the palynostratigraphic scheme developed to the Paraná Basin, which implies in necessities on improvement of the limits of those biozones and the better understanding on the meaning of the biostratigraphical succession. This thesis involves palynological studies on the HN-05-RS and HN-25-RS boreholes and one outcrop all located in Candiota – Hulha Negra region, southern Rio Grande do Sul. Eight samples was collected in the ouctcrop (corresponding to Rio Bonito and Palermo formations), while 114 samples corresponds to subsurface, related to the interval between the Itararé Subgroup and Rio do Rasto Formation. The palynological analysis allowed the recognition of 143 species among spores (64), pollen grains (67) and microplanktonic elements (12). The quantitative and qualitative aspects of the recovered associations in the boreholes enable the proposition of three association biozones, designated as: (i) Granulatisporites austroamericanus - Vittatina saccata Zone (GV), occurring between the Itararé Subgroup and topmost deposits of the Rio Bonito Formation, (ii) Lundbladispora braziliensis - Weylandites lucifer Zone (LW), from the top of Rio Bonito/base of the Palermo Formation to the middle portion of this last unit, and (iii) Thymospora thiesseni - Lueckisporites virkkiae Zone (TL), which occurs between the middle portion of Palermo-Formation to the base of Rio do Rasto Formation. The distribution of some taxa in each of these units are distinct from the know ranges presented to the Paraná Basin in the brazilian portion, and record more similarities with the biozone of northern Uruguay, of coeval ages. In the Paraná Basin, the GV and LW zones are roughly correlated to Zone V. costabilis, while the TL Zone corresponds to the L. virkkiae Zone, although differences in the taxa have been observed. Otherwise, the GV, LW and TL zones are very similar to the Uruguayan biozones, such as Cristatisporites inconstans - Vittatina subsaccata, Interval of Lundbladispora and Striatoabieites anaverrucosus - Staurosaccites cordubensis, respectively, although these are still unpublished. Moreover, a new radiometric age was obtained for the Rio Bonito Formation in the outcrop studied, in which was recognized the Permian biozones V. costabilis Zone ( C1-C3 levels, related to the topmost deposits of the Rio Bonito Formation) and L. virkkiae Zone (C4-C8 levels, between the topmost v Rio Bonito Formation and basal portion of the Palermo Formation). The age of 281.4 ± 3.4 Ma is interpreted as the base of Lueckisporites Zone or top of the GV Zone, according to the palynogical content related to the nearest layers of the tonstein used on the dating. Comparing this new absolute age with other selected datings for the basin, the positioning of biozones is proposed as follows: (i) Granulatisporites austroamericanus - Vittatina saccata Zone between the Middle Asselian to the Artinskian, (ii) Lundbladispora braziliensis - Weylandites lucifer Zone, Middle Artinskian, and (iii) Thymospora thiessen - Lueckisporites virkkiae Zone as Middle/Upper Artinskian to Wordian.

Análise palinoestratigráfica de depósitos permianos da Bacia do Paraná no sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil : uma nova proposta bioestratigráfica

Mori, Ana Luisa Outa January 2010 (has links)
As análises palinológicas desenvolvidas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul estiveram, em sua maioria, relacionadas ao estudo das jazidas de carvão, resultando no reconhecimento de associações palinológicas vinculadas estreitamente às paleoturfeiras. Como resultado, o conhecimento das demais associações palinológicas permianas é menos detalhado, com efeito na compartimentação palinobioestratigráfica da Bacia do Paraná, tornando-se necessário aprimorar os limites das biozonas estabelecidas e compreender o melhor significado da sucessão bioestratigráfica. Esta tese compreende a análise palinológica dos poços HN-05-RS e HN-25-RS e de um afloramento localizados na região de Candiota – Hulha Negra, sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Um total de oito amostras foi coletado no afloramento (formações Rio Bonito e Palermo), enquanto 114 são referentes a amostras de subsuperfície, envolvendo o intervalo entre o Subgrupo Itararé à Formação Rio do Rasto. A análise palinológica permitiu a identificação de 143 espécies, incluindo esporos (64), grãos de pólen (67) e elementos microplanctônicos (12). As características qualitativas e quantitativas das associações recuperadas nos dois poços permitiram a proposição de três zonas de associação, designadas como: (i) Zona Granulatisporites austroamericanus – Vittatina saccata (GV), ocorrente entre o Subgrupo Itararé e topo da Formação Rio Bonito; (ii) Zona Lundbladispora braziliensis – Weylandites lucifer (LW), entre o topo da Formação Rio Bonito/base da Formação Palermo à porção média desta última; e (iii) Zona Thymospora thiesseni – Lueckisporites virkkiae (TL), entre a porção média da Formação Palermo à base da Formação Rio do Rasto. As distribuições dos táxons em cada uma dessas unidades são distintas das amplitudes apresentadas para a Bacia do Paraná em território brasileiro e encontram maiores similaridades com o zoneamento do norte do território uruguaio, de idades coevas. Na Bacia do Paraná, as zonas GV e LW são correlatas, grosso modo, à Zona V. costabilis, enquanto a Zona TL é correspondente à Zona L. virkkiae, ainda que divergências nos táxons tenham sido observadas. Por outro lado, as zonas GV, LW e TL são muito semelhantes às zonas estabelecidas no Uruguai, Cristatisporites inconstans – Vittatina subsaccata, de Intervalo de Lundbladispora e Striatoabieites anaverrucosus – Staurosaccites cordubensis, respectivamente, ainda inéditas. Adicionalmente, uma nova idade radiométrica foi obtida para a Formação Rio Bonito no afloramento estudado, onde foram reconhecidas as zonas de idade permiana V. costabilis (níveis C1 a C3, relativos ao topo da Formação iii Rio Bonito) e L. virrkiae (C4 a C8, correspondentes ao topo da Formação Rio Bonito à base da Formação Palermo). A idade de 281,4 ± 3,4 Ma é interpretada como a base da Zona Lueckisporites ou topo da Zona GV, conforme o conteúdo palinológico nas camadas acima e abaixo do nível de tonstein utilizado na datação. Ao confrontar esta datação absoluta com outras selecionadas para a bacia, o posicionamento das biozonas é proposto como segue: (i) Zona Granulatisporites austroamericanus – Vittatina saccata, entre o Asseliano à porção média do Artinskiano; (ii) Zona Lundbladispora braziliensis – Weylandites lucifer, Artinskiano Médio; e (iii) Zona Thymospora thiesseni – Lueckisporites virkkiae, datada como Artinskiano Médio/Superior ao Wordiano. / Mostly of the palynological analysis carried out in Rio Grande do Sul State is related to the study of the coal seams, which resulted in the recognition of palynological associations closely linked to swampy paleoenvironments. As result, other Permian palynogical associations are poorly defined, affecting the palynostratigraphic scheme developed to the Paraná Basin, which implies in necessities on improvement of the limits of those biozones and the better understanding on the meaning of the biostratigraphical succession. This thesis involves palynological studies on the HN-05-RS and HN-25-RS boreholes and one outcrop all located in Candiota – Hulha Negra region, southern Rio Grande do Sul. Eight samples was collected in the ouctcrop (corresponding to Rio Bonito and Palermo formations), while 114 samples corresponds to subsurface, related to the interval between the Itararé Subgroup and Rio do Rasto Formation. The palynological analysis allowed the recognition of 143 species among spores (64), pollen grains (67) and microplanktonic elements (12). The quantitative and qualitative aspects of the recovered associations in the boreholes enable the proposition of three association biozones, designated as: (i) Granulatisporites austroamericanus - Vittatina saccata Zone (GV), occurring between the Itararé Subgroup and topmost deposits of the Rio Bonito Formation, (ii) Lundbladispora braziliensis - Weylandites lucifer Zone (LW), from the top of Rio Bonito/base of the Palermo Formation to the middle portion of this last unit, and (iii) Thymospora thiesseni - Lueckisporites virkkiae Zone (TL), which occurs between the middle portion of Palermo-Formation to the base of Rio do Rasto Formation. The distribution of some taxa in each of these units are distinct from the know ranges presented to the Paraná Basin in the brazilian portion, and record more similarities with the biozone of northern Uruguay, of coeval ages. In the Paraná Basin, the GV and LW zones are roughly correlated to Zone V. costabilis, while the TL Zone corresponds to the L. virkkiae Zone, although differences in the taxa have been observed. Otherwise, the GV, LW and TL zones are very similar to the Uruguayan biozones, such as Cristatisporites inconstans - Vittatina subsaccata, Interval of Lundbladispora and Striatoabieites anaverrucosus - Staurosaccites cordubensis, respectively, although these are still unpublished. Moreover, a new radiometric age was obtained for the Rio Bonito Formation in the outcrop studied, in which was recognized the Permian biozones V. costabilis Zone ( C1-C3 levels, related to the topmost deposits of the Rio Bonito Formation) and L. virkkiae Zone (C4-C8 levels, between the topmost v Rio Bonito Formation and basal portion of the Palermo Formation). The age of 281.4 ± 3.4 Ma is interpreted as the base of Lueckisporites Zone or top of the GV Zone, according to the palynogical content related to the nearest layers of the tonstein used on the dating. Comparing this new absolute age with other selected datings for the basin, the positioning of biozones is proposed as follows: (i) Granulatisporites austroamericanus - Vittatina saccata Zone between the Middle Asselian to the Artinskian, (ii) Lundbladispora braziliensis - Weylandites lucifer Zone, Middle Artinskian, and (iii) Thymospora thiessen - Lueckisporites virkkiae Zone as Middle/Upper Artinskian to Wordian.

Análise cronoestratigráfica baseada em conodontes da Formação Itaituba (Pedreira Calminas), Atokano da Bacia do Amazonas - Brasil

Cardoso, Cassiane Negreiros January 2011 (has links)
Conodontes são microfósseis potencialmente úteis para bioestratigrafia e em reconstruções paleoecológicas de rochas sedimentares paleozóicas e do Triássico. Desta forma, este estudo apresenta a classificação taxonômica e o estabelecimento das condições biocronoestratigráficas e paleoecológicas nas quais estes organismos viveram, bem como uma revisão do estágio atual do conhecimento a respeito dos conodontes e de seu aparelho alimentar. A seção analisada pertence à Formação Itaituba, Grupo Tapajós, Pensilvaniano da Bacia do Amazonas. A área de estudo localiza-se a Nordeste da cidade de Itaituba, às margens do Rio Tapajós, em um afloramento da Pedreira Calminas. A distribuição dos conodontes reconhecida define duas biozonas: uma Zona de Amplitude Diplognathodus orphanus e uma Zona de Concorrência Idiognathodus incurvus-Idiognathoides sinuatus. As espécies Diplognathodus coloradoensis, Diplognathodus orphanus e Idiognathodus incurvus formam uma associação tipicamente atokana. Baseando-se na associação descrita, a seção analisada foi definida como atokana. A espécie de melhor resolução bioestratigráfica é Diplognathodus orphanus, sendo sua distribuição restrita ao Atokano. O ambiente deposicional dominante na Bacia do Amazonas durante o Pensilvaniano é caracterizado por uma rampa carbonática rasa. Os depósitos estudados refletem uma sequência predominantemente regressiva, com a presença de gêneros de águas mais rasas, tais como Adetognathus, Diplognathodus e Ellisonia. A ocorrência de conodontes associados a braquiópodes, briozoários, crinóides e fragmentos de peixes sugere que estes estratos foram depositados em paleoambiente marinho raso, com energia de sedimentação baixa a moderada, em águas calmas, límpidas e quentes. No regime de flutuações de alta freqüência do nível do mar, os principais ambientes deposicionais eram laguna (submaré) e planície de maré (intermaré superior-supramaré inferior com tapetes microbiais). / Conodonts are useful microfossils for biostratigraphy and paleoecological reconstructions in Paleozoic and Triassic sedimentary rocks. This research aims to their taxonomic classification and to establish the biochronostratigraphic and paleoecological conditions in which these organisms lived. Furthermore, this study reviews the current knowledge about conodonts and their feeding apparatus. The section analyzed belongs to Itaituba Formation, Tapajos Group, Pennsylvanian of the Amazon Basin. The study area is located northeast of Itaituba city, on the banks of the Tapajós River, in an outcrop of Calminas Quarry. The distribution of conodonts recognized defined two biozones: Diplognathodus orphanus Amplitude Zone and Idiognathodus incurvus-Idiognathoides sinuatus Competition Zone. The species Diplognathodus coloradoensis, Diplognathodus orphanus and Idiognathodus incurvus are typically an Atokan association. Based on the association described, the section analyzed was defined as Atokan. The specie with better biostratigraphic resolution is Diplognathodus orphanus, because its distribution is restricted to the Atokan. The depositional environment prevailing in the Amazon Basin during the Pennsylvanian is characterized by a shallow carbonate ramp. The deposits studied reflect a predominantly regressive sequence, with the presence of shallow water genera, such as Adetognathus, Diplognathodus and Ellisonia. The occurrence of conodonts associated with brachiopods, bryozoans, crinoids and fish fragments suggests that these strata were deposited in a shallow marine environment, with low to moderate energy, in calm, clear and warm waters. In high frequency sea level fluctuations regime, the main depositional environments were lagoon (subtidal) and tidal flat (upper intertidal-lower supratidal with microbial mats).

Conodont-based correlation of major cyclothems in lower Cherokee group (Lower Desmoinesian, Middle Pennsylvanian), Oklahoma to Iowa

Marshall, Thomas Robert 01 May 2010 (has links)
Three named major cycles of marine transgression and regression (cyclothems) in the lower Cherokee Group are recognized from the Arkoma Basin margin in east-central Oklahoma across the northern Midcontinent shelf, on the basis of distinctive conodont morphotypes. The lowest of these (McCurtain) is characterized by Idiognathodus cf. praeobliquus and absence of I. obliquus and Idiognathoides. The middle cyclothem (Doneley) is the first major cyclothem to yield I. obliquus. The uppermost (Inola) yielded abundant Idiognathodus, Neognathodus and Idioprioniodus, and sparse Gondolella, and is characterized by large numbers of Idiognathodus podolskensis. All three contain large numbers of I. amplificus. At the base of the succession, the genus Idiognathoides in three cores from northeastern Kansas to south-central Iowa confirms the presence of Atokan strata in the Forest City Basin. The McCurtain cyclothem extends from Oklahoma to the Forest City Basin in northeastern Kansas. The Doneley and Inola cyclothems extend from Oklahoma into Iowa. The Inola Limestone of Oklahoma is equivalent to the Hackberry Branch Limestone of western Missouri. The Bluejacket Coal of Oklahoma, at the base of the Inola cyclothem, is likely equivalent to Bluejacket A Coal of Kansas, Weir B or C coals in Missouri, and a middle Laddsdale coal in Iowa. The Rowe Coal of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri, at the base of the Doneley cyclothem, is likely equivalent to the Cliffland Coal of Iowa. Inconsistent marine lithofacies in all three cyclothems suggest a complex depositional history on irregular surfaces.

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