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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fibre-Optic Displacement and Temperature Sensing Using Coupling Based Intensity Modulation and Polarisation Modulation Techniques

Jason, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Optical fibre sensors are employed in the measurements of a number of different physical properties or for event detection in safety and security systems. In those environments which suffer from electromagnetic disturbance, in harsh environments where electronics cannot survive and in applications in favour of distributed detection, fibre-optic sensors have found natural areas of use. In some cases they have replaced conventional electronic sensors due to better performance and long-term reliability, but in others they have had less success mainly due to the higher costs which are often involved in fibre-optic sensor systems. Intensity modulated fibre-optic sensors normally require only low-cost monitoring systems principally based on light emitting diodes and photodiodes. The sensor principle itself is very elemental when based on coupling between fibres, and coupling based intensity modulated sensors have been utilised over a long period of time, mainly within displacement and vibration sensing. For distributed sensing based on intensity modulation, optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) systems with customised sensor cables have been used in the detection of heat, water leakage and hydrocarbon fluid spills. In this thesis, new concepts for intensity modulated fibre-optic sensors based on coupling between fibres are presented, analysed, simulated and experimentally verified. From a low-cost and standard component perspective, alternative designs are proposed and analysed using modulation function simulations and measurements, in order to find an improved performance. Further, the development and installation of a temperature sensor system for industrial process monitoring is presented, involving aspects with regards to design, calibration, multiplexing and fibre network installation. The OTDR is applied as an efficient technique for multiplexing several coupling based sensors, and sensor network installation with blown fibre in microducts is proposed as a flexible and cost-efficient alternative to traditional cabling. As a solution to alignment issues in coupling based sensors, a new displacement sensor configuration based on a fibre to a multicore fibre coupling and an image sensor readout system is proposed. With this concept a high-performance sensor setup with relaxed alignment demands and a large measurement range is realised. The sensor system performance is analysed theoretically with complete system simulations, and an experimental setup is made based on standard fibre and image acquisition components. Simulations of possible error contributions show that the experimental performance limitation is mainly related to differences between the modelled and the real coupled power distribution. An improved power model is suggested and evaluated experimentally, showing that the experimental performance can be improved down towards the theoretical limit of 1 μm. The potential of using filled side-hole fibres and polarisation analysis for point and distributed detection of temperature limits is investigated as a complement to existing fibre-optic heat detection systems. The behaviour and change in birefringence at the liquid/solid phase transition temperature for the filler substance is shown and experimentally determined for side-hole fibres filled with water solutions and a metal alloy, and the results are supported by simulations. A point sensor for on/off temperature detection based on this principle is suggested. Further the principles of distributed detection by measurements of the change in beat length are demonstrated using polarisation OTDR (POTDR) techniques. It is shown that high-resolution techniques are required for the fibres studied, and side-hole fibres designed with lower birefringence are suggested for future studies in relation to the distributed application. / Fiberoptiska sensorer används för mätning av ett antal olika fysikaliska parametrar eller för händelsedetektering i larm- och säkerhetssystem. I miljöer med elektromagnetiska störningar, i andra besvärliga miljöer där elektronik inte fungerar samt i tillämpningar där distribuerade sensorer är att föredra, har fiberoptiska lösningar funnit naturliga applikationer. I vissa fall har de ersatt konventionella elektroniska sensorer på grund av bättre prestanda och tillförlitlighet, medan de i andra sammanhang har haft mindre framgång huvudsakligen på grund av den i många fall högre kostnaden för fiberoptiska sensorsystem. Intensitetsmodulerade fiberoptiska sensorer kräver normalt endast billiga utläsningssystem huvudsakligen baserade på lysdioder och fotodioder. Principen för sådana sensorer baserade på koppling mellan fibrer är mycket enkel, och denna typ av sensorer har haft tillämpningar under en lång tid, främst inom mätning av positionsförändring och vibrationer. För distribuerade intensitetsmodulerade sensorer har system baserade på optisk tidsdomän-reflektometer (OTDR) och skräddarsydda sensorkablar funnit tillämpningar i detektion av värme/brand, vattenläckage och kolvätebaserade vätskor. I denna avhandling presenteras, simuleras, testas och utvärderas praktiskt några nya koncept för kopplingsbaserade intensitetsmodulerade fiberoptiska sensorer. Från ett lågkostnads- och standardkomponentperspektiv föreslås och analyseras alternativa lösningar för förbättrad prestanda. Utveckling och installation av en temperatursensor för en industriell tillämpning, innehållande aspekter på sensormultiplexering och nätverksbyggande, behandlas. OTDR-teknik används som en effektiv metod för multiplexering av flera kopplingsbaserade sensorer, och installation av sensornätverk genom användning av blåsfiberteknik och mikrodukter föreslås som ett flexibelt och kostnadseffektivt alternativ till traditionell kabelinstallation. Som en lösning på förekommande upplinjeringsproblem för kopplingsbaserade sensorer, föreslås en ny sensorkonfiguration baserad på koppling mellan en fiber och en multikärnefiber/fiberarray och med ett bildsensorsystem för detektering. Med detta koncept kan ett högpresterande, upplinjeringsfritt sensorsystem med ett stort mätområde åstadkommas. Sensorsystemets prestanda har analyserats teoretiskt med kompletta systemsimuleringar, och en experimentell uppställning baserad på standardfiber och en kamera av standardtyp har gjorts. Simuleringar av möjliga felbidrag visar att systemets experimentella prestanda främst begränsas av skillnader mellan den modellerade och den verkliga optiska effektfördelningen. En förbättrad modell för effektfördelningen föreslås och utvärderas experimentellt. Det visas att prestanda är möjlig att förbättra ner mot den teoretiska gräns på 1 μm som erhållits vid systemsimuleringar. Möjligheterna att använda fyllda hålfibrer och polarisationskänslig mätning för detektering av temperaturgränser studeras i syfte att komplettera befintliga fiberoptiska värmedetektorsystem. Förändringen i fiberns dubbelbrytning vid övergångstemperaturen mellan vätske- och fast fas för ämnet i hålen visas och bestäms experimentellt för hålfibrer fyllda med vattenlösningar respektive en metallegering, och resultaten understöds också av simuleringar. En punktsensor för temperaturdetektering baserad på denna princip föreslås. Vidare visas principerna för distribuerad detektering genom registrering av förändringen i dubbelbrytning med polarisations-OTDR (POTDR). Det visas att OTDR-teknik med hög spatial upplösning behövs för övervakning av de studerade fibrerna, och hålfibrer utformade med lägre dubbelbrytning föreslås för framtida studier av tillämpningen.

Efeito do comprimento da cadeia do álcool nas transições de fase colestérica-colestérica em cristais líquidos liotrópicos / Effect of chain length of alcohol on the cholesteric to cholesteric phase transitions in lyotropic liquid crystals

Reis, Dennys 08 August 2013 (has links)
Misturas liotrópicas de laurato de potássio (KL)/ sulfato de potássio (K2SO4)/ álcool (CnH2n+1OH)/ água (H2O) apresentam fases no estado líquido cristalino nemático. Essas fases nemáticas foram colesterizadas através da adicão do agente quiral brucina à mistura. Este estudo foi realizado mantendo as frações molares de todos os constituintes das misturas constantes e variando o comprimento da mol´ecula de álcool entre oito (1-octanol) e dezesseis (1-hexadecanol) átomos de carbono. Três fases colestéricas foram identificadas: ChD (colestérica discótica), ChB (colestérica biaxial) e ChC (colestérica calamítica). O diagrama de fases foi construído em função do número de átomos de carbono n na molécula do álcool. As transições entre as fases colestéricas foram investigadas por medições das birrenfringências ópticas usando microscopia óptica de luz polarizada. As misturas com 9 n 12 apresentaram as três fases colestéricas como função da temperatura e uma região de crossover entre as fases ChD e ChB, com comprimento de correlação a temperatura nula maior do que as dimensões micelares típicas. Misturas com n=8 e n=13 apresentaram transição de fase de primeira ordem entre as fases ChD e ChC, sem a presença da fase ChB intermediária a elas. As misturas com n=14, 15 e 16 apresentaram somente a fase ChC como função da temperatura. Os resultados foram interpretados como consequência da nanosegregação das moléculas de álcool nas micelas com relação às moléculas do anfifílico principal. / Lyotropic mixtures of potassium laurate (KL)/ potassium sulphate (K2SO4)/ alcohol (CnH2n+1OH)/ water (H2O) present nematic liquid crystal phases. These nematic phases were cholesterized by the doping of the mixtures with the chiral agent brucine. This study was conducted by keeping constant the molar fractions of all constituents of the mixtures and varying the length of the alcohol molecule between eight (1-octanol) and sixteen (1-hexadecanol) carbon atoms. Three cholesteric phases were identified: ChD (discotic cholesteric), ChB (biaxial cholesteric), and ChC (calamitic cholesteric). The phase diagram was constructed as a function of the number of carbon atoms n in the alcohol molecule. The cholesteric-cholesteric phase transitions were investigated by measurements of the optical birefringences via polarized light microscopy. The mixtures with 9 n 12 presented the three cholesteric phases as a function of temperature and a crossover between the ChD and ChB phases, with a bare correlation length larger than the typical micellar dimensions. Mixtures with n =8 and n =13 exhibited first order phase transitions among the ChD and the ChC phases, without the presence of the intermediate ChB phase. Mixtures with n =14, 15 and 16 showed only the ChC phase as a function of temperature. These results were interpreted as a consequence of the nanosegregation of the alcohol molecules in the micelles with respect to the main amphiphilic molecules.

Efeito da aplicação do ultrassom terapêutico durante 4 e 5 minutos por área do transdutor no processo de reparação de tendão de ratos / Effect of application times 3, 4 and 5 minutes ERA of therapeutic ultrasound in tendon injury of calcaneal rats

Farcic, Thiago Saikali 29 April 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito dos tempos de aplicação 3, 4 e 5 minutos por ERA do ultrassom terapêutico (UST) na organização das fibras de colágeno em lesão do tendão do calcâneo de ratos. Foram utilizados quarenta ratos machos Wistar, dos quais 32 sofreram tenotomia total do tendão do calcâneo e foram divididos em 5 grupos: GC, sem tenotomia e tratamento; GT, com tenotomia e sem tratamento; UST3, UST4 e UST5 submetidos à tenotomia e tratados com UST nos tempos de 3, 4 e 5 minutos por área de radiação efetiva respectivamente. Os animais foram submetidos à primeira aplicação do UST foi 24 horas após a cirurgia de tenotomia. A irradiação ultrassônica foi aplicada com os seguintes parâmetros: 1 MHz, modo pulsado com 20% do ciclo de trabalho (2 ms de emissão / 8 ms de intervalo), frequência de 100 Hz, 0,5 W / cm² de intensidade e ERA de 0,5 cm². A aplicação foi realizada 1x/dia. Os animais foram sacrificados após a 10ª sessão de tratamento, no 12º dia pós-operatório. Os tendões foram retirados cirurgicamente para análise da organização das fibras colágenas através do método de birrefringência (retardo óptico - OR). As fibras colágenas mostraram melhor agregação e organização no grupo UST3, UST4 e UST5 quando comparado ao GT (p<0.05) e o UST5 apresentou melhor resposta na comparação intergrupos. Conclui-se que o UST, aplicado no tempo de 5 minutos por área de radiação efetiva, apresentou a melhor dose-resposta quanto à organização das fibras colágenas no reparo tecidual de tendões de ratos / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of application times 3, 4 and 5 minutes ERA of therapeutic ultrasound in the organization of the collagen fibers in rat calcaneal tendon injury. Forty male Wistar rats were used, of which 32 underwent complete tenotomy of the calcaneal tendon and were divided into 5 groups: GC without tenotomy and treatment; GT tenotomy with and without treatment; UST3, UST4 UST5 and submitted to tenotomy treated with therapeutic ultrasound at times 3, 4 and 5 minutes per effective radiating area respectively. The animals were submitted to the first application of therapy US tenotomy 24 hours after surgery. Ultrasonic irradiation was applied with the following parameters: 1 MHz, pulsed mode at 20% duty cycle (2ms transmission / 8 ms interval), frequency 100 Hz, 0.5 W / cm² intensity and ERA 0.5 cm². The application was performed 1x / day. The animals were sacrificed after the 10th treatment session, on the 12th postoperative day. The tendons were surgically removed for analysis of the organization of the collagen fibers through birefringence method (optical delay - OR). The collagen fibers showed better aggregation and organization in group UST3, UST4 and UST5 when compared to the GT (p <0.05) and UST5 showed better response in the intergroup comparison. We conclude that the UST, applied in time of 5 minutes for effective radiation area, presented the best dose-response as the organization of the collagen fibers in tissue repair of rat tendons

Obtenção e caracterização de filtros Fabry-Perot para aplicação em aquisição de imagens de diferença de polarização. / Obtaining and characterization of Fabry-Perot filters for application in acquisition of polarization-difference images.

Araújo, Hugo Puertas de 08 December 2004 (has links)
No presente trabalho, investigamos algumas propriedades e aplicações para imagens de diferença de polarização (PDI\'s) propondo dois sistemas de aquisição destas imagens como alternativas à arquitetura proposta por Tyo (1996). O primeiro sistema aqui abordado faz uso de duas câmeras e dois polarizadores para a obtenção de PDI\'s. A redundância, em termos de elementos de aquisição de imagens, visa suprir uma deficiência do sistema supracitado, qual seja a sua impossibilidade de operar em tempo real. O segundo projeto propõe a utilização de filtros polarizadores baseados em implementações de estruturas Fabry-Perot utilizando-se filmes finos birrefringentes de TiOx, como elemento principal de um dispositivo que possa ser produzido na forma de um microssistema integrado de aquisição de imagens completamente compatível com as tecnologias de produção CMOS disponíveis hoje em dia. Dadas as possibilidades envolvendo esse último projeto, definimos como objetivo principal deste trabalho a obtenção de filtros polarizadores baseados em tecnologia de filmes finos birrefringentes, que foram obtidos por deposição física num equipamento de Sputtering DC. Na etapa de análise dos dados, foram feitas caracterizações ópticas (espectrofotometria) e RBS tanto dos filtros finais quanto dos filmes de TiOx, que foram ensaiados previamente para a extração de parâmetros necessários para o projeto dos filtros de interferência. Conclui-se o trabalho comprovando a possibilidade de se obter filtros polarizadores que possam ser utilizados em sistemas integrados de aquisição de imagens, mas ressalva-se que o equipamento de Sputtering DC empregado não é o ideal para essa aplicação, sugerindo-se o uso de equipamentos capazes de monitorar espessura e índices de refração durante o processo de deposição dos filmes (um exemplo seria um sistema de deposição por e-beam acoplado a um elipsômetro de transmitância) / In the present work, it was investigated some properties and applications for polarization-difference images (PDI\'s), what led us to the proposition of two acquisition systems for such images as alternatives to the architecture proposed by Tyo (1996). The first system here discussed uses two cameras and two polarizers in the attainment of PDI\'s. The image elements redundancy is supposed to overcome a deficiency of the above-mentioned system that is its inability to operate in real time. The second project proposes the use of polarizing filters based on Fabry-Perot structures obtained with birefringent thin films of TiOx. Such filters are the key elements in a device that can be implemented as an integrated microsystem, fully compatible with the CMOS production technologies, available nowadays. Given the possibilities associated with this last project, it was defined as the main goal of this work, the attainment of polarizing filters based on birefringent thin films technology, physically deposited by a DC Sputtering equipment. During the phase of data analysis, it was carried out optical characterizations (spectrofotometry) as well as RBS analysis, both for the filters itself and for the TiOx films, that were previously investigated in order to determine the required parameters for the design of the interference filters. This work is concluded by proving the possibility of using polarizing filters in integrated image acquisition systems, but a remark ismade stating that the employed equipment is not the ideal one for such applications and it is suggested the use of deposition set up capable to monitor thickness and refractive indexes during the run (an example would be an e-beam equipment connected to a transmittance ellipsometer).

Filmes ultrafinos de polímeros contendo cromóforos de azobenzeno / Thin films of polymers containing azobenzene chromophores

Silva, Josmary Rodrigues 17 January 2003 (has links)
Foram investigadas as propriedades de formação de filmes de Langmuir e as propriedades ópticas e elétricas de filmes mistos de Langmuir-Blodgeti (LB) preparados com os polímeros HPDR13, MMA-DR13 e IPDI-DR19CI com adição de estearato de cádmio (CdSt). Para caracterizar os polímeros foram usadas as técnicas de calorimetria diferencial de varredura, espectroscopia ultravioleta-visível (W-Vis) e difração de raios X. As medidas de isotermas de pressão e de potencial de superfície com os filmes Langmuir mostraram que ocorre agregação molecular associada a interações dipolares. Medidas de absorção no W-Vis mostraram que os agregados dipolares formados são do tipo-J. As investigações dos sistemas poliméricos mostraram que o sinal da birrefringência fotoinduzida pode depender do número de camadas LB, potência da luz de excitação e temperatura. Funções com duas exponenciais e de Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts foram usadas de forma sistemática para analisar as curvas de crescimento e decaimento do sinal de birrefringência. As dependências das constantes de tempo das funções citadas também foram analisadas em função da temperatura. Observou-se que os filmes de IPDI-DR19CI/CdSt apresentam os resultados mais regulares e mais reprodutíveis para a birrefringência fotoinduzida. Isso foi atribuído a maior homogeneidade desse tipo de filme devida a menor agregação dipolar. Experimentos realizados em baixa temperatura com o polímero MMA-DRI 13 mostraram que o sinal máximo da birrefringência fotoinduzida aumenta até 120 K e diminui acima desse valor. 0s resultados abaixo de 120 K foram analisados a luz da teoria do volume livre local e dos mecanismos de fotoisomerização e difusão rotacional térmica As medidas elétricas com os filmes LB mostraram que todos os filmes poliméricos apresentam um r e m e de condução ôhmico em baixos campos elétricos e um outro regime não ôhmico atribuído a injeção de portadores no volume do material. Concluiu-se das medidas elétrica que o CdSt determina as propriedades de condução dos filmes LB mistos / The formation of Langmuir films and the optical and electrical properties of mixed Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films were studied. Films were prepared using cadmium stearate (CdSt) and the polymers HPDR13, MMA-DR13 and IPDI-DR19CI. These polymers were characterized with differential scanning calorimetry, visible-ultraviolet spectroscopy (UVVis) and X-ray- diffraction. Surface pressure and surface potential isotherms of the Langmuir films indicated the presence of molecular aggregation due to dipolar interactions. UV-Vis spectroscopy suggested J-type aggregation of dipoles. Measurements on mixed LB film showed that the photoinduced birefringence depends on the number of LB layers, the power of excitation light and on the temper-re. A double exponential function and the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts function were used for analyzing the experimental curves of growth and decay of the birefringence signal. The dependence of time constants of such functions on the temperature was also analyzed. Mixed LB films of IPDI-DR19CI/CdSt presented the most reproducible results of photoinduced birefringence, which was attributed to the better homogeneity of this type film probably due to the low dipolar aggregation. Experiments carried out with the polymer MMA-DRI3 at low temperatures revealed that the maximum of birefringence increases up to 120 K and then decreases for higher temperatures. Results under 120 K were analyzed using the free local volume theory and included photoisomerization and thermal rotational diffusion processes. Electrical measurements of LB films showed that all LB films present an ohmic conduction regime at low electric fields and a non-ohmic regime attributed to charge carrier injection into the film bulk. It is concluded that CdSt determines the conduction properties of mixed LB films

Proposição e estudo de fibras ópticas microestruturadas tipo D: gerenciamento de dispersão e alta birrefringência / Proposal and study of microstructured optical fiber D-type: dispersion management and high birefringence

Spadoti, Danilo Henrique 02 October 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho de doutoramento propôs investigar novas configurações geométricas para as fibras ópticas microestruturadas a base de sílica. Aproveitando-se da flexibilidade que sua geometria proporciona, diferentes das fibras ópticas convencionais, foram propostas fibras ópticas microestruturadas com perfil tipo D atuando, especificamente, em duas aplicações distintas: fibras compensadoras de dispersão ou fibras altamente birrefringentes. Para o estudo teórico das fibras ópticas microestruturadas foram utilizados dois métodos numéricos: o método da Sobre-Relaxação Sucessiva (SOR) e o método de Arnoldi Implicitamente Reiniciado (IRAM). Foi necessário implementar o método IRAM para determinar os modos de mais alta ordem presentes em guias de onda multimodos, uma vez que o método SOR fornece apenas a solução para o modo fundamental. Neste contexto, as fibras ópticas microestruturadas com perfil D, propostas e investigadas neste trabalho, demonstraram ser extremamente promissoras para atuar na compensação da dispersão cromática ou no aumento do efeito da birrefringência. Foram projetadas fibras capazes de compensar a dispersão em banda larga, cobrindo as bandas de telecomunicações S, C e L, ou, ainda, fibras com um alto coeficiente de dispersão negativo em torno do comprimento de onda de 1550nm. Adicionalmente, verificou-se também que com as novas configurações propostas foi possível projetar fibras com elevado grau de birrefringência, sendo atrativas no projeto de fibras mantedoras do estado de polarização. / This work proposed to investigate new geometric configurations for the silica microstructured optical fibers. Based on their design flexibility, not usually found in conventional silica fibers, D-shape microstructured optical fibers were designed, specifically, for two different applications: dispersion compensation or high birefringence. For the theoretical analysis two numerical methods were used: the finite difference Successive Over Relaxation (SOR) method, and the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method (IRAM). It was necessary to develop the IRAM method to determine the higher order modes inside the multimodo optical waveguide, since the SOR method is able to yield only the fundamental mode. In this framework, the D-shape microstructured optical fibers, which have been proposed and investigated in this work, proved to be extremely efficient for chromatic dispersion compensation and increasing the birefringent effect. Fibers have been designed in order to compensate the wideband dispersion, covering three entire telecommunication bands, namely: S-, C- and L- bands, simultaneously. Additionally, with these new proposed configurations it is possible to design high birefringent fibers, which are very attractive in polarization maintaining applications.

Birrefringência induzida por movimento de matéria em mesofases liotrópicas na fase isotrópica / Induced birefringence by movement of matter in lyotropic mesophases in the isotropic phase.

Fernandes, Paulo Ricardo Garcia 28 September 1990 (has links)
Com uma mistura de laurato de potássio, decanol e agua, determina-se a birrefringência induzida, na fase isotrópica, por gradientes de velocidade, no interior da amostra. Os movimentos são provocados através de vibrações periódicas nas paredes do porta amostras. O tempo de relaxação, da estrutura de rolos, e determinado experimental e teoricamente. É determinado, também, o parâmetro T AST (temperatura em torno da temperatura de transição), ate então desconhecido, em cristais líquidos liotrópicos. Como uma provável aplicação pratica, e proposta a confecção de dispositivos sensíveis a vibrações. / With a mixture of the Potassium Laurate, Decanol and water, the birefringence induced by gradient of the velocity, in the isotropic phase, is determinated. The movement are provocated through periodic vibrations of the superface of the sample holder. The relaxation time of the roll structure is determinated experimental an theorically. The temperature T* (temperature around the transition temperature), well-known in thermotropic liquid crystals, is determinated in liotropic liquid crystals. The confection of the sensible vibration dispositive is proposed.

Obtenção e caracterização de filtros Fabry-Perot para aplicação em aquisição de imagens de diferença de polarização. / Obtaining and characterization of Fabry-Perot filters for application in acquisition of polarization-difference images.

Hugo Puertas de Araújo 08 December 2004 (has links)
No presente trabalho, investigamos algumas propriedades e aplicações para imagens de diferença de polarização (PDI\'s) propondo dois sistemas de aquisição destas imagens como alternativas à arquitetura proposta por Tyo (1996). O primeiro sistema aqui abordado faz uso de duas câmeras e dois polarizadores para a obtenção de PDI\'s. A redundância, em termos de elementos de aquisição de imagens, visa suprir uma deficiência do sistema supracitado, qual seja a sua impossibilidade de operar em tempo real. O segundo projeto propõe a utilização de filtros polarizadores baseados em implementações de estruturas Fabry-Perot utilizando-se filmes finos birrefringentes de TiOx, como elemento principal de um dispositivo que possa ser produzido na forma de um microssistema integrado de aquisição de imagens completamente compatível com as tecnologias de produção CMOS disponíveis hoje em dia. Dadas as possibilidades envolvendo esse último projeto, definimos como objetivo principal deste trabalho a obtenção de filtros polarizadores baseados em tecnologia de filmes finos birrefringentes, que foram obtidos por deposição física num equipamento de Sputtering DC. Na etapa de análise dos dados, foram feitas caracterizações ópticas (espectrofotometria) e RBS tanto dos filtros finais quanto dos filmes de TiOx, que foram ensaiados previamente para a extração de parâmetros necessários para o projeto dos filtros de interferência. Conclui-se o trabalho comprovando a possibilidade de se obter filtros polarizadores que possam ser utilizados em sistemas integrados de aquisição de imagens, mas ressalva-se que o equipamento de Sputtering DC empregado não é o ideal para essa aplicação, sugerindo-se o uso de equipamentos capazes de monitorar espessura e índices de refração durante o processo de deposição dos filmes (um exemplo seria um sistema de deposição por e-beam acoplado a um elipsômetro de transmitância) / In the present work, it was investigated some properties and applications for polarization-difference images (PDI\'s), what led us to the proposition of two acquisition systems for such images as alternatives to the architecture proposed by Tyo (1996). The first system here discussed uses two cameras and two polarizers in the attainment of PDI\'s. The image elements redundancy is supposed to overcome a deficiency of the above-mentioned system that is its inability to operate in real time. The second project proposes the use of polarizing filters based on Fabry-Perot structures obtained with birefringent thin films of TiOx. Such filters are the key elements in a device that can be implemented as an integrated microsystem, fully compatible with the CMOS production technologies, available nowadays. Given the possibilities associated with this last project, it was defined as the main goal of this work, the attainment of polarizing filters based on birefringent thin films technology, physically deposited by a DC Sputtering equipment. During the phase of data analysis, it was carried out optical characterizations (spectrofotometry) as well as RBS analysis, both for the filters itself and for the TiOx films, that were previously investigated in order to determine the required parameters for the design of the interference filters. This work is concluded by proving the possibility of using polarizing filters in integrated image acquisition systems, but a remark ismade stating that the employed equipment is not the ideal one for such applications and it is suggested the use of deposition set up capable to monitor thickness and refractive indexes during the run (an example would be an e-beam equipment connected to a transmittance ellipsometer).

Birrefringência induzida por movimento de matéria em mesofases liotrópicas na fase isotrópica / Induced birefringence by movement of matter in lyotropic mesophases in the isotropic phase.

Paulo Ricardo Garcia Fernandes 28 September 1990 (has links)
Com uma mistura de laurato de potássio, decanol e agua, determina-se a birrefringência induzida, na fase isotrópica, por gradientes de velocidade, no interior da amostra. Os movimentos são provocados através de vibrações periódicas nas paredes do porta amostras. O tempo de relaxação, da estrutura de rolos, e determinado experimental e teoricamente. É determinado, também, o parâmetro T AST (temperatura em torno da temperatura de transição), ate então desconhecido, em cristais líquidos liotrópicos. Como uma provável aplicação pratica, e proposta a confecção de dispositivos sensíveis a vibrações. / With a mixture of the Potassium Laurate, Decanol and water, the birefringence induced by gradient of the velocity, in the isotropic phase, is determinated. The movement are provocated through periodic vibrations of the superface of the sample holder. The relaxation time of the roll structure is determinated experimental an theorically. The temperature T* (temperature around the transition temperature), well-known in thermotropic liquid crystals, is determinated in liotropic liquid crystals. The confection of the sensible vibration dispositive is proposed.

Optical Fiber Sensors for Temperature and Strain Measurement

Zhou, Dapeng January 2010 (has links)
Optical fiber sensors have already been developed from the experimental stage to practical applications in the past 20 years. There is no doubt that this technology can bring a wealth of applications, ranging from sensors in medical industry, aerospace and wind-energy industries, through to distributed sensors in oil and gas industry. Among a large amount of physical and chemical parameters which optical fiber sensors could measure, temperature and strain are the most widely studied. This thesis presents several low-cost optical fiber sensor configurations primarily for temperature and strain measurement. Several basic optical fiber components which are good candidates as optical fiber sensors are used in our experiments, such as fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), multimode fibers (MMFs), small-core dispersion compensation fibers (SCDCFs), high-birefringence fiber loop mirrors (HBFLMs), and polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fibers (PMPCFs). Temperature and strain cross sensitivity is a crucial issue when designing high performance optical fiber sensors, since most of the sensing components are both sensitive to temperature and strain. This would introduce an error when measuring each of them independently. We developed several schemes to overcome this problem by cascading an FBG and a section of MMF, inserting an FBG into an HBFLM, and space division multiplexing two HBFLMs. By measuring the wavelength shifts of the two independent components' spectra in each scheme, simultaneous measurement of temperature and strain could be achieved. However, all the above schemes need optical spectrum analyzers to monitor the spectral information, which increases the cost of the system and limits the operation speed. In order to avoid using optical spectrum analyzers, we use an intensity-based interrogation method with MMFs and HBFLMs as edge filters. By measuring power ratio changes, instead of monitoring spectra shifts, simultaneous measurement of temperature and strain could be realized with a low cost and high speed. The resolutions of the above five configurations are between 0.26 - 1.2 ^oC in temperature and 9.21 - 29.5 με in strain, which are sufficient for certain applications. We also investigate the sensing applications with the SCDCF. Since the cutoff wavelength of this kind of fiber is around 1663 nm, which makes it naturally an MMF in the wavelength range of 1550 nm. By slightly offsetting the core of the SCDCF with respect to that of the standard single-mode fiber (SMF), a high extinction ratio could be achieved with almost 9 dB. When a lateral force (lateral strain) applied on the SCDCF, extinction ratio will decrease. The change of the extinction ratio is almost independent of temperature variation. The measured extinction ratio change has a good quadratic relationship with respect to applied lateral force. This feature could be used to measure lateral force (lateral strain). In addition, we also use this feature to realize simultaneous measurement of both the longitudinal strain and lateral strain, since the applied longitudinal strain results in the whole spectrum shift. Moreover, a miniature high temperature sensor could also be made using the SCDCF. One end of a 4-mm long SCDCF is spliced directly to SMF with the other end cleaved. By monitoring the reflection spectrum of the SCDCF, temperature information could be obtained. This sensing head is very compact and could realize high temperature measurement up to 600 ^oC. Recently, a kind of PMPCF has been found to have very small responses to temperature change. This offers an opportunity to measure other parameters without considering temperature influence. We construct a compact 7-mm long transmission-type sensor with this kind of PMPCF. The interference spectrum generated by the coupling of cladding modes and core mode is obtained by slightly offsetting the PMPCF core to SMF core. The experiment shows that the interference spectrum is almost unchanged within the temperature range of 25-60 ^oC. The presented sensor has the potential to be used to measure strain and refractive index in the normal environment without temperature discrimination for practical applications.

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